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Frog thread
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Has anon ever been fired? What happened?
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Retarded anon here who had a crush on a coworker.

She gave me a gift in front of everybody, I asked her to follow me further away so we could talk, I also gave her a gift, I then gave her my number like I told myself I would and she spontaneously gave me hers. She gave me her goddamn NUMBER I'm so fucking happy, SO FUCKING HAPPY YES FUCK YES I DID IT
I'm convinced my manager doesn't actually do anything other than pass work onto other people. I know this isn't a groundbreaking revelation about middle management, but today confirmed it for me.
hr incident incoming
>verification not required
gratz anon, you fucking did it
This is a top quartile manager. The average manager does this but then gets bored and decides to interfere in your work for a month, or picks some random irrelevant thing and absolutely rides your ass over it. Be thankful.
you're fucked
this is a trap they're all going to dump pig blood on you and circle around you laughing
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Dear Anon,
I'm writing to tell you how proud we all are of you and your recent accomplishment. I always knew you could do it. Keep it up, good things ahead.
Your Fren
I'm pretty sure my manager was setting me up to be the fall guy at my last job, but fortunately a friend referred me to his place and I escaped just in time. I kept detailed notes on everything my piece of shit manager did to set me up to fail, like sending me into heated meetings without backup, changing requirements last second, and withholding information from me, then told HR everything before I left so he'd get fired. He didn't get fired though and when I last checked LinkedIn he's now the VP of Engineering there.
you made his scheme easier because now he didn't have to get you fired and you were no longer there to defend yourself
No joke it's kind and supportive anons like you who gave me strength.
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It will never be as easy to get a job as it was in 2019-2021 ever again.
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civilization is collapsing and i'm here for it
you took the gamble and it paid off, hope it works out as much as you care for it to, anon.
>alway rember happy day
I’m going to kms if I don’t switch teams
Gj anon. I hope it works out well for you
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I thought they couldn't ask your current salary
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Tips on how to achieve what you accomplished?
need an opinion here
got ccna cert month ago, posted on linkedin and got 0 (zero) job offers. when i created account year ago, there was 3 offers just like that
i finished two devops courses on udemy(torrented ofc no cert) and python on freecodecamp + i got 1yoe at local isp
where i should look for remote jobs and what should i looking for
any advice is appreciateed
>where i should look for remote jobs
LMAO you think you are entitled to remote jobs even though you only have a bootcamp and no experience whatsoever? who the fuck do you think you are?
4x10 gang check in
Intercept the request to submit the form with Burp Suite and set the salary value to true.
It shouldn't be me
I doubt I get a promotion or raise from this. Not even managey, I just want to put my nose to the grind and do my work.
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It's going to be ok bros. The times of easy 200k+ jobs are over, but CS skills will still be in demand for the rest of our lifetimes and beyond. The future is rooted in computing technology. Always be looking to improve, always be striving for new heights, go get that masters so you can advance your earning potential, get that phd if you want to do advanced R&D work, be your own boss, be your own shareholders, the world is your oyster.
They aren't coming back, EVER.
Math PhDs still earn 500k+ out of grad school
Have any self confidence at all
startup founders earn 50 million out of college
I'm a math PhD and I earn 3 million $ TC, first job after studies.
>CS skills will still be in demand for the rest of our lifetimes and beyond
They key for me was to constantly make myself be bold and step out of my comfort zone. Staying in my comfort zone means never trying to get close to anyone because "oh no what if they think i'm weird or annoying oh no", so yeah just don't stand in there, also I've missed a ton of opportunities in my life and I'm now old enough that I know I'd prefer getting rejected than spend my life wondering "what if I had tried something?".
so much this

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger
Naw, it’s just both sides of the aisle decid3d to fuck you in the ass with h1b and there is nothing plebs can do about it.

The amount of Indians strolling around Pablo alto these days is ridiculous.
Anon, you're stupid. You don't know this bitch personally. In Germany we have a very good saying - never shit where you eat. Don't ever fuck around with women at your job. One false move and a fake rape allegation and they can and will ruin your job.
i live in shitbalkanhole
solutions are remote or gtfo to north/west
look at this fag
Meant to say career/life.
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You smug CS fucks had it coming for a long time. I used to be jealous because I chose healthcare for recession-proof and it cost me a shitload in student loans. But now I'm debt free and making bank in a low COL area. Life is good.
I have a CS degree and I'm debt-free.
virgin mindset

chads do what they want
this is how you end up sad and alone for most of your life, in the fetal position sobbing about how you'll definitely go to jail for false allegations if you ever try to live your life or speak to another human being.
CS degrees were always a meme. Better get a job as a gravedigger, that shit is WW3 proof.
bro ur OP is garbage
I don't have a cs degree and make 500k wfh (20 minutes per day)
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are we back?
I am alone but I'm not sad. You don't need a woman to be happy, society tells you that because they need more wagies in the future. Women are evil and emotional vampires and are not worth all the shit you put up with and all the risks for 5 minutes of pleasure when you insert your meatslab into a wet hole. But that's just my opinion.
And you probably make $300k+ at a wfh job where you do nothing. Enjoy it while it lasts, schmuck.
>become gravedigger
>fired because haitians will work for less
>gets eaten by haitians
You think a haitian ever seen a shovel in his life? Become a morgue worker, that shit is nice, imagine working in perfect silence, no HR roast, seems like a dream job to me.
Largest rallies happen in bear market.
if it's a recession we are fucked, if it's not then we are still fucked (temporarily for a few months) then the skyrocket begins
why don't they just nationalize S&P and publish numbers that go up 8% yoy without fail
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i will have 50k in my 401k by EoY. are you proud of me, anon?
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that's not enough! we need a hundred times that!
HR can fire anyone for any reason. it's at will employment. he did the right thing getting out in time, so he didn't have to go weeks or months without making money
I think this guy is leaving his job which is why he asked her out, iirc.
i can only put in 20-something k per year ;_;
They use backhoes now, and they don't bury people every day at cemeteries. Burials are becoming more expensive, so more people would opt to do cremations or not even claim the body.
Yep correct I might leave it, I will know in a few days if I do or not.
P gud anon
Mine is only going to be at 40k
Better than 90% of Americans c:
*walks into the center of the thread*
*blows brains out*
>She gave me a gift in front of everybody

That's strange. People usually don't do it like that unless they know each other well.
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i have like zero savings atm because last year i maxed and i am hoping to max again this year
i'm the one who got a 10k raise, though, so that should help. hopefully next year i'll be able to actually start collecting some more liquid savings
Well imagine my surprise (and my coworkers' who were watching)
ChatGPT4o1 is so good at coding now. Amazon CEO was right. Thanks to all the tech wagies who helped build up the hype so they could get funding and pump AI stocks to replace everyone faster. Idiots.
you are beyond delusional if you think gpt-like systems can program literally ANYTHING of value
if they can program it, it already exists (i.e., it is of no value to create)
Maybe being so antiunion because you all thought you'll be 10X and million dollar programmers one day wasnt such a good idea lmao
It will make saaars 2x more productive, further lowering wages
Try it anyway, sometimes developers forget to validate the input they're saving into a database server-side. Instead of giving a non-sequitur answer for your previous salary, find out where your answers are being displayed. Maybe you could turn some poor HR goon's dashboard into Homer's Web Page via an XSS exploit. Not to say this will get you a job, but it will be very funny.
You are delusional to think it won't and that they're getting there. You are coping so hard right now I can feel it through the Interwebs.
two more weeks until the singularity
it cannot create. fundamentally. it can — at best — rearrange. in my job, that won't cut it. i'm not worried lol
Singularity won't come soon, but as AI coding will, seriously. Some devs are trying to cope that it will just enable companies to build more products and features, but if they had them wouldn't they have built them already? Google tried so many products and killed a lot of them. This is such a cope.
You haven't tried 4o1, and 5 will definitely improve it. Senior devs should see this as an opportunity to not have to train and rely on junior devs soon. Your job may not be at risk for certain applications, but many will be.
I'll settle for, "Claude, translate this Super Famicom game into English and patch all the bugs."
When you realize you're wrong it'll be too late
There are devs on my team that turn off github copilot when they are screen sharing on teams. What's the point we can all see it.
>if they can program it, it already exists (i.e., it is of no value to create)
Unless you work in a research lab you will likely never in your life solve a problem which isn't an instance of something that somebody smarter than you has already written up somewhere
>Your job may not be at risk for certain applications, but many will be.
not my problem
if only you knew
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If I read another fucker flexing about having to choose between multiple internships I will fucking demolish them. I have spammed my resume everywhere, even literal who companies nobody has ever heard of, and got zero technical interviews. Also all the OAs are literally impossible if you are not cheating. I should've just cheated like everyone else because fuck you if you think a sophomore is able to solve an obscure leetcode hard. Everywhere I look everyone is getting hired at least somewhere and some are even soft flexing how sad they are they couldn't get into FAGMAN instead of the company that hired them, and here I am without anything to do next summer other than work on shitty projects that will get me nowhere because I'm giving up at this point, I refuse to spend another day applying and waking up to another fucking email telling me how impressive I am but not fucking hiring me. Fuck you.

I fucking hate everyone, specially myself for pursuing this zero-sum career, I should've just worked minimum wage while making games and have fun in life.
I have 1 week of vacation
so far it's been 4 days and I've done NOTHING.
Massive layoffs at IBM.
everyone cheats on OAs man lol, it's one of those things where you either look stuff up or spend 30 min diddling around trying to use help pages.
Not mine neither, just telling it like it is
i never did a single internship in my life and got a job at 90k starting
you'll be fine
If you think Googlers did fuck all, can you imagine how little the average drone does at IBM?
learn to cheat retard.
if you cheat then won't you fail the ethics questionnaire?
I just leave it on. No one has called me out for it. I only really use it for auto filling error messages and other small stuff. Not sure why I pay for it at this point, but I'm lazy as fuck and it helps speed up my work.
Same here, but 95k starting instead
who ever said an internship, let alone an unpaid one, is required for getting a job is a fucking clown
Cheat on that too.
I'm a self-taught fag and went straight into junior dev. Nah, internships aren't required. Not even degrees lol
>Also all the OAs are literally impossible if you are not cheating. I should've just cheated like everyone else because fuck you if you think a sophomore is able to solve an obscure leetcode hard
I dunno who the fuck is giving out jeetcode hard #1793 to interns unless you're in Bangalore (in which case my condolences). Your experience of OAs is the exact opposite of what they're supposed to be
I've never been given an OA from anybody that was tricky enough to even warrant cheating
i took an ethics course in university, and it was one of the most engaging courses i have ever taken in my life. of course, that may have something to do with the fact that it was a privacy-focused course led by a world-famous (within the industry) professional, rather than just the default ethics course...
Not tricky enough to cheat? Cheat in retribution for having your time wasted.
privacy is not a right it's a privilege
disagree, of course. but i think you might just be baiting
Rights are privileges.
wageslaves do not have rights
Penis penis penis penis penis penis
god i need it
please give me cock
does anyone else get headaches from sitting for too long?
>work in a US office
>half my coworkers are Indian
>spent half of today openly talking about the Canadian citizenship process
Good luck, Leafbros...
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only some of us could be so blessed
No, it might be your chair desu.
Fed cutting rates means were entering a recession. Once the tech stocks start crashing the industry is gonna be far worse than it was in 2001
how would a chair cause headaches? genuinely asking. is it because it's too short or something?
I report jobs like this, fuck these scumbags, what you earn is none of their business
Bad ergonomics can cause headaches from sitting in a bad position making your back and neck muscles stressed.
I would be up ducking 50% already if I had any cash to buy TMF at the bottom.
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I was in your shoes anon. Fuel the hate into effort. Outwork everyone. One day you'll see all the impostors and laugh.
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we got the offer
we fucking did it lads
we overcame the jeets, the jews, and the hr roasties
we did it reddit!
glad to see people still spreading misinformation to sabotage the competition.
Can second this from experience. Probably more accurate to say it's your posture than your chair, although your chair is a top suspect why your posture could be bad
If the position of your neck isn't neutral and you hold it for a long time it will give you tension headaches
the jeet competition up here isn't as bad as you might think right now because the hundreds of thousands of punjabis trudeau is dumping into toronto are virtually all retarded tim horton's workers
if they start sending the programmers I think it will finally be time to get the fuck out of here
imagine the smell
why don't you people want to return to office

you've seen the videos, they have breakfast lunch and dinner for free made by top chefs

sometimes even booze
I see. a quick google tells me the same.
I try moving a lot to prevent any kind of pain, but I guess I also need to consider my neck and resting my head from now
My coworker who sits next to me is obese, smells bad, and regularly tugs on my shoulder to show me software engineering memes he found on Reddit.
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I want to BE the girl in the "day in the life of" video
Reminder, dont be a low agency worker. Be a high agency one. Own your own work. Drive your own ambition. The moment you ask someone to lead you around like a dog, you will be treated as such. Show your own free will and free thinking mind.
This but pick and choose the battles...
same asf tbhon
>all retarded tim horton's workers
>if they start sending the programmers
anon... those are the programmers
When you have nothing to lose, fight everything to get your own agency rolling. If someone stops you, there is nothing to fear. The ones that should be fighting the hardest should ideally be those without any agency as they have the most to gain and least to lose.

So "pick and choose the battles" is all about risk/reward calculation.
Stocks at ATH :)
this pooja gets free breakfast and lunch made by pro chefs

she does nothing of value but she is THERE in PERSON

probably makes 300k+ too
>Math PhDs still earn 500k+ out of grad school
I know one. He doesn't even make 100k.
welcome to 4chan
doing what? truck driving?
if you have a math phd and aren't making at minimum 170k you're a fucking dunbass
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>onsite indian cafe
you can't make this up
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I got laid off 3 months ago and haven't started looking for a new job
how bad is it? I have no college degree but 5 years of experience in mobile app development + AWS
it's fucking over for you. Like OVER. hard. I'm not even fucking kidding either nigger.
working a job isn't about righting wrongs and being the messenger of karma
if you're playing by the rules of society, success is measured by being in the better situation. He's not there yet, but he's a lot farther than he would be if he stayed
>eats and drinks random sweets
no wonder americans become fat really fast. do people in murica not know how to control their impulses and anxiety??
Thank you kind stranger. How do I updoot your post?
Not in this dogshit job market.
>Not in this dogshit job market.
there are SEs right now making 170k with a Bachelors
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I collected unemployment for a few months then got a non tech job that pays better with significantly less stress. I won't ever go back, simply not speaking with Indians and end users on a regular basis feels too good.
Others may not have the same results, especially if you've fallen into a golden handcuffs situation.
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Does having a degree actually matter? I got my last job (which I was at for a little over 3 1/2 years) with no degree and just hobby experience with projects to show.
I have a few AWS certs.
>be antiunion
>replaced by AI

>be prounion
>wages are minimum wage because your manager can't fire Pajeet, Rakesh, and Pooja, who have not written a line of code in years and are office biohazards

I'd rather be antiunion and take the unemployment, thanks.
you're competing with Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft niggers that have 7+ years exp with degrees, what do you think?
Right now there are flying delivery drones, office-patrolling security robots, inventory-checking robots in grocery stores or remotely piloted cars and trucks.
BUT there arent robots filling potholes of the streets. This is the future, humans filling potholes
That was me, sorry.

Captcha: AXGAY
they have that because they hire so many jeets

judging by her grammar she isn't american

this is why you can't get a high paying tech job, they are hiring in poojeets from overseas
What field and pay?
>got a non tech job that pays better with significantly less stress
what was it, and how did you get it?
nta btw
>7+ years exp with degrees
I don't think any of them are going for $100k jobs
Had the best remote job with high pay, got fired for no reason and no warning other that they wanted to pay a more specialized guy in some esoteric thing, it's been pretty devastating
What did you jump ship to, anon? I'm coming up on 4 months of unemployment and thinking about doing the same thing.
honestly she can have it. must have stepped over hundreds of thousands of her countrymen to escape that shithole, AND she's still brown and femoid.
that means you are a faggot
see? you are a faggot
dude, just die alone like the rest of us
We had an Indian Cafe at my previous job that only cooked 2 types of chicken with different sauces, you could get rice with vegetables and they'd pour the sauce over it and give it to you in a cardboard tray, it was like constant smell of Indian slop and all of them made the lines so long, there would be dozens if not almost 30+ people in line.

Then after lunch the bathrooms would fill up from them shitting everywhere. Bathrooms would be out of order and shit.
i may be stupid
but at least ive never laid myself off
Redditors are so fucking stupid it hurts me to even read this shit
edit4: -ACK
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fucking kek
The tech market imploding is actually a good thing. There was a massive bubble, most of the jobs were fake. You should have realised this when Big techs started the mass layoffs of random employees two years ago. Tech is of the devil anyway. We need less tech.
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Idk what is going on anymore but I'm so glad I'm not a code/programing fag lol
Have any of you ever start your own business? Or is that too much of a task?
I made a product, but I'm to scared to do any marketing for it so I'll never get any paying users
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So it's basically almost impossible to get a coding job now?
Should I just stop doing courses and learning stuff so I can instead look into getting a trade or something?
i don't know what else to do besides tech jobs
>hundreds of thousands
probably millions t.bh
Why dont you make stuff?
I love it when trans people btfo themselves. They do it a lot. One "girl" at work threw papers everywhere in a fit of rage because "her" paystub had "her" "deadname" on it despite being told it would take a full cycle for the name change and even married people go through it.
>Ma'am please understand that we have no control over this, you just have to wait a few paychecks for it to reflect the name change. I went through it when I married my husband.
>What the fuck does marriage have to do with deadnaming me?!? I fucking QUIT!
she then tipped the cabinet over with her man rage and threw papers everywhere and stormed out. Came back the next day and acted like she still worked there like nothing had ever happened. Security escorted her out of the building. She then proceeded to make a TikTok about all this in which they had legal reach out and said if they didn't stop lying that they'd seek legal actions. Basically they'd sue for libel or slander (I'm confused which one, I'm the server guy not the legal guy). A week later they stormed into the office to talk to Carolyn who was on vacation and managed to get their job back somehow. Only to lose it again a week later for theft. These people are simply missing part of their brain that's able to reason and cope with anything. I'm not saying cope like poor people cope with having nothing, I'm saying basic coping mechanisms for day to day interactions and making good decisions. They're nice until they're not then it's out of the blue. I've never had a completely positive interaction with anybody from the trans community. I try to be supportive but man it's rough. They bring up sex at work all the time. The "jokes" they tell aren't funny. It's either some political thing or atheist thing a highschooler or early college kid would make. Like we're all late 30s to mid 60s here. It's not a place for that kind of discussion. They lie all the time about little things and it's really annoying. Text limit
this never happened
it's only going to get worse isn't it
kek why can't drama like this happen at my boomercorp, everyone just has boring parenting convos
They acted like they got fired for being trans. Like if that ever came into play it was only as an indication maker, and never given as a reason. Like to know this person's "dead name" just in case they ever decided to use it for anything. It was everything. And she's not even the first. We had a "girl" talk about being pregnant because they didn't get a period like every day for 9 months then "claim" to "had a miscarriage" and the one chic at work actually miscarried got mad and went off on "her" about how men can't get pregnant in the first place. They moved her to a different department over it then Jen decided to stripe naked to prove they had the surgery. I think they had a mental breakdown and ended up in the hospital over it. They're just not rational and normal. I have yet to meet one that stays mentally stable for more than a few months. I've tried personally to have friendships with them and it always ends with them arguing over insignificant matters. It's like they're the worst parts of both genders with none of the positive aspects. I'm not stereotyping them but wake me up when you find a stable trans person. I'd like to meet them and be friends with them.
I've seen some weird shit.

I've seen multiple times where people just started yelling at each other.

One time we had a poojeet on a visa and he refused to work overtime so the boss just yelled at him and threatened to revoke his visa and the guy just quit right then and there.

Another time a older lady was teaching us about "scrum" and a guy started making fun of her country accent and muted the call laughing at her.
Cope all you want. Happens all the time. It happened as I stated. It's all on security camera. You can find it on my bosses YouTube channel. It's one of the most viewed videos he has.
post link or fuck off
Just hire a few deis. The drama will come. It's cool, it's like watching HBO. Watching the company struggle with it is funny. Eventually they'll find reasons not to hire these people.
Why so you can report it? Fuck off yourself you tranny freak. Nobody likes you.
pure fiction
8 months in and i really don't give a shit about work anymore bros
Yeah people are funny. For the most part that stuff isn't that extreme. The alphabet people take it to a whole level all to their own. It's really really funny to witness. Just don't get in the middle of it. Sit and watch. They do it to themselves.
Oh no a tranny called me a liar what shall I ever do! Oh the horror! Anyway, good luck in your endeavors. If you decide to slit your wrists don't make the bathwater too hot or too cold. Luke warm like your'd make a baby bottle where you can't feel the temperature on your wrist. And use a sharp razer so it doesn't hurt, press hard and go long, lay back and let the sleep wash over you.
i in fact am actually trans, which is how i know you're just being batshit crazy and posting your fanfics lol. i know how actually crazy trannies act. hint: it's not like that. especially not at work in a cushy tech job of all places
also, >paystub
what year is it grandpa? we all get fucking direct deposit here in the real world
You still get a physical pay stub in the mail even with direct deposit for tax reasons. Which is how I know you've never worked a day in your life. Like I said, the lot of you are literally crazy.
no you fucking don't LMFAO
what kind of backwards shithole are you working at?
Colliers national ROFL
Anyway you go take that bath now. See ya in the funny pages.
>online portal
You still get a paystub whether you admit it or not, and like I pointed out, you're arguing over nothing because you're proudly and quite literally insane, the whole lot of you are.
do you live in moldova or some shit
Anyone work anywhere interesting? Currently work in commerce. Turned down a company that launched satellites because pay was low and I had to be on-call 24/7. Got a recruiter that called me but never followed up on an interview for a water treatment plant. Pay was alright and it sounded like it would be an easy job with lots of downtime.
It's like you lack the self awareness to admit to ever being wrong about anything and everything is a personal attack and people like you freak out thinking you've been slighted. You lack the internal peace to even begin to understand that there's another person that you're talking to and you will eventually go postal and freak out and it's almost always in some spectacular manner yelling and screaming and throwing a tempur tantrum like you're a 4 year old.
wild ass post
I don't, the closest thing I ever got to doing anything actually interesting was with Lockheed Martin for their F-35 program, now I just support ML shit for a medium sized company.
A lot of place hand out physical paystubs "ma'am" now calm down. Pittsburg Pennsylvania. You're not going to cancel me because my boss will laugh in your ear and tell you to fuck off if you try calling.
please get hobbies dude this isn't healthy
God I hit a nerve tranny? Are you going to go postal and scream and cry? Throwing your fit and carrying on?
The only one not healthy here is you tranny. You'll never be a woman. Ever. Accept that fact.
you guys are "talking" to a bot. stop it, don't feed the troll
Thanks. I needed that laugh.
guys is a gender neutral term you retard. no sane person takes issue with it
point taken, though
the usual responses are
>everything that can possibly be made already exists and is perfect
>if I make billions of dollars with a tech startup, one of the FAANG companies might sue me on no grounds and I can't afford a lawsuit
>nobody can make software on their own, it would take a team of 80,000 people to make a Facebook clone, and I didn't inherit enough money to hire 79,999 employees
Hell yea brother

t. 10hrs with Wednesday and weekends off
4x10s are based as fuck, my dad used to work them and he got 3 day weekends and it was the coolest shit ever
i am more like 5x11
chip companies are full of death march teams
you're right I want 180 TCO minimum
Guys = boys gals = girls just like being born with a penis makes you a boy and being born with a vagina makes you a girl which you'll never become.
>are we back?
My friend literally got fired today, so I don't think so.
Was your friend a dei or COVID hire?
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some people are so weird
it never even began
>hundreds of hours wasted on shit that doesnt matter in the short term, medium term, or long term
>just mindless drivel to fill the time and pretend like we're being productive
kek, this is my boss
>second week almost done
>no issues so far
>have been adjusting nicely at work
>everyone’s seems cool and chill
>suddenly we have a network issue with one of our clients
>for some reason they asked me to be there due to my networking background aka fucking around with my lab and breaking into a Russian satellite once for fun using some dumb shit I found on half Chan and network+
>”anon you have to meet our clients networking team”
>check Google meets appt
>it’s at 3am
>”the clients team is in India”
>sit down for a meeting with jeets at 3am
>two of them are “working in india” but really reside in Canada

I got my first dose of the poo. Either way, they were stupid and they changed equipment we work with without telling us. Really stupid fucking meeting, luckily I was on edibles the whole time and got a good goon session after while my girl was asleep.
My point is, everything is healing and returning to normal. Companies are cutting the cruft. Some are WFH people who refuse to come into offices. Some are dei hires. Sorry everyone is sick of your bullshit. Just be formally dressed, act like a human being adult, come into the office, or you're fired. Simple the fuck as that.
The only ones getting fired are the weirdos. Don't like it? Wash the makeup off, put on normal clothes, and come to work like before.
>cornflower blue
kek, this brings back so much PTSD
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Whatever you tell yourself friend. I'm still employed. You're not. It's actually peaceful without the dei hires and people are working like we used to. It's actually awesome. I enjoy coming to work. There's coffee in the pot again and nobody talks. We all just get things done now.
>github copilot
For those that's used it, how is the thing? I use ChatGPT to make the skeleton and the basic CSS design for my components to great success. It is not good at logic stuff, but great to style a component or know which API to use.
For example, I was able to get it to emulate the YouTube shorts bottom red bar timeline with great success, using the correct browser APIs that I did not know about. It has been really good for me as a backend dev who is working on a full stack solo project.
Should I use Copilot as well? But it seems like just a bit more advanced auto complete tool, which is much less useful for me.
i had a 2 hour meeting today about changing a vendor's icon in a SaaS we're buying from them to our own icon.

A complete waste of time so I just did stuff towards my thesis instead
Why change the icon in the first place? Just leave it alone.
That picture perfectly describes what I'm talking about. If the think this is normal fucking behavior you need mental help asap.
anyone else stuck in an IST meeting right now?
qt3.14 work girl was ranting about assault rifles and I didn't stick up for them (I have 3)
Shameful display
supposedly to get buy-in from leadership but I think it's just to kiss ass "look at the system WE designed"
best not to talk politics at work. you made the right choice. i do go shooting with my coworkers outside of work, though
It's 6:30 and I'm a NEET so no, just shitposting and waiting to die.
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Right I understand. I was agreeing with you. Such a waste of human resources on stupid shit. We had to change Cisco equipment that still worked because it had the old icon on them. I couldn't take anything home because they had to be destroyed. Don't just change the plastic plate nobody sees, no destroy 10s of millions of dollars worth of networking equipment over a bridge icon they no longer use. I just don't get it. It's gotta be spending money to get government grants or something.
this schizo bot operator is completely unhinged
what are you doing in this thread
I love the excuse they gave us too
>The icon was updated to properly represent our new morals moving forward.
Go take a toaster bath.
Pretending to myself I'm getting the feel of the land for the job search I should be doing with no actual idea how to do anything beyond maybe installing gentoo. You?
Should I go for my CCNA after my Sec+?

Seems like the recommendation I've been getting quite a lot.
If you want a tech job, just be normal. It's not that hard. Once you get the job, show up and do it. Know your role and do the workload. That's what companies are looking for.
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Oh yes
I can feel the rare earth supply merchants nodding from here
It depends on you. Can you get along with others? Do you have strong left leaning opinions? Are you a dei? Because nobody wants that right now. The shift is happening and it has a lot of traction.
take your meds and leave your computer for a while until it makes its effect on your mental state
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Come here, fren.
good… good… keep buying cisco gear
t. working for a chip supplier to cisco
Thanks, but I'm a NEET because I haven't mustered the interest in much for years so I learned fuck all. I honestly don't know if I can pull my fingers out my ass until it's an actual financial emergency and even then I might just opt to get an N2 rebreather instead.
9th and 11th Gen Xeon chips too. Relatively new shit that should have lasted the next 20 years or so. I've never seen things get destroyed within it's own lifecycle. I've noticed a lot of strange things happening like this recently. There's probably a pattern. Companies making these decisions that on paper would lose them money, if you or I did that stuff we'd be fired on the spot, etc. Like hiding vender and provider information from each other for some strange reason. They quote privacy but all it does is make everyone's lives harder. It's not listed on the dockets who made the racks the servers slide into, so we've been trying to retrofit them with the older server clips we seemingly can no longer buy... So there's a bunch of blades sitting on the floor running.... With no cross cooling.... I went to home depot to see if I could get a z shaped bracket.... Hahahaha they don't make them... At all.... I ended up ordering some for solar panels from Amazon and they fit because the new equipment doesn't have the face plate. They're made by some other company now. To get the information we have to fill out paperwork explaining why we need that information... It's all just one big mess. I tried to bring it up in a meeting to which I was told
>Isn't that what we hired you for? To figure it out?
Yes because I'm suppose to magic information out of thin air...
I don't care, not my money. It's just funny to me. I don't mind but it's like all the work I've been doing lately feels pointless. Like I'm running in circles with no actual solutions. I found some solutions though. I fully expect an email saying that bolting these z brackets breaks some license agreement or something. It's kind of comical. I'll see on Monday after the audit.
You should be on an antipsychotic so you can accept the gender you were born into and get a proper grip on reality.
Be attractive
Hi, dad here. Sorry I'm not back from getting the milk yet. Just reached out to say how proud of you I am. I thought you were queer. I'll be home with the milk later today. Sorry for being gone the last 3 years.
do you ever get tired of having your bot write this boring shit?
I'm writing it by hand lol. Do you ever get tired of living the lie? You're not a woman. Accept that. Grow up. It's time to stop playing pretend. Roflmao...
>every site i look at says median salary for silicon valley (entry lvl) is in the 130k-150k range
are these fuckers including their bonus in the data or self-fellatiating?
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anon, she's not me. i stopped replying to you because you're boring
go outside. this all started because you literally are so obsessed with trannies you went on a weird rant out of nowhere and started posting fanfiction. i promise you, we're not out to get you. we really don't care about you at all
col is high on the west coast, especially silicon valley
>we really don't care about you at all
>we're coming for your children
they cry out as they trans you
> col is high on the west coast, especially silicon valley
i know that, i live there. i work for a FAANG-adjacent company and i can only get to 150k if i add my RSUs and bonuses. SALARY alone isn’t in that range and i get the feeling that these self-reported data are turdies bundling up everything in the numbers field.
Those multiple personalities aren't real. Take the abilify. I promise it will help.
COL in silicon valley is utterly buttfuck insane
SWEs there still make way way more money than you but it doesn't go as far as it looks on paper
WHO the FUCK are these companies hiring? Chinks? Jeets?
You know Commiefornia has salary transparency laws that require companies to include the salary range in the posting right?
You can just go look at the job posting page for your favorite FAGMAN and check for yourself that $130k is very well within the base salary range for early career roles
i dunno about you anon but i'm white
my job is fucking boring bros
where are the FUN jobs?
i’ve been lowballed by 10k
it’s totally over
i should quit
(this is a jest)
offensive security
but you will be gatekept :^)
plenty of entry level jobs (ask me how i know)
I have no idea how people enjoy pentesting.
this like this drives me nuts, it's so wasteful
>offensive security
>entry level jobs
I can imagine a retard getting fired after making a report from a nessus scan and having their org get hacked a month later
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>what's your greatest weakness
french women
I'm quad weak to electric
Stupid questions.
answering seriously for a moment, i get hyper-fixated on answering questions and can get sidetracked or fall down rabbit holes while trying to figure something out, instead of just writing code to solve the problem
I work too hard, just don't know when to quit h-ha ha
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>new intern gets offended about the mistakes in his PR i point out, and offended over being told what to work on
>starts talking shit about my code, accuse my workarounds of being unnecessary, says the bugs i found in the tools we use don't exist
I am dealing with a child in an adult's body, thankfully he is irrelevant so i can laugh and not be much bothered
dare i guess the ethnicity? you publicly shamed him and he probably took it very personally
Do you often find yourselves thinking of jumping to non tech job
>Was your friend a dei or COVID hire?
Neither. Just at IBM. Self taught though as far as I know.
The question tests few things in the person.

1) How stupid the person is if they actually reveal their weakness (thats an insta ignore)
2) How well they can hide their power level (they dont want to know your real weakness, just a small tip)
3) How well you can lie (not only do they not want to know your real weakness, even the tip has to be tailored fit to the cult you are joining)
4) Its an initiation ritual for the cultists, so you have to say the right word that they approve of.

In other words, if you're applying a job at the big tech companies, say your pronouns, when you plan on getting castrated, etc.
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sometimes I think about becoming a park ranger
All that effort to sound smart and then you ice it by suggesting you tell an HR roastie your biggest weakness is being transgender
qualcomm or something more specific than SOCs?
t. cisco employee
so what's an example of a good weakness to say that doesn't sound fake ("I'm too much of a perfectionist")
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> be me, oversee team as a technical product manager (make decisions for an eng team but also do some of the engineering work myself - - so I'm not a deadweight "ideas guy")
> company restructures
> fires the team I oversee
> I become the sole engineer while "still a decision maker"
> except it doesn't work that way and I lose all autonomy to new manager
> critical system exists that has a bunch of deprecated plug-ins that need uograded
> demand we schedule time to upgrade them
> manager reaches out to vendor for EOL date, vendor says "no idea lol"
> "it's not breaking anytime soon so no"
> 6 months go by
> every integration simultaneously breaks bringing down 6 pipelines at once
> contact vendor
> those were deprecated sorry go fuck yourself
> I'm now working overtime to bring all systems offline while we're down for several days, impacting both internal and external customers
> "there was no way to see this coming

I mean it's WFH and pays $200k a year after benefits I guess.
Not often but sometimes
I was moderately far down the actuarial training track in college before I got into software more or less by accident and some days I think about how chill it would be to just go be a spreadsheet monkey
Never shit where you eat
Depends on the company you are targeting and what you know about their ethos/culture/standards.

I just asked chatgpt on that and it said you dont have to "lie" but rather tell a "strategic honesty". So tailor a "strategic honesty" for your target company. The answer has to be an attack on the company's expected standards.
When you realize you're wrong it'll be too late
I'm a fresh graduate and I have no idea what 90% of the acronyms people throw around itt mean
Maybe I should just have gone into writing
Probably would have starved or barely scrapped by but honestly wonder if the money is worth it.
thanks for the gold kind stranger tHaNkS FOr ThE GOld kInD sTrAnGer





(chorus: the gold kind stranger)


chorus: the gold

edit 6: 100 UPVOTES!!!!!! TWO PLATINUMS!!?!??!?!??!!! I'M FAMOUS GUYS I'M DOING AN AMA THANK YOU ALL I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR THE FAME KIND STRANGERS (chorus: kind stranger) THE SILVERS (chorus: kind stranger) THE GOLD (chorus: the gold kind stranger) THE PLATINUM (chorus: kind stranger) THE UPVOTES
Kill yourself chang
>Just be formally dressed, act like a human being adult, come into the office, or you're fired. Simple the fuck as that.
Motto of the retarded
that'll be me next week
You need to train your trapezius muscles and upper back. Join a gym and ask a trainer for help. If you upper back is weak it leads to slouching, which leads to tension in your neck and head, which can lead to tension headaches. Resting your neck is not a solution for the root cause.
anhero or look for new job
decisions decisions
>I'm attracted to HR women
Yea fuck that guy
This guy fucks
(albeit maybe not consensually)
What about anhero at old workplace?
The old guys at the lab were way too kind to me. I'm finishing a failed phd contract with a company partner funding the thing and they're the only reason I wasn't in that spot two years ago. It's entirely on me for not delivering.
things are getting desperate for some them
Oh, damn.
Don't be too hard on yourself anon.
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I kneel, my king
The US sounds like an insane asylum.
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