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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>102430215
Sad and shitty thread
won't let it die again!
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Our thread...
Have the pastebins changed? I'm trying to find that page that had the downloads, but more importantly the key to change from IoT to regular LTSC. I need it so I can go back to IoT after uninstalling Edge.
Nevermind, I'm dumb. It's on the Massgrave LTSC links.
Nevermind again, it didn't work. I followed the instructions
IoT LTSC edition ISO's are available in English language only. You can install Non-IoT LTSC in another language and later install IoT LTSC key CGK42-GYN6Y-VD22B-BX98W-J8JXD to change the edition.

But I get an 0x80041014 error. Says the product key didn't work.
Once more, nevermind. MAS can do it. For the record:
>activate Enterprise LTSC with KMS38
>go to extras > change windows editions
>pick IoT, then reboot
Easy peasy!
You're like a klutzy anime girl that's always making a mess and apologizing for it.
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I didn't want to just abandon thread while some good Samaritan went through the effort of helping me and never got a reply.
>lgbt iot cuck chases away w11GOD and eduGOD
>threads keep dying constantly
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If I download the Win 11 IOT LTSC iso and install it, when the official one releases will I be able to update it or do i have to reinstall?
no one knows for sure, but people are guessing since it's the official release for OEMs that it actually is just the release channel, just not finished so the final release ISO will probably be just this ISO plus whatever drivers OEMs have been working on and they'll become the same thing on release day
my wife *kisses*
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kys, /b/uffoon
> >102445579
disgusting fetish, faggot
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there's no limit on how many we can make, so it doesn't matter
Is Malwarebytes' WFC still the top dog or has something superseded it?
windows security/defender just werks.
henlo winfags, I don't come here often but I'm having a really strange issue with a windows client on my network. I have my own DNS set up on my LAN, assigned by DHCP, and I can see it's set correctly in the network settings, but it seems to be ignored for some things. If I do an nslookup for another host on the network, say nslookup foo, then it'll resolve correctly. But if I try to hit that hostname from another application, like say a web browser or SSH then it will fail to resolve the host every time. I can tell it's not even hitting my DNS server because I'm watching the logs. I thought maybe it was just my web browser acting strange until I saw it was happening for SSH as well which should absolutely be using the system DNS, no? Not sure where it's actually going to look for the hostname since I haven't bothered to capture packets yet, but I'm hoping someone knows what the fuck is going on.
and hogs too much CPU in the process due to no CPU usage cap
doesnt happen, game mode disables any active scans during vidya and even outside of vidya it's always at practically no usage unless you leave the pc afk for like 15 mins then it might do a daily scan. meds now
is there a direct link for Office 2024 LTSC like the one on the rentry for 2021?
samefag here, found a link for ProPlus2024Retail.img in Massgrave's box of download links, I hope that's it.
>doesnt happen
Never seen that on any machine, and plenty of others anons experience it. Plenty of other alternatives Just Work™ without causing any issues.
you are just schizophrenic, the identities you have in your head aren't other anons. get help.
stay mad, I don't know why you try so hard to troll, maybe fuck off to /b/ or a mac thread instead?
>hurr durr i was only pretending to be retarded
okay, retard
not an argument or valid assertion
Five bucks says retarded memescript with HOSTS file.
i have been trying potplayer
is there any way to remove the tab that shows a bunch of korean shit
also why does it use more gpu than other players i tried like mpc and mpv

I actually have the same question, kek, I've seen MS has been selling Office 2024 for some time now but news said Office LTSC just released a couple days ago for enterprises, but I don't see any reference to LTSC in massgrave's page, so... I assume LTSC is not supported?
I don't really use host files for anything, they're too much of a hassle when you're network is more than one or two hosts.

Anyway, the issue was that, apparently, windows doesn't like SLDs and really wants you to have a search domain configured. So I added set that up with the appropriate DHCP options, and now it's working. But thank you for your extremely useful input.
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>If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
>trillions of ninite (wow what year is it) links
My guy I came in here hoping to be friendly and pro-windows as a person who sells custom and hardened Windows images for DoD but this is psychotic. If you don't know what you are doing just use UUP Dump, pick your base options and download the ISO convert package: https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=8dda76ff-194a-4a47-b1e7-c303136bf54e&pack=en-us&edition=professional
It uses public Microsoft repositories to build and they put an easy config file for tiers of changes with reasoning for any deployment.
Sorry to be negative but that shit shouldn't be in your paste. Needs to go immediately. There is nothing good about ninite. This uup utility can throw in C++ into the image and more if you want but ideally you just dism mount the image and load in whatever packages you want into your base ISO and if you wanna get fancy boot to a VM with it into audit mode and do the real customization. I want to share some of that here but not if we're stuck in 20-years-old-information-mode on the fucking TECH board on 4chinz. Have discovered a lot of deep level changes to Windows 11 that completely legitimize its use of all other versions. Microsoft accidentally gave us some of the best tools by moving to bins vs the older XML OEM config customizations.Have a list of all registry customizations that can persist through audit/sysprep/apply. Permanent changes to those paths to prevent anything but a rogue windows feature update via updater from breaking them. No adds, no telemetry (tiers based on usefulness as some orgs and users, like gamers, want that telemetry for reasons), a start menu that calls home in wireshare zero percent of the time (not even Win7 could do it) and more. But I wanna see something new here. I don't see anything yet. Just old info.
i love when companies deliberately delete documentation on their older products
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Blast from the past. Still relevant if you're using it to deploy packages as part of a larger installer or script but otherwise no reason to use it when objectively superior stuff exists like https://peazip.github.io/ which is also open source while being faster, more feature rich, extremely superior compression and more file type options. Same context-menu additions as well if that's your bag. 7zip is only really useful as a free utility to make other things go burr en masse.
to be fair, we don't really know who OP is lmao we've tried to give some suggestions but it's like he only comes to make the threads an then disappears, most of the shit in the OP is outdated
Fair enough. I haven't been on /g/ in like 9 months. Check in every so often to browse for new information. Always looking to up my game. Seems this place is all esoteric memes and arcane knowledge from old windows tips forums. Even the linux goys are anti-immutable distribution (like atomic desktop) because Fedora pioneered it in the mainstream of all things (same for wayland). Sand
Right? Who's using that shit when we have winget now. Make a single ps1 containing all your apps and click that shit after you install windows.
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 24H2 full release when? Not talking about the preview.
>UUP dump
ESD conversion is broken for me. I just run the official media creation tool and open it with command prompt and add flags to my liking.
Early/mid October is when it should go full retail
But anon, that doesn't protect me from Windows itself, not to mention WFC's purpose is different to begin with... so I'm going to assume the answer is "No", since nobody else replied.
I just disabled it from the get go and run it monthly just in case.
I really don't understand why they do this, specially when the opposite creates good will for the brand.
Proof that any extracting tool is faster than 7-Zip? From my testing it still outpreforms everyone else. And I don't see a reason to update, I like how minimal 7-Zip is and that you can make it so that it only has two entries in the context menu: Open or Extract. Minimal, fast, clean, secure.
Use Simplewall or Fort instead
I mean you could always test with a portable PeaZip install and extract/archive the same thing with it between it and 7zip and compare speeds. I've always heard of PeaZip myself but I've always just defaulted to 7zip cause it just werks.
>From my testing it still outpreforms everyone else.
read nigga read, I'm asking for actual documented testing and proof that it's so much faster than 7-Zip, because from my knowledge and experience it for the most part is the same shit just with a different GUI front end
its just bullshit
peazip uses all foss shit to extract all those file types
they didnt create anything, just a UI, it even uses 7z to extract 7z files
I remember the only place I ever really saw PeaZip was on the InstallGentoo wiki back when that was something people used. I mean it probably does the job, but I'd just continue to use 7zip cause I'm use to it.
Can anyone verify a few things for me before I try moving over to LTSC?
>Is massgrave actually safe, are the isos uploaded there actually matching the md5 from microsoft's own site of Enterprise LTSC owners? Is there any way to check this personally without paying like 5000 dollars to be able to see the hash files?
>Is the new IoT Enterprise LTSC of Windows 11 reliable/stable to use now? I know 24H2 is not out yet and that it's not officially out for anyone but the OEMs, but I don't mind using it if it's going to be the official release iso in the future anyway
>Do all the vidya just werk on IoT Enterprise LTSC? Are there any compatibility issues that people who have used W10 LTSC faced during usage?
MAS is safe and the ISOs hosted on the massgrave index are genuine. The index has whole pages on how the activation methods work.
IoT LTSC 2024 is approaching retail release come October though the ISO hosted on massgrave right now is an open preview OEM offering that'll basically turn into the retail release come October.
I haven't had any real issues playing games on LTSC that I play. LTSC 2024 should really have no issues playing anything because of it being frozen on 24H2 and having an 11 backend.
is LTSC better for virtual machines?
If you need a quick 10 install for a VM I'd recommend using Tiny10 instead.
I'm just kind of scared about getting a virus or something on windows because the iso is fake, I know that people managed to make that Government edition of windows appear like a perfectly normal iso despite it being fake. Is there any way for a normal user to actually find the iso verification hash files directly from microsoft for LTSC isos, or do we just kind of have to take massgrave's word for it?

I'm mostly interested if people using 21H2 or some older LTSC iso had issues with games as long as they kept updating to the latest LTSC image. Because I imagine it should be completely fine with compatibility because LTSC images come out every 2-3 years and release just a few months after their cumulative patch (for example 21H2) stops getting supported by general access users.
You won't get a virus, anon. It's all clean. Also I've only heard the games that don't want to work on LTSC 2021 are some newer games that arbitrarily want 22H2 to run for whatever reason.
What is the best way to clone my OS drive to a new one?
ISOs are not fake, the pastebin includes the link to MS Visual Studio download page where you can very hashes, you just need a Microjeet account
macrium 7
if you bought a new SSD, the manufacturer page gives you cloning tools for that, all the big ones have one like Adata, Kingston, Samsung, etc
I have a ms account and can't open that shit
weird, you should be able to open the database straight away, you don't need anything special.

Also, the W11 IoT LTSC hash unfortunately is not available yet because it hasn't been released officially, if you don't trust the hash in unofficial sources then you might as well just wait until next month

However we haven't heard of any incidents about that iso containing malware, and since all the other ISOs there are legit then I'd say it's fine, however, official release is just around the corner
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Shill me an image viewer
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Without a doubt, nomacs for its minimalism.
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>supports macs
why is this allowed?
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cause its foss, speedreader anon.
It's too linux coded, you can feel the icky gender affirming KDE vibe it has. JPEGView is better
Do you expect it to hang itself? What does JPEGView offer that makes it better?
I just use a image viewer to open photos, and JPEGview supports all the file formats and just werks with a minimal windows-like ui. My real only gripe with nomacs is how much it's UI sticks out against the rest of the programs, it has nothing in common with notepad++ or 7zip etc and i'm not a fan of the fact that it always downloads some weird updates on first boot after install
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NTA but I'm using honeyview right now and what I like about it is that I can hide all UI elements + the window borders so I have it only display the images and nothing else. can I do this with nomacs/jpegview?
I kinda like w11
Me too.
Well, mine is Kingston...
no u
you are not allowed to have a different opinion from me. have you considered suicide?
this but unironically
Based nomacs enjoyer. Frameless viewing is nice too.
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this is a two-fold question
is it possible to remove the locale requirement on programs? I'm trying to translate a game but it'd be annoying to have to use locale emulator on a translated game

and secondly, I was looking at process monitor to see which files it read first and found that it seems to find the file and then absolutely butcher it the second time if you run it without a japanese locale
why the hell is it converting or something?
Do the people still using W7 prefer Enterprise or Ultimate?
genuine schizos only
oh sorry I thought you asked if people still used those
How can I make left click on folder to open in CMD?
why would you do that?
What even is new for 24h2?
Good luck trying to do that, but you can add an option in the right-click context menu to open a folder in cmd, there are guides to this.
same here
Enterprise cause it's easier to activate
from my experience 7zip is the fastest at extracting
I'm only waiting for IoT LTSC to finally give it a try, with the performance updates and the UI changes it feels at this point that it's the actual release of W11
8hw4mHow to remove windows telemetry/unsolicited connections?
A fucking reskin.
le ebin captcha fail

use Portmaster or simplewall
I use nanazip. it's a fork of 7zip with a more modern UI. is better integrated into windows 11 too
In the windows security page, I have virus&threat protection on but I've noticed that I have to go in and turn it on meaning that at some point it turns itself off. however for the others (account protection, app & browser control, and device security) are all turned off, but I have to dismiss it each time otherwise it will come back as an orange triangle.
Is there a group policy to turn off virus&threat protection on permanently and to dismiss the rest permanently?
Sorry I meant to turn on* virus&threat protection permanently
doesn't that mean you have a fucking virus?
No? This is a new install
Sometimes I notice that my C drive's storage seems weird, like: I installl a 300MB program but the storage goes from 60GB to 58GB, at random time it's up to 59GB but may decrease again. Anyone knows why?
Does OneDrive work on LTSC?
yes. just know if you sign into the app, then it'll sign you into all the other Microsoft apps and convert your local account into a Microsoft account. just use OneDrive on your browser honestly
Sometimes my PC stutters like when I'm listening to music the audio makes for an instant a robotic sound then it keeps going or when I move the mouse cursor it freezes for like 0.2s (made-up number but it's noticable). What could the cause of these I assume errors be? PC was off for 2 weeks btw
You need to install it but like the other anon said you should just use OneDrive through your web browser if you want to use it specifically so it doesn't tendril itself into your install.
Plus there's always other options like gdrive, dropbox or proton drive.
What's the difference between the LTSC and the LTSC EVAL of windows?
The evaluation versions of Enterprise-based editions can't be activated, and exist as evaluation software to see if it's what you need for your business without/before paying.
So in all aspects, just use normal Enterprise/LTSC.
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never seen anything like picrel.
A torrent of a fairly recent version of 11? Torrents for any version of 10/11 don't really need to exist anymore because of MS offering DDL ISOs themselves plus other places like massgrave and os.click offering them. The time of using torrents to get Windows for free has *long* since past.
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Is w11 ltsc 24h2 or 23h2
Is it recommended for gaming
LTSC 2024 will be frozen on 24H2. I'd say the moment it goes full retail sometime in October then it'll be what most anons will point to unless they want to stick to a 10-based install with 2021.
Thanks guys
nothing bad will happend by having yt-dlp and ffmpeg in the same folder as mpv right?
yt-dlp expects an ffmpeg install within arms reach so it can merge video and audio streams together on the fly. If you use the updater script that comes with pre-compiled Windows releases of mpv then it asks if you want to install both yt-dlp and ffmpeg in the same folder and updates them as well as mpv when ran.
Thank you Anon
drivers not working
Run SDIO and see if it can get working drivers for whatever you need for you?
Is there any way to colorize videos on Windows?
Is there any way to colonize videos on Windows?
What format should be my USB for being a Bootable Usb stick for Win 10 and W 11?
Fat 32 only goes up to 4GB, but the ISO are both above 4GB each.
The Media Creation Tool formats USBs as FAT32 while splitting the over 4GB install.wim file into two install.esd files.
Rufus also lets you format your USB as (Large) FAT32 as well while making a Windows boot USB.
You can also do it manually as well via:
>Formatting a USB as FAT32
>Extracting the files off a Windows ISO to said USB (except the sources folder)
>Then extract the sources folder as well (leaving out install.wim)
>Then extract install.wim and use DISM to split it in two as .swm files and place said pieces onto the USB
Then you should be able to just boot it like normal. This is also basically the only way to make Windows install USBs on Macs, though you need to install wimlib via Homebrew to replace DISM here.
What's the cleanest way to get a fully offline and local setup of Windows 11 LTSC (24H2) and Office LTSC (24H2)?
>Download the IoT LTSC 2024 ISO and flash it to a USB with Rufus or use Ventoy
>Download the latest KMS_VL_ALL release from aboddi, the latest offline MAS script and the offline installer for Office 2024 Pro Plus from massgrave and put them on the USB as well
>After it's installed run KMS_VL_ALL to activate the install (just disable Defender before extracting the script then delete the script and re-enable it after it's done)
>Mount the Office IMG file and install it, then disable Defender and extract the MAS script and run the Ohook activation, then delete the script and re-enable Defender
And then you should have an offline IoT LTSC 2024 install with Office 2024 Pro Plus freely to use.
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just duck my shit up
Maybe someone here can help me. Looking for some kind of simple solution for backing up my PC. I want something where I can plug in a drive, do a full backup the first time, then incremental/diff backups later so I can plug the backup drive in regularly and keep it fairly up to date in case of a main drive failure. Think something like Time Machine on mac. This feels like something that should be pretty simple but I couldn't find any good out of the box solutions.
Thank you, I turned it into exFAT after the ISO was put on the USB it turned into a UDF again.
literally just robocopy /mir
You just put the ISO itself on the USB? That's not how you do it.
If you want to do it the manual way then you gotta extract the files off the ISO and put them on the USB.
Also why did the ISO turn into a UDF.
I added a custom uri scheme to my registry following this example https://github.com/Baldomo/open-in-mpv/blob/master/scripts/install-protocol.reg but when I try to open a link from my browser I am asked if I want to open the link in the program I set but nothing happens after that. Do I really need an helper program to listen to my requests? What's the point of pointing my uri scheme to my program then?
No I burned the ISO onto the USB under Linux.
>Also why did the ISO turn into a UDF.
Dunno but I can't format these under linux with the standard installed USB image Program that comes with Linux.
Had to format that shit over the disk manager.
I tried it with gparted but all the option for formatting were faded out.
Only Window ISO do that, the Linux ISO leave the format of the USB in FAT 32.
You should've said that you were using Linux from the start anon. Just use Ventoy instead in this case cause it's easiest/quickest.
Set its formatting to GPT/exFAT within the GUI with secure boot support and just place the Windows install ISO on to the Ventoy partition then boot it directly that way.
is it not possible to turn off the screen but keep the processes going in background and without locking? i noticed that no matter what the fuck i change on 11, the laptop ALWAYS ends up locking itself and pauses my programs when display turns off. i dont want that shit, i just want to turn off the god damn screen so it doesnt burn in (oled)

god i fucking hate microsoft
eval editions have a 30 day killswitch that no one has bothered to crack because pirating legit windows can be done in 10 seconds with MAS
Why not just enable a screensaver? They're still there.
I still think it's funny though that we've gone backwards and screens have burn-in again.
Thank you again Anon, took me a little time but I figured it out.
you didnt answer my question. can you do this or not? ive looked around and no answer from the microsoft community site is worth shit

i may have to cause this is fucking retarded. havent used these since the xp days
It be easier to just have your screen turn off after like 30 secs to a minute of idle which you can set in the power settings. Stuff's still happening but with a shut off monitor so no burn-in that you can turn on via wiggling the mouse or something.
someone posted a command yesterday that disables something that nets you +5% CPU performance at the cost of +15% ram usage but the thread is gone now, does anyone know what command it is?
Is there a 19044.2788 iso for IoT LTSC 2021?
All of the links in op seem outdated and stuck at version 19044.1288. What am I missing?
When you install the September cumulative update it'll up the version number to 19044.4894
How can I apply EQ preset on Windows?
But why would I want to install updates on windows? First thing I do is disable updates
Windows 11 sucks bros...
I just moved a hard drive from my failling Acer Aspire laptop to a HP desktop PC. I turned on the desktop PC to check if Windows was going to crash but it didn't. In fact it seems I can use it with no problems. If I do a factory reset within Windows it will reinstall the Acer bloatware?
i love windows 11 and i cannot lie
>w11 explorer
Was it always this laggy?
w11 explorer is broken af. As much as I can workaround all other W11 issues, this is so bad, I have no ideas what they are doing...
lmao even
they reworked the whole thing with a new platform but it's so much slower, at least it seems they are actively working on it but the sirs at MS are very slow
>intentionally installing the bad edition of the good/bad cycle
what the fuck are you doing nigger
Mine crashes from time to time. I don't really mind it since it restarts right away and then works fine, but it isn't ideal.
I guess I'm the only one ITT that never had any issues with the explorer. I did do a fresh install of W11 during 22H2, didn't upgrade from W10 so that might change something. But W11 just werks for me, better performance in vidya, more stable, and updates/boots much faster
Hello, how do I prevent Win11 from always installing a language package, each 3 or so times I boot the PC is see I have both Esp Laa (spanish latin america) Esp mx (spanish mexico) installed, Which is annoying and I have to uninstall the mexican one each time to have single Esp along my Eng one.
At least they added multithreaded copy to it in W11, didn't they?
why do you specifically need Office 2024?
how do you all cope with the tiny fucking thumbnails on 4k monitors? is there a patch or something out there?
>4k monitors
by downgrading, I went from a 4k monitor to a 1920x1200 one
glasses will fix you
they are objectively too small to be fucking useful you cunt! its clearly some bug of somekind because they scale correctly on lower resolutions. GOD I HATE INDIANS!
>he fell for the monitor marketing psyop
dumb consumer whore
150% scaling is what I do
I started dualbooting windows because of some games and programs I couldn't WINE
and I just realized I don't know how to mess with files on windows, on linux it was all pretty much preinstalled, hexdump/hexedit/dd/grep/python/...
is there an easy way to install all those for the cmd?
chatgpt.com will save you. once you learn how to search for things yourself then you can focus on learning shit
thanks, do you use any of the tools I mentioned?
Anon, the good/bad cycle has been broken with 8/8.1, it's all various degrees of bad now.
Can you use the ISOs for an USB installation?
nope, doesn't work like that
If you use ventoy, yeah
WinUI3 is trash
best software to show fps in game
I love ventoy
It can be incredibly useful
game bar + amd adrenalin
Yeah, all the systems in one device.
My display looks like ass on Windows for some reason.
So basically I'm using an icc profile for my display on both Windows and Arch Linux but my screen looks very washed out and faded on Windows in comparison to Linux.

Calibrating the display is not an option since all it does is created an icc profile to your liking and then use that which is not what I want, I want to use a seperate profile I have that I also use on Linux. Also, I have both Intel Xe graphics and NVIDIA installed so it can't be a driver issue either.

Is there a way to fix this? Shouldn't loading the same icc profiles on the same display look the same regardless of the operating system?

>pic related
My screen on Windows. It looks quite different from the exact same screenshot in the second pic I'll post. This is just one comparison, I can post more pics to show how faded and colorless it is on Windows. The blacks are also much deeper on Linux than this.


My screen on Arch.
How do I install W10 IoT LTSC in french? I'm not really sure what I should do
Does it work with iot
install french LTSC then use the key to change to IoT, it's on massgrave's website
I like to hang out here sometimes but gosh you niggas just use this thread as tech support
Shit's definitely not gonna look the same for some reason. For example for me linux looks incredibly blurry, all the text is painful to read compared to windows where it's sharp and beautiful. But I haven't noticed any color differences. I guess it just depends on your hardware.
I have a shit monitor but from here the washed one is the Arch kek
So I'm a little confused today. I've been on W10 IOT LTSC for like almost 2 years so far, and just now, I've got the Activate Windows prompt popping up in the lower right corner again. Is that supposed to happen? I already activated with MAS originally. Should I just do it all over again?
Is there a way to enable touch function for win10 iot lstc on a surface pro?
you probably activated with the kms option and not hwid
Shit. I can't remember. What is the solution then? Will rerunning the script work, or will I have to reinstall?
you can run the script at any time
Already got your mom's nudes off your pc, thanks bro. I bet it grips.
Doesn't the icc profile just affect colors though? That's what looks terrible on Windows for me. I don't really care about the text issues which I've never personally had on Linux.
Yeah, consider getting a better monitor then. I'm viewing both the pictures on an IPS OLED screen and I can assure you Arch looks much better.
yeah, get it from psgallery and use the -Force flag
how do you upgrade your software with winget
just upgrade --all ?
you could just look it up
Best Windows 11 version if I need the new scheduler?
I'd like to de-activate windows actually

This shit sucks and I want my money back
IoT LTSC 2024 or straight 11 Enterprise.
Has anyone tried

How was it?
Tiny11 is cool. Just enough things removed but it still works
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what is the package manager for windows that can also update apps
If you install/get programs through winget you can also use it to update them too. Scoop can also do this.
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Other than ventoy and Rufus is there any?
Any what? Other USB flashers? balenaEtcher is one.
scoop, winget, chocolatey
Why don't the software automatically update itself at launch time? utorrent, firefox, chrome and every decade old program does it
Any Kaspersky users sticking with this new UltraAV? I can't find any meaningful info about it and it won't even let you click an object in the app to see what's there until you agree to register a new account with them. Also never got the purported "changeover" email that was meant to contain details.
When installing windows to a new pc with a usb, what drive do you want to install it on usually? Your local drive or does it not matter?
You should install it to an unallocated drive that's been cleaned by diskpart. Also if any other drives are connected use diskpart to bring them offline before installing to the target.
Sorry I’m a bit new to this, what exactly is an unallocated drive and how can I get one to happen?
Also, after windows is installed on this unallocated drive, what do you do afterwards? Just keep it there and change nothing or can you delete some stuff?
is there some crack/activation code available for StartIsBack? I wanna be a jeet and not pay for actually really good software.
At this point, you should follow a youtube tutorial
What do people use instead of MPC-HC?
I like the player but I'm tired of having to manually update it.
It worked! Thanks a lot.
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>Authenticode signature check failed on _pending\d3dcompiler_47.dll!
why is osu like this? it was fine 2-3 months ago but now it wont update
I've been an mpv guy for years
i have installed tiny 10 in a VM, how do i disable defender, or stop the defender services
ionuttbara's Defender Remover works
thanks a lot
That doesnt work, weirdly enough they wont respond to dpi scaling. I solved the issue with xplorer2.
I am resolved to return to tradition after grabbing an nvidia card and fucking my mint install.
You just need whatever is included with the latest K-lite Codec Pack, why the fuck are you manually updating it?
because the devs didn't put that into the software, obviously
Also, lack of obsession or politics bullshit with updating. They intend for you to update at your leisure whenever you feel like it.
the board is mostly techlets, general threads like this one unavoidably become tech support
IIRC because the later versions of qBittorrent use Qt6 instead of Qt5 it includes an in-program updater which doesn't require you to just re-install the program if you wanna update it like before. A lot of emulators that changed to Qt6 do this too.
I ended up changing the auto-update check interval to 60 days, it's just that the notification was bugging me and I was too OCD to press ignore or to turn it off completely.
You're right about not needing every little codec update, not sure why mpc-hc doesn't either ignore these tiny updates or rolls them into a separate auto-update feature.
Arch screenie is less saturated on my displays.
For what you are trying to show us, screenshots aren't the way to go but photos of your display itself displaying that image is the thing to do.
MPC-HC has never given me a notification to update. I didn't even know it could do that.
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>Delete Existing Partitions:
>When you reach the “Where do you want to install Windows?” screen, you’ll see a list of partitions.
>Select each partition and click “Delete” to remove them all. This will ensure that all files, programs, and settings are wiped.

is this real?
i think k-lite has the mpc notification turned off by default for obvious reasons
That's not the cleanest way you can do it. The cleanest is to press Shift+F10 to bring up a command prompt which lets you run diskpart. This can let you fully clean out a target drive's partition data leaving no detritus, unlike deleting the partitions in the GUI. Then just refresh the disk select screen and choose the unallocated space of the disk you cleaned.
>Open the prompt
>select disk 0 (if you only have one disk)
>Close the prompt when the clean is successful
>Select the unallocated space after refreshing
Easy as that.
ok thanks anoncello
does the activator work on windows 8.1? 7?
if not what is the go to for those?
7 and 8.1 can only be activated with KMS, so it's easier to use KMS_VL_ALL to activate those.
Also make sure you're using the Enterprise versions of each.
is this another activator or is it part of the linked one? (im jumping back from loonix so im not familiar with this stuff)
I actually like Windows 11.
It was the go-to activator before MAS came to be, though the way it KMS activates is unlike what MAS does IE KMS_VL_ALL's is local while MAS (using its underlying code) does it in an online way.
Just search for KMS_VL_ALL by aboddi.
bigger number better?
Otherwise might as well use Office 2013
The usb-c port of my laptop is kinda loose, and my earphones use that kind of usb. I have an adapter (usb-c to usb-a) that came with an external ssd

My question is, is it safe to connect my earphones through it? It does work, but I don't know if I should continue using it.
how good is the W10 CD burning software? can i trust it or should i go for Nero or something
Haven't burned CDs for a good decade or so now (since I can just play music with usb or Bluetooth), but
damn, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Haven't used it since the XP days. Thanks for the memory trip anon.
Good replacement for Macrium Free?
what use case?
backing up the system disk (bitlocker encrypted) of 3 windows computers from time to time
>Haven't burned CDs for a good decade or so now
same but i got asked to create an audio CD
anyway, i found an old ImgBurn installation pack so disregard that question
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really sturggling to set up a new 11 install on a new laptop like my old 10 setup

been slogging in my spare time for several days now
dont even have the strength to bring up all the shit ive been through, will just get to the latest problem

connecting via remote desktop to a win 10 computer (acting as my nas)
no problems for years up until now doing it through a win 10 client laptop

but now on win 11 theres a problem
(((credential guard))) won't let me connect automatically when i choose to, even if i save the password it wont use the saved password because its a 'security risk'
even though this new 11 computer is ob password protected and bitlockered and has all sorts of other security things (dont even knows whats happening in the uefi bios with all this botnet security bullshit)
there is literally no way anyone else would be on this laptop and access the remote desktop by using the saved password
the only person it could ever realistically be is me
but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, apparently

so apparently i have to dosable 'credential guard' in gpedit
i do that
but now my win account (on this 11 laptop) pin and fingerprint login have disappeared

is there any way i can keep my pin and fingerprints for windows login here, but let it log me into rdp via the saved password?
pls help
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Can someone spoonfeed me how to into VeraCrypt? I just mean point me to a guide or resource or something
recommendations on a good wallpaper manager? just want to be able to draw from 2 different sources for my differently oriented monitors.
you WILL have the Intended User Experience
me on the left
Idk man have you tried enabling the secret disabled administrator account doing it through there with disabled defender and uac?
does NSudo work on W11?
>Can someone spoonfeed me how to into VeraCrypt?
copy and paste what you wrote into chatGPT, it's literally free and doesn't even need an account
4o-mini is better than what we had a year ago and its free
>doesn't even need an account
does not work on my machine
but take her socks off
>does not work on my machine
there's this big button that says "stay logged out" and you can use it for as much as you want, the only drawback is that your conversations don't save if you close the tab but it will answer anything you need
it redirects me to https://chatgpt.com/auth/login
i guess that's just how things work in this second world eastern europe shithole
anyway https://duck.ai/ is relatively botnet free front end for 4o mini that just works
Adapters usually juat werk. Just give it a shot I guess, if it works it works.
From 24H2 11 comes with its own sudo that MS developed so gsudo isn't really needed in this case
microsoft sudo sucks dick just like their own file extractor is still incredibly slow compared to winrar or 7zip
I've found out that Windows Defender has been silently deleting files from my linux NAS. Is there a way to completely nuke Windows Defender from a PC?
>deleting files from my linux NAS
Maybe stop putting viruses there.
how is ReFS in 2024? hows stability? and have they solved the issue of silent deletion for corrupted files yet?
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Blue, blue.
now show us your desktop wallpaper, it better be blue as well
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Dunno but I keep install media handy anyway since nuke-and-pave for a fresh start is all win.
Ventoy is insanely handy. Someone should donate.
>how do you upgrade your software with winget

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I've been having black screen problems when logging in to my win 10 and no matter how many times I restarted the PC, repaired the drive or reinstalled win 10 I kept getting the same problem. Looked around and it seemed like nobody was having this problem. I said fuck it and decided to try a fresh install onto the partition in the HD. Couple of things I'm wondering where I went wrong if I did.
>1. I reformatted the partition the Win10 was on to fully delete it. The partition (par 3 on my m.2) is NTFC and is flagged msftdata (not sure what that means if related). My bios boot launcher still recognizes the drive to boot from but it fails to boot, so I'm worried I wiped it incorrectly and need to know what to do or how to properly wipe it for the new install.
>2. downloaded and setup the media creation tool on a usb drive but it's not recognized by the boot launcher. Pic related. Anyone know why or what I did wrong here?
Needless to say this PC is dual boot
Try using the media creation tool to get the iso file and drop it into ventoy, and see if you can boot from that.
Then once you're in the disk&partition section of the windows installation, press shift+F10 to bring up the command prompt and format the partition with diskpart. Hope your install goes well bwo
do you guys use a package manager to keep yt-dlp, ffmpeg and other command line shit up to date
Easiest way to avoid any issues is to just add your NAS mounts as exclusions.
You can still let defender to do its thing on your system drive.
Simpler times.I wish that the screensavers I got from japanese people back then still worked, but I have no way to fix them.



Which do you recommend more
First one is more simple to use
I put the script on terminal admin
It gives me error
why not O&Oshutup10?
I need more
What about using simplewall with the internal blocklist?
So I have a bit of a situation
I want to replace my laptop with a miniPC because I don't take the fucker out anyways and it's docked 24/7 and it's a piece of shit.
The laptop has ESET NOD32 installed. I had it activated and licensed by someone else. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to access the info for that license. I thought of sort of copying my windows install over to that miniPC, but I'm not sure if NOD32 is able to detect hardware changes.
Any way to test this out before I fuck it all up?
Why did op delete wpd.exe
Anons, I'm using windows 10 that was installed with the bypassing of using an o line account.
Now windows is prompting me to upgrade to win11.
If I do that would I suddenly need a windows account and bitlocker etc? I don't want Microsoft to suddenly lock me out of my hard drives or my whole pcwoth their inscription
No it won't. If you already have a local account it'll keep that local account as your 11 account too.
I have two PCs, one is super old running WinXP, the other is new.
I need to transfer files from old to new.
I was thinking using old reliable FTP for this.
I think I can get filezilla to run on the old PC.
But is there an application that can run FTP server hassle free?
I don't care about security since it will all be running on local network.
FileZilla has a server as well, could also use a thumb drive or connect the hard drive / ssd directly to the new computer to copy files from it.
>FileZilla has a server as well
Last time I tried it, it had issues with connecting regarding access credentials and didn't work.
>use a thumb drive
Old as in USB 1.0 old
>connect the hard drive / ssd directly to the new computer to copy files from it.
This is a last solution
im having trouble with the 11 ltsc iso,rufus is just crashing when I try to write it to usb
Bad thumb drive, probably.
I see thanks anon
is this good alternative for file manager?
>Old as in USB 1.0 old
That shouldn't be an issue, as far as I know. It will simply result in slower file transfer.
No guarantees. Newer USB flash drives may be forgoing USB 1.0 compatibility as very few people are likely to notice, but that's pure speculation on my part.
I forgot to mention, Windows XP won't read drives of a certain size or larger, so you would need whatever flash drive of 8GB or 16GB or less. Drive must be FAT32 no matter what.
I know that.
What about connecting both machines with Ethernet cable?
fat32 limit is 32gb, same as sdhc spec
You then need network shares enabled, and SMB1.0 installed on the newer machine. There are guides to this.
>Drive must be FAT32 no matter what.
neither windows xp nor usb impose such a restriction, you can use ntfs on xp and on usb drives, never seen someone suggest you can't
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how do you download photoshop from monkrus now
they got rid of the magnet link in the good website
why do you specifically need photoshop? also to answer
>how do you download

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