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30,000 jobs... gone...
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Poland too...

I keep thinking about that redditard who bought 700k in intel stock and then 5 minutes later lost a third of it's value.
>Europeans relying on americans again.
Why can't they just wake the fuck up and make their own CPUs?
Where are all those semi-skilled Kenyans going to work?
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>jews don't keep their promise
tale as old as time
They imported browns and killed off all the smart people.
They can't even make electricity reliably.
Just need Intelaviv shills to get in here and tell me "and that's why it's a good thing, Intel is actually winning!"
germoids keep losing lol... first nordstream and now this
haha, I wonder who keeps doin this to them!

guess they'll have to move their manufacturing to another country where energy costs are lower!

Building Intel plants would have been the best way of doing that. That's exactly what China did, everybody makes shit there so China has lot of people who knows how to make shit.
Europe doesn't build anything and doesn't have the best engineers or developers because the best of them already emigrated to America where they make more than 80k a year before 70% taxes.
that doesn't say canceled. are you retarded?
who'd even work in a german plant
50k nigerian phd talent immigrants?
>give us more subsidies that we agreed to or we're not building!

Yes, it's cancelled, you Intelaviv shill.
the EU's chief export is regulations. not sure why anyone does business there.
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250,000 Kenyans.

Wonder what they'll do now without that chip plant?
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In that case why does TSMC buy lithography machines from ASML in Denmark?
i don't have a dog in this fight. why do you?
>skilled and semi-skilled
I wonder what the ratio is
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no american dole for yuropoors this time aww stay poor
...buy the dip??
the best europeans are americans. only white trash is left there on the old continent they're literally white niggers
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Those are made in San Diego, California, dumbass.
>oopsy whoopsy the wind blew a bit too hard!
>Welp no power for a week again cleetus!
>Intel won't receive 10 billion Euro subsidies from Germany.
This is quite literally another shoah. I am shivering!
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>the best europeans are americans
This. It's embarrassing to be European
>a fist statue
Fucking stupid kink. Why do many movements have that love for fisting? It's so gay and makes them look ridiculous.
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>Please, please, please, use Intel rust manufacturing plants.
>Jewtel is not dead, we promise. Pretty please.
Can the US government guarantee that using Insratel factories won't result in products failing way too early, in the warranty period, from manufacturing defects? No? Oh well.
there is no America or Europe, just you know what religion overlords
All European industry must go to the US for its survival, and then trickle down to Israel, sorry euros goyim!
Based, fuck east "germans"
Reminder that Mediterraneans civilized your ancestors
Poland would be too incompetent anyway

This happened because intel is going bankrupt and the US gov which is giving them large subsidies wants them to be spent in the US.
If Germany and Poland want to fabs they are not going to be paid by US subsidies. The Israeli plant was also cancelled.
Anon they're Dutch. And the Dutch are one of the last countries in Europe to have actual innovative companies. I guarantee ASML still gets carved up from the inside out like Phillips in the name of (((((divesting))))) sometime in the next 15 years. Especially considering all of their EUV research is done in California.
100% sub-unskilled
Oy vey
TSMC is the only who is building the fab they promised Wolfspeed is stalling as well and most likely will back out. Called it from the very start you cannot trust mutts they let the GF fab outsource to Portugal arguing there would be new ones being build within the decade guess what? Its a fucking lie.
Also Poles I hope you see what is happening to Germany right now you cannot negotiate with the pond anglo they will fuck you over.
Accoring to the intelaviv shills from the other thread, this is all planned by Intel, and they actually have a secretive chip to unseat TSMC's dominance. They are pulling out of Germany/Poland/Israel because there are TSMC spies there that wants to copy their chips.
asml just puts shit together. very innovative.
Silesians don't deserve development
hope the flood kills them all
t. Pole
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*Laughs in being able to decide if your country gets to make modern chips*
>he thinks ASML decides anything


ASML's CEO's been whining for the past 2 years because 50% of his company's sales come from China and he's not allowed to sell there.
And he'll continue to be unable to lol. Xi's WREEEEE over losing the chip wars because he can't get the machines is so fucking hilarious. If Trump wins he'll continue it out of spite, if Harris does she'll do it for the laughs.
Not really. EUV fell 10 years behind in part because Intel, Nikon, ASML fought over licensing rights over the technology.
Losing is an interesting way of putting it. Semi isn't just lithography. We are quite behind in many things like packaging. Considering China had no domestic DUV then came up with a variation of 193nm ArF, to say they would never catch up would be a fool's bet. To "win" you need more lower level >14nm foundries, packaging capacity, increase the scale on photonics and LED manufacturing
sounds like copium to me. maybe if you flow that gas in your equipment you will get better performance.
how does an image get this bad in quality? what kind of subhuman took this screenshot?
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poland is still running windows ME
Based. Fuck Germany they ruined Europe with Merkel forever.
China has had and continues to have a massive knowledge hemorrhage. They will eventually "crack the code" but we will have moved on by that point. They dropped the friendly panda charade a century too early. They will not get free access to the outside world again in my lifetime.
you never have tried real fisting before
kek they decide nothing the US decides who they cnan sell to and who they can't.
remember, intel made asml by choosing this company over the japs for national security to make euv which is an american tech of which the US owns all licenses.
This. Turns out everything Hitler said would happen if they lost, is happening.
3.000 jobs actually
i for one am glad, that's 10 billion dollar in subsidies saved that can be put into local high tech instead of propping up a foreign old giant
The chip making business is extremely international, probably the most international there is, trying to claim national glory here is a bizarre exercise and just shows how uninformed and alienated you are from the actual industry. Plus the guy who first postulated this process was a nip.
all those arab and african jobs.. done!
Germs are going to luddite purity spiral themselves back into the 16th century
Fuck Germany
Fuck the EU
shit would be done just in time for the EU's planned poisoning of the fucking balkans with a fucking lithium mine
Maybe there is something good about the market.
Kikes smell war coming to Yurop
I bought the dip, wat do?
Intel is a dying and uncompetitive company so this isn't surprising at all. What is amusing is how Germany is circling the drain and will continue to do so since they have fuck all to offer to the modern world. To a large extent neither does America despite their posturing. Intel will probably have to be kept at life support and thus this move is reasonable from their end.

Most US tech companies, most notably Apple, will soon start to fall apart too. They cannot compete with the future, and the future is East Asia. From my Euro perspective I'm aware we can't do anything anymore and produce basically nothing, and on top of that there's no point in doing anything in Europe because of the welfare state and high taxes. This is a place of mediocrity and stagnation and that's not going to change. The truly smart Americans and Europeans won't stay/go to America either, but to China. Remember my words.
nobody is gonna learn chinese nigga, nobody's going to china
Is the cutting edge semiconductor manufacturing going to be a complete TSMC monopoly now? Samsung Foundry has the second most advanced process for logic semiconductor after TSMC, and Samsung hasn't been able to sign up any big name customer to use their latest nodes other than itself (Exynos). It wasn't long ago Qualcomm and Nvidia manufactured their high-end products on Samsung nodes.

The gap between TSMC and Samsung is expanding and narrowing, and Samsung also started scaling down next gen investment. It was recently reported that Samsung U.S. couldn't get the yield at their Taylor, TX 2nm next gen fab above 20% and decided to suspend the project and repatriate all the process engineers deployed there back to the mothership to accelerate the yield improvement 2nm fab in Korea instead. Previously, the plan was to open both fabs simultaneously.
>expanding and narrowing
*and not narrowing
All the cutting edge fabs are subsidized by their countries, korea, japan, taiwan, china all practice industrial policy. USA has mostly done it trough universities and military but now it's also just straight up handing out billions to build fabs.

Processors, memory .. and electronics that use them are way cheaper than what they would be under unsubsidized market.
I'm holding until 2027.
It's q&a and assembly plant. If you can do it in malaysia and vietnam then you can do it in Poland
not enough women with small hands
Actually I lied. I'm only holding until mid-2026 but I told you 2027.
Because Europe regulated all creativity and industrialism out of their people. Any European with a good idea and half a brain already immigrated to America and started an American company.
You that remain are literally just cattle in a dead continent.
Now stop asking stupid quotes questions. You're late to call to prayer.
>all of their EUV research is done in California.
Only the light source and it's still not obvious the tin laser source was ever a good idea. It was just made to work eventually, while nothing else got funded.
It's pretty likely that Cymer's light source is the main problem why Intel and Samsung can't make EUV work.
i, too, can talk out of my ass on a romanian basketweaving forum.
but the three gorges dam is collapsing in 2 weeks???
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You forgot abut this one.
They already surpassed Japan in "anime", their donghua productions are really excellent. Unfortunately Western woke conglomerates are aware of the danger and wont make it easy for them. There is no dub at all and subtitles are trash but if you can go past that it's really amazing content. More human, universal than what USA is producing and more mature than what Japan is currently producing.
NATO countries are collapsing because america is close to collapsing.

Name how many cheap mass produced war drone factories the west or germany has?

Russia is pumping out drones like its nothing and has tank/artillery.

The west has no industry left and its white people are fed up, especially in america.

Yet TSMC's fab in fucking Arizona is doing fine.

TSMC has some secret to make EUV work, that's all there is really to it.
land mines are doing WAY more damage than drones. thanks for keeping up to date though.
>relying on americans
all this shit comes from china (and its taiwan province), retard
Too busy closing down power plants.
LMAO, third time is a charm.
This time intel-aviv will go bankrupt.
>haven't bought the dip
Intel stock just jumped massively. It landed a huge long term contract with AWS. All other big tech including Apple and Nvidia are lining up because 18A is the most advanced chip process in the world and it'll only get better with 14A and 10A. Taiwan chinks are sanctioned out of the EUV NA and will collapse only ther US fab will be allowed to make the latest tech so you'll see tsmc move the hq to the us and become an american company.
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lol. lmao even.

At least energy prices have recovered for our German friends.
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the level of ameribrown delusion is insane.

>has fabs
>has cpu designs
>has ASML
>has fabs
>has cpu designs
>doesn't have ASML
just invested 5k into intel stocks. they WILL recover! Inshallah they better do or else...
you mean ARM? that's an america owned company like every important company in the world. ASML is also mostly owned by americans and the company is controlled by the US. there were desperate moves by the dutch gov recently to prevent them from leaving lmao. and nope europe has just 1 single chip maker and it only makes very niche simple semiconductors and no logic or memory chips.
Is there rape?
Kek you're such a retard.
>Intel stock just jumped massively
>20.77 USD
>+1.39 (7.17%)
and falling
yes saar intel is the best saar best chips in the world just watch saar
>Explain how using Intels fabs would be a massive conflict of interest for any rival company.
>Retard post so hard you complete miss the point in 2 (two) different threads.
Yes I am doing the needful for Intel by explaining how untrustworthy they are.
Very good saar.
Intel is not just becoming the fab for big tech but gets billions from the US military. That's a $$$ printing machine. They'll make chips chink killer drones and missiles - hundreds of billions of them. If you don't understand the US MIC makes fpv drones for 100k each the same ones that chinks sell for 50-200$.
Lockheed does not need 1.8nm chips from Intel's newest fabs to make missiles. 130nm chips from the old IBM (currently owned by GloFo) fabs from 20 years ago are totally fine.
ARM is owned by Softbank, you sinister brown buffoon
guess who owns japan and softbank
Really the sweet spot is around 20-30nm.
Everything smaller than that is diminishing returns territory that requires a money furnace to get results.
It’s a big reason why Intel is in such deep shit.
They’re on 10nm, so deep in money furnace territory.
but they don’t have the best node, so they don’t get the winner’s spoils.
but they need those spoils to keep the money furnace going.
Softbank is owned by a jap guy for one third and a few japanese pension funds, tard

Imagine being a destitute ameribrown claiming he/they somehow own ARM while it can't buy groceries in it's nigger infested shithole.
Your shithole can't find welders to build the arizona fab buildings and you dream about cpu manufacturing, lmao.
yes saar redeem the intel chips saar
jurisdiction is the real ownership. it matters not which child of yours owns what in your house you own it all. the US has jurisdiction over all western countries especially the ones it militarily occupies. both japan and germany are governed by a constitution written by the US and are not allowed to change it or make their own. germany has the "verfassungsschutz" which routinely throws people in a cage at whim which makes germany a defacto dictatorship by a foreign power.
This is a double-loss for Poolacks.
Not only will there be no plant in their homeland, there also won't be a plant in the land they flee too.
Don't overestimate Poolacks.
They work on our construction sites and they keep getting themselves killed in the most retarded ways, so we need safety personal that watches over them to stop them from doing something stupid.
Meanwhile: You eat yourself to death. Do you think that looks smarter?
>They'll make chips chink killer drones and missiles - hundreds of billions of them.
AFAIK ukrainians are still using chinese drones

>If you don't understand the US MIC makes fpv drones for 100k each the same ones that chinks sell for 50-200$.
precisely because they are cheap and actually work, unlike your american pieces of shit

also, Intelaviv can't even make CPUs without fucking up. and the new TSMC fab has a lower capacity than their taiwan fab.

in short, Intlel and america are fucked.
short the stock if you are so sure
There are educated Poolacks out there, who could be engineers at home, but instead willingly choose to be refugees and take low-skill jobs in the West.
And then they die in a stupid way, because they never did manual labor before.

Nobody will ever be as dumb as them.
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Nana is never going to forgive him. He could have literally invested in almost anything else and not lost that much value.

The company is basically surviving on life support and handouts, as well as flatline sales of all of its other business units.
Why would a Jewish company want to do something nice for Germany?
>fund free education that trains professionals
>professionals leave for another country after graduation
>Why would a Jewish company
Once Iran is completely pacified (and it will be with full US support), they'll build factories there cementing Israel as a regional hegemony and elevating it to the world superpower while US and EU drowns in browns and blacks becoming a third world shit-holes.
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It's precisely at 28nm/32nm because you don't have to do anything complex on the design side. It's not like 3nm is terrible cost-wise though, it's still lower in cost per 100m transistors compared to 45nm but it is worst than that sweet spot.
The main issue for Intel is getting a cost competitive process with TSMC for 18A. Having AWS publicly back them for a chip design is a good win but yeah, the money pit they once had is now dry and they need more wins to actually see 18A work out.
Yeah it's much better to import millions Africans than invite your neighbors, right.


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