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Sanguine September Edition
When is the release date of gnome 47?
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>mini PC
>24-inch matte 60Hz 16:9 FHD LCD
>wired mouse and keyboard
>wired 2.0 stereo speakers
>Linux Mint

Current year sovl
Thanks friend.

47.0 stable 2024-09-14
They seem to be late.
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Not gonna take a new pic since nothing substantial has changed since this.
Why did IBM only start making keyboards with Windows keys after ditching buckling springs? Man.
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Just got the monitor arm because the default stand is huge and occupied half of my desk space, now it's much better!
>fell for the Widegoy meme
Good tastes. GoPri is my favorite
I've been using it for about 2 years and it has been great, I use "Microsoft PowerTools FancyZones" as window manager and I can neatly open 3 programs next to each other.
Right now it's my browser in the left third, remote desktop in the middle (working remotely on my work laptop), and discord on the right.
Based, but I have yet to watch the GoPri season
The picture you're referencing is actually a cut-out drawing I've imported (pixiv.net/en/artworks/66831831), and I've made the background behind it myself in inkscape
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Choose one and only one
>not 16:10
>not trackball
yeah, right "soul" right, ok.
Take your meds (cyanide capsules).
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very refine taste!!!
based Precure enjoyer
hi germbro, can i ask you how you schizo affected you? it was like a permament semi sober lsd trip? at which age did you get it?
It was like a months long nightmare. I tried to jump off a car that drove at 80 kmh next to a cliff, I saw Demons, saw walk people with halflife headcrabs on their head. all kinds of scary stuff
>I tried to jump off a car that drove at 80 kmh next to a cliff
you actully tried this? how it stopped? did you did drugs before?
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Thanks bros
I never took drugs, it was when i was 15yo and my dad was in the backseat with me, he grabed me, so i couldn't jump
it was my very first psychosis too
that happened more time?
I was around 10 times in psychiatry, the longest time at once was 7 months, that I spend there
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good morning sirs
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I haven’t driven my car in 2 weeks, it’s been a bike day every day
did you rip all these cd's ?
here in shitaly doctor or other people (sometimes) rape girls or beatup boys in psychiatry, that happen also in germany?
yeah, theyre about half of my music collection
the external nvme on top of the pc is actually the primary backup, ~146gb, 302 albums
muslims here do that in general, but psychiatry is pretty save here
man everytime i see your bst i fucking puke. Everything's wrong with it, i hope you get cancer man
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keyboard model? also what's that faggot brand thing next to your phone
Seems fine to me, except the screen is too low and the chair isn't adjustable. I'd break my neck and back if I used this all day
Bleachscope every single furfag on planet earth
Keyboard name?
Model F77, from modelfkeyboards.com. The IBM badge is something I got separately to slap onto it.
get new material you boring faggot
kys furry pedo
Cool setup anon
Old Kirby plush is sovl
Semen demon?
Clean the fuck up, BOIII
nice Baja Blast, engineered by top food scientists to perfectly complement the flavor of Taco Bell
Seek help, despicable eunuch.
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99% of setups I'm seeing here is either reddit tranny bs like these two motherfuckers >>102425870 >>102426436 or some soulless minimalist setup that isn't even worthy to be posted let alone talked about
It's unironically the only Dew flavor I can still stand, and mostly just because there aren't other lime flavored sodas (not to be confused with lemon lime soda, which manages to taste like neither) on store shelves in Burgerland. Not where I am anyway.
you whine like a woman holy shit
how would your gay incel ass know what woman whining is like
Because your mom keeps bitching at me about running up a tab.
Nigga thinks he is Lain
Where did the X1 Carbon go?
Too bad I cant use my own device and am forced to work in slow laptop. If not I would buy this
Overpricedly overpriced.
We need to go back to horizontal cases
The fuck?
How do you get anything done
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Posting the one with flash on to show my baja blast
Who's "we"? Horizontal cases were a pain in the ass, having to shift the monitor out of the way every time you wanted to get at the pizzabox being crushed under it's weight sucked. Nobody's stopping you from turning your case sideways, though.
Modern monitors are extremely light
You don't need to open your case up every week
1. you can actually buy one in 2024
2. good luck fitting any real cpu cooler in there
every 16:10 panel on the market is internally 8+ year old laptop screens and are all smeary garbage
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Here's mine.
How do you get any work done? Those anine titties are too distracting.
>you can actually buy one in 2024
Your laptop is under the risk of falling.
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very nice.
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>Cheese Pizza drive
How are those new model F's? I've heard some of them have build quality issues.
i actually sold the nano, i wasnt using it, sold it to another thinkpad nerd who intends to actually use it
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silverstone and inwin still do a bunch of HTPC style horizontal cases in varying sizes
this one is matx and takes TFX power supplies
But something like the GD11 takes eatx motherboards, atx power supplies, 240mm liquid coolers, etc
post yours
Sorry im on my phone

Well its not like a neckbeard Nest where all the junk is food, its only tech related things, as one of my Hobbies is Doing tech projects, I let the old stuff and new stuff lie around, it got to a point I memorizar position of everything
furry weeb detected
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nice boat
You're a hoarder Anon. At least organise your junk into some plastic storage boxes.
Why is this comfy?
I've heard the same quality control issues, but mine at least works well. If there was a stronger guarantee of quality, I'd highly recommend one if you do a lot of typing.
I mean I am kind of, but at least its not food junk right? it could be worse, what do you rather have, hoarding tech stuff or food junk
wow . . . you're just like bunnie !
whos bunnie
My ex-girlfriend (male).
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rate it
I have one of these cases. If you want to use the laptop optical drive, you'll need a 7.mm thick drive, not 11.5mm. Shop carefully. Also don't forget to get a SATA power adapter plug (from Amazon $6-ish).

When installing the drive, none of the rear mounted mounting screw would line up, I had to use two tiny screws on the left side of the drive.

Also, while the specs say you can use a M-ATX, only a M-ITX will really fit.

It's just tall enough to barely fit (without feet/pads on the bottom) in my TV stand.

Low profile video cards only!

It's an awesome case, but planning is needed to get all your parts in there.
pretty good anon, 2 pcs huh, is one for server and the other a gaming pc?
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VHS = 10
Nice edifiers
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I updated it finally. Got a mouse mat to add more foxes.
Cute mouse mat and cute foxes.
My shit go hard
are you drinking chinese sunflower oil?
no that would b次日,于桃园中,备下乌牛白马祭礼等项,三人焚香再拜而说誓曰:“念刘备、关羽、张飞,
Based romance of the three kingdoms enjoyer.
nice setup bro, can you give a quick rundown on the shit on your desk? also what monitor are you got
*what monitor arm you got
> rate it
6/10 - great room layout with the floor to ceiling view diminished by slop desk choice and arrangement.

t. fellow embody chair owner who went with a L-shaped uplift desk and underslung PC case holder
What size is that monitor?
>is one for server

pretty sure the space with the 80 and the 72 is more desk space, no? would have done two 80's if would fit

had the 80 inch for many years, not much point buying an L and replacing, just got another desk instead
ah ya also, a wheel cant attach to a 2'' thick desk, and i prefer thicker wood for typing (heavier etc) so that was the other problem resolved with mismatching
24" 1920*1200
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yeah clearly even 2x 72" is going to be more area overall, but the downsides are:
- you can't actually use the entire area freely because of the gap unless you disconnect the motors to prevent shit getting knocked over
- too many legs in the corner make sitting there a PITA anyway
- looks jank

If you have cases small enough, I recommend suspended PCs to free up the top anyway.
(My Phanteks P300As were just barely within dimensions for Uplift's mounts.)
>you can't actually use the entire area
>make sitting there a PITA anyway
corner is for the consoles and towers so i aint over there
not a fan of suspended cases or putting towers on the floor, idk

>disconnect the motors
funny thing, the 80' has been disconnected for years
reason i went with uplift back then was to just adjust a desk at the right height in relation to the embody
lol idk if thats a waste of money but w/e

> too many legs looks jank
def true
planning to resolve with a drawer cabinet or something to make it look natural,
put all the console games and accessories in it etc

good feedback
i knew Jensen Huang used a Radeon
Is the Pebble mouse good?
absolute dogshit, i only use it because i have 3 computers
love the mat
I dig it, awesome view... Time for a grown up keyboard tho anon comon now...
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Shitty pic I took while watching the fights on Sat.
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fan for the gonads
Old setup. But I was happy with it.
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What is this thing? Decent set up anon, I'd want another screen tho.
Neural DSP Quad Cortex. neat little guitar amp in a box. Sitting at my desk noodling on guitar without bugging the neighbors is comfy.
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Why post pictures you found somewhere else?
What keyboard?
I'm not sure about it, this seems like a "fun" setup on an office desk.
Are you a biological woman/lady?
>4chan...biological woman...AHAHAHAHA

I am not. I am a pseudomale, and a giant fag. Someone on /b/ suggested I use the name and I have started doing so.
need to upgrade your audio my dude
this is what I'm tawkin bout
Do you mean the PC or TV?
Viewing angle on those monitors looks pretty good. What model are they?
I may or may not have asked this in the past.
NTA but these are Dell U2412Ms.
>I may or may not have asked this in the past.
Erm, he, on numerous occasions, has told about his monitors. Not one, but like half a dozen times already. I'm forgetting the exact model number, but they're 24" Dell 16:10 monitors.
>What model are they?
they are Dell U2412M, got them cheap from ebay for 39€ each
It's called a bump newfag
filco majestouch 3, with mx blues
honestly not a fan of mx blues but the keyboard itself is perfect otherwise
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Black pipo logging onto 4chan
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Here's my very interesting bump setup.
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ikea has their mega sale rn, are any of their chairs really worth getting? my shitty amazon chair is fairly fucked up rn

It's not comfortable at first but if you use comfortable chair with nice support you'll develop lower back pain
that sounds like complete BS
How am I supposed to curl inside a blanket with my feet tucked in on that chair?
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Trying to clean up my station and re-organize some things but am just getting started. Open to input for changes if anyone has any. I'll shitpost below:

Based as always, looks like a new keeb?

Fuck the haters I really dig this one. Layout is nice for a widescreen. Sauce on that display for your Oculus? If that charges it I'd be happy to grab one, mine just sits in a bag bc I never see it.

Leather jacket anon, we meet again... (time for new pic)

You got a CRT! How TF are you running that off of your machine?? Or are you just playing the VHS tapes? Neat none the less. I have a PVM I would really like to hook up to my PC but it seems like a nightmare so not worth it.

Simple but clean, what IEMs are you running? Assuming that's what I see in the container there.

Based anon, that sounds great. I live in FL so a bike ride is largely a death sentence. I like the new angle.

eat a dick.

Mental health is a motherfucker

Mental health is a motherfucker

Nice Baja, also what do you use that little num-pad thing for? (I think some monitor arms would really make this more comfortable)

Football... Grim.

What's the printed flag about? (I'm American so eat shit if it is something I 'should' know)

Love it, commented above.

Very simple but it works. I'd want at least another monitor but this seems functional.


ALMOST not redeemed by your background that does go hard.

Nice, I'm not big on the fake plants but get it. Maybe some art or more interesting lighting for flavor but not bad at all.
Two worst chancellors in one image.
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>Leather jacket anon, we meet again... (time for new pic)
this is the most recent pic i have
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>>Based as always, looks like a new keeb?
Only if you haven't seen my setup in a while. I got that keyboard a couple months ago. Thanks though!
>Neural DSP Quad Cortex
what a name for something that gay
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Main PC
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PC itself.
(GPU now upgraded to RTX 4080 Super)
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Backup PC with e-waste peripherals.
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PC itself.
Nice, did you end up not keeping the plants or whatever? (I'm 99% sure we have the same monitor light I randomly noticed)

Oh word word. Hope you like it! I have a model M that was manufactured on my exact birthday but never use the fuckin thing desu... Something special about a 200 pound old monster tho
Bizarre to me to have such a nice PC, case, parts ect but the devices you actually interact with are 'e-waste'.... It's like riding a prize winning horse with a cheap ass saddle (I guess?)
>Nice, did you end up not keeping the plants or whatever?
those were fake cactus, i just wanted to open my window, they were in the way so i moved them. I plan to get a bonsai tree at some point
It's a backup PC. If/when I need it, they'll get the good keyboard/mouse here:
But to be honest, the iBuyProblem keyboard and mouse aren't horrible, just not great.
I have that same fennec fox. Honolulu zoo gift shop.
OMG you forgot to BLUR OUT your heckin' DISCORD window!
oh noooo...
>will never be rich enough to fund creation of non amd/intel/applel and non windows/mac/linux dedicated hardware and software computers
Thank God you don't possess such money, else you'd have fittered it all away on dubious schemes.
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>>>102428494 (You)
>You got a CRT! How TF are you running that off of your machine??
I did get an HDMI to composite adapter to connect it to the computer, but as pictured the TV is monitoring an analog video capture device. I'm experimenting with digitizing some VHS tapes.
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You boys are so cute and silly!
I love to fondle genitals of pre-pubesants.
They seem to gradually start enjoying, too.
dream set up
Awesome! Looks sweet too imo
If you can get a used herman miller aeron or just get a gamer chair at this point. Ikea is budget office shit and gamer chairs might be better for you if you live in colder place and like to recline
>Something special about a 200 pound old monster tho
Indeed. If your keyboard COULDN'T easily damage your floor in the event of a simple drop, you're keyboarding wrong.
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GM, sir.
>Fuck the haters I really dig this one. Layout is nice for a widescreen. Sauce on that display for your Oculus? If that charges it I'd be happy to grab one, mine just sits in a bag bc I never see it.
Thanks, it's "oculus anker charging dock", unfortunately it's expensive, but it's worth it because it charges all 3 devices whenever you place them inside of the dock, and it connects magnetically too
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Attempted improvement. But honestly I really need a new desk/keyboard, not much room to improve any of this.
you are not daily driving this. Piss off, it can't even play Star Citizen which my Arch Linux machine can. You are a poser faggot
Yes, but with the caveat that the cases should be rack-mountable, either with ears or on rails.
Modern monitors can be put on arms anyway.
I ve had the markus for one year. It's fine, the recline is comfy. But it sqweaks in the winter
used steelcase leap or something
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>keyboard model? also what's that faggot brand thing next to your phone
nexttime75 and airtag for my cat
>can you give a quick rundown on the shit on your desk? also what monitor are you got
pic related
>what IEMs are you running? Assuming that's what I see in the container there.
they are moondrop blessing 2 with chu 2 cable
what's with all the pills anon
Well, that's how gunchuds live thier miserable, paranoid, schizoid lives and make pain of their existence tolerable.
I just tried the penguin vertical ergonomic mice, after having tried a number of other ones. This too misses the mark and is going back to sender immediately,

at this point i accepted that all ergononic mice on the market are big failures

i will make my own
Very Japandi, I like it.
i will just strap them together to achieve a vertical mouse, since the socalled vertical mouse by itself is not even close to vertical
The natural position of your wrists isn't even close to vertical either
i fucking KNEW this retarded comment was coming!!!!

How much did this wooden cabinet cost?
He's perfectly right, though.
not true, but you are normie so you will believe normie things
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>102470801 (You)
>not true, but you are normie so you will believe normie things
Thought this was AI for a second.
Pills and a gun... oh the ameritards.
What's the censored stuff on that laptop on the right?
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I know I have to buy a laptop holder or something
It's happened twice now and I don't know if I'll keep getting lucky if it falls again

Thank you this mouse mat was a huge upgrade from my old mouse pad and I regret not getting it sooner

I have templated coding macros mostly, like
    if ( ) { }

    switch( ) { }

and it'll auto move my cursor into the parenthesis automatically
I've considered the monitor arms a lot, I might because someone else wants my little drawer stand.

What happened to your solar panel window setup?
Nope, just soft focus on my 12 year old dslr
this looks good aside from the tranime stuff and being grossly asymmetrical
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If you put your giant gamer box on the ground you'd have space. I use picrel
If you have carpet or pets this is not high enough off the ground
>not using your cat as a dust filter
In what shithole of a country do people still use carpets?
Can't be a western civilized and developed country.
I have an slab of wood with 4 wheels, it's cheaper and works the same exact way.
But hey, mutt gonna spend his money stupidly.
i have one of those. i think it cost me $12 AUD (maybe $8 US)
>How much did this wooden cabinet cost?
I have no idea
>What happened to your solar panel window setup?
just wanted to open my window, because it was hot af
It goes well with the wooden paneling.
Harbor freight furniture dolly, its even padded $8 frequently
She even prefers her desks big and black.
That's gross, i have no words.
- Embody
- nice window view
- visible search box (just press the Windows key and start typing)
- RGB lighting instead of sound insulation

Not bad
here's my mini-minimalist extreme budget setup again
I can hear the music through this image
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Are tidy rooms a form of fashion now? Also nice christmas lights up there
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I'm trying to guess your gender
Your reflection is very cute, anon
it's "mini-minimalist" in the sense that it's very small and barebones with only the essentials, i don't even know if it's a real thing
The christmas lights come together with the other ambient lights at night for a very cozy overall result
I also have a fireplace as you can see in the reflection
thank you
Its clearly a man anon
when did you last play a CD?

5/10- You have all the nice things but its messy and lacks style and unification. Its just a bunch of stuff on a table.
I'm a straight guy who likes cute stuff
Your sexual oroentation was never in question anon, now it is
I'm guessing that's his work laptop
Got a source for the lamp? Was already planning on getting one in that style myself.
Sure, it's a "shoji lamp" and it's hand-made by https://www.etsy.com/de-en/shop/WoodideaItalia
The listing for the table lamp is https://www.etsy.com/listing/1362303157/shoji-table-lamp-oriental-lamp-in-wood but he has many others
I like this guy, he makes authentic and very high quality crafts, and you can request changes like different wood colors or wires for free. The downside is, since it's hand-made, it's pretty expensive compared to something that comes out of a factory. You definitely get what you pay for though, he has a 5.0/5.0 rating for good reason.
If it's not in your budget then just google "shoji desk lamp" and you can probably find some in a similar style but cheaper
Man, you weren't kidding when you said "pretty expensive". I'll definitely look elsewhere, but thanks for linking it.
Yeah, I just think about it this way: Apparently the average hourly wage in the US is $35/hour,
so if he can craft the entire lamp in only 3.5 hours, that's $122 wage, + $28 materials = $150. Seems justifiable to me, especially since it takes a lot longer than 3.5 hours.
But anyway that's just how I justify my purchase, you can find them for half the price in other places, I would just recommend to stay away from the "laser cut plyboard" ones, those look very fake even from a distance.
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Do you think op posted his own station?
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>no monitor
>no tower
>no keyboard
>no mouse
>only landline phone
Typical third worlder.
>No bloat
You don't need more.
imagine sneezing just a bit too hard in here
Adolf had his laptop in a bag under his desk.
He only used it for Telegram and Insta.
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I never knew he had such good taste
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Today, specifically Tight by MSI, there’s a proper stereo setup across the room and I play CDs directly on that instead of just playing the ripped flacs
Based, mine was a Christmas gift from the wife, not 100% sure where she got it, I know I’ve seen the maker at Brookfield zoo in Chicago though
I cannot imagine doing a bike in Florida, even here in beach Indiana it gets stupid hot and humid some days and it’s miserable, but I can do up to around a heat index of 95° before it’s just too much for distance to be viable

Here’s a newer picture, the 2007fpb is back up here because I got a CRT tv for the Dreamcast downstairs, got a bunch more drawers and a monitor stand
Just put on your bell-bottom jeans, leave your toe socks and clogs off and feel the luxuriousness of shag carpeting on your feet. Groovy.
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There's a couple people who know I like foxes... and take pictures of them when I can... and I get fox plushes occasionally.

(Backup PC)
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My setup while I'm staying with my gf.
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You could get a mini pc the size of your bible and it would perform better than the rasberry pi.
But I don't want a minipc; the Pi is more fun.
>that kb+m
Are you Australian ?
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Rpi’s are fun, even if I have no idea how to use them
I like my weird retromod terminal thing I made with one though

Is this a bst
No, it's the e-waste that came with my iBuyProblems PC back in 2018. They were my only spares I had laying around. In fact, the mobo and CPU from that are in the backup PC in the picture. i7 8700K and a Z370.
Shit thread
thanks for the bump champ
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whats the yellow pad thing above the mouse?
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Cup warmer
Keeps my coffee at whatever temperature I set it, for as long as I want
I like drinking coffee slowly over an hour or two
Based and biblepilled
this is very nostalgic!!!
Why does your mom let you have 3 mouses Timmy ??
I don’t recognize any of these characters, the ones on the pc look vaguely familiar, fuck my normie zoomer life
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if a mouse breaks i can switch as soon
Very vvise, I have a spare cpu and motherboard for that reason
Third worlders don’t even have landline phones
They all use iPhones
I like. I have a massive full tower and have thought about taking the mini pc pill. Something mac mini size but running Linux would be ideal. Is the Raspberry Pi enough for your use?
Are you a techbro? I meant in what line of work are you in?
So comfy.
I'd post my set up but my desk is currently drowning is wadded up burgerwrappers, paper bags, dog hair and torn open shipping packets with the parts still in them since I'm afraid I'll lose and forget about them if I put them somewhere else.
>You sound fat
Yes I am
>"A cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, anon"
Yes, but have you considered I simply don't feel like cleaning it fully once I've got enough space for my mouse and keyboard?
>Bro, just fucking clean your desk
Fuck you, suck my dick and pick up my mobile order from Burger King. I won't do what you tell me.
post it fatso
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What's the point of putting video cards on display?
I could understand if it was the Evangelion Asuka itasha card or some other waifu card. But from this angle they just look like random cards. Just put them on ebay if you aren't gonna use them.
>post it fatso
Before or after I finish eating?
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Too late, here it is
pls don't dox me
how do you even use the mouse
>fittest /ck/ jannie
im middle management in logistics, not the most interesting thing but it pays very well and i only really work maybe 30 hours a week
theyre just cards i like, especially those ones, i have the rare ones downstairs
on that shelf is an MSI golden edition GTX 970, a sapphire toxic R9 280x and an ASL King Kong GTX 780
I like them, the 970 has a cool copper heatsink, the 280x is the one that survived my old crossfire setup which set my thermaltake tr-2 power supply on fire, and the king kong is just amusing because its fucking huge
Why do you live like this??
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pic related

I'm currently in the process of expanding my room and building a computer desk directly into the wall. Except the only time I'll have to work on it is during my vacation (6 months from now)Since I'll have to tear down the wall and replace the studs and put up paneling and plywood to replace the planks that actually make up the walls

I'm a spic, I'm used to being and living in half-built shit. But real answer is I'm always working on little side projects to make some extra money Like those gameboys hidden in the picture have upgraded screens and added flashcarts might make them usb-c rechargeable but am waiting to see if someone develops a wireless charging method for them.
And if I have time to clean up then I have time to work on those little projects and end up prioritizing that instead.
Is that you manuel? The dominos delivery guy?
That leather jack looks chinese as fuck.
Get some real leather
No, but I do work in delivery.
Do you sell your stuff on ebay?
I try to sell in person, since I know there are more resellers than actual end buyers. Since mostly deal in restoration or upgrading of old game consoles. It's nothing special or very difficult if you know how to solder but my older coworkers and some people I meet through them always have some old console hidden away at their house that doesn't work or couldn't get to work.
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>kill an innocent sentient being just to get a slightly better quality jacket
Noble Anon.
I can name about 95% of the figures in this room. How over is it?
>retards sitting too close to their speakers and destroying the stereo effect: the thread
For my use, yes. Normie webshit, programming, and game emulation work great on it. I'm currently working on making Age of Mythology run on it with box86+wine, but I'm stuck at the black screen main menu bug.
i am pretty sure those animals were killed for their flesh anyway which you have eaten hundreds of pounds of since the day you were born and your bloodline has the blood of millions of animals on their hands which produced you as a human being so you really should stop taking this moral high ground pal and accept that you are complicit
soulless, delusions of grandeur, and pretending to work
is this real or shopped?
Nice projection, murderous beast.
Likely real. Sometime a pimp nigga juss wanna feel pretty
>innocent sentient being
Dolphins beat and rape porpoises and intentionally let them themselves get stung by blowfish to intoxicate themselves,
Chimpanzees have been observed to torture dingos and other smaller animals by slamming them to the ground to damage their legs and letting them go so they can slowly chase and exhaust them for fun.
And there are other instances that have been observe of cruelty and evil from animals. People seem to forget Humans are animals, too. So it isn't strange for some animals to share human behaviors.

It's literally the truth for every living human being on earth. The only exception is if you were test tube baby grown with artificially constructed DNA therefore having no true parent or direct ancestor. Unless that's you, You ARE complicit as you have benefited (by being born) and continue to benefit (by staying alive) from actions you disagree with (killing animals for resources) but choosing to not undo or prevent further benefit (Youth in Asia(homonym)). Going vegan does not undo the past efforts of your ancestors. If you really want to prove them wrong then sterilize yourself so that you may never pass on their DNA effectively rendering all their efforts to extend the life of their lineage moot.
Projection literally means the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds.

PETA was unironically created to discredit animal rights activists, and have been succeeding in part due to the fact that animal rights activists are borderline sociopathic which hurts them even more.
Reminds me of the anti-flea shampoo I bought for my dog that proudly states "Not tested on animals". Well then how the fuck do they know it's safe?
it's from when he visited the BuzzFeed office
The screen is off, so it must just be pretend.
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Just rebuilt pc inside this case, and decided to place it on the desk. I think a bigger desk is in order sometime in the next year...
Bro got the Costco + Ikea set up
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Going back to 2016 to bump
>slightly better quality jacket
My nigga PU is dog shit. It disintegrates if you breathe on it and it is obvious as fuck. If you pay the same price as leather for PU (which is something I normaly see at most clothing stores) or you are not buying it for dirt cheap you are a retard. And even then if you are buying cheap PU why don't you buy some other kind of jacket that will be compareble, if not more durable than PU?

If you are not willing to break some eggs to make an omelette then don't choose omelette.
NorthGODS let's g-
you fag.
My Slytherin-themed station would get destroyed here.
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My setup in the closet from scavenged parts
sorry anon, I need to get work done :'(
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id love to get a new desk...
w-what is "jackfruit"??
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Is your eroge worth playing Icelander bro? I've noticed you like it quite a lot.
I want you, anon
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had to have standing sesh this evening, cheeks hurt from sitting at work and after work so I made a makeshift standing desk using the bed table or however the fuck it's called
Why the toilet paper?
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The largest tree fruit.
Still yet to see a left hand side mouse user in these threads
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swag monitors
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must have been a real pain in the ass.
>Evangelion Asuka itasha card or some other waifu card
I never knew they did this with video cards. Companies will do literally anything to profit. I know they do this same thing with gun accessories.
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It's been like that since the early days of gpu's, it just isn't as common anymore sadly.
>It's been like that since the early days of gpu's
Ah, I see.

>it just isn't as common anymore sadly.
I just searched "custom artwork on video cards" and you can get pretty much anything you want, even 3D printed stuff, which I also was not aware of. Pretty cool. That's probably why they just sell cards mostly plain now if I had to guess.
>cheeks hurt from sitting at work and after work
I have been considering purchasing a higher-end model standing desk for a while now (so it lasts and can hold a lot of weight), because my knees keep killing me when sitting only, but standing I am fine. My chair is fine, but it's when my knees are bent for whatever reason. Shit sucks.
what's the jackery for anon?
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moving into a unaboomer cabin soon, so most of my stuff fits in this photo. shit quality because i refuse to upgrade my phone or get a camera
are you dutch?
Why do all trannies have those shark stuffed animal things? Is it a no-longer secret handshake thing?
It has the colours of the trans / transfemme flag, it's large, cheap, and fairly well made. I think that's basically it.
And no I do not have one, because I'm not trans.
I wanted to get one for my cat but it's too deeply steeped in that culture. And what if my cat gets gender dysphoria.
A cabin in the middle of the woods sounds comfy. Remember to stock up on postage stamps
I notice they have Hello Kitty stuff a lot too.

>what if my cat gets gender dysphoria.
Damn anon, lmao. This world is so gone nowadays who knows.
Are those Wooting silicone wrist rests any good or are they over-hyped?
>And what if my cat gets gender dysphoria.
your cat needs to lift and drink onion juice.
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It's messy but it's mine.
Just build one for WAY less, it takes like an hour.

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