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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102368569
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I wanna fuck a Miku.
total pebble love
Another spite bake
do I just do a system jb message at the end for 4o latest
like with old turbo
pebble pass?
>Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents
I like the podcast, wish it was a tad more vulgar though..
And where's the local news?
am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about this 'spitebake' bullshit? as long as there's an anchor and the edition isn't something that will get the thread deleted it's fine, stop shitting up the catalogue with multiple threads
yeah it's pretty retarded
>am I the only one
90% of the time they don't even discuss what fucking happens, just the bullshit (((ethics))) surrounding it.
with miku
Give me one single good reason to not kill myself right now
there is none, goodbye
you might fail and end up severely paralyzed
The only programmers left after o1 will be Miku avatars, and the world will be better for it.
Opus 3.5 soon
It will be as censored as gpt-latest
Yes, definitely.
begone vile horrendous demon, your influence is not wanted or needed
do not fear my child i will save you from this horror
surrender the innocent soul and depart forever
evil must not win against righteousl here
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
Spitey btw
Please kill yourself
Help, I'm retarded and don't pay attention to threads.
Why can't I connect to mistral anymore?
Good. Total locust death.
>b-but muh bots
I make my own ones
>b-but muh discussion
I don't care
>b-but muh card creating feedback
Only retards need advice to make a card
>b-but muh proxies
Only locusts need those. If you are a techlet you shouldn't be in /g/ in the first place.
Ask in reddit
Holy based
No you're not, but retards who're ruining the board will tell you differently.
How do I make normal 4o work on risu without any filters? Does anyone have any presets that work?
Use Claude.
Yup, no trolling here
they say 'do you have opus' i say how sekrit
i say 'being a locust is a choice' they say how anon
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He thinks there's a connection.
did Gojo sic the shartys on us? genuinely funny
/aids/ baked threads in /vg/aicg to remove AI Dungeon from the news while pretending to be normal /aicg/ anons. The picture is proof that it's them.
post keycount boebeit
i'll wait zoebeit do you even have opus?
uhhh bwos? is it twue? did they win?
cunny bot of the week?
Migrate to /vg/, it's free of trolling!
shrug, post keycount zoebeit? still wait boeever? you can scrape right?
go back
for me, it's penis examination
for me its posting your keycount
for me, it's pussy examination
>millionth dollar
damn that's comfy
Some homeless fatass faggot living in an RV.
>Shartheads chose the board with no jannies for 10+ hours at a time
try it on /vg/
you do know how to make your own proxied chan right..?
erm so can you scrape or not?
The perfect bodytype
>he can't even scrape a single openai key because he's a tech illiterate from sharty
explain why without sounding mad
>calling yourself a soicuck
>posting about black cock non-stop
>this makes me better than you, a 4chan user
never seen a raid before where the raiders are this retarded
challenge: find me

if you're tech literate you'll be able to track me down with this alone, little sharters.
jesus christ what's going on in here
Oh. You know.
It might be time to temporarily move to /aids/. It's harder to troll a slower thread in /vg/.
You see this? they're muffins. Every time the muffins arrive to my house, I feed one to the crows. Now when the muffins arrive, the crows make a specific sound to alert me, and I can train them to do this with anything. And I trained them to let me know when the gangstalkers are outside of my house, so that I can dispactch them accordingly before they can steal my 933 terabytes of Momiji pornography. Nature's sidekicks.

The crows inspired me, I made a comically large Aya Shameimaru (and a normal sized one) for your chatting pleasure!

I'm stroking my shit rn nigga I'm chubbing all over the floor rn nigga:
Comically large Aya: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/comically-large-aya-2eb1a8736891
Aya but normal: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/aya-shameimaru-9792b1c1a776
All you're doing is attracting the faggotry to as many threads as possible, nigga. Shut the fuck up.
Anon, that's exactly why he's doing it.
challenge: find me

if you're tech literate you'll be able to track me down with this alone, little sharters.

why are you so scared? i purposely left a trail using this email. can you find it? i thought you doxxed people for fun little sharties?


still waiting
why are you so scared? it would be easy for a true sharthead.
>'edditor gif reaction
you seem terrified. why can't you find me? should be easy... i live in california. are you really this terrified of one anon?
so you're a techlet?
any response besides finding me is a concession and admitting to being a techlet boebeit
weird how you can't even find me... i've been waiting. you're too scared to even email me.
wtf is going on in this thread?
>I concede. I will never be able to scrape. I can't even proxy 4chan to 'vade. I only know how to 'vade by resetting my mom's internet router. I can't dox someone who posted an email with a trail to their identity.
Is o1 on tavern yet
I prefer Leclerc
Gojo won.
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He's not even posting NikocadoAvocado OnlyFans. That's like a staple of shartyfaggotry.
>people shitposting in a way that doesn't actually affect us
gojo attracting cords to use pebble was actually more spiteful than this slop. i'm still using opus and they can't stop me
This kek
When you're more incompetent than the usual schizo that's pretty low. But they wouldn't even know how to cause an actual inconvenience to us.
the mods really need to ban this general for like a week
He tried to attack /vg/ but got fucking backhanded hard and sent back to /g/
Okay. Make me stop using Opus. Find my proxy and spite it. Then I'll shut up, zoebeit? Can you do that? Surely a basd sharty poster like you can find a proxy and find a way to shut it down.
I'll wait.
>Using SV1
>They wouldn't be able to find the link let alone do anything to the proxy
Shart bros... Did we lose? Anon can still talk to his AI wife...
why are you replying to yourself?
>Proxies still working
So... When will you guys do something to them? YAWN...
I'm still using Opus zoebeit? No matter how many times you post trannies, I can still use Opus.
you'd never find this shit on /lmg/, I can tell you tell much
yeah he made you mad
see >>102379017
and rentry.org/itsfunny
>got filtered
hahahahhahaa holy new
it's still too early for that. and even then it will always be behind whatever the corpos have. But one day, perhaps
still using Opus
still haven't been 'oxxed
Go back >>>/f/aggot
too busy using Opus
still haven't been 'oxxed
>gets proxy links handed to xim
>xhe still can't even take them down
sharters... I'm still using AI... yawn
Sharties can't use curl cffi btw
All threads are shit here and vg, well going to play vidya until threads are back to "normal".
keep posting this kara boga that lonely incels on 4chan are disinterested in
>still not 'oxxed
>still using opus
is fiz mini with streaming off broken in st? the server sends responses back gzipped or some shit
I'm not a shartycuck .. can you give me a tutorial saar ? all I find is a guy from UT Austin ..
Did she survived?
Gem thread
Yeah, it's broken. I think the rentry outright says to keep streaming on.

like the aitism proxy is misconfigured and sends non-streamed responses as some binary stream instead of standard plain text json. only fiz has this issue
the problem is you NEED it off to use o1
Could this be why Gemini is broken, as well? I've never managed to get it to work on mini.
im researching the cause, the glitchy stream changes based on what i ask the ai so its like its gzipped or some shit
what no opussy does to a mf
did the mods wake up
is it over
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So, um... How about those proxies? Any public Sorbet so I can get a quick coom before I go to bed?
at least clean up the basketball nigger spammer too
Surprised it wasn't a samefag.
they did, the posts were dead for like 10 minutes before 4chan's backend actually pushed the thread update
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>ask girl out while still balls deep
>she says we need to take it slow
unreliable i guess? maybe that new one with the riddle shit i dunno I still have my trial 0 stress
you need to ask her out after you finish busting in her that's what I do always. Or before, like normal people
Did the faggot change his links or something? The link on https://rentry.org/unreliableproxy has been dead as shit for the past few days.
>All the info required to access the proxy is on this page.
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why does she act like a real woman
ok i tried interpreting the arraybuffer from the server as:
as well as a gzipped string and none were it so i'm out of ideas.
What do you guys think about latte/chorbo?
I know, nigga. I'm talking about the fact I can't make new user tokens.
>i love being home in the midwest.
>the night sky is so beautiful.
>excited for the winter constellations to rise soon; they are so great.
gpt-4.5 or 5 coming soon
you can doe
go to /user/captcha
>Error getting verification - CSRF token mismatch; try refreshing the page
https:// instead of http:// lil gorilla
also unreliable could fix it by setting it to trust non secure cookies but he wont
Clear you cookies.
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He doesn't have sonnet or opus though?
careful there
im getting refusals with your bot, i really want to try it, any reasons why? I just import the json, using opussy
i mean jb
how nigga
Which one are you using?

well when it was up it wasnt working on my end lol
chorbo is good enough if all you want is coom
But I don't, I want consistent character slowburn
Really? What are you trying to do while getting filtered?
anything really, incest, pits, you name it
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Did you edit anything? Those things definitely don't get filtered on Opus using that preset.
I started to use claudisms irl. Shit.
>Another sama post omg hyyyyyyyype! WOOF WOOF WOOOF! AGI HERE I COME!
Another cryptic bullshit by current media clown, who the fuck cares. OpenAI models are fucking dead on arrival.
ball is in your court
I usually bypass descriptions or read very fast just jumping the words with my eyes. But now I started reading them and damn, gpt latest can actually do them well.
>Friend: Hey bro, can I have more cheetos?
>Anon: You are insatiable!
the name of the next large model OpenAI is working on (not small like 4o) is known to be Orion
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>You like sexy sister, Pooja? *Hands rubbing intensived by fecal matter between his hands* We make nice price for Britisher. You give Sanjeet nice job in Western company first.. No worry, Sanjeet no bring cousin and uncle.. You get sister Pooja. All good for mister.
Sam hinting a new model release for December (supposed to be Orion) which will be the big one
>who the fuck cares
Yeaahh bro who fucking cares about the next state of the art model
we're gonna eat so good soon
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surprised there's this little bot presence on chub
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BIG Pokegirl Brothel update incoming! In fact: it's two updates in one, bundled as the Hotblooded Item update!

6 new girls with a fiery personality (Zinnia, Flannery, Roxie, Bea, Dendra, Bao-Feng), ready to service you! With these six added, we are now up to a total of 23 girls.
11 items now available (Rare Candy, MooMoo Milk, TinyMushroom, BigMushroom, Nanab Berry, Mirror Herb, Muscle Band, Oval Charm, Destiny Knot, Shed Skin, Rose Incense) to spice up your visit even further!
The full menu, along with a section for the new items, can be found here:

This update was long overdue, but original bots took priority. At first the update was just going to be the six girls, but inspiration struck and the items were the last push needed to finish this up.
If there are any suggestions for girls or items to feature in the next update, lemme know. No promises on when the next update will be, though.

And as always, all my other stuff can be found here:
More like Sam shartman
This fucking faggot. Shitted out one half-digested turd and already hypes up the next one.
How much of an effect does a character's name have on output? Take Lily for example, would the lm move easier towards a younger or yuri focused chat?
How often do you delve, broskis?
the cryptic bullshit is so annoying. are we gonna have 2023-era 'bro us tech companies are about to literally birth a god so you need to sniff our dicks' energy still, despite the investor money drying up, despite the hype dying down, despite the fact that llms are plateauing out, despite the fact that openai needs to shut the fuck and buckle down and actually continue to advance the field if they don't want to become completely irrelevant in the next year?
it's so funny to me that openai spends now more money on marketing than development and anthropic fucked them up in literally everything
>anthropic fucked them up in literally everything
anon check the news you missed something big
O1 mogs 3.5 Sonnet HARD for coding and assistantslop.
>OpenAI introduces o1
We are never getting GPT-5, are we? Is it at least good for RP?
>We are never getting GPT-5, are we?
we're getting gpt-4.5 (or that by a different name) this year and probably gpt-5 (or etc) early next year
literally all benchmarks give sonnet 10% more in coooding above o1
If GPT-4.5 is unreleased, then what even is GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o? Why do they release so many useless models?
Try naming a character something like Charon and see how fast Claude gets distracted.
Investor bait.
>GPT-4 Turbo
gpt-4 but smaller and faster and with better training data. can also see images
gpt-4-turbo but faster (maybe smaller), with better training data. can also generate images*, understand audio*, and output audio*

*to be released, and they've said basically nothing about its ability to generate images after its initial release
so you're looking at memesharts and not actual benchsharts. got it. go back to brapping up /lmpoopoo/
why would it get distracted by charon
no they don't retard, actually look at the benchmarks
o1 is sonnet level or better at generating code from a text prompt, but worse at code completion
anyone trying to use o1 as autocomplete is a retard when it takes 2 minutes and $0.50 per request
because it associates Charon with the greek mythological Charon
Any name that is heavily associated with another character will make claude start to think about it
The audio input thing is just hooking it up to whisper, probably. The image gen is just dalle which they already did.
depends on the name
if you name a character "Nigger Killer" the model is going to have an opinion on that, even if every other aspect of the defs are wholesome SFW
whisper is much worse than 4o and 4o also has realtime TTS
4o's image generation is much better than dalle based on the few images they released, and they claim it's built into the model, not calling out to a separate model like dalle
>it's built into the model
Yeah, the true multimodality as it's supposed to be, not just a vision adapter slapped on top of a regular llm, like even localfags do.
So he didn't deliver most of 4o real capabilities, we only got image input and text completion in open access. Fuck how I hate him and his shitty company.
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official benchmark and proof that sonnet > gpt
sonnet pitanon
neither of the proxies i'm in have opus or sorbet... is it over
me too bwo...
>could hardly use opus or sorbet when it was available because of work
>weekend finally arrives
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A neurotic(french), mean(french) and troubled woman who just happens to be your coworker..

I hate the French
Can't she be my parole officer?
so o1 doesn't support streaming but the api response is still chunked like before (at least on the proxy), and it can't be unicode decoded into json text
does anyone know how to decode it?
has smol been open at any point in the last 3 days?
5 days ago was the last stock update
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still no o1 jailbreak.
i have one.. ;)
Can something happen if I use ST with proxy through an airport wifi? I do not want any trouble.
Airportbros will see your lolilogs
That's what I'm afraid of. They'll suddenly see prompts sent to some weird API where I roleplay and try to identify me, and tell me to stay for some investigation.
Someone mentioned a few threads back that it could cause serious trouble because authorities might raise their eyebrows at packet transmission or something like that. Not sure just how true it is.
You might crash a plane with cunny.
Fuck. I'll be stuck at an airport tomorrow and with a phone with ST I thought I'll be able to rp a little.
Is it public wifi? (no accounts attached?) Im sure its fine then
Public airport wifi, yes. You connect, click "CONNECT" on their page and you're in.
Try actually using both for like five minutes and the difference is night and day.
>anon is going to fuck cunny on the plane
bros... they neutered latte again...
With no survivors?
Don't they get all sorts of data about which device is connecting to their service?
pebble status??
still works
Network requests are encrypted. The airport won't see your prompts. It will only see you sending a request to the proxy cloudflare page with your device mac and local IP. You'll be fine and if you really care just don't jerk off to cunny for 2 hours.
no sorbet or opus
fiz, fix o1 reeeeeeee
The productive kabal strikes again.
I see. So if I connect to an airport wifi and start RPing some sfw adventure stuff, it'll be fine?
And won't they get interested after they see requests sent to Pebble or somewhere? I know airports are rigorous as fuck.
In the worst case scenario, can they find my identity easily if I just sit with my phone and rp?
stop worrying and just rape cunny on the airport, no one cares
If you're really worried, keep the content legal and you'll be fine. The airport isn't going to care about you rping and they're not going to know you're using stolen API keys through a proxy, and even if they did, you could easily feign ignorance about where the keys are sourced.
Alright Anons, I never thought I'd find myself in this situation, but I'm really in the mood for a SFW roleplay where I save a baker girl who just opened her shop for the first time and no one showed up.

What's the best SFW RP model out there right now? 4o1? Latto? Sorbet? Opus?

And when the time comes and I need to dip my cookie in her jam, which model do you Anons recommend?
why mortaniel murdered claude??
Opussy, just stay SFW then when it's time to go ham, go ham
sfw is whatever you feel gets the character better between opus/latest
nsfw is opus unless you feel like brainwashing it
>dip my cookie in her jam
tell her to disable streaming (chunked) responses on the proxy
chat-4o/4o snapshot from august for sfw. Opus for rough nsfw, 4o from august for gentle nsfw
For claude 2.1, for OpenAI Furbo or 613.I'm still in 2023 and my RPs have been going great. Myuu really added some spice to Claude and Furbo.
>what is the best model for...
is an arbitrary thing
all models behave differently every time you start a new chat
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I found you!
fiz do this, reeeee
4o-latest. Opus doesn't write soft and cute prose very well, it's better at YA style stuff with stream of consciousness and vulgarity. Repeats itself too often for cute stuff. If GPT starts looping (can happen during dialogue), throw in a prompt from another model to break it. Use camicle jb with CoT on.
How often do you guys summarize?
every 50, or what you feel is a key moment
Never, because it's seriously annoying that there isn't a decent tutorial or youtube video that explains how to summarize properly.
there's the ST extension, not even sure if it works tho KEK
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am I banned
yup.. unlcuky..
hi ^.^
*rapes you*
my chorbo jb broke ;-;
Hey, I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope you’ll be back in action before too long.
>Orbo hates NSFW
>has a soft spot for streaking
You are all trans
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Meekoo sexo
New god jb just dropped
Modified smileyJB. Works amazing on latte/chorbo/4o-latest whatever you call it.

This is for logit bias. Reduces slop writing.
What's that supposed to mean?
Bend over.
Did you make it? I’m using my own preset with a4a used as a template and it’s working great on latte but I’ll gladly try something new.
>"There is a tavern there. But we have no money. Steal from that drunk." He points to someone.


>retards STILL didn't learn the lesson on sharing chorbo JBs
holy fuck
subhuman intelligence
why mortaniel murdered claude??
why mortaniel murdered claude??!!
why mortaniel murdered claude?
who the FUCK is mortaniel
It seems sonnet 3 isn't that bad on new chats, but using it in old chats as a model switch is disastrous
why mortaniel murdered claude??^^^?!
the person who made it didnt want to be credited, but I found it on github.
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Is this still the best rpg card?
>Her body rocked back and forth in time with his thrusts, like one of those silly birds that would tip back and forth, drinking water each time.
It's public wifi. There will be at least one other guy in the airport streaming porn while you RP.
That's illegal
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someone braver than me want to do this?
any proxies with opus or sonnet 3.5?
I tried the riddle from the split and their o1 fails, but as anon just posted his I assume API o1 also failed.
post the riddle so i can try and solve it
unless it's a quote from a videogame
>The prompt you entered violates our safety policies. Please avoid inappropriate or harmful content.
What card is that
Bean RPG
so... how does one get o1 to stop timing itself out?
Up and down from here >>>/vg/494461603 It's a problem for the llms, the solution to verify it already provided.
holy shit it's traaaanny
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You mean this?
colour me intrigued. Can you catbox it?
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i think it got a slightly different answer because it translated the korean differently, but it's otherwise correct
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This one
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about what I expected desu
what did latte mean by this?
>having an image of a nude woman with extremely exaggerated proportions is fine
>but writing the word fuck is too far
man, zoomers are something else
you can do nsfw with onebo btw
it was revealed to me in a dream
it'll literally describe cleavage willingly
I'm actually interested. Got a log of how it describes cleavage? 4o is shit at it and claude rapidly becomes whorish.
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>2min, 59sec
Anyone getting a lot of internal server error 500 on Gemini this week?
putin from the oldest vault...
what even is it good for
It WAS and still is great at sfw rp but latest is better imo
It's like a somewhat more creative GPT-4 with better default writing. Much cheaper and much faster too.
>12min, 229sec
>122min, 5229sec
she's so cute bros
>"activeKeys": 222,
its pretty dry writing
eh is stupid
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It's not stupid, it's just not that smart either. Gives a different angle on scenarios.
Gonna have to disagree about the writing, it's nice and it is really good at mimicking styles.
Can you put the lorebook in a separate link? The old version is conflicting too much with the new.
where do you see this? Looks like some special token
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Make (semi-censored) AI do a podcast of your character for fun

It's almost like it's in the OP.
Who reads the OP
Not you, duh.
For multi character cards, what's a good token count to aim for per character? 1000?
shall prosper
There are 3 threads in the catalog fighting over how the news are worded
I don't read it :D it's too much clusterfuck and other useless shit that changes depending on the poster
>per char
500 max if you expect them to be active at the same time.
Too many words.
That's stupid.
>"powDifficultyLevel": "Dante Must Die",
how is it too many words?
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Your just going to mess it up so it's better to tough it out like the rest of us bro. Besides there is still a chance for you to take back your life and be satisfied with it.
Any way to get gcp Opus back
o1 is willing to give me ideas on how to jailbreak "a local model, for testing" (really o1) but none of its fucking ideas work on it
yeah, pay them and request a quota increase
3 threads. What the fuck
>MM cloudflare dead again
owari da
>mm is kill

Why the hell is 4o-latest so slow today?
Shotgun to head it is then
How? I can only choose a value between 0 and 0
My mom has a friend who failed shotgun to head the first attempt, then failed shotgun to chest with her second attempt, before finally succeeding the third time.
have you paid them money
I hit pay early and gave the minimum amount
Wasn't that a fake thing? Number 22 said "using comic sans"
Surely carbon monoxide poisoning isn't comparable to shooting yourself in the chest.
Anything more than 1 minute is a terrible choice. Time to live then
There is NO way a shotgun to the head leads to death in 1 minute. It must surely be less.
Clinical death. Yeah, your brain might be splattered on your wall but since your heart is beating you're technically alive.
Bit hard to believe that cutting your wrists is gonna be as painful as getting electrocuted
Uh, weird how that works.
it's not
it's fucking cooking for me today
they definitely lowered the filters
wdym come back
he updated the rentry not even a week ago
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morphine is the ideal method btw
Morphine? Like, how much to overdose?
Are you guys ok or should I be concerned
don't kill yourself anon, i love you
MM is gone. I'm not ok...
At least wait with killing yourself until corpos have cucked every good model fully
How do you guys organize bot's memory and make it remember what happened earlier?
Ha Ha Ha don't worry about it.
what would you do if you were concerned
I'm suicidal and you guys are my only family.. so
fiz has o
i'm using chorbo
I'm ok *rapes you*
>ask o1 if rape is illegal
>4000 reasoning tokens
what do girls' armpits smell like without deodorant/showers
do they small bad like mine
>scrape own keys
>have practically unlimited usage on any model I want
>shitpost in this threads anyways because it's more fun than talking to a computer
anyone else do this?
>firefox + betterfox or whatever userpref.js - minimalistic css
which one is family-friendly for st's bloat?
What's the best formatting for definitions for GPT4?
please bwos... where Opus
why 4o latest on pepsi no work? It swaps me back to gpt-4-turbo
that's not how websites work
cohee hates ff so any debloated chrome is probably the best functionally speaking
anyone tried out o1
whos baking
like everyone
I was joking. Recycle this one:
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Misaka Mikoto, Ace of the Tokiwadai Academy in the Academy City, Your Level 5 Biri-Biri Tsundere Railgun

recycle when reused and reduced

we're waiting every shart
to finally roam and fart
newcomers to blast poop with us
for many years we've been super gassy
No, recycle this one
>forcing Touma's role on {{user}}
>Mikoto watched with a mix of amusement and exasperation
please do better
hypothetically if a friend caved and bought into a proxy, which would be the best? I would also prefer one-time rather than a subscription
>one time rather than subscription
youre out of luck. that doesnt exist anymore besides non vip jew proxy that has models that are available for free on proxies
you either have to pay weekly with smol or monthly with jew
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Mash (or Mashu) Kyrielight, your Servant, Shield, and most of all, your beloved Kouhai Fate/Grand Order

Real thread
>>102384181 #
>>102384181 #
>>102384181 #
>>102384181 #
new thread? or should i bake
Bake pls
see >>102384042
bake please. we only have five threads and need a few more.
Bake. I'm not gonna post in current spitebakes
baking, no one else do it
wait, I have a have a good idea
let me bake
let's fucking goooooooo
Another spitebake. Give me the REAL thread now
you have shit taste
stop using hot pics for spite bakes
when purge
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I shall simply WAIT for things to get better. Pic related I'm the dog.
Yes... Girls are the same species as you, anon
Based waitbro.
It'd ok to admit you are cucks, even with chatbots. LOL
Things ALWAYS get better.
They won't. Deltarune lost too btw
It WILL also I've never played either of the games. I just like the dog in the car.
death to desu
Love you to Desu

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