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I think I actually won
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that is a bad email validator, but ive seen worse.
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He's right to a certain extent.
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they do doe
there can never be 0 of anything
project zomboid
nigger brimstone o algo
>the whole world should be a UNIX system
Honestly based unix extremist
Post some funny memes you absolute gorilla niggers
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ROFL holy shit everytime i see this one I FUCKING DIE FROM LAUGHTER
I get it. It will fail to match most of new TLDs, including .email
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always wanted to learn regex but it looks even worse than rust.
it's pretty bad, there are different dialects where different characters have to be escaped and things work a little different, plus it's incredibly slow unless compiled (yes it is meant to be compiled) and even then it may not be as fast as something written more imperatively
Sharty brainrot
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i kekd
There is no beating a table driven dfa. A single pass through the input is pretty hard to beat.
If those are not in training data, then I kneel
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why would you escape a dot inside a bracket list? why would you make it look like a range when it's clearly not? this is terrible
Those aren't original jokes
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There can be 0. There cannot be negative numbers.

But the number system allows them because it's useful for making people think they have debt.

We going to go into this.

0-255 on an 8bit system each can represent 1 thing.

Numbers can be interpreted as many things, that's the point of math. It is a tool to be used. It is not the one all be all system that makes up the world.
>tfw I hit all but 5 of these but still only get 2 bingos
it's literally me? except I don't do drugs, because I'd have to go outside to get them
there can indeed be 0
for example, the amount of pussy you get
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>need to bloat/skeleton-maxx to get a bingo
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I won.
By modern western standards.
pointer + (0 * sizeof(entry type))
plan 9 was literally an exploration of the concept
"i want no local storage anywhere near me. no disks, no state, my world entirely in the network."
it was designed to be (on the user side) a thin client you use to connect to network resources
plan 9 from outer space was a retarded movie. who's now the faggot, faggot?
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>plug in my keyword
>immediately, some pajeetware autoinstalls and opens as a toplevel window
He was recruited by Apple. It says it all
I fucken laughed
? Are they both women?
i have opus btwbeit
explain the joke?
I thought it was lacking intellect or humour
Susan has got a nose like an Apache's arrow head
I let out a huge hahahaha
when I saw this
Big if true.
wow I found the non sequitur nutcase
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it isnt all that funny
maybe picrel type funny
ayy lmao
LOL, grim like a spider inside a dead mans ear
- that was meant for
>you vill own nothing
I will own my own data and keep it private, communists
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thats what you get for buying expensive keyboards you dumb faggot, how they managed to turn a device that just fucking inputs keystrokes into some expensive commodity is laughable. "press sound" "key feel" "travel time" "how much you need to press before it register the key" all this faggotry is beyond retarded. you are retarded and you get what you fucking deserve. thanks for reading my blog.
c'mon anon, women who make that are themselves sexist and believe all men are sexist (projection)
did you expect theirs to be any less cringe than the equivalent from a man?
leave the faggoty queer tiity boys alone you fascist brute
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I've seen many full retard retail worker things like this in my time and it's my kind of humour
>Has lots of free time
As in, if the guy is a NEET?
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Or maybe loaded. If time is money, then by definition money is time. If you have money you have time
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This is just the "isn't a woman" bingo
hardly any of these are genuine redflags, they're just legitimately insane standards retarded modern women put forward.
>no netflix subscription (not liking movies or TV is a redflag somehow)
>watches documentaries (???)
I wonder if this is even an accepted bingo by women. It makes too little sense.
I doubt they're implying that having a lot of money is a red flag with this entry. I may just be overthinking it.
How many of these apply to the women that take this seriously?
>spends more than two hours on computer
the only kind of woman i could imagine who doesn't spend more than two hours a day on a smartphone (which is a computer) is /maybe/ a special kind of religious kind, no religion either?
i don't buy it, the only way this works is if the person who made this doesn't consider a smartphone a computer, but that doesn't hold up either, because "has a desktop pc" is another option, that means the two hours cannot be a desktop pc, else the spaces would be redundant

oh who am i kidding, i'm thinking about this more than the person who made it did
>This is just the "isn't a woman" bingo
more or less
surprised it doesn't have "doesn't have a girlfriend", maybe that would be too on the nose

like wow, someone without a partner/lives alone masturbates, doesn't care much about hygiene, doesn't keep things perfectly clean, doesn't go out much, doesn't stay active on social media and has lots of free time? who knew. no, that's just what men who have nobody are like
Women are tech illiterate anon, they don't think smartphones are computers. To them a computer is either a laptop or a desktop (tower PC).
You almost got it though, they're just plain hypocrites.
They don't want (You) to spend time on the computer, but they'll waste the entire day away watching Netflix. They don't want (You) to have a powerful computer, but they'll always want the latest iPhone (see "Android" part of the bingo) and never spend any time meaningfully disconnected with their little social media box. They don't want you to be hyper political but will themselves start ranting about politics (feminism, atheism, complaining about some candidate in an election).
And I can guarantee many of the other bingo squares apply to most of them as well, no car, no 30k/yr, is a sexual degenerate, never cleans their room, lots of free time, overweight, lives with parents (I have never seen a woman move out of her own accord if not with a man), and laughs at disabled people (autists).
Not to mention things like "short". I'm 6'3 and women who only date "tall boys" disgust me to no end. I'm glad to have met some good and reasonable women in my time or I would have turned gay already.
it's basically projection bingo
>dependency problem
>takes ram out
looks like a windows user to me
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As in the guy has no social life, no hobbies or no job to waste his time with.
>only get 2 bingos
red flag
>not racist
red flag
trips and dubs weren't on my bingo card wow
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Why the generator? Why not run the AC off the car's alternator?
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I check more than half of these but still didn't get bingo
>red flag
that would likely require a large enough inverter to handle the initial load when the AC cycles on and off which is probably north of 1000 watts. He probably didn't have one of those but he did have the generator he stole from the same guy he ripped the window AC off from. You work with what you got
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>dependency problem
That's what you get for not installing Gentoo.
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agarthan of the highest caste
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didn't get bingo...does this mean i have a chance?
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what do I win?
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I'm happy that the darkness monster has a friend and had a nice day with her.
The reason it's good bait is because half of them are obvious genuine turnoffs like being short fat and poor and half of them are completely random behaviors which you do to make you mad by association
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i even fail at failing :(
sexist is a free space though
>you failed at that too
>Under the Skin
Juts take a picture with a gu
awwww shieeeeeet, what did i win?
don't have one, i'm eurofag
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here's your AI bro
seething midwit
>everyone who got angered by this image has the same pseudo-intellectual pretentious leftoid way of typing
very interesting
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The pattern seems to be "I can't manipulate this guy"
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>I removed the telemetry
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>thats what you get for buying expensive keyboards you dumb faggot
I like mechanical keyboards, others are trash.
Also, I didn't buy it, the state gifted it to me
>this robot is programmed to fuck your mouth
Lost at the helicopter motion part even though I've seen the video before.
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im sad no one laughed.
i sensibly chuckled
Deep down we all know we're not masters in our own home. The ego is an illusion. It's no laughing matter.
now that is dark humor considering the ending
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samsung was right all along
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>Laughs at disabled people
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Man, I haven't read a Nemi strip in years.
>stop using a mac
>turn into a tranny
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where's my roastie? this means I get one right?
I'm dying
> Has a Desktop PC
Yeah, because having a laptop doesn't break my neck
> No social Media
I have no interest nor the time for it.
> No Netflix
Imagine paying for shit tier entertainment
> Spends two hours on Computer
Its call working. Don't you use Zoom at all for school or something?
> Virgin
Well I'm so sorry my sexual purity is repulsive. I bet your sexual history proves you have some semblance of innocence and the ability to enjoy long term satisfaction.
> Live with Parents
I am lucky to live with a roof over my head and don't have to pay rent. How's paying $1,500+ rent for a small bedroom doing for ya?
> Has Android phone
Enjoy your overpriced glass
> Underweight
Sorry I have health issues. I bet you are totally not over weight like Lizo and a picture of health.
So it is wrong to believe in a high being and a set of morals that bring prosperity for many over centuries of human existence? Are you anti-Muslim? You hate Jews too? Good logic anti-Semite. lol.

This is why I can not wait for the robo waifu revaluation. Actually kill all those roasties and high mileage sluts for once and for all.
you are actually removing the programming with magnets. same with tapes and floppy discs. but beer and 4chan usually works better with brains.
Yesterday, we had a thread on how internet forums are used to push propaganda, and I posted (>>102402086):
>This happens with 'comedy' posts on all major forums nowadays, including this very board. Go look at a 'humor thread' when it gets posted here and count how many of them have 'lol trannies' or some other 'the left is dumb' conclusion as the punch line. The first posts are usually fine and actual humor involving tech stuff but soon enough it gets taken over and political 'jokes' are the majority of the posts. It's exactly as >>102400043 says, people with too much money are intentionally sowing discord among people of the lower classes to prevent a repeat of the Occupy movement.
Now look at
>>102408560 (post with most engagement)
Half of these aren't even tech-related. This shit is why I tend to stay out of humor threads. There's more propaganda than actual humor in here.
sir this is 4chan
I lost. Well played
wow you made it this far? I salute you sir!
>run multiple diagnostic tools to see outbound connections
>zero (0)
laughs in .exe
thats right my ally, 4chan is bad and full of bigoted chuds! that's why we still come here every day, right ally?
4chan is pretty much neutral to me. I don't give a fuck anymore. enjoy it as long as it lasts. cheers m8.
for some reason i cant into regex
i just dont get it
must resist
see you back on the discord fellow ally
you must be mistaking to another fellow. I am not on discord. never was. I am an graybeard oldfag.
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>tfw no .pizza emails
oh no...
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You also seem to be ESL
Fuck you.

The index is a memory address offset ie 0x00000000 + (1 * size of(type).
You do know that memory address 0x00000000 is literally null/nil, right?
>inb4 but it's an offset!
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This isn't technology but with /biz/ being whitelist only I don't know where I'd post it.
>/biz/ being whitelist only
this is no longer the case
Oh, so it's not.
Man, I've been under a rock apparently.
Yeah the /biz/ jannies bent the knee when everybody fucked off to /bant/
You don't need to escape periods in character classes.
Index is not a count.
Why can't you just be normal?
Literally me>>102407908
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2^10, trips of boolean truth, and false dubs? czech' em, blessed
Never ending loneliness and the feeling of inferiority.
Do you retards not know what a freespace is?
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neet or just underage?
you don't have to censor it on 4chan
>automatically christian
zogbot behavior
Never said I wanted to outlaw private ownership of data. I just think public computing infrastructure would be a neat option to have even if it would be pozzed to hell and back.
>tfw I'm a redflaggot
owari da
Can confirm VR did turn me gay unironically
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Get fucked women, NO BINGO IM GOOD TO GO
Unfortunately that's the screenshot I have and it came that way
Your regex is missing a + inside the first [ ] match
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Not really a good joke for a visual medium when the text is right there.
I think you're missing the joke.
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picrel is better for your 'lore' collection
kek...how is AI supposed to enslave the human race when they can't even count letters?
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L.O.L. (loving every laff)
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This didnt make me laugh but every seething reply did,
I think go is a relatively good language for what it provides.
No its not an system programming language, obviously not, it is however ideal for terminal utilities and web server related tasks.
You have clearly never worked in retail. This is something I can clearly see some idiot do. The funny thing is that it's added after the first, meaning way too many people initially did not understand.
Almost there.
Im not sure if you are a roasty and made a freudian slip or if you just caught the dumb today.
yup. if you find mistakes, you can keep em'.
Did he really troon out tho
I have nothing against people of different races. But I don't like certain ethnicities, cultures and nationalities.
Of course you would. You can't love something without hating its opposite. Even if you're anti racists, you're still racist against racists. Leftists are truly retarded.
I'm not anti-racist too. I just don't care.
Lost hahaha
And not a leftist btw.
Women are insane, and I mean it literally. They need a man to guide them, and you'd know that if you're surrounded by them frequently. hence women were ruled by men from Adam to the last decade, before the jews started brainwashing women into becoming whores, and men into becoming cucks.
Haven’t seen this webm in YEARS where’s it from?
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A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
Sorry, I think i needed to say "Of course you wouldn't" I was supporting you opinion, not opposing it.
By repeating what some redditor said 15 years ago
Don't think there was ever proof of it posted.
Still funny due to 'Use PC, become a tinkertranny'.
Your mom basement
but that's where I live!

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