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Separate but equal edition

Do not talk to the police without a lawyer.

>How to write a resume
What are you, gay?

>Salary Stuff
Is what would be here if we needed such a thing.

Don't disclose your current cash reserves to anybody. Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.

>People who will be joining us shortly

>Helpful YouTube Channels
Don't exist.
based thread
hilarious thread
have a you op
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Are you comfy tonight, /utwg/?
I'm watching Kamen Rider Faiz this weekend
Hello I have A JOB.
Good for you but this is the unemployed general.
Hello sars... I'm coming up on 1 year 4 months unemployment. I got laid off from my 1st job out of college at a shitty small company because my manager got a stroke. I lost my VISA I lost my car, I think about killing myself everyday.
Your first experience wasn't enough to get another job?
finally a thread for me
I'm not a tech worker but I'm curious about semi conductor manufacturing so I read a book about it at the library. Already filtered at the start. I wanna keep trying to read more about it, more about microelectronics or electrical engineering, I have time. I have this fantasy where I end up being a technician at a semiconductor plant especially with the CHIPS act in place, and if there may be more of this work in the US in the future, I want to take advantage. I don't know what else to do, but I guess I'll keep reading about it at least. I learned: transistor comes from transfer resistor.
why would you voluntarily work at a chip fab? margins are thin, pays like shit, hours are long. you don’t even have job security since everyone and their mom gets dibs on CHIP money, even companies that are in the process of hollowing out their US offices and offloading everything to india and china.
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Is tech dead? 9 months since graduation and no job.
>go to a career fair
They will just tell you to apply online, they're only there for advertisement.
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We are going to find that goddamn job boys!
You didn't try to find any internship before graduating?
Trust the process
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Now this is a thread I can get behind
>Go to good school
>Get a job in cyber security
>Making $180,000 a year
>Cousin joins a plumbers union
>Made $100,000 last year he says
>I lord over him because his job is shit and makes less than me
>I got laid off 8 months ago
>E.I has ran out
>Im using my savings to pay off my mortgage now
>Shits getting tough
>My mom calls me said she spoke to my aunt
>My cousin is doing fly in-fly out work in some gold mine in the North West territories
>Apparently he is going to make over $200,000 this year

Bros, Canada has actually become the south park "they took our jobs memes". So many jeets working for pennies in tech meanwhile trade unions are only hiring Canadians. How pathetic would i be if i ask my cousin to get me into the union?
Any network engineers here?
How do I break into the industry, network automation has killed entry level switching & routing.
Currently working on CCNP definitely planning on going through automation focus.
My uni fucked me by not giving me predicted grades literally passed all the technical and behavioural tests for manga for half of them to only fail admin test ffs hate this life not even my fault
It's beyond over
My first experience was less than a year. And I only had 60 days to find another job.
Finally, a thread I can relate to.
I thought about responding to this with useful information, but you clearly have a bad attitude so it would just be wasted on someone like you
come on unemployed people
You'll be the hero of the neighborhood
Nobody knows that you left for good
You deserve this for being shitty. We can all make it but you had to be a faggot.
We’re all gonna make it!
I made it, but it took me a while since I had to go back to uni to get degrees. But I made it in the end.
Retards are unemployed because they are lazy. Do you really think they will even notice this thread?
Also, on related news:
>implying that not-lazy people lurk 4chan all he time
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How do I transition from collecting unemployment to just collecting gibs? I would like to collapse the system through non-participation, fuck working tech or anything else.
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I'm going to quit my job on January and spend most of my time reading, writing, fishing and drinking.
I have no idea what I'm going to do when my savings run out and honestly I don't care.
i have to interview s1 for a tech screen (im the interviewer). i have 30 mins for tech qs. what kind of questions do you think are fair to ask for that format? its over zoom
There is tons of need for people that can configure network gear, problem is there aren't really "network engineers" anymore, that shit is now just shoved into helpdesk roles along with regular sysadmin shit. Entry level IT is a shitshow and they've blurred the lines of support levels into a generalized clusterfuck.
>. And I only had 60 days to find another job.
are you actually indian
>There is tons of need
not him but experience has taught me to eye any claims of a job market "need" with extreme suspicion.
Crypto degenning and launching shitcoins (with cool websites) is the only thing that has been sustaining me but I wish I had an actual job.
How do you launch a shitcoin?
I'm not even angry that I'm unemployed, I'm angry that I could have been employed at any point in tech in the last 16 years but my relatives somewhat convinced me that I had to go clean toilets or work in a call center, so I spent 16 years getting incredibly good webdev skills, doing projects with users, freelance gigs, etc and never getting a job.
It's fucking weird and this post will not even make sense to you, I know, but I had to write it sorry.
Lol yeah I get it. My relatives are the same.
>You know that skill you've spent most of your adult life getting good at?
>You know, the skill that has historically made you a lot of money.
>Yeah fuck all that, why don't you try pet sitting instead?
same deal but it was my own idea.
I'll start my own business at this rate and sell client lists to right wing market researchers for a million dollars and put it in options when the Fed print more money.
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I have gotten like 20+ interviews this month for sysadmin / netadmin jobs and it's all been HR women who interview me for like 15 minutes and then ghost me. Worst part is I can tell they have no idea what the fuck they're interviewing for, because when I tell them my experience and how it relates with the role they give me the fluoride stare. When I usually ask for details on the role, nearly all of them give me the run around of how they're not technical and don't know anything about the role.

Why the fuck are tech jobs gatekeep'd by women who can barely understand Object permanence.
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>It's fucking weird and this post will not even make sense to you

A lot more people in this board know what you're talking about than you think.
I've always had relatives that gave the most retarded advice ever, I just had the fortune of catching the act early.
They would always imply that I'm doing something wrong and proceed to give me really dumb suggestions. That's when I ask them, "Could you do that if I gave you what you need? I could pay you." they always shrink away and switch the subject.
>Why the fuck are tech jobs gatekeep'd by women who can barely understand Object permanence.

Unfortunately, it's a reality.
Good thing is that they're really easy to trick.
If you just keep the technical talk to a minimum and switch the convo up to something they usually like (Travelling, food, babies, etc.) from time to time, you'll get guaranteed second interviews.
Don't be too upset at them, they're slaves to their hormones.
yeah travel food and babies are perfect interview conversation topics
Pick up unity and turn your stories more interractable
It's called having social skills.
Contrary to popular belief, employers likely won't hire you if you don't have any.
What if I have the 'tism?
It's just larpers that don't work in the industry and NEETs having this stereotype than tech workers have zero social skills.
When did you start visiting /g/? I almost ended up working manual labor jobs permanently if it weren't for the kind anon who made an inspiring post ~8 years ago saying that it's possible to get into tech industry without a degree. Before that point, I was totally unaware that it's even possible.
I was always on /g/ (started lurking 4chan in 2007), I feel /g/ made things worse for me with all the shilling for C and academic books that made me feel even more inadequate.
In the end I'm the one that didn't have the confidence to see I was enough and I'm kinda okay that now at least I see how stupid I was and WHY I was so stupid. Took me a long time to understand why I couldn't act normal.
Now I can act normal but there are no more jobs lol.
Also it's good to see many anons can understand
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Godspeed you based retard
I honestly hope I get fired in the next round of layoffs, I can’t take this fake and gay industry anymore, thankfully I’ve sold my eternal soul for enough shekels that I should be good for a while
>Now I can act normal but there are no more jobs lol.

I remember a relative and former coworker saying that programming isn't a good job anymore. That was during the late 2000s. But, the market picked back up years later. I think we're going through a similar cycle now.
I don't care if they are not "good jobs" as long as I can pay the bills. After all I lived with less than 10k/year for more than a decade now lol.
Every day I read of people who don't give a shit about programming talking about how they're not satisfied with their salaries that are huge compared to what I could even have imagined (I'm talking about salaries in Italy).
Meanwhile I would be okay with a fair salary.
The problem is that I cannot prove I have any skill at all being that I only did freelancing or my web apps.
I even made a small CRM for the regional government that went into production, working as a full stack dev, but it's like those that hire don't believe it because I'm a freelancer.
I don't understand how to get out of this situation.
My relatives want me to work in either the government or the military
Skip the junior certs and go for the PNPT. Tell offsec to suck your nuts with this new OSCP+ have to renew your cert every three years bullshit.
Something tells me the HR roasties aren't going to agree with this.

Captcha: AVRG
bump best thread
It's something that needs to get done, but no one wants to pay for it at all, and you get what comes with that. You are right to be cautious.
About to join you wankers.
Also cross-posting:

Another anon had great advice, but I'm thinking about it now, and my fucking psychotic boss is probably just going to fire me tomorrow morning.
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Honestly does it fucking matter anymore? I have three of these bullshit cybersecurity certs (didn't pay for) to pass the HR filter + degree and anything with the role "cybersecurity" is automatically overqualified for me by the HR roasties that review my resume.

Though I will say the info in them are pretty good, I use the stuff in the lesson plans on my home network.
HR is the biggest roadblock
is there such any thing as Flask jobs?
>Homie I haven't seen in over a year refers me to a position on his team
>Oh hell yeah, going to get a job, get my homie a referral bonus, and start off with a friend on my shift
>Application asks what I'm looking for in pay (position pay range is $65k - $135k)
>Ask for $130k
>Get interview schedule E-mail reply next day, also gives the pay
>Base salary is $75,000
...are they insulting me intentionally or accidentally?

Anyway I'm about to reply saying I was shooting for $130k lmao. I actually do want this job and am willing to settle for less, but $75k? fuuuuuuuuuck that lmao
What's the biggest pay bump (or benefit or something) you guys have asked for (non-jokingly)? What's the biggest pay bump (or whatever) you guys negotiated successfully?
you WILL take the job and you WILL like it
I feel like these employers want to see some CVEs to my name or some open source tooling/poc exploit code to even consider my resume. I agree that the info is good.
if you can use an exploit why wouldn't you just... steal the money.
The CVE could be something dumb like a DOS vulnerability. If I found something critical that gave remote code execution I would sit on it for a while. I wouldn't steal because that's for niggers.
>>Base salary is $75,000
Might as well take it than remaining a NEET.
>switch the convo up to something they usually like (Travelling, food, babies, etc.)
fuck really?
but how do you actually do that? need a tutorial
> actually thinking you're worth the upper limit
lmao, get fucked loser
You will need some education to get your foot in the door even at a technician level. They're looking for associate's degrees or some kind of certificate that you have, plus 3-5 years experience.
Semiconductor manufacturing is heavily automated, possibly the most automated industry there is, so there isn't a huge number of technicians at these places.
what did the other anon say

tell him its manual labor and you have a chronic health problem like ahtritis idk,something specific to that job. and that if it improves then u can take the offer
say they made a type and that it should be 130k as you conveyed early on. do that in the interview. dont say over email. if thy show up to interview, they are more invested in u
Final interview with a big money role coming up, but I'd have to learn Go if I wind up there. Was hoping to learn a more mainstream language but the market is shit.

1. How is the Go job market? Are my options literally only other big tech companies? (esp. in europe)
2. How shit is the language in the real world?

I took a Ruby role once and really regretted it, don't want that to happen again.
I am in some kind of unemployment/neet cycle I am eternally 6 months away from finishing my degree (only thesis left) so no employer wants to hire me for short term since they think I should be busy with that. But then again I have lots of free time because those 6 months never started in the first place since I wanted work experience and kept pushing it back this has gone on now for 3 years now. Luckily I study complicated chem stuff so I at least have a certificate that says I am not retarded otherwise I cannot understand why people bother interviewing me at all. Also already quite a bit older and they offer very low wages if I were to go work as some student.
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I got a swe job last year with no internships so I want to tell you guys it's possible but the market seems even more shit now
you should have gotten an intern as soon as you got into college
it's too late for you hahahah
lucky nigger.
i also "have" a job but shit could end any day so... shit woke company goin' broke that's all.
after 6 years and a half I started to apply to whatever jobs I find interesting. wishing myself best of luck. bye
Yeah, but you only need to have a general idea of how flask works and good programming skills so they usually label it as "Python Backend Developer".
based thread
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Is it still possible to get jobs without degree now? I really dont want to pay for college,write essay,write thesis or any of that bullshits.
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is it actually possible to apply to 200+ a day like those influencers claim? any of you guys have gotten close? what extensions do you use and how?
NTA but practice, dumbass
>did I ever tell you the definition of insanity
you did the same shit for 20 interviews and expected a different result, just start trying different things and see how they react, I've been practicing for a while but now I only go into technicals if they really push me

when they ask me about previous experience I just harp on about teamwork and solving problems together and cross functionality and effective communication and a bunch of nonsense
I mean it's really easy you can just chain these random buzzwords together and they'll interpret that as a coherent acceptable answer, imo only if they really press should you ever go into anything technical, and even then naming things is usually enough for their checklist
I'm gonna learn java + spring and if I don't get a job it's over
if you are a third-worlder, yes
Java 21+ and recent Spring Boot releases are pretty nice to work with, actually.
Seriously though.
What a shameful period in American history, and they lecture everyone else because they embraced faggottry and think it is a good thing
yeah now that I'm getting into it I see that they're okay. I have no problem with them, it's just that I already had decent skills with laravel and I hate having to learn how to do the same stuff a different way, but there are no jobs here.
I had considered dotnet because at least with C# I would have had access to unity and godot just in case but there are also no dotnet jobs here.
I live in java land and I don't want to freelance anymore, so java will be my next step.
In the end I get the feeling that learning a new stack may not be as difficult as it seems if one studies it seriously and properly.
I hope so.
Yeah, but gamedev pays like shit and crunches like shit.
I hope you arent joking because Im in fact live in a third world country and Im going to find how that will give me a job somehow
I know but I still hold the dream of making a 3d platform and sell it on steam
If you have the same skills than the average SWE from a decent university and can work for much less you won't have trouble finding a remote job.
Solder and mechanic
Are things you can learn from another and then you setup individually
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Europoors where the FUCK do you look for remote work?
In my next interview I have to do a coding assignment. All I know is that it's 20 minutes long and has if/else, loops and arrays. What kind of assignment could it be?
My job has somehow descended into a sales position. I went from doing technical support behind the scenes with little to no customer interaction to being on camera for hours a day trying to convince people to buy this fucking software.

I don't even get paid commission like the faggots on the sales team does. I'm just the tech monkey showing off the software in the grand scheme of things while they collect the big bucks. As soon as I find another job I am quitting with 0 days notice.
I didn't realize this is utwg
what the fuck is this
well, it seems like you gonna be unemployed soon so you are two steps ahead, no?
remember, if you've never had a job you aren't a tech worker
in fact if you don't currently have a job you're not a tech worker
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First time poster. How dumb is learning to code in 2024? Will I never get a job?
it's very dumb
do it because you want to, like the people from nobility that attended university in the enlightenment

the prospects for making money via employment get more grim as every year passes by, the only way to make money for new programmers to start your own company and work for yourself
Won't be nearly as dumb as sinking effort into cybersec.
Source: me
do you even enjoy coding?
I don’t know enough yet to really say for sure because I have never worked on a real project. I do enjoy learning it though and find it satisfying when I figure something out.
I graduate with my computer science degree in 2.5 months. When should I start applying for jobs?
you should have started at the beginning of the semester
then I say continue. worst case scenario you know how to scrap together shell scripts to solve basic computer problem. even if you never get paid for it it's a useful skill
Do places really hire more than a month or two in advance?
yeah, heck you're competing against people that are already interning there
I quit tech work but I had some experience back in school as a jr mechanic to fall back on.
Plus everyone likes FAGMAN on the resume and I was at Amazon. Interviewer (for mechanic stuff) always brings it up in a like 'what the fuck is someone that worked at amazon applying here for' type way. Good foot in the door thing.
fak, okay. At least I'm only a few weeks late
What kind of IT related job can I get if I'm capable of building u-boot from source for a specific SBC and also apply/modify patches written for early versions of the code to newer versions?
you're already more useful than 99% of people in tech
apply for firmware roles
I never understood why faggots think they're going to impress people by claiming they spent 19 hours straight collecting 200 auto-rejections from spamming AI applications to jobs they can't do and are still unemployed
Puritan work ethic is still poisoning American brains I guess
260->300 but that was based off interview performance and I didn't give a fuck
bro I have extensive work experience but my company is going under and I've thousands of applications with barely any interviews

the last interview I got rejected because my profile gave the HR the ick (someone with the same profile was rude to her in the past) no joke
>see wild job posting that cites 16 (!!) different technologies
>Thankfully I have worked with 10 of those, which I believe is the best they'll ever get of a match
>Get an interview with recruiter, think to myself "yeah, they also think that's enough"
>We get in, she says I don't have the necessary experience and that they'll contact me if something pops up
I can't imagine it's literally this over. There's just no way. It's impossible to have all the experience they required, it included: Elixir (plus Phoenix framework), JS/TS (plus half a dozen frameworks like Vue, Angular, Next, Node, etc.), PHP (plus frameworks), and Go (plus frameworks). What's going on? Is everyone just lying on their resumes to the point where this power creep is now normal?
>I got rejected because my profile gave the HR the ick (someone with the same profile was rude to her in the past) no joke
How do you know that?
Also second for women-hating, job finding is torture because recruiters are all retarded sluts.
>because when I tell them my experience and how it relates with the role they give me the fluoride stare
kek, just happened to me today.
HR practices have become so clown in the past years that they are responsible for at bare minimum 50% of the over.
Applying for jobs in 2024 is literally random. Logic like "I match most of the requirements so I'm a good candidate" no longer applies. I guarantee your rejection had absolutely nothing to do with technical qualifications.
Thread for the masses of /g/
>I guarantee your rejection had absolutely nothing to do with technical qualifications.
What's the solution? Looksmaxxing? Hiring a gay black transsexual to pretend to be me? Trying to bribe the HR hoe?
I'm kinda lost here, I cannot imagine they'll find a single candidate with all those qualifications - let alone enough candidates to dismiss me instantly on this interview.
I was left thinking she just showed up to avoid getting a negative review on glassdoor or something.
>Is everyone just lying on their resumes to the point where this power creep is now normal?
Unironically, yes.
I also don't really know how it got to a point where companies are so insecure about their onboarding training that they would turn away anyone for not having requisite experience with a commercial product.

Sure Jessica, reject my resume because I have too little experience with Jira and you have no idea how you'd get me up to speed.
>I cannot imagine they'll find a single candidate with all those qualifications
of course they won't. it will sit open for months collecting resumes while every single applicant gets rejected for reasons ranging from arbitrary to nonexistent and then HR will shrug and say they can't find anybody
if there is a practical solution other than having managerial nepotism who can strong-arm you in (because worker drone referrals don't work any more) I don't know what it is
>How is the Go job market
I think its mainly for infrastructure related work, where im at they mainly use it for the network maintenance applications.
>How do you know that?
the recruiter told me
>How shit is the language in the real world?
you'll love it if you hate ruby, personally I love it
>Is everyone just lying on their resumes
That's not actually a lot if you've been in webdev for any amount of time. I don't have to lie on my resume tho, because I don't even need a resume. I just quit my job. I contacted people I know and my reputation precedes me. I now have two jobs. I have a third one on the way.
my parents want me to be a line cook. they think I'm retarded
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seems like NEETs won this round
When you guys are interviewing what websites do you use for code stuff? What website do your interviewers typically use? Would it be weird if I asked you to share your screen and type stuff into a random python sandbox to see if you had a pulse?
reposting this. i posted it in tech workers general and was referred here:

i am an absolute beginner starting at zero. what cert should i get to work in tech? or what "route" or path should i follow ?
lightly shart myself at work today while i was taking a piss in the urinal. i felt some pressure in my lower intestine but didn't think it was a poop since i had already pooped earlier in the day so i let it out and it ended up being a nasty wet one. bad mistake. went into a stall and cleaned up. luckily it was right before quitting time and it didn't leak through from my underwear to my pants.

working in a mostly empty building is pretty nice sometimes.
A heat rate monitor driver is a bit much.
CompTIA A+
We use Flask at work. No, it isn't a "Flask job". We just needed a quick, simple, and dumb backend for internal use.
At least be decent enough to read the thread before posting. The world doesn't revolve around you and you're not the underdog main character.
I worked in a plant once. They used to call people with sick leave and force them to come in.
well guys it's literally impossible to get a tech job after being a neet for multiple years, and i mean impossible, at this point i might as well kill myself
>Unemployed since April (willingly until like a month ago)
>My financial situation is the only part of my life that's doing fine
My life is a mystery, even to me.

When I need to update my resume but I'm too lazy to write it formally I tell ChatGPT what I did at my job and have it spit out bullet points for me to use. Sometimes it gets it right. Sometimes I laugh at what it says, and then throw it on my resume anyway.
Apparently I was an ELK SME, architect, and instructor. I've even authored comprehensive reports aligned with acronyms I don't know. I think they're security-related. lol
>saying that it's possible to get into tech industry without a degree
I dont think this is possible anymore
Go is uber comfy
you can learn the syntax in a day
idk what its like "in industry" but its my favorite language for personal projects when python doesnt cut it
now this is a thread for me
How do you work at a plant? You just sniff a flower all day?
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>Return to my job after 3 week vacation
>Check my inbox
>A letter from HR
>Anon, We've made some changes to your contract. Your salary has been increased by an additional €800 gross.
Guess they still need me
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I honestly have no idea what's the hard on for having to know EVERYTHING

like apparently me having to learn a new topic for a week or two is taboo in the workplace
I graduated in May with no internships, and only having school projects on my resume. I started off strong in June with constant leetcode, and taking the time to actually learn the coursework I had to rush through during the school year, but towards the end of August I started slacking. I haven’t done shit this entire month and now I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. How fucked am I?
I’m considering working at a WITCH company but I don’t know if it’s worth it. Should I apply regardless due to how fucked the market is?
breaks > burnout
>WITCH company
good morning saar
Yes but only if you already have senior-level experience
Based on my last job hunt at last
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Stay strong /utwg/ anons. I was unemployed and depressed for about a year and a half when i graduated, then i got a job and ive been working for the last 3.5 years.

I know how hard it can be waking up in the morning and feeling like shit. Anxiety, fear, shame, boredom... Started considering suicide every morning.

The only thought that gave me comfort was the idea of "get so good they can't deny you". With programming you can get good by yourself, you don't need anybody, and If you keep getting better, there's just no way you're not going to get a job or figure something out at some point.
Worst case scenario you’re just a little bit rusty. You don’t have the luxury of doubting yourself now anon, just fucking do it. Even if it’s just starting off at 30 minutes a day or something.
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Good quote but it seems Louis Armstrong never said that.
Is leetcode a good thing?
I feel like the industry needs some sort of fraud check to establish that someone can program, and fizzbuzz isn't cutting it anymore.

It does give people whose parents didn't understand how the study hard mathematic 16 hours game is played the ability to make life changing amounts of money without spending 10s of thousands on the most prestigious grad school they can get into (the usual career mulligans in other industries).
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>Is leetcode a good thing?
I have yet to figure out an actual usecase for leetcode. It seems to be only used by companies as circus hoops for entertainment, and you're not allowed to use the internet at all for them.

Like why the fuck else would I study for leetcode when I could just code my own things?
>and taking the time to actually learn the coursework I had to rush through during the school year,
This is the funniest thing about STEM.
It's like "i graduated, now I can finally start learning"
>laid off
You must be a jeet that contributed nothing
the world is fake and gay
make ur own startup

>t. anon who is about to launch mvp with b2b users on the waitlist. cofounders are in cali, im on east coast
It mystifies me as well.
I think it's either boomer middle managers who think they shouldn't train staff ("them lazy kids should pull themselves by their bootstraps!") or dumb HR thots who spent years trying to learn basic maths and think everyone is just like them.
You were unemployed 2018-2020ish, which was pretty close to the golden age of tech hiring.
You have no idea how over it is these days.
>get so good they can't deny you
Over 99% of the time you're auto-rejected on the resume phase. Some youtuber bought an ATS to test it out and it's absolutely retarded, it wouldn't even tag the correct words as important ("Python", "Javascript", etc.) when looking at resumes - instead, it would tag random words like "where", "have", etc.
And if you get to the recruiter call you're far from in. If you give her the ick - which you will, because you're not a 6'6 blond blue-eyed quarterback from a wealthy family - than you won't get through. You think she even knows what you're talking about? You could be there explaining how you solved the unique games conjecture and she'd be thinking of scrolling Instagram and being banged by some Chad.
Got an interview for a position asking for 3-5 years when I only have 1.
pray for me
Taking the chance to apply to jobs while Israel is escalating with Iran.
Hopefully mossad will be too busy to delete my resumes before they reach the recruiter.
congratulations, you took a fake interview. they make these job postings so they have an excuse to hire foreigners that will accept 1/10 the pay of the job you applied for. they have to make it look like they tried getting a "better fit" before they can actually hire that foreigner
>blacks literally without any color

>Some youtuber bought an ATS to test it out and it's absolutely retarded, it wouldn't even tag the correct words as important ("Python", "Javascript", etc.) when looking at resumes - instead, it would tag random words like "where", "have", etc.
That video is bullshit. If he had actually done a deep-dive on a completely broken ATS he would have screenshots or video records of it malfunctioning
He wouldn't just rant about it overtop random stock images
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Maybe the NEETs here should start an OnlyFans.
I can't even afford a decent webcam. The situation is dire.
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I have a second interview tomorrow somewhere that I got referred to by an old coworker. He reached out to me to tell me to send him my resume, and he would forward it to the HR person interviewing. It sounds like what I was doing already at my previous job with this guy, and I'm excited to keep going and hopefully I get it. I've been unemployed almost 11 months now. It was comfy but now I want money again, so I'm glad to be here.

Wish me luck, lads. Best of luck to all of you.
Good luck man, I'm rooting for you. I'm in a comfy life era right now as well but I'm shootin some shots, hopefully something lands.
good luck nigga
only times i've successfully gotten to the interview stage has been through referrals and never normal cold applications
game is fucking rigged
good luck anon, you got it
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>reposted 1 day ago
you fucking niggers that aren't hiring fucking gay cunt
what does it mean when recruiters send automated oa's. is it just to filter out resumes or does someone actually read your resume and send it?
I was in the same boat as you. I was working at nice cyber security job for a silicon valley company. I worked there four years and then they laid me off. Could not find shit and in the end worked for a friend who happened to run a cyber security company.
I don't like to work
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My coworker quits her job to run a cosplay account
So far so good
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>content creator
>It's like "i graduated, now I can finally start learning"
Stop thinking everything revolves around tech or your personal experiences. Literally all degrees are like this, not just STEM.
>worked in tech for majority of my working life
>get laid off
>spent the past 6 months looking for a job
>get an in-person interview
>probably have more experience with this stuff than my interviewers
>get nervous
>completely bomb the technical questions and stumble through the lab
I would be so successful if I didn't get in my own way, maybe I deserve to be here.
That's not your coworker, larper.
wish i did engineering instead of tech.
Office Ladies are a miracle of the universe.
>had 3 interviews 2 weeks ago
>haven't heard back from any
the japs are lucky. here in the west we just have fat miserable single mothers
After the initial hurdle of finding a sir that doesn't inundate me with AbstractInjectedRepoFactories I must admit Spring and Spring Boot are kinda based.
I should have learned them before.
All my hopes of escaping unemployment now rest on these frameworks.
Hello fellow NEETs
I have 2 years full time experience, about a year part time as a student and a masters
How fucked am I?
Ive stopped working in May and spent whole summer just recuperating cause i was seriously burnt out. Its not that the work is technically hard, but the chaotic work enviroment and asshole coworkers are what gets me
Are there really any comfy jobs in IT with not much stress?
>Are there really any comfy jobs in IT with not much stress?
Remote jobs. But you have to enjoy what you do, otherwise you will end up masturbating all day and getting fired.
I was remote for a while on my last job and it was still stressful sometimes but i feel like it was because of chaos in the company like i mentioned. Mostly it was pretty comfy but its not worth it cause of the stressful days.
I am actually looking for a fully remote job right now. You have any job sites to recommend for that?
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Which one of you was this?

Dare I say, based.

>I haven’t done shit this entire month and now I’m trying to get back into the swing of things
only a month?
is sec+ a bad cert now
i've graduated, can't find any work, i'm gonna try to get a sec+ to maybe get an l1 jeet support position
It's not bad, it's just nothing special.
At best it's a bonus on your resume. A "Nice to Have", if you will.
shit, pray for me
i'm hoping it will make me at least get a callback instead of automated refusals
You do realize getting an internship now is just as difficult as getting a job in tech right?
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It's over
>entry-level wage
>for a 10 yoe (required) role
>for a framework that has only existed for 8 years
I hate recruiters. I bet they even set that up in the ATS, and will only hire those who are lying on their resume.
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Been unemployed for 4 months. I had PLANNED on 3 just to get my health back in order. But now that it's 4, I am kind of a little frustrated I didn't get interviews for a couple of jobs I have the skills for. Whatever.
The HR Stacey's learned enough code to have their ATS system filter you out.
>schedule: after school
>10 years experience
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i wish this was more normalized
is the job market dogshit because companies are planning to fully pivot towards AI tools, hire the best possible talent and pay them top dollah rather than spending it on avg IT coolies?
>AI tools
actual buzzword by corpos that just mean they can lay people off and blame it on technology
>hire the best possible talent
they only hire the HR woman's cousin for IT work sorry
>pay them top dollah
best they can do is $15/hr for a sysadmin
is this the state of things even in massive software companies that employ 10k+ people? I don't get it. Shouldn't the folks at the top be scrambling to hire the top talent and help'em get used to AI tools, ship products faster that are also more reliable and make as much money as they possibly could so as to hopefully own a tiny slice of companies like openAI or the like when it goes public?
>dropped out of college in my freshman year back in 2020 bc covid and personal issues
>dropped all my courses past the drop period in the spring semester (spring 2020), so it tanked my GPA to 1.8
>learned C++ when I was 15 and have been doing personal projects on and off since then
>figure I'll just apply to jobs since Im more skilled than fresh CS grads and it shows on my github
>get 1 interview, but otherwise no luck
>decide to go back to college and finsih my math degree
>have to transfer to an in state school bc the out of state school I went to is way too expensive
>I dont meet the GPA requirements for any public in state school thats not total dogshit
>community colleges would only be useful for elective credits, since Ive already taken (and passed with good marks) math courses beyond the most advanced courses offered at every community college (ie basic stats, linear alg, calc III, diffeq)

>cant get a job
>cant go to college

Im being a little hyperbolic, because I can prob find some dog shit school that offers a math program, but Im so tired and so blackpilled at this point
how fucked am I?
I would put together a very well written letter to whatever state school that is DECENT but not restrictive on admissions and plead with them to let you in and explain your situation on why your GPA tanked and that you're a much better student now. And hope for the best. Otherwise, you're going to have to take some classes at a CC, show you're not a fuck up, and write that leetter again and this time with proof (your CC grades) that you're trying.
>I would put together a very well written letter
do you mean the essay for my application?
I thought letters/emails to admissions have basically no bearing on the admissions decision

I emailed the admissions of one school asking if I should apply anyway despite my low GPA with brief background into my situation and the kike basically just gave me a stock answer about their minimum GPA and told me to go to CC to get my GPA up
It absolutely isn't so maybe try next time (in another life).
I mean, it is a crapshoot and that response you received is what I would expect but sometimes (rarely) people surprise you. What do you have to lose? Sending an email and the application fee and hope for the best. And yea if they require an essay when applying, discussing that might help your chances.
Admissions is a bit more restrictive but when I changed majors they helped me a bit. Put me in a bunch of classes even though I didn't have the prereqs and told me just to take the prereqs sometime that way it'll be on my transcript when I graduate. Saved me a year or so letting me do that.
You probably will have to go to CC and fluff up your GPA.
Just got an invite to coding round, this time its actually with a chink for once, and not a jeet.
Are chinks better interviewers?
>only having school projects on my resume
What kind? My school projects landed me internships, it might not be over for you.
yes. Jeets look at you and dock you 30 points just for not being a fellow jeet.
It absolutely isn't, if you're lazy aim for something at your level. Zero shame in being a janitor or flipping burgers, we need people like that.
ove been a backend engineer for 6 years. should I switch to devops ? seems it's more pay and more chill
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How does the online programmer certification work? Do I have to pay for the course, study with them for a few months and then take the test or can I just study beforehand,pay for the test and get the cert in one day?
from where?
Chinks don't have herd mentality outside chinese companies, where you're only rejected because the team speaks mandarin
Jeets will always try to make their own little kingdom and hire lesser castes
>>>102590290 (OP)
>I don't like to work
I wouldn't know if I even liked it as I have never been employed and got Autism disability income after getting my CS BS. But work does sound unpleasant so why bother, but to kill time I would do something interesting if afforded the chance and I would need at least $50k otherwise there's no incentive not to stay on bux.
I have worked, it's not that good. To be honest, 90% of people in the planet do it for sustenance and nothing else. A very few percentage of people REALLY love their job.

If you want to make money, there are better ways, more efficient and simply better in the long run: business, freelance, selling products, unironically making content, onlyfans, etc.
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Do any of you actually have certs because I got this shit and HR people just ignores it in interviews.
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>get a call from some jeet about a job
>look up the company
>its just a house in a suburb
>10 followers on linkedin
>In the end I'm the one that didn't have the confidence to see I was enough and I'm kinda okay that now at least I see how stupid I was and WHY I was so stupid. Took me a long time to understand why I couldn't act normal.
Same. Just thinking about all the time and opportunities wasted. people without the inadequacy hangups and even those who started from scratch later are way ahead of me now.
i've listed them on my resume but nobody ever talks about it
but to be fair i've never gotten an interview at some place that had those certs as a requirement
i guess one of the good parts of these turds expiring every few years is that if anyone asks during an interview i can just say it expired but i'll retake it when they hire me
forgot to mention that i've listed them but don't actually have them, kek
I saw a "technical writer (AI)" job and it's zipcide is a hotel.
Certs are only good if you don't have other qualifications for a job or if it is required for regulatory, compliance, or legal purposes
Second response:
I still pursue certain brands of certs despite not needing them not because they will ever help me on my resume but because of the technical or leadership knowledge I gain
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>wake up at 9am
>join standup meeting on phone while taking my morning shit
>shower, breakfast
>work for a few hours
>hit the gym during my lunch break
>get back, post workout meal
>fap to ai chatbots and take afternoon nap
Another successful wfh day
No, they're just as ethnocentric but have a worse accent.
Don't get your hopes up, the opening already has a name on it - and it's written in moonrunes.
>admitting you're a nerd
Anon, this will give her the ick.
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I am such a worthless waste of a human
I have interviews the next two days, and now I gave myself a black eye
Google loves Temu and AliExpress
I'm kind of at a loss. I don't even know what to target and apply for anymore. I just know I don't want to work on AI/ML or Big Data because of how extensive the job descriptions are.
>be me
>on that WGU blacklist
>2000 applications without an interview
>Be you
>Find institution with a similar name to wherever the fuck you got your shit from
>One that's not on some blacklist
>Say you got your stuff from there instead
>If somebody asks to prove your accreditation is legit, hand over your creds
>Cross your fingers and hope the HR bimbos don't notice it's from the wrong place lol
At this point, I believe I have a better chance of self-employment than finding a job.
>>on that WGU blacklist
how did you get there?
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>its just a house in a suburb
I actually had an unpaid software development internship back in college that was located in a residential address 5 minutes away from my house.
After a couple months I wanted out and tried to get fired by showing up late and leaving early everyday. The boss obviously didn't give a fuck.
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I don't know how you would give any fucks on what you do, it's not like you're trying to keep your job for th emoney.
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>"Oh, you had to quit a job because (((they))) wanted you to just carry the workload of two other full-time employees who had ran for the hills on top of your own contractual responsibilities? Good luck getting hired anywhere ever again LOL LMAO"
t. recruiter I spoke to today

It's almost like they want you to start doing serious crime for income
See >>102652826
Idk why people complain about this.
Ethnocentrism is normal and virtually universal.
White faggots are the exception, not the rule.
It's like you're upset the other peoples of the world don't want to join your cuckold death cult. Of course they don't. No one sane would.
how bad is a 4 month gap
I'm not that anon, can hhelp me? Will take any advice, graduated in May with comp sci bachelor's. I can't find a job no matter how hard I try. Will ideally take any remote positions regardless of pay at this point
I have a degree and can't find a job doing fucking anything lmao
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Crosspost from /twg/
Can I get some advice if I should take up this guy's offer or just tell him to call me over teams like a normal recruiter?
autism check before he shoots you up the ladder I guess.
based lmfao fuck recruiters and fuck anyone with a fake ass email job that gets near me.
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fuck anon, I hope you're gonna make it
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you will never be a software engineer chang
I just got an email from the dean of my department with an internship opportunity for students exclusively at my university. I have all of the tech stack under my belt except PHP/laravel. How fast could I learn that shit?
by getting my bachelors degree in computer science
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>Shareholders push out based and king-pilled company founder
>Company acquired and slimy cooperate yuppy put in charge
>Employee benefits deleted, fast-and-shit development encouraged
>Clients mad and shitty work, company heading downhill
>Every few weeks another less crucial employee 'leaves' (probably made redundant)
>Head of Development, Development manager, Head of operations and one other senior dev handed in their notices this week
Should I be worried? I've been applying for new jobs and getting nowhere.
I hate that.
It's a lose-lose game, if you got a bad deal early on then you're fucked. It's either a small stay at a company (big no-no, you're supposed to be loyal for a few years at least!) or you have to explain yourself to the HR whore (to explain yourself is to accuse yourself, you'll give her the ick).
I had a shitty thing like that happen to me, my boss (IMO gold medal holder) was swapped out for some dumb dude who was friends with the CEO. Then morale sank and I preferred to quit than to keep working there, and now it's a blemish on my resume.
I hope so too anon. I've picked up so many things over the years but packaging it up neatly to show how I can maximize shareholder value is my current challenge.
Also hearing someone with a similar trajectory makes me feel a bit more hopeful and less like I'm drowning in quicksand.
One of us, soon.
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Got this "aptitude test" on indeed for some two-bit hell desk position. What the actual fuck is this?
HR roasties making work for themselves
thats pretty nice I wish we had jobs like that here. Here everything is full time or don't talk to us as if they were working on complex system when in truth its basic crud.
If you can't thrive in summer, you are a subhuman who literally can't handle the heat.
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>frontendmaster course on how to get a job
>paraphrasing: "everything is ruined, there are no jobs, there is no hope"
Well, fuck you too then
this is retarded hahahaha
"yeah let me just take the contents of the first youtube video I find and I'll use that for my presentation" bixnood lmfao
It's a 50/50, anon.
Do you know which one will give her the ick?
Here's the solution to the problem
>linkedin the company
>look for recruiters
>find the one who wrote this test
>find her instagram
>scrape it all and count how many posts she makes during summer vs how many post she makes during spring
The answer is the largest one.
network engineering roles are dying because of cloud.
you basically have 3 options
1) be a helpdesk-tier pleb doing office networking
2) waste time trying to learn data centre or isp networking for a role you'll never get because boomers have locked up those roles
3) learn cloud shit but that also seems saturated by salary undercutting poos at this point too.
if I have to do that level of data collection and social engineering just to pass the Indeed screen, why don't I just rob the joint

network engineering still exists, it just indeed is still cloudshit. most of it now seems to be setting up VPNs for roasties to work from home
>3) learn cloud shit but that also seems saturated by salary undercutting poos at this point too.
this is true thoughbeit, but it's true of literally every sector so whatever
a black person will be hired in tech if he manages to not commit crimes during the interview and put two whole sentences together, they really are not the kind of people that should create courses on how to get hired.
>if he manages to not commit crimes during the interview and put two whole sentences together
A standard many of them struggle with.
>if I have to do that level of data collection and social engineering just to pass the Indeed screen
I mean, there are alternatives.
For example, you could be blond, blue-eyed, over 6 feet, and currently employed with a 6 figure salary.
Not doing anymore work for the rest of today. Not doing any work tomorrow either.
so just look up the addresses and rob the ones that aren't in fancy office buildings to guarantee a slower police response. got it
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>to not commit crimes during the interview
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Working a full day Saturday to build redundancy in a network
Probably working Sunday to replace devices
Done 40 hours this week already
Have to lab an entire network in the next 2 days to prove something to someone
Have to spend an entire evening rebuilding a network Wednesday
Anons I don't know how much longer I can do this for.
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>see a position that says x, y, and z requirements are preferred but not necessary
>go to their site to apply
>a pop up comes on asking me specifically if i have x, y, z experience
hate this feeling of knowing i've been filtered out of the running before i've even submitted my application
Is this a crypto shill meme?
Been officially 1 year of unemployment
Just say yes, they probably won't even check what you put down and if you get the job you can learn it before you start anyway.
similar to C in terms of syntax, has support for concurrency natively which is nice
i hate tech work
When you get rejected from your 478th job application and nothing effects you anymore
>Recently got hired for a "Helpdesk Tier 1" job
>Currently doing Helpdesk, Project Management, and Human Resources work.

Don't ask for specifics.
There's no physical way I'm going to do this a single week more.
Godspeed anon!
I love tech, it's the gatekeepers who prevent me from working in tech that sadden me. I'm not normal enough to pass the "vibe check" thr GRWM Gen Z HR girlies or the dudebros. I just want to go back to a server farm and IT room and take care of racks, broken laptops and keyboards again.
what do u mean you're not normal enough? Are you retarded?
Socially, yes.
I hate how many true normies there are in tech now.
Brotha, its 2024 everybody's in tech.
yeah, it sucks.
To be honest I did like tech because it made me feel a little special, it was far enough from normal society while still letting you being productive.
Is there a sector I can move? Where can I find some purpose?
I'd say finance but they're filled with a different kind of normies now too. Medicine maybe?
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White bros... what do we do now?
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I have not eaten today..
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>please upload your unofficial university transcript
is this a fucking joke
i just want a job why are you doing this to me
this just proof that the DEI meme was complete bullshit and /g/ mayos were seething over nothing. While whites were busy obsessing over BBC, the asians pulled their usual nepotism tricks and no one gave a fuck
Zhang and Ranjeet rule the world now, well done you stupid fucking gringos
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why are whites the only ones incapable of understanding nepotism?
why dont you guys volunteer? you dont need money anyway
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I did open sauce projects for internship wages for three summers and it didn't help at all.
I was told in an interview that that didn't count as real work experience in their eyes.
FOSS is a scam.
IRL volunteering not that gay ass shit youre talking about

like do some front end for your local music scene idk
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why would i do any of that?
It's brutal out here, brothers.

>work in start up as a developer
>Everything is going well for roughly 1.5 years
>Suddenly get PIP'd
>get fired a week later
>my boss didn't even know it happened or at least feigned surprise
>still unemployed after 5 months of applying

The funniest thing happened during that time:
>Get interview for job involving javascript frameworks
>Didn't have the arbitrary years of experience with them
>interviewer tells me I'm not getting the job within the first 5 minutes of the phone interview
>keeps talking about the contract anyway

The wife has been a good sport about the situation, at least.
>interviewer tells me I'm not getting the job within the first 5 minutes of the phone interview
Had the same shit happen to me but the other way around.
The recruiter told me about the company, what it did, what it meant to the world, their corporate structure, etc.
Then hit me with the "but you don't have the experience required", then we said our goodbyes and that was that.
It's wild, by this point I can only imagine the Rothschilds are paying for me to be humiliated.
Imagine working for drugged up kids and being paid a janny salary for it.
Nah man, I'll keep writing my own software.
>Imagine working for drugged up kids

think about what u just wrote

You have to be stupid to be technical on the phone screening.
that was bait thou

but great advice, last non technical interview I had I laughed at myself for not knowing shit still got the gig u gotta go by vibes
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>on an unrelated note I travelled with a baby once. We ate a burger together.
make shit up

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