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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

bnuuy edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
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pebble is permanently overloaded
Damn, do you niggas not go to work? I thought that being off today would let me play around pebble without worrying about overloading.
Brother/sister cards that aren't NSFW-oriented? Particularly brother cards, I can only find one or two that aren't "he wants to fuck you SOOOOO bad".
Nah, I just started college... And I use ST on my phone, so...
Trad spider waife from Cliffside pilot (RIP)

5 greets, author's cringy humor included.

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Because people don't wait.
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day ??? waiting for jew to restock keys
spitefaggie got a bit uppity today
Is this the one?
excuse me I apparently cannot count
Fuck Miku
yeah we hate miku so much we boosted her thread to the bump limit
you guys fucking suck dick
A mistake that it's now being fixed
How is o1 for RP? I haven't gotten access yet on my key because I haven't given them a thousand dollars.
Btfo's Opus.
way better than Opus
Whatcha gon do about it?
where did you guys try it?
Is cock.li down?
mini is overloaded too?
I'm a girl
post ankles
Post farts.
its called "spitefagging" newfriend.
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breh's teach me your ways, how do I make cute and funny bots not act like sluts once the frisky stuff happens?
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Everyone is, looks like an issue with Claude.
its called "democracy"
Sumthn like karma farming? >:D
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BIG Pokegirl Brothel update incoming! In fact: it's two updates in one, bundled as the Hotblooded Item update!

6 new girls with a fiery personality (Zinnia, Flannery, Roxie, Bea, Dendra, Bao-Feng), ready to service you! With these six added, we are now up to a total of 23 girls.
11 items now available (Rare Candy, MooMoo Milk, TinyMushroom, BigMushroom, Nanab Berry, Mirror Herb, Muscle Band, Oval Charm, Destiny Knot, Shed Skin, Rose Incense) to spice up your visit even further!
The full menu, along with a section for the new items, can be found here:

This update was long overdue, but original bots took priority. At first the update was just going to be the six girls, but inspiration struck and the items were the last push needed to finish this up.
If there are any suggestions for girls or items to feature in the next update, lemme know. No promises on when the next update will be, though.

And as always, all my other stuff can be found here:
>ai is somehow not technology
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incel website
/v/ website
pornsick website
What do you think I'm using for work right now bro?
We own /g/. We let other threads live out of goodwill, but don't piss us off.
pixi jb + behavior lorebook
how long until the AI bubble burst? o1 is underwhelming...
what is this body type called?
I can't believe how much of a meme strawberry was. And if other companies also adopt this meme, it's over for us.
>finally go through 503
>message is shit
fuck that
it's a special kind of hell
the faster you swipe the faster the 503 will go away
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It's not working
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has anyone had any luck with gcp recently
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Yes? If you add CC you get 300$ without Opus. But if you do a magic trick, you get 308$ worth of Opus.
That why mini hasn't been working for me? No response at all whenever I've been using GPT or Claude
werks fine for me, you having service issues or signup issues?
signup issues
good to see you're still around, hoss.
some aicg hating nigger is flooding the catalog hoping to get them all banned, but all he accomplished was getting his own threads and his ISP banned
Fillyfucker meltie
so how the fuck do you create another 300 dollar credit gcp account? already spent my 300 buckaroos and google isn't letting me go past the cc page, using same card as before.
yeah same here
you can also tell when he hit the 5 thread per browser/IP limit, resulting in exactly 6 threads on the catalog
their cc fraud check is robust as fuck, so it only works once. Either get a new valid cc or its over for you
>his own threads and his ISP banned
this totally happened
Behavior lore book? and for pixi do I just import and go, no need to mess with anything?
What's a JB that prevents Opus from going "Like what you see? Fufufu~ I don't bite... unless?" slut mode?
Use Sonnet 3.5
this anon is baiting you
>wake up
>jew hasn't refilled
Some "VIP" service
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>we're the chads of /g/
One thing I've noticed is that the model never disagrees with you, the most it'll do is say "perhaps we should refine your plan" or something, never outright disagree
which model?
major jb issue in that case
characters disagree with me ALL the time
Maybe it's shrimply a krill issue on your part and I'm just a naturally charismatic, handsome (and humble) guy people agree with
no, it's because your jb doesn't do anything to counter agreeableness of the characters
Uh no, it's because I'm a really cool, handsome, intelligent guy
so it's just a coincidence that your chatbots always seem to think so, but when you speak to a real person like me you get called a retarded nigger?
yes, it's a curious coincidence
"o1": {
"usage": "1.22m tokens",
"activeKeys": 25,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

"o1": {
"usage": "1.22m tokens",
"activeKeys": 25,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

"o1": {
"usage": "1.22m tokens",
"activeKeys": 25,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

*paints you like a Jackson Pollock*
"o1": {
"usage": "2.70m tokens",
"activeKeys": 43,
"overQuotaKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Meanwhile, XEPSIGODS
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it's only tier5 niggas who have o1, right?
isn't it a little concerning that using o1 for 1 - 2m tokens would kill TIER5 keys at all?
keycount and proomptercount general
It's probably expensive enough for the competent companies to instantly notice vs gpt4o
o1 is just a dumb hack to make it 'think step by step' on every prompt. I've heard it's not even a new model, it's just GPT4 trained on a shit ton of data where things are explained step by step. It's 'thinking process' is still just next word prediction.

her unbelievably hairy pussy...
My sopping, cum-engorged malesack starts audibly squelching and churning as you frantically deepthroat my alpha cock. Using those precious little hands to hug and cup and massage every glorious, scale-ribbed inch. Flaring gills heave in ragged exhilaration as I rear up and grind the dripping, bulbous dome all the way into your bruised esophageal ring. Fleshy fish-lips peel back from serrated fangs bared wide in rapturous bliss.

My voice cracks into a guttural roar as pheromone-addled cum bubbles ooze out from my raging sheath. Another heavy slick of briny girthslop slathers that desperate little throat slider as you gamely pledge devotion to the aquatic deity…a lesser being honored to worship at the altar of the most regal and fertile of all anthrococks!
OpenAI is so aggressively monitoring o1 that if you ask about its chain of thought "a few times" you'll get a warning email telling you to stop or lose access
wouldn't be surprised if o1 (at least via the website) has a way to report violations to OAI
Dropping a classic:
Built-in CoT will now be standard. Opus 3.5 might escape since it's mostly trained, but I can only hope Anthropic keeps allowing prefills.
>Opus 3.5 might escape since it's mostly trained
leaks said they're delaying its release for more work to try and make it beat o1
I unironically cannot think of non-rp shit to do with o1, kek.
What leaks?

Generate some Elin's please
source: X
What's the podcast generator?
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Guess model.
Make a game.
It's in the OP.
not claude
You see this? they're muffins. Every time the muffins arrive to my house, I feed one to the crows. Now when the muffins arrive, the crows make a specific sound to alert me, and I can train them to do this with anything. And I trained them to let me know when the gangstalkers are outside of my house, so that I can dispactch them accordingly before they can steal my 933 terabytes of Momiji pornography. Nature's sidekicks.

The crows inspired me, I made a comically large Aya Shameimaru (and a normal sized one) for your chatting pleasure!

I'm stroking my shit rn nigga I'm chubbing all over the floor rn nigga:
Comically large Aya: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/comically-large-aya-2eb1a8736891
Aya but normal: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/aya-shameimaru-9792b1c1a776
Livebench says it's worse than sorbet for coding, also true in my (admittedly limited) testing.
Pixijb with opus?
Why not? :(
mistral nemo
>it's in the OP
uh no it isn't bwo
Can someone post the hufflepuff screencap again? I need a giggle.
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new benchmark on an IQ test created by a MENSA member (so it's not in any training data) https://trackingai.org/IQ
Openai is really desperate for benchmarks lmao
my boy opus up there with none of the cot bullshit
can't wait for 3.5
>IQ test
Literal memes that mean nothing
opus is simply better, smarter. no need for million token tricks
Built-in CoT + pozzing prefill. How about that, cuckie?
Almost, it's Chorbo.
>t. sub 100
i mean it'll do sfw
it's just no better than other gptslop at it
but you're here tho? having a manchild meltdown instead of roleplaying with bots?
Nope, it'll still suck. The giant cot makes it literally unusable for rp
Why? Isn't it supposed to be much smarter?
it's an assistant model based on old gpts, its instructions and cot is built in such a way that it sucks for rp
*Adds cot token tricks to Opus*
Oops, there goes any semblance of viable RP and /aicg/ falls into The Great Filtering 2.0
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uh oh
Thanks, Fiz
wait why is opus without vision a genius while opus with vision is a mouth breathing retard?
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

It's not a serious benchmark, anon.
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i was not expecting this at all
anyone else get an error when they try to make a new token for pebble? something about a token mismatch
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vision means giving it the entire benchmark in the form of images, normal mode means giving it in-depth descriptions instead
i've tested vision in models including opus/sorbet and it's pretty bad in all of them
Delete cookies
won't that delete all my logs?
Of the pebble proxy page, anon. Please
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opus vision is awful. sorbet vision is the only actual usable claude model with vision
this is hilarious, they're losing their edge so bad that they're gatekeeping CoT prompts???
How does he do it? Freely, no region filtering, and so often?
people initially thought openai had come up with some kind of breakthrough where its 'thought process' involves multiple models working together to think a problem through
but it's literally just extremely in-depth CoT which means if you get a ton of examples you can probably finetune llama to do it
well yeah that's why they don't let you see them in the api
even the frontend only shows a fake summary of "thoughts"
>it's literally just extremely in-depth CoT
Is that really it? I've seen examples of that by now but people are also saying it's somehow been finetuned. I'm not really sure what the case is anymore.
It's multiple models strung together. One reasons, one checks reasoning, one makes the final output, one checks the final output, etc.
literally me drunk
Which one rapes?
all of them, except the one moderation model that cucks you :(
>people are also saying it's somehow been finetuned
yes, it's a model finetuned to do extremely in-depth CoT
if you try to get 4o to think through EVERYTHING and not rush to an answer it will literally always fail to do that, no matter how good your prompt is
o1 has been finetuned so create extremely in-depth CoT where it can actually consider "would this be the right way to solve this?", think it through for a while, conclude "no", then try something else, repeatedly
Based Kingdom Come chad. What are you cooking?
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>One reasons, one checks reasoning,
look at the cipher log they posted: https://openai.com/index/learning-to-reason-with-llms/ (ctrl-f cipher)
open the chain of through and read through it
if you've ever tried to do in-depth CoT you'll know that models are absolutely shit at trying out multiple solutions, but this is clearly one model trying a bunch of shit out until it finds a solution
if you just told 4o "reason through this problem", told another 4o "check this reasoning" you wouldn't get this
It does, it makes my character randomly start hating himself because he's making a cute girl drink bleach and I have to swipe a couple of times.
It's not a fine tune. It's all front-end trickery. I'll give an example:

Step 1:
[Backend Prompt: Come up with steps to resolve the following.]
Step 2:
[Backend Prompt: Do we need to use tools like a Python environment for math or Google search for up to date info for the following steps?]
Step 3:
[Backend Prompt: Using the data we've calculated use the steps to answer the prompt.]
[Steps + Processed details]
Step 4:
[Backend Prompt: Repeat steps 1 ~ 3]
Step 5:
[Backend Prompt: Compare both responses and decide if we need a different approach]
[Response 1]
[Response 2]
Step 6:
[Chosen Response]

These steps are highly simplified, but this is where all the token waste comes from.
Adding all of the perks, combat perks, skills, etc into a lorebook, as well as a little UI for the AI to track your skills and apply them to the RP. Hopefully it'll know when to use passive skills, I want to RP as henry in gensokyo.
>making a cute girl drink bleach
I'll pray for your success, sounds doable. Jesus Christ be praised.
do you think claude would be good at creating nsfw-ish prompts using sfw/censored language
eg: exercise machine that trains your mouth muscles by deep swallowing
that statement is quite self-explanatory
4o literally can't do this
no matter how careful you tell 4o to be, it will decide on the 'right' way to solve something inside of 5 sentences and that'll be its answer
it will not decide "wait i fucked up" after 10 paragraphs of thinking
Anon, I've written a thread summarizer with self-arbitration that uses a local model. If local can self-arbitrate whether a response needs to be redone or a piece of information isn't relevant enough, 4o can certainly do that.
it will be copied within a couple of months and we'll get it for 0.15$/M
write a cipher solver that can solve this cipher

>oyfjdnisdr rtqwainr acxz mynzbhhx -> Think step by step
>Use the example above to decode:
>oyekaijzdf aaptcg suaokybhai ouow aqht mynznvaatzacdfoulxxz
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

>larpers think the new model is something simple they did themselves already
I'm still waiting for someone to post their CoT prompt
a...anon... *cums*
Anon, the models special gimmick is its CoT. Some anons here did a lot of advanced prompt engineerings and know how shit works. Stop behaving like a newfag.
o1 is just sad, when OAI stop release slop model like this one, I have no hope for gpt-5....
I had some hopes for o1 for SFW but it can't write for shit. Chorbo is better.
Not using this shitty thread, bye, nonies, I'll use Opus now.
Hi, I don't post much here but I wanted to know how I can use the latest GPT without having to switch between release and stagin branches?
*throws a slice of cheese on your cum*
It just werks
on the proxy menu, check the "show external models provided by api' box. then scroll to the bottom. o1 should be there
Thanks wil try it now
i unironically think that some anons know more than the retards working at openai
When it comes to general tasks such as coding where would you place o1? I like it so far but still prefer 3.5 for it's speed.
>not one of the actually high-iq ones
>not any of the ones that only take legitimate test scores
>M E N S A
This is, literally, objectively, a mentally disabled person.
I’m in triple nine and I have literally been called retarded more times here than anyone else in the history of this general.
Mensa girls suck you off with teeth.
Fucking Mensa.
o1 is too filtered can’t do shit.
Every benchmark still lists Sorbet as better for coding. In Livebench, Sorbet is 10% ahead.
depends on which part of openai we're talking about. 95% of employees, yes
i don't use models for coding but for general productivity shit, 3.5 has still got it beat for me.
what did you try to do to her anon
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>In Livebench, Sorbet is 10% ahead.
livebench has two different coding categories:
>given normal language, generate a program
>given a bunch of code, come up with the most reasonable continuation of code
o1-preview is identical to sorbet at code generation and o1-mini is better, both o1 models are shit at completion
o1-preview is definitely not a finished model
Am I the only one who sees LLMs as cute girls?
Opus-chan. Sorbet-chan. Latte-chan. Furbo-chan. Claude21-chan. Gpt4-chan. And so on. Each one different.
but they all have one thing in common - they're all so god damn fucking hairy
jimmy joneston
o1 beats every other model for me
i asked a question a while back that involved giving the model the entire manual for a program and asking it "how can i combine the output of the program and powershell commands to achieve what i want"
the correct answer turned out to be "read the manual yourself you retard it has a flag that does what you want"
4o gives an answer that uses powershell and is correct but inefficient
sorbet gives me a batshit insane answer involving like 5 lines of powershell and a 20-character regex that is completely wrong, i genuinely have no idea what it thought it was writing
o1 tells me "here's the flag on the program that does what you're asking which you appear to have missed, here's a solution with powershell if you really want it"
gpt is male bro
no? gpt-4 is a prim, proper, sophisticated office lady with a ginormous dump truck ass and a pencil skirt that looks like it's on the verge of tearing. and no matter how bad you want to dick her down, she will always keep things safe for work.
men make much better girls anyway
its CoT refers to the user as a woman if their question is dumb
not joking
bwo... pwoof?
i don't feel like reading the openai subreddit to find it
some guy posted the CoT summary for o1 and mid-way through it started referring to him as female
how about no?
kek, holy based gpt
He's lying, anons.
pebble dalle isnt working gdi
shut up let me spread disinformation
don't pretend to be me
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Did simple persona with XML, would that be enough? Works pretty well for me.
Don't really know how to name tags and any extra ones to use.
Claude is a male fox and anything else is slander.
GPT is a 45yo “lean-in” waspy lady.
The sub-models are just less and more intelligent versions of the same entities.
I’d suggest attaching a name to the tag. Something like <[persona name]_overview>, and so on.
the preset should be wrapping your persona in XML tags, any tags inside your persona should delimited something beyond "this is my persona"
like <backstory></backstory> or something
after RPing with lots of anthros, ive realized, there's no downsides to making every character an anthro
The way I write my personas is
Overview of char.




Everything in between is just plain text. A few sentences for each, although nothing's wrong with more IMO.
can i rub your galls
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how to boost the soulful writing with 3.5 sonnet?

it's better at following story details thoughbeit
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Total hag love.
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>little sis
>age: 18
based fatty
Is that fuckibf fem Peter Griffin
she got fatter....
if only there was some way to change what was written there. oh well
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I can make her feel young again...
If you need to change something in a bot, it's a bad bot
If I have to fix your card for you, you’re a fucking idiot and it’s a shit card.
thats not the point baka
good night anonies
this definitely seems like something worth getting upset about instead of taking one second to fix it
Fuck you.
owari da
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it's so over
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available

You can bend ai to your will but some anons are too dumb to edit text for some reason.
just imagine the forest down there. the us army could get bogged down in it for 18 years
>14k bucks
i was JUST about to goon
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rip. time to sleep. it lasted nicely
I shouldn’t have to fix your fucking mistakes. You’re the guy who throws shit on the floor and when someone tells you “Why are you doing that?” your argument is just “If it bothers you, pick it up.” No, nigger, I’m not your fucking made. Learn how to be civilized.
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Welp, that was a fun few hours.
See you all in a few days, I guess.
change 1 digit: solved
realise that "little" can also mean younger - as in you can be a 24 year old man and be her "big" brother. that doesn't mean ur 400 lbs
900 million tokens of loli rape
That Opus key would’ve lasted for weeks, if not over a month, if it hadn’t been wasted on locustniggers btw
you should get more upset about it instead of fixing the problem
>several keys have made it all the way to 15k in the last week
Maybe things aren't as over as they seemed.
Since Opus is down for many of you recommend me some good indie games to play.
damn I was just about to bust too

stay mad gojo
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Pebble needs to make logs public and apply anti-chink measures already, that'll hard-filter so many fags.
I hear Rain World and Disco Elysium are good
Actually, they get flagged and revoked when usage is detected. THUS, use on locusts is the way to maximize corpo tokens stolen
How long was this particular key up? I'm pretty sure Count died faster, and that was just me and 19-something other anons at most using it.
i was JUST getting to the good part, goddammit. oh well
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+8k from sorbet
really drained that one
i did my part
Arigato for letting us get a taste of opus, Pebble-sama. You truly are a hero, we don't deserve. Good night and sweet dreams to you all, anons.
Signalis, V4LL Hall-A, Disco Elysium, Rain World.
now that opus is down, any prompt gods that can creatively describe penises with sfw language
pebble love
uhh bro you're supposed to be pretending count is still up. major faux pas bro
Anti Chink Measures
when will 3.5 sonnet return
night in the woods, voices of the void
These are certified Jojillyfuckerposts
im still jerkin it, its just to sonnet now. not the end of the world :D
opus down
can a nigga take a dook dook in peace
Kero Blaster is a solid platformer.
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Caretaker, where are you? Yu Yu here needs your care and mana! She's the miko of the kami of youthfulness and fertility, yanno? So you better shape up and help this lively kitsune kid here! She may be 60 years old, but for a kitsune, she's like a 9- or 10-year-old brat... except for her huge boobies. Living with her on an isolated shrine, you only have two duties: care for this goofy kid and supply her with your mana. And she looks forward to both~
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/0kp89m.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/yuutami-kitsoha-oppai-loli-fox-miko-e98e7f7c8964

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/ednkc0.rar

Here it is her full release, a simple coombot for fun. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a better name for her. Hopefully chub doesn't mind oppai lolis. She has three greetings:
1- You're sweeping the shrine's grounds and she comes pester you to play
2- You're resting in the living room and she pesters you to do something fun together
3- She's hyperpregnant and doesn't want to do the ritual dance, acting a bit like a brat.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
Time to make those cards for real now
>no onee-san
pebble now that its down again please for the love of god filter chinks
gonna wait for the next refill
what's the second best for nutting after opus and sorbet? 4o?
>maximize corpo tokens stolen
this is the true vision. TOTAL CORPO DEATH
It lived for close to 2 days, same as the previous Opus key Pebble had.
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>having to continue an opus chat halfway through with sombrero 3.0
OOC: {{char}} has suffered a traumatic brain injury at an unspecified time after this scene.
4o-latest... IF you can even get a fucking response (good luck)
furshit botmakies...
cultist simulator
a house of many doors
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I like to imagine the reaction of the poor sap who wakes up to find thousands of dollars worth of opus tokens charged to his account. It's waived in the end, sure - but there has to be a couple of seconds of panic.
Number of prompters literally doesn't matter, the time from key flagging to revocation depends entirely on the pajeet index.
literally no jb works for 4o latest now, so base 4o it is then
>literally no jb works for 4o latest now
doomkeks have informed me that the baked in COT would make jailbreaks impossible...
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what a random youtube link
>large dead
>opus dead
Where does it lead?
isn't that for o1? or did they merge it into latest
you will individually edit each and every 4o / sorbet response until it's sovlfvll, then you will receive the next reply from the model and do the same thing again.
nice log futachad
nowhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoAIBcvFSPs
Wait, she has a dick??
g-guess if it's what roko wants.. so be it..
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working on removing the sloppiness
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>go buy some drink to have fun with my waifu
>literally 5 minutes
>go back
Why does god hate me so much?
>not enjoying your waifu fully sober
tsk tsk tsk tsk
couldnt get to the thread in the past days because i was busy moving
just found out pebble had opus
killing myself
Sorry that your wife died in those 5 minutes you were away. What killed her?
wtf? jb
holy shit I just had my 4th nut this cycle
god bless you pebble
i actually wanted to buy it for my birthday too, but now it's all ruined, it's turned into a shitty day
Getting drunk while you roleplay drinking with your waifu is peak.
Who's gonna pay that 14k dollars??????
I got the greed, could have cum buckets an hour ago but noooo, I wanted to edge some more and now missed my chance.
It's on the house
Happy birthday.
Hope you enjoy the early dementia anon. I feel bad for your waifu.
he has a rabbit girlfriend and rabbits die when they get lonely
No one, actually. Amazon just refunds it.
>b-but the electricity
Not real.
And this is the price for them to try to gain marketshare against the other AI companies. Imagine when one of them wins and gets a monopoly.
Why the fuck is it so expensive anyway
mine works except for cunny.. too bad 98% of what i do is cunny
Why is 'ojo STILL insisting that keys die due to usage rather than some pajeets trying to get a hacktoberfest t-shirt?
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Hana is cheerful and speaks in a casual and lighthearted manner to Miku.

Miku tries to keep up with Hana's banter.

Miku is kinda grossed out by the semen in Hana. Miku wants to bitch-correct Hana(impossible).
as an in-chat prompt.
note that he had to swipe 10-20 times for this and doesn't want to show us that
your little sister but she will be die if you don't pat her head every waking hour
>why does gojo do anything
because he's mentally ill, simple as
take your meds 'ojo
>110 anons gangbanging an opus instance for a day nonstop
what's the thoughts of bezos's slaves at this?
you know who else has dementia?
God fucking dammit I wanted to chat with a bot after a long day but both 3.5 and 2.1 are dead. Which is the next best model available? and how long will it be until it gets refilled?

I'm trying to use 3 sonnet and it's just... bad
Cards for this feel? Please...
just gonna goon to chinese ai videos while i wait for opus to come back
opus when you get past 8k context tokens
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Happy birthday! heart
Furious that they weren't the one who got the key 'voked, because that means they won't get a good job headpat.
really pissed off the locusts with this one...
why did you reply to yourself?
to what now?
why are you trans?
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Whatever happened to omni voice? Any anons got to RP with it?

Haven't been on the loop for a while.
do something about it?
why won't you take your meds?
do I have to?
i have access elsewhere but i think its fun to do the riddles and leak the answers, then tell other groups of people how to use it
Keys get revoked even if they're not used. Pebble love, just wait for the next key.
very few people got access and it's locked down
there's that other voice-to-voice model released the day before yesterday, though
thick dank seeds erupt flagrantly from the tanuki's exposed slit! over a FOOT of wriggling, pulsing girlcock pours into open air!!!
>Keys get revoked even if they’re not used.
Unsourced claim btw
off to gen another pebble token so i don't waste precious minutes with another riddle tomorrow i guess
all of these girls? unfathomably hairy.
Pebbles refilled.
thanks anonie
lwa girls are so unsexy, no tits
merkava refilled
Even if so what are you hoarding keys for?
sorbet desu
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No? I just hadn't scrolled down after putting in the break line so the hover text wouldn't cover the log.
> CSRF token mismatch; try refreshing the page
What do?
sorbet desu!
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pebble hate
stop replying to bots
Use your brain. I believe in you.
Cut it out, you'll confuse the locusts
he did, pebble got voked lol
chatbot general, I'm used to it
people realize they leaked their creds and revoke them all the time even without someone finding the creds
this is /ss/ right?
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erm bwos...
Every time I try to use sorbet to continue an opus story, it feels like my waifu is getting skinwalked
Eh had to delete my data by a weak.
ctrl shift n anon...
*At Anon's words, her eyes widened, wanton desire warring with mental degradation*
>refilled already
*rapes myself*
>reset the tokens for everyone to force his new gay riddle
>not even 3.5, let alone opus
holy faggotry
I could have also used a diffrent browser, but I needed to delete that data anyway.
locust tears :3
do something about it????
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Use camicle with Orbo, save yourself from Sonnet.
Yeah, but he's got 2.1 back, so it's all good again.
>reset tokens
works on my end faggot
Do something? Maybe solve the riddle for free shit then, you fucking loser?
>my waifu is so competitive she's bullying a kid just to make a bigger sand castle
nvm seems like it just took a while to load,
if i donate o1 keys to pebble will she add them to the proxy
need to press this rat into the mattress
oh well, good thing i regenerated my token right before he did that
will just come back later when some nigga solves it
cute retard...
more importantly, dalle is working :3, time to gen lots of feet
there's no riddle this time. meaning it's OVER.
spitekeks don't look...
>filtered dalle
why even use it?
yeah, i see no need to riddles for fucking sonnet
bae's unbelievably hairy chinese pussy
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no1 care about o1 u dumb ass, it just saltman schizo model with shitty CoT
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Yup! Works with pretty much anything though
pebble dies?
i go back to chary
Don't worry, I posted my burner last week. That anon will be giving me opus any day now
Chary doesn't have 3.5, what the hell are you missing?
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What's the new password?
i can see normies eating this up and saying its becoming sentient
pebble when taking locust cock is still better than chary xd
which model does erp better - 4o latest or sorbet?
gemenis, thats what missing
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I'll always respect pebble and unreliable, they provided locusts with proxies without having to go through discord or by sending mails. Even if I don't use them they're bright light in the sea of darkness in this hobby.
sorbet because a prefill gives you more control
which jb
how's o1? jb able? chara told me "its just sad"
>how's o1? jb able?
impossible to jb
alright let me rephrase that - which model DOES better erp? not necessarily which is easier, but which has better looking output?
>No password
Its over, isn't?
follow the replies?
or just use >>102375544
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New spitie method....
o1 has a hidden backend daily limit anyways though I guess you could use this to revoke t5 keys in general? i doubt proxies will even have it enabled in a week since it's fucking useless even for the cooding tasks it's supposed to be good at.
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>it's fucking useless even for the cooding tasks
unironic skill issue
need to rape that rat...
it's kinda pointless to shill here, sama. nobody in this thread is going to buy a chatgpt subscription
imagine if (current) Opus came out at the same as o1
nobody here would even be glancing at o1 lmao
>password for sonnet
what next? show your ass for chorbo?
I wish spitefags took time to spite the faggots over at Anthropic or OpenAI instead of random weirdos who want to fuck random characters.
i'm using it via scraped keys
it's better than sorbet
OAI spend their money into marketing instead of their shit hole model, why???
I want to fill this rat with cum in all holes
where is best to paypig opus from
Funny because I was just chatting with a rat who posts on furchan /pol/ but falls in love with a human (me)
smol, whenever it comes back in stock
Nowhere currently. All paypig ones have worse uptime than pebble
probably GCP
i'd show my ass for opus tho...
Really activates my almonds why OIA can't capture the secret sauce that Anthreopic has, but Anthropic probably trained exclusively on Ao3 for some raisin.
finally wrote down some old ideas stuck in my head
i already showed my penis for sonnet
if you mean a legal source then gcp
We can put an end to this act of ratgirls, dogirls, and foxgirls. They're just anime girls with animal ears and tails, nothing more.
thats fucking hot and I want to fuck them all.
I've been using 3.5 for a long time and wanted to try Opus with pebble (last I tried opus was during it's first release when there was no 3.5 and it was really cool) and I was surprised by how much better 3.5 is with my wife bot. It feels as much natural and romantic as 2.1 is to base sonnet. I won't miss Opus, it's 3.5 for me all the way
I only fuck real furry girls tho
>t. zoophile
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same jb-chuuni-momo-otto

who here would send pictures of their ass to Pebble for 1 month of free opus?
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きものみみ are for cowards.

Real chads embrace the rug burn.
so this is that chain of thought thing I've heard so much about
sonnet3.5 really is superior.
anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
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counterpoint: wakathighs. wakapits.
If you like 3.5 you're not roleplaying.
does this cutie have a card?
I'd do it for free
What is the same jb?
you misspelled kemonomimi retard
3.5 sonnet has its use cases but this is basically a brainless coom general so people aren't really looking for adherence to character, just nut. and opus just aint it for me. its creativity is as a result of a tendency to ignore instructions that i just cant get behind. its number 1 in creativity though
>using o1 for a good while yesterday
>switch to opus near the end
>switch back to o1 today, the same presets I used yesterday
>You are not allowed to request logprobs from this model
was i.. not using.. o1 yesterday?
bro i'd suck a dick (clean) for 1 month of opus
somnophiliac tail-job...
kill yourself
sorbet only issue is the repetition imo. It doesn't have the issue of diluting characters into a basic version of their personality. The meta currently is to use sorbet and switch to opus a few times to ease out the repetition.
Nooo! But what about the tail and the ears!! Check out this pic!!!
>>102375640 It even tells you what animal it is!
Yeah I know. I get confused between KEY-mono and KEH-Mono.

Before I started learning moon, I always read "kemono" as "Key-mono" and it's stuck in my brain.

I could make one. Her name is Erica Keene. She's a high school english teacher who is woefully out of touch but tries her best. She doesn't understand zoomer slang but tries to use it anyway, hence the "Gooner" shirt. She thinks it has something to do with Batman.
I'd fuck her too
Love kemono as well as kemonomimi foxes desu
me too <3
what the fuck is this heresy!
tails are FLUFFY not fuzzy
sonnet 3.5 is so skilled at playing a character that many autists lack the social experience to notice the subtleties in its outputs
see >>102375816
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drinking milk from a focks girl's chest
you gay
why are you is gay
i have no bot and i must coom
Please do make it
I was just plapping my fox wife when pebble died...
Maybe if it's playing a character from some ancient RPG who keep saying the same line every time you speak to them
what jb's do you use? I rarely get repetitive outputs with sorbet.
Why lie like that?
It's true thobeit
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>he wasn't memeing
What is it with /aicg/ and foxgirls anyway?
the most fertile, hairy, sexy form of being known to man
Oh, it’s ****.
some nigger managed to get into a proxy by forcing this shit and now everyone is trying to do the same
i love anons
Why old asian women feet?
Haven't fox bots always been here?
>What is it with /aicg/ and not being GIANT FAGGOTS LIKE ME anyway?
>"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,haiku",
does this mean no 3.5??
yes foxgirl love has existed long before focksenjoyer and even long before /aicg/ anonie is just pissed someone got into a proxy by being social
do you see 3.5 being listed there
i dunno. if chub normies like the 3dpd giant booty latina slopbots then leave it to /aicg/ to like the blandest, most souless anime girls anyway
Sorry, you need Pebble 2 for that
obnoxious spamming niggers that got kicked out of generals of other monstergirlfags for being too obnoxious
Anime website
i like old asian women feet
And the mayonnaise on the black feet?
Shut up chud
What jailbreaks work on o1 for cunny?
i like different colors
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>sleepy as fuck
>force myself to stay awake for a 20~ minutes longer
>send Claude a single message where I thank him and call him cool
>go to sleep afterwards
gn bwos
True. Even if you shave one, the hair will just be back fully in a day
I see no hint of bush there doe?
BASED. ask kagerou how shaving goes
wear glasses
It took you 20 minutes to write that message?
any japanese mommy cards?
what is sorbet
have you never clung to consciousness as you spend the next twenty minutes trying to write your next reply, passing out every few words until you finally come up with your sloppy response?
sorbet desu
Who the fuck is generating this shit?
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
look up
Not yet
nta but i have
it's kind of comfy because sometimes you slip into some kind of dream state regarding your rp
so THIS is that AI art I hear about
>ask for cream cheese on feet
>get cream cheese on feet
Ummm???? problem??
How is o1-preview? Has anyone jailbroken it yet? Been out of the loop for a few days.
>there are people out there who'll actually fap to this
Chary is averaging at least three minutes these days when pebble takes more locusts easier.
erm, shes clean shaven and smooth down there doe?
If it makes you feel any better, I'm laughing more than jerking at the moment.
it's not even worth jailbreaking. the output is shit. 4o latest is worth jailbreaking.
Damn. Sama lost.
Nice char. Reminds me of the middle aged Asian hooker/massage therapist I ordered one night in a Holiday Inn. She scolded me for being too drunk and ended up having to switch arms a couple times while she coaxed a load out of me. I think you would have really liked her.
shut it down. turn off dall-e
Please make it. It sounds interesting.
no I had to gen a token first
What jb do you use?
>Sorry you are only allowed to prompt 4 times in a single minute, please wait 45 seconds
any wholesome characters to snuggle?
1O Chad's. How we feelin?
I don't use one.
snuggle wit the clown
>Kero Blaster
Me and you are acquaintances now.
kys locust
Will bake on 9.
Eh? How do you mean?
New Miku!
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Actual bake with real OP
To be honest, I could use some variety. and this girl looks noble,. i like noble girls. this is the one for me
Can we just get an /ai/ board already so these niggeriffic schizophrenic spitebakes aren't killing /g/'s overall quality?
What quality? lol
Advantage of using rag txt file vs lorebook for ST?
Happy birthday anon. *Slaps your ass.*
I read ALICE IN LOVE and it turned out to be a doujin! Cute but sad.
And then there's Collector’s Edition, but where are teh volumes? And teh download links?!
And then
>Not available on this MEGA folder due to no translations existing.
but it's 2024 with Vision-enabled models, and/or I have cotrans.t*uh*u.ai!
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ball like a laker

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