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agile™ edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102656826
Kill techies. Behead techies. Roundhouse kick a techie into the concrete. Slam dunk a software engineer into the trashcan. Crucify tech CEOs. Defecate in a programmer's food. Launch tech startups into the sun. Stir fry project managers in a wok. Toss agile couches into active volcanoes. Urinate into a techie's server rack. Judo throw web designers into a wood chipper. Twist data scientists' heads off. Report freelance programmers to the IRS. Karate chop tech leads in half. Curb stomp cybersecurity experts. Trap SAP consultants in quicksand. Liquefy semiconductor technicians in a vat of etching fluid. Eat techies. Dissect techies. Gas techies with the server room's fire suppression system. Stomp techie skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate techies in diffusion furnaces. Lobotomize techies. Mandatory vasectomies for techies. Crush CS students in the garbage compactor. Drown techies in server coolant. Vaporize techies with a photolithography machine. Kick senior developers down the stairs. Feed techies to quokkas. Slice techies with a katana.
I'm falling for polish propaganda and want to move to poland
How brown are you on the Monk scale?
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>be me
>2000 applications with no interview
>on that WGU blacklist for getting my bachelors degree in computer science
What fucking industry even?
Fuck off, we're full
>Feed techies to quokkas
That would be cannibalism you sick fuck
Why is everyone so fucking rich?
I thought the economy was supposed to be bad.
define "everyone"
I'm a bharati WFH at Google, 250k + bonuses and stocks, life is easy in the US of A
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Huh posted in the wrong general originally.

>Done 40 hours this week already
>Working a full day Saturday to build redundancy in a network
>Probably working Sunday to replace devices
>Have to lab an entire network in the next 2 days to prove something to someone
>Have to spend an entire evening rebuilding a network from scratch Wednesday
Anons I don't know how much longer I can do this for, shits just tiring
I'm not rich.
i am definitely not rich but i can afford to spend money on stupid bullshit every now and then
I was at work and everyone was bragging about how they casually throw their disposable income into the shitcoin casino and go up $40k like it's nothing.
oh yeah we all do that. /biz/ is ironic shitposting you know, everyone there has 10x'd at a bare minimum. just click one of the 4chan crypto ads and put 10k into it, then sell in a week when it peaks.
Idk these are like super autistic nerds and they sounded like they knew what they were talking about.
Growing up working class makes me feel so out of place in a white collar environment. These guys will drop $1k on a stock or a coin just out of sheer boredom and not even think twice. Meanwhile I got mad at my mom for buying new windshield wipers for the car last week when it hasn't even rained in like 4 months.
I 10x'd your mom last night
bitch went from bullfrog to bullfuck back to bullfrog the way I rearranged her orifices
>"hey anon can you submit this change, it is outside of our business hours"
>"ok, let me try it"
>it "fixes" the issue but fails on the very next step that the user would take
>check the ticket comments
>"can confirm it works"
>"yep it works can be submitted"
etc etc. The person that made the "fix" felt it was good enough and then another 3 person "confirmed" the fix. In this entire process no one is actually checking if the thing is functioning correctly
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if you write a regex you need to set a timeout. a shitty regex on shitty input can take minutes even hours.
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Interesting that something hasn't been built in to time that out automatically.
I certainly hope mine didn't cause any ruckus. Then again mind was against a small table in a database.
I could only imagine if I did this against a table with hundreds of thousands of rows.
Now I think about it, this sounds like a fun ticket to suggest to the SM. Add a time out to all regex, unless otherwise specified.
I hate my fucking job, it is all smoke and mirrors in big corpo. Our company is made of bunch of teams that are trying to scam each other.

We have a few product teams that work on actual products and then we have support teams that are developing tools and libraries for the product teams and I am in one if those support teams. Basically teams like us are trying to scam product teams into using our new features while the product teams are trying to figure out what is scam and what is good. They are not even using most stuff we develop, they generally use the legacy stuff that they are comfortable with and learned to use. We are working on stuff for years in hopes that they will pick it (or they will be forced to)

Things are so inefficient it is not even funny. When you hear "big corpo fired 50% of their work force" believe that they probably fired teams like mine and they lost nothing of value

I wanted to move to a product team but the pay is unironically lower, they can't WFH and it is more stressful since they have actual deadlines.

Thanks for listening my vents
small company and they could delete half the team and nothing would change. these inefficiencies just show up. either from a person being dogshit or the whole fucking system down to the product/service being retarded. I quit caring.
Day 1 of my vacation and I already feel empty inside, is this some kind of jewish trick?
>(or they will be forced to)
i am on the product side and this shit fills me with white hot rage. every little retard has an opinion on how i should spend my time and the execs are credulous enough to side with them 9 times out of 10 because "change is hard but we need to make progress", a thought terminating cliche with zero regard for ground-level reality
>get paid to fuck around and do nothing
Fucking do something, retard. Yeah, you're going to feel empty and useless if you're spending your vacation time sitting on 4chan.
>take 2 weeks of vacation
>"get sick" during half of that, change those vacation days to sick days
God I love being europoor
I never want to work at a company that has more than 10 people again.
They should make it deterministic and count the timeout in something like state machine transitions.
Why? It's so relaxing. You can get away with literally doing nothing for weeks. My first couple jobs were all at tiny startups where I did 16 hour days 7 days a week and I never ever ever fucking want to go back to that.
what are some examples?
Pretty sure sed, grep and perl -pe wouldn't have nay issues with a GB of text data.
Stuff with back references explodes pretty easily. Those aren't actually representable with FSA (they're more complex than mathematical regular expressions) so you can easily end up with some complex parser that behaves unpredictably that way.
oh nice
is wfh as comfy as they say
It's as comfy as you make it. The trick is balancing the comfy and engagement, lots of people seem to lean too far in one direction or the other and either makes it uncomfortable or gets fired for not showing up.
wfh going on 5 years here. it is very comfy but you get a lil psychosis. i involuntarily repeat phrases to myself.
>work in underwear (if my webcam is off in a meeting I am probably half naked)
>wake up at 9:45 (because we have a meeting at 10)
>maybe work 3 hours top in a day, the rest is playing games, watching TV or napping
The trick is to be/look active on slack. Check your phone from time to time and engage in conversation and provide answers and help in public channels if you have can
meant for
Thats me most of the time anyways
Yeah im feeling completely slogged working at the office for 8 hours a day, even though i am working and putting in a fraction of those hours and getting by just fine the time between is just eating at me, i take on a huge amount of fatigue from having to put on a public face
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reee use git rebase not merge
I hate git rebase. I always just have it generate the patchset and then manually re apply the ones I want because that's so much more intuitive.
>use rebase
>have to resolve each conflict for each commit for some reason
no thanks
make better commits
i commit here and now to shoving my cock down your throat
>thread called tech WORKERS general
>full of posters who aren't workers
>Anons I don't know how much longer I can do this for, shits just tiring
begone commie faggot, this general is for capitalism chads only
each conflict is there for a reason
if you have trouble solving it your commits are probably the result of completely arbitrary sequences of git add . and git commit -m "fix" and git push
i'm already tithing the corporate jew, the IRS jew, and the landlord jew. why would i want to add a new tithe to the union boss jew? they're all on the same side.
I think Ill just go network engineer somewhere else.
Probably internal IT
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>I was at work and everyone was bragging about how they casually throw their disposable income into the shitcoin casino and go up $40k like it's nothing.
Are shitcoins back? Last time I was on /biz/ I made a few thousand on Mithril, then everything went dead.
Anyone else look up anime speeches to get through the work day?
Here's one I've been going back to recently
there was a stephen universe youtube video where someone edited a full subtitled hitler speech at the end of it. man what a speech that was. never could find it again.
It’s 10:20 AM. Im at work and can’t wait to go home so I can play video games
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>I know, let's use postgres
>for inter-process communication
>on an embedded system
>nooo, you can't use unix sockets, they're le bad
Why do companies love this so much? Is all of corporate america like this?
Any fresh grad retard can do entity decomposition and write sql. Most people don't know how to use unix sockets correctly if at all.
Go the fuck back to New York and leave us alone.
whats unix sockets ?
>there are furniggers in the thread
It's like a network TCP socket but it appears in the filesystem namespace. If your on Linux your display server probably has a socket in /var/run for example that all the application use to connect to it.
They're not even doing any of that, it's literally just LISTEN/NOTIFY. It's so fucking retarded, I hope my company dies.
sounds like E;R but I haven't watched his steven universe video in a while
It might've been taken down too
not in this economy you do
I suppose writing that with unix domain sockets would be pretty clunky. Anything that wants to use notify would need to run it's own service and every client would have to connect to every service and there's no nice "notify all clients" function in the standard library so you're going to be doing a lot of selecting and iterating over fds (and you only get like 20 of those anyway.)

Really want eg a message bus but if you want something really lightweight a logfile that each process follows would work fine provided the payloads are under the atomic write limit (4k bytes iirc.)

desu I didn't even know about notify/listen. I'm not sure what to think about that being part of a db server either. That's interesting.
ntd bb
pftt phlbbbbb
>I suppose writing that with unix domain sockets would be pretty clunky. Anything that wants to use notify would need to run it's own service and every client would have to connect to every service
Yes, but in practice it wouldn't be so bad since this is a tiny embedded system. There's only a couple producers and subscribers total so N:M connections would be less bloat than bringing in an entire database to make it N:1:M.
>you only get like 20 of those anyway.
Maybe in 1975. "ulimit -Hn" on my computer gives me 500k which is way more than enough. And poll(2) works well up to about a thousand fds, which is also plenty.
>if you want something really lightweight a logfile that each process follows would work fine provided the payloads are under the atomic write limit (4k bytes iirc.)
Not a bad idea, although you'd have to keep this logfile from growing in perpetuity.
>desu I didn't even know about notify/listen.
Modern software just keeps getting more and more bloated.
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Thank you lord for letting me graduate and find a job before the tech market went to shit
Absolute dogshit unless you are a manchild with no life. Wfh since 2020. Ive been asking for a remote office since we have another person near me and we both despise wfh.
It absolutely rules but it also exposes how do-nothing most jobs are.
>full duplex communications over a physical port are a "file"

"everything is a file" doctrine is a fucking meme and i'm tired of pretending it isn't
>unless you are a manchild with no life.
you're on 4chan
It's not a file, it's a file descriptor. Just like how on Windows, everything is a HANDLE.
>comparing being able to track memory address allocation to "lol wanna print? just write to the file lol"
It actually makes sense when you need to share state among multiple disparate spokes, in a way that eliminates race conditions
This, why can't we just use a file on the shared drive? And why am I not allowed to just dial into it from home on my phone?
That's the thing, there are not "multiple disparate spokes". There is only one embedded system, and all IPC traffic never leaves the device. For fucks sake, this should all just be a single program, not "microservices". But alas, my company's "architects" can't figure out how to draw a flowchart of just a single program.
That would also be retarded, but I think you're just trolling. All the data is just messages going around, nothing is being stored long-term in Postgres.
it is literaimlly impossibl to program w/0 microservics...
Nigga just use shared memory
good morning saar
kill yourself
every time i open up one of these threads I can't help but think there are indians here
if i make a linkedin, will recruiters from actually interesting companies reach out to me? im coming to realize that there are probably a lot of cool jobs out there for companies where i'd go "oh yeah fuck i forgot about them", and since i don't think about their company i don't apply to it.

however, i don't want to be harassed by some local peanut farm who wants me to design their website.
yes 100% if you pay me for Linked In Premium you will only get job offers from top tier cormpanies like Microscott, Amazong, Googlel, and Durgasoft
got my current job from a linkedIn recruiter but I wouldn't call it interesting
Is data coordinator the same thing as like data entry? The job description makes it sound really beneath my knowledge and skills, but it's literally the only place I've been able to get an interview for and the pay sure beats my current retail job.
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>nth time as in i actually lost count
>chastise her and remind her AGAIN to read the sender's email address or better yet, don't fucking reply
>"but it says google right there!"
i've just about mcfucking had it
>on that WGU blacklist
What? Elaborate
don't respond
it's the same astroturfing retard who opens with "WGU blacklist" and samefags later about how "night owls" make six figures or some shit
Interview / hiring blacklist post getting degree in computer science. No interviews or jobs.
>pajeetcode hijacking the op again
I'm not sure what that's all about anon, get well soon
The dam has burst there's really sugary anime in my work youtube watch history
I'm coming back from a year and a half of not programming. I did a couple of leetcode problems and read some tutorials on beginner stuff a couple of times on different languages and wrote a couple of basic programs. I'm now coming back as I'm trying to get a comfy work from home job thats anything programming related. Yes I did a years long course on programming at community college but that didn't help with shit because the teacher was a complete retard who said I should know how to program already whenever I asked him a question. Whats the best step for me because I'm not fucking backing down. I will not allow for poojeets and tyrones and ching chongs and foids to take up all the comfy jobs, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN AS A WHITE MAN!!!!
I have lost all hope in computers.
They only serve to empower statal bureaucracy or fake corporations.
In retrospective they have done more harm than good.
I was trained for years in sw development and I don't know any other profession. What should I do now?
Lie and say you're mixed race or gender fluid or whatever on the indeed and company applications. If they try to give you flack or say "well you don't look like a woman", simply confidently retort with "and what's a woman supposed to look like? I'm a male facing trans woman"
They won't be able to do shit
stop crying and keep collecting free money until you can escape.
The only thing I know about sockets is that I sometimes have to fuck with them for docker containers
It's insane to me how some of you that, in my eyes and that of so many others, have made it can be so unhappy where you are. It job market is fucking abysmal and has been for some time
Any other hiring managers here dealing with a retarded amount of applications? How do you filter it down to a reasonable number?
>free money
But I'm not a friend of the printerers
Do you like being a network engineer for the most part? I’m thinking of getting a ccna so I can hopefully get out of help desk bs but not sure if that would even be enough. From my experience so far you learn 90% of what you need to know while on the job, certs just give you a bit of knowledge so that you’re not clueless.
there are thousands of them lurking in this very thread
it's like shining a flashlight towards grass at night, you see thousands of insect eyes
>thousands of eyes giving you the rape glare
>Recruiter reaches out for position I'm actually interested in
>She says they've been having trouble finding candidates because of how niche [tech stack I have a modicum of experience with] is
>Ask her if she's heard of [similar, more common tech stack]
>She says no
>Tell her it's more commonly used and the concepts are largely interchangeable, and recommend she search for people familiar with it to find more candidates
I can't tell if I'm genuinely trying to be a good person or just self-sabotaging due to deep-seated psychological issues.

>Trap SAP consultants in quicksand.

It's incredibly based, but also sort of infuriating because I was working on some dogshit HP laptop with a dual-core processor and 8 GB RAM, like 30 feet away from my 7950X/64GB RAM desktop.

It is honestly impressive how illogical normies are. I mean I don't expect everyone to know as much about computers and shit as I do, but it's like they just don't think.
>another late night meeting where indians can’t understand chinglish, chinese can’t understand hindglish, and the sole white staff dev can’t understand either of them
how are we supposed to get anything done like this?
We got a couple new developers added to the team recently. One of them doesn't know how for loops work, or what a return statement does. It's actually pretty boggling that he made it through interviews. The other one is only a little better so I've been doing a lot of handholding. I'm not usually one to kvetch about diversity hires, but they are both black...

I only watch in a private browser while not connected to the VPN. I will not be compromised.
It's comfy but I suck at it. I have to bill 5.5hr per day. That's it. But I procrastinate and get distracted and end up "working" until bedtime every day. My hobbies are dead and buried. Sometimes I get nothing done all day and have to pull all-nighters, thereby fucking up my entire week. I've been doing this for a year and cannot get a routine.
it was very comfy. i used to wake up at 8, get all my share of work done (and then some) by 3pm, have a late lunch and goon to femboys. now i have to waste an hour per day pissing away gasoline and my productivity took a nosedive because fuckers keep dropping by my cubicle to chat or ask questions.
I woke up at 11 yesterday like a high schooler on summer vacation. That's all I'll say
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sorry zoomie, but you will suffer and bring me coffee first
it's the greatest thing in the world
unless you're a manchild faggot failure like this retard. Get a hobby faggot lmao
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herding nigger cattle is a full-time job.
> what a return statement does.
who the fuck interviewed that guy?
WGU is a school for people who have already entered into the workforce and just need a fake bachelors for HR box ticking.
Pajeets and children who get suckered into WGU and then aren't handed the world on a silver platter get salty about this and shittalk WGU for not giving them a shortcut da BIGBUX like they were promised on tiktok.

If you aren't a self starter and need your hand held, go to a $100k state school and really enjoy that student debt. Sorry!!! LMAO
Night Owls represent!
I have posted this before but since it has re-emerged
>I feel like "don't go to a university that runs ads on tv" is obvious. Apparently this is actually ancestral WASP Old South knowledge, by all the 1st gen immigrants I know who "went" to something on the level of Full Sail/WGU
Now that I think about it I never had to write any code for my interview. They asked me questions about my experience and how I would solve certain problems and that was it. Even so it feels pretty egregious. He calls me pretty often for help and I usually end up taking control of his screen and doing it myself. He's starting to figure things out, but I worry what kind of code he's delivering to customers. Leadership must be asking questions.

Actually the other new hire is worse because even though she has some basic knowledge, she doesn't seem to be learning at all. I'll coach her through something and then next time we encounter it she has no idea.
Epic was good at making me feel like a winner when I woke up in the morning, I'll give them that
But also fuck driving to work
I know a lot of people who have worked for Epic, but nobody who still does. Seems like they've all gone on to do good things though.
It's really amazing. Holding on for 5 years there makes you an oldhead. It's crazy how they're paying all this young talent and then sending them off to better things. It feels like a kind of charity
This is such fucking shit lol fuck this gay country
Yo momma is a University for people who have entered the workplace and need a checkbox ticked. She rides my you know what and shows me a good time

Night owl checking in
you will never be a real developer
Yo mom is a University that runs ads on tv, she rides my you know what all day
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>you will never be a real developer
>Older employee stops you and tells you not to work late
This has happened to me 3 times. But they don't know I sleep till noon

5 squats, 10 pushups, 3 chins to the bar and youre ready for another 6 hours of stasis

hold the line!
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>This has happened to me 3 times. But they don't know I sleep till noon
die faggot beast
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>die faggot beast
is there a better way to apply for jobs? i just check the sites for companies i care about and hope that they have a listing. this seems inefficient. it takes a lot of time and im surely missing out on good offerings that are not from companies i know about.
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>is there a better way to apply for jobs? i just check the sites for companies i care about and hope that they have a listing. this seems inefficient. it takes a lot of time and im surely missing out on good offerings that are not from companies i know about.
I meant to just do it to >>102677025 and got carried away. continue, really, I'm done
I have a government job in the defence industry not saying which country but I swear to god the productivity is so low and we mostly do bullshit. We keep getting more funding and as far as I can tell we don’t even know what to do with it so we just hire more people (contractors) and give them bullshit tasks to do. I can’t tell if there is corruption going on or not. Either way, some weeks a do avout half a days work all week. Pay isn’t huge but oh well. If think what I’m saying here is meant to be a big secret that no one speaks about but I’m autistic so I’m going to say it
Yeah, we get this as well.
> dev with ~10y/o experience (a recent hire for us) can't reproduce the bug
> comments "I don't know what causes the bug but I made this change maybe that will help"
> supposedly something is tested
> in production it is found out that even basic functionality in that area doesn't fucking work any longer
Sounds good on paper, but don't people look at how many tickets you have solved, and in how much time?
I used to log into work, just work for 8 hours, and then the product manager would bend backwards praising me about how much and how incredibly fast I can do. Didn't make sense until I realized how much others can slack off during working hours.
my organization just soft dropped scrum after getting freelance agile shamans to train us for a month and just winged it for a year
but kept the fucking 30 minute daily stand ups for some reason
my suggestion to literally stand up and talk about it at some corner of the open space was rejected a long time ago, if we went with it they'd realize why taking such a long time fucking sucks
As you noticed everyone either slacks or is a retard and it doesn't take that much effort to be a "high performer" as a good programmer

My old manager asked me if I am working overtime considering high well I perform. I almost laughed audibly
Make a linkedin, put some effort into your profile. Do you have a company headshot? Try and put a nice picture on there.

Fill your experience out with anything you can say publicly, mines pretty much 1-1 with my CV, there is some juicy stuff on my CV though that I wouldn't want displayed publicly but I'm happy to share privately

Try and follow some people who talk about development, follow big companies, get involved in the discussions and connect with recruiters. Or more accurately, put your 'open to work' status on and let them come to you.

It will be clear what I mean when you do it but don't have the green banner on your pic, there's just a silent flag you can activate on your profile that lets people who don't work at your company know you're open to be approached
I don't even have my LinkedIn profile set to open and I get messages from recruiters about once a week. It's kind of obnoxious.
Yeah they'll message you anyway but open to work supercharges it. Never had the green banner on so idk about that
>It is honestly impressive how illogical normies are
I think whatever part of your brain detects scams degrades as you age
I remember at work I watched some old software engineer getting scammed like that
They ended up getting him to download and run some exe but it wouldn't work because he was in a virtual machine
I would've stopped him but I've become totally apathetic
apparently it all worked out
Well its very stressful right now
But when not politicing(which is a lot of network engineering) and actually working on devices or training techs I do enjoy it.
As for learning on the job that is a lot of it, but I have read a lot of books on a lot of networking topics so I have at least a rough understanding about how the various topics work
>AGAIN to read the sender's email address
Email headers != email envolope. You can put whatever you want in the from: field.
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another day another rejection
I don't think it's an age thing. Older people spent most of their lives where everyone trusted eachother enough that they paid eachother with literal IOUs.
I could buy that it's not entirely an age thing but people definitely do get noticeably stupider as they get old.
But that is what's going on. The file descriptor manages the lifetime of the kernel object it represents.
How do you fucking retards end up employed?
There are three parts of this that I've seen.
First there's the end of neuroplasticity when you're ~25 (~18 for women.) (You should make sure you've tried to learn sheet music/FP before then.)
Then there's people kind of letting themselves go and getting fat which is more of an economic/social thing and less of an age thing.
Then right near the end your body really falls apart but that's when you get closer to 60/70.
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They keep hiring 80IQ retards and jeets and literal african bushmen for my leveraged SD team and I can't handle it anymore
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>get message from recruiter
>tell her to call me
>yesterday she says she will call me today during the morning
>doesn't call me
I'm on vacation till next wednesday and there is no way I'm wasting a second of it talking to her
I've never had a female recruiter that wasn't shockingly incompetent.
I've been noticing a subtle yet disturbing trend
Whenever a coworker mentions in the team chat that they're sick and they'll be taking the day off
people will respond with
>feel better soon
instead of
>I hope you feel better soon
Its like they're not wishing you feel better, they're demanding it
feel better and get back to work slave
that or I'm just autistic idk
I mean, they don't actually care about others' wellbeing, anon, it's just bare minimum social niceties. In fact, many people, perhaps the majority, will assume that people aren't actually sick and are just hung over, or slacking, or etc, so the "feel better soon" more often than not contains a little bit of venom.
I *highly* doubt anyone cares or thinks about it enough to do that.
If I'm feeling social I react with the frown face or prayer hands emoji but I honestly do not care about my coworkers and just hope enough of them get sick that we can cancel scrum.
>go on vacation
>every day at beach or forest or river all day
>sunlight every day
>feeling healthy and invigorated
>come back depressed and less motivated to be a techfag
I can't take it anymore bros

Skipping words is just jeetspeak/chinkspeak which gets adopted by huwhite colleagues too, it's not malicious.
Also this >>102680253 >>102680270
It's just the bare minimum social grace of pretending to care.
I didn't even know how to code when I was hired as a software engineer. All I knew was SQL and BI reporting like PowerBI. I got hired because I kept making reporting and tools that were better than what the official internal tool making team was making and I was showing them up as a nocoder vs their official software.
I kinda like the government hiring process. It's slow as molasses tho.
I learned to program when I was a preteen before I even knew how to masturbate. I've written my own OS and have an impressive open source portfolio. I went to college.

And I have to fight hard to get hired while they hire people who literally don't know how to program. That's neat.
they also seriously underpay which is ironic because some of it is extremely critical to the government's functions
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>code literally breaks few important system variables & paths
>nobody noticed that for a month
I speculate that nobody every reached the faulty execution branch to ever notice that.
Neither IT or QA ever read the documentation to try that feature or I was super lucky.
Well at the very least I have less competition to get in and I can start getting some experience I can use on my resume.
yea that's the main thing it's good for
>Growing up working class makes me feel so out of place
you aren't out of place, the people dropping $1k on bullshit are the wrong ones. Money isn't real and once the dollar reserve currency theater is seen through there will be a reality check
holy shit dude what the fuck
I bet these BLAC KMEN are making a few times more than I am in my senior position in europoor
>participates in writing shit code
there are strategies in place to prevent this, it shouldn't be possible to submit a "fix" that breaks basic functionality and it shouldn't take testing in PRODUCTION to figure it out. AI unironically is an improvement over people like you
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The dollar has value as long as people owe dollars to pay for debt and there's a *lot* of dollar denominated debt.
I don't know how much they're paid but my salary in the same role is $100-130k depending on utilization
Have you ever gone to a conference for your job?
My office has free food delivery but I hear other competing firms have in-office chefs that make custom meals for people. Makes a man envious.
I went to them when I was unemployed to network. I don't put in enough effort these days to get sent to one and I certainly wouldn't volunteer.
Once, and I've rejected every invitation since then.
Absolute waste of time.
>in-office chefs
It's overrated. Everyone makes a big deal that they're nice to the chef and then I feel obligated to make conversation but I hardly even talk to my coworkers.

The food is nice I guess.
During the work day I usually just eat tuna and peanut butter straight from the container
I never want to hear an Ameritard complain about salary ever again
Bruh I neither broke it nor wrote the fix myself, they just asked me if I can submit it since I am ona different timezone.

We have quite a bit of tests and different kind of tests but unfortunately the issue was something we don't have a way of testing yet. Get off your high horses
Yeah, free vacation
I pay 5500 a month in rent, I'm allowed to bitch all I want.
stop living in commiefornia or jew york
Work european branch of an american company instead. The salary is not as high, but still quite high compared to local, but our stock bonuses are same for some reason. Almost best of both worlds

I lose all my salary and the some more on taxes when I receive stocks
We have a jeet who speaks in gibberish, the (misspelled) words are technically English but arranged almost randomly it seems. Whenever he puts in a ticket we have to have a meeting to figure out what he's asking for.
He's a principle engineer, btw.
Well I wouldn't be paid so much if I wasn't living here, dummy. I guess I could find a remote job whose HQ is here and live in a lower cost of living area but in my industry that's hard to find unless you're a senior and they really want you.
I haven't done anything in the past hour
I think the jews are already one step ahead you and they would pay you your local salaries
i haven't done anything in the past week
I spent two hours today talking with the fishing store manager because someone at work broke the master branch and I was literally unable to work.
I have like 3yoe and I'm working remotely for a big tech company with headquarters in CA. It's not that hard.
Kek, that's more than I make a month
yes if you're not a total sperg who is afraid of talking to strangers they can be quite fun.
You're setting yourself up for failure. If you work at 100% for a year, you will be expected to work at 120% next year. Then those "lazy" coworkers will leave and your boss won't replace them because they've got a gullible sucker who will do the jobs of 3 people for no extra pay.

Your feelings of superiority for "working faster" is an imaginary competition that only fucks yourself over. Your emotions and need for validation are being manipulated by people who are very good at this. Good boy, get your little headpats for buying the boss an extra mansion this year, then get fired like the disposable tool you are after you burn out.

Take care of yourself first, no one else will do it for you.
ikr. like whats the difference
sweetie, working in tech is a state of mind
Yeah but I'm in the financial/quant industry. I don't know of many positions in here that allow full remote, and given the pay there's always some other guy who'd be willing to work in person if you aren't.
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

t. new grad who would run circles around 99% of past grads who were plain grifters
star wars: the pajeet strikes again

jk I am not a pajeet mr. stevee joe. I am ahmad jihad
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So tired of debugging needlessly complicated stuff
u a team lead? and what the yoe of ur reports?
We all know everyone pretty much agrees that coworkers who message you "Hi" and then wait for you to respond before asking their question suck, but what are your thoughts on cold calling? At my last job most people would send you a message to make sure you could take a call but at my new job cold calling directly or pulling you into a group call with no warning or context is completely normal. That shit pisses me off.
why not just make it a text meeting
>what are your thoughts on cold calling?
I ignore everyone but my boss
u guys have a in person standup? wtf
how many yoe and what field

what industry and company size
u have to schedule a meeting anon and send it to her.
I had a good (internal) recruiter for my first job. she was responsive.
if it hasnt been noticed for a month, that code aint important
I've never understood why you guys don't just do that on your own.

also does his code suck
>cold calling?
FUCK NO. I don't like calls even when people ask but if you cold call me I'm not picking up unless you're my boss.
you have a phone for a reason. i dont understand why zoomers are so terrified of the telephone
I'm not scared I'm fucking annoyed. You do not deserve my immediate undivided attention for your trivial question that you could have just texted. Go fuck off.
sadly i am one of those
i am fucked
you are in the wage cage. i own you
fuck you and that phone nigga I don't need you like you need me lol.
Fuck of, we are full
managers, this wagie has lost his composure. send him to the amazon box mines
>you are in the wage cage.
No I'm not. I'm at home, half drunk, playing factorio, and hitting decline on your retarded call.
why not satisfactory, the vastly superior factory game that requires actual thought to manage logistics and production lines? did you get filtered by screws as hard as you got filtered by a VoIP phone?
I'm not paying for another unreal engine game sorry.
Giant multinational MSP / SD / CSP contractor based out of the US, my team supports like 20 different clients across the globe. The organization is total dogshit and being taken over by jeets from top to bottom, so the SD teams, which were generally filled with competent compsci grads and tech NEETs and etc as recently as 5 years ago are now filled with barely literate retards who don't know what an IP address is and there's Nothing I can do about it
based source engine enjoyer
just admit you got btfo by a small blue parts bin of wood screws
>factory building game locked to first person
Retarded choice.
it kind of is lmao. it's not a bad game but factorio is really good.
I'll take anything over Unreal or Unity. The engines themselves are terrible and the games built on them are always the worst slop.
Also ludum dare is this weekend.
I've never done it so I'm going to do an octo/chip 8 game for my first time.
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One of our team leads is either using ChatGPT for the majority of their work or is just truly incompetent. Either way, we're left with a lot of code that looks fine to most people on the surface but is actually riddled with subtle bugs.

How would you handle this situation, /twg/?
>how many yoe and what field
5 yoe; ERP technical consulting
another all-nighter last night, after barely recovering from my previous all-nighter Wednesday night, and Monday night before that. this might be a new record for me.
Make a passive aggressive user story titled something like "Remove bugs from *component he was working on*".
i'm literally just doing nothing waiting for my vacation to run out
i could play video games or watch films but i'm just sitting here watching random videos instead
>filtered by bad UI/UX
Yeah, what of it? You can like satisfactory if you want, it doesn't bother me. What does bother me is a disorganized spaghetti mess of conveyance that won't even stay at an even level.
anon, throw some clothes and personal hygiene items into a bag or case, and drive or take a bus to some random touristic place RIGHT NOW. stay there for the weekend and do whatever (just google "what to do in $PLACE" or "activities in $PLACE" or whatever)
also, don't even think it, just start doing it, RIGHT NOW
>recruiters and hiring managers posting about their applicant pools
>most state 90+% of applicants are Indian
>don't even meet requirements
>they keep flooding their applicants pools
>they all need H1-B sponsorship
>they all lie
FINALLY. They're finally feeling comfortable enough to talk about it publicly.
Not a zoomer, spent 10 years working in a company where everyone checked first and people who cold called were considered assholes and now I'm surrounded by them.
europoorbros its over, we're never getting a h1b
They all lie, every single one lies their way through interviews, none of them know anything, it's so fucking surreal
I have literally NEVER been cold called in my entire career. At worst, given an impromptu teams meeting an hour before of it. What kinda hellhole does that?
should I move to japan as soon as I get 5 yoe
manager asked me to join a client meeting 20 mins before it started. then he asked me to answer for questions about our infra. people are retarded.
isnt pay shit there thoughever
How come no one here likes my shitting my pants in the office stories anymore
god damn
i understand that sociability and brownnosing are the most important things to be a manager but how the hell can competence just not matter at all?
who cares, I barely spend any money at all besides tech shit
I'll probably have 200k saved by that time
I don't believe you unless the dude without knowledge of loops and returns is the child of the CEO.
senior engineer in nipland makes 75k annually
is it wfh
as long as it is wfh I'm fine even with 40k desu
same but the meeting is with myself and my coworkers just give me the rape glare and tell me to read the ticket again when i ask
they all think im not proficient in english
it makes me feel like im living out an idiocracy fanfic
we live in hell
Nah bud, it's just liberalism.
no nips are pretty hard on corporate work culture, at best you will find partial wfh(like 3-2).
that's a lie tho, paypay is full wfh
why are you lying to innocent anons
>but how the hell can competence just not matter at all?
all the work is fake, it makes no difference if it's done well or not
People really haven't caught on yet. Money is a proxy for administrative approval not production.
I recently joined a new company as a mid-level data engineer with a little under 2 yoe. I landed at the senior data engineer pay scale and some senior responsibilities. A month after I joined, we got bought and this new company has strict guidelines for roles based on professional experience which is going to place me at the bottom of the ladder. I don't think my pay will change but is my growth going to get cucked and should I start looking?
what is SD is CSP

also what was the trigger event to all of this? ceo replaced?
The first time he called for help he had a for loop that set the value of a variable each loop. He was confused as to why after the looping was done the variable was only holding the last value in the list. It was a string variable by the way; he didn't know what arrays were. We got it working and the next time he called me he had two loops iterating over the same list, one after the other. He didn't think to just do two operations in a single loop.

This guy is presumably making six figures.
what kind of bullshit job do you work where this is acceptable
I went to a job fair and they told us they will not use ATS or any AI tools.
Wonder if its just bullshit or they will really sit and review 2k+ resumes, or it could be they will open the applications for a few hours until they get a few hundred applicants.
You can easily get through 200 resumes an hour if you spend no more than 10-20 seconds filtering out the garbage. Most people who submit to a job posting are horribly underqualified.
so if they're DEI hires why won't you guys just put them in corner and make counting beans or something?
You'd get your ass fired and then taken to court.
The primary purpose of ATS filtering is to get rid of the 3200 linkedin punjabis trying to get you to sponsor their H-1B. Real applicants getting cucked by it is just collateral damage
I could imagine that everything at a job fair is screened by hand. It wouldn't take that long
good morning sirs
sure you can find the occasional one, but im talking about the general nipcorp
>bro it's just like...GENERALLY ok
why do people feel the need to confidently assert things when they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about
goooood morning! what is the status sir?
because he's an online japan expert
because websites like japandev and tokyodev exist, and they confirm that almost none of the companies there offer full wfh
sir I have a doubt
kindly revert
it's now over 3 (three) hours into the day and I still didn't do shit, literally passed out twice, what the fuck is wrong with me
>try to be pointedly rude and condescending to an annoying pajeet overstepping boundaries
>they misinterpret it as me being nice

I hate these people so much
remember that these people were bred to be slaves by indo-aryan warrior chuds
>they misinterpret it as me being nice
he knows, they're just genetically incapable of being anything but an obsequious gigabitch
unless you're a woman alone at night
>30 offers right now since I checked
>implying even 1% of full remote companies are in those western oriented websites
Lmao do they also lie on their application when they ask if they are legally allowed to work in the US and if they would require a sponsor in the future? I thought they used that to filter them.
I believe it. There are so many people that have a much higher paycheck than they deserve. I'm not mad about it, I'm learning.
sure, if you speak japanese already and don't need a visa it's 30.
but without those 2 things, out of the 253 open positions only 5 would be open.

or in other words, you're a retarded nigger.
A lot of companies do remote i-9 verification now so it wouldn't be hard to get a job in the US without work authorization (although things will probably get complicated once they start withholding taxes.)
I wouldn't be surprised if foreigners have figured this out and started lying on those parts of the form.
nigger visa is just paperwork, the company doesn't need to pay anything
>if you speak japanese
why the fuck would you move to japan without at least a basic knowledge of japanese
and here you go ladies and gentleniggers, a retard outing himself as a retard
no need to sign your post
My boss is so f'in hot I love brown women
Reminder that wfh losers never get promoted.
The only path for advancement is through the office.
Time to put on your khakis and get to work!
this comment will never not be funny when you realize they won't even dare entertain the idea of promoting ANYONE in the first place
where the say
Does anyone know if there are any large MSPs currently hiring Tier 1 help desk agents? I'm looking for experience while I'm working to get more certs under my belt. Bonus points if they are the type of company that will help pay for certs.
Depends on your definition of large. Buchanan Technologies is hiring perpetually but they'll pay you minimum wage to be the only competent guy on a team of know-nothings because they'll hire quite literally anyone.
TY for the recommendation I will look into Buchanan and see if they have anything for me. Though I feel that working with a group of monkeys is preferable, easier to stand out that way.
For me any experience in an IT job will be good. I have nearly five years in non-IT customer service and just got my A+
I just need something that offers good benefits and a decent wage while I work on getting higher certs and more in-depth knowledge.
>muh promotions
>be me
>wfh loser
>get low pay bump every year
I don't work so it's fair enough
Do you guys have a lot of Agile/scrum/safe meetings every week? that shit is gay
>get promoted by shecklestein
>pay goes up by 5% to 15%
>responsibilities goes up by 20% to 50%
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I have one meeting a month where my indian boss threatens to fire me so he can hire an indian despite my performance and skills being incomparably better than anyone else's on the team. This has been going on for a year and a half, and yet I have not been fired.
humiliation ritual. I guess those golden handcuffs aren't so bad though
>giving up your wfh gooncave for a promotion
I've only been cold called by a client, during work hours, when the test environment had fatal bugs that either stopped the system from working or crashed on a specific flow that needed to be tested. Within the org we message people if they can hop in for a call, sometimes with a priori context.
>safe meeting
I beg your pardon?
No I much like the lingering cock musk.
Pole here. I returned after many years abroad. After 1 year, I am completely done with these Polish fucking subhumans and I dream of going back to the UK. I visited London and I felt like some nigger finally seeing civilisation. Fortunately, I still have my special little immigrant status. Just need to find something.
Same, we should invent cloning so I can suck my dick.
Honestly if I ever have to work with/for Indians, I'm quitting.
>t. eastern euro
New thread
Scaled Agile Framework = SAFe
Why don't you want to actually do work?
I wish we could invent mature memory complete cloning so I can have two of me and be twice as productive while impersonating the same persona.
So why are companies all of the sudden asking leetcode hards for jr. positions?
I would definitely clone a female version of myself and marry her. Most women are intolerable except for sex.
>no dick
I'd only marry a male version of me.
Or maybe female with a dick.
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today was my last day and I fucked up talking to my manager and told him about my personal project I've been selling. I don't like him that much but got carried away in the conversation and spilt the beans, now he can watch my every move with my company.

How do I cope with this?
>now he can watch my every move with my company.
How? And also why would he care?
i'm probably just being paranoid about being accused of using company time after the fact or something. Never liked the idea of a boss knowing what I do outside of work but I got too excited and mentioned it.

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