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Previous Thread: >>102611230
WGU Night owls represent
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Back to work today after two weeks off. Two weeks is the perfect vacation length; any longer, and you start to forget things, and maybe they start to forget about you.
Remember, if you haven’t already been coding for years you will NEVER get a job. Don’t bother trying to learn now.
I've been out of a job for over 2 years and I still out engineer FAGMAN engineers
Humans are nomads, explorers, it's a shame that we are confined to Earth and its concrete jungles of stagnation, denied the frontier that stared our ancestors down, a world begging us to move and conquer the terrain and bleed our divinity in graceful and un-limited expressions like that video. We are meant for community, and for loneliness, and for hardship, and for Mother Nature, and for challenge all the same, but we are rid of this in pursuit of what exactly?

Mere walls and windows must soon drive to madness the man who reads and dreams much
I had to take a week off before a specific time or I would not be able to cash it out. It was not enough at all. It went by so fast and I spent it sleeping and staring at the ceiling in my room. I remember going back to work still feeling like shit + I had to catch up from the previous week.
>in pursuit of what exactly?
ten trillion niggers, exquisitely pampered
I like to think the camera is a fat dude making so many visible cracks while walking on the ice
You can explore your mind or space. Both are endless caverns. Have fun.
Look at knowing how to code as a really good "soft skill".
It's a solid benefit for almost any job in the future, but won't sell anyone on it's own.
Meant for
What skills should I look to develop aside from coding that might help land an entry level position?
I went through a coding bootcamp in 2021 and got a sciencey tech job without a 4 year degree. (Imposter syndrome)
While working, I took the same major area of study with WGU; I was already knowledgable in what the coursework would teach, but I wanted to prove my competence with a diploma. (And my company was paying for it)
My bachelor's had a broad scope so I had to learn a bunch of useless crap, but I got certified with Project+ along with other certs.
My master's, well, I learned one specific concept involving linear algebra. The rest was busywork and more a challenge to meet the rubric items than anything.
When I completed my master's program, I shared the news, and it sent shockwaves around my workplace. The speed at which I completed both programs, the fact that I had a master's degree, both were impressive to my coworkers.
Before, I was discounted in many ways in my career, seen as a red-headed step child, a wide-eyed newbie.
Instead of proving myself through action and debate, I beat the allegations directly by getting the degree. I didn't earn a better place at work, I just stopped getting pushed around.

WGU was not a valuable experience for what it taught me (zilch, I already knew my line of work). Instead, it was proof of my competence, which is what I was looking for after having basically cheated my way into the field.
having a piece of paper
having 6-12yoe already no more no less
sucking cock
I got hired while underqualified (no experience in the industry, no experience in the tech stack, etc) because of my portfolio of private projects and my charisma.
I was interviewed by a panel, they were waiting on someone on their side to join, I started small talk immediately asking about the work conditions/projects and pushing my portfolio.
In advance of the interview (one week of prep time) I started and completed a project related to the company's specific industry. This was the portfolio project I immediately started talking about before they could even ask me their questions.
The lead interviewer was immediately taken aback, the project I had done involved some specific things that had challenged the team in the past. She had her camera off but told me/everyone on the call that "she was smiling" because of this.
I talked about multiple projects and my approaches in them, one of the interviewers was very technical and had looked through my portfolio, he said he was impressed by a project I had done.
Five minutes after the call was over, I was immediately called back and extended an offer, with unanimous agreement that I would be a great pickup for their team.

I credit my icebreaker portfolio conversation and the followup portfolio discussion (being passionate about my private projects) for helping me land my first role in the industry.
I never expected to get paid so much and have so much freedom, I'm now a team lead and still do some dev work, but I do a lot of customer interaction and this is my true passion, seeing people's faces light up when they see the work my team is doing.
I wasn't an exact fit for the position but I worked hard and now my team has crossed many deadly hurdles thanks to my ability to deconflict/de-escalate, just talk to people and care about things going well.
What advice do you have for other WGU night owls out there, including myself? I got the computer science degree
I got the degree. I got the job. I got the salary. I did everything right. Where the fuck is my 5/10 waifu. Why is this happening
i realized the only viable way to reproduce these days is rape. sadly dont have the energy myself.
With WGU, I wasn't on a campus, I wasn't sitting in classrooms with other students, I only talked to one instructor throughout my bachelor's and master's programs (he called me). It all felt very impersonal and inauthentic.
In some work conversations I need to couch my thoughts in my experiences, so, I'll refer to things I encountered "during my master's program" (not "at WGU") to explain how I might approach a problem.
This is how my coworkers speak to their undergraduate/graduate experiences as well, "my master's thesis was about x", "I took an intro to y course but don't know much more about it", I basically never hear school names.
This is how I suggest you speak about your experiences too, not only is it more natural than, for example, reminding everyone you went to MIT, but it get the point across more directly that you are knowledgeable.

If I decide to leave my current employer, I'll start with networking and conduct conversations with the same approach when talking about academic experiences, and I'll identify any open positions, get hired, then put in my notice.
I've seen people in /twg/ discuss WGU as a blacklist thing, but even for me (having a few years of experience in the field), I feel it would be tough and stupid to just throw myself at online applications without the leading effort of networking and sleuthing.
I have a LinkedIn and get recruiter messages on there fairly commonly. In pursuit of my next opportunity, I'd update my resume and touch my personal portfolio and maybe make a few posts there, in addition to the networking.

mmm very true saar yes
*bobbles head* continue on
kindfully register to WGU saar! it is a very gorgeous experience
TC 400k graduating WGU
One of my strongest assets is my family and friends. I keep close with them.
My aunt is high up in a competitor company to mine and she told me she'd hire me if I ever asked.
I have two cousins who each work for two different competitors to mine and they have also offered the same.
So if I want to jump ship, I can basically pick one of those three routes and throw myself at it, with their recommendation, and hopefully get hired.
I also told them I'd help them come work for my company as well if they needed work. This is an important handshake to secure your own position and for others to secure theirs.
We poached one of my coworkers from a different team (he solicited us) and he said if I ever wanted a change of pace that he could make it happen.
Also, my friends would help me jump ship from this career, or the nuclear option, my parents would have me back home if I ever needed a place to stay awhile.

So I don't think I'll ever have trouble finding work, and WGU / the degree programs are mostly a formality to make my hiring go more smoothly for my friends/family.
Hope this helps
I did not like WGU and I'm not proud of having gone there. I was sold on the self-paced and cheap education that my company fully reimbursed, and I felt I needed some sort of academic credentialing to secure my position in my industry, so I sucked down my pride and pushed through the material to the end.
>jeet manager inexplicably missing from standup
>engineering lead tells us via Slack that he's leading the team indefinitely starting today
Bros... WAGMI...
wagmi saaar.
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>had comfy wfh position at company doing software dev and random backend data projects
>didnt pay well but was great work life balance
>company had layoffs at beginning of year
>transferred to new position doing IT work at company since dept I worked in was downsized and all projects canned
>Can't wfh in this position
>I hate the work I do

I had it, I had the job I dreamed of, and it was taken from me! I've tried applying everywhere and I can't get an interview for any remote dev positions

This fucking place is gonna be my coffin, either me killing myself or the job killing me.

I should have fucking studied in high school instead of being a fucktard and I could have gotten into a prestigous university and had access to any FAGMAN job I wanted. But no... too late for that now...
I'm a junior dev and I feel so overwhelmed. I am constantly just forgetting things and fucking things up. I am trying to organize my notes better and try to set a TODO list everyday, but I still keep fucking up although it's helping. I think the lead dev helping me is getting annoyed with me.
Today I'm trying to test my deployment and I'm just nervous going through all the steps to simply test and I keep spamming him with messages on small shit just to verify I'm clicking the correct stuff and doing things right. I try to put in our team's general chat, but no one can really help me except him. And no one even really responds to me anyway besides him.
I take so long to fix shit too. And when I'm taking long I start freaking out and I take even longer.
I'm fucking fired. Goodbye.
I'm guessing most of you here are WGU night owls like myself?
This isn't uncommon in your first real job.

Are you remote? Is it a mediumsized boomercorp?
thanks for sharing anon. very intersting

>the project I had done involved some specific things that had challenged the team in the past.
what was it exactly?
i am an absolute beginner starting at zero. what cert should i get to work in tech? or what "route" or path should i follow ?
>my private projects
how did u get the idea for them
you will never be a real developer
u are lucky. not many have such bonds given to them from birth. even friends are luck
>doing software dev and random backend data projects
give examples
quite. have someone competent and mature take ur place instead (me)
what a gay earth. in any other market I would be a in demand new grad. instead I am treated like garbage.

The only difference between me and you is that I didn't stutter lil bitch. WGU night owls make 6 figures, more will soon. We are intelligent. We will be your bosses and coworkers. You will seethe about it. You will mumble things under your breath about "real devs" with your gross, forward neck posture, mouthbreathing subhuman looking self. We will glance over and ask if you are ok, and then calmly tell you to get back to work before you get your ugly, fucked up face punched in. You will go home and write something about your life story that not a soul ever gave a fuck about or ever will on 4chan. Now get the fuck out of here you ugly ass mouthbreathing fuck
maintaining old java software the business still used built using struts and some other stuff, maintaining business middleware that took data from outside companies and made it useable for consumption by various software we have (we were planning on transitioning to using Boomi for everything but that got canned). Those were the big things, but was also doing some stuff with ABAP and bash scripting when needed for random stuff or when those guys needed help.
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>wanker of a boss figured out i'm poor and desperate
>just finished a month-long project involving complex scripting using levenshtein distances to sort massive database by similarity of entries
>was quoting him $15.00USD an hour, which is less than any IT professional would charge
>he talked me down to $7.50USD an hour under threat of not giving me any more work
>alternatives are uber eats or starving
>t. network engineer and developer with 5 years of professional experience, having worked at 2 startups, 1 MSP, and 1 public college
Thanks, Trudeau - immigrants HELP the economy!

Literal pajeets make more than me IN INDIA.
my bank account just went negative
>mfw it can be positive
Never did I think...
emai me ur resume at anonisburtsbees@proton.me

I might have a startup gig up soon
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>Push code
>I didn't
>Submit for review
Feels good man
>start browsing this thread
>get laid off a week later
what the heck guys
half of this thread is supposed to post on utwg
Happy October!
is this what selling your soul to a corporation looks like? what kind of worldview is this? you die tomorrow and nobody won't give a shit at all. live for yourself.
You're a dork.
and you're a goy. a happy goy, even.
With what obscure language did you get a job? I like common lisp
How's your 401(k) doing?
that's what you'll be asking to your children. repeating the damned circle.
>poorfags seething again
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nothing to live for
nothing to work for
>what is FIRE
Impossible to achieve in europe
doomers like you will fuel my gains
keep waging dumbass
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>joined first big company yesterday
>wasn't given much direction on what needs doing, just handed admin rights to X system
>kind of just sitting around reading documentation
>can tell that aside from meetings, people don't actually do a whole lot here because theres SO many of them
And yet despite knowing this I feel pressure to be productive instantly, or I tell myself I'll be fired immediately. I haven't even figured out the insurance situation yet lmao.
I literally sat around practicing Japanese in the office for months before I got assigned actual work. Take it slow, be open, do not ask for more work, but when you get some, do it properly but not too quickly. There will be people around you who literally can't bear the burden of not being told to work, be careful not to get dragged down by them.
First big company I joined was 2700 people. I "worked" from 6-11, and was told to "just be available" after those hours, so I promptly beat off from 11-12 and then went mia after that every day and nobody bothered me for years.
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Just got an email from a recruiter about a job offer I applied for two months ago. I was perfectly qualified for it and I'm pretty sure they ignored me then because of the salary I asked for.
Time to ask for even more.
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>Over 100 applicants
yes we got it crybaby. shut the fuck up
Need some advice:
>started new job 3 months ago
>had to go through extensive program with exams
>afterwards they have a 5 week training period where you work but with two supervisors closely watching over
>in a group of about 15 other new hires
>while everyone else got started last week, none of the important software on my computer was working
>the entire week they just throw me in a corner and have me do nothing while everyone else is training
>this week same thing, nothing working
>supervisors are now ignoring my requests for clarity or anything at all, they just outright ignore my messages and emails with no response
>im sitting at home again today, doing literally nothing but collecting a paycheck
>during morning huddle, they kept putting emphasis on "by now we expecting you to know more since its week 2, so dont expect any handholding"
>after meeting me and 1 other person in same boat asked supervisor to please explain wtf we are meant to do
>he pretend he didnt hear us and leaves the call
>ignores any messages

Basically, I get the strong impression they're intentionally setting me up for failure. Probably they will try to give me the run around for 5 weeks, then when the training period is over, start writing me up for under-performing (because i never got any), and then fire me.

My question is how can I protect myself?
As long as you are getting paid I don't see the problem.
Try to find a new job meanwhile and if you do, I'd keep collecting the paycheck while doing nothing.
Because I'd only be getting a paycheck for a few weeks before they'd probably start PIPing me as rapidly as possible to get me thrown out. In the long term it's better to at least put up a fight. Im sure they're hoping i just give up and stop working to make it easier to fire me later. Wanna create a paper trail showing that I constantly reached out for assistance and was ignored.

Im even considering escalating with passive aggresive emails highlighting their lack of support to their managers, ccing them in. I want to avoid making enemies but if they're already determined to fuck me over than I may as well.
Maybe you can ask for you to be included in the next group of new hires since the software didn't work the first time around?
That's a solid idea.
none of this companies make anything your job is to shift weights on a 3 pin babylon puzzle while the government flushes millions down the toilet to you because you're giving 100k to a nigger in africa
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>couldnt convince the coworkers not to build their own payment gateway
I have 2 more interviews at uber for a senior position if I fail that I'm just gonna quit tech and become a plumber / kill myself
>none of the important software on my computer was working
What wasn't working, and can you get it to work by yourself?
If you can't, is there a way to get help from somebody else in the company?
How much are you talking with the other 15 hires?
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why the fuck is every company hiring only for IT Support and not actual IT people?

yes sir I will definitely take your pay of $12/hr to help lucy from HR figure out how to send an email.
I swear every time I take a dump a secret alarm goes off on everyone's computer telling them where I am so they can come and sit in neighboring stall.
cloud, saar
>can you get it to work by yourself?
No due to red tape
>is there a way to get help from somebody else in the company?
Did that twice now, they have me working but it looks like I need someone to authenticate for me to actually be able to do anything still. So im stuck.
>How much are you talking with the other 15 hires?
A lot for the first 4 days. Day 5 and on they seem to have smelled the blood in the water and started distancing themselves from me.
All the WGU night owls have assembled into one thread
Wgu is a waste of time and money these days i reckon
because no one wants to do fucking IT support, it is the literal bottom of the barrel dogshit work and you should avoid it like the plague
Yet everyone is always under qualified for it

really makes you think
Idk, im 75% done with a computer science bachelors but im in finance now. Gave up on it after seeing how fucked the industry is for new grads. Gonna finish the degree still but i don't have much hope it'll help
I need this month to end already, I'm excited to get my first real salary after all the suffering I've been through.
easiest way to make more money and have more disposable income is to get married btw
even if you paid me 1 million dollars a year I'd refuse to put up with another human
Should one apply for a position that is much more suited to his career aspirations than his current role, but for stagnant or potentially less pay? A position for an entry level database dev opened in my company (I'm currently in more of a reporting role, but the kind that uses excel instead of sql). I'm pretty sure I'd get it if I applied, but suppose an actual programming role opens, I know I wouldn't be able to jump ship within my company for it, but what about outside? Would other companies care if I accepted a different role within my company and then apply elsewhere several months later? Would they even need to know? What's really weird is, the role is advertised as paying less than 50k/year, which is even less than I currently make and not possible for me with a mortgage and family
Humiliation ritual
very true. for women.
>joined new company as an engineer
>got introduced to the IT / service desk team that I'll be doing a lot of automation work for
>I'm significantly younger than all of them and I'm fucking 30

Such a weird feel.
Those are the help desk lifers. Be aware that they often get quite pissy, its the aging bodies combined with unfulfilled dreams because they never tried to improve.
toughts on working for Toptal?
>managed to get a job despite being self-taught but left it after 3 months because the company was garbage
>now working my old job and completely uninterested in pursuing software development anymore

based or cringe
My lead javascript dev wants us to use ' instead of " for all of our quotes and it makes me unreasonably angry
Cringe. You should've used your apathy to unleash hell
The important thing is being consistent. And ' is preferable to ", yes
No, I'm not a nigger
Can you explain why it's preferred? I feel like throughout all of my education double quotes were used.
>work 8-10 hours
this is my typical week for the rest of my life
If you live in America you'll probably die before you get to draw retirement too. Don't forget to smile during your stand-ups!
>>can you get it to work by yourself?
>No due to red tape
What red tape?
I'm known for finding workarounds around most things.
I even by-passed my college's computer restrictions on multiple occasions
(unrestricted data transfer via USB; starting/stopping processes via one of the many duplicate Powershell EXEs; couple of other tricks up my sleeve...)
>it looks like I need someone to authenticate for me to actually be able to do anything
What sort of work are you doing?
Depending on the answer hereto determines the severity of this problem.
If it's software development and they're not looking at your pull requests, you can keep churning them out until someone actually does look at them.
>they seem to have smelled the blood in the water and started distancing themselves from me
That doesn't sound like normal folk.
Pardon my suspicion, but could the problem lie with you -- one, to which you're unfortunately blind?

>what is FIRE
I'm planning on retiring to Thailand when I'm like 50
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>I'm known for finding workarounds around most things.
Yeah, getting fired for violating something something IT is much better than getting fired for doing nothing
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>>he pretend he didnt hear us and leaves the call
>scrum master is being replace
this new one better be chill like the old one
Is QA automation easy? I've been doing backend for the past 2 years and it's stressful as fuck. I got an interview for a QA position I didn't even know I applied for.
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Jobs you can get in IT after being a radioman in the military? I have no certs and my coding experience is limited to very basic powershell for AD fuckery
None, aim for a different field.
chatgpt is fking amazeballs bros i am 250% more productive with it wow
Huh JNCIE practice materials are interesting
Tower climber
maybe you'll show the mathfags a little more respect now instead of just chalking us off as "mental masturbators".
Start sending out applications brother
he's only been there 3 months, what about the 1 year rule??
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do sewing machines have real APIs yet or is it still all CriCut proprietary junk with esoteric formats worse than .vtf?

I was the de-facto ISA at the units I was with when I worked full time, and have a more recent contract where I was the *actual* one briefly in the absence of any reg force member available to fill it. Could I even get first-line hell desk after that? I had admin rights on at least one OU of around a hundred actual humans for a bit and when I was full time orange shades wannabe coolguy sea ninja it was a consistent about 45. But this is all with 2010s suites and is almost 100% windows crap, on-prem. I'm fucked aren't I

I've looked into infra jobs and can't get one because I don't drive. Which is deeply infuriating because I've met tons of contractors who do all kinds of different fields from painting to power infra who don't drive and just get lifts to the site, but I can't even get a call back because I don't have a driver's license. I *do* have the basic fall arrest and radhaz training though that should still be valid, and they're supposedly respected by the leaf equivalent of OSHA. [spoiler]Also I'm a little afraid of heights[/spoiler]

What sucks even worse is all the sea training and medicals I did do and do still stand are in fact NOT respected by Transport Canada though and I'd have to re-do them at personal cost at some local place; sea emerg training is cheap but I don't have a "family doctor" so getting a full medical done for that would be not only quite expensive and not last as long as it might take to get a job, but has a waiting list on the order of years these days unless you effectively bribe the doctor to see you immediately.
I'm legit scared that I've exhausted a lifetime of luck, I very easily found a job right after graduating, that job is also very close to my home and the salary is more than what I'd hoped.
Holy shit work is burning down. All those months of working from home and playing video games all day are finally backfiring
lmao that has never existed. 3 months is just enough time for them to really make a decision on if they like you or not. If he is getting stonewalled this hard by the time month 6 roles around HR is gonna wonder why they are paying someone to do nothing.
There is such a thing as luck, but pluck is what turns it from a fleeting windfall into a lifetime of comfort. Take the job, dump your spare cash into a mutual fund or something, and when you're unlucky you'll have a buffer

alternatively, if the job sucks, endure for long enough to be comfy enough during a job search, chalk the bad time up to bad luck, and move on
I'm convinced now, I'll sign up for WGU tomorrow. Thanks for all the shilling ITT.
I will become very successful and rich thanks to WGU, saars
I've heard similar stories about working in SCIFs and they always end in tragedy; nigga should start at least cultivating some connections if not putting out applications
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>apply to the american branch of a japanese company
>"Windows XP and 7 Professional experience preferred"
japs are so fucking insufferable holy shit
Are ergonomic mice a meme? I kinda wanna buy one for work to protect my wrist.
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Sometimes you just need to take matters into your
own hands and demonstrate your resourcefulness.
Ugh... I added a whole bunch of new features and UI elements to the app
I think I'll spend all day tomorrow just adding tooltips
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I once got an absolutely abysmal performance review for automating my own job, citing "pursuing personal hobbies while on watch".

This was from someone who would regularly come in late at night to play guitar, call his mistress on the satphone, and was generally a nuisance to the people actually on watch.

I responded by keeping my scripts but in secret, doodling fursmut in a notebook instead of browsing ss64, and stayed at that unit in my same position for like 3 years -- 3 years of continuing to do incredibly janky shit to reduce my workload so I could spend most of my watches half-asleep. my next performance review was absolutely glowing, and I'm not sure why. I must have just looked busier.

Another time, totally unrelated, we had a time server blow (literally an in-line physical unit, and the issue some kind of hardware failure and the thing was long at EoL from the manufactuer) so a new one was installed. Various organizations kept passing the buck on who was supposed to actually configure it once it was physically installed. I got tired of it an sent an e-mail to the effect of "I looked up the model, and it still has its manufacturer admin/admin credentials, but didn't touch it because I know it's not my job and whoever's it is will get mad if I do; can someone whose job it is PLEASE come do whatever they need to do?" and at the christmas party that year, was greeted with a wall of "reply-all" text from a grognard saying what to do and whose job it was to do these various little things and even what exactly needed to be done and how. As my of my leaving that job, none of it was done.

There is no moral to these stories. Workplaces are just stupid and janky and I don't think there's anything we can do about it.
*dies from sheer anguish*
*resurrects u*
*tags you on a ticket*
>hello this is a priority please have it done by the end of the sprint
>helpdesk taking forever to create one account for one person on one app
>it's very urgent
Very efficient, I love having to go through helpdesk for the most braindead things we could do ourselves in 1 minute. Great process.
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>fagman system design interview is about showcasing a previously built system instead of designing on the spot
is this good or bad for me and how do I make the most out of the situation
on one hand I think it's gonna help my anxiety to have so much time to think about the system I'll showcase
on the other hand they're probably going to be much more annoying about minor design nuances and I'll have less freedom to design the perfect thing because it was already done for a company that didn't exactly employ fagman level best practices
NOOO! You have to pay a deep brown minimum wage to slop together your bullshit!!!!
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why are you cuteposting neuro
get back to work wagie
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>neurosister still thinks software engineers do anything at work in current year mod googol
>tell manager I'm experiencing too many interruptions
>"give me examples"
>track time for an entire week
>show him that over half my time is spent in meetings
>"those meetings are important, you need to go"
>tell him fine, but that means I'm operating at half capacity
>"what's stopping you from being at full capacity?"
you can't win with these people
Based wise response right there.
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>his company doesn't provide interesting work
i guess enjoy your life as a second rate hedonic
this is super funny
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hedonism is the way forward
there are no more seas to conquer
the world is solved
the only way to fight back is to extract as many resources as possible from big corpo and then retire early to a VR goon cave
Okay, fren.
Can I blank out my name?
Don't want to doxx myself.
not true at all we unironically just need a nuclear war and mass famine to restore wonder and mystery to the world
nta but you're right
it's been my plan since I started working
The other week I was on a boat at top speed doing commsie shit, and days before that I was galavanting on the roof setting up antennae. It was boring and annoying because it's the same problems with the same solutions, every time, and no one reads my tl;dr reports on the even normal office stuff that comes up regularly like setting up telecons properly or even just having a way for people to report in whether or not they'll actually show up to work in advance.

"interesting" is about novelty. If you do nothing but work with stupid situations, that'll get boring, and you'll pine for a boring office job like I do. And having held boring office jobs, that gets boring too and you want to go out on (or at least manage) the boats before long.
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>get some random task assigned to me
>it's a system error when a user tries to upload a image
>read the code
>it's the most over designed, unnecessarily complex shit I've ever read

Why some people do this shit? Am I missing something? I'm not the best programmer by far but jesus what the fuck
what sort of person actually submits bug reports? when i run into a bug i just work around it or at length give up and do something else, the notion that anyone gives a shit about me or my problem has been so thoroughly discredited. i just don't understand anything anymore.
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Here is my 4chan resume R8 based or cringe
>BS Mech Eng.
>4 yrs xp municipal infra design
>1 yr electrical controls systems programming and design
>want to exclusively use C in vim
>often leaves profanity in code comments
>prefer to code while day drinking
Be honest, would you hire? I just want to be an embedded-fag when I grow up.
please understand, he had 20 years experience with Carbon according to his CV
I'm a junior dev and I put in way too many hours to impress my manager
I just feel like I can be doing more and work unpaid overtime from home a lot
Is it a good thing to do at the start? How do I figure out how much is actually expected of me so I don't burn out?
The pay is decent for my seniority and I want to feel like I deserve it but I am starting to feel a bit tired
There's an unemployed thread dude
>I just feel like I can be doing more and work unpaid overtime from home a lot
Are you a bitch? Cause you're acting like a bitch.
No one likes a bitch.
You're just going to get fucked, bitch.
In my experience (7+ years), my bosses rarely notice me working extra hours, but they DO notice when I go back to working regular hours. Extra hours just makes your baseline seem unrealistically high.

I would only recommend working extra hours if (1) you are actively working towards a promotion, and (2) your manager is well aware you're working extra hours for the sake of the promotion. And do keep in mind that high productivity alone doesn't guarantee a promotion - you could be well on track for one when suddenly your CEO says "financials are down, no promotions this quarter." Then you've sunk all that time in for nothing.
>and work unpaid overtime from home a lot
don't do this

it's fine to work on stuff you're genuinely interested in, but don't be a doormat that works for free. But also don't take that too far, you should be "available" for basic questions if they're one-liners in text messages. But overall, >>102644273 is right -- you don't want to make what will burn you out a baseline, and they aren't paying you for it anyway so there's no reason to do it.

Your relationship with your employer is 100% profit motivated on both sides. Don't get it twisted. Don't get scammed, don't get conned, don't kill yourself with work. It's the enemy's job to kill you. Don't work for free.
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I might take the pay cut to work for Raytheon because I want to kill people
Do you think they'll clock me
>Are you a bitch? Cause you're acting like a bitch.
Everyone at the company seems to be doing unpaid overtime and I think it's just why the pay is set pretty high already, it just seems dumb to lose a good opportunity by not giving it enough attention
And this is my first proper job so I probably am being a bitch about it
you should be grinding very hard to get better as a junior. juniors cost more money than they are worth. the only thing i would have done differently as a junior is read more instead of being 100% focused on trying to complete tickets
iirc raytheon makes mostly radio, radar, and IT equipment these days so if they do clock you they wont hire you because you're more invested in missile payloads than missile guidance
That makes sense anons thanks, I wouldn't want to set the baseline too high as I'm sure I won't be able to keep it up too long
>the only thing i would have done differently as a junior is read more instead of being 100% focused on trying to complete tickets
see >>102642666

employers do not want you to improve, and improving will not help you. i got better positions by knowing people more than any knowledge, and what little knowledge got me trusted to do stuff was very basic.
trust me you won't feel like you're killing anyone. objectively my work's impact on weapon system uptime has probably killed an extra hundred or two brown people in the past decade but most days are spent doing paperwork that if anything hinders the (((warfighter)))'s efforts
i take that back then, if this unhinged retard furry says not to improve, then do not improve
that's the spirit
Improve on things YOU want to improve on, for YOURSELF. These are out of work activities, and your employer will treat them as such. Likewise, if you're L1 hell desk, don't expect a promotion; you have to leave the company and re-enter the field somewhere else at the new higher position. "Professional Development" on the clock is a fucking meme. If you aren't outright punished for it, you're not going to make any more money after doing it.

And for sure, working off the clock and being a doormat will only get you more responsibilies with no additional pay. Learn and grow on your own time, bill it to the company if you can, but don't expect any growth in your salary to match your growth as a person.
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Why the hell would anyone want to only use C? I don't get it. I've been working with C++ professionally for many years. Decided to do an online masters program, a portion of it involves writing parallel algos in Cuda and using OpenMP, all in C. It is so insanely unwieldy and impractical that it makes absolutely no sense to me that Cniles like you exist.
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>don't improve
>t. fat retard l2 help desk guru after 20 years
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If all you get out for it is bad performance reviews, formal reprimands, and being made fun of constantly, what impetus is there to demonstrate growth in your position, even if you do study it and do improve yourself on your own time? It is almost always better to quit and seek a higher position elsewhere than to "develop" in the hopes of a promotion.

>Why the hell would anyone want to only use C?
Embedded systems, mostly.
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Anyone else have to put up with required company-wide trainings once a year? Not technical training or diversity stuff, but things like, "here's how you label emails as 'Internal' or 'Confidential.' Emails with these labels are not to be forwarded outside of our network. Complete this training course so we know you understand."
I have a job
Cpp no comfy
yes, that is entirely normal
Its another episode of my MSP customers treat me better than my internal company
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I just want to work somewhere that isn't full of decrepit boomers who sit on tasks for weeks at a time
How the fuck do i pivot
Do I just gamble on newish buzzword companies and hope they don't go bust in a couple years?
Stop working for MSPs and the terror will come to an end.

Juniors can't write complicated code, but yearn to do so. Mid-levels accomplish this and write code as cleverly as they can. Seniors have then had to maintain such code and now strive to write code a junior could understand.
>the terror will come to an end.
this will never, ever happen, for anyone, ever
A certain type of person gets an autism high from having to manually micromanage little details that most people find obnoxious
Then another group of people aren't like that but think those autists are cool so they LARP as one
>>his company doesn't provide interesting work
>i guess enjoy your life as a second rate hedonic
bruh everything is fake literally nothing is made except by chink and indian children and women
>butbutbut the bank account numbers in my phone
I may go work for a vendor but aside from likely only having one customer and not 30 I don't think it will change much.
F50, networking vendor, or defense contractor always seems like the end goal for my career
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What kind of job could I try getting if I know a lot of powershell, and do a lot of that in my current job?
Don't worry, I have that as a backup plan
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I want to drink so bad
go ahead
Why is the job market so shit? All of you faggots think you understand, but what's the real reason?
>If all you get out for it is bad performance reviews, formal reprimands, and being made fun of constantly, what impetus is there to demonstrate growth in your position, even if you do study it and do improve yourself on your own time?
Why do people even do this? Is this a hazing/embarrassment ritual?
It's fine for people who have value. It's bad for idiots since they cut most of the superfluous jobs that have retards do nothing all day.
>be me
>start at job
>senior director level jew goes out of his way to make passes at my work
>devalues my work in niche field that is in demand
>my manager doesnt defend me, is cuck

This has been me. Why should I extend my efforts on behalf of a complete dickbag when I can collect a paycheck, do my own projects, and then make a lateral or upward shift in two years to people that may be more appreciative?
I have 2500 hours in hearts of iron 3. I'll let you decide.
Unironically this. 2018-2021 was absurd with the amount of money and bullshit jobs flying around. We really are just experiencing a long overdue correction to what should have been the status quo.
This is coming from one of the idiots, my only skill is managing to worm my way into a position of necessity.
i hate tech work
i hate tech work
i hate tech work
>>often leaves profanity in code comments
>>prefer to code while day drinking

>be me
>working remote from the brewery one afternoon
>going through my repo I'm expanding
>find a comment in our actual codebase
>something like "# don't change this, it breaks and its too complicated to explain why, trust me bro"
>panic and think I left a drunk comment in a commit I pushed
>git blame
>wasn't me
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>be working remote
>new employee, bottom rung of the ladder at Support Engineer for a SaaS
>Presenting something from my team on the monthly all-hands
>Be talking, conversing with some other managers and higher ups, answering questions
>have to fart
>decide to mute mic really quick, rip ass, and unmute again quickly and seamlessly so nobody would notice I went on mute
>python3 mute_brapp.py
>Look back down at the Google meeting icons
>I'm muted
>I had been muted, and unmuted myself while one of my bosses was talking and farted loudly and then muted myself again
>nobody says a word about it
>meeting continues
Power move to assert your dominance
High interest rates > harder to borrow > less demand > lower production of supply > less labor required.
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pika pika
We're the WGU night owls
I don't know if my coworker is a schizo, has ADHD or is simply retarded
>unable of coherent speech, jumps from subject to subject without even finishing sentences. I can listen to him for 10 minutes and end up having no clue what he said
>Takes literal hours to reply over teams then complains to the manager that people is slow at replying unlike him
>Critical with other people's code, delivers pajeet tier shit
>Will talk about important subjects spreading information over as many communication channels possible
>Heated arguments over the most trivial shit
>Capable of doing the same task twice without noticing
Good morning fellow WFH eurobros
Sleep before 3:30 challenge (impossible)
I'd trade the money for a girlfriend
But so long as that isn't possible
You can always enjoy the finer things (plate carrier) (joke post) (joke)
I wish my FBI agent could acknowledge me. This site has maybe 10k power users, it's entirely possible we're being monitored in batches of 50 or 100. I've been posting unhinged things to try and get his attention. It'd be nice if he reached through the monitor and ruffled my hair, maybe.
does anyone jusst NOT care about work?
i dont CARE about tech
i dont CARE about what my organization does
i dont CARE about my coworkers
who cares?
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Put on your worksona costume anon

Tell everyone how excited you are about company culture
Count me in. The idea of doing this for 30 more years makes me want to kms.
Join us at
Good morning. I wanted to play morrowind again today but

>developers keep asking me reasonable questions about my tickets
>devops janny asking me to uninstall and update shit for our security certification
>had a bullshit personality test for a job application
>interview this afternoon, I need to have researched 5 things about the company and presumably regurgitate it like trivia

I hope Friday is comfier (office day tomorrow)
literally a race to the bottom led by skilled whites. Let the faggot boomer corps hire pajeets and pitch for vc money instead honestly man
>3 months ago
>by week 2
fake & gay
Is it possible to find a job in London without being there? I'm not British, but I am still covered by the settlement scheme and I'd like to go back.
>inb4 fuck off we're full
tell that to the Albanians
Worth a try, I know people who got jobs without living there, this was when the market was better though
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I've been approving my own PR for a month.
Go kill Trudeau. Don't bitch at us we can't do anything.
Yeah the rest of us are drunk too.
Gotta house them nigglets somehow.
Tips on putting fake experience on a resume?
I want to extend my experience from 2 years to 4. What kind of tasks can I put there that's kind of boring and repetitive enough to excuse the fact that I didn't make much progress in terms of programming skills?
Any general tips on making a resume/Linkdn for freelance jobs are welcome as well.
Don't lie on your resume. If you lie about stuff like that you'll constantly live in fear of being found out and the stress will crush you.

I've never lied on my resume and have had multiple jobs at big tech companies.
You could write unit tests and find bugs. Open a few tickets with detailed instructions on how to reproduce/solve.
>manager gives a retarded as fuck deadline to tomorrow
>"sorry man, that's not gonna happen, you made up new requirements yesterday and I'll have to rewrite a bunch of stuff"
>20 minutes meetings explaining why it's impossible
>"good talk anon, so we're good for tomorrow?"
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Good morning sirs
hello twg my old friend
what are some good job sites for remote jobs from europe?
>manager gives ( ... ) deadline
Eh? My manager only sets the deadlines if it's routine work or if I ask him to.
bros i feel poor and i want to pivot out of my shitty govie job. 2210, GS-11 (recently promoted from 9)

any tips in general? I'm 27 and i feel like everyone around is me doing so well. meanwhile i got debt and barely any tech knowledge to show for it.

thinkin of getting a mba :)
>. 2210, GS-11
what the fuck does this mean?
it's a weird position where they want to launch a product soon so they make up deadlines that I'm supposed to follow.
I simply say if it's doable or not and actually meeting the deadline or not is meaningless, but maybe it makes them feel good
it's retarded.
>If you lie about stuff like that you'll constantly live in fear of being found out and the stress will crush you
if you're a fucking bitch maybe, lmao
If you weren't a bitch you wouldn't have to lie to socialize.
what the fuck does work have to do with socializing you retard ahahhahahaha
I honestly don't give a fuck. Since I know more experienced devs are straight up less competent than me.
> you'll constantly live in fear of being found out
No, I'll never be worried about losing a job to the extent of living in fear.
And I'm a Java dev, I don't think it'll ever run out of missions/jobs anyway.
>2210, GS-11

I immediately googled this and was made aware of what it was. why are you in this thread
>dude we match 3% and auto defer 5% of your paycheck
Lmao, no.
The only play with government service jobs is to stay in for 35 years because you can't get fired and draw the public sector pension.
Yeah fuck that. They're basically just stealing from you.
How the fuck are they stealing from that anon lmao
>yes just let me have that extra 2% to pay myself, goy. You can have the money back in 30 years, haha
>I promise I won't gamble it and keep the winnings
Its like you don't understand how retirement funds work. You think that's your money? No, they just owe it to you on paper. And guess what? You're the last creditor in line at bankruptcy court.
The money going into the 401k is straight from your own paycheck, prior to tax.
>You're the last creditor in line at bankruptcy court.
You could put it in bond ETFs if you want to be first in line although I don't like those for a number of reasons.
>IBM kills 401ks
>Dogshit retirement fund with 3% locked rate of growth at 5% of salary
>Massively cucks retirement funds for all involved
>Nobody quits
Anyone who stays here deserves what they get. I literally never want to interview for another tech job. I want to work in the booming Halloween industry.
401ks are nice because you take them with you when you leave and you manage them yourself instead of some jew at a pension fund who just gives it to their friends who lose it.
I know. I still have the 401k from my first couple years, and I still contribute to it, but no more matches from the company is really gay. The only employees who like it are the ones who were too broke to contribute to the old 401k (surprisingly many)
>no more matches from the company is really gay.
That's extremely gay. You should see if you can roll it over to a self managed IRA.
you niggers are the reason something like 5% of workers have 401ks despite being literally free money
I'm not contributing to mine right now. I don't like how I'm not allowed to pick the funds I invest in.
Just shit my pants in the office
My sphincter was used to wfh and just instantly released
you join a startup

if u are good u might join be able to join the one I'm in. team of cracked devs, all in our 20's.

hmu with ur resume at anonisburtsbees@proton.me

may be hiring within the next 3 months.
Yeah, I really needed that $10 from the company put in my 401 every two weeks, even though I can't access it for 40 years without extreme penalties.
>even though I can't access it for 40 years without extreme penalties
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>i'll monitor for the rest of the night
>get drunk and completely forget about monitoring for the rest of the night
one of these days my code isn't gonna work... but not today
I accept your concession.

You can take out a loan against it to help pay for a house down payment, or some such, but if you leave your company, you inherit liability and still eat the 10% withdrawal fee.
nigger roth backdoors exist and 10% withdrawal penalty on FREE money is nothing
there's 100 ways to mitigate that
You can take out loans penalty free and the interest goes back to yourself.
When you roll it over you can buy pretty much any securities you want and can even secure short selling options with it.
Roth backdoors are hyper specific based on income and also many plans don't permit their usage.
I'm going so insane working on a service desk with jeets. Why can't they just figure anything out? Why do they lie their way into these jobs when they don't even know what an IP address is after graduation from a "prestigious indian technical institution" why can't they retain any information why can't they learn to fucking READ aaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Our service desk is 100% Indian.
One of them had to give me one of those DUO bypass codes when I lost my phone. The messages looked like this
>rajeep has entered the chat
>I will be giving you the bypass code
>Are you ready?
>Hold on....
Meanwhile I'm on the phone just waiting at the prompt. This could have been *one* message.
I sent one of them our list of approved client contacts earlier and instead of looking at the list they asked me 4 separate times whether X name was on the list, they didn't even THINK to open it until I instructed them to do so, it's genuinely the most surreal shit it's like they literally don't have a mind
>it's like they literally don't have a mind
Maybe it's cultural or whatever but it really does seem like they are just DVD screen savers behind their eyes. I hate them.
How hard is it going to be migrating from cloud back to on premise.
>fucker waits until I'm done with a call and my status goes green to call me
I hate that shit
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As long as you're not the one actually running open stack you should be ok.
I dumped her and now, 5 months later, I regret it every single fucking day.
Why am I like this... :'(
>He's not on Do Not Disturb 24/7
couldnt possibly have anything to do with rates or the number of cs graduates outpacing all anticipated job growth for the next 10 years
most of these "people" need to be as far away from tech as possible or at least from me.
One of the jeets just asked me to confirm if an email that might as well have been from like micnosoft@passwordrapist.ru was spam
My sides
I'm tired of not being a swe
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I'm genuinely amazed that my boss has not realized that I've been slacking off for months.
A junior software dev handed me hot garbage to review today post-deadline. I felt like I had to salvage it asap, should I not have?
>"hey anon can you come over for a sec"
>come over
>I need to sign this as my boss and don't have his signature, can you help me
>you need him to sign it? So send it to him and sign it
>ok, but can I just copy this document that has a signature request
>uhh, I don't know about that, no if you need help with signatures there's a helpful link in adobe about e-sigs
Did I do the wrong thing?
No, you're golden. Always ere towards sidestepping anything that's a liability issue or could blow back on you even if it pisses off some low IQ office bumbler.
>LTT exposes compooTIA
nice shilling now I'm watching the video
t. comptia A+ and Net+ certified and passed on my first try and my boss paid for it
Depends, if your higher ups needed it then maybe but it would have been better long term to help them fix it
Why do people complain about an exam that a person with 0 experience can pass after a few days of studying.
>a few days of studying.
that's ableist
watching the video, Linus (a millionaire) is mad that they sell certs and make money off it.
some of the questions seem kinda stupid and written in hindglish
Also you can take the tests in a testing location like a normal person.
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new codebase just dropped
nobody likes a NINO (nonprofit in name only) because they’re tax exempt
Just watch professor Messer and get A+ SEC+ and NET+ so you can be like all of the other unemployed cert warriors.
>society fails to provide me with a young fertile wife
>society expects me to willingly do more than the bare minimum to survive
ahahahaha what retard came up with this system
I'm not even pretending to do work anymore and nobody seems to care
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everyone is better off when they mind their own business
all of my autistic experimenting with GNU/Linux back in 2012 during university eventually paid off and now I work as a systems engineer. thank you /g/
I'm gonna pull a bluff with my boss with an offer that doesn't exist.
Wish me luck.
>muh society
just go grab one you twit
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>tried to do some python automation and scripting at my job to expand my skillset
>the systems admins have blocked installing or running python on work computer though for some reason
>got around it with a cheeky portable installation

Can I get in trouble for this? Been more than a week and no one has said anything to me
holy based
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Going to start being that obnoxious student asking to connect on linkedin just so I can pretend to care about your job and then ask you for a referral.
they made that illegal
works on my country
I wonder if I'm jinxing myself by looking at apartments in the new city I could move to if I get a job offer
based congolese
I wonder if working for a smaller company building something I can care about would made job more enjoyable than working for a big company building something I don't give a fuck about.
>finally get an interview after 60+ applications
>they ask if I can work weeknights and weekends
>I answer honestly
>"We have decided to move forward with a different candidate"
I will never get out of this shitty job.
Have an interview in an hour and half pls sars kindly wish me the luck
sounds like you dodged an even shittier one tbqh anon
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Not a tech worker question per se, but rather a comp sci enthusiast looking to get into research. do u have to be good at coooding to be like pic rel or would math knowledge suffice?
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ate too much at lunch and now i've got brainfog

this will kill my productivity for the rest of the day
>AI-LLM fag with dogshit pay
>most coworkers quit within 6 months
>find opening with much better pay
>description filled with business jargon
>get to final stage interview
>"we don't actually have anyone in the tech stack and we would like to find someone to build our internal tools"

What's the catch? I'm a mathfag who spent way too much time on Linux

>No MSc
>No PhD

Field of work is same as the one I'm working in right now some of the stuff they're looking for can be straight up copy pasted from my older projects.
>weeknights and weekends
dodged a bullet
>every video on every tool I want to learn is hosted by some guy with an Indian or eastern European accent
What's so bad about Eastern European accent?
I went to the gym during my lunch. Trying to lose some weight and not drink this month so I don't hate myself by the holidays. Did some rowing and then bench pressed and dips. The gym has a shower and nobody uses it midday so it's nice. Now I feel HIGHLY productive so I'm going to now ignore work and do 2-3 lessons for my security+ class so I can get a 150k salary job with security clearance next year.
If you were hiring a back end intern, what are some of the technology/skills you would like them to master.
there are still developers in 2024 lmao??!
small companies suck as well
just find somewhere that does stuff you care about
Forgot to include that it's an extremely profitable small company with ~10 headcount
I did it lads I got a work from home job

Im so happy
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just eat eggs
What is the best way to learn Apigee. Preferably free or for cheap.
Starting an intro class for CCNA and networking in 2 weeks. Any tips or things I should know beforehand?
i just remember getting absolutely filtered by ipv6 and having to learn by myself
ipv6 is a myth
New bread?
yeah that's what i thought when i was taking the classes and the later half is almost entirely exercises requiring ipv6
rest is a cake walk though
Boss asked me if we could "sync", as he encountered a problem with something I coded. I told him no, I'm at a cafe (I'm fully remote) and so cannot do calls right now, but asked what the issue he's encountering is

That was 2 hours ago and he has not yet replied so it must not have been a big problem.

Why are these people allergic to text-based communication? Why doesn't everything need to be a "sync" or a call or a meeting? This guy is in his 30s, he's not some baby boomer. He grew up in a period with mass text-based communication and he's virtually illiterate.

I have a theory that people who began using the internet for social media after 2010 (when facebook, instagram, twitter, etc really started blowing up) have higher rates of illiteracy than people who grew up on forums and message boards pre-2010.
If he's your boss he must know more than you. You should show him respect. My advice is to call him right now, if you value your career that is.

He | Him | His
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What firewalls do you guys use on your servers? UFW? firewalld? Just plain iptables?
idk I leave that stuff for the ops janny to figure out
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>Get assigned a ticket
>Work through it
>The 1st part was a pain in the butt to implement, but it got done.
>The 2nd part is easy as hell due to the people who asked for this only specified implementing one thing out of hundreds.
>The rest of the requirements turned out to already been implemented months ago.
>Spent several days on 10% of a ticket and the remaining 90% was resolved in mere hours.
Feels good not stressing out for once.
I have to ask a very stupid question in my team chat. This will expose me as a retard to the entire team, but it needs to be asked. Wish me luck.
>4 rejection emails in one day
Things are looking up, last year I wasn’t getting any emails at all.
just dm the friendly guy or something.
too late

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