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old >>102407456
I fixed my 'puter problem of 4chan sounds not working, no thanks to any of you dumb nerds. I just had to update my Mac OS. Guess I'm not stupid enough to post in this thread. I should have a higher opinion of my self when it comes to 'puters
>Had to update MacOS
>Not stupid
I'm aware of Putty to access Ubuntu remotely on Windows with the terminal, but is there another remote option? Like actually using the Ubuntu desktop while on Windows? I know it's possible between Windows PCs but how do I set it up so I can do it between Linux and Windows?
Semi-technology related; related to my faggot station, how much should I pay for a tanker desk? I know a place that's selling them for somewhere between $100-200 depending on the size/type, but I know I'll probably get kiked™. There've been a few listings for them locally, but they're all from a few months ago; they've probably already been long sold.

>inb4 why tanker desk?
I need something that isn't /csg/-tier. I need something sturdy enough to not collapse under the weight of my CRT, and be spacious as well. Watashi thinks it will look very kawaii and will be very popular in the /bst/ threads, as well as in my frutigger-themed TikToks :3
Is this the place to ask stupid questions?
Can a change to software cause the battery to explode, I have only seen batteries burn furiously and a minor pop.
>Can a change to software cause the battery to explode
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Maybe a flip phone and Mint Mobile, or a tracphone
samsung b310
What is the cost in materials and man-hours to build a mile of road?
What are some linux commands to dick around Artist Image which is not the same as Cover Art in sound files? Have had no luck with eye3D, ffmpeg, nor metaflac.
$1-3+ million USD
What kind of road?
What's the time-frame?
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i wanna charge my 3ds but if i bump these wires at all it stops charging like this
how do i make them stay together, they're like 1mm big so i dont think i can wrap tape around them
What container file are you using?
It's just a normal *.mp3 and *.flac laying around. Nothing special.
you could try to use electrical cable connectors with screws.
but you should probably solder it. but if you don't know how you will makes things worse so try the first option.
How easy would it be to lie my way into a help desk position with no prior work experience? I did compTIA A+ courses but never took the exam. Understood all of it as I've been into tech for a long time.
>Place laptop on mousepad
>fan at minimum speeds is silent but it gets considerably hot on load
>Use a laptop stand
>Temps on load go way down 10C or more
>Fan whistling noise that's annoying as fuck if the laptop isn't completely idle
Can't change fan speeds through software, can't undervolt, this shit is locked down. What do? I heard cooling pads are also noisy.
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godot user here. should i rename this function in your opinion? i'm not aligned with juan, politically or sexually
Where is the yt-dlp ffmpeg thread?
clean it the fuck up.
go for it, most helpdesk today is just scripted no real troubleshooting involved.
Is 4chang working like shit lately, or is it something on my end?
Just rebooting should fix it, try safe mode if not. Don't listen to the guy saying it's a disk issue, wangblows really loves randomly pulling shit like this with corrupted video files, probably has something to do with thumbnail generation.
Kuroba Ex hasnt been working for fucking years, ever since the captcha system was changed, and although I just been using the browser app it has finally gotten annoying

What's the best android app to browse and post o 4chan?
Are "privacy laptops" worth it?
Looked at puri.sm but I really have no interest in their custom distro, but more the lack of Intel ME in the chip, physical camera and wifi disabling buttons.

Are there conventional, cheaper alternatives?
is not up either
Linear or tactile keys?
Worth it for what? What are you trying to accomplish? When you actually start using these products you will find out that your "problem" was entirely theoretical. The actual problem is us cattle not being able to monetize our data and generate an income from it.
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>Intel ME in the chip, physical camera and wifi disabling buttons
>physical camera and wifi disabling buttons
>wifi disabling buttons
As far as I know the Wi-Fi button doesn't do much physicals. It's just a key as in keyboard key and pressing it politely asks the OS to turn off wireless devices.
On Ganoo/Lonox you'd rfkill your Wi-Fi/Bluetooth.
It's completely clean, I disassembled the fucking fan even. There's absolutely nothing obstructing airflow inside or as part of the laptop.
Put a drop of machine oil on the shaft.
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Whenever I start Dropbox, it almost always breaks some games' icons. Why is this happening?
I want to start simple podcast, with my friend for fun.
We would be using our phones as audio recorders
>Do we need specific mic?
>Is there a phone solution to cancel white noise?
>Is there service that we can upload for free?
Why am i getting an overhead of almost 10x the time in nanoseconds for doing merge sort on a list of random integers than quicksort?

They both follow a similar development, O(nlogn), it's just that the absolute time for merge sort on smaller arrrays, 100-5000 is horrendous compared to quicksort

Why? I don't get why. Is it just the heap allocation of the temporary halves hogging clocks? How large exactly do the arrays have to be for merge sort to outpace quicksort? Trillions of numbers??
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Am I doing something wrong? In connected this shit to my macbook via SATA to USB cable and its not showing up at all.
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Is Firefox providing fake malware warnings for downloading youtube videos now?
>Is it just the heap allocation of the temporary halves hogging clocks?
>How large exactly do the arrays have to be for merge sort to outpace quicksort?
quicksort is usually faster than mergesort
>>Do we need specific mic?
>>Is there service that we can upload for free?
last time I checked soundcloud was free
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>SATA to USB cable
I don't trust those. One SATA to USB dock I have don't work with SSDs at all. (dock counts as "cable")
As in no power? Then it can't do 3.5 inch HDDs.
Okay how do I actually view the fucking files on this old piece of shit HDD? I don't wanna connect it to my main pc since that hdd was full of viruses and shit.
What do you recommend?
>I don't wanna connect it to my main pc since that hdd was full of viruses and shit
lol you think you aren't connecting it with USB? It's just an interface.
Just dont run anything off it and it's fine.
I have a laptop that no longer charges and no one's been able to fix it. There's a bunch of files on the laptop's SSD I want to save. My local repair shop said if they remove the SSD into an external drive there might be security problems that make the files irretrievable.

I have about a half-hour of battery life left. Should I just use a flash drive and try to get as much off it onto another device as I can? Or does anyone have a more clever solution?
Yeah it's still isn't recognized even on my pc, what the fuck is wrong with that HDD?
How do you view what is eating up your disc space?
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What the FUCK am I doing wrong?
Are you using windows? I've just gone to the drive and searched for * (wildcard that finds all files), and then there's a size filter that you can use to see the biggest files taking up the most space.
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>I2Pd says network is firewalled
>Enable UPnP
>Still firewalled
Not sure whats gone wrong, other programs use UPnP just fine.
Doubt its ISP level, as I tested it on my phone and it worked fine
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I've been getting this message after restart my pc for a while now. It's a relatively new pc (1year) i've reapplied thermal paste and the fan is fluish to the motherboard so what gives?
Are you able to check the CPU temp in the BIOS or elsewhere? Then you could confirm if it's actually hot or if it's a false alarm. If it's hot and it's your own build you'd have to look into your cooling setup, but if it's a false alarm you could see if there's a firmware update or something to fix it.
Custom build or pre-build? DIY or outsource?
Why is there a 4chanx and a 4chanxt? What is the difference, really?
ill try checking it
>firmware update
for what?
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That's the paste I'm using BTW
Sorry, maybe saying "BIOS Update" or "Intel Drivers" would have been better. If it's a false alarm you'll have to find what's throwing the error and the easiest fix is probably just updating to the latest version of whatever it is and seeing if that fixes it.
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wtf is this shit Microshit ?
Let me guess, you are on LGBT IoT? Why? This is pre-installed on normal builds of Windows 11 including: Home, Pro, Pro for Workstations, Education, and Enterprise.
I plan to get a machine dedicated for some data scraping tasks, it would at most need to run some headless browsers.
Is a raspberry pi enough for the task or should I go with a mini pc? Keep thinking storage could be a problem down the line too
Never really used either a pi nor mini pc
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windows 10 anon
anyone have any advice for scraping instagram with nodejs
any idea what program the icon in the middle is?
I'm running macos
clicking it does nothing.
Do you gotta wear a mask when cleaning out your pc from dust?
Iphone :
Question :
Is it possible to use an iphone to print on a printer connected via a cable?
Unanimous reply (source forum apple) :

https://www.lifewire.com/print-from-iphone-6749116 says yes.

"Don't have an AirPrint printer? You can print directly from your iPhone using a USB cable attached to the printer and iPhone. All you need is a USB adapter that plugs into your iPhone's Lightning port and a USB cable to plug into your printer (not all adapters support printing so be sure to check). Once you've made the connection, the steps above are the same."

Can anyone tell me if it works?
I'm not yet in possession of the items needed for the test.
Tree Size Free
Fast as fuck, windirstat is slow as balls
Those adapter are for 2.5 inch disks, aka laptop disks you dumbass, it only supplies 5v, You need a proper 3.5 adapter that supply 12v too
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3.5" disk require external power
/spg/ has to be one of the most useless and yellowest/brownest generals of 4chan. So I will ask here instead, what does it mean when a browser starts throwing certificate errors on almost every website? Specifically, an android web browser.

And what hypothetical way to fix this would be. Lets start with the assumption that you cannot update the OS or the app itself. There must be a way to either ignore these errors, or update the certs on my end.
shiiet, where do I buy the correct one?
How do I make a portable browser open up an HTTP/HTTPs file automatically? It only gives me options to open them on my installed browsers...
can viruses hide in simple files like text documents, images, etc?
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>4chan sounds
Yes, but until you change their extension and run them they're not going to work
any file can be malicious by exploiting a vulnerability in the program opening it
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So is it possible to use a l*ptop like a PC case with the screen down if you got a separate monitor and kb/m?
is there any browser extension or script to filter out all femoid, jeet and nigger channels when searching for something on youtube?
So how do extract files from my old virus infested HDD then? I mean besides just plugging it into my new pc/
Any convenient way to set VLC as the default video player on Windows 11?
Just extract stuff like images, documents and videos and not games/programs
It's unlikely that a virus was in any one of those
How into GPU and display drivers to make computer graphics appear saars?
What programs do you think have very good gui ?
transferring them to your new pc is not a problem. they can only be dangerous if you run them. so just scan them with an AV before that to make sure.
Light linear if you're going to hone your touch typing to court stenographer levels, otherwise tactile.
My phone is always dying because I never use it, and it only tells me it's dying at 15% or when it shuts off. Can I get it to just ring every 30 minutes when it's below 15% so I put it on the charger?
unless you find an option for it in the battery settings which i doubt, best i can recommend on android is this: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.jens.automation2/
I vividly remember seeing some kind of a thumb drive ssd. How's this thing called?
If I have a game that is just a bunch of files that can be run directly from them, like a rip of a Steam game, is there any way to convert those files into an installer, like a setup.exe file with bin files?
How do you remove an attachment from a post on 4chan again??
what antivirus should I be using alongside CommonSense?
If using 4chanx you just click the X-in-a-circle icon. If not, I dunno, copy your post, close the reply window, and open a new reply window?
Do any apps on Android like Kuroba work for posting on cell networks if you're using a 4chan pass?
I'm guessing no. I was able to post once from mobile browser and then it locked me out saying the device wasn't authorized.
Yeah, but you could just pack them into a .zip or .7z file.
Yes, there was another way though, Ctrl + another key...I forgot
I want to convert webms to mp4's while having matching bitrate/quality
Is there any way to automatically do this
Suggestions on a metal mouse? I'm surprised how hard it is to find a non-plastic mouse
webm and mp4 are containers, you can just swap containers and keep the video itself if the format is supported by both
give try handbrake, iirc it has queue support
>give handbrake a try
reminder that 4chin only accepts VP8/VP9 video afaik
>They are all wireless
I wish this fad would just fucking die, or at least give me a choice between wireless or wired.
It depends on the dust and if you're allergic. I don't.
Hawk tuah! Buy that shit!
I share the same opinion, me dude. Their future-proof sucks.
Handbrake has support for those nowadays
Brave Browser, PiHole, Linux Mint
Flash drives are already solid state, just find a USB 3.x or USB C version.
Play around with your settings so it doesn't drain as fast.
Set close lid function to do nothing in power settings
How would it be done? I guess I'm just asking out of curiosity because I know when the Scene releases games, they release them in .iso formats, with the .iso file containing the installer and bin files.
Try opening the page incognito. If the error doesn't happen, it's your cache, if it does, it's either your browser being out of date or the website is out of of date, or the certificate expired and you should remove it from your phone.
I don't, but it probably couldn't hurt. Do it outside or in a well ventilated area.
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, VLC, pick one
What is the best way to quickly move large volumes of data between computers?
Cool thanks.
Wire or wireless? and what OS?
And I've got a drive dock that does *nothing but* HDDs. Fuck this world.
upnp is just a protocol that kindly asks a router for a port. I wouldn't trust it ever anywhere -> do a normal port forward from your router.
And oh, set your IP as static first. It WILL get changed sooner or later if you use DHCP.
>Doubt its ISP level, as I tested it on my phone and it worked fine
Maybe your phone just so happened to speak version X of the protocol instead of Y. Again, wouldn't trust those things.
tl;dr do shit properly
>USB 3 flash drive
>never transfers at speeds that would exceed the old USB 2
Why do they even make this stuff. Or fucking USB3 SD card readers lmao
print it out on the donor computer and type it in to the recipient computer. i thought everyone knew this.
this kills the donor computer
you can't break and omelette without making eggs.
added t
clonezilla if you're not that more clever
>Why is this happening?
they're trying to drive you insane so that your spirit will be crushed and you'll sign up for their premium tier.
>your "problem" was entirely theoretical.
it probably makes it worse for us in the long run. when an entire demographic excludes itself from the algorithm it ceases to be relevant and stops getting served. still not watching ads though, i've got no desire to be relevant.
hot glue gun son
Take the drive out and read it lmao.
>My local repair shop said if they remove the SSD into an external drive there might be security problems that make the files irretrievable.
This boils down to full disk encryption and a TPM chip. I bet you got no such thing going on.
Even so, why not take the drive out and read it??
what is cumming on it gonna do
I'm forced by circumstance to use an iphone until at least late December, so I have a few questions as someone who has never used one before:
>What's the best way to make browsing a not-miserable experience? Can I install Firefox+Ublock on it?
>Is there a Clover/Kuroba/imageboard app equivalent for iphones? I like to browse/post while in the shitter and in bed.
>Can I bypass the app store and install shit on my own?
lock the gay wires in place, soldering's for boomers and losers. chad uses hot glue for everything.
Suddenly qBittorrent failed to listen to its selected port. I have tried another open port, but it still doesn't work. I didn't change anything. I also tried another client, which has no problem to connect. Aside from reinstalling any ideas?
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Soldering is a generic way of attaching copper case you don't have crimps.
Can't see shit. Just twist them together, then add solder if you can and tape otherwise. Carefully strip a bit of the insulation on one side if it's not long enough. I guess glue works too.
Short term it hardly matters, but you'd want some solder AND electric tape if you want to come any close to actually repairing it.
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What does netstat say? Is it listening it or not?
Did you do forwarding manually while leaving your PC on DHCP - the so called automatic IP? Could be your internal IP (finally) changed and the port forward setting is no longer valid. This is why you'd want to configure relevant devices manually and leave DHCP for dumb shit like a tablet that casually accesses internets. Or a smart toaster that casually updates time.
Why is the HTML of most websites so complicated and unreadable?
It's not human-made.
they always get under my fingernail and hurt my pinkie, i'll stick with the hot glue fanx.
Insulation is another story. And if you want a competition on who's the ghettoest: use tape instead of hot glue.
What is it made by? I'm not talking about websites made with stuff like Wix and Wordpress.
It's generated by the execution of javascript, which is itself generated by the compilation of a javascript framework.
By JavaScript frameworks, you mean stuff like React and Angular right?
To the usual port I use for qt netstat says "last-ack".
>Did you do forwarding manually while leaving your PC on DHCP - the so called automatic IP?
I set port forwarding in qt. But I didn't change anything. It worked all the time, no matter what IP. Other clients still work and I didn't change anything.
>Or a smart toaster that casually updates time.
I noticed my batterie is running low, I always need to adjust time/date manually. Could this cause the trouble?
>instead of hot glue
why are you trying to bring about the final solution to the hot glue question. what has hot glue ever done to you?
Thank you for the response! Glad it sounds like you know what's up. It's an older laptop so I'm assuming no TPM, at least no TPM 2.0. Is there really no risk in taking the SSD out myself? I can unscrew the case to open up the laptop and try and get the SSD out that way but I really don't want to screw it up and lose everything.
> Using company issued ipad + magic keyboard
> Installed Crave app
> Pressing tab on magic keyboard crashes the app
What causes this?
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dafuq did I do to get followed by this guy?
As far as I know only Windows 11 uses it for those purposes. And naturally any Linux or Unix system that's crafted so.
And there's nothing to mess up even if the drive was encrypted so idk what that was about.
>I can unscrew the case to open up the laptop and try and get the SSD out that way but I really don't want to screw it up
Laptops vary from chinkshit that's taped and glued together to nice laptops that are designed to be opened up without issues. But usually it's a no brainer.
I noticed the raspberry pi 5 has slots for connecting 2 cameras, is it powerful enough to record from 2 at once?
Realistically, how old is too old to start getting into IT field and working at certs? Just doing helpdesk stuff
It happens in incognito too. Doesn't happen on my desktop in either browser, or on a newer phone with a newer browser version.

I think both the browser and android itself gives an option to "install certificates", want to know what it is that I have to look for and where. There are guides online but they seem for sysadmins who are managing whole groups of Windows computers.

I know they exist for a reason, but it's not like I'm gonna do banking or anything from this phone, it's just an old tablet that I use from bed.

Looking at my phones Security > CA Certificates tab, I can see a few certs that already expired, they have a disable button but not uninstall. Do I have to check a non-working website on my phone and look up that site on my desktop and reverse search the certs info online?
How (how)
I'm switching from AMD RX 6700XT to NVIDIA RTX 4090. (putting in a 1250W PSU as well)
What do I need to do?
Is DDU overkill/outdated?
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I'm about to rma an unencrypted porn drive with archived movies to Western Digital tomorrow. The drive is borked and unresponsive, can't zero
Do they actually try to look at the content within or does it just go straight to the industrial degausser?
can't run a cable through house nor powerline adapter, what're some "good" USB wireless adapters for not a lot of money? I'm poor
what does it mean if my computer screens turn off and then the computer fans go really hard and loud until I turn the computer off with the power button?
My computer is from 2020 and recently I put a 4070ti super in it to make it faster
Now that I've downloaded all my music, from different sources, all probably shit, what is a good music player for my PC?
why do people defend xmpp, it's a dogshit prootocl
I have a question about peripherals. I have limited USB ports. To help me prioritize what should go where, please tell me what should go into what, i.e...

>USB port/s
>Wireless Dongle/s

I know some things can be bluetooth, but probably shouldn't be, because of latency like your keyboard and/or mouse. I also know that wireless dongles have come a long way and are faster than bluetooth, nearly as fast as a hard wired usb connection. Anyway, any advisement on what should be bluetooth especially appreciated.

Thank you.
Bluetooth doesn't really matter in 2024. If you're not playing game tournaments with hundred-thousand-dollar prize pools that 1ms difference is not going to matter. Have some humility.
Sounds like driver failure, maybe your GPU not getting enough power. Try a clean uninstall of your drivers first, reinstall them and see if that helps. You probably need a 700W PSU or better as well depebding on your CPU and other components.
Get a PCIE wifi card instead. TP Link AX3000 is fine.
Foobar2000, MusicBee, WinAmp
>Sounds like driver failure, maybe your GPU not getting enough power. Try a clean uninstall of your drivers first, reinstall them and see if that helps. You probably need a 700W PSU or better as well depebding on your CPU and other components.

I will try the drivers, I added all the wattage up and my system only uses 525W and I ave a750W PSU
thanks for the reply.
I was retarded and bought cheapshit small form factor (mATX mobo), so case won't fit it without getting rid of my video card
not super keen on buying a new case and motherboard since I don't really need a system upgrade yet, but will keep an eye on pcie ones if this computer shits itself any time soon
the latency really does not make much of a difference.
and if you want to go max usb ports get a small hub. won't noticably impact anything unless it draws a lot of power (external drives etc)
could be drawing too much power, could be overheating
take the hdd out of one and put it in the other
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Hello, fellow anons. Did someone tried to use proxy v2ray via vless protocol, while being connected to the Internet via PPPoE?
I have tried and drastically failed to esteblish stable connection, since I checked on other devices in other locations and everything was fine, so I am about to blame PPPoE for my failure.
We need a lightweight modern replacement for XMPP ASAP.
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Is there a foss software to clone my os for a new PC? All of the HDD cloning software I search are paid bullshit with over creep features
There's clonezilla and at least one other one that does the same thing. It's not as easy as macrium if you're cloning to a storage device that isn't bigger.
No one uses it, so no one has heard anything bad about it. makes it easy to boast about using.
instant messaging already has far too many competing standards, none of which are trustworthy and any that are have no users. which is also why it's easy to try and talk about xmpp as if it's above the mess.
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How can I add more reverse image searches options to 4chanX?
Depends on the OS. You can 'copy paste' a Linux system to a new place, configure a bit and call it a day.
(why doesn't 4chins give Windows instructions to that procedure?? (can you even do it with Windows?))
i want to start giving a shit about my body and health, can someone recommend a good app for meal planning? i've been doing some light exercise 3 times a week for like a year to ease myself into making other health changes like to my diet and sleep schedule but the biggest hurdle i have is i have no idea at all where to start with counting calories or getting the right vitamins.

x is basically dead and hasn't gotten any updates in a year. xt is x with a bunch more features that may or may not be useful to you depending on what you use the site for (e.g. it has automatic ID counting on boards with IDs, which counts how many IDs are in any thread, and it has a script to show where on page 10 a thread is to show how close it is to archiving).

you probably should just in case, or if not a mask just wrap a shirt around your mouth and nose.
are there off-the-shelf solutions for splitting off ssd/hdds from other hardware so you can flip a switch or two and run some schizobabble linux off a usb stick when you're feeling like some real targeted person shit
You want to physically detach drives?
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I have a Dell Wyse 5060. It is destined to be my new little server and/or toy. Instead of an ethernet port it has an sfp port. Will any gigabit transceiver work if I want to add gigabit ethernet?
something like this
usb enclosure
>I have limited USB ports
Why don't zoomers know what USB hub is?
Should I be capping my GPU to go to 99% at absolute max rather than 100?
I don't want it overclocking itself cause it was expensive and I heard that this is safer but I don't know if limiting it in this way could be causing issues I don't know about

I have a 4070 super if that matters
Any mt7921 adapter off Ali
>Have some humility
Projection much? Stupid retard nigger
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what is currently the best free/cheap Photoshop alternative?
Currently I'm using Gimp while it's pretty good but kinda instable at times I was wondering if there was anything better/more close to PS.
No that's retarded. You're not going to damage the card by undervolting it.
I'm pretty sure it's either overclocked or it isn't, it's not going to overclock itself.
Is there any good software for renaming tv show episodes? Say if I have TV>TV Show>Season 01, 02 etc. is there a program to batch rename the files in accordance to some database that will name the files something proper like: Breaking Bad (2008) S01E05 name of the episode.mkv?
Clip Studio Paint
it is a buy-once license
it has all the basic image manipulation features and "it just works"
because of japanese autism, some things you can't do directly like in photoshop and have to do with more complicated tools in several steps like color replacement
if you care about digital drawing or 2d animation, it's better than photoshop
they have sales a couple of times a year, you can get the Pro version for like ~$30 ($54 standard)
don't bother with the EX version
it'll take a bit to get used to if you're moving from photoshop or gimp, it's not too intuitive
community guides are ok, better than gimp atleast, but mostly centered around digital art
if I'm being honest, be a real nigga and try before you buy
Considering that there aren't really any good metal mouses out there, I'm curious what other non-plastic mouses or just weird/interesting mouses are out there.
Been having a problem for a while, and I really do not know the solution. Basically an older hard drive with some important passwords died where the part of the HDD that stores the boot record is just gone. I was able to get 99% of the stuff off, but trying to extract the Chrome Browser it starts to fuck up. I was able to get bookmarks. The password file was empty after copying it, which is very confusing. Trying to do stuff like extensions and it crashes due to errors. I had to use a Bios recovery tool build into the PC to get the files, since the HDD doesn't show up with other OS's I tested, so was it possible that the HP Bios recovery built into the system removed the passwords when copying? It was the only thing that actually detected the drive and that there was files on it.
>if you care about digital drawing or 2d animation, it's better than photoshop
that sounds to good to be true. But since I mainly work with digital drawings it could be my thing.
I'm going to try it out. thanks

what's your opinon on Affinity?
Clonelzilla? I'll try it out

Windows btw. I just want 2 copy my entire os into a new SSD I bought
is the internet archive super slow today for anyone else or is something fucked with my internet?
I use iOS and Mullvad. Is there any way for me to poast on 4chan while my VPN is active - split tunneling sadly isn't an option.
TL;DR: Want to track heart rate via ECG with lots of storage or an accurate fitness device with a good enough ppg sensor group to give me reliable trends.

I want a recommendation on my kettlebell journey, it's a strength endurance workout and my miband 7 jumped in one second to the other from 142 BPM to 182bpm.

I might need a better alternative to look into or to research.

The polar H10 sounded good until I found out it can only cache one workout every time.
So my next best bet seems to be looking for the best PPG sensors money can buy to track my workout and give me a good enough estimate as I try to force matter and anti-matter to copulate for 30 minutes 4 times a week.

Chinese brands are also cool with me as long as I can connect them with Google health connect.

I am also, for now, open to wait until I find a good enough tracker that fits my needs.
I just don't know how well the mi band 7 can track a reliable trend for every month.
>(why doesn't 4chins give Windows instructions to that procedure?? (can you even do it with Windows?))
you can with looks like wimlib
also the reason you don't really see it in windows threads is because windows users don't tend to be as technically capable, i use stuff like that to back up and transfer windows installations... from linux, as a linux user, i didn't do that when i was a windows user
What do you not understand about convenient? I'm looking for a 1-click solution like you were able to do on Windows 10.
don't worry, it's not too good to be true. it's actually the industry standard for comics in both japan and america for the past decade (it used to be called manga studio for a reason), and i typically only hear people say they use photoshop for them because that's what they're used to and that's always in america.
More of a request than a question, but, can someone write me a script to automatically batch embed LRC files Into FLAC or MP3 files and delete said LRC files Afterward? It would be great if it would work with subfolders too.
This script "pastebin.com/d7uAnEjg" used to do the trick for me, but now it no longer work

got an interesting issue with a few webm's i made for /wsg/ a few years ago. usually webm's and mp4's can be played on a VRChat video player by sending them to a discord channel, private or public, and copying the video link with little to no issue other than the type of encode sometimes causing the video to not be played

for this and the others though, it lags out the entire instance whether in VR or on desktop to about 2-3 frames per second, and once the video on the vrc player is changed will linger for about another few minutes before stabilizing again. the video also never actually loads on the player

ive got no idea why this is the case, from my memory when i used ffmpeg to encode the webm's it was a simple ffmpeg -i image.png audio.mp3 output.webm, with a few extra flags to specify vp8, vorbis audio, and maybe some bitrate controls and to loop the image or something like that. idk its been a few years but it wasn't that complicated. even downloading the file linked above, with 4ch stripping its meta data and retrying it also produces the same effect

any ideas what might be going on behind the scenes? other webm's saved from /wsg/ can play without issue, to also include webm's from /gif/ and /wsg directly from 4chans 4cdn links
so I got this laptop hooked up to my TV that I use to access my jellyfin server and torrent
I'm looking for a local remote control type thing where I can use it to play music off youtube without turning on the TV
(it goes through a stand alone speaker system)
any suggestions?
The one i own has shitty r/w speeds.
they had some ddos attacks to deal with a few weeks ago, so i believe those might still be ongoing and could be the cause of this problem?
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When I turn off upscaling and choose native resolution in games, my GPU gets very hot and fans go crazy. When I turn off upscaling and set it to quality mode, it goes back to normal. Is this normal?
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I want to download a bunch of videos from pornhub onto my iPhone, how do I do that without loosing quality? What's the best "name to mp4" site out there?
USB SSD. You have to look up write speed tests because performance is all over the place, but there are lots of good ones.

I meant "turn on" in the second sentence.
Buy a pass.
I don't know if this is a 4chan thing or a 4chanX thing, but the auto-posting feature is pissing me off. If I type the captcha wrong, it tries again with a countdown of two seconds, and instead of just typing the captcha I have to move my hand to the mouse and stop it before it tries to post again, which refreshes the captcha a second time. Why two seconds? There's no way to analyze and type it in just two seconds. That's how long it takes to just load, even. Just now it attempted to post regardless of me stopping it. I've looked through the settings and there's nothing I can see that is related to captcha or auto-retry posting timers. Is there a way to disable this shit?
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Thinking about getting Vmware for a virtual machine, but I don't feel like registering anything at that broadcom thing. But I did find a download link at techspot here: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/1969-vmware-player.html
Anyone know if that's good to use? I tried using virtualbox but I couldn't handle how it ran
There is a blacklist for popular indian channels: https://pastebin.com/XYNk2Qpw
Made by /g/ anons under "Clean YouTube Project" if you want to look at the couple of threads about it
In the sauce submenu. I eventually removed them all to reduce unnecessary info from posts though and switched to using the "image search options" browser extension.
>now it no longer work
why don't you just fix it timmy?
From this tomshardware thread: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/hdd-ssd-on-off-switch.3720645/
They show options for both back and front panels:
You do still have to power down between off/on of course. Perhaps a bios/uefi-based method would be a better option?
...isn't it just because native is a higher resolution and requires more compute?
There's seems to be a "shortcut" (basic gui for yt-dlp) that uses a-shell (to do the actual work): https://routinehub.co/shortcut/7284/
I'm pretty sure yt-dlp has supported pornhub for a long while
Is there a special settings with the Raspberry PI I have to set to install certain OSs? I think I'll use a spare PC I have, but it doesn't like certain isos to boot into them
You mean "Auto-load captcha" and "Post on Captcha Completion"? I turn all that stuff off since I like to press the submit button myself
I came here some days ago with the issue that some of the fonts in my PC aren't displaying as intended

After some investigation and thinking, I came to the conclusion that my Windows 10 has a bug affecting the non-Latin fonts

How would you fix this?
To update my BIOS, I
>download the bios update
>paste the extracted files into a USB
That's all I have to do?
No idea about your system, but you have to select the files to update it in the bios. Some PCs have it with a utility in the OS level.
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how do i avoid geting instantly shadow banned upon account creation? god the canvas blocker for chrome but maybe i would even need to change the brower, not to mention my ip
to update bios, you
>read the fucking manual
>do what it says
you better make sure its the right software or else...
I only had auto-load captcha selected, the other thing was disabled. I tried a test post and my issue remains. Seems to have actually gotten worse, instead of retrying just once before giving up it retried five times, all at two-second intervals.
Depends on the motherboard. On mine, I have a flash button to do just that
I would try the DISM and sfc scannow :P The classic.
Already tried, didn't work
Hmm, is this similar to your case? https://superuser.com/questions/1194667/windows-10-displays-gibberish-text-in-some-apps
It's not gibberish, the shape of the fonts looks totally different as how they should be showed (let's say, they're replaced by Arial)

Still, I'll take a look at that article once I'm free
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I am a retard beginnerdev who needs handholding while learning to use git and developing on linux
Where can I find workflows from experienced, non-retards to copy?
Does librewolf not have an option to always use private browsing mode? The one advantage of such a mode is that your cache isn't written to disk, it's kept in ram and flushed when you close it.
>blowing out dust
>one of the fans spins rapidly for a second when I'm coughing from the cloud I kicked up
Is it over?
Unlikely, unless it's not posting anymore, turn the fucker on.
>fiddle with unscrewing cpu fans
>finally yoink fan out
>the cpu got pulled up with it
>it's still attached to the bottom
Uh is that how it works? I remember using the little lever.
Why can't I fit the plastic standoffs in on my thermalight cooler? I've been trying to screw these in for over ten minutes but no matter how many times I try it falls over like I didn't do anything. AM4
I was hosting a Minecraft server at home but now I'm back at my apartment and forgot that I can't do port-forwarding here. Is there a way to set something up for free through AWS or something like that where I can set up port-forwarding there and have it redirect traffic to and from my computer through the AWS server?
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Well fuck, did I ruin everything when I installed the first cooler or when I was trying to install this new one? Is that hole too wide now?
any good image viewing program for .tga files for win10? Is pictus good? There's thousands and most of them seem like total bloatware
What's an actually good email provider? I'm looking for something that's private enough that I don't need a phone number to sign up for, but also not something that I'm going to lose access to if a small company goes out of business.
It's not tga specific if you want a single task program but https://www.nyam.pe.kr/dev/imagine/
has the most sane configurability/feature-inclusion and gui while also supporting anything I've seen, I originally found it cause I was looking for an image viewer that could handle svg alongside the typical file formats.
It's not open source though. Also I'm on 8.1 so I can't speak to 10 compatibility.
I guess no one here is dumb enough to buy an iphone. No one to tell me if it works.
Nevermind fixed it the back plate slid away
in all the times i've visted these threads I've barely ever seen a question answered at all.
That doesn't mean you're not retarded though
>drive starts clicking
>panic sets in that it is my main 4tb drive
>ended up being my newest 1tb drive
>I only use the 1tb for backups once a week
>my 4tb Hitachi drive has been used non-stop for 10 years

Why does a drive rarely used die even though it is newer?
Oh according to backblaze I just bought a tank ten years ago...lol
I got the exact same model number:

$129 + free shipping (frys.com 5-12-14)
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What's a good program to rip CDs? I've just been using Windows Media Player.
Long ago I used nero and imgburn. Why would you even do this in 2024?
g books for building better AI friends? is there any better approach than just looping large language models with chain of thought?
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Does anyone have a good method to download all of the media posts from a user's Twitter page? All photos.
/twg ghosting question, perhaps its for this thread

ok so i have proxmox with nginx static site, grafana/prometheus, pi-hole, wireguard etc. for almost a year now, CCNA and 1YOE
tech support is no go for me, on call customer support at least.
do i apply for devops roles r noc teams ?

is there a chance for remote and where can i apply, linkedin and ?
Figured it out, gallery-dl can do it with the cookies-from-browser argument.
Can anyone give me a dummy's guide as to how to use the Goldberg Steam Emulator? I have the Steam files for this obscure game, but I can't get the game to run using the emulator. I'm using the instructions from here.
>is there a chance for remote and where can i apply, linkedin and ?
the market is in receession right now, remote roles all went overseas
Question for veteran macfags: how do I move a time machine volume to another disk?
for single player just replace original dll in game dir and that's it
if there is no original dll it's not a steam api game
for multiplayer all copies must have the same appid in txt file
if it does not run the game is using drm
maybe you need to apply steamless
Why are they like this? I thought it's literally the same chips in different case. Is it just rgbt cringe tax?
What exactly is the "x server" on linux/ubuntu?
X is the system for video output and keyboard/mouse/pen/etc. input on typical installs. For historical reasons it's built in a client-server architecture (try X-Forwarding over ssh) but you don't need to think about that.
appreciate it I will try it
I have a lot of CDs to rip. I guess I'll just stick to windows media player.
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It is a single-player game, and the game files has a steam_api.dll file. I don't know if it matters, but I downloaded the game from cs.rin.ru, and the archive consists of a "depotcache" folder and a "steamapps" folder. I also tried applying Steamless on the .exe file, but Steamless fails to unpack the file.
Seems like both jpegview and irfanview both support it
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hey guys, what do you think of this fan curve for gaming? its reasonably quiet while idle but heavy games make my PC louder than I'd like, I have a i7 12700k with a bequiet pureloop fx240 aio, on a case with unfortunately bad radiator airflow though, the CPU fans 66-67% is still very quite loud for my sensitive hearing, do I have more leeway to go lower fan rpm in high load temps because its liquid cooling is that a good idea?
Nice, the animation editor supports animated webps too. ScreenToGifs' editor only supports gifs (of course)
also in the future im definitely getting a 360 AIO if i get these fucking intel furnaces
How to install all optional dependencies from selected package on arch linux?
I set my curves to be a more aggressive curve. I don't care if it runs hot at idle. Since this is a CPU you could also push the rightmost point further right - 84C isn't that hot for a CPU at max whack
If you really want to lower the temps (and fan speeds with it), I would lower the power limit or voltage. You can really reduce heat with minimal performance loss that way - on the GPU side too
now that even workstation tier cpus have 96 cores why do we still deal with multitasking operating systems? Leave the hardware's job to the hardware, no sense in poorly emulating a cpu.
yeah like 100 C is the max throttle temp for this CPU, i think I'll push it just a bit further back, this CPU never hits 80+ with this curve at max load

i'll think about it but its kinda scary to fuck with that, and how much performance loss I'd tank, the GPU is no problem though, its fans are way less noisy than the case + cpu fans for me and keep it cool enough
...because you want more than 96 threads for every program to run?
For external hard drives, what's the difference between STKP and STGY?
I'm trying to link two PCs together by ethernet without a switch, I understand I need a crossover cable but as far as I can see the top speed is 1 gigabit and I want 2.5 gigabit. do 2.5G crossover cables even exist?
I asked in /wdg/ but I'll ask here too.

Why is web hosting and web development still a clusterfuck in 2024?
>be me
>spill rum and coke all into keyboard of macbook

i've learned that taking apart old macbooks is cancer
can i just pour on a fuck load of isopropyl alcohol or something to wash out enough corn syrup to make the keys not stick down anymore
You don't need crossover, it's all automatic now, just plug them up.
If you don't have a boot code display on your motherboard, always have a buzzer plugged in. It's hard to diagnose this kind of thing blind. It's pretty hard to break a PCIe slot so it's probably not that.
why do i have to enable insecure guest logons on my windows client to access my samba shares from my debian server
It wasn't, the second time I forgot to turn my psu on because I stayed up way too late and the old gpu works fine as ever. I'm curious though, would a gpu put enough strain on a pc to make it unable to turn on if the gpu is simply seated in the pcie slot without being plugged in to the psu like what happened to me the first time? I'm trying to upgrade this.
What does native means to you?
Where to go for getting and contributing to *.lrc of songs? Anywhere in case when Spotify fucks up.
The screen resolution (or whatever you have set as the output resolution of the game). Upscaling will use a lower internal resolution and then upscale to this resolution
Are there any PDF tools (programs or online) that lets you shuffle the order of your pages inside a PDF?
I have a budget of 1500 Australia dollars for a laptop for uni next year. should I wait a bit for snapdragon laptops to come down in price and get one of those? being cool and quiet is a must for me (ideally no fan but I don't want a MacBook)
IPTV. I have kodi + addons running alongside real debrid. having issues with buffering on certain channels. would this problem go away with IPTV service? if so any recommendations? i mainly want to use this for watching UFC. currently running kodi directly from android tv, wireless connection
buy a matebook
Any good books about the basics of hardware, networks (the hardware part) and troubleshooting?
192 threads
how many programs do you need?
Not just processes, threads. This would be absurdly wasteful of the performance of the cpu
What a time to be alive
Yesterday one of my monitors was not displaying anything (it would turn on, but video). To trouble shoot I switched up the cables from the working monitor to the non-working (I have 2 of the same monitor). That fixed the issue. However now I notice that occasionally one or both monitors (typically the monitor that is not in focus) will start "flickering"

I don't mean flickering as in image to black. It's more like the edges of the screen are rapidly getting brighter and darker? There's no real image disruption, but it is not pleasant to look at. Any ideas what this could be or how to fix?

Windows 10 for what it's worth
I though Huawei spies on you or something
dunno I have one and it's ok
Is there a way to get rid of the startup animation in Firefox Android?
I use Fennec and never saw a startup animation. It does display a logo b/c loading takes a second.
>laptop for uni
That's ARM. Does it support all the software?
My dad's Phone (Galaxy S22) has this weird thing where the saved password for his bank refuses to work. Google hasn't helped, changing password managers hasn't helped, nothing seems to change the fact that it will always put the username in both fields. This wouldn't be an issue for him if the password could be something like
Or similar, but his bank just outright demands his passwords look like
>MmAVa2X$@4KLGk#tD&3cqB!nFg7jwI(uYQz^Hb9ZE5vW. Is there a way to just get the password to properly autofill?
Run them through wikidevi and find out. They don't have Xiaomi or gl-inet in your jib jab country? They make some decent Mediatek routers for not a lot of money. Those have much better drivers than the Broadcom shite Asus usually runs.
everything spies on you
Clear the app data and login again
It inputs the username into both fields still. finna bouta tell him to get a new bank
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>insecure guest logons on my windows client
Do both of them have 2.5Gbit?
Can you access the server like SSH or anything?
>have server back home
>login to server
>use Links or whatever browser to access the router
>do configuring
As in booting an installer? It's not a thing with anything else than x86 computers.
>I think I'll use a spare PC I have, but it doesn't like certain isos to boot into them
PC is x86 device, raspberry is ARM.
>I think I'll use a spare PC I have
For what?
Have you tried deleting tat usernamee & password from all password managers
you could literally google pdf rearrange and you will get ton of sites that do it for free even
i need a vpn that allows me to post on Dvach (russian 4chan)
how do i get one?
Is a 16c/32t cpu overkill? I want to get into local LLM, but my most use case will be for gamen and coding.
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Any recommended Camera to record surgeries?
Do I settle with a go pro?
Shouldnt you be focusing more on GPU?
I'm gonna get new ram mobo, and GPU regardless for the upgrade. I just need to know if I'm better off with a 7800X3D or 7950X
Please respond
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Razer Cobra or Hyperx Pulsefire Haste 2? Or is there something better under €100?
Logitech G502
I know this is a long shot but if I have a PC that randomly freezes, should I look at the hardware or software? It's an old i3 2100 build running W10.

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