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pajeetman edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102462888
hello sir
i have no idea what’s going on in the sales end of things but pls keep buying or they’ll do the funny again (freezing raises)
How do I get a remote embedded firmware job?
just b urself
why do you wanna get into firmware?
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How can software be both embedded and remote? This doesn't make sense.
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With lots of mail i guess
But it doesn't happen unless you're in the top percentage of embedded devs or someone really loves you
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>pajeetman edition
Lol I had an indian classmate in uni who also used this percentage display for his skills
They ship you one of their one million boards and you work on it from home
Because I’m already there, but I want to WFH.
God.. how do I find out if my HR lady is single? She's in her mid 30s I think... haven't seen any sign of partner... she looks like she's batshit and starved for sex
E stalking of course. C'mon anon
She likely has a partner, but is still sex starved. In my country, only 20% of women of age up to 30 years old have never had an orgasm
any pics?
quick call?
The obsession of Pig Skins with Pajeets is laughable.
Pajeets keep taking Pig Skins Job's and all they can do is cry online.
There women are taken from them By Tryron.
There is really nothing left for Pig skins in this world.

Better off yourself Pig Skin, Otherwise you will live the day to see becoming street shitter yourself.
As a Duginist, I despise both. You are made for each other. Yellow + Beige is the future
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You need to use all caps and HAM SANDWICH HAPLOGROUP B4
I LOVE that browns think pigskin is some kind of hurtful slur. Slurs upset minorities because they're attached to centuries of oppression which has never happened to us
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It will now. And really, you are ran by kikes, to any other race this would be oppression, but you like it.
How about that pigskin? How about that sport with the pigskin?
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good morning sirs
>do at least 2 or 3x more work than your colleagues
>get paid about the same
why is this so common?
Because you are a cuck who tolerates it.
Either find a better paying job or stop working so much.
>Either find a better paying job or stop working so much.
thats boring desu. time fly by quicker when you are occupied. I can only watch so many things on the internet before I get bored.
>Because you are a cuck who tolerates it.
I get paid slightly more than my colleagues but what can the company actually do? They cant just pay me 2-3x the amount thats not how it works.

I would prefer if others would do their fair share of work so the workload is evenly distributed. Last time I hinted something like that (without naming people) the company 'tried' to spread the work load but others instantly felt overwhelmed and started talking about burnout and 'I am not paid to do this' so the company gave up on that right away because they cant just change 80% of the workforce. I already switched places three times in the last 6-7 years and it always been like that everywhere I went.
>t. academically insecure straight Cs haver.
Stop doing that much work.
>likely has a partner
yeah but imagine if she didn't... that would be bonkers (especially because 100% of the other females in the company always have partners)
I need to find this out
Either you live in communist China/Russia or you are overappreciating your work output. Only these two options
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Good morning saars, I'm a PHP fag and I started learning Java recently because it pays better in my region, how do you go about changing jobs/stacks? Just make a fuckton of projects and apply for junior positions?
what does that have to do with anything?
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>just graduated back in may
>suck at coding
>entry level jobs need 1-2 years experience
>still no job
im willing to work IT helpdesk to gain some experience
but what career path can i take?
Burger engineer
I don't understand the rates were cut yesterday, why are there still no jobs?
I get banned from literally everything I try to post on.
Make projects using the new stack, get good at it, and then fake the experience on your resume.
All that matters is that you have the skills, if you have been doing development for 5 years, what does it matter if it was in Java or PHP as long as you can do the job.
i get banned for every 5th post when i go on /tv/, just for replying to threads
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I've been cleaning files and shit from my computer and I deleted all coding related bookmarks and all the books and courses I downloaded over the years.
I'm not doing anything related to this shit after work ever again.
I actually need to use a different browser to post now because my posts won't work at all when using 4chanX on firefox.
Also when I make a thread it redirects me to something completely different from what I posted.
>removed the actual work related links for slop
extremely based anon
Man, life really sucks.
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Thanks for the advice, but I don't like lying, it's a sin, I would feel bad about it.
My Fortune 200 company is the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen, I can't believe it.
good morning sars, my snowflake team is piloting "meeting free fridays". which basically means i have friday off from now on.
does your company buy unauthorized hardware or something?
also, does the person responsible for that hardware even know how computers work, and that any data is kept in the storage devices and ROMs, and that CPUs can be extracted and sold?
Earlier today I was playing Headhunter and for a moment I thought the player character had escaped the game world and found himself lost to the infinite void of a digital abyss. This disturbed me because I thought about the deep ontological questions and existential dread Jack Wade must feel knowing that just beyond the shoebox that is his world, is nothing. Jack Wade including everything and everyone he's ever known has been constructed for the amusement of entities he has no possible chance of discovering. In that case, Jack Wade could only ever "know" what he's been told to know.

Turns out he didn't escape the game world, I just directed him into what seemed like a murky part of the scenery. Also, for the entire day I thought it was Saturday when it actually was Friday.
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>consultancy group exercise
>3 other candidates all women
>only person they ask questions is me

im fucked arent i
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Update: Crashed Jack's bike so hard I actually sent him into the abyss. He's was as resolute as I'd expected him to be.
Jews, ID's Friday! X-DDDD
What part of "it's over" you don't get?
How will you justify the 8 hours you "spent"?
Doesn't your company check or care?
If it doesn't care, why show up at all?
It's not oppression, they're legitimately mediocre. That's why any word used to refer to them in any way becomes a slur.
Mackenzie/PWC MBAs flip out as soon as they see an 'end of life' message on a particular product. I think it's a Pavlovian response.
well based on what i literally just said, you can tell i don't work for a boomercorp, so we don't have checks or monitoring.
as long as you finish your tickets nobody gives a fuck.
>accidentally spelled McKinsey & Co. The Scottish way instead of Irish
Forgive this lapse, oh big 4 overlords. I will perform three "sync meetings" as penance.
ok, but why destroy the hardware? are they mentally ill or something? why not just give it away or sell it?
That I couldn't begin to understand.
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Everyone enjoying their Friday?
i'm waiting it out
2 hours to go
i will NOT work
short Friday for me yay!
Was in the middle of a wank sesh when I got a Teams message that my coworker quit on the spot, 0 notice (or fucks) given. It's not even 11 am yet, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day (and probably my foreseeable future given that my workload just tripled) is ruined
I just looked at their Wikipedia page and how the fuck are they allowed to stay in business? I knew they were scum but holy shit.
godspeed him. why are you mad? let a guy be free
I'm not mad, I'd actually do the same right now if I could
>if I could
you can, though. what's stopping you?
(nta btw)
>what's stopping you?
my mortgage
good morning sir
and indians work harder then you
I have a mortgage but just recently put my two weeks in. I couldn't take it anymore.
Do you have a boss that's not agile enough and it's difficult to wrang him into the direction you want?
>Launch day for a new function
>User did something stupid
>Easily fixable and it's a matter of just retriggering the action.
>Boss wants to take time to figure out what happened first rather than retriggering the action and review later.
>Worried stakeholders are going to be like ????? wasn't this function tested???? why isn't it working???
fuck bro we don't have time for this, we'll check this in the future for fuck sakes.
is it a recent one? do you not have savings?
Because they don't have any labor rights. SAD
We had a thread yesterday about how a Github repo was being overwhelmed by very high quality Indian pull requeusts
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I don't want to code but I like computers
Mortgage is recent and currently sits at ~$600,000 CAD (thanks Trudeau for fucking up the housing market). I have ~$20k in savings which isn't enough for me to feel comfortable to quit my job.
This was me in June, except that I was playing vidya. It took us about two months to get a replacement.
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How do I go about getting people to call me by my middle name? My parents named me something that no one knows how to pronounce and it's a massive PITA to explain to people every day, but my middle name is a traditionally ethnic Spaniard name that everyone knows. Do I just put my middle name on my resume and linkedin?
that sucks anon. this is the reason I didn't get a mortgage even though I had like 80% of the money I needed to buy a house: I know I wouldn't be able to deal with the stress of being treated like a slave. my current boss is a fucking retard and I'm thinking of going nuclear on him, and if I had a mortgage, I would be really fucking mad... but I don't, and my mind is completely clear and sane (except for my own insane way of living, but that's another topic)
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Get into IT then. It's comfier than you think.
Computers are the worst fucking thing ever created. I fucking hate technology, if I could do it over again I'd destroy my fucking Sony Vaio laptop and go fucking outside. FUCK technology.
No anon I dont have a cs degree :^)
Then you will lose to the people who do lie. Everyone except the absolute cream of the crop lies on their resumes. It's basically expected at this point. Obviously don't lie about things you don't know, just fluff it up with non-verifiable experience. I have some "freelancing" on my resume.
I'm working as a Helpdesk rn, studying CyberSec and Network... but I heard that in the end you'll have to script shit with Python anyways.. I mean I'm okay if its saving my time but I'm not sure if it's that hard even with ChatGPT...
>sprint retrospective
>have to go around the team and everyone says what was good/bad this sprint
why must I go through constant humiliation rituals?
Yes, that's the simplest solution. You'll have to explain yourself to some people if you do it in the middle of your career, though. I'm sure they'll understand if your first name really is a clusterfuck
Are you Filipino by chance?
Be a chad and name the retrospective as the bad part of the sprint
what about becoming an artist. Either drawing 2d or modelling 3d or both?
I felt like that and tried 3d. It was fun.
>when the hiring person asks your salary expectations you can just tell them to say the number they had in mind and they'll tell you
the fuck. why didn't anyone tell me this
LLMs like ChatGPT can write simple Python scripts for you in a matter of seconds. It can even walk you through how to use them.
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>over 2 hours of meetings every day for the last two weeks
When do these cunts expect us to actually do the things they constantly talk about?
This usually doesn't work for me and we end up going back and forth without committing to any number
I tried this but didn't work(might be because I'm ugly).
So keep in mind that this won't always work.
Add 500 good goy points to what you actually want.
They'll "lowball" down to that number.
You think their thought process goes that far? When the meeting is done, their job is finished for the day. Time to go get a frapp and go to the salon. They will never be blamed for your failure to deliver.
>be me, new grad
>just had a 15 min with a recruiter from teksystems who was a white man
is this a good sign?
Spanish + Italian
kek I came across this profile last week. forgot from where
>20% of women of age up to 30 years old have never had an orgasm
probably 95%, worldwide
How do I have patience when teaching people tasks and stuff like that? I try to do monkey see (see me) monkey do but I get a lot of interjections or people will slow me down or they say yes but they don't really get it later and quite frankly it kinda annoys me. I even make a bunch of documents but nobody really reads them which whatever I don't mind teaching but then I get to the above issues and I get annoyed really quick. Lots of out of scope questions too. annoying
>still half an hour of sitting here doing nothing
time tracking software is criminal
I'm in my late 30s and I have no discipline. I don't plan my time, I'm disorganized as hell (and my place sucks). I usually do shit because I like it or because I feel motivated to do them.
wtf do I do to fix myself?
You try asking about it here, where it's on-topic:
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>coworker goes to present change
>lady from some other agency rips him a new one for the change based on bad information
>now we have to all do new change training and modify our already tedious and long process to be even longer

IT is so fucking annoying. I miss the days when I was just the sole admin and had dictator level control over the environment.
How come people are constantly complaining about the economy but then when you get into the details of their personal situation they always reveal that they have a fuckload of money?
Change Management is important. Take it from a shift worker — most of what I do is cleaning up after overnight changes that caused an outage in production.
Because number go down when should go up
I meant only 20% HAD an orgasm
Patience is a virtue. Having documentation is great, you're giving them rope to hang themselves with. If they ever go to your boss and say that your training is inadequate, you can just point to the docs. There are strategies to get people to stay on track as well, e.g. "let's not get off-topic, we can talk about that later". 'Later' almost never comes.
plan your days? clean ur room? whats hard to know?
>I even make a bunch of documents but nobody really reads them which
I would kill to work somewhere where things were documented. why is u job hiring low IQ noobs? and is this software dev?
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i make a living writing software that nobody even uses.

if i made any less money my quality of life wouldn't be any different to someone living on welfare. i make double the median household income in my city.
my room is relatively clean even though I don't clean it much...


>I even make a bunch of documents but nobody really reads
I was going to suggest documenting your stuff and sending the users a link, but then you wrote this.
do you really need to teach them? is that your job? because if it is... I'm sorry to tell you but it's over for you
maybe ask an actual teacher how they do stuff, what methodologies they use to teach things similar to what you need to teach and stuff. but IMO if your users don't actually care or are retarded or scared of tech, then you are fucked
What is the Cracking the Coding Interview / Grokking the System Design Interview for the behavioral / hiring manager interviews? I know to use STAR but sometimes they ask things that catch me off guard, like telling of a mistake I made while still making myself look good, or telling of a time I disagreed with someone, and trying to walk the fine line between looking like a pushover or looking like a dick
>good attitude
>tidy appearance
>eye contact
>firm handshake
>"I want this job"
>Downloading VS Code Server
>10 min later
>Downloading VS Code Server
Fuck this piece of shit I'm going full vim from now on
How am I gonna shake someone's hand over a zoom call
I did put a fresh t-shirt on instead of my usual cheetos stained tank top
Why aren’t my job applications getting bites?
>UNC undergrad
>2 YoE Oracle

I know it’s not MIT/Google but c’mon, at least let me flunk an actual interview instead of “unfortunately…”
I can't even draw a fish properly lmao so nope, still I saw my friend is into 3D modeling stuff tho, pretty cool but prop doesn't matches me.

Just hope it can carries me over on the coding stuff in the future if I had to..
what are you using to apply?
White people unironically smell like pigs, more specifically, pigs after the rain, like a soggy pig smell.
LinkedIn, Indeed, ziprecruiter
try applying directly to company websites since indeed/linkedin easy apply gets thrown directly into the trash
It's amazing the speed and ability frontend sharters are able to instantly turn a codebase into tech debt ridden schizo tier code. How retards are able to create the most overly complex way to accomplish simple tasks never ceases to amaze me
I mean I’ll try it since what I’m doing currently isn’t working
I doubt that LinkedIn easy apply gets trashed tho
Halfway through an online masters in CS from Georgia Tech, I might start putting it on some of my resumes.
I mean, they have tools to "minimize" and obfuscate code. that on itself is kinda schizo.
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>online degree
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I have my fagman interview today wish me luck fags
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>>online degree
nta but worked on my machine
just don't mention that you got it online lol
a master's is a master's
Is OMSCS as hard as people claim?
I'm starting in January
I should have killed myself in high school
this >>102473082
I hate work.
Way easier than my undergrad imo
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that's a really nice pic. Do you mind if I save it?
The Georgia Tech online Masters is one of the few that is the same curriculum as the in person and it also doesn't mention anywhere on it that it's online. You can just put the same name as the in person because it is the exact same degree, you're just not paying the extra tuition cost for the in person fees.
I haven't done the CS but I did the OMSA and it's fairly easy (minus a few courses like Deterministic Optimization which is more advanced).

There's a guy that copied all the content from the OMSCS of most of the core courses and put them on a website, if I remember the link I will share it with you.
after all is the grind even worth it
I gotta be honest with myself. I always tell people that I love the stuff I do. I used to love it, but my job is making me hate the fuck out of it. how do I get out of this psychological trap, I don't know.. but if someone knows, please share the techniques/attitudes/whatever is needed to separate doing stuff for work vs hobbies/passion
anon, this is the TECH WORKERS general. as a tech worker, you are supposed, no, assumed to be autistic. I won't ask retarded normies for advice.
if this were true, you wouldn't get "sad" for doing repetitive tasks, you're just a failed normie and so my previous reply stands
anon... this only reflects on your lack of autism. sadness is inherent in autism. most of us have untreated childhood traumas and wished the popular girls gave a shit about us in school.
also, my job isn't only about doing repetitive tasks, it requires some thoughts. the hard parts are not the repetitive tasks, it's interacting with retards.
>work harder so you can make more money just to be able to afford shit that's getting worse but costs more
as opposed to...
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you know the answer
neet fantasies before working at mcd?
Everyone has a mother, sister, daughter, etc.
>they don't have any labor rights
how can we encourage them to develop labor laws?
I give it 50/50 I'll rope instead
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Everything is set up for me to put in my 2 weeks notice next week and I haven't felt this good in years.
chatGPT was built for this, setup langchain on your documentation and tell them to ask it
stop using VS code server, you never know when it'll break the server you're trying to connect to
Congrats, anon. Leaving a job is one of the best feelings in the world, it's when you realize all of those responsibilities you had are entirely made up and don't matter.
again I repeat, you are simply a failed normie. All I need is a dog by my side and I'm happy doing work on a computer.
>untreated childhood traumas
>popular girls
you need to see a therapist
nigger you are a disgusting normalfaggot who is co-opting autism as a way to justify being such a failure in life
stop projecting your desires and rope so I don't have to read your drivel, at this point you people will make drinking water a sign of autism just so you "escape" being normal so you no longer have to try
good luck faglord I just passed mine
just bee urself
do you have another job lined up? how much in savings?
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>IT helpdesk
Yeah don't do this, IT helpdesk is not coding and it's also one of the most hellish jobs possible I worked 2 IT jobs for a few years each and have never been so close to killing myself as I was going in to work each day
All I have to do today is send 2 emails and schedule 1 meeting but I've done nothing but masturbate so far.
get certs and put some it projects on your github and skip helpdesk. If you have a cs degree it's impossible at all.
Plenty of people are stuck in helpdesk thinking it would be an easy path up from there but it isn't.
second this, if you go into IT, say good bye to ever getting a regular software jobs, you need actual SWE experience. Working IT is just
as bad as a resume gap and it will get harder to ever get into SWE as you get older because entry level roles are ageist
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I'm the intern that was flirting with a manager from another department, anyway she gave me her number and I'm also getting hired full time. I honestly can not believe any of this is real. I'm going to have a permanent position, a real job.
How do I get an entry level SWE job? Is LinkedIn all I need?
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3 years into this job i still regret deeply that i chose embedded over webshit
this is very true, esp as you get older, people will never let you have the opportunity ever, your best to just study CS or whatever early in your early 20s and get some type of SE internship.
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but ur a real programmerino
why not just google How To Get Into Devops From Scratch
i learned today that my coworker worked 4 years as junior in a related company before and worked another 4 years as junior in the current one
company refused to promote him because there’s hard rule of 3 years minimum of employment before even considering people for promotion and prior experience doesn’t count
what a retarded system
it’s about as real as webshit in terms of how much damage my product does to the society
lol I've seen retards get team lead at 3 and senior at 5
visit your local state college and attend the in person career fair
I've done both, it's just a different flavor of shit
it was a shitty rule at my previous company as well, except I got promoted after like 2 years because my boss filed an exception, he must have really liked me. It's the dumbest rule I've ever seen, it's like you have to have a minimum of 3 years before any new promotion.
>normies seething and projecting
gtfo faggots
>i'm going to vim because a feature that doesn't exist on vim doesn't work
>ruining people’s work history because org autism
why are they always like this
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>service desk 2
>pretty comfy wfh job, like 4 calls a day on average and often spend 80% of the work day doing nothing
>boss is chill
>recruiter reached out today about a systems engineer job and said they would put me in touch with the IT department
>Company on glass door has a 2.6
do I keep going bros? I'm pretty scared of change and like being a lazy cunt but I also know I probably shouldn't stay in help desk forever
Yes, I almost got hit once by some retard turning the wrong way down a one way.
im sure no one will ever just google your degree in the final rounds of hiring
Take a vacation and start the new job, if you don't like it, don't quit your old one
>you are ran by kikes
so is russia, LOL
>team lead on vacation this week
>I have to "cover" for him
>literally every fucking question from other teams comes to me
>54 unread slack messages before I even log in
>meetings all day
Jesus fucking Christ. Dude shields the entire team from all this bullshit. I'm staying a senior, fuck this. I'm glad this week is done.
random indians keep adding me on linkedin
nobody moves up the ladder comfortably my nigga, everyone has to take that leap into the unknown eventually
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>few years ago
>finish college
>can't find job
>recruiter contacts me
>mr anon we have a level 1 helpdesk position available for this major financial institution
>no thanks I don't want to do customer support
>no worries it's fully remote and you'll only be supporting employees it's internal support only
>alright I'll try it
>training is just a fucking slideshow that some jeet reads off to us
>start job few weeks later
>don't know anything and can't get in to half the systems because the jeet didn't explain them
>like 50% of the people that call in are mad as hell and outright insult or threaten me
>regularly get cussed out by people who are mad over simple things
>people calling because customers refuse to call customer support knowing we don't support that
>people asking us to reimburse them for shit and then getting mad when we tell them that's hr
>constant calls about time off and check issues that they also expect us to resolve then threatening to kill us when we tell them to contact hr because they somehow think we're stealing from them
>people who's job is 99.99% sitting on a computer all day calling to loudly brag they're not computer savvy and can't fix basic issues and need us to do it for them
>hr literally does nothing when any of this is reported or wokescolds and blames it back on us
>finally quit whenever a manager called and pulled up my employee profile while I was on the phone with him and read out my home address and asked if he needed to stop by for help in threatening tone
Still don't work in tech I think about it occasionally considering I have my degree but I found a do nothing middle management job instead
it's a real degree
they do it so they don't have to pay existing people more, because they're assholes, what happens is a junior guy gets promoted to the next phase, but he's just shy from making that big money so they promote him from "associate" or whatever to "senior associate" but it's a tiny pay bump, the big pay bump comes next so he has to wait 3 years, by that point the salaries for the next phase have already jumped at other companies.
not necessarily, you can eventually go into devops and pivot into swe but devops takes like a decade of IT job grinding
Should I quit my yearly contract job? I want more stable job since I need to take a loan to buy a house soon and I want to escape from the programming shit as soon as possible, my Team Lead keeps making us create python scripts and I fuckin hated it. Although the pay is decent and I'm afraid going back to my comfort zone means less pay.

I just love doing SysAdmin / Cloud shit, messing around with WinServer / Network / Linux not this Application Support doing Gitslops and Python Scripting most of the time aaaaaaaa
Jesus christ what shit hole was this
kek I used to work at a help desk job and everyone was super nice to me because I was the only person on the team that wasn't a FOB jeet with 2 months of english training
>why are workers job hopping???
>young people nowadays have no company loyalty!
i’d have bubble-era japanese tier company loyalty if they trained me properly and kept my raises on par with new hires
>go into cloud shit
>it’s more python scripting but for automating a different group of tasks
oh nononono
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It was wells fargo, kept up with a few of the guys that still work there and they've pretty much said it's still the same just now with more jeets who barely speak english
yea the only reason I bring up my prev anecdote is because I've seen it happen, the poor guy probably doesn't even know how much less he's getting paid, and he was doing the same about of work as I was and he was probably making legit like 30-40k less than I was (that was after his "promotion" kek)
Currently tolerating being underpaid because they're still letting me work from home. The moment they order me to RTO, I start looking around.
nice, I know a few people who work there and they all say it's the worst place you could ever work (literally). I don't know why people still work there I genuinely don't comprehend it.

It's all power hungry retards and jeets.
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Take the chance. Even if it sucks stick it out for a year and jump. The title change is a big one.
my boss announced changes from wfh to hybrid and multiple very good admins quit on the spot

why are boomers so adamant on this shit
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What's the right move here?
it's a way to do layoffs without paying severance or letting them get unemployment (which they pay into)
I would kill one person, double it, kill 2 people, double it, kill 4 people, double it...
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Bottom of course
Yeah I was working there out of desperation and got out the moment I was offered something else, of the people I still know that work there they're all pretty much just retards that have no idea how to leverage their experience in to something else, some of them had been tier 1 for 10+ years when I was there and are still on in the same positions

>it's the worst place you could ever work (literally)
As far as desk jobs go yeah I don't see how you could get much worse never been anywhere else that just so openly supported that kind of environment any other white collar desk job threatening someone else would be an immediate dismissal
yeah maybe not Cloud, companies are going into Cloud meme and Infra as a Code bullshit. I wish Cloud doesn't exist like back in 2000s
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So how was your week anons? Any weekend plans?

Personally I plan to rot in my room and dwell on life, maybe watch some TV and maybe play some vidya, tho I dunno which yet.
Also barely did any work this week, took me 2 days to create 1 simple crudshit method.
>look at job openings in my country
>senior scrum master
>lead devops tech stack gigamaxxer
>webdev node react pajeet jobs

found ONE job in my country with Rust for a 6+ year user

763 job openings and 5 of them are tagged junior/intern/trainee/entry. this field is so cooked. if you're less than halfway through your studies RUN AWAY NOW only hell awaits here
I spent the entire week playing video games and putting off my responsibilities. I told myself every day, including last night, that the following day was going to be the day that I don't immediately get on the computer the second I wake up. I'm gonna get off when this hour ends and clean my room.
so uh
what about network engineer role?
most of SWE needs experience anyway and i doubt they'll hire a retard like me on dev roles
can you write about why? i've always thought working in embedded would be cool or interesting. i didn't end up with the opportunity to pursue it so im curious about the reasons
Whichever the default setting is.
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>today's the day I totally start studying for my AZ-104
Flashbacks to the Stone Age
>Working for a major VAR right after uni
>Get hired to go into an office building and install anti-virus on 400 PCs (so long ago the company required us to go machine to machine with floppies, kids!)
>Email and written flier goes to every employee 1 month, one week, and one day prior, all saying that ONLY company approved programs allowed; ONLY a particular browser allowed; NO programs to be pinned to the task bar (beats me, I was a contractor)
>10 of us going desk to desk with the floppies and instructions - clear the task bars, delete any games we happen to find, delete all other browser.
>From the screaming and outrage you would have thought we were using flamethrowers on an orphanage.
>One guy was screaming death threats because he had the high score on minesweeper in his department and it got deleted.
>One guy demanded I be fired because I "deleted" Outlook (I just unpinned it)
>One woman had a panic attack and passed out because:
>1)The guy before the girl she replaced had made a custom spreadsheet that calculated sales commissions and manager bonuses
>2) No one knew how it worked
>3) No one had copied it anywhere
>4)She had stored it in the recycle bin "to always know where it is" and the tech and, as per instructions, emptied it
It was like a bad movie
>One guy was screaming death threats because he had the high score on minesweeper in his department and it got deleted.
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I hate this bitch so much you have no idea.
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I'm not playing any video games lately (waiting on Metaphor)
Doing a small fullstack CRUD project to learn about Docker and Go (using it as my backend)
>Any weekend plans?
Just gonna draw, code a bit and read manga
>>Company on glass door has a 2.6
don't risk your current job until after the election
By the time the doordash driver shows up I've already made double what it cost to order, I don't understand the tech bubble at all. How does this shit not collapse?
>Any weekend plans?
improving the outsourcing pipeline so that there's less jobs for anons like you, work life balance is what stopped us from having a lunar colony and reaching mars. I'm learning Hindi, Mandarin, Vietnamese just to spite people like you who rot. The only barrier giving you a job is language and I will help others overcome it
>pajeetcode op
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jeetspeak probably is the most valuable second language to have on a resume in tech when you think about it
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>we will reach the stars and mars by hiring third worlders that shit in the streets and have an average iq of 82
They won't notice or reward you.
if you learn Hindi, you can start your own software shop and give them unpaid internships for experience and chatGPT to spoonfeed them basics
more meetings about fucking jira oh my god kill me now I'm so tired of this shit
whoever made Jira is a fucking scumbag
>reward you
my wallet says otherwise. A domestic "knowledge" based worker slacks off just as much as an outsourced one, the difference is that you're getting ripped off by only one
Meds. Now.
tell me anon, who's the target market for mouse jigglers?
I'm in your same position, but I graduated *last may*. I got I four interviews out of 1,000 or so applications but eh.
>four interviews out of 1,000 or so applications but eh.
Jesus christ
It can also be due to the company getting tax breaks or subsidies from the city that the office building resides in for stimulating the local economy.
If everyone there WFH, then the company won't get that sweet sweet tax break or subsidy any longer.
I don't like RTO, and we're gonna have to put up with it because these corporate fucks probably signed a 15 year lease on these damn office buildings too.
Does anyone else also prefer normal leetcode interviews to the quirky shit some companies are doing like writing a server on the spot while "pairing" with an interviewer or having some take home assignment or whatever
Punjabi is better
yea that too, it's both in reality, esp if it's a medium sized city that depends on jeet workers eating out constantly during lunch plus the subsidies for local workers plus the leases
Buy him a beer when he gets there
And tell him you want a bonus the next time you have to fill in
whats the overlap between Punjabi and STEM grads? Hindi has a wider reach and has the government backing it in education. Punjabi is just a mother tongue that sure has a lot of speakers but I only care for untapped skilled labor pools at cheaper prices
Just feel-good lip service. I doubt any of them truly believe that.
Cutting costs to quickly cash out and fuck off from the sinking ship is the main goal in every industry now.
I'm not fucking learning jeet language
>I got I four interviews out of 1,000 or so applications but eh
nigga this is 100% a problem with your resume
>sinking ship
but why is ship sinking? surely workers glued to their phone scrolling tiktok has nothing to do with it
I was gonna say the same thing
what about Latinx? Everybody hates it but because it is neither Spanish nor English.
That is a symptom of no tangible reward or motivation to work hard.
What do they get for working their asses off?
>willingly giving up a comparative advantage
your loss is my gain
I'm assuming Punjab is the Indian version of Cantonese solely because the majority of Indians I've met in America are Punjabi just like how the majority of Chinese in America are Cantonese. Maybe they're more likely to immigrate due to culture or distance to the shore or something
Bad idea to put a picture of yourself on your resume?
I'm "hispanic"
OMSCS isn't like Harvard: You get the same degree as the brick and mortar master's.
Now idk if it's worth getting a masters in CS right now generally, but if you're going to get one, OMSCS counts as a top 10 master's program in the US. Top 5 for AI and top 4 for systems (above Stanford).
No American school is in the top 10 globally anymore though, at least via USNews rankings since they give the top 19 slots to China.
>What do they get for working their asses off?
hey I don't care that they don't have a reward/motivation, just explaining why if you had to pick between NYC grifter and Bangalore tech worker with a salary of $15k, I'm picking the cheaper one, basic game theory and why so many of you struggle to find a job. The idea used to be that American workers genuinely worked harder, and they did, but that just isn't true anymore
You didn't answer the question.
I say latinx ironically to troll my mexican friends lol
I also pronounce it "luh-tincks"
>whoever made Jira is a fucking scumbag
You could be using Azure devops, be grateful.
>guys you have to work hard because...you just have to, okay!!!???????
>You didn't answer the question.
I told you I don't care why, it could be money printing or the lack of attractive women to start families, I don't care. I asked why is the ship sinking and you tell me that workers aren't working and I agree, and so it's cost effective to choose a cheaper labor pool if they're equally apathetic, I pocket the difference, end of story
>Punjab is the Indian version of Cantonese
It's a regional language yes, like Cantonese.
I never understood this, especially people who actually think they will be rewarded. The only people who get rewarded are the leaders.
So you do realize why the people aren't working hard, but you're being extremely obtuse about it like a typical fart-sniffer.
What do you think is going to happen later down the line when all those potentially hard-working white people are replaced by cheap low IQ pajeets?
It's just prolonging the inevitable collapse by maybe a decade or two, just to cash out, like I've said.
I can see some value in it for simple ticket tracking shit but all this burndown chart backlog rollover sprint velocity bullshit makes me want to go postal
the reward is paying the bills, you people aren't getting jobs in the new economy and unemployment only last 26 weeks. Only a handful of new will make it into Ren Tech, Deepmind, whatever dozen of places that genuinely needs meritocracy but the bulk of jobs are gone because they amount to looking busy while implementing the odd feature request which can be better served by lower cost of living workers
>but you're being extremely obtuse
I'm being very direct and realistic about it unlike you. The population is expected to hit 10 billion by 2050 and automation/AI is eating away jobs, not because they replace them but because they enable lesser skilled workers to be more productive. I want you people to join me and cash in before it's too late but most of you just want to get high, play videos games, and jerk off.
>What do you think is going to happen later down the line when all those
back to normacy, the aristocracy only ever composed a small perecntage of the total population and will keep things going as they always have
you goys are responding to a troll
don't feed him
I work at Big N. I've always put in an honest 40 hours. Maybe a few times a year I'll put in 50-60 depending on deadlines. I've done this since I got hired here out of college. After being here for a couple months, another fresh grad was added to our team. Since I had already onboarded and started working well above expectations, my manager asked me to help onboard him. I noticed a huge difference in how he and I approached problems.
>when I encountered a problem, I'd search documentation, browse the web, look at examples in other teams' repos, etc
>when he encountered a problem, he'd immediately ask someone else to digest every part of it for him
He kept thinking and acting like this even after the six months it took him to onboard. I went from new grad to senior in 3 years. In those three years, he got promoted once to new grad ++, then COVID happened, our company announced layoffs, and he suddenly disappeared one day.

I'm not saying you need to break your ass at work every day like some people do, but showing up and doing nothing will cause your skills to atrophy, and if/when you get laid off, you're not going to be capable of competing in the market. Just complete your tasks.
Yes, leetcode is annoying but not as annoying as normies make it out to be. It's literally a formulaic way to land a job
I don't mind pair programming since that's essentially testing for the same data points as LC just minus the grind. LC is leagues better than take homes, though. Six hours on a single take home that you'll need to redo from scrach per company is worse than spending a couple months of evenings grinding LC then being in the top 5% of interviewers for life. You only get asked LC hards by interviewers who don't want to hire you. I've interviewed all over silicon valley, and the only guy who asked me a hard only did so in the last ten minutes of an interview because he told me my solution wouldn't work, I disagreed, so we tested it, and it worked. Everyone else asks mediums, which are no harder than what you'd see on an undergraduate algorithms midterm. If you can't solve that shit, I don't want to work with you.
yea I don't think anyone is saying not to do anything, I agree people should be more independent, but I'm not gonna work extra just because some faggot PM can't prioritize shit correctly.
I say Latin EX.
>I don't think anyone is saying not to do anything
anon people were and are quite literally doing that which is why so many firms despite all the layoffs seem to magically be able to keep chugging along with a fraction of the workforce
>so many firms despite all the layoffs seem to magically be able to keep chugging along with a fraction of the workforce
firms seem to be able to sell shit because no one has money for shit anymore. they hired a lot of people during the pandemic boom and now those teams and products are being trashed
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I mean you do you man, but putting in 40+ hours per week is just silly. they're not gonna give you a special reward or anything. They have preselect individuals they will give the promotions or bonuses to and they're just people leaders or PMs. I've never found the extra work worth the reward ever.
>but putting in 40+ hours per week is just silly. they're not gonna give you a special reward or anything
I'm aware anon but stuff like the tiktok get ready with me trends of people literally doing nothing explained a lot. I'm not saying to overwork yourself like they do in China
but a lot of people quite literally don't do anything, I seen them on the clock just scroll their phone the whole time and half ass attend meetings for the same pay as me and I don't find it surprising when they eventually get let go
nta but maybe you should find a different job. if you put in a couple years of daily 8-hour shifts and don't get at least a 20% bonus, you could be doing a lot better for yourself somewhere else. halfassing it for peanuts at a job that couldn't care less either way isn't a good idea either.
My managers have never noticed when I've worked 50+ hours, but they have noticed when I stop working 50+ hours and then they ask why my productivity is down. The only thing overworking does is make your manager think your baseline is higher than it actually is.
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now show the chart of the total increase in tech workers globally
post it yourself. but I bet everyone has seen it, it's like 80-100% increase in US companies. they have to fire those.
the productivity, experience or laziness of the ones being laid off don't really matter.
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>post it yourself
I am extremely lazy but have never been fired from a job because I know when I can get away with being lazy
with much more competition on the way
IT bros... we won...
Left work early so I wouldn't get stuck in traffic.
>Been stuck in traffic for an hour and I'm still available hour away from home.
I hate RTO!
that's exactly what I did
>Job Outlook, 2023-33 -10% (Decline)
>Employment Change, 2023-33 -13,400
the BLS themselves are saying the demand for SWE is contracting, TEN PERCENT DECLINE
this 100%
computer programmers lol. that's not even remotely accurate nor the same job desc.
>that's not even remotely accurate nor the same job desc.
I'm agreeing with you why the IT bros won
faster than average growth unlike the SWE people
I honestly really like how overemphasized jeetcode is in modern interviewing. I genuinely enjoy them, I do one or two a day regardless of job searching like my dad does his daily crossword puzzle
The level they expect of you is completely reasonable unless you live in India where they have so many fucking applicants that they need ridiculous arbitrary filters like asking for multiple optimal Hard solutions in succession and just rolling the dice until they find the lucky winner who happened to memorize problems 1439 and 2573
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anon, are you retarded? these companies didn't hire 10 or 20% more people, they hired a SHITLOAD of tech workers
the classification you are looking for is software developer, qa, and testing. its was projected to grow by 400k jobs from 2020 to 2030 which is also considered a very highly growing field. this is irrespective of the amount of cs grads in the last few years already being more than 400k.
>they hired a SHITLOAD of tech workers
and then offloaded them all at once flooding the market, your point? If you couldn't get a job this year, you're not getting one next year when there's even more new grads
nta but whats the difference
desu idk nigga read the bls descriptions
that's what I'm doing, they both seem like the same thing requiring a bachelors in CS or math or whatever related. I don't get the difference, no one hires a computer programmer to just program, they have to do all the other stuff as well but then why are there two categories
Anyone else purposely post misinformation in the main work chat around new employees just to see how fast senior devs trip over each other to correct it?
I do it if it's something harmless

Managers tolerate it because people like you put up with it. HR is also to blame for letting these people into the company. This is less common in manual labor jobs.
many of those leaving the tech market will do something else, so this shit will balance itself.
if you are already working in tech or got a job recently, have savings and don't see a reason to be fired, you probably are fine for the neat years
those kids coming from universities, though? they are fucked lmao
>I do it if it's something harmless
my company has had global hiring freeze in place since january 2023 for all locations worldwide
EXCEPT for india
they're using the "bad macroeconomics" as an excuse to outsource everything
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>Go into tech bro you'll make $600k and don't even need a degree bro just learn to code bro
where did it all go so wrong
the guy doesn't even know the difference, just stop replying to him
>those kids coming from universities, though? they are fucked lmao
that's my point, if you survived this market you're going to do fine like those who made it thru the DOT COM bubble or the 2008 recession but the majority of people online and this thread specifically are struggling when it should be easy now before it really get oversaturated. You should be able to get a job today if you graduated from a 4 year school, state universities have dedicated career fairs. The only thing I can think of that explains all the muh I applied 1000 roles and can't get a job is if you're outside the US but until g gets flags, we won't know
You're only saying that because you got the easy questions.
kek this is so true

t. latinx
so what is the difference
Like saying a work event in one location when it's actually in the next room over. Or something slightly off about a feature on an app that they don't work on.
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>huge local demand for tech jobs
>all get shipped off to poopland anyways
>neither political party does anything about it
I made the same decision years ago. My job broke my coding curiosity. Nowadays, I only look at coding related things when at work.
>My job broke my coding curiosity
was there really any genuine curiosity if all it took was code reviews to extinguish it?
thread hint bump limit, someone bake a new thread with a better OP image
Post Bank balance or LARP.
>inb4 less than one million biden bucks
Btw Mr. Genius, if you knew anything you would know that learning their languages means you have to fucking deal with them. Enjoy the hell you've constructed for yourself, retard.
did you ask if the person telling you that was making 600k?
>inb4 less than one million
we get it, you got big from biz crypto gambling and so anyone accumulating capital the reliable way is below you
don't worry, indiands can't do shit
Curiosity was gone because I was a code monkey following instructions only. You just turn off your brain and code what was told and how it was told.
>he would sell his countrymen down the river for less than one (1) [10^6] biden buxxxxx
I just put data in my resume. People has to hire me because my technical abilities and competency as a worker. If HR has choco fever is their problem. Not mine.
I tell my fellow countryman to stop watching sports ball and read basics about tax structure but that's sacrilegious for you lot, if you don't have the protestant work ethic that built this country I don't care that you end up unemployed
does needing to know the difference matter or are you bitter your bait was called out?
why do people like this ^ give advice or even respond to other anons? this faggot is obviously a NEET and hasnt worked a single day in his life.
work makes you miserable, and that's NOT because of the work you do, but because of other people.
>work makes you miserable, and that's NOT because of the work you do, but because of other people.
there's miserable people everywhere especially on this board and yet you coming here for free, at least works pays you, what do you get out of replying: nothing
ok so i have proxmox with nginx static site, grafana/prometheus, pi-hole, wireguard etc. for almost a year now, CCNA and 1YOE
tech support is no go for me, on call customer support at least.
do i apply for devops roles or noc teams ?
go to the new thread
Sirs how did we won against the poogrammers
Nope but I can get one if I want to. Can live for years without working.
those short talks with recruiters never go anywhere
he hmu on linkedin
what indsutry and company size
lol I remember ur story from 3 months back

go smash that milf anon
share saar please kindly

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