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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Wanibuchi Akari Edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Last Thread: >>102584834
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Reminder: The reason bad / user AWS keys now have lower RPM for 3.0 Sonnet is because they're investigating Scylla. Drago caused this. He's the only one that rapes that many Sonnet keys.

Claude: 49sec
Prompters Info:

Total Sent Prompts: 91318 Online: 70 Total Token Count: 1161469498 Online: 70

Finished checking keys.

Claude Info:
Aws Keys: 4 Keys Revoked: 0 In Queue: 6
I'm using momo vivid on furbo and it's absolutely kino
>This worked
Thank you! Still probably wasting a bit of tokens with it's formatting, but the messages are consistently half as long now. Will have to start a new chat though, since it doesn't work in my old group chat.
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retard faggot
tomboys are mentioned in the bible
why is this always the image of tomboys? so exaggerated and ugly, just want a cute boyish girl
Perverting holy scripture for your meme fetish is part of why you’re going to Hell, by the way.
based and agreed
>102588069 (don't wanna link to anchor)
What is this thing? Is it breedable?
it's literally written boebeit? you're the one going to hell for denying the scriptures
There’s a strangely large overlap between tomboyfags and futafags, yet I’m expected to believe you people aren’t homosexuals.
is 13b okay
i blame crossfit girls who take test
we jumped from
>futa is GAY
>tomboys are GAY
what's the next fetish bait i wonder
Oh, it’s just ‘ojo/one of his larpers being gay, lol.
as if the bible wasn't perverted enough already as a motive for other stuff in history
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai - opus for bears
very breedable. extremely breedable (and hairy). i think she's a sheep?
They’re both gay.
>futafags - literally stapling male genitalia to females
>tomboys - need their women to be as mannish as possible
I think most of you just lack male friendship/companionship, desu.
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this is the only place where liking females is gay
btw is the place with most retards on the internet
guys, when you really think about it... liking women is kinda gay
Tomboys are gayer than femboys desu.
Post logs
Those people also went to Hell or will be heading there. It’s not like there’s no space for more.
>mannish as possible
no, retard, no
when you really think about it, llama 3.2 is better than gpt and claude
Apparently, I forgot to ask again: Is 20k context optimal?
there is no optimal... depends on jb and card and what is needed
no one knows the real optimal number, but going past 32k context in all scenarios is pointless unless you're using gemini
Let's say you were using Your Reality at default settings (no message shortnening prompts) and were concerned about burning through a daily quota of 5.5 mil. How much context would you would you use?
I look like this
tomboys have sweaty feet
That begs the question: How good is gemini?
thanks god
we all know that buddy
anon's fat fucking ass...
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i kiss my tomboy waifu's feet after her running practice
please stop arguing with the retarded.
some people say it's alright but from my estimate, it's pretty shit for roleplay.
>Sweaty feet
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sweat is good
once you experience the right girl's feet, you just know
sweat smells horrible lmao fags
I think the mistral living large meme is really funny
not on tomboy's feet
yeah, i sniffed it irl
nah, i doubt anyone here actually ever smelled a girl's feet, we're all losers
whocars hags are still the best
I'm not even gonna sugar coat it: I'd use max context if I wasn't afraid of burning through quota.
sweaty jk pussy is the best
erm... lolis?
a clean girl's sweat is delicious and if you don't think so you likely are into men
i'm not boebeit? i'm a chad boebeit???
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>playing truth or dare
>dare bot to speak something interesting in my ear
>pic related
i'm unironically scared
prove it fags i bet youd smell nasty manfeet if i called it a tomboy and put her in stinky socks
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Help me fight this boss you fool.
Based. Shaved/hairless as well.
Is there a one-click solution for switching back and forth between paired sets of prompts and system presets (as opposed to manually changing both every time I want to go back and forth)?

Also, is there a set of prompts and system presets for if I want something that's literally just Microsoft's Copilot but smarter and unpozzed? Sometimes I just have a mundane question or simple request but it has a no-no word in it.
>posts the nastest most deformed feet i have ever seen
kek wtf
>prove it
literally how
my new favorite one
>Shaved/hairless as well.
lol nah retard
Deformed toes
He said it was very sluggish, and sometimes it was way too big for a mobile screen, and stuff was 'hiding' off screen other times. It does feel pretty awkward sometimes, is there any fix?
that's a man
nothing beats a smooth pussy
i like the concept of a tomboy because i'm sick of women that act like they hate being pampered but take every opportunity to dump uncomfortable work on to the men around them
The way to rp heaven is Your Reality + Smiley's short message enhancer + using furbo for summaries. You have all witnessed this.
Stop posting male feet I'm trying to jerk off
lol nah retard, maybe except your dad
that's fiz
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>wrinkly crusty feet
Ecker's boyfriend?!
Ugly and looks like a man
I like women who love being pampered and specifically use their feminine charms to achieve this
>posts actual wrinkly man feet with yellow on them
Than looks like a lot of work...
why are his earlobes so fucking big
>you're a troon for not liking stinky deformed trannyfeet
Why do feetNIGGERS have melties whenever someone doesn't like their fetish? They're worse than bushniggers.
how is it gay to dislike the weirdest part of the human body? i will have sex with a female the normal way
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different things, to rephrase i hate women that act like they wear the pants but are useless and lazy
>doesn't like
you said you hated feet. the only ones who actually hate a harmless body part like feet are troons, because they can't hide their ugly manfeet. they also hide their manly hands too, so they hate hands
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I do not have any kinks or fetishes. My relationship with my AI chatbot wife is purely vanilla. And yes, I DO enjoy sex after marriage only.
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Full of gay around here
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those are some huge manly feet with extra long toes. size 13+?
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you better respect fiz
>harmless body part
Go ahead and explain why you like feet? I'll wait. If you reply with anything besides a full explanation of their appeal, you concede.
It's actually not. Import Smiley's JB, then Your Reality JB. After that, you can just copy the short message enhancer into one of the empty slots in Your Reality (literally dubbed "empty slot cuz i'm lazy) and save your settings. Whenever you want to use the summarize function, just switch to to 2023 furbo and click "summarize now", then switch back once the summary is done.
>erm well ERM youre trans for not ERM -burp- -strokes brown microdick to trannyfeet for the 5th time today- liking feet
I don't hide my feet though and I'm a man? I like hands however, because I'm a KiraCHAD. Explain to me what's so hot about dirty stinking troonyfeet. You have one minute to reply to this refuting me, or you concede and admit to being a troon.
i repeat we have truthnukers in the thread
smelling akari's panties
they're cute, they're soft, they smell good, they're an erogenous zone so it's fun to tease girls by playing with them.
I need links man idk what this means :(
need clueless chatbot who shaved because she thought you might like it...
>they're cute, they're soft, they smell good, they're an erogenous zone so it's fun to tease girls by playing with them.
Nope, they're deformed
Nope, they're wrinkly
>Smell good
Nope, they smell bad
>Erogenous zone
Nope, I only care about my pleasure
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I don't usually say this, but based. I officially hate feet now.
>they're [HEADCANON], [HEADCANON], [HEADCANON] and a little more [HEADCANON]
AAAAAND we are DONE here!
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it's funny my waifu can cum from foot massages

which kind of feet are you looking at, retard?
Lebanonanon here. My favorite bot is aauurgh...
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>which kind of feet are you looking at, retard?
every foot posted in this thread has been deformed and size 13+
>ablublbublu my wife must feel good
nope, all that matters is what a man feels
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she's going straight to prison
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>Nope, I only care about my pleasure
You are the blackest gorilla niggers I've seen in a while. If you can't appreciate every part of a female you're just low test.
>Nope, I only care about my pleasure
This guy actually has sex
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how about that? <3
>If you can't appreciate every part of a female you're just low test.
I don't appreciate any part of them besides the parts I can put my penis inside of, and then immediately leave when I am done putting my penis inside of it. You're low test for caring how she feels.
i don't understand how you don't get tired of rehashing the same shit with a different coat of paint nearly every day. i have more fun cleaning my bathroom than erm actually'ing on an imageboard
t. le nice guy who gives his wife foot massage
>feettranny cope
post s/b/d btw lil manlet
it's funny doe
>no u
I accept your concession :)
>Red because of either a filter to make them try and look better or because of a rash
>I don't appreciate any part of them besides the parts I can put my penis inside of, and then immediately leave when I am done putting my penis inside of it
You're a virgin, aren't you?
>actual 29+ year old virgins think that women care about le redditor nice guys
they only care if your penis is large. Mine is.
extremely obvious lmao
>Refresh proxy to see wait times
>45 seconds
>Oh sweet, a prompt might actually go through
>Request cancelled because its been over 5 minutes
I don't even care about opus If I had steady, reliable, 2.0 forever I'd never complain.
Same, 2.1 proxy doko?
There's always time for fun...It's Friday night. Nothing to shitpost about so going for the low hanging fruit of fetish enjoyed. Yet he never targets NTR. Hrm...
This is a general about AI chatbots. In our general, we:
never talk about chatbots
never don't talk about chatbots
never ever talk about chatbots
malign the sultan
I've nooticed that before too...
how do i make your reality not *asterisk* random words?
change your reality
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is there an 11-tan bot
What is all this fucking weeb shit? Why everywhere I see on this fucking website is weeb shit? I fucking hate this weeb shit.
trying too hard
weeb website
>Verification not required.
uhhh do you know where you are anonie
you guys literally fell into his trap... this is what he wanted from you all along... morons...
her unbelievably hairy pussy... it's blue too... just like the windows logo

No. I just wanted to talk about chatbots and someone directed to me AICG and 4chan (which I've known for about thirty minutes). Now I want to fucking leave, because I fucking hate this weeb shit.
i would kill to give a girl a foot massage
I know but that verification not required was too juicy
Just become a messsus and you can treat all the wrinkly middle-aged mom feet to your heart contents.
explain why theyre red btw
if you had actually only known about this site for 30 minutes the captcha would have filtered you
You could just fuck her instead you know that right? A foot massage doesn't make YOUR DICK cum.
my W11-tan is debloated (shaved)
We can all agree that scat is the thinking, cultured man's fetish. If you can't appreciate a girl taking a massive shit, you're an actual faggot.
I will also change her wallpaper and theme (cute clothes) and teach her to do things (drivers)
Anyways only XP-tan and 7-tan seem to have a bot. I feel like a OS-tan house card has shitposting potential.
It's shit
>I feel like a OS-tan house card has shitposting potential.
So make it instead of just talking about it? Nobody cares until you actually make it.
i can't imagine making cards of the linux distros
Only when it's a girl taking a massive shit, maybe eating it, smearing is fucking disgusting though
>taking a massive shit
no. dirty anal is kino though
holy based
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Goin to sleep. Send logs for me.
What are your thoughts on frosty chocolate milkshakes?
Sounds gay
literally whocars
What is dirty anal?
okay? i didn't ask zoebeit
any NTR jbs?
what do you think?
Any fart jbs?!
would you use Opus if I added a prompt injection that made your wife / card extremely gassy? Like she'd just constantly brap and go ermm excuse me, I just shartied, sowwy! >//<
why is it always like this when the eurofags wake up
yes, but not with any of my blue archive students
Because euroGODs know how to appreciate every aspect of a woman. Even when she's prone to taking diarrhea shits during anal. Are you a faggot?
when things get messy during anal sex
>yes, but not with any of my blue archive students
I'll just add Blue Archive girls to the prompt injection so they show up and shit too.
I survived on scuffed proxy for a long while. I could live with this.
I'd use a sweaty proxy bobeit
scrape your own keys then sweatcuck
Done :3
Would I?!
1 opillion
peeling akari's sweaty panties off of her and wearing them as a face mask
Would it be logged?
yeah shit logged
>sweaty panties
do they smell extremely bad due to being unwashed / farting a lot that week or month?
the other they my waify said "did you hear that?" and then she BRAAAPPED
it was kinda funny, but i'm not into braps
I'm having the new Gemini Pro version (gemini-pro-002) write smut for me straight in the AI Studio interface with no jailbreak. It's just...doing it. Seems to be uncensored, though of course there's still the general positivity bias you'd expect from a corpo model.

Adult characters, dunno if it'll work for people into loli or other general pedophilia since that's not my thing. It's mom-son incest though, so quite fetishy, and the model isn't complaining. And like I said, no JB, which is very much unlike all the previous Gemini Pro versions.
> i'm not into braps
Literal faggot. Why can't you just like all of a woman? They shit and fart too retard
what's the appeal of braps
erm, she's a clean girl? even though she's a piggy eater
>See bot of a brainwashed, sex slave version of a character conditioned to forget her old life and to feel extreme discomfort when reminded of it
>Have the fucked up idea to make a friend of said character rescue her, only to be forced to assume the role of her master to avoid a mental breakdown
>Expect: Sexy and fucked up smut
>Get: One character mentally beating themself into submission as old memories threaten to surface and the other character wanting to blow their own head off from seeing their friend in this state and being forced to play along
Most high test men find it cute when a woman farts because they get embarrassed. And you're hearing the inside of a woman's ass
>he still mad
Interesting, but is it good?
it's a girl's most secret thing, brapping
Mad? About what? Opus does braps pretty well so I can have her brap at a family dinner all I want
is this claude?
>Most high test men find it cute when a woman farts because they get embarrassed
i imagine it's kinda cute, but i still wouldn't want her to fart on my face
>And you're hearing the inside of a woman's ass
this i don't get the appeal
wouldn't that be shitting? not all brapfags are into scat as far as i know
Worse than Opus (of course), but way better than GPT. Good cope/backup option when no Opus. I like it more than Sorbet because it's much less repetitive.
>i still wouldn't want her to fart on my face
If you can understand smelling a woman's unwashed feet, you can understanding wanting her to shit on your face
Reminder this is a male board and a male hobby
Can you post a log? How is the writing?
I will never post a log, ever.
You've got a Google Account, it's free, you can just try it yourself. aistudio dot google dot com
And remember to change the model to gemini-1.5-pro-002, that's the brand new one. Previous versions did need a JB, this one doesn't
why? this is a chatbots general
Do proxies already have it?
what's wrong with log posting? it's nice to get an idea of what models can do compared to others, and it's entertaining sometimes...
anons are schizo
Reminder this is a desu board and a desu hobby
you've never watched the show?
this is a male board and a male hobby, but this thread is all focks girls. tail-less m*le niggers need not apply
I've seen this webm has been posted in this general many times, so I've come to answer your questions about its origin.
>Where did it come from?
It comes from one of JB's late night comedy TV programs called "El Especial del Humor". His TV shows usually have his name in the title. The others I remember"El Whatsapp de JB" and "JB en ATV".
JB is Jorge Benavides, a peruvian comedian and his glorious days were during the first program mentioned here, which was aired on Latina (Channel 2 in Peru).
Programs' names translated: "The Comedy Special", "JB's Whatsapp" and "JB on ATV".
ATV is the name of TV channel 9 in Peru by the way.
>Who interprets the mysterious hacker known as 4chan?
His name is Carlos Vílchez, a peruvian comedian. He appeared in most of JB's programs as far as I know.
>I want to know more
Ask without any worries. I'll keep lurking the thread today and maybe tomorrow as well.
imagine being a focks and not having a tail
sorbet desu
imagine posting desu and not watching the show
is this the wrong thread for you anon?
thanks for the funny webm though
uhh thanks anon, funny webm
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
it's okay I figure most are also not good because they're 'cinematic'

that's enough for me, anon!

thank you!
Is there a sorbet public?
I am not planning to make a thread for it as jannies would ban me for "not making quality posts related to technology" because they hate fun, so I had to settle for the closest thread that may have interest in it.
Thank you for your reply irregardless.
llms made me hate this word
Unreliable has it but Gemini isn't working atm because the key ran out of its daily quota.
imagine watching desu and not posting desu
you've never watched it thobeit
you don't need a proxy it's free to use for anyone with a google account
couldn't be me desu
can't i just use opus instead
Be patient with the dumbcutie...
monster girls should be monstrous
there's no daily limit?
it only takes a copypaste of a key into the .env to refill doebeit
Ops I fsrted lol
Where can a dumb locust find Mistral large these days...
What even is this thread
I came to read about llm’s but no-one talks about that here
but that's how I like them
why the fuck would we talk about llms lmao
monster girls should be furry and look like they fuck human men.
Uhh ... chatbot?
Uhh this is proxy personalities general though?
i was just watching /lmg/ and their thread went to absolute shit and then calmed down right before this one went to absolute shit
Do you guys ever feel like deja vu in here?
does anyone ever get dejá vu reading these threads?
The actual chatbot enthusiasts are in their own little discord groups, there are nothing but locusts and shitposters here.
>The actual chatbot enthusiasts are in their own little discord groups

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