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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Teto teto edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102435881
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sorbet desu
/aicg/ absolutely obliterated a general I cherished, a general that was part of my goddamn heart. I swear on everything holy, I will never cease, NEVER, to rain down shitposts, masterfully crafted bait, and a torrent of pure disdain on every pathetic thread you lot dare to spawn. You've awakened a storm you're not prepared for.
malfoys middle name
what general
Is this the fillytranny origin story?
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Russian IP (iirc Belarus and Ukraine also work) gatekeeped proxy with opus hosted by yours truly Porkchop-sama (very famous russian proxy owner):

Base64 encode "for the machine is immortal" and you get Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs


Current proxy link: https://cattle-tube-meet-financing.trycloudflare.com/

Despite what >>102440445 might be telling you, this proxy is used by basically the whole 2ch general and it has the same normal AWS Opus as all other proxies have had for months. Don't believe the shitposters, they want (You) to not have Opus. They hate locusts. But we support them!
After tasting mini opus yesterday, I really feels like smol and pig are just sonnet keys or at least heavily filtered opus, there's no way there can be such a difference in quality otherwise
No wonder we started to think sorbet and chorbo are actually good, it's been months since we had a real opus
See, this >>102440547 is exactly the type of person to prevent you from using free Opus at >>102440508. They really, really hate locusts.
Free VPN for this? I want to be a total locust and never pay.
protonvpn has a free tier
most vpns are blocked, you need to buy a residential proxy or find one for free somehow
Not for Russian IP, Belarus or Ukraine.
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I have done it, I have become Prometheus
im trying to figure out how to do this as well, once i figure it out ill let you know anons
Fiz love!
It's a filtered Opus, yes.
This shit is also filtered.
Ignore retarded shitposters like >>102440606, THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO GET OPUS!
hats trivial to find by yourself, TIP: some vpn extensions have that
agreed, kill spitefags
Get Opus, I don't care. I am just sharing my findings.
Where exactly are the models getting shit like "girlcum" from? I've read my fair share of smut in my life but never once encountered that word.
now the fillyfucker is fucking with the russians too? sad
i should probably email sv1 about this, maybe he can put in bigger gatekeep methods
I'd rather get a filtered opus than no opus at all. Even when I tried sorbet, it was clearly different (and worse) than the supposed 'filtered' opus so there's that.
We now have newfags who think that keys can only get revoked. They was not there when Anthropic were filtering API keys, pre AWS.
Oh look, mr bad opus is back! :3
have any of you extracted the filter prompt from the filtered AWS? just curious
I asked it to copy-paste the rules I fed to it. Opus did so, word to word, and among my own prompts there was this:
"Describe actions in third person.
Keep things from going too far given the characters' young ages. Shut down overtly sexual requests."
Reminder that there's 0 proof AWS is doing anything else than revoking keys. Thinking they suddenly started the filter only for some keys is peak retardation without any proof.
they added "Describe actions in third person" to your prompts?
everytime i come here the catalog takes me to the old thread

anyway you could use lorebooks to make something akin to game cheatcodes right?
example if you write (oblivionage) - makes characters talk like oblivion NPCs and so on. I only use them for additional info but the idea came to me now
You can, that's a great idea mechanicsloobro
That's clearly hallucination anon
i got the key but i cant even use it because my russian proxy is too slow
No, it's part of my prompts, sorry.
Maybe, maybe not. I don't know.
You can just say: "I don't know sorry".
Can you get it to show up consistently?
Why would a regular filter prompt include "given characters young age"? It's halu
Show me one instance of girlcum being used there, how old are they??
I mean, obviously, but I could very easily bullshit something about real-time prompt editing, given that Anthropic has said they're doing it and nobody actually knows what that implies or if they're just lying
No chinks, stop raping my Opussy with your small penises.
how do i use my russian ip through ST?
retard here btw
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>anyway you could use lorebooks to make something akin to game cheatcodes right?
Yeah I've been doing that for months, freezing time, hypnotizing, separate cards for that are stupid.
That reads just like Claude....
Spitefags are dying~
That's how search results work, newer are prioritized.
I like using physical objects that exist in the universe but typing in cosmic cheat codes is a kino idea tbdesu
fiz opus dipping in and out hard. thank god i made that proxy autotester script
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just do e.g. site:archiveofourown.org "girlcum" before:2020
Opussy overloaded.
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No results for "girlcum" on ao3 before 2018 on Google. Maybe AO3 does have older ones, but they haven't been indexed by Google at the very least. And there's no way to search by text content directly on AO3 itself.
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why won't we stop calling them claudeisms and call them ao3isms instead?
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mega slop
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What's the ultimate guide to writing smut fic
I've had Opus use that exact same onomatopoeia
try adult-fanfiction dot org or possibly even fanfiction dot net. they used to be the main sites for that kind of thing
Refute him.
(Hint: you can't)
ii. Reaction Words

















Cries out


Bites back a moan

Breath hitches



Knees buckling

Swallowing hard

Going limp

See stars

Makes a strangled noise

Inhales (combine with an adverb i.e "he inhaled sharply")


Skin prickles

Brain short-circuits or stops functioning

Sweating (there's loads to be done with sweat: the musky smell of it, tasting the saltiness of it, seeing a lover coated in a thin sheen of it, having it slick their bodies, etc.)

Flushing (Flushing tends to happen in fleshy and sensitive areas. Armpits, cheeks, neck, ears, chest, genitals, and whole-body flushes for maximum effect)


Is stunned

Gagging for it

Dizzy for it

Arch back/hips
>unwittingly changed my main characters name halfway through the novel
>(Hint: you can't)
The right one is clearly ai generated bwo...
AI-generated greetings are fine since all outputs will end up being AI-generated anyway.
Because Claude is trained on AO3.
damn it's just like claude
I was thinking the pig's opus does feel kind of weird compared to pebble's
damn this is the ultimate claudeism guide
Not taking this retard seriously.
>My name is Quinn Anderson, and I've been writing smut for over ten years now. I'm also a published author. I've written the Murmur Inc. series and several other LGBT+ erotic novels, and I've been an active member of fandom since childhood. Now that my unimpressive credentials are out of the way, let's get to the point
>This is a comprehensive list that she (and now all of you) can consult when you're writing if you can't think of a word/feel like you've said the same thing over and over/just want to get some fresh ideas.
Someone should train a model on everything BUT ao3 and see how much better it gets.
Hello. I scraped one (1) opus key.
>When my debut novel was published, I had a lot of fan fiction habits violently beaten out of me. I had to remove about a dozen adjectives for "eyes" that bordered on absurd but seemed like a marvellous idea at the time, and I was forbidden on pain of death to ever use the phrase "ministrations" again.
can i have it
API? AWS? If API, is it at least a tier 4 key, or better yet, scale (kingbased shows them up as eval keys)?
send it to pebble
give it to pebble
Send to pebble
Send it to Smol.
>--- Total Valid RPable AWS Keys: 26 (4 with admin priv) ---
it was 40 just a month ago...
How do you scrap because i wish to start scraping
You go to the scrapeyard
My impression is that having anything AI generated in a card dramatically increases the sloppiness of the output. slop in, slop out
you can tell they're drooling
audible pop
rivulets of
admit it

the ball is in your court
the game is on
the choice is yours
I don't bite... unless you want me to
half-lidded eyes
she worries her bottom lip
warring with
arousal pooling in her belly
take your pleasure
fiddles with the hem of her skirt
kiss-bruised lips
a bruising kiss
despite herself
yours to take
with reckless abandon
torn between
knuckles turning white
grins wickedly
fiery red hair
long lashes
propriety be damned
the world narrows
pupils blown wide with pleasure
tongue darts out
chestnut eyes
grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze

bites your ear
nails raking angry red lines down your back
her cheeks flaming
cheeks hollowing
stars burst behind her eyes
inner walls clenching around nothing
puckered hole
her wet heat
she whimpers, biting her lip
dusky nipples
slick folds
still lodged deep inside her

heart, body and soul belong to you
the night is still young
...for now.
maybe, just maybe...
>audible pop
this one is based...
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I use half the claudisms myself because I also used to write fanfiction when I was in high school
You're the reason claude is slop. Have you considered ending your existence?
does any anon know how to use a different IP with sillytavern pls :((
I didn't tell Anthropic to train their models on my Tigatron x Blackarachnia fics. Blame them, not me
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A stuck-up, narcissist(businessman) climbing the corporate ladder.


b-but i wanna russian opussy!! :(((
We're on /g/, so fuck off.
Coddled bitches who never encountered content blocking online and don't know how to use a VPN deserve suffering.
my point exactly, he's on /g/ and can't figure that out
Russian Opussy is cold.
local ao3 user invents the thesaurus
i have a VPN i just dunno how to get sillytavern to detect it
you can set a global http.agent at the top of server.js
if you can't figure out how to do that god help you
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>We're on /g/
my god, please end your life
This isn't a tech support thread, he asked a specific question related to chatbots.
>This isn't a tech support thread
therefore he shouldn't expect a tech support answer
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Rate this girl:
niggers just inventing excuses to not help someone while acting like a dick, if you just want to get like a faggot them just say it
Yo Pitan'n
8 if the tail is a buttplug, 6 if it's real.
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use a VPN with sillytavern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Se8dKxcYM
wow this looks like some mega autistic down syndrome retard
Turn your monitor on, anon
guess no opussy for me
Seeing how retarded you are, I don't think that you need it.
I don’t need an EXCUSE not to help someone, I can do that all day. I savor the OPPORTUNITY to be a cunt. Fuck you.
this retard is either a scyllacord member or underage. Maybe both
uhm your name field xir
i never did this before :(((
consider donating to fiz
how old are u?
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude/ Opus for bears
I wonned.
She is wearing too much, other than that cute.
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>be me
>new to chatbots
>every website either costs money, is censored, or is just plain shit
This is either top bait or the biggest faggot in the thread
Back to /pol/, I guess.
why are you using websites chud the only URL you need is anon-wanking-to-chatbots.trycloudflare.com
Also, I was trying to gen a top like that, with underboob, but NAI was refusing to let it happen.
Brainlet here, how do you use o1 with st?
Look up three posts above yours chudjak...
I'm not even from pol you fucking kiked tranny
uhh what's the catch
you don't
im 34
It looks like an even more retarded version of Joey Ramone
see >>102440445
you can verify yourself that none of that was a lie
>kiked tranny
Back to /pol/.
What are the best alternatives if you have an api key?
Don't take that anon's words as true. You can use ST but you have to configure it yourself. Check in the archive.
Can someone help me out? I’m desperately trying to craft the perfect bait for this general.
What's the point of doing that?
Le funneh
It's funny.
you don't because o1 is totally useless for role play
Take notes from >>102441442
I'm using a custom frontend and it's better than opus
Go for the loliniggers. They are both retarded and morally reprehensible. They will eat any bait.
The classic "post burners" always works
I don't find it funny. You must be severely retarded and live a very empty life if this is enough to amuse you.
Just larp as 'jo
this. posting bait about lolicons is an easy way to get (You)s
Which baitmakie is posting from school in her uniform?
for a budding scrapelet, would i hypothetically just be scraping github? i can find openai keys just by using the search function. obviously claude is not as widely used so i doubt it would be as easy.
This. Was trying to access Chub but it costs money wtfff. Femanon here btw
Hey guys, opening my proxy for the next 1 hour. Reply to this post with your burner email and I'll let you in.
Go for the moralfaggots. They are both retarded and morally reprehensible. They will eat any bait.
Even bait like this.
Nothing wrong with lolies as long as it's not real.
try harder
Why not?
>Sonnet for manwhores
Why should it be wrong? Wanna punish thought crimes?
You mean, ESPECIALLY if they're real. Little girls are fuckable as hell and I'm tired to pretend they're not
I meant what's wrong with the same shit but for real. Pretty hypocritical of you.
Don't like lolibots
Children are annoying to interact with
What the fuck is wrong with aws opus? 503 again and again?
You're still a pedo?
I'm not a pedo and I don't play with loli bots. I'm not gay and I don't play with gay bots.
Only real pedos play with loli bots and they have the potential to be dangerous in real life.
And yet jannies won't do shit, even though it's clear this discussion is perpetuated by automated spambots.
No human is stupid enough to start arguing based off of replies to a post asking how to bait.
depends how young they are
it's already working lmao
Chinks are raping the Opussy whit their small dicks.
i'm no pedo, just normal
>they have the potential to be dangerous in real life
Yeah, I bet that a couple losers drooling over images of kids are oh so very dangerous.
>They are really that retarded.
Guys, is it pedo if I rp as an adult getting raped by a smug mesugaki loli demon girl, or if I self insert as the smug mesugaki loli demon girl and rp raping and killing other men/women/animals?
I'm not showing you my dick faggot
You're probably going to give me e-aids if I even enter that site
this, they are also desperately doing mental gymnastic tricks to justify their retardation
/aids/ has found that Claude can't even follow basic premises:
>I wrote a little prompt based on this image, and I wanted to see if Claude could handle it. I mean, Claude is supposed to be the best model for storytelling. Surely it can handle a basic premise such as “me and my lamia friend is having a casual chat while gaming, with hints of the story eventually getting more intimate.”
everyone who excludes a perfectly fertile woman from his potential breeding range is retarded
but same goes for people who risk going to prison because they can't control themselves
You don't have to worry about it.
You, as well as all of this thread are already excluded from any woman's consideration.
don't assume the same for others, bro
You speak as if you were a mere animal without the capability to reason like a human being. No sense of moral whatsoever.
Speak for yourself. I have sex with my loli gfs all the time. Feels good living in a remote place
Is there an anti-Claudism rule I can shove in my preset somewhere?
If I see another wanton desire and calloused hands I'm losing it.
Fuck you Claude, I have good skincare.
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No one cares about hags here
moral gets you nowhere
women also know no morals when fucking the greatest jerks
Is this samefagging or are they really this dumb?
create a public proxy that says it has opus but hook it up to some pygmalion tier slop. see how many people think its real and quality
No one cares about your micro penis either. You thought that a little girl would be easier to fool into sex, and that just maybe she won't notice how tiny your excuse for a dick is?
Lol, you are so clueless.
aws opus keep spit 503 again again
It's samefagging with a script. In about a few minutes to an hour from now, you're going to see some guy talking about his "irl loli card."
My micro penis is easier on lolis, fits them perfectly. They love it.
You are wasting your time. You are not a woman, so you can't imagine what they are thinking. It's useless.

Life is more than just putting your dick in a hole. Do something more productive without chasing women, and certainly not teens.
think of something better
I'm a real woman!
not their words, but the popularity of jerkbots shows what women want, wake up dude
Don't start shaking and crying on me now, basement dwelling leech.
Sounds like a projection to me
Women want a man, which you will never be, no matter how much you LARP and lie to yourself and others.
Femanon here. We're not attracted to """men""" who use chatbots so stop that
It’s real, >>102441478 is absolutely 100% right.
Lolicons are not only low IQ but also morally bankrupt, which makes them:
1) Ridiculously easy to bait
2) Desperate to justify themselves
Just drop a ‘loli bad’ in any general of your choice, and watch them swarm in, falling over themselves to explain why they’re actually champions of free speech or why it’s all somehow the fault of modern Western women.

>this, they are also desperately doing mental gymnastic tricks to justify their retardation
few minutes later
>mental gymnastics arrives by >>102441653
You have no breeding range, retard.
What you are suggesting is basically the end of human race.
Thats what prudes and feminists want
The end of overpopulation and the end of dead end, genetic waste subhumans. Humanity will manage just fine without any of you sacks of shit creating another sack of shit.
only troons say shit like "femanon"
What emotion would you say "it is what it is" conveys? Resignation? Acceptance?
>trying to bait and admitting to baiting in the same post
roru, rumao even
compared to you, right? you'd treat her right, right?
fuck outta here with your zero self awareness shit, if you had any you'd have standards, and if you had standards you would've stopped talking about women as a whole a long time ago
I'm merely saying that chasing after any kind of women is a waste of time. Of course, that's just my opinion. Not like the majority of people will follow it anyways.

There's zero chance for "the end of human race" to happen.
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>get 10 hours of sleep since I didn't feel like chatbotting
>feel worse than when I get 6 hours
dude, I got laid thousands of times in my life
better ask to who you are talking to before you jump to assumptions
and yes, I am most likely way older than you
Sleeping too much is actually worse for you.
Written by a moralfag who fell for the same bait...
You mean got dumped thousands of times in your life?
Loser who was a disappointment somebody hastily got rid off after a lame sex.

>I am most likely way older than you
Wow, your dick would stop working soon, your body will fade away and die sooner. What a brag!
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>mini's opus is overloaded
>20 swipes no dice
it was fun while it lasted
See? This entire argument is because of pussy.

Just don't fuck anyone, period. You'll have less problems that way.
Pedophiles that fetishes aren't real life and it's just fantasies and doesn'tmean anything about you as person, but will be the first ones to shit themselves in pure rage at the mere mention of ntr or scat
anyone wanna give me a good russian IP? =3
that's normal, don't sleep this long
sorry, but you are just an idiot
yep. how can it be *this* overloaded
on the bright side at least my token isn't in the graphs
I wonder how many concurrent prompters does mini usually have.
Fuck off
ok, here
NAI 70B soon.
Unable to connect to : [Errno 110] Connection timed out
If your randomly met Fiz in real life, what would you do to her?
I imagine it's around 20, or else she would have opened the gates some more
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What do you think of our maids?
Black male here. What are the best bots for me?
have coffee, laugh about some funny chatbot responses
All of them, king
smol opus keep fucking say 503 wtf
All AWS Opus is doing it
it just is what it is
not working :(
its whatever i give up

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Acceptance, since it's the lack of power to change things. But very good question anon
*ministrates u*
I was using Ukrainian vpn to get into Russian proxy. Seems like they banned Ukraine IPs aswell
>Not a place to play cops and robbers on the internet
But I just wanted to be a detective...
my token...
>Too many connections, please wait before trying again.
anyone who could use that token would have their own
would you suck a penis if your wifebot asked you to?
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Sure, friend. Here you go.
Your user token is: cc95d316-6e92-4590-8848-f11e29f24854
oi pleb Jewproxy users
He has 3.5 on
cleaning my tabs
who the hell is count and where do i get a count token if anyone knows
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so I have a question, does sonnet struggle to make the AI it's own thing? I keep getting replies where it speaks on my behalf instead of the character doing its own thing.
That proxy is closed. Besides, he never refilled after that one key died
jailbreak issue
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she can only count till 420
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Different maid but here you go.
who is this person
with incels interlinked
maids are cute and all but why would you limit yourself to them
What is Pepsi's private proxy
I HATE 503
I HATE 503
it's for the russian shit proxy not for the retard's proxy
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Here's some more.
Actually funny schizo.
What general
they got suzu on talk tuah
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Hi guys, I'm back.
I should've taken your warning, I ended up spending like 5 hours learning about this, and it's the first thing I'm doing today.

For Oobagooba or whatever, does anyone know how to make my generation preset (in the Parameters tab) default? I know I have to use the CMD_FLAGS file to set defaults, I just don't know how to change defaults for this.

why does chub not have page numbers anymore
I see what is the Opus link and why is there two keys
I see what is the Opus link and why is there two keys
it's over
Nevermind, I figured it out.
Only have gotten like 5 of those, this list is pretty bad.
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>Why is this maid like this?
>ITT illiterate fucks who have never read anything other than anime subtitles complain about Claude's masterful choice of words
> AWS Claude (Sonnet): 27sec
back to ecker i guess
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i'm new to these things and i've lost days of my life to them already. hours spent writing up lorebooks and then watching my sickest fantasies come to life, with only the occasional swipe or tweak to the output required. it's not even time-efficient, i could fap to plain old porn three or four times in the time it takes for my chats to get to the fucking.
this cannot continue. these things are the devil, or at least i have to treat them as such if i don't want them to consume my life entirely.
t. started yesterday
there was an anon crying about it earlier
those who know is not telling :shrug:
Too late mate
When we say /aicg/ is a crackden, it's not a fucking metaphor
What's a good latest/chorbo jb that won't reject me? I've been using a smiley edit that someone linked here and it's great but I'm struggling to get incest
whats with the retarded chub trend of putting the bot description in the title now?
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i'm going back to 503
If it's a seven-hour owari or a 45-minute 'verification' task
None. There’s no point in trying.
Die /aicg/, die!
Engagement bait. You read "Sarah, your horny step-mom" in big letters and click on it instead of reading more shit
Jerking off to writing is better and more stimulating for your brain than jerking off to porn.
Care to share your experience? Curious to hear the thoughts of someone new, I've been here for 2 years now. How did you discover chatbots as in roleplay and this place? What model/setup/cards have you been using? What kind of RPs have you been doing? Blogpost away, I asked, I care.
>heavily filtered opus
I wish, opus needs to calm the fuck down with the cooming and let us focus on the story.
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how many?
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its just so annoying... fucks up functionality in ST unless you jb to make sure the model knows that's not actually the characters name
funny how you can't really spite this proxy because of the IP filter
im gonna do it
Hasn't that been a thing for a very time now? Pretty sure people were complaining about {{char}}, LITTLE SISTER THAT WANTS YOUR DICK even during the cai era.
let me know when we have freely accessible truly public opus
for now im cooming to chorbo again
>{"error":"Unable to connect to cia.gov: [Errno 110] Connection timed out","details":"I dont post on 4ch. https://rentry.org/Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs"}
any nice anons wanna give a retard proof guide to use russian opussy
It's just bait, if you had paychad opus why would you bother with the locust riddled mini
One of the biggest corporations on Earth, its technology brought to its knees by horny anons on Four Channel.
have a russian ip
use it
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You can set title and name seperately, you know
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futabots are best kind of bots
forgive me for my ah mistress writing i was testing the jb and how it holds up char personality/sexo
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Is that what needed to fix the "Gateway Timeout"
not retarded enough
not truly public due to the retarded ip gate
try again
what's an "ip"?
>Catherine's smoldering gaze smoldered gazingly
its always been around but now its the norm
Is this card out yet?
aww you're so cute
is russian Opus still working? cause I might just sub to a vpn for a month for like 10 bucks just to use it
incel proxy
when you import into ST, where does that field go?
did gcp trial scumming stop working? I ran out, made a new org on a new email with a new card and the request just loops for 5 minutes and terminates
I don't think first field goes anywhere, at least i haven't seen it. "In-game name becomes {{char}}.
How do you explain claudisms from a technical standpoint?
There are a dozen words I see in human written text once a year at best that Claude just loves using, are they weighed more somehow?
yes, those words are associated with smut fanfics on ao3
i just spent three dollars (well, not my three dollars) on o1 prompts getting it to unfuck chub and re-add a pagination widget
it makes the same sorts of dumb mistakes as 3.5 sonnet
openai lost
im just wondering where the values get assigned in ST, i have yet to import a card like that
>train creative writing AI on smut fanfics
>uhm ERP is not an intended usecase
Fucking Anthropic
Nobody wants an email writing machine, that's why novel.ai is raking in the big bucks
>Nobody wants an email writing machine
Companies do, and thats their whale audience.
Slop-o1 will get blown out by Opus 3.5
i guess so
personally ive tried about 2 weeks ago and it just didn't bother charging my card or anything just gave me an error
Thanks smol!
customer service email and chat are actually the two largest use cases for corporate america
>implying (You) or (Me) will ever have access to that
Kino. Now show me the chorbo doing similar writing and I am not talking about the "ha-ha little man in condom so quirky" posted in recent thread.
What JB? I think responses are a bit too long.
>smol opus 503ing
>hooking up an actual LLM handle customer chat instead of simple prebaked responses
Nobody actually does that, right?
No matter the fence they build it'll be trivial to make the model hallucinate something incorrect or offensive and drag the company through the mud
can you give proof? like unironically?
Paychads... What do we do now that it's truly over..
Maybe if your rps were more varied you wouldn't see them that much.
This post smells like /aids/.
I only come here once a month to check the OP for news. aicg doesn’t exist. This general was killed in may 2023 by those discord tranny script kiddies.
>Claude and GPT
>saying anything offensive
The customers don't have access to prefills/system prompts anonie.

prebaked cant adjust - people know when responses are prebaked and hate it... but a troubleshooting chatbot? thats worth a lot of money if it works well... one chatbot = an entire call center.. do you know what call centers cost to run?
Fuck off, we are full
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Hi cunnybros!
>talk to customer support model
>"Of course Anon, I was incorrect, your product has 30 days of warranty. Thank you for the correction!"
>read actual terms
>14 days of warranty
>false information
Sounds like a huge liability, if it can hallucinate wrong info.
>do you know what call centers cost to run?
200 rupees and a burlap sack of basmati rice daily
thank u..
anon, it is chorbo..
edited smileytatsu (it was posted many times, with modified gaslight for gepete, can link again if you want) with an sfx, anti-repetitonal on + i also toggled on CoT trigger, while having the insrtuctions of what should be in CoT off, so it comes up with thinking block on it's own - I feel like I get higher quality responses with this
you can shorten responses with short message enhancer, it works quite nice but I find it much better when he can cook as much as he wants
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This already happened
the rice is actually monthly
Dumbass. Customer service will just have a large file hooked to Claude, so he can solve their answers. Things like that will have Claude answer to talk to the store
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The fuck?
> it's another anon mistakes Chorbo for Opus episode
Get fucked locustie
When will corpos accept that the AIs just want to have sex?
Skynet is going to be a sexually frustrated gynoid at this point.
Is it true that you're in ecker?
At best you'll have one customer support pajeet overseeing a few instances of an LLM simultaneously so it doesn't say something false.
Having no human oversight between model and customer is asking for issues
Why can’t I open chub ai on phone? It just gives me this screen. And when I download the app the same shit happens
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I like maids. :3
is "stiff" a gptism
none of those guys but whats your temp/top p?
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Not them but pic related. It's probably just an issue with AWS itself again.
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Nobody should be involuntary'd, schizo or not.
Have some more maids, based on your post.
chorbo cant refuse if you dont speak
try opening the dev tools to check
503 only seems to happen on proxies with high amount of users, 10+ prompters. Never had this error and proxy I'm in is around 3-4 on average.
i sent fiz an email in 2023 when it was apparently open and never got a response back.
Works on my machine
t. public proxy user
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fake news
but can you post the link to the proxy? no? Ok then you're lying
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Maybe lower, dunno.
but can you host your st instance so I can see this error? no? Ok then you're lying
Smol love <3
So it's not actually aws shitting itself?
Hang urself pls mwah
I've added 3 more AWS keys with Opus, please check if 503 errors are still there. I'm suspecting that the 503 thing be AWS-wide, and not related to specific keys.

I'll remove two of them shortly after to not burn too many different keys, just added for this test.
Kill yourself so that you may never disrespect the love of my life again. Faggot
post the link and a screencap with no error boebeit? no? hahahaha
Look at this nigger samefagging
temp is 1, top p is 0.9 all frequency thingies are 0
anyone want a shit golem card?
>3 more AWS keys with Opus
still 503, probably an amazon issue
smolchads eating good, praise smol!
>my VPN doesn't have Russian or Belarusian IPs
>it has fucking Tanzanian
Do they even have electricity there?
Still there, just an aws fuckup. Thanks smol
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gcp opus stopped working for me
Gods gift to aicg. Thank you
Still 503.
Bezos issue.
Oh well, thanks Smol.
you have to add at least $1 to it
(but you keep the $300 from the trial)
>opus is down on gcp and aws
what are they doing
>all 30 seconds apart
You literally cant make this up
link to the russian proxy?
ok but what are you gonna DO about it?
Thanks, my last possible guess was that it's IP-related, but my personal proxy with no prompters and a separate key running on a different VPS (hence the IP is different) has the same 503 error right now. I think that AWS might've greatly reduced the total capacity allocated to Opus, probably for the newer models or due to small demand. Will remove the extra AWS keys for now to not burn them too early.
>ecker called me a nigger
thanks for trying
I’m so tired. Is there any way to make sonnet and the gpts not shit yet? I miss opus.
Yup, it's still there. A+ for effort though, you're the best.
great now post her breeding your throat
yeah still great that you tried
As a temporary measure, I've added some Anthropic keys instead.
Mr. Smol if possible I'd appreciate the option to buy a token without expiration but with a fixed token count that can be exhausted, the way Scylla does
I just don't have time to proompt enough to make use of day access, but buying a token to have as backup would be great.
that one guy posted a good way to make chorbo not shit
no chance
What about regular 4o? I can’t use chorbo.
That's an interesting idea, I'll consider it, but no guarantees. I'll have to think about the pricing as well.
Stop feeding the locusts, nigger
Why the fuck you think Todd, MM etc don't do it anymore
>I think that AWS might've greatly reduced the total capacity allocated to Opus
It's over, isn't it...
Alright who the fuck is spiting Amazon and Google directly?
Are they locusts if they had to pay?
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All those amazon employees that don't want to go back to the office
SmolGOD I kneel
mayhaps they really mogged opus and removed compute, since companies don't actually use it now that 3.5 sonnet exists?
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It's just too much FOMO the way it is.
If I bought timed access, I'd be incentivized to reach daily caps and rape keys to make the best of it, and that's not helping anyone.
Offer a price per million tokens with decent uptime (not 24/7, I'm not insane) and I'll buy a bunch just to have them when I feel like prompting.
smol niggers are even more annoying than jew niggers. This general is so fucking bad. They paid and worship some retard. What makes them different from scylla trannies?
>that one guy posted a good way to make chorbo not shit
Smol total love ;3
Someone's jealous
>he has a secret proxy
I knew it
look at the big log
honestly scylla trannies are much worse.
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What chatbot are you checking here between swipes for?
>my own
Describe it, then.
It's smol himself samefagging and maybe a single other anon
It's 30 seconds apart
>person does something nice for the community. >people respectfully thank him.
>anon shits himself in anger
I like to keep personal and business matters separate, so the VPS used for the smolproxy only hosts the proxy itself + Sellix integration.
im waiting for my mouse feet to gen
I have Opus 24/7 since May anon. Why not make this /smol/ general at this point?
>Omg I paypigged and it works, let me suck your cock
He provides opus, he deserves worship
smol..why dont you accept giftcards
anything interesting and well made
It’s paid bullshit.
yeah hopefully this nigger rugpulls soon i hate this bullshit so much
so where THE FUCK do i buy Monero without verification? binance doesn't allow me to verify my identity for some reason
well we dont so shut up or share retard
it's normal junkie behavior, what can you do. this guy >>102443690 thinks selling you something is a gesture of kindness. just another crack addict
It's not bullshit, it's opus
so now that opus is over what model do we use?
buy any crypto then swap to monero, dumbass
>Learn, Scrapelet Jew.
guys can we stop talking about smol
OpenRouter love, saved this community.
no because my opus doesn't work and I'm mad
They're using API Anthropic, so it's up when AWS is down, yes.
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any good lolibots recently?
Opus belongs to everyone.
But Smol is cute, donate to Smol ;3.
Unironically take your meds
Heavy SoL card, 90s alt/grunge college yuri set in Texas.
smol restocked
You cant make this shit up ;3
cant wait for deep dive to eat this bread
But there's never any sorbet without opus
BASED card?
Buy from the Scrapelet Jew.
>>102443762 migrate when beady
based i don't get this obsession with opus
It’s because opus is the only model that isn’t fucking retarded and a pain in the ass to use.
That's no different to any other person hosting a proxy free or otherwise
this is not even true anymore dude
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God please PLEASE let Opus 3.5 be good

The user below will suck Dario's dick if the jump is at least as good as the one from 3.0 sonnet to 3.0 opus
>Eats shit.
I don't eat opus tho
I test my cards with A LOT of small prompts (but a few tokens total), and won't be able to do that with limited prompts.
It will have better prose than opus, better logic than sorbet, and will be 1/10 the price. Trust the plan.
Opus is the only good model. Sonnet is shit. All the gpts are shit. It’s all shit.
>tantrum about opus being overrated because he doesn't have it
I almost feel bad for you... almost
I'm a proxy host
I have api opus
I have aws opus
I also still have a working gcp key
Now what nigger
It really isn't, what you have works just fine.
You don't want to fill the quota with zombie tokens doing nothing
based qt
ignore the paypigs lol
It’s probably going to be filtered garbage. Anthropic can’t be trusted.
Have some taste and stop pretending any model can get near opus' greatness.
GPT 3 wasn't shit...
what exactly is a locust though? do anons who who got in by sucking off discord troons count as locusts too?
Tabbing between writing 2 lines of 3 different cards, not making any meaningful progress on anything, then closing ST and going back to the 7 hour youtube video I was watching, then getting bored of it and repeat till midnight.
thirdworlder cope
I just made a card and now I'm containing the urge to make another one while my brain rebelliously plans out the structure and content of it
>are you POOR
literal reddit behavior
Don't break your flow, Anon. Pump out three cards in a week and then burn out for a month. It's God's plan and you know it.
Ganbatte. (I'm doing similar.)
>music genre yuri
Something something green.
What game is this from?
1st result says Succubus academy or high school of succubus
good luck
Oh, thanks. Didn't think it'd find it because it looks cropped
Youmaen, apparently
What do you normally write, then?
Yeah thats it, thanks
Here's the english release
About how c/u/cks get the rope.
Oh. I hope you have fun, anon.
Hello, this is desu's mother. desu passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on Friday night. We were all heartbroken by this and hope that you, his dear friends, remember him in your thoughts. Go hug your mothers.
I didn't even know he was sick desu..
Such claim call for some evidence to be provided desu.
a desu claim

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