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shupogaki doko Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers (backup: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers)
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

OPS removing erroneous upload stats >>102502359
Films on KG list on letterboxd >>102512277 >>102516542
Article about the peer scraping on OPS >>102549742

Previous thread: >>102499254
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first for nzbs.moe
Third for invite me to bib
Bib is not worth it anymore.
Some other person and I were commenting on another thread yesterday and they semi-randomly offered me an invite into HDB. Since I don't have any clue who they were, I declined their offer because I didn't want to get tied to their invite tree and get hosed somewhere down the line. I'm thinking I made the right call on that one since I now see that they've deleted their reddit profile and all comments.

Also, based on one of the other topics today about how others decide to give out their invites, it would seem that I'm not the only one that doesn't want to be married to someone else's sense of responsibility (or lack thereof).
Fuck CG for not letting me in
What should I use
You won't collect it.
I want some porridge (favorite word btw), tracker for this feel?
all these private trackers and none of them have Adobe photoshop
torrentgalaxy is down as well. i have nowhere to go to find bluray remuxes
this some sort a funny joke senor? Am I supposed to tell you what trackers it's on and then you say "your mom's fatter than any celebrity linux figure" or something?
poo loo

MAM could've just included Podcasts to be honest, no need to create something new.
We don't care about your site, <insert generic indian name>
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>he doesn't know
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>he thinks I don't know
Anon, I...
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I've done it lads, I finally found this MOE everyone's been talking about!! So ready to organize my privates!
Your site has been great. Keep it going chads
looks shit
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I did doe
what's the appeal?
Rename them properly, looks like shit currently
I love AB so much bros
ab is literally impossible to get into

there's invite threads on plenty of trackers, it's not that hard
that reminds me I need to use my tokens
nyaa and AB down at same time? oh boy...
they are for americans who commute for 4 hours/day, so it's actually a huge market for that
AB werks
i'm getting "Bad SSL data" on torrents, had to change dns in firefox for the page to load.
could be just on my end, new isp/modem. can't get it to open my ports
That's Farfie
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What's a good seedbox or server provider that lets you pay with crypto? Or is everyone really running their shit from home?
if you have the upload for it, home is the way to go. My provider apparently will (seedhost.eu), and never asked me for ID or anything (but I also paid with a CC and no fake info so)
I wish but my upload is completely fucked so it's not an option. Gonna check it out thanks anon.
>Or is everyone really running their shit from home?
I do
Looks like the tranny deleted the list or made it private
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scary. it remains impossible i will forever look at those threads unable to do the needful
Anyone actually ever got kicked from avistaz for inactivity?
Where can I download/request Simpsons in Japanese dub? Avistaz only has Asian media
oldtoonsworld or gen tracker would make the most sense.
the simpsons movie is on otw with a bunch of foreign audio tracks
Do you know how to rip from Amazon Prime? I’ve tried to use streamfab, but it’s really slow. Just audio is fine
Should one avoid to use their own personal e-mail for private trackers? Why/why not?
>As a final birthday gift to all, we are excited to announce a special donation offer. While this initiative is designed to support our newer members, we warmly welcome everyone to participate in contributing to FNP.

Another day, another FNP donation offer.
What is FNP? Is it like FTN?
obviously lol
FearNoPeer aka ForNiggaPlebs
Am I supposed to use vinetrimmer?
Niggas would spend the whole day talking about their privates
haven't checked nebulance in a bit and my ratio is pretty bad. i have a bunch of cubits but i can't find where to buy upload
daily reminder to delete your FNP account (if you made one) before you catch the jeet virus
Join Blu sirS, we good!!!!
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>why should I not use my real name while I commit crime?
how niche can RED get?
for example, I'm looking for a 1993 french concert recording, would they have that?
Most stuff on RED is rips from Deezer and Qobuz so probably now.
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when is enough enough
>What is FNP?
a totally shit tracker with a dumb admin who is desperate for donations
but what about the chads that just join for the comfy community? you know, the forums and irc not to download the torrents
Which tracker has movies/tv-shows with Japanese dub?
Is there any way I can fuck with something in qBit to cross-seed if the torrent hash is the same?
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sadly none
>Is there any way I can fuck with something in qBit to cross-seed if the torrent hash is the same?
if the torrent hash is the same, you're fine. what do you even mean?
Info hash, whatever, I don't know the exact term. When I try to throw the second torrent into the client, it states it already exists.
We love em private trackers!!!!
yeah, you can't have 2 torrents with the same infohash, dummy.
Download discs retard. We already told you the answer.
>see open FNP signups
>fuck it why not
>radarr finds a bunch of obscure movies i was looking for on it
>We already told you the answer.
use 2 different clients
This was asked in the last thread and many more times before. No one else is interested in jap dubs but you.
I'm retarded, thanks
Our life is great, we have the trackers we want and check them 24/7
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trackers for thsi feel?
Looks like .in logo
just one of those things
Anybody got the link to this?
I love AB so much bros
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>started using nicotine+
>random musics appear on my /Music directory
>random torrents I never downloaded listed at iknowwhatyoudownload.com
>I'm the only user on my network
What in the name of fuck? That never happened to me before.
22 seconds of Google: https://mrmoe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
You could be behind a CGNAT.
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Don't think so. I got 30 days banned here recently and my IP didn't change. Even restarting my router wasn't enough to change my IP. Also, that doesn't explain why the heck I have music I never download at my /Music dir.
Maybe it is time to flush down my HDD
I don't know if Nicotine has a setting that allows people to put stuff on your shared folder without permission. And I don't know if there's some kind of vulnerability with Nicotine.
If what you're saying is true, your HDD is the last of your concerns. You should be focused on your network and your firewall. Check which ports you have open.
IKWYD has loads of false positives, it’s not a trustworthy source but the random music thing is concerning
the procreation princess
EMP recruiter dead?
Seems so. I'm waiting too.
yeah only that it is not one of the major private music torrent sites.
Don't interrupt his goon sesh
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No it is not like FTN!
>What is FNP?
Ask HD-Vinnie what FNP is.
>updates you're comfy trackers to shitnit3d
heh nothing personnel kid
all we need is gazelle with better code quality. new web tech looks like shit. every site is a clone of the others with tiny changes absolutely no soul
who is the recruiter ?
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>can never in my life procure an invite because don't have elite jewish friends
>only option to get into the private scene is to buy IPT "donation" account
>elite faggots on /g/ say IPT is shit
guys why you being so difficult?
You can buy an IPT invite for like 2 bux off ebay if you really want one.
private-trackers.... we are oppressed
I don't think an emp recruiter lasted more than 2 months for the past 2 years
>posting the most ridiculous one
This is the best deal: https://www.ebay.com/itm/305805254850
yeah, but the quality of that one must be pretty shit. the $1000 one is made out of top tier silk with japanese capacitors
Just buy accounts. If I wanted to get into private trackers I'd just do that at this point. No way would I grind places like RED. Buy accounts, and if you get treebaned just buy another one using a VPN that offers residential IPs to connect to. It's really that easy.
It's retarded to buy accounts for cabal trackers and such. Not worth the price. But buying an invite to IPT or TL is cheap and low risk.
What price? Isn't a PTP invite only a measly 200 bucks? How is that not worth the money? If you're from a civilized country that's AT MOST 10 hours of work. If you have a good education it's like 5. If you're a lawyer or doctor it's like 2. Either case: You will waste way more of your time searchig for shit on non cabal trackers.
There are a lot of better things I could buy for $200. I got in for free. Most people are probably going to be happy with the general trackers. If you're not then you should already be networking with people who could invite you or Deezer spamming as a last resort. If it has that much value to you then you should do it clean.
Public trackers insert plausible deniability shit into the swarm, which means IKWYD picks up random shit from "your" IP. Good luck explaining to random police officers why that website shows CP though, kek.
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they inject to every known IPv4 address, so even if you never torrented you can show up on a CP torrent.

Cops use more evidence than a peer list from a tracker (heresay) to prove possesion of a CSAM file.
I'd assume they would verify they can actually connect to you and download it from you. Pretty sure that's how Josh Duggar got popped.
what does that site offer?
Everything you will need, I heard...
So it's yet another private tracker mirror? As if we didn't have gazillions of those before.
i know you're just being a faggot but for anyone else interested in how to start:
interview with MAM and go from there. It's that simple. They're friendly, nice, interview twice a week. Get in, learn the ropes, get invited from there to leagues of other, more relevant to you places.
What VPNs do you anon's use i'm looking to start torrenting again
No need for VPNs on private trackers I raw dog that shit
cryptostorm or set up a vpn on 1984
its not that much for a commercial niche service nowdays
hello sir tor is the best vpn for torrenting sir
AirVPN but I don't recommend it because we're full. Fuck off.
Anyone have luck reactivating their AB account recently? Mine was disabled because of inactivity, and now all the torrents I was seeding went dead.
I just don't think I've had time to wait hours on end in the support channel. Have anons had success in doing that?
I log into my AB account daily.
Me too, until I couldn't for a while. So do you have any reactivation stories?
No but I heard they do it with a bot for the first time.
What typically happens is that the bot will come in and attempt to reactivate but it nearly always fails. This happened after I tried to reactivate a month after my account was deactivated. At that point you have to wait in the queue. At times I've waited for as long as four hours but no one has been able to get back to me (and I prefer idling live so I can respond to a staff member asap once they get to me)
Think it just comes down to me being impatient, but if someone with experience knows it's a fruitless endeavor I'd rather just go through the whole hooblah of getting a new account rather than playing the waiting dance.
why would i ever use tranny trackers and dealing with tranny jannies instead of just downloading from usenet like a normal person
a normal person uses netflix, or at best streaming sites.you are just as much of an autist as us.
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mullvad or ivpn paid in monero
what do you do there?
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Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting
How I can't seem
post in the legend forum
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Came here on time, hope that it's not too late
Seen you at night, biting the frost of silence
Can you cure us of this fate?
Mock the litany in its face
Is that you, Moatilliatta?
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>torrentIeech is down
torrentIeech is down
>torrentIeech is down
torrentIeech is down
>torrentIeech is down
torrentIeech is down

> Special Donation Offer (updated)
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embrace death and accept your fate
Is it over? Should I have joined FNP instead?
No one is using shit trackers who gives a fuck

redditors flock towards them
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Is ourbits the only place where -ao uploads?
Is there a way to automate downloads from a tracker? Or is that usually against the rules?
depends on how you do it. the arrs are allowed on most places
Oh, is that the easiest way rather than my own script using rss or something?
Pretty much yes. Sonarr and Radarr are the obvious ones.
RSS feeds are usually provided for precisely that purpose and there are torrent programs which can use them. I haven't used anything other than rTorrent + ruTorrent for a long time now, but this setup for instance has RSS support built in.
I love AB so much bros
All podcasts are free and easy to download. No need for a tracker.
Imagine still commuting to work in 2024.
>All podcasts are free and easy to download.
but they're not
What podcast could you possibly need that isn't easily found online?
a lot of episodes from Hardcore History
thanks, this did not exist when I last checked before April
/ptg/ isn't dead it's just sleeping
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damn i forgot about this usenet thing. i remember when it was talked about like crazy here but that guy probably died to covid or something so it is no more
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i just woke up. one could say, this is a fine morning (except it's raining)
This one isn't gonna pass the RED interview any time soon
> Idiots have India banned. What kinda stupidity is this? Just bc there are some bad eggs you can't just ban and entire subcontinent! I've been a private tracker user for 17 years now. And I have been looking for a place to find quality asian content for so long and now this! so irking!

jeet crying about how he cant join Z network
Did you finally make it to AB? Congratulations. Was it worth it?

It was worth it since relying just on nyaa becomes pretty annoying.

I once had to download the same anime more than once and then load subtitles from another version (with lower video quality) i had downloaded.

And being elite on RED is def nice too.
What a retard!
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Kek all the jeets seething in the comments
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What is there right way to organize files for tormenting and cross seeding? Currently I download each torrent to their specific directory, like the album goes into the artist directory inside my music directory. I think it is too complicated. Should I just download everything into one directory and then just use hard links?
My god I can smell the curry from here
Kek everyone on plebbit is a jeet

Their activity requirements are pretty annoying. Not sure if i will even bother keeping that account alive.

The people seething on reddit could just join EMP instead. Why complain?

O i forgot, they cannot actually join EMP since they will never become elite on RED (or even PU).
Despite all the weird takes you give most of the time, I can agree with you on this
>Their activity requirements are pretty annoying. Not sure if i will even bother keeping that account alive.
Literally not enforced
why does az block indian ips anyway
less likely to donate?
them being bad seeders doesnt really matter when you are limited by your ratio
>all your 42 tokens will expire because there is literally nothing to download
>why does az block indian ips anyway
they are smelly and shit in the torrent comments
How do you know? It hasn't been 3 months since they put that in place
You're wrong
Yeah, mine will expire kek, don't care
You are wrong. Staff said it wasn't enforced before but they will now
setup the entire arr stack just to realize i dont need any of it for the amount of content i consume and share and am way better off curating shit manually

I could use it to re-upload stuff to EMP (if not enough other people are doing that) i don't really care if my account their gets disabled eventually.
Not just bad seeders, they hit and run all the time and sell invites and then throw tantrums when they’re caught. Total jeet death doesn’t go far enough.
RED has Hardcore History
Stop fucking your hard sir
Here is my current grades

RED: 9 / 10
GGn: 8 / 10
AB: 8 / 10
OPS: 6 / 10
Milkie: 3 / 10
DCC: 3 / 10
FL: 3 / 10
Happyfappy: 2 / 10

Not sure why so many people on reddit like FL so much.
AB should be higher

AB is a bit lacking when it comes to providing english subtitles and their music library is worse than RED even for the music they allow.

Their anime library is also a bit lacking especially when it comes to lower bitrate stuff.

Sukebei.nyaa.si is sometimes better when it comes to hentai.
Im only on hdb btn ptp. I login in once a month but sonarr radarr does the rest.

I wish I knew how to securely use crypto so I could pay the fees to be immune to inactivity pruning

Having a remote server is comfy as fuck
FL is similar to TL but with less low quality spam I guess. Both easy to obtain entry level trackers hence the popularity.
RED: 6 / 10 (use spotify in my day-to day, and slsk when red doesn't have it, great library but far from the PTP/AB of music, maybe because there's so much fucking music but that's not my problem)
GGn: 8 / 10 ('perfect' but my tastes are pretty normie though, site feels pretty unique in their design and community aspect)
AB: 9 / 10 (very rarely do I have to use something else, but can happen, comfy forum and more chill staff than on other cabal sites)
OPS: 5 / 10 (like red but worse, I don't care about their BP thing)
Milkie: - / 10 (no idea, probably trash)
DCC: - / 10 (what is this? kek)
FL: 5 / 10 (eh, average i'd say, worthless if you have good trackers, but if you are a normie i can see the appeal as a 1 stop shop. doesn't help that's on a language i can't understand)
Happyfappy: - / 10 (don't care about porn)
>"it's a new thing"
>no it isn't
>"ok it isn't but they said they are going to enforce now"
you're obviously lying but go on tell us when did staff say that they will enforce it now?
>Their anime library is also a bit lacking especially when it comes to lower bitrate stuff.
lmao you don't belong on private trackers
read the forums maybe then ask, monkey

Of course higher bitrate is better but some stuff was never released on bluray to begin with.

AB does a good job as covering anime bluray releases (which is arguably the most important thing).
>the source is I made it up
yeah I knew it, you were already caught lying about it before so it made sense
>but some stuff was never released on bluray to begin with
Go on tell us what standard resolution anime AB is missing but can be found elsewhere easily

DCC = digitalcoreclub.

They have like a million torrents but that's because they don't prune inactive torrents. Only 100000 is actually active (as in not dead).
>i'm too lazy to read the most active post in their forums
>the source doesn't exist
whatever chimpanzee
>still no evidence
sounds like you could easily prove your point with a mere screencap or link
>work for me for free
no, i won't. anyone who isn't a retard like you can easily check it if they want
Of course you won't because you can't. You'll keep replying to me pretending you know something you don't and wasting your time but you can't provide evidence for something that isn't real.
yes, i'll continue to do the opposite of what you want me to do, if you want pajeets to work for you go to plebbit
>not even pretending he wasn't lying anymore
every day I wake up, and thank God I'm not indian
i corrected you and provided you with accurate info (hurt your ego that much huh?)
tbf i don't give a shit if a loser like you wants to believe me or not, ultimately it's not my problem if you or someone else loses their accounts, i'll probably laugh if that happens kek
How often do you guys visit a private tracker on average in a day?
Which private tracker do you visit the most often?
>>102559285 (and any other anons)
what are you using your tokens on? i went through my bookmarks and got everything i wanted and i still have 17 left. post some links pls anons
the rare groove collection has some good shit in it. I found out about the mabumi yamaguchi quartet through that one

You can search for what you are looking for and download torrents smaller than 2GiB (you can sort by size).
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Wait so that annoying namefag shitting up this general and reddit is a neon? He just now got elite in RED? Lmfao what a joke, can't wait him to get caballed
Here are my grades
BLU: 10/10
FNP: 8/10
PTP: 4/10
HDB: 4/10
RED: 3/10
Z: 0/10
Good morning sir! P00NIT3D SUPERPOOPER 2030
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too much
this and nyaa 11/10
I sometimes feel sorry for all the knobs (but pure cinephiles) trying to make their way in to top film trackers like kg/ptp/cg in this age populated by annoying zoomers. A decade ago all you needed to do was prove you were interested in this niche and someone will invite you. Because being into specific niches was a thing for weirdos (similar to what happened to the weebs/IT folks), it was not cool watching all these obscure films so if you knew someone like this he was likely to be invited by others.
All the people I know are in those top trackers I mentioned. It wasn't a problem for us to join anything, the internet was a better place back then for many things.
But for zoomers now? Even if one of them managed to join he'll be very wary about inviting someone even a person they know well, there's sooo much useless gatekeeping these days, but to be honest with all the retards wanting to make some cash by selling invites and the other retards who just want to 'coollect' trackers because they are bored maybe it is for better. Their only option is to go through the humiliation ritual, do the interview, meet the ridiculous requirements that are put on place and pray that the recruiter won't ignore you. Or suck enough cock so that someone will take you there, maybe.
Is there a music tracker that allows uploads of any quality, that has a reasonable selection of music?

I'm trying to put together complete collections for a few artists but a lot of their music isn't uploaded because the only surviving copy is a 128kbps soundcloud rip for example. I've found a 128k mp3 on orpheus but it seems like that's not actually allowed?

At the moment I'm mainly using soulseek for these but it'd be nice to have something that integrates with lidarr
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i have heard promising things about libble
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as someone who joined about a decade ago, it was still kinda hard back then - at least the route I went. took me over a year to get into the cabal..maybe a bit more even. but i made some good friends along the way.
in my opinion the guy who was so proud of using usenet account
which other people were paying for, is still in this thread 8-10 hours a day.
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It's getting late, I kiss AB goodnight and head to bed.
I said a decade ago but my kg account is from 2008, and my PTP account from 2011, I think it started to get harder around that time and even harder every 5 years. Everyone is afraid of using their invites, not like I have made new friends but I don't think I'd invite people over now with the staff being so paranoid
He is gone. the last time he was here I recognized him immediately, I think it was 2-3 months ago.
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and fast
wtf is the deal with shitcloud anyway? why do they rape everything down to shit tier 128 in the current year as a niche music focused platform...
If you pay for their premium service you can get things in 256k AAC instead. I've used bots to download these files before.
I love AB so much bros
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many of use leverage free api keys
for me its nyaa
could the bros be back... is /ptg/ getting revived back to its past glorious state
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sonarr radarr shodarr?
usenet paid by boomers
passkeys of curry users

>.t steals from cabal
pretty sure there's multiple people who use stolen usenet accounts here
any path to materialize.is? I got into 3D printing recently, on all cabal if that helps
You are correct
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He fell for the meme
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read it again i hate it
You have to be in the cabal to get cabaled
andy10niggabit is dead
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People begging for invites is funny NGL.
Too many times although I have been getting better recently. Probably go to KG the most.
imagine not knowing that ab is impossible and there will never be any invites. in fact we don't even know for sure if ab even exists. it could very well be a glowie psyop carefully crafted to drive people crazy
>rtorrent has been updated
>rtorrent has been updated
>rtorrent has been updated
>rtorrent has been updated

Holy fuckkkkkkk
i tried usenet but it's not as comfy as a private tracker, will probably cancel all that shit.

Hmm i was able to join for some reason.
fuck private trackings, u want to join but you stumble upon a wall when trying to join??? how stupid sirs
im fine with qbittorrent. rtorrent sucks for home setups and everything else too unless you have the sneedbox secret configs to make it stable
if you take your meds you will notice that it was actually blu you joined.
>he actually paid for usenet
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You might be right. The logo for the site i joined is blue-ish.
poo loo sirs
Ab truly is impossible, even Moe is easier
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I have achieved the impossible

How did you get your invite?
I think through RED but it was a really long time ago.
Is BTN has Pakistani crime-documentaries?
i run it on a home setup and prefer it since it has a lower footprint
it does not suck as long as you use it with ruTorrent
holy fucking neon
MusicalMind mod on BLU now?
He was kicked from PTP to BLU, time to rebuild his image by working for the poojets
Honestly prefer the schizo usenet beggar to that namefag
seriously, how is this faggot to banned yet
he's clearly underage and always advertising some shitty site while being a namefag
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and trying to convince people to be trans while supporting banging under 13y olds

can someone read all his reddit/forum posts and find his tracker usernames

Bad things tend to happen to those who oppose me for some reason.

While i gain more power.
having thousands of torrents the php and browser mess got pretty laggy and rtorrent itself would crash pretty often
not clicking but seeing the url it has to be about ab. i have never met a anyone that has managed to get in
Outside of the obviously easier economy, and this is mostly a question for the heavy music buffs reading, is there any reason to join Orpheus if you're already on Red? Speaking strictly on the content, have you ever found something on Orpheus that you couldn't on Red?
bros my power's gonna be out a whole week+ it looks like, which trackers will I lose? I'm immune on BBT and red but ...
Still waiting for the next trannymission update since the last version is banned on jps and don't want to downgrade
had 5k torrents at some point and worked fine
also, you're talking about rutorrent
OPS is redundant if you have RED, almost all of OPS content can be found on RED
yeah i know but those are usually used together. i was seeding on nyaa at the time so it was not just thousands of torrents idle only announcing but a shit ton of constantly active ones too. it worked fine when it did but i would often wake up to it (rtorrent) having crashed
So I'm a fan of general/misc. trackers. What are the best ones? Consensus seems to be IPT, TL, FL and Rutracker. Is AlphaRatio worth it?
you are supposed to have a limited number of active connections because of that. did you increase it?
orpheus sucks, sincerely. i like reading the comments to determine the best masters/issues, and they're almost nonexistent on OPS. just a very dead community.
it's not worth it even if all you want to do is cross-seed, since they only have shit micro encodes
Yes occasionally there is something on OPS that isn't on RED and the easier economy means you can grab stuff that's on both without hurting your RED ratio. They compliment each other but only if you're genuinely into music. Neons spamming deezer rips for rank or w/e they do aren't going to find it useful.
its difficult to find a good balance between active peers overall and active peers per torrent and max active torrents. sometimes the peers are slow so there would be capacity for more so much under 100 peers distributed over everything does not feel optimal
Is scenetime worth collecting? I already have like 16 trackers so I probably don’t really need it
no it's less than worthless

In those rare occasions it will get re-uploaded to RED too.
Kys namefag
Wrong. After a year of use there's been a few instances for me where presumably the person who bought the rare cd/vinyl/cassette and ripped it never bothered to join RED, and it was niche enough that no one's leeched and crossposted it yet. OPS is needed for rare cases like this sadly
Anon who was waiting 3+ months for an AB invite here, I got in recently after 4 months. Thought I'd say incase anyone else is waiting
and sometimes a thing could be unseeded on the other. i will not do the red interview so there are some things that may or may not make it there
Best places to charm people into forking over invites?
Congratulations anon
I joined 9 years ago

Welcome to the club anon, now we can watch anime together, bluray remux of course.
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can I friend you on AB, I wanna see what you snatched
don't anime releases need encodes to fix shit a lot of the time
yeah, remux on anime is retarded, hevc also makes sense with animation

Yes but 99% of encodes (yes even the ones on AB) are trash.
>posted 2019
>2023 shows
good job
AB was actually really easy to get into. In regards to climbing RED: Finding web releases of small time artists with anime girl album art is easy as hell, and it's so saturated that there are so many nobody has uploaded before. Plus it warms my soul to see foobar covered in cute anime girls.

Just follow the eye candy, baby!

I promise there's dozens of releases with anime girls designed to your top tier style of waifu. For example, I've got many with album art featuring very psychotic or very dead anime ladies. Both in perfect balance. For every Yuno we need a Yuri.

Get your web flacs on Bandcamp or whatever, transcode every thing you get before upload and it's basically a x3 multiplier on torrent upload count.

If you grab 2024 releases autosnatchers will likely give you some upload for free. And just like that, you get to use anime to carve a weeb path to even more weeb.

If you aren't horny enough to follow your desires on an alt name (you aren't trying tracker user names to main, right?) then you probably should be fine with Nyaa.

I'm not gate keeping when I say that by the way. Nyaa is great too!
cool story ai bro but we all know that no one has really managed to join ab. there is absolutely no verifiable proof anywhere
>Just follow the eye candy, baby!
Holy cringe, I hate redditors
they have an official recruitment thread on red and they're not at user cap, it should be easy
Just took a look at invitescene and asked for the price of a few private trackers. talked to a few users on discord about how long usually it takes for them to get banned
(it takes a while if you buy from the certified sellers, some apparently have deals with the website owners.)
Cabal invites are actually quite cheap. ranging from 45 to 300 euro for relevant, non epeen trackers.
I just understand you people. why would you ever grind for that shit when you can buy yourself in, download all the obscure shit that you need, and dip.
I just never understood giving away your most precious currency, time, to grind on those websites, run by braindead idiots incapable of coding for shit.
>I don't understand you people*
I'm tired.
This is obviously a lie, no one is naive enough to buy it

I joined all the good ones for free 11-12 years ago when it was really easy and have never had to worry about being banned

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