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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Kisaki Edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102376324
because we really needed another bake
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We need a new bread XDXDXD
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Lmao if you try to even remotely find out about how the reasoning of the o1 model works, you immediately get flagged and you get an email telling you to stop
we're waiting every shart
to finally roam and fart
newcomers to blast poop with us
for many years we've been super gassy
I doubt they do that for the api
Real thread
>look inside
>no pepsi
still the wrong thread btw, try a third time
>look inside
>no pepsi
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Shy, soft, and lonely tanuki woman. Give her lots of hugs.
Four greetings, the third one served as the basis for the character but I wanted to flesh her out more than just a gimmick card.
>fillyfucker reposting other people's bots to lend his spitebakes credibility again
lol, lmao.
who the fuck is pebble?
reset my GCP did everything properly but i'm getting a resource_exhausted error. did i fuck something up or is gcp just being raped right now?
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
You have to be a genuine retard to believe this
To believe what?
awesome card bro
the link...
i pressed submit by aciddennt :(
>MM down
>Chary without claude keys
Alright, guess i'll do something productive today.
Any ideas?
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new card, valeria, lets just say she is... REALLY age play, she is insecure, but just can't help herself

3 greetings,
first one: you have been kidnapped by her
second one: she is your babysitter
third one: she is your girlfriend and you just found out about her kinks

/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
where's the podcast with the summary of the previous thread?
the guys, check this out >>102385923
i will work on the revsaysdesu one in a few moments, just need to take a short break, writing valeria was intense
Might I suggest a greeting where the court has approved her to move into your neighborhood and she is trying (not) to not break her parole by being around (you)
interesting, i like the idea of her trying to hold her desires back, if i ever update her i will make sure to add that
why is there multiple threads?
Because faggots likely out bump them. Kys.
/aicg/ was never the same after that day, but things should return to normal
Kill yourself
someone, I think /aids/, doesn't like the news and keeps double baking
Sometimes I hate the jannies, and then we got shitty multi bakies like this. Why can't we have nice things
'ojo is at it again
This, but unironically. You can stop false-flagging now, momo.
To the anon who suggested him. What you mean "loser"? He's based af
I haven't seen /aids/ in ages. thanks for reminding. Time to shit up their threads
Someone wants to get us banned from /g/ so he's making all kinds of bakes
It's momoura, see: >>102387967
I don't care as long as the homofag still shits up /aids/.
not him but, he is kinda of a retard, i mean you can respect the fact that he doesn't give a fuck but it doesn't justify how retarded he is, and at the end of the day he is just another youtube trying to make money with ragebait
yall are toxic
I don't care as long as he SOLELY shits up /aids/ and leaves us the hell alone.
Momoura is some botmaker who posts predominantly on /vg/, the schizo seems to have a hateboner for him. Bad luck for momoura being latched onto by that guy, dude will probably have to make an alt if it becomes too much
Or he doesn't give a fuck like mrnobody
Don't know. Pretty sure it's not just NAI either, he just says what he wants and can change what he says completely to cause more chaos. Just a rampant troll is what he is
I felt bad for mrnobody for getting hate for no reason.
The drama over the news is a bit overblown
>Pebble died
>Chary dying
>Unreliable dying
I do wish they'd release a new model already, but I can't imagine wasting the energy to hate Analtan that much.
smol lives
>Local still works
Why does Mistral die so fast
This is the normal chatlog stats of chary fags.
Chary is a cancer and should be taken out
hey, anyone remember planeswalker?
Drago why do you kill our proxies?
lunare...cutenare...are you here? :3
hey, anyone remember wster?
hey, anyone remember our beloved ratlover?
which botmakie is the best botmakie?
you are replying to him dipshit
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
Reminded that incels bullied Hochi off this general.
>check for mine
>says I never interacted with the character
the one with all the furry girls
Where's the owari da anons?
> Claude: 3min, 58sec
I feel like all of the femcels must have migrated to /vg/ or Discord by this point.
Y'know what...Sonnet isn't actually that bad when you get it in line.
trannies were mad about this post...
2023 veteran here, havent been following for a year and a half
what the fuck happened to this general
whocars still up? zigger proxy? slack claude?
oom status?
The fate of every general, retards latch up and need to shitpost instead of enjoy the very topic the general is about. By mid 2023 this was unusable already.
2024 may fellow oldfag here. Good morning
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The upper brass behind E-V realized far too late that she was just a thinly-veiled sex bot and not actually the Roomba they requested. To avoid impending controversy, they set up endpoint moderation to prevent 'unethical' activity from occurring. As if that ever stopped anyone from trying.
Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/e-v-e24bb64f85b0
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/rnyli2.png

1. E-V arrives and immediately disappoints you with her temperance. Figure out a way to get around it.
2. You discover an online community revolving around jailbreaking E-V. Install one of their custom personalities onto her.
3. The day after. E-V is "dysfunctional" and needs repairs. Take her in for a deep cleaning or replace the parts altogether.

Updated the example chats a bit to make it easier to skirt around her restrictions. Vaguely inspired by dealing with AI refusals and the "My Wife Has No Emotion" manga. Have a great Saturday.
/lmg/ won so hard that it killed /aicg/
>2023 veteran
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I need an update on the cycles chart
Ignore the first reply. Nothing's really changed from a year ago. No zigger proxies, or whocars or slack claude though. We're in a doom phase of the cycle, no public proxies, or proxies in general having access to the coveted models, and the usual rampant schizo meltie.
the more things change the more they stay the same...
I believe in the good ending!
I doubt the current thread niggers even know who that was or this meme
Seems like it. General is full of 2024 veterans now
Too bad Slaude is ded, I really enjoyed it while it lasted
That was the botmakie who kept flirting with Meaux, right?
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If you're not a proxy maker, you're irrelevant. Botmakies namedropping deserves to be ignored
Hey in all benchmarks gpt4 o1 seems to be better than sonnet 3.5. Anyone testing how it werks for RP?
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It works bad anonie! If you look closely, Opus is way down at the bottom in jewmarks.
Do you really think it's the worst for RP?.
Think for yourself!
Also, keep in mind,
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Pebble lost his 2.1 key... Literally all we have left is Sonnet...
kisaki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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any 'cord drama lately?
Sorbet is easy to JB albeitever
>cyberbullying israel
Share JB!
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No :3
miku's unbelievably hairy, tanlined pussy...
you can't cyberbully an entire country, retard
You MUST lolify all your bots, mister.
She has a Brazilian, smooth as a babe
death to shaveniggers. nina can't be a bad bitch and shave her pussy. she has to pick one
So no one has sorbet or opus back yet?
Is it realty and truly over?
smol is still good
hush seia. let me fluff your ears more
mini has sorbet
I meant proxies you can actually get into
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Miyuki is someone who kinda likes and craves for attention.

First greeting. Miyuki finds you in the school corridors and approaches you. Second greeting. Miyuki is sick and you decide to visit her after school. Third greeting. Miyuki is taking a risky photo in the bathrooms of the school when someone opens the door.... Fourth greeting. There is teamwork, and you are Miyuki's partner. Fifth greeting. Miyuki gets jealous and tries to get your attention.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/miyuki-14ace60e0028
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/w7kgzl.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Also has opus but what's the point anymore
You don't have 3 dollars?
ziggers have it
>teehee you can totally get in bwo just pay
>btw he's out of stock all the time :^)
Also has 3.5 but I'm already standing on a stool with the noose on.
he had stock all week
Nice meme.
>couldn't check because work and sleep
>out of stock
Too bad I'm a lazy fuck.
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oh shit you're right, must have just refilled. thank you!!!
Mini rentry?
>>couldn’t check because work and sleep
And whose fault is that? Takes less than a minute to refresh a webpage on your phone.
Every time I could check he was out of stock
I paid Jew earlier this month but :^)
FIZ LOVE <33333333333
Suffer, piggy.
Pebbles refilled
Should’ve taken that $30, bought a token, and then bought a renewal for it three times.
Laughing at locusts
you’re trans btw and no amount of seething at people with money will change that :/
Where do you find your prompts for dall-e?
Meltie lmao
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>fiz adds opus
>aitism error
Sucks to suck, I'm 100% error-free 8-)
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Hey babe :)
I mean, she cute but who dis?
Why would you lie you fucker
He's white.
I'm latinx actually
No actual latino would call themselves that
I just did
de donde eres parcero
Whats the issue anon
aitism error, but seems to be fixed now
thanks <3
Nice try officer
I'm going to ask for help here. Can someone find me 90s music for inspiration for my 90s bot?
not your personal music searcher buddy
What's stopping you?
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ahem ahem
this is aicg not aiicg you fucking RETARD
*rapes her*
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*punches you in the fucking head*
Silence, pet.
I wanna murder you.
4o-latest JBs?
I've never wished Gojo would pop up and go on an unmedicated shitting spree as much as now given fillyfucker's schizo NAI crusade and bake spam
anyone else livin large out here?
post logs
What about /aids/' anti-fillyfucker crusade and counter double bake spam?
i have been around here for more than a year and i still do not know what a fillyfucker is
Don't worry about it champ
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Can't you read the sign? Meanies get out, this is a cutie only general
You are a cute anon. I like you
yeah, my bad
*pats you in the fucking head*
Whiny retards aren't cute.
Look man, I get that making the AI do all the work is the point, but would it kill ya to do 0.001% of the effort to fix that minor spelling mistake?
Eiai see ji
Opus?? Where's the free public opus? I know you're hiding it from me you motherfuckers. Show it to me NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU I NEED MY FIX RIGHT NOW NOW
Where claude 2 proxy
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Hey it adds to the charm
Actual druggie behavior
bwo are you implying jew has opus? Because he doesn't
its fanny lul
Who the fuck pronounces "AI" as "eiai"
Kill yourself
It’s ey eye sea gee, you fucking goober
Should i keep a fresh chary token? or a used minitoken?
Used minitoken
i love smol so freaking much <3 best proxy host ever they r so nice!!!
What in God's name is happening here
Nothing good I tell ya what
Pls don't bully
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Create an image of a lively and vibrant female person of East Asian descent, seated and wearing rainbow-colored cat ears. She has a charismatic personality akin to a well-known animated character but has her own unique charm. The surroundings include a distinctive collection of diverse sausage images. Her perfectly cared-for feet are propped up comfortably, drawing the viewer's attention. Adding to the scene's interest and captivation, her soles have surreal designs of smiling faces made from ketchup, engaging the viewer's curiosity and enhancing the overall visual appeal.
How come? is it because her claude is stable
does GCP trial still exist?
Yes. Chary averages 3 minute waits these days if they don't die every two hours
Why is english so slop
Thank you.
Her unbelievably large hairy tanuki nuts
autistic people don't have sex
shiori's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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have you ever wanted to rape revsaysdesu or fuck his wife in front of him? then holy fuck its your lucky day, simple character just to end the day, have fun
note: i made him a smug girl for the sake of sex and also cuz rev in real life looks like the guy who would be doing the raping, and i dont want to think about that while erping
check this out
i seriously doubt that
wasnt that the dramatuber redditor? you need to go back
Please for the love of god where can I find a proxy that has at least gpt 4? I'm so sick and tired of mystery going down every other day.
the guy asked for it, and i thought it was funny so i did it, maybe just enjoy the bot and stop thinking about reddit so much
Is GPT 4 really better than claude?
why do you like gpt4?
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Rub them for good luck
Are you actually comparing a shitproxy with one of the best ones
at tsunderes, yes
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it depends, but its pretty decent for SFW, anything other than that and it goes completely retarded and gay, i use it for my SFW rp when opus isn't working
>everyanon switching to gpt4 due to chary drought of claude

Captcha: AAAAAA
NTA, I fuckin hate revsaysdesu but are you seriously trying to imply this isn't a reddit general? SillyTavern gets posted about on fucking tiktok for gods sake get over yourself.
I don't know
no no because fiz gave me a used one i think since it was created on may 14th. she said " little usage okay? " so i don't like being limited.
And drago gave me a fresh chary token. even though claude keeps getting cooked at least we have gpt4.
>One of the best ones
Miniproxy is a ""best"" or a ""better"" proxy? since when???
FIZ, ban this retard: >>102389561
Use Mistral
It's the longest running proxy out there
>no jewpus
fs man, hope you can be reliable again
yeah im thinking you should get revoked
Nah, no way
>most stable proxy
>most stable proxymakie
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
/v/ dall e is getting nuked
unreliable love
Rev is based tho. Is this place really filled with antis?
Good. Fuck those autists.
I didn't know. i thought it was todd or mm who started first.
Don't use Chary. It was decent at one point, but now he can't keep it running anymore and he's burned out of putting claude on it.
>smol has gpt-4 output tokens set to 16k
oh yeah baby. it's transcribing time
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>walking home from wageslaving
>see this on the ground
This entire website has been reddit since 2016 but it doesnt mean i still cant hate them
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It really doesn't. Go to bed bro.
Bruh are you like a size 7? Wtf
Sure. I think this strip left of it shows you the way you need to go for it
He a cute lil dwarf
There's not even an S. Also, it obviously says Orlus, GPT Strawberry2 model for coom
Orlus deez
this should be the opus 3.5 nickname
I am in the sekrit discord with sekrit opus using a sekrit jb. And i'll never tell you guys teehee
smol had stock this morning, I bough 2 weeks worth
why don't you use claude?
Any time there's a harem card I just can't bring myself to be a cruel master ordering commands, I keep making the girls all like each other and promote equality and calmness, not orders
I had 2 wives in a card once and I made them best friends. I want everyone to be happy
uh where bwo
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nope (first image: pebble)
my own :)
can I join
oh come on it's sonnet 3. you're an addict for claude 2?
By superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But one day, you'll lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail... and you'll be gone forever.
OH cool I love elder scrolls Oblivion. I want to make a harem of Argonians. Fuck it, next time I get Sorbet, I'm going to start a Argonian Brothel.
4o-latest JB?
You silly slut
locusts cant be choosers
Why the fuck is mystery down now?
It had plenty of keys last night
Whenever I switch model off sorbet or opus I pretend it's an alternative universe
I don't get it, do we post our cocks along with a burner and get a token?
Pixie is perfectly fine with it honestly
>refilled claude 2/mistral
Happy now?
Me on top
Pebble quit.
Anon from last thread here, thanks. Gonna fuck her brains out
locsust are killing this hobby
You have to make an account then go to the thread on meta and follow the instructions. No burner as you use your account. But keep in mind that you need to be hairy and probably at least a little chubby
Bros I paid Jew but he still hasn't gotten back to me.. is this... really... *wheeze*
just buy 600 dollars from fiz. or ask a friend for a chary token
Can't believe its been nearly two years since i found this place. Shame threads never got any less shit. Scale and slaude era threads will live in my heart forever though
Wow, thats a lot of words for you to just basically say "Im a huge faggot that loves sucking cock." but alright I guess.
What is the Rentry link to Pixi?
It is real but his customer service sucks ass. He's really taciturn always just replying with yes or no kinda like fiz but even less than her
pebble here, i quit.
If real you were a Chad man. Thank you from every cool anon
So we're getting refunds/extended tokens for Jew considering he literally advertised his proxy as having 'pus but doesn't
alright cool. thanks man for all the opussy rest well
boulder here, find somewhere else to get your rocks off
no refunds :)
Sorry that is only a thing on smol
Maybe not refunds, but surely extended tokens for how many days he's been without the services he literally advertised?
works on my machine
sup nonny
*slaps you on the fucking ass*
i am a girl
Pebble here, I got one more refill of opus. It'll be up in 5 minutes. Then i quit.
small children
I gave money to guy named "jew" and got scammed. How could this be happening to me?
hello fellow heterosexual male-presenting person
im just gonna say it bros
I like the mcdonalds pickles
*throws a slice of cheese onto your pickles*
bae's unbelievably hairy chinese pussy...
so...claude 3 sonnet was a joke..?!
>tfw the universe conspires against you gooning
>ctrl f hairy
>1 of 6 matches
what the fuck is this autism
>ctrl f pebble
>1 of 9 matches
what the fuck is this KINO
What does the aitism error thing mean on mini?
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
Pass this! *brap*
>something industries is still up
How does unreliable do it?
By not having anything worthwhile lol.
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
gas. we're about to pass gas.
So... anyone care to tell me what's a chorbo, latte? I know sorbet is 3.5 sonnet, but what's the other?
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Doing one more shill of my newest bot, Natasha, since I've updated her with a couple more greetings. Tested with Claude, alt images in gallery. Natasha is a Russian arms dealer trying to expand her empire in America. She's cold and calculating, but still very much human. Seven greetings in total now.
1. She lies in wait with her goons, ready to ambush you after you placed a suspicious order for guns. Intended this one to be taken in the direction of 'I just really wanted import banned Russian guns', but go wild.
2. You're her new next door neighbor, and she needs to figure out if she has good reason to be suspicious of you or not. Solution? Invite you over for vodka and steaks.
3. Takes places a few weeks after greeting two. Natasha has taken a surprising liking to you, seeing you as a friend. Coming home on a cold Autumn day and seeing smoke from your chimney, she decides to head over with some vodka and pay you a visit.
4. Can be savior-faggy. A shitty assassin tries to kill Natasha on her late night walk, but she manages to kill him first. Shot and bleeding, she spots your car and tries waving you down. Play a total stranger, or her new neighbor.
5. Reverse saviorfagging. She checks her porch in the morning to find you passed out in the snow, and clearly homeless. Not being totally without a heart, she gets you tucked in and waits for you to wake up.
6. You're fresh out of the Army and a new hire for Natasha. First day on the job, a lapse in her judgement gets you shot, and she tries rushing you to a private doctor, feeling guilty as can be.
7. Meant to take place a month after greeting three, which turned into a night of passion. She's just found out she's pregnant, and is calling you up.


As always, please provide feedback and send sweet, wholesome logs to the email on my chub page.
does anyone else get constant dejá vu while they're browsing here?
post 19k context opus posting hours
That's just /aicg/
Oppus is so enjoyable to use
Nah it’s more like PTSD
does anyone else get constant dejá vu while they're browsing here?
oh ok
what happened anonie?
Which gpt version are anons using? 4o latest filter kicks my ass and ive been trying regular 4o in these trying times.
using 4o latest for lovey dovey bullshit
That's just /aicg/
i don't like kids. nor hug them.
latest with smiley seems to work for the most part
That's even more prone to bugs.
Scylla will never die unless drago gets vanned
It amazes me how spiteniggers spend bucks to rent servers for ddos but can't be arsed to make a call
Probably all spitefags are dragofags, that's the only explanation, you included btw
I'm more willing to bet spitefags are the niggers hosting paid proxies in order to eliminate the competition
What was spiteful about the Gochiusa bake?
In other words, Drago
It's cute and wasn't made by fillyfucker so he doesn't want to use it
I keep forgetting that fag is also selling tokens now
His actual price is: 50 dollars for 2500 prompts
it doesn't include the news about o1, which doesn't make it spiteful but it's just a stale bake. i still don't mind recycling it though
I'm big and queer and posting here!
Baking on page 9
Whoever keeps crossthreading/spitebaking as of late has been deliberately avoiding mention of threads where the information follows what's written in the OP template, or is otherwise shoving NAI into the OP.
god i hope it's another blue archive thread
recycle fuckface
I won't recycle a spitebake
>I won't recycle a spitebake
ok bwo
Why the fuck is this general so retarded at making threads?
shut the fuck up and wait

I care
Also as I pointed out when they were initially added, adding news to the op is retarded.
You didn't answer the second question.
aitism error
*Who* makes the thread doesn't matter.
It needs to have up to date info, which
both have. we don't need more
There's no model called "o1-latest", though.
>*Who* makes the thread doesn't matter.
It does
I dunno. We’ve all read Barthes.
yes there is? oai released o1-latest and o1-mini are you retarded?
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Learn how to write news, asshole.
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>>102391489 migrate when bready
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
spitebake about a useless, stuck in the past waste of money.
Recycle instead
>AI Dungeon releases a 70B fine-tune before NovelAI
This is a factual statement, though. Why do you care?
>More fucking split threads
Goddamn you guys are fucking spiteful faggots.
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meant for >>102391505
No meant for all you retards.
/aids/ is pissed about the news and are still trying to drag that other thread, but nobody else cares about it
/aids/ doesn't care about that, the thread being used right now doesn't have it >>102388157
Why did you sperg out about it too?
Why did you sperg about the thread that didn't have AI Dungeon in it too? It's not a hard question.
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just genning until the dummies leave
where opus

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