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Previous Thread: >>102408348
Asana is shit
What is a reasonable freelance rate to charge for a simple website for a business? Basically, just a few pages describing what they do and then an email. I'd be willing to do it for almost any price, I just don't want to overprice myself and then lose this opportunity. I've been unemployed for a few mos now and this is the first freelance site I've done free.
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How was your Monday sirs?
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above average.
I got fired about a month ago
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>engineer at networking gig
>VP of group wants me to field interviews for a new hire
>fresh grad passes all initial sanity checks
>get him on the horn for 2 hours
>extensive prior internship experience that directly correlate to what we need
>able to speak deeply to all technical points on his resume
>handles all my stupid trivia and brain-teases with ease
>additionally not an anti-social autistic reject, actually able to crack a joke and be personable
>bring his portfolio to boss
>he tells me we need a final LeetCode round
>applicant specifically told me in confidence that he sucks ass at live coding sessions
>i personally don't care, he's clearly a hire based on the 2 hour interview i gave him and all the signals he gave me as an interviewer
>retard boomer boss INSISTS that I LeetCode him because "that's what tek companies do [sic]

i would bet my life that my boss would not be able to solve a single LeetCode easy even given unlimited time

this guy gets paid ~$350k/year to write emails and schedule meetings but wants to put some poor young schmuck through the wringer just because That's How Other Companies Do It (TM)

jesus christ what's up with boomers and their gate-keeping, ladder-yanking behavior?
I merged PR
>5 hours of meetings
>more work piled onto my plate
>had to listen to retards who don't understand my job tell me how to do my job
I'm ready for the weekend already, the rest of my week is going to be me putting in the lowest amount of effort they've ever seen from me
The sooner the boomer class retires the better.
Good, got some career tips from the senior boomer, pretty nice guy. However, I'm still nervous after the layoffs that happened 2 weeks ago. I don't like the pressure. I keep waiting for a call with HR or some shit. I've been sending CVs so I don't get left on thin ice. Which sucks, my team is pretty good and I like my job, but I'm not taking any risks.
why not stop being a pussy and make a case to your boss why LeetCode is retarded? If he doesn't come around just fake the results.
The entire LeetCode big tech testing crap is basically math competitions for tech fags and has very little relevance for 90% of tech work.
I hirer fresh grads on about 20% skill/experience, 80% being a non-retard who has the ability to learn and won't quit within 6 months.
tell ur VP ur boss is useless
fine I updated a server OS which took about 90 minutes then I watched tv and took a nap until 5:30pm.
Saar you must leetcode and fail candidate to bring more h1b
>why not stop being a pussy and make a case to your boss why LeetCode is retarded?
it's not a case of proving to bossman that LeetCode is retarded in terms of yielding a go/no-go signal. it's an emotional comfort thing, totally illogical. ironically, my boss is a physics PhD so you'd think he'd be ostensibly objective and open to fact-based conversations, but "LeetCode" provides an emotional security blanket in that other Tech (TM) companies do it, they're money printing machines, so it must be a good idea to do it. it also gives plausible deniability when you make the wrong hire,
>b-b-b-but they did so well on the LeetCode assessment! surely they just need more time to adjust

it's fucked and i'm not gonna be able to fix it as an individual, it's a systemic issue in the field of software in general.

VP is just as cucked, doesn't want any details at all about the hiring process, just "trusts" us to hire good people
>make a case to your boss
lmao now this is bait
day of the pillow when
boomers operate on the concept of business consensus. We have switched software solutions before solely because it is industry standard. Does it save us any money? No, but they can capitalize the cost, so it doesn't matter. Waiting until their favorite linkedin influencer shits on leetcode would be a better strategy.
Like $8k
What? That's a ripoff. My church friend's nephew knows computers and said he would do it for FREE.
3 meetings and a LAN migration later I can finally go home to enjoy oncall. I LOVE being an IT professional.
Is a security+ cert enough to get an entry level cybersec job nowadays or is it not as valuable as it used to be
Job market crash finally hit my eastern euro shithole and even tech support jeet roles require a cs degree now
yeah I don't really want to do the job
That's a poor mindset. You should be greatful for the exposure I'm offering you.
ok boomer
Do the leetcode and if the dude fails say you won't do any more interviews or review anything.
>just "trusts" us to hire good people
has he checked out
>has he checked out
yes, this place is basically a retirement home.
Does anyone here still use iPhone 14 Pro? Do you think it’s fine to wait another year for the next iPhone?
Had a person quit today over the RTO. Was his first day of work too. I guess recruiter downplayed how many days we are in the office. 3x/pay period turned out to actually be 3x/wk.
Really? I was thinking of charging like 1k lol
>Good, got some career tips from the senior boomer
such as?
how does he verify that you actually did the leetcode and that the candidate actually passed it?
>be autistic
>make music video off coworker's youtube videos
>he asks me about my youtube channel
>I forgot I had one
>look it up
>it's a bunch of shitty songs I made in the past
>the problem is that every thumbnail is a variation of an anime girl
The worst part is I hate moe as a media, but I love the reaction images, they're very funny to me. I read thriller/historical manga. Now he thinks I'm a weirdo
This is karma for all the years I spam my friend's galleries with reaction pics.
cringe type beat
anyone here ever have their company get ransomware’d? i’m going through it right now and the workplace politics BS is finally kicking in. i am no longer having fun
lol nope. insurance covers it. you have insurance right?
After 6 years I'll finally be leaving Amazon. Feels really weird.
one would hope you're moving to your own little island on the maldives, otherwise what was the point
Today was fucking rough. Very grateful you anons don't have to deal with the type of retards who go to school to become drafters
We got a virus at the last place I worked. I basically got paid to do nothing for 2 weeks. It was pretty great at first, but then the security team went full anal mode, making it a pain in the ass to actually get logged in to anything.
huh i'm a meche and i like all my drafters. they're often better engineers than the subhuman blobfish that get hired as actual meches.
I don't want to build a website for any amount so I was highballing. But here's how you really price something:
$200/hr x realistic number of hours it would take x 1.5
I'm so blackpilled bros. I have two kids and a wife who refuses to stop working. I have to do scramble to get work done in an OK way and also raise my kids properly. When I try to prepare for interviews, I feel like I have a massive handicap, because I have maybe an hour every other day to study, and I'm exhausted by then. Otherwise I have to eat into my sleep schedule to have a vague shot at anything not mediocre. I am an excellent coder, one of the best in my line of business, but I can't pass a fucking interview because I can't grind neetcode fast enough or autist grokking shit properly. If my wife stopped fucking working, I would actually be able to have a chance at getting out of mediocre (for my 10 YeO) 130k job. At this point my only hope is for a job boom if orange man wins again to ride in the easier interviews and maintain my performance to keep the job.
Man idk if it's the anemic rates this company pays or what but we have literally one guy out of 8 who does the majority of the work and the rest are completely useless. Panel shop for whatever thats worth
No I'll probably move back to the east coast or midwest. I'm really tired.
now that i think about it mine has refused to hire more drafters for a few years now and is pushing more and more drafting work onto the subhuman engineers that don't know a runout from a cylindricity and look right past any and al (M)s as if they never existed. so my drafters tend to be more greybeards.
Thank you anon
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My real Monday is in Tuesday, as I have to show up in office.
Meanwhile my WFH mullet grows longer every day and I'm wearing the same gym pants I have worn literally every day for 2 months
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Anytime fren
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Just applied to be a remote tutor. Pay is not much but is better than nothing I suppose.
Cleanse yourself, my brother. Testify.
didnt do a single thing
I kneel before the Lord but we live in dark times, sometimes keeping up the facade is all I can manage.
Another day, another day of no emails. You'd think with my one year of experience at IBM people would be lined up out the door to recruit me!
in this economy? forget it!
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been at company total 5 years, 3 years in a gimped dev role and moved into the software dev department and went from junior to regular dev in two years. I mostly do a ton of PLSQL but I don't feel confident in my ability to build anything someone could ask of me.

My only goals are a laid back job for decent pay and WFH. Anything I should be looking to get into?
sudo do-release-upgrade
yep it's naptime
IDK what to tell you, although I'm on the other side of wife working (ie refuses to consider going back).

So instead of the fatigue of additional child duties (of which I'm still the guy between 4.30pm and bedtime), the fatigue is from the mental budgeting of trying to get through a fortnight while this shithole backwater country (NZ) turns into New Zimbabwe.

Maybe it doesn't get better for guys like us, IDK, maybe we just get to wait around and wait for someone else to be the first one to drive a bulldozer through a government building.
>Amazon returning to office five days a week
1. Why is someone as smart as Andy Jassy (seems to be) mandating this? Is he actually retarded and lucked/nepotized into his position? Is he simply an asshole?

2. Will this make it any easier for me to get a job there? I've worked in SCIFs for the past five years so I'm used to it.

rto is just a sneaky way to do layoffs. they're doing layoffs.
Many high-profile companies are returning to full in-office. Most of the big players probably talk to each other and decided to all do it in unison so you have no where to go. The amount of collusion in the "free market" would blow the minds of the normalfag failed redditors who post on this site these days.
they want to fire people who don't show up 5 days a week
What's the best way of getting a new job these days? My LinkedIn profile has no summary or profile picture. Would it help? I'm like a 6/10, but for tech probably an 8.
Cut your penis off
Got yelled at by CEO for a coworker not delivering. We ALL know it's not my fault whatsoever and I have repeatedly reminded him and coworker about the deadlines, leadtimes etc, but CEO chose group yelling-at rather than confronting lazy coworker.
what's your role? that might be your job: someone for the executives to yell at when the faceless masses aren't performing. my company has literal dozens of those across the hierarchy and they all have dead eyes.
I do most of the actual engineering and the ceo has even said I probably know more than he does. Company is only a few people.
do you have authority to go with your responsibility? if not then stop caring. if you have zero power to fire the retard then don't beat yourself up over how to get the retard to perform better. i am actually in a similar position and just cut someone off from any and all help for being a lazy piece of shit.
You could try to find cleared roles at AWS, not sure the current landscape in the US. Tech bar is lower if you suck DoD cock thoughbeit.
>get a clearance
>wonder every night whether they'll find out about your rampant antisemitism
would not recommend
Where do I work if I don't want to work with a lot of pajeets and especially not pajeets in management and leadership positions?
I genuinely want us to be successful but only as far as keeping a fun job. I don't have real authority but have a big influence.

I could convince the CEO to fire the guy but it would be a bitch to find someone else, I'm sure this guy knows it too. He is a consultant so perhaps he needs monetary incentives to deliver on time.
Yeah those are the only roles I've been applying for, as my clearance is arguably my greatest "skill" at the moment. I've interviewed for two of them, got demolished in one, felt I did pretty well in the second but got rejected. Second one boosted my self esteem desu, I think someone was simply better than me, and that's fine.
Getting a "clearance" is the biggest normalfag move of all time. You couldn't pay me enough to intentionally put myself on the radar of these glownigger faggots.
you're already under their radar, you think they don't have every 4chud under constant gpt threat assessment?
No I honestly don't believe they give a shit about this dumbass site, I think they consider it conquered territory and have moved on.
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uh "under their radar" was maybe not the best expression but you know what i mean
One of the senior engineers at work has started gaslighting me, every time I ask him a question now he adds to the end of his answer something like - "you probably don't remember when I told you about this before since it's been a while." He does this both verbally and through text and he does it literally every time.
do you take notes when you're told things? also do you take *good* notes? a junior accidentally screen shared his notes from an hour meeting i had with him and they were the dumbest shit.

if you aren't taking notes then you probably aren't being gaslit you might just be a 'tard.
I can see someone doing that just for a giggle
Why do niggers get gibs for IT jobs? I keep seeing videos by big tech companies that promote programs tailored only to niglets. How tf is that constitutional?!! How is it profitable?!! Why tf is it promoted everywhere?!! Does every company have the exact same majority stakeholder?!! How tf does literally every single company have the exact same opinions on DEI?!!!
>How tf is that constitutional?!!
>How is it profitable?!!
>Does every company have the exact same majority stakeholder?!!
>How tf does literally every single company have the exact same opinions on DEI?!!!
start with moldbug. just be sure to graduate past moldbug when you're done. ideally you'll graduate to william luther pierce and stop there.
You're on the national retards list now, buddy. Watch yourself.
>a ton of PLSQL
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how to sign up for official retard welfare?
They have infinite money because the fed prints money and buys their stocks and bonds.
It's not even figuratively, it's exactly what they do
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>it's over
what's our whey out of this?
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>RTO is coming back to literally every company now

What's our plan wfhsisters?
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seize power or die trying
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you should have got formal remote approval and moved out of state 1-2 years ago. best you can do now is call their bluff.
I want to do some quick side gig cash stuff via consulting or contract work. I'm pretty good with Snowflake and data pipeline and transformation shit like DBT.

Talking part time contracting shit that can last a few weeks to months. Could be 10h/week for all I care.

Is there an actual market for this? If so, anyway to get myself out there without filtering through JeetIn?
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if you don't have connections then it's over. sure you're white but nobody can really tell you apart from a retarded jeet.
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we flew too close to the sun
Threaten your place of work. Take one for the team.
You guys laugh at the OP, but I guarantee you that most women at that conference could outcode nearly everybody on this board. I went to a T50. Half the class was women, and they were just as competent as everyone else.
>inb4 freudian essentialism
Touch a boob.
>they were just as competent as everyone else
so completely retarded
Just give him a super easy one like fizzbuzz
beat women. kill women. slash women's throats. hang women from an overpass for not having sex with me.
Pierce was an autistic sociopath
i just posted this >>102420376 so i guess it fits huh
This smells like projection
i'm trans self taught with 2000 stars on a github project
no t50 college student is outcoding me
>How was your Monday sirs?
Great. I had a national holiday, so pretty nice. Today as well.
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Do Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn actually work at Google or is this movie a bunch of lies? Is there even a point to working there?
Have you tried to do Let/NeetCode at work?
Do your studies at work instead of at home after work. Spend 30-60 minutes a day to study.
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>Division falls for the ServiceNow aPaaS meme
>Immediately starts splurging on features to the tune of millions upon millions of dollars
>Org now spending a fortune on SN consultants because nobody has any experience with the platform
>IT division now literally just setting money on fire over this.
>Over 4 years since we launched the instance and no one has even configured the CMDB yet because no one has the expertise.
>Discouraged from customizing the platform because "then we'll have to maintain it".
>Platform owner is now hellbent on replacing all of our reporting infrastructure with ServiceNow reporting.
>Shitty, buggy, limited functionality, slow as dogshit because it's not a true SQL server even though everyone is treating it like one.
>Just being a PowerBI user now puts you on the dude's shitlist, and he has the weight of the CTO behind him because they're all buddies.

Do I bail? Do I stick it out? I'm trying to lay low but it's getting difficult because I can't circumvent the platform limitations without developing absurd, labyrinthine workarounds. I feel like this is all going to blow up in everyone's face, but I'm afraid of getting culled I won't be able to get another position in this market. I fucking hate it here.
Am I still a junior dev if I have 2 years of experience?
I busted my ass for the first year to learn the stack and product and by the second year I was being treated like a senior and making around double my starting salary, but the firm closed down.
now I'm interviewing again and it feels like im being treated like a fresh graduate retard.
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devops as a role is surely hell
2 years is still junior. interviews are too retarded to recognize a 10x dev who could be a senior almost out of the gate.
Sadly I know you're right
I literally did my entire graduate degree 70% of it on work time. I don't regret anything. Fuck em.
>brown skin copers reading this thread as we speak
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A fair amount of people at t50s have similar projects as you, plus they're good test takers and have stellar resumes. My freshman roommate had been programming since he was old enough to read. I saw him contributing to FOSS before I even know what that was. He was also a national merit scholar and got a 35 composite on the ACT. Saying these people can't outcode the median coder here, who's lucky to be working on CRUD apps for the government, is a cope.
lefty meme.png
should i go join the harder project that i am more interested in (likely same pay)? it has less freedom and is going to be a lot more difficult, but i am a lot more interested in the subject matter
Anything that makes you feel better about going to community college.
it's simple math, top 1% do not inundate t50's and will be replaced
>Preferred Requirements: 1+ years of experience
>Skill levels of previously hired applicants: 39% - 10 - 15 years, 52% 8 - 10 years, 9% 4 - 8 years

I fucking hate this meme field.
a sub t10 is basically a cc at this point lol who are you kidding
>My freshman roommate had been programming since he was old enough to read. I saw him contributing to FOSS before I even know what that was.
I can out-program him with only 1 YOE.
>He was also a national merit scholar and got a 35 composite on the ACT

Oh, I can absolutely run circles around him.
This is like every other kid at Berkeley and they're all dumb as shit to be honest. Bunch of chinkoids who only know how to grind.
i went to a t10 school and the half the women were good, while half the women had no business being anywhere near a computer. i don't know what the men were like because i didn't interact with them
damn since when do they call flyover state university "t50s" now lmfao
I graduated in 2022 and miss college so fucking much bros. Adult life is miserable.
markets expect wedesnday and 60% of 50bps
yeah looking back i would have done a lot of things differently. oh well
we won't see effects until a year from now
also, expect no change for big tech employment in regards to interview difficulty
time only moves in one direction, friend. Don't get too caught up in the past.
Hey guys, graduate Aussie Dev here.

Had internships at uni and have been at my first job for nearly a year at a rate of 90k (AUD). (Slightly below the average for a new grad where I live)
Hitting my one year and they have to renew my contract (they already told me they want me, boss is happy with my work, and I have great performance reviews).

How do I prepare for the negotiation? Should I be ready to walk if they lowball me? I want to get up to at least 115k (again, AUD not US) am asking for too much or too little? Please help
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im dying forrest.
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I used to be a part time tutor back when I was a semi-NEET. It is hands down the best job I could ask for if you ignore certain annoying clients. It was extra comfy during covid when I tought remote but the kids noticeably didn't pay attention. I even remember several times hearing video game sounds in the background or intense clicking.
Amazon has an infinite supply of candidates. RTO will shake off parents and let "fresh blood" replace them. This will obviously impact their quality, but management never thinks two steps ahead.
One of my greatest skills is being able to keep cool against psychopaths. I survived many bad managers and seniors without it impacting my mental health. It literally is a skill that automatically puts you above 99% of engineers who get upsetty spaghetti and quit over stupid shit like this.
Even with that they barely make 1% of technical roles. You should worry more about east/south Asians.
Stay remote until they fire you, sit out waiting for a remote position even if it takes a year, live in a LCOL area so you could survive on savings.
There are indeed smart women, that doesn't mean they are not factually less competent on average. Their brain literally has measureably less neurons in certain critical areas compared to males. Tough luck we are a sexually dysmorphic species and males being hunters while females being gatherers and caretakers literally evolved our brains differently.
Just keep spamming every job opening like jeets do, and lie up to a point you can cover. You should also be more flexible on the roles you are willing to take.
I've been hunting for this, is it really that bad?
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wfh chads, anyone up for a side hustle on company's time? We get together, build something and shill it to our dayjob slavemasters
>inb4 logo
>90k (AUD). (Slightly below the average for a new grad where I live)
???. average is 70k
Ausfag here, 90k (AUD) is very good for a first job. My first job dev job was at 55k.
after having 2 hours of experience on my first job, if i start looking for a second job, do they inquire about your personal portfolio projects too?

"yes anon this is very good, you have displayed your 2 years of tasks at your last company, but, did you not do any homeworks on your own? no hackathons? no freelance projects? no consulting projects?"
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i skipped work today. fuck 38k salary, fuck commune to the office every day, fuck pajeet customers, fuck society and fuck this gay earth. today i'm watching anime and pounding my hips onahole until i can no longer stand.
>do a bit (a lot) of frontend work
>Many of the components im working on has 10+ layers of indentation and 1000+++LOC
I wanna kill myself
Frontend devs ITT ISHYGDDT
not even my own younger sibling respects me ever since they were toddlers. fucking hell.
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>call in sick
>get a thumbs up on my message in the chat
>female colleague calls in sick
>almost everyone replies with 'get well soon'
we live in a society.......
I prefer back-end because it's typically more straight-forward. Front-end has a ton of red herrings and "why the fuck doesn't this work?" kind of shit.
this, 90% of people prefer backend because they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. That's why frontend chad$ keep winning BIG
t. backender
the fuck is a womxn?
work in japan.
how nigga
suck my asshole.
I would if the pay wasnt so terrible.
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Quiet. The best way to enjoy a work day.
No phone call from the boss. No communiqué from anyone.
Spent all day refactoring the frontend.

And when does the new job start?
sir this is chili's
Terrible work conditions and even worse pay, no thank you
Only positive thing about working in Japan is smashing tight jap pussy, but you can do that on holidays either way
What kind of tech job has no Indians?
Something with C.
I have 1 indian in my (embedded) C/C++ team
Core Java
Wow, I cant believe I got a interview?! Well see if I can make it past this one.
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Got another rejection.
Current application progress:
- Applied to 18
- Rejected from 9
- Haven't heard from 8
- 1 I've had an interview, but they've been real quiet since.
And I have another 6 weeks at the current employer before just being unemployed.

You'll regret it, lad.
38k salary is better than being on the dole.
nigga im at 200+ applied at this point, step up your game. you have AI nowadays to shit out cover letters for you, so you have no excuse for not sending out 20-30+ applications A DAY.
Then why do they need their special snowflake conference and their own chess league and so on?
they all OWE sex to me.
He told me to pivot my career by getting jobs that involve the shiny new things. He would keep track of what the new technologies that would become popular were and get a job that involved using them. This way he'd always be employable. So he started his career at NASA, but he went into web dev and having 20 years of experience in web dev alone, he is unsackable. Now he's working with AI stuff. He also told me the market works in cycles. He told me outsourcing was the big thing, then people got tired of dealing with Indians and they started bringing jobs back, now outsourcing is the new big thing again, so hopefully people will get tired of pajeets soon. Stuff like that. Maybe this sounds very basic to you, but I am only starting my career.
careful, people got into trouble asking this question

I started to identify as bisexual, now I can be part of the cool kids group and my careers is probably better off for it, but I still don't understand some of the alphabet soup LGBTQPIA. What is even a queersexual?
fresh off the press, had to pick from 2 candidates, 1 woman 1 white guy, company policy says we need more representation in engineering roles, so you can guess which one was hired. I'm not even mad lol, the more incompetent people drinking their psl doing nothing at all at best, setting things on fire at worst is just more job security and off time to goof off for me.
Anyway, this woman spent 2 weeks to understand what is 'testing'. I'm wondering whether she is playing 4d checkers because she overestimates her hand, or genuinely this stooopid
all this got him a lifetime of wagecucking. I mean, there are worse fates than that, but you are young, should take some risks until you have kids and a mortgage to pay
Hey, I took a risk by going into SWE without any education or professional experience. One step at a time. Been employed for 9 months by this point, so far so good.
Call me a retard, but I'm still one for "quality over quantity", "doing things properly" and editing them by hand, customising each to each company and role.

Hi Elliot Rogers.

>I still don't understand some of the alphabet soup LGBTQPIA
It's getting popular, yeah.
That too.
More like Poo Java.
its a cover letter bozo, unless you're applying to some kind of higher management position, the recruiter will just quickly glance at it and look for keywords.

and clearly your time and effort is wasted since 18 ""quality over quantity", "doing things properly" and editing them by hand, customising each to each company and role." cover letters later, you only got 1 interview out of it.
>look for keywords.
nope, they will look for red flags, cover letters increase your red flag surface, best to exercise your Miranda rights.
Also, seems like you have nothing to show for 200+ applications, I would consider twice before taking advice from you
>pajeet broke production again
Hold me bros...
well i spend a fraction of the time you do on applications and have roughly the same interview invite rate, so clearly you're doing it wrong.

and im not the one whos going to be jobless in 6 weeks kek.
How? I've seen some really fucking funny ways that would have broken everything if we'd not caught it before it went in.
I'm a different anon though and employed. I'm also involved with recruiting. Cover letters at best do nothing for me, at worst if I see a typo or something that is not aligned with my beliefs/incentives then application takes a one way hike to iron mountain
Well based on my experience of sending out hundreds of applications over the past few years, I've had a much higher success rate with interview invites when I provided cover letters (if they were optional), and numerous times have recruiters mentioned things I've put in my letters during the initial interview.
Randomly and incorrectly changed program configuration on one of our production servers, which made a bunch of shit fail if a client happened to connect to it.

Not as big of a deal as when another pajeet stealthily and subtly raped our records in one of the database tables, which went unnoticed long enough for restore to not make sense. I had to fucking manually compare with last sane backup and fix it by hand.
>fresh graduate
>180k + stocks
feels good brahs
My cover letters are under 100 words long. Nobody's gonna read that shit. I say what I can offer and why I'm interested in that position. Takes me literally 1 minute to tailor my cover letter to any application, it makes me stand out and isn't a book, so they can read the whole thing in 10 seconds.
I've seen a good few funny jeetisms, fortunately not many actually made it in.

>massive 20k+ line change, he'd changed his IDE's default indentation style and run auto-style over the whole repo. Was rejected and told not to mess with the code style, he just submitted the same change again.

>made a change that broke a load of tests, was told to fix the tests, he just changed them from expecting HTTP 200 to expect HTTP 500.

>numerous commits that just wouldn't even compile

>one company I worked for hired a supposed 'linux expert' who struggled with basic command line tools, would try to paste linux commands into Windows cmd and not bother to read the erorrs.
He was still there 3 months later when I left the company
Guess what happens when you only have a four eye principle blocking deployments to production? Two jeets can deploy whatever they feel like to PR, whenever they want.
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>40 hours (not including breaks)
I learned today that jeets cheat in interviews by lip syncing some other jeets voice with their cam on.
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>you only got 1 interview out of it
- Two at the company that's gone real quiet;
- one at the place that just rejected me;
- and one at a place that rejected me three weeks ago.
But otherwise, you're absolutely right.

Surely "exercising Miranda rights" is in and of itself a red flag.

That's just life now until you're 70.
Why are people concerned about AI when cheap foreign labor is still the biggest threat?
Another day another JNCIA
I am interviewing an ML engineer for an LLM position today.
Someone last week said they wanted some preparation advice, and I posted it in this thread. Are you having the interview today, or were you a different person, anon?
yes saar it is me vigadesh aldesarilaraheed please hire sir
you're basically fiddling with configs all day and teaching developers how to use their own tools
once everything is set up, no one knows what you do and you don't either so you do nothing but watch agents run
Yeah, you're a junior until you have some 10 YOE.
I have 4 years under the belt and still describe myself as junior, despite boss telling me otherwise.
If you could earn California money, but live in another state, what state would you live in?
>IT wiped out a bunch of users accounts because of "audit" (aka the higher ups forgot to email them back they still require access)
>Check audit list
>Half of them aren't even reports to people on the list.
LMAOOOOOOOO I'd probably be like oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck but I really don't feel anything anymore. I'll just let the business users riot about it.
>he got an interview out of just 18 apps
Wow, that's actually pretty impressive, anon.
I would create my own, like in Mount and Blade.
Idk how companies keep falling for this.
>But we can rice it out to do anything. Its a meta solution!
Every module has 2-3 other required modules.
No one has the experience needed to do anything custom.
Prof services are now required forever.
Oklahoma or Arkansas. But I'm not a
>hustle and bustle
Type. I like being left alone. I know the three cops in my town. They're all white. I have met the county sheriff.
Doesn't exist
The most rural one where I have to see the fewest blacks or spics during daily errands.
I offer co piloting in tech interviews as a service to others. Best return on the leetcoding grind to date lol
Preemptive homelessness.
where do i find offers like this?
in my circle of (now employed) friends, lol. Unfortunately so far my time does not scale, but maybe someone can crack the reverse hacker rank. Just put Powered by AI on the box and might as well get on that sweet VC train
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>no, you can't spend the morning working, you *need* to attend all-hands
Welcome to Accenture, sir! Please working 12 hours for 1 lakh rupee per annum sir.
>some execs are coming in so they want everyone in office for 2 weeks
corporate politics are so dumb
but if I don't play along they'll probably make us go into the office more
such is life
Appearances are reality to normies, anon. I'm sorry.
>wow look at all these drones you have working busily!
>this makes me feel successful
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All Hands are literally fucking pointless. Yeah Id love to spend an hour of my time seeing people Ive never met jerk each other off about shit that doesnt matter while they get paid 50x more than me.
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>made a change that broke a load of tests, was told to fix the tests, he just changed them from expecting HTTP 200 to expect HTTP 500.
it's like something taken straight from the einstein indian series of jokes
The cheap foreign labor are the ones most threatened by AI.
what are you complaining about
that's 1 hour of zoning out or solving puzzles on your phone, one less hour of working
Just returned from a 16 day trip to Japan to deliver my resignation letter. Life's good.
Some of us have actual deadlines, anon.
If I think it's corporate BS I just don't attend. I got asked about it one time and I said I was too busy. Never bothered again.
> literally every time

this is obnoxious. but he probably did tell you about it before. I find this happening with juniors a bunch myself, he's probably just more autistic
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Its still a pointless waste of my time. These executives will bitch and moan about employees slacking off and needing to return to the office and then will do pointless shit like townhall meetings, sensitivity training, compliance training etc
>try to find a projector I gave to a director for a meeting he traveled to
>don't have it in the IT storage so ask the director if he has it
>he says no, tell him OK, I'll find it
>weekend passes, director comes over asks if IT has found the projector yet (this guy must have nothing going on to be focused on this)
>"no...we'll find it though"
>he chews us out saying shit like "doesn't IT have a protocol for this, this is expensive and we bought it blah blah"
>ask the logistics guy, he shows us that it's IN THE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE still in a box of shit that was shipped back
>director doesn't say anything like "Oh sorry I've been holding onto this" but somehow IT was supposed to be clairvoyant and know he was sitting on this piece of equipment
I can't deal with this. I'm looking for another job, I like my company but this client we work for is both stupid and arrogant and will blame IT at a moment's notice.
>says he'll look for it
>doesn't look for it in the director's office
Your problem
They have to justify their jobs. They are pure overhead and they know it. With no one in the office they can't put on their little stage plays.
sounds like a miserable place to work in
>ask the director if he has it
>he says no
See, this is your problem: You believed him.
You didn't think him stupid or blasé enough (or incorrectly self-assured) that he'd have it and tell you he doesn't.
And yes, he'll argue that you're at fault, even after it's found.
That's what bosses do. That's their special power.
That's what they do to employees, that's what they do to clients, that's what they do to suppliers.
Do not think these people to be above telling "truths" they cannot know and blagging the rest.

By which I also mean, don't quit that job, Anon.
Sounds half-way comfy.
tech can only be redeemed by eliminating all jews from it. Sam Altman and Zuckerberg are some of the worst leaders in tech history, and guess what beliefs are shared between them?
on some days I have 2 standups on top of other meetings
shit is fucking wild
Zuck is fine. Altman is the drvil
Shoulda said you were the last person to have custody of it so the protocol says it's your fault for losing it
Now make him do a sign out sheet for any equipment
Zuck is a gay jewboy just like all the others.
been bored of my web dev work, been getting into the security side of things and it's been fun. are there any other resources similar to Juice Shop?
if you've ever been unfortunate enough to have a jew for a director then I sincerely feel for you. I've had 2 jew directors and the level of incompetence and running things like a slave shop is insane. Indians it's a hit or miss, I've had chill Indians and crazy ones. it's like 50/50.
Is there any ethnic group that isn't a nightmare to work with at this point?
You can't even shill white people anymore because like 50% of them are leftist dirtbags.
Wyoming or Montana
>made a change that broke a load of tests, was told to fix the tests, he just changed them from expecting HTTP 200 to expect HTTP 500.
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I fucking hate Jira
Jews are the absolute worst. Indians a close second. Asians (chinese/etc.) aren't too bad at all. Africans are nice and kind but not very intelligent. Europeans are o.k. I worked with a guy from Egypt he was the smartest guy I've ever worked with.
There's an Indian guy at my work and I swear he is literally retarded. It's almost like the only reason they keep him is for like a comic relief type character. It's really strange.
I had an ex boss who straight up threatened multiple Indian dudes their visas if they slacked off, to be fair they were very lazy, but he would straight up rage on them and I had one guy get into a shouting match with him, and he stormed off out of the meeting and he was let go the next day lul.
Apparently Meta is doing an unannounced silent layoff round. Friend of mine got laid off today, and several of his team members.
I've had good and bad experiences of all kinds of people. It's just annoying when it feels like you are at a foreign bus stop instead of work.
Racist white men, the only one there ever was.
why do you hate trans folks??
How do they get around the WARN act? Is there some loophole?
is it bad that my dream job is to have a lazy job working for a bank or the government
Fuck FAANG, fuck being high tech, I just wanna do 10 hours of work a week and use the rest of the time doing some real hobbies at home while running a mouse jiggler. As long as it's using a mainstream language who cares
I am curious of this as well. I actively avoid Meta just from all the horror stories.
Santa Catarina
that's the job that most people have FAANG is an outlier
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I have to be honest, all the ideas i have in my head are centered around gamedev and novellas. I do try to spend my waking hours studying software testing, webdev, and python, looking for webdev, data analyst, and QA job, but when it comes to make an actual project, i only care about maintenance and can't really come up with something on my own. Is there any actual chance I'll get hired in the first place? I am willing to pass technical interviews, and i know that a tech job is mostly building a CRUD app, but it's that enough effort to build a career out of? What's the point if i don't like what I'm doing and can't force myself to grind into it?

If someone gives me an assignment to make a game in a month, i would spend a day to design it and get it done in a week.

If someone gives me a month to build blog website, it would take me 6 months to design it, another 6 months to make the diagrams, and 6 years to actually code it to the end.
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Introducing the hashtag#Desperate banner

There’s been a lot of discourse about how the hashtag#OpenToWork banner puts off recruiters and hiring managers, because it makes you come across as desperate.

Frankly, as a victim of redundancy, I am desperate, and I don’t think that’s anything to be ashamed of.

Being laid off doesn’t reflect a lack of skills, talent or work ethic - it’s just bad luck. No one should be embarrassed that they need to pay their rent and bills, support their family, or feed themselves.

Wear your hashtag#OpenToWork banner with pride, because to me, it just shows that you’re strong, resilient and optimistic - qualities any employer would be lucky to find.
that sounds unhealthy and a way to get burned out
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honestly it works. i'd give her a shot lmfao
he's supposed to have red eyes and look like he's crying you did the meme wrong
i've seen this post like 4 times already on my feed
>return to office
>work wants FORMAL AS FUCK
>bought loafers
>they fucking HURT
oh god how the fuck do boomers do this all day? how the fuck do women? okay maybe I actually respect women if this is the discomfort they go through all day holy fucking ow ow ow
should i make a linkedin? i work in defense, so it'll be annoying to get spammed by phishing emails, but it feels like having a linkedin is probably useful...
just takes a few days to break them in
I have to get a job before May. Im still figuring out what should i study for the rest of the year and start applying on january. What do you suggest? Ditch webdev (the usual html, css, js react and node fuckery) and python, and stick to C# and Unity? I can try learning .NET, at the very least. I dabbled in unity for the last 2 years, and surprise surprise, all the existing unity jobs are rare and pays like shit.
fuck man i can't commute in these and my heel is still slipping but fuck these loafers are literally choking the sides of my foot fuck plus i only have one suit so i'm going to be really fucking smelly near the end of the week LOL (they're fault)
gamedev is a shit career choice. everyone wants to do it, and thus, they can get away with horrible pay and benefits, long hours, and other otherwise unrealistic demands (thanks, supply and demand!)
you are better off doing literally anything else except maybe bootcamp webdev tier shit
My feed sar, I do see this having be on my feed sar, four times.
i would kill myself if my company had a dress code. how old am i? what year is it?
i wear jeans, sneakers, and a tshirt every day
The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.
I work in an office and dress like I'm literally homeless. I wear a hat with a cum stain on it and a giant jacket that stinks like shit and is covered in dirt (I used to unload trucks in it)
I wear the same shirt every day and old boots. When I walk through the hall people literally do a double take at me like I'm an intruder and about to start shooting or something.
I've just stopped caring. Completely burnt out on life. I don't care about my job, I don't care about my wellbeing, I just don't care anymore
*yawns and looks at clock*
good morning ;-)

looks like i woke up a bit earlier than i was supposed to, my standup isn't until 10! well anyway, now that i'm awake.. how is everyone?
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Along with a software testing course from udemy, I bought the angela yu webdev bootcamp course back in july, but i forgot that odin project exists. I did have 12 months experience as a mobile tester though, at least that's something on my resume.

Would it look bad that i can only tolerate a QA job and keep coding as a hobby because i can't really build anything professionally?
Anyone mind giving me feedback on this: captchify.com ? I am trying to get out of the rat race we are all in.

Also fuck Jassy for RTO
does kiyomi get fucked by blonde fuck boy or fat old man
experience doesn't matter in college. i got a job by applying only to one place, having no prior internships/etc. what's more important is getting someone you know who's already at a company to refer you to it
if you don't have a degree, you're fucked until you get your first full-time job
What are signs you're about to be laid off?
Less work going your way
They stop giving you assignments and asking for feedback and basically just leave you alone. If you're wondering what happened to all of your responsibilities, the end is near.
Thinking about doing an online masters, probably with GT or UT Austin because they fit my budget. Is this a good idea to learn some advanced skills and advance my career?
>if you don't have a degree, you're fucked until you get your first full-time job
Im graduating this november with just 2.94 GPA (compsci), and that was a 12 month internship at one of the national bank in my country.

>what's more important is getting someone you know who's already at a company to refer you to it

Guess I'll try hitting up my seniors then.
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>be intern
>work a whole year on a project
>organized meetings, presented the project multiple times, the results, asked for feedback, asked for suggestions, for things i could change, improve
>third worlders clapped every time and seemed happy and ok with everything
>project done
>before deploying i once again ask them if the format and everything else seems ok to them
>"yeah great!"
>project deployed
>third worlders are now like "actually can we completely change the way results are presented"
>internship ends very soon

I'm speechless. I've done everything I could to collaborate with them, I kept asking for feedback, I kept showing the state of advancement, I kept asking them if they were satisfied or if they needed me to change anything. I'm just an intern but there goes my chance to get recruited by this company I guess, it's over for me.
Is the open to work thing really considered bad now?
Or is this just LinkedIn "influencers" trying to start shit for engagement?
Based as fuck
can't speak to the actual masters courses, but in my undergrad senior year, when i was taking courses crosslisted as grad courses, the GT classes were pretty good. depends a lot on your concentration, though. which ones would you be going for? from what i see, the only ones worth a damn are computing systems and high performance computing. maybe scientific computing, too, i guess. i highly recommend the systems one
>CS 6210 Advanced Operating Systems
really good, but will depend on your prof
>CS 6241 Compiler Design
had a horrible professor for this and didn't learn anything. easy A, though. YMMV
>CS 6250 Computer Networks
mine was mostly just a single, semester-long project. you'll get out of it what you put into it
>CS 6290 High-Performance Computer Architecture
favorite class i ever took. i learned more in this one class than i did entire years prior. cannot recommend it enough
gpa doesn't matter but it's a little unfortunate to be below the 3.0 cutoff that a lot of places use. just get your first job and it'll stop mattering, though
apologize or I'm telling your scrum master
hey guys, I'm smarter than everyone on my team, including my bosses' boss. I'm from the 3rd world in Europe so I started at a lower position to get my foot on the door. I´ve risen a bit and I'm definitely doing a lot (which I do quick, because I'm experienced enough to do things fast and good).

So much so, that I'm working about 4 - 8 honest hours a week. I could probably reduce it even more if I put my mind into streamlining my job even more.

Anyhow, any advice here? I'm trying to start a side business with the leftover time, but it's slow and I'm scared I'll be losing my skills over time because of how easy everything is at my current job. I'm afraid moving up the ladder will mean heaps of work for not that much of a reward.

Should I focus on my own things, even if it's slow, and keep the "ok" salary or look for something else? I haven't been interviewing, but from seeing my colleagues and others in the industry - I could easily triple my salary if I make the right move. I'm scared that this could also leave me with no time to make my other business happen.

In the end, are you working and learning to become a better employee or to have your own independence? I'd say that I'm looking for the latter, in order to mitigate any layoff that might happen.

Anyhow, thanks for reading my blog post. If you have any advice, it'd be nice.
>Anyone mind giving me feedback on this: captchify.com ?
ask >>>/g/wdg, but as a non-dev, a quick feedback is that it looks fine, but I have little clue about your business or about web dev

also, I get
>Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'run-ad-auction'.
>Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'join-ad-interest-group'.
in the JS console.
Probably google analytics. I don’t have ads on the site. Thanks for the feedback
I do minor telecom work now, so distribute messaging systems are breddy cool and in my wheelhouse. I also don't want to get totally cooked by AI in the field, since I don't know much about ML.
I did online master of analytics for georgia tech
i've been considering going back for my MS, but the letters of recommendation seem annoying. did you just have your boss and coworkers write them, or what? i didn't keep in touch with any profs, so i feel like it'd be weird to go back and ask them to write me one
I wrote the letters myself (volunteered to) for two of my bosses (direct and skip) and I can't remember if there was a third or not. I'm sure they'll ask you to write the recs yourself and they will just upload to the portal or link or whatever you send them.
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>tenant at one of our managed properties has his IP blocked by his employer
>get on a three way call with the tenant and IT staff
>saar we are indeed blocking your entire subnet for malicious activity
>do the needful
>present manager with the news
>'please manually verify every IP for CYA reasons so we don't get sued'

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To fellow devs ITT
>the amount of time you spend studying/learning new shit each week (please be honest)
i'm in a small company, so i don't think they'd mind writing them (i could even have the ~ceo~ write one, waow crazy)
i was more so just concerned with whether they care that all the letters come from the same place or not
>they care that all the letters come from the same place or not
>amount of time you spend studying/learning new shit each week (please be honest)
outside of work?
I thank God and Christ (who is King) every day that I am not a rentoid
Get shoes with a wide toe box.
Doesn't have to be.
I spend very little to zero time learning new stuff outside of work, recently I've been doing the CKAD prep just maybe like 2 hours a week max.

am 10 yoe
inside work? 40-50 hours typically. outside work? 0-1
it's not my toe that's getting mauled it's my heel
managed wifi is a huge cash cow, especially since a generation of students didn't FOMO into networking like they did devops, but the problems you encounter are fucking retarded
What happens in Agile if no developers can push up code for a sprint due to the code base getting audited?
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so I should just deal with it? this is normal behavior?
does anyone else is starting to really want to re-enact fight club or is it just me?
>Apply to job on indeed
>Status updated to "not selected by employer" less than 2 hours later
*womxn you bigoted Incel Chud!
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This new general is shit. The past ones were better.
Who gives a fuck about GitHub.com/trending ???
And a fucking webdev sandbox?

Put less news link. Remove everything in that webdev-centric "Software Development & Programming". Add more practical links on interviewing, architecture, resume writing, job application, system design etc... that are language-agnostic.

We are here to increase our skills and ability to get a job. Not to read the news or solely do webdev
first rule
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>This new general is shit. The past ones were better.
>Who gives a fuck about GitHub.com/trending ???
>And a fucking webdev sandbox?

>Put less news link. Remove everything in that webdev-centric "Software Development & Programming". Add more practical links on interviewing, >architecture, resume writing, job application, system design etc... that are language-agnostic.

>We are here to increase our skills and ability to get a job. Not to read the news or solely do webdev
This thread is for employed tech workers.
>Put less news link.
Fewer news links.
Bad grammar doesn't necessarily mean it's a jeet, might just be a zoomer.
just avoid the south and you're fine.
Anyone else here severely socially retarded and unable to speak like a normal human?
I stutter, lose my train of thought often, just be awkward and so on.
Are you employed despite being like this?
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I took improv classes. I am still a dork, but I learned that I can indeed achieve feats of norminess if I put my mind to it.
I've got work to do but I just want to make deliveries on Death Stranding.
Yes. Im in lead role too.
I literally can never explain anything I'm doing or any design.
I mean, I can write good code and PoCs but I'm unable to talk about it in any details or explain why I am doing what.
It all makes perfect sense to me in my head but when I open my mouth I'm immediately retarded.
New thread
should have beat his ass honestly
>This thread is for employed tech workers.
Then what thread do we go to if we are looking for employment or an internship?
fellow dark elf poaster
this is basically everyone's experience here
welcome to the workforce saar
You mean welcome to the unemployed life, man this shit sucks
what were those like? seem like it might be helpful but also extremely reddit
I graduated in 2022 and haven't even gotten an interview yet, let alone a job offer - count your blessings.
>as my clearance is arguably my greatest "skill" at the moment
how the fuck does one get clearance? In the past I have applied to jobs under the assumption that its a background check and that by applying to a job that needs it they will do it for you. However they either never reply back or tell me that I need a clearance for the job and go with someone else.
Dude there's something seriously wrong with you, i mean it. This isn't the job market, this is a personal problem you needed to address a long time ago.
tell him he wouldnt have to tell you every time if he just wrote it down in the fucking documentation.

>but anon there is no documentation

well there you go, he is yet another "senior" engineer getting paid to do something with absolutely no accountability or proof that he knows what he is doing.
I'm not sure what "personal problem" would have manifested itself on a resume. What are you imagining?

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