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Previous Thread: >>102630413
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>Open Borders
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just threw up in my nose.
Let's circle back to this thread next sprint
You're a brave soul Anon, better hope they don't see this as a sign of weakness which they can use as a premise to sodomize you for an office prank.
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I completed my first ticket ever today. It was awkward since I'm a junior but in the end it ended well and the product owners were satisfied.
cado is the contemporary faust
our last junior did zero tickets in his 15-month tenure. we no longer hire juniors.
sounds like you suck at hiring lmao
None of you bothered to train them?
Nice work, anon.
based junior

training is a bottomless time sink that has never really taught anything. competent juniors will self teach if given a few examples to look at
So another guy from helpdesk resigned, the guy before him did too, the other ones before them were fired because the shit ass manager didn't like their personalities. Now our helpdesk is one guy that got hired 6 months ago, I sure wonder what's gonna happen.
have you tried paying less?
Do me a solid and remind me in the morning standup, I'll put it on the board.
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Why haven't you resigned?
depending on the role, i think often there can be a lot of benefit from following someone experienced around for a week or so
learn to shovel dirt and pick tomatoes you whiny faggots
my favorite IT meme is when everything is entirely tribal knowledge and management starts getting upity
leave and after a couple weeks they call you begging for you to come back
looking for ideas for using and abusing wellbeing and training budget
>wellbeing budget
coffee enemas for the office
I like these WGU Night Owl general threads. What have the other WGU night owls been up to?
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WGU Night Owls Assemble
we need to require pay stubs to post in this thread. 100k MINIMUM.
>tech workers demand justice

Tone death
Aw man I only make $90k. Can I get an exemption or maybe grandfathered in? It's hard out here for a mechanigger.
you can be accepted on a 12 month probationary period. i am also a meche and i and all of my coworkers make over 100k, you need to up your are game.
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Another day, another useless LinkedIn message from a Pajeet recruiter.

Fuck this market.
I just reported a recruiter for harassment on LinkedIn. Why there isn't a block company button I don't know. It was the 8th time they asked about the same "part-time" contract position that pays less that McD in my area. Any chance something bad happens to me or them?
I'll never be able to post itt cuz im a thirdie
Be seeing you
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My last day of work is Friday. By this weekend I will be free.
I make 100k in san francisco and live in a 1 bedroom apartment with 3 indian roommates
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Why don't more companies hire remote european engineers? The average central/eastern european programmer I've met is 10x the average American/Indian programmer I've met, and I'm American. If I ran my own company I'd incorporate it wherever is easier to hire European engineers and then just run the whole company remotely. No cost of office rent, white coworkers, it sounds ideal to me
euro laws prevent the exploitation that happens to India.
>I make 100k in san francisco
How'd you fuck up that badly? Are you a part-time barista or something?
I make $190,000 base, probably over 200k after bonuses. They gave me some stupid ass stock options that will never be worth anything too
>go to linkedin
>there's 2 relevant positions
>go on indeed
>there's like 80
what is the point of this website again
Yup I put a ticket in the backlog.
(it's not actually tagged properly so it won't show up but I'll be sure to spend 10 minutes during standup trying to dig it up)
India allows external companies to contract at will with minimum regulatory oversight. Without going too deep I'll give the example that European health care must be paid through taxes. Setup for that is complex and/or expensive.

Look at Lemon Squeezy and their rates to understand how much it is worth to companies.

Making up bullshit articles about work culture. Indeed is dead in my area and it makes me sad.
Could I just incorporate the company in Ireland or something
How about FUCKING PROGRAMMING instead of marching in the street doing nothing. You all have LITERAL SUPERCOMPUTERS in your backpacks. You are asking the government to let the monopoly give you basic income, while you provide 0 value to them. Why not just ask the government for UBI.
If it was that easy you wouldn't have a ton of companies working out of Delaware.
There are no programming problems to solve outside of large companies who can afford advanced and novel hardware.
Aside from fiddle fucking around with your DE and package manager or making "GAYYYMEESS", seriously what is there.
I'm in uni and have to take a Network+ class. How much of a pain in the ass would it be going from CompTia labs to learning enough to pass the CCNA?
Need to vent.

I recommend never to get a roommate even if shit costs too much. My roommate is currently withholding signing a lease because he doesn't feel like signing the lease. No, it's not because he wants to move or not room together anymore, it's because anything that's a contract he refuses to sign and you basically have to twist his arm over 100+ times to make him sign anything. Doesn't matter if he read through it. Doesn't matter if it's the same thing. He just flat out refuses. I don't even know why I still room with him if he's this much of a jackass about it.
So realistically, what the fuck happens at 2 years with no job? Tried plugging the gap up with fake jobs too and nothing.
Just fast food until I die now? Great stuff. I hope every technical recruiter dies horribly.
Learn to weld (underwater if you want to make money)
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local APIs can get crazy. See ESRI for an example.

quite a bit. If you are interested do it anyways. Network+ is trash. My CCNA expired and I have no idea of some of the trash in the Network+ syllabus. I also have my network+ because of some stupid crossover stuff... or I had to pay them money to buy it because of another cert. Anyways, it is broad and focuses on some very old shit.

Pic related. It is cool stuff that shouldn't be included on a a beginner network cert.

For any network engineers out there: Is Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away relevant in 2024 or has everyone collapsed to the 4 layer model?
He's trying to take advantage of you.
pretty sure i read somewhere recently where an american company fired its employees and did just that
QA Automation Engineer here. Ask me anything.

It's been 1 month since I switched to a bigger company and a higher a salary.
Hardly, mostly getting under my skin and pissing me off with his paranoid shit. I do have the irrational fear he might try saddling me as the sole renter and dipping out. Though, the moment he does that then that just kills the friendship.
does it ever get better?
I was told I was getting a dev job and basically got swindled into this
I would quit, but the market's shit and it actually pays decent, especially considering how little work I do
It does not get better unfortunately, bigger companies tend to be more chaotic and with more shitty pajeet-tier automation code.

If you get paid well and are comfortable then stay unless you get a better offer
I'm getting wasted tonight, fuck it, I've earned this for a long day's work of dealing with the bullshit that is Agile
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My company just bought 2 IBM Power 10.
How stressful is this position? I'm a backend dev and I fucking hate it. It's too stressful and I am too retarded.
I'm going to interview for a QA automation position on Friday. I honestly forgot I applied to this position.
I don't know if you had any other dev positions, but if you did how does it compare?
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>be me
>run dev team
>build stuff for internal use as well as retail customer use
>Devops works great in AWS, dead simple, basically just Rest API servers that talk to the database and external services
>auto scaling, failover, load balanced
>literally couldn’t be more simple and has 0 infrastructure issues
>allowed to come up with cool ideas to build to help the company, rarely told no. make a list to plan out future projects
>team needs to expand
>hire junior
>first day on the job
>edits list to include “migrate to kubernetes”
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>It's been 1 month since I switched to a bigger company
wait, so i can switch whenever i want? what happened to the one year rule??
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angular is such a plague its hilarious.
migrate to kubernetes bigot. you'll never be a real agile devops company without kubernetes.
>How stressful is this position?
Depends on the company, for smaller companies it can be non-stressful up to mild. But bigger ones impose more stress.
>I don't know if you had any other dev positions, but if you did how does it compare?
I have not worked a dev but I can tell you beforehand that there's no comparison. Any dev position looks way more stressful than any QA one. That's from my experience with 3 companies as a QA and talking directly to devs
I have a coding job but they pay me by the line
100k per line
I only did one then got lazy
I've worked for 6 years before switching jobs anon
Osi model was an interview question at Nvidia
i envy QAs at my company. they just run tests and provide logs whereas i have to chat with multiple geos late at night to actually provide fixes
i work in medical/pharma reporting with a bunch of overly scrupulous women that get off on being as meticulous and pedant as possible. i'm about to go insane but fortunately the title has data and analyst in it, so i'm hoping to pivot into something technical soon. i can't take much more of this bros
>new job
>new repo
>making first change
>oh there's tests here, better add mine
>open test case file
>find call to non-existent method
>check blame
>file last edited in 2016
cool, guess I don't need to add tests
Day 3(???) Of unpaid leave: Holy fuck I forgot what life was like without wasting 70-80 hours a week on commuting and computer shit. I should become a plumber.
tests are useless
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yep wagies are demented.
silly me for thinking this safety critical software should be tested before being deployed
unless you're doing work for like the FAA or some steel melting factory it should be fine
unions deserve the rope.
Has anyone heard of Apple’s remote jobs? Some of my family members keep telling me to apply to them but I have no idea what they’re talking about. I have an in-person and the commute is a pain so I’m considering it if they’re real
Google loves Temu and AliExpress
Management is too proud to admit when they are wrong, and the business owner makes too much money to notice that they're not getting any new business because management is so shit.
You are useless.
i did this internship over summer, and then they offered me a part-time job during the fall, and im doing it now still.
how do i put that on a resume? like,
>software engineer, intern || summer 2024-present
or just put it down as software engineer since its not an internship any more?
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nigger cattle die gracelessly. as god intended.
Up until a few days ago I thought that all I wanted was to work with PL/SQL, program databases.
Now in the middle of developing API with GO for the first time, I enjoy it more than I have enjoyed programming in a while.
Is it possible to convert 2 pair POTS lines to run ethernet? I'd like to remove 20U of legacy rack equipment and run IP phones to each office. Even if I have to power them locally and only put data on the POTS lines.
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Pic rel. Now tell me how to run IP over telephone lines
You can put the entire time as "working" there and specify it was partially an internship at the start in your interview.
Why are you working there?
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i'm paying $3438 per month in rent so i can wake up in the middle of the night to druggies howling outside and undesirables shattering car windows
i hate the bay area
I always joked about saving money, quitting job, buying a car and traveling around until I run our of money and then driving of a cliff.
With every passing day, It no longer seem like such a bad idea.

I don't know how you guys do it. All the money is world doesn't offset the crippling depression and feeling that's it all is just pointless.
I've tried starting to drink too, but that doesn't make me feel any better either.
>be me
>on that WGU blacklist for getting my computer science degree
>2000 applications with no interview
>he doesn't make $3,000/mo living in a box truck while living next to the homeless drug addicts anyways
>get diploma mill degree to check HR box
>diploma faggots get mad you paid half as much as them
Get a real job?
they won't hire me for helpdesk specialist roles either, i think they don't trust me around computers in any capacity for getting my computer science degree
>>auto scaling, failover, load balanced
how did you implement this?
time to install linux, virt-manager, set up a virtual network with VMs. openwrt router, windows server domain controller, client windows 10 pc...
Terraform. Or, well what do you mean?
Fucking kek normalfags are such absolute retards. Nice friend bro.
Ah yes, plumbers don't commute at all and never have to deal with fecal matter on a daily basis.
Almost finishing my first month at this job. First tech job too, with no experience. Prior to that I was a zogbot for 13 years and worked as an infantryman. Like the good goyim I am the only experience I have is a home server, a resume I polished the fuck out off and a degree in cybersecurity from AMU I never finished and instead decided to switch to math and philosophy instead. Currently got my network + scheduled for December after taking some of the prep courses from AMU, which were nice. They taught the basics. I’m doing good bros, the job doesn’t pay much but there’s tons of opportunities, no secret clearance (can’t get a gov job anymore because it’s highly competitive) but they have tons of NDAs I had to sign prior. The insurance is great and we have to work in the office due to the tech we utilize. My coworkers are also other vets but from different fields, more technical ones and former commissioned officers unlike myself. Two roasties and two cool dykes are in my team, the rest of them are normie vet officer bro that like shit anime like myheroacademia and one piece. I have not revealed my true power level yet and everyone’s engaged or getting married, except for one roastie. So I lied to them and told them I am engaged, but the truth is I just finished an affair with a 44 year old roastie with 4 kids. I have no other dating prospects nor talk to women. So now, they’re having a get together in two weeks, and I said “my fiancée and I will go” what do I do bros? I just downloaded tinder, bumble and okcupid. If else fails, should I just hire a call girl to play pretend?? If I fail at this job it’s literally over for me and I am trying to play office politics.
Eastern Europeans have cultural issues. The post-Soviet mindset results in them pretending everything is okay when it is actually a complete trash fire, in an attempt to fix everything before anyone finds out and save face. They don’t react well to criticism or openly discussing structural issues. They also often just lack any experience in making anything good because fuck all good products come out of those countries.

t. gamedev that worked at a Polish company. It was based at first but the cultural problems eventually came to light. The shittiest code I’ve ever seen came from that place and the designers had extremely limited taste in games.
It's getting better with newer generations.
Space Marine 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 was made by Russian devs, AFAIK
having unit tests does not mean the software has been tested
if anything, projects with large unit test suites are less tested on average because the unit test suites give a false sense of security even though they do absolutely nothing
Yeah well my friend, a designer, works at a Russian game studio and they sound like the biggest pile of mongaloid I’ve ever heard of. I wonder how much of the staff on those two games are actually American/Western European.
Google loves Temu and AliExpress
>Russian game studio
No wonder, Russians are notoriously bad managers.
Could be because the managers are still generally from the older USSR-born generation, while devs themselves were born after USSR stopped existing.
>c++ job
>no gayming
What kind of job should I look for
I don't want to build websites anymore...
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Everyone I work with is a massive retard.
You'll fit right in!
Post a redacted image of your resume.
Classic enlistie problems. Also, how is life working for RTX/LM/Elbit?
Just say she can't make it due to being sick that night, travelling for work, etc. In a few months tell them that you two split up. Don't overthink this.
>only 20K in income taxes
Which state? Are you doing any tax optimization?
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Today I had to write typescript and it gave me the hives
God I HATE static typing
t. ruby dev
Really hard to keep talking with my unemployed friend.
Very bitter and obviously jealous of everyone else in our circle. Has had a few interviews here and there, but continually bombs them and refuses to study or lie about experience like everyone else does.
Is this how all you unemployed losers are like too? Starting to think the market isn't bad, we just have a bunch of delusional retards.
The market is certainly worse than a few years ago but it's still easy to find a job if you're competent. It'll still take a few months but if one's been unemployed half a year or longer then it's them, not the market.
I think it's both
right now the company I'm working for is just straight up not hiring juniors because market conditions but also because the current generation of post covid grads is awful
genuinely some of the worst new grads I have ever worked with
>massive expectations for salary and benefits
>job hops to insane degrees (not even 1y rule)
>not humble at all, thinks their stuff is perfect and everything else is shit
>as shit as always except now it feels like most just gave up on learning and treat their role as a chat gpt async client
>despite all of this they turn around and give the whole "junior job roles should have no requirements and train you on the job actually :)" spiel online
/r/cscq ruined an entire generation of programmers
What language should I write my work in to avoid having “support transferred to offshore team” aka having my work poached by jeets? I figure it be anything too esoteric. I was thinking C++
C, Haskell, Common Lisp
Fucking erlang
Clojure, C++, COBOL, hell even Go
>second biggest client's contact has expired
>no new one negotiated

Oh no...
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>blue wants more jeet immigrants to put me out of a job
>red wants more jeet immigrants to put me out of a job (legally)
I just wanted to play with computers man
Another day passed when I did nothing except opening an IDE and writing a daily report in slack. Comfy as fuck but the job is underpaid and I'm afraid of losing any remaining skills at this rate
the absolute state of boomers
So what is keeping me from being employed on an LLC made by a family member and just adding it as experience?
nothing but your conscience
>finish big project after crunching for a month
>it passed uat and is ready to be deployed
>whole team is now just kind of relaxing and dialing it back a couple notches as the holidays approach
I love this time of year desu
Nothing. But larger companies have decent background checking and will probably sniff that out.
you've just made me livid. I hate the troon who designed this crap so fucking much
Both Blue Team and Red Team work for big business (big jew)
In a democracy you have no options and you have no ability to petition the government. It's the most perfected form of tyranny that has ever been created.
kek literally how? did all his tickets just get reassigned?
angular or the attached caps?
The job market is depressing right now bros.
Chatgpt hides the insertion caret until after you type the first character now. I freaked out and spammed the left mouse button because I thought Firefox hanged again.

Now I'm in a bad mood.
The only time I've used the office printer is to print sheet music to take home so I don't have to set up my own printer.
"I'm currently working at a startup and being paid in equity."

This is all you need to say. It's probably a good idea to have an actual side project you're working on to go along with that.
Just rdist the output of .dump into a local sqlite.
It's not just Russians. Pretty much everyone from the Soviet bloc except maybe the Polish make for some of the worst managers human possible. As devs they are often pretty good, the issues >>102663687 pointed out are largely a result of not letting non-sovs have enough authority to overrule them.
>hire junior
>do no training
>do no managing
>never interact with him
>blame the junior and fire him
How's that working out for you? I bet that one guy isn't getting paid enough to cover doing the work of five people.
Indeed also has the majority of those 80 relevant positions being fake.
and that's why instead you hire people with 5yoe for a junior wage.
This. Soviet descendants whether they're Russians, Ukrainians, Polish and whatnot were raised in the authoritarian households. They don't match Western culture.
Where does someone with 5yoe go for a non-junior wage?
you see everyone must be completely trained on everything so they can fit every requirement of every role and hit the ground running.
holy FUCK I hate job hunting in this shit hole
Hire to fire. Amazon monkeys are notorious for doing that.
This schizo is still here posting about the imaginary blacklist he thinks he's on?
It's just a meme, a lot of people get fucked because they rush their degree in 1 term and end up knowing jack shit and have 0 internships, then other people actually use the extra free time to actually learn more relevant stuff and work on projects.
Yeah those are illigal. If you actually think you're on one you can sue and get a ton of money.

That's why big companies don't allow people to even give references. They just have an external contractor tell new companies when your start/stop dates were.
Thank you


They are 'jeet tier desu
If you cared about software quality you'd be using vim/asciidoc/python/git and not goyslop from Microsoft.
oh sure, just use fucking VIM and asciidoc for over 1,000 office workers used to using Outlook, Word and excel, I'm sure it will be fine!

do you even work in tech? you can't be this retarded
Can a retard who got a bachelor's in comp sci get a job like you?
Theoretically speaking, if I wanted to leak some embarrassing information from my company to the public in order to shit on some jeets, how well would I fare against a Data Loss Prevention software like CrowdStrike Falcon ?

From what I could find on the internet, it's only monitoring for HTTP(S) egress and (maybe) USB devices, however it doesn't seem like there's much information about its DLP capabilities on the internet.

I already planned most of it, I'm packing the sensitive information into an archive with a password, breaking the archive by replacing the first 4096 bytes and backing the bytes up separately, putting the sensitive broken file inside another archive that has legit files, etc. I only need to figure out the exfiltration part. Not sure if I'm overdoing it.
Like I said. *If* you (plural) cared about software quality. No one cares.
I think posting about it on an internet forum might be your weak link
I like to think of it as job security. Show the upper managers that kids can't do anything any they can't replace the seniors. They're an easy scape goat.
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>manager expects me to babysit new hires, solve bugs on legacy code, be in charge of developing new features and also keep an eye on designer's work
Either this guy is retarded, thinks I'm god or have a very wrong idea of my salary
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>four separate stand up meetings every day where i have to say i'm doing nothing
they're going to catch onto me soon
you are doing research and developing critical skills (like posting to 4chan)
I'm like three months in at this point.
Usually your boss will start bitching around six months unless you're at a small company. It's so fucking hard to find motivation when both the carrot and stick are made of cardboard.
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How do you guys exactly put tech skills on your resume ? You can go in details about what've you done in your previous jobs for some (AD user management etc...) problem is that if I do that for all of them my resume looks like a block of text, and just putting skillsbuzzwords at random mean nothing (If I put Docker for example it can go from "I know how start docker xyz service" vs "I can build one from scratch"), what's the best way to do that ?
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>Hey, Anon!

>It was great connecting with you. Shoot me over your resume when you get a chance and I'd be happy to discuss the helpdesk >role further.

>Thank you,

>Hey, Anon!

>Are you free today to grab some coffee tomorrow to discuss the role further?

>Thank you,

do I even go? who the fuck wants to "discuss over coffee" for a help desk role. I may be an unemployed sysadmin but I'm not exactly jumping for joy over the retail version of IT.
I'm desperate for my first swe job, at this point I can't afford to care about conscience.
Bonus points if he posted this from his work computer.
>unironically nothing to do today
>still have to show up to the office
utter waste of gas
if they actually cared about being carbon neutral like in all the advertising material then they’d abolish RTO
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>get on LinkedIn
>scroll through jobs
>filter for specific cities and remote jobs
>save jobs to apply to later
>come back and look at them again
>jobs outside of my target cities
>jobs changed from remote to hybrid or on-site
I hate these bait and switch motherfuckers
Yes, rent seeking is how people stay rich. Retard.
You have to make use of buzzwords and also specify what you did with your knowledge and what positive impact it had. Ex.:

>Designed and created Docker compose files for the fast execution of Anon's Web Application encapsulated in stateless containers
Do two columns. (I write mine in HTML and manually set the column breaks with block divs to do this.)
Inside the skills section I break it down into categories (programming languages, linux programming, embedded, web programing etc.)

I target some European sized paper with zero margins because you get an extra inch or so. Everyone bitches about it but hires me anyway.

It's better to break out the most important stuff first and put that at the very top IMO. Even if it means you repeat a couple things.
Why are you filtering by city if it's remote?
LinkedIn is fucking useless. Complete waste of time IMO.
He meant
>filter to specific cities + remote
I look for remote only positions and then hybrid/on-site jobs in specific cities I'm interested in.

It's pissing me off. That's what I think of the damn site.
I’ll take the worldwide standard over your made up 1970s wannabe workflow stack thanks
I made an account when I was ~17 because boomers said I needed it. Then I realized just looking at things can spam all your professional contacts and never opened the site again. The thing itself is a scam and it will only be full of the kinds of desperate people that tolerate that which isn't helpful.
Python and git are Naughts software. They're newer than Word by almost two decades.
What is the difference about saying you got a wage over saying you got paid in equity?
every “industry insider” my professor brought in to talk about the job market made it sound like people without linkedin are unhireable
i should’ve caught on to the fact that these cretins actually charged the school consultant fees and were from local literallywho shops riding the meme train back in the NFT boom
Anyone can sell equity in their startup. It's worth nothing. So if you're working on a side project you haven't monetized you're not even lying.
Got it thanks, and what about if you're targeting European / remote companies that don't use the American format of resume, how would you guys go about it ?
i make $2800/m because i'm turd worlder
not indian, south american
it's actually somewhat decent down here
I don't know why you would target European companies. That seems silly.
Got dual citizenship, might as well use it
lmao arHentina tier
Nope. It's not that big of a company and the entire infosec team is full of jeets, they ain't scouring internet posts for this kind of thing. I was just wondering if someone here works with CS Falcon and knows the extent of its DLP capabilities, everything I looked up was behind locked down whitepapers, marketing puff pieces, and that sort of thing that provides no actual technical information

Cringe redditors say it only monitors HTTP(S) egress and USB stuff, but the posts are 7 months old
I guess there are fewer niggers over there.
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I can relate, anon, but
>saving money
>buying a car
If it's a one-way trip, max out a bunch of credit cards and rent your dream car to drive off a cliff. Not your problem!
Its pretty weird how my friends in SA got their jr. jobs before even graduating, they are actually just making software, learning on the job, having fun, etc...

meanwhile here in the US we have to dance like little monkeys for 4 years to get a useless paper, then graduate with a huge fucking debt and be unneployed for years until some fucker gives you a chance.
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I'm pretty sure sooner or later I'm gonna get fired for talking back to upper management but I just can't help it, I have zero respect for authority figures that do not respect the rules they set.
I'm fleeing to Brazil when they announce the draft for the next middle eastern war.
same, earning $4k/m south american as well
yeah lol, it's chill. of course with lower pay comes lower stress, less competitiveness, etc. my first startup job i got it because i made a plain html blog thingy with flask and mongo and that impressed the ceo enough, in 2019.
What's your tax rate? Because that's not much less than what I make after taxes and """health insurance."""
>I don't know how you guys do it.
Lol I'm not doing it I just watch YouTube and shitpost all day. When I feel like maybe I should do something I go to a bar and spend an hour hacking together a half assed PR.

There's no reward for being capable so just enjoy what you can.
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I seriously hope no ones working on Rosh Hashanah
Man I kinda envy you all. I really don't care about being paid peanuts I just want to work making software.
mad true. I joined a company and saved their ass for a year straight while their other staff sat around or slept through meetings. my reward was being on the chopping block because I spoke up about it.
How many more scout badges is it going to take to escape help desk
you could easily get a job in my area with these bro wtf are you doing?
NTA but I have all of those and I'm not even getting interviews for min. wage helldesk
No tax here, my country doesn't have regulations for remote workers (yes, it's THAT SHIT)
helpdesk is going to be blown up by ai voice shit.
Where are you looking for job offers?
I have only been working help desk for 6mos and before that I worked at costco which paid much better and had better benefits.
linkedin and indeed.
that's good bank, i'm hoping get a raise to 4k next year. hope you're saving and investing, piss easy to live under 1k down here.

i know a few americans working here. it's not china-tier "white monkey" where they hire you for nothing but since it's a smaller pond, if you can't make it in the usa you could make it down here.
>hope you're saving and investing
yup, thanks for the advise anon, got an apartment on airbnb that give me the extra moneys
Ai voice isn't going to be able to understand the retards who call help desk and describe a router as their tvs cable box and think a firestick is the remote control itself. I had a guy who had plugged a firestick into a roku tv and had lost both remotes the other day.
So you're actually ahead of a lot of Americans then.
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come to dc...and once you get security clearance you get 120+ easy
You need to work on your linkedin profile.
The people responsible for of giving you a chance knows next to nothing about tech. You don't have to impress the tech lead or the senior dev, you have to aim for the normie audience.
I only have some meme udemy certificates and after doing some research and actually reading a book about how to improve your linkedin presence I started getting offers and now I work as web dev for one of the top companies in my country.
lol you wish. the boomers and morons in my office cannot put batteries in their mice. how will AI do that? How will ai kiss the as of c-suite fags? they need people to boss around and ai won't cut it.
But then you have to live in dc, a nigger infested statanic swamp
why are you doing home "it" support like this? are you an indian working for amazon?
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the commonwealth of VA is right across the river (where I live)
It seems like Alexandria had some major White flight since Ieft. That or a ton of spics and niggers moved in.
That's not really an improvement. Especially NoVA which is everything wrong with DC but somehow also lamer.
When my previous job changed from a simple phone tree to an AI voice assistant satisfaction with the callers went down by a fuckton and management blamed the phone representatives not educating the callers on how to communicate to the AI voice, then when they made mandatory to educate them, it went down even lower. Then they blamed the callers for not apologizing for their experience, then they finally started the talks about reverting the changes after a year.
It's just suburban sprawl with Asian ghettos and White flight for miles and miles and miles.

It is easily the most stressful and depressing part of Virginia while also managing to be the most expensive.
I work for Telcos and they have "cable tv" which in todays era means an app on a firestick with liscenses to stream live televison networks. Boomers are the only people who buy cable tv so it doesn't go very well because they are too stupid to understand the concept and the type of person to watch tv in the first place is already a little slow in the head. Old niggers understand how streaming works better than older white people do because they at least know you can use tubi or pluto or a digital antenna to get free shows if you have to watch ads anyway. Ypu still hear their smoke detectores beeping but they at least knowthe core concept of streamimg. Boomer white people are pants on head retards with their brains completely rotten from 50 years of watching sports being their primary recreational activity. The more fun calls are the fixed wireless ones where I notice the tower outages or misallignment or that a printer (always hp) is acting as rogue dhcp
Virginia fucking sucks. I would never live anywhere on the east coast again having lived in Maryland and seeing how shitty everything from new york to sc is.
Maryland is even worse. It's just redneck Indianhead or nigger Baltimore with practically nothing in between except fucking Bethesda which is entirely populated by glowniggers.
Also none of retards know how to drive.
You're brown
stop addressing my briefs directly on a public forum
yeah that's ok. they don't have to.
I was basically in Delaware and lived in Northeast so I went to the microcenter near king of prussia, went to cowtown in new jersey, went to hershey, went to the gay "beach" in delaware, went to sheandoah, went to niagara falls, went to nyc, went to myrtle beach, went to charlotte, obviously went to dc, baltimore. I'm from Arizona and overall I hate the east so much its fucking unreal. I would rather live in new mexico than virginia and if you have been to new mexico you would know what an insult that is. Most of all I hate the trees. You always feel like you're trapped inside there because visibility when driving is never over a quarter mile and on either side you're blocked into a hallway like the borders of an n64 game. Then there is the clouds which are constant and opressively low adding to the feeling of clastrophobia. I would rather live in the panhandle plains of texas north of amarillo than on the east coast.
Finally got a job for a decent company bros, 50% wage increase from current shitty one, hope the company I'm leaving burns to the ground, piece of shit manager classical case of "nobody is irreplaceable" but got mad when I told him I was out. Been looking since January and even applied to shittier companies, but glad those ended up in nothing.
can't get a tech job and can't get a minimum wage job at the supermarket either
might as well kill myself at this point
I'm in a demo for a product with this indian lady explaining it to me and I think I'm getting a crush on her when she rolls her R's
Bros is it retarded to make something that would treat excel files as ui for database? Is it even practical to make? Company is obsessed with Excel and won't be divorcing it anytime soon.
>200 applications for 2 vacancies in my local walmart
its joever
I don't know but I want to watch
>Company is obsessed with Excel
World's most popular database software.
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>Unfortunately [company] haven’t shortlisted you for interview on this occasion – there’s no negative feedback and they liked your CV, but have progressed candidates who are more experienced and/or have domain knowledge.
How do I overcome this hurdle? I've gotten replies like this more times than I can count.
>Remote branch is two commits ahead
>Most of all I hate the trees.
What the hell?
What do you even want a job for? At this point all they're good for is getting your mom to stop bitching at you for being unemployed.
Keep trying bro. It always feels desperate but it's numbers game and to win you need to keep playing.

Me now is thankful to me from the fast that he didn't give up.
Get a 'tech job' working for some boomer's small company. It will be barely above minimum wage, but it wall help a lot on your resume.
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im done wasting my 20s sitting in front of my computer for 14 hours a day i need money to move out and do shit
>Need to get projects on my GitHub
>Never motivated to finish personal projects unless they're coom-related
I have read so many of these emails that I no longer feel anything. I know its bullshit, either the job didn't exist or they are politely telling me I'm shit.
can you eurobros stop applying to our tech positions already?

we already looked into it and while you guys would be a lot cheaper the amount of red tape and other BS it would take to hire one of you is just not worth it, emigrate or work in your own damn countries and don't waste our time.
Does your job listing actually say "US ONLY"?
You'll just be sitting by yourself in front of a computer wasting your 20s.
no, it's not US only, just no EU which I don't think they are allowed to say
>ANON SIR this is URGENT please explain why build is crashing
>explain why in a reply
>the next day
>point him to the previous email cordially
>motherfucker immediately tags my boss
They constantly block your view so it doesn't matter where the fuck you go because it all looks the same. Camping in shenandoah was just camping in the same fucking trees as in my backyard. Then the 'scenic overlooks' where they cut the fuckers down only provided maybe 3 miles of view onto you guessed it more dilapitated ugly houses just like you see everywhere else there. Nothing to see here folks. In my state you can go through 4 biomes and 8,000 ft of elevation change in a few hours and there are constantly changing distant views unsoiled by habitations. The east is disgustingly overpopulated and the people there don't know it. Pennsylvanias "farmlands" were like of disneyland made a tinytown version of nebraska. I'm talking 2 acre cornfields and houses no further than 1/4th a mile from one another surrounded by more grain storage than they could possibly produce for some reason
Yeah the Midwest is definitely better. I miss living there.
Finally got an offer, almost double of what I was getting paid before. Getting laid off honestly was good because it gave me 2 months of being unemployed to grind leetcode and system design
I really needed the time I spent unemployed.
During my weekly coffee get together someone (who didn't know what happened) said I looked way healthier all of the sudden.
I haven't shared this knowledge about myself before, maybe you are the schizo.

Dat WGU blacklist irrespective of knowledge or projects doe.
>Ok it's fixed, just make sure you don't [do thing] again or it will break
>[does thing]
>Bros is it retarded to make something that would treat excel files as ui for database?
It is not, and that already exists, it's called CSV, there are database adaptors for it in such way that you can query the CSV as if it was a real database table.

The only concern here is the race condition in which the file gets updated by multiple users at the same time, that's normally handled by the database engine. IDK how the JDBC -> CSV connector works, I presume it uses a locking mechanism which you can implement yourself.

The other way around would be to make an Excel plugin that connects to an actual database engine and query the data as if it were, IDK, MySQL Workbench. I'm not versed in Office/Excel plugin development but I presume it won't be easy but pretty fun to say the least

My aplogies for my autistic post
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the work force is filled with hyper extroverted mega normies who enthusiastically went to college and do gay shit like that all day.
Deluded take. It's only true when retards think an easy metric like "coverage" is something to shoot for
I could have sworn excel actually had a button that would let it connect to most SQL databases.
You can import data from SQL Server but you can't access it and modify it live
Many such cases.
>be me
>junior dev
>pick up a story
>raise a PR, pretty simple
>minor comments about efficency
>make improvements
>senior rejects the PR
>says I must make code change in specific code they wrote
>ask why
>I get...reasons I don't understand since they're about stuff I haven't touched yet
>make changes
>breaks a bunch of stuff
>senior tells me I'm just not doing it right
>blocked for a while
>carry on with other stuff
>manager wonders why it's blocked
>says my way is better
>revert changes
>approves the PR himself
>senior holds a grudge for 3 months
Why are people so petty? None of my PRs get approved the same day anymore. I get a bunch of nonsense nitpicks too that just waste time.
Unironically, how did this happen? How did the quintessential introvert/autist/schizoid field of work get invaded by people forcing socialization?

You are all retarded. Good tests are valuable and provide a level of insurance against future fuckups. Changing untested code also doesn't mean that adding tests isn't a really good idea

The only people who rail against tests are bitter software testers and lazy developers
Is it normal to not have tasks? I work remotely and sometimes I may not have a task for a week. I work like 2-3 days most weeks. I'm worried I might get laid off.
dang that's crazy. i just hit approve.
I'm in the same situation. What's the best course of action? should I raise a complain to my manager and ask for work?
>Is it normal to not have tasks?
>I'm worried I might get laid off
You probably will be eventually.
Make the most of it while it lasts.
>reading a book about how to improve your linkedin presence
what book? any tips you have?
in my experience, every dumb fuck who harps about muh linkedin are either working for literallywho webslop fronts or recruiting on behalf of one.
t. fagman
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If I have a job but am looking for a different one, do I use this thread or the other one?


If I have a NATO clearance can I just move to the US and make bank? Is this true?
these are even more scammy than H1B postings, these are 100% only posted due to union rules and are 100% going to go to some specific retired military officer and the job position was created specifically for him.
Read my post (the first one) again
>You probably will be eventually.
You mean that in a general sense? Or because of my current workload?
In my new company, new colleagues are often crudely commenting on the beauty of the ladies walking around.
It makes me feel very uncomfortable.
You just die or settle for retail, help desk, another field. The industry is stuck in a void of catch-22s because obviously you can't get experience without being given an opportunity to get said experience, and they want you to have that experience in order to get the job that will give you that experience.
I don't know how actual cable providers work, plus I'm Canadian so Bell (not just the #1 market share holder but also most other cable is just their services rebadged) and they still use set-top boxes. Granted, they do effectively work as an oversized firestick, but still.

But yeah to get back on point, the only people who still pay for cable are boomers who are slow in the head (even crack-addled over-aged contractors just get firesticks or roku TVs off of amazon already) and bar operators who NEED to get the full suite of actual first party ESPN channels for high profile games that aren't streamed on other services and have exclusive rights to the commentators.

I tried briefly to break into AV and IT "consulting" for service industry here, and that was the hurdle, every time. No matter what, it falls back to "some boomer is going to come in, ask for channel 616 by name and number to watch the Blue Jays game, you'll have me put on some stream but it won't have the right banner at the bottom, so they'll get mad and leave"

I know of one (1) bar that just said "fuck it" and got a roku box, and I've seen both sides. the younger crowd likes being able to put on literally any show they want, but boomers tend to order one beer and then seethe and leave in a huff when they can't get sports.

that functionality was shifted to Access 10,000 years ago and Access is deprecated in favor of whatever Azure thing replaced it. Access was basically just SQL Server for HR Roasties and afaik could connect to real SQL Server in a two-way fashion but Access is dead and gay
>meme thinkpad and new work laptop came in on the same day
it's a good day bros, wagmi
i'm a linux sysadmin and devops monkey, i want to change company
what IT jobs should i look for? is everything still moving to le cloud or what else is hot right now?
bait or pathetic homosexual
anything that pretends to be AI but doesn't require a math degree
If you want to get a menial job, you'll have a much higher chance at places that aren't popular.
>went to college
>got the degree
>got the tech job
>got *this* close to killing myself after 8 years
>picked up a welding course because why not
>absolutely love it

I should have taken the trades pill. Yes, this stuff will probably fuck my lungs/body before I'm old, but damn it's so cool to make something REAL for once. I'm getting out of tech the moment I can.
Some dubfucks have not much else going in their life besides their job, so they take everything there very personal.
>min clearance: ts/sci with poly
lol that's the highest one
Don't you have a hobby, into which you can invest time
and from which you can extract enjoyment?
you are hiring retards. A new junior that just on boarded today's submitted a pr for a easy ticket I give them.
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Is using an icon other than a headshot of yourself for whatever messenger you use at work considered unprofessional?
Also I have to lead another large project with people that don't understand the framework or tools soon and I'm getting closer to just snapping any time someone doesn't try to figure out something on their own for once or clearly just doesn't look at the logs that state the exact reason something didn't work
People like your senior are very common, and you will never win against them without outright bypassing them. The only solution is to place yourself in a position as far away as possible from him. Inevitably he'll end up chasing every other employee away from that part of the codebase. You don't act that petty without anyone and everyone hearing people shittalk you behind your back 24/7 either. Best to keep out of the blast radius
There's a guy in our reasonably large company who literally uses an MLP icon. I have to wonder what is going through his head. I'd never use anything other than my face for that
I never put my headshot in mine. I don't fucking care, send HR if it's a problem.
prolly eks
Yes it's still seen as unprofessional, but there's increasing use of generic non-furry cute stuff. Less "my fursona but sfw" and more "2008 era XBLA profile pics"

Most people I see just leave it as the default for whatever the platform is, or maybe a company/department icon.

Entropy Kaos Service!?
>t get off on being as meticulous and pedant as possible. i
sex them
i have no idea how to break into the security field
currently in hell desk and every entry level position requires a security clearance... that i can't get until i get the job
what the fuck?
the power is still out... it's hot... i miss my scrums...
security in general does not require a clearance.
only positions i see locally hiring that entry level stuff is government adjacent, so that would explain it i guess
a lot of employers demand it because they either
>did one government contract once in 1977 so they think any new hires will need it JUST IN CASE
>are retards who don't understand what security clearances are or mean and just think it means you aren't a felon and won't steal pens
Just rip it off
It was designed to be resistant against the typical effemiante urbanite
Any person with minimal strength training or any active hobby which utilizes arms should be able to tear it off easily
>just think it means you... won't steal pens
i look down on them smugly from my mountain of stolen G2 pens and AAA batteries
>absolutely love it
Let's wait 8 years, shall we?
There are 2 types of Polish managers
>control freak retard who believes management is about gaslighting employees and mobbing them into delivering KPIs with no regards to quality
>literally the best manager you ever had, will literally do nothing but commit all the time they can to helping you find your own way to overcome every issue you might have and fist-fight anyone including the CEO if they try to drop some bullshit task on you

Had 4 of them by now and I met NO ONE in between. I feel like it really depends if you get a millenial/boomer who never really left the soviet union mentally or an actual human being raised primarily post the fall of USSR.
This matches my experience with Polish devs as well
if I switch from swe to devops can I switch back ?
goddamn that's pretty much my case. team leader my ass.

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