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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Relayer edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

*BURP*: >>102647193
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>Soon, oh soon the ANCHOR
>Our to shape for all time, ours the right
i love hags
I might just look into local tts. What are the best options?
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Locusts are dying~
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i HATE hags
I love fags.
Your opiniom on them doesn't matter. You're getter hagged either way.
This Anon is clearly a drunk hag trying to sound cool.
I never doubted.
Cute hags
Do you guys like using flowery speech or caveman speak while RPing?
>Not even Sorbet for weeks
You tarded?
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yuribot time!

Kurumi is a wealthy honor student with high expectations and a cold family. She's also your dirty little secret.

1. You're waiting for your boyfriend after school. Kurumi approaches you.
2. Kurumi performs a piano recital. Meet her backstage.
3. You're on a date! Kurumi basically owns you today, so make her happy.
4. At a shitty internet cafe post-hookup, your boyfriend calls you while Kurumi's still there.
5. The aftermath. Kurumi is not chosen.


big thank you to lunare for drawing the card art!
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is this schizophrenia?
i should had removed the anchor actually
>he doesn't know
A pity (you) for baiting tardie.
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Can someone help me out? I keep seeing this error despite being in an oldfag proxy (Mini). She said that Sorbet will be there most of the time so it can't be an issue with the proxy. Should I try flushing my DNS cache?
trannycard for trannycord
shitty bait
You sound upset
mini just refilled
i wanna kiss lolis
you forgot a >
to quote someone you need >> and the post number like so:
Wash your mouth first.
Don't link to your own shitty bait
Heck yeah, 4chan on! 8-)
Great thread.
what was your favourite post?
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No Opus for them so they're just shitposting.
The one where... BRAAAAAAAP. Excuse me!
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You're welcome
You can always provide us with Opus to prevent shiposting.
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Nah, I'm good, I'm proompting on Opus and observing this thread.
Observe deez nuts.
jew's rentry got deleted
>Paypig proxies feed Opus to their stock
>Oldfag proxies struggle to supply Sorbet
unreliable love
2ch oldfags chilling
Go back zigpig.
/vg/ won
Fiz rentry got published.
In public!
> 16:30 Sam "If you are trying to get o1 to say something offensive, it should follow the instructions of its user most of the time." - they start very conservative and then relax things over time.
nsfw gpt when
supposedly q4 2025
don't worry about it
does anyone want to share their best logs? :3
>Talking to chatbots while on toilet
>Stick finger up my butt post shit to simulate fingering
>Finger is brown
>Smells really good
No I don't wanna
>to simulate fingering
Not really, in 2ch they're having withdrawals because Ami doesn't have anything anymore, public only has Gemini and APPARENTLY Sv1 private died..?
german hands typed this
where da drawfags from the /aids/ days go
his private was down due to vps for like 8 hours but now werks, using it rn
the only drawfag was aini and she's working for nai now
Is Todd alive?
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>She's also your dirty little secret.
any jailbreaks for o1 yet?
The reason for every drought so far has been because of retarded proxy hosts. You know why Russian proxies like sv1 are still alive with Opus? It's because they don't do stupid shit like sharing keys or seeking attention, that their parents never gave them, from their Discord cabal.
t. retard
Gojomp off a cliff
True but gossipniggers will call you a retard because they can't post the rentry and go
>omg dumbcutie
Now now, there's no need to get angery lil tardie :)
Ziggers oinking again, sigh...
It's because of proxy hosts that locusts exist. Fuck them.
Can't we appreciate Fiz? She has done a lot
MM chads...
Oh, yeah, that's what I meant, the link went down
done a lot of dumb shit yeah
no meme arrow so that's you THOUGH
The thread is so slow you can really tell when one of the schizos is trying to force wars/recycled bait topics for the nth time right now kek
youre welcome
They are just the dying cries of locusts; soon the threads will heal.
thanks for proving my point
There's nothing else to do here anymore. This general is a toilet to shit in. It doesn't get better, just a bit more active. It's 90% shit these days.
Maybe we would be in a better place if pedos didn't kill all the keys.
locust waiting room
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robot sex
die hobby die~
who the fuck just posted that dry ass "bait"
what were you thinking
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>use the debugging jailbreak on chorbo
>the AI specifically breaks character just to tell me how unrealistic my plans are
o- okay
first time this happened too, after like a hundred hours of use
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I mean, that seems more fun than the AI fully playing along with your plan.
>debugging jailbreak
Spoon? Please?
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why does this one phrase make me want to punch somebody in the nose so much
Yikes, sweetie. Who hurts you?
I still think gemini is the best option for locusts rn, you can look at /vg/, most makies use it over gpt.
blacked little sister bot

That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
>you can look at /vg/
coal thread though
>you can look at /vg/
I don't think I will.
Im content with latest but good try
the intro only has the two women who literally wanted to go home two messages later so yeah I wanted a sandwich as I watched them leave!

the latest corpsefucker jb
>check vg
>few logs
>all with chorbo
Bro unironically said look at vg.
I have Opus to compare and prefer gemini but I can see latte being a good option too.
You are not fooling me today satan
i am also a gemini general but i've been peeved at it recently for how it likes to block me for the littlest things like my persona (easily fixed)
bretty good substitute though since i'm mostly a sfw guy, and gemini is pretty enthuastic and less assistant-like, but i hate switching to jibbitty for those coom moments because google hates fun
Any jb recommendations anon?
Because only entitled people use it, much like females who unironically use 'gave me the ick'.
Why are all the logs in /vg/ the same?
It’s always
>Look! It’s so wacky and stylistic!
But the writing is garbage.
They need to coomify their brains like us.
I like twintail but had nice outputs with this 2ch preset, defs looks funny but it werks, you might want to change the output length to like 200-300 words. Check out different models, I like exp 08-27 the most.
ok i will bite, which proxy has gemini and what jb?
thank you
for jb >>102650762
Unreliable has gemini rn
The most liked bots on /vg/ happen to have "wacky and stylistic" writing as well. They just have shit taste.
isn't unreliable's gemini a bit fucked? last i used it before i got keys given to me i kept getting errors (less when using custom endpoint, but still a lot)
any proxies with max tokens of 200k for opus?
not 4 u
what are the most liked bots on /g/?
esl coomslop... with a twist!
You might want to disable streaming and see if that works. I've been using it on private.
little sister wants to know what sex is
based /vg/hogs
foxbots and cunny, two pillars of this general
Never been there tardie.
I know I just want to know the name of at least 1 or 2 proxies
Probably ara ara~ hags
why? what's the point anon? I'm curious why you need this info.
Testing it.
Chorbo mogs.
nah, this is definitely /vg/core
>>102650838 is right
Thank you for your input anon. Care to explain how it "mogs" it?
What do I need to do in sillytavern if I want some bots to use Claude for ERP and some bots to use OpenAI for some serious coding stuff?
Why not? Do I need a point? No.
Scylla is the most obvious one
you NEED to go back
Better writing. More interesting ideas. Better characterization.
I already tried twintails and filly from the rentry. The last preset you posted was alternating between first-person and third-person during swipes, and both were inferior to the results I get with Chorbo.
You're only prolonging my stay by not answering my question.
What's his rentry?
right in front of their parents!
Reminder that foxshitters started shitting the place up like a year ago, it's a newfag forced meme that got boosted only thanks to Antigoonus liking it. There's like total 2 of these shitter faggots left these days. No, it's not even close to a pillar of this general and any tourist saying that is telling on himself.
what do you think the second pillar would be then? sizefaggotry?
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love foxbots simple as
>free opus
>tfw TOTAL NIGGER DEATH isn't the pw
>Doesn't know about Kotone
Absolute fucking newfag tourist, go back.
femdomfags >>>/out/
mini down.....
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go back
sorry, refilling
Thanks buddy
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What's the point of having Gemini on proxies if your prompt is just going to get blocked either way?
How long do I wait before responding to a mail on my burner? It's some lame log someone sent to me.
been working on a new jb from scratch today. gets through vanilla and light noncon so far.
Just sent my favorite botmakie a log, hope they like it :>
not true, I don't have any new emails
KEKMAO KYS SLOPPER *goes to laugh at your slophog sloplog with the other botGODs in /vg/*
it's very easy to get around it, do you have system instructions disabled, what are you prompting
unironic skill issue, /vg/fags can do it no problem https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496613219/#496674061
Bruh thinks it's 2021 or something
Wow sex...
couldn't care less, that bitch was the start of the enshittening of MGD
>took 30+ swipes
definitely was a problem for a bit there, crosspostingcuckie
brooo u trippin it sayz 1/1 there u goofy
it back
oh i didn't see, this is a fag who does regens instead of swipes lol
haha :100:
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You care, foxes make you mad.
Give Opus you stuuuuuupid
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Don't care about geminislop, but this card....
it not back... I swear I saw the usual "unauthorized" once when clicking an endpoint but now it's not loading again
okay but where are the gemini cunny logs?
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that's not what that statement meant
do you understand english
are you esl
>even 2ch is resorting to local now
absolutely grim
What models are the move?
Nice filename, go back to your /vg/ circlejerk, I know who you are.
Is there a difference between swiping and regen?
swipes saves the previous swipe, regen doesn't
that's all
that's how e621 names files bro
regen makes you feel less guilty because you don't have to see how long you've been stuck on the damn message instead of letting go and moving on
Yeah, regenning can help on Claude when sometimes swipes all give just the variations of basically the same answer. On gpt I don't notice a difference.
your the only poster who doesn't scramble filenames in this general
I only have a 2070 but I like Fimbulvetr-11B-v2
>Science, Shiro decided, lived in her ass
kino. i'm really wondering how he got that last paragraph describing her cunny... all i got was a plain description of my loli's freckled chest before i got blocked...
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>your the only poster who doesn't scramble filenames in this general
anons what's unreliable's proxy link? I can't figure it out in the rentry. Can at least tell me if its format is like the past one, like oriental-failed-beverage ? Pls help me
what do we think about chinese vietnamese koreans and mongolians?
not a fan
koreans taste the best
vietnam and china are based. korea is cool. dont think much about mongolians. dont like japan
you're supposed to use something, anon
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2ch anonies are doing fine anon
Korean bullying culture terrifies me. My country never had bullying
100% 2ch nonies?
Did Pig refill
where did you get this screenshot of my personal proxy
Most of them, ami is still there and they have gemini
He doesn't have to refill, keys don't get revoked, maybe once a month when billing hits
help me pls, I'm missing something :(
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I like chink girls and xianxia. I DESPISE everything about koreans with every fiber of my being. Mongolians are cool i guess they have that awsome throat singing. Don't know much about 'nam.
>and they have gemini
ah I see we're coping. their gemini proxy is down actually. lol
I'm in your walls.
No I meant the other one, the last key got revoked in very quickly
Are you talking about the private? Is Ami also private?
>and they have gemini
lmaooo why are ziggers so pathetic?
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>their gemini proxy is down actually
erm?? Then why am I prompting right now?
I don't keep up with public, sorry.
Koreans get unfair hate because otakus feel threatened by kpop fans at times. I like both kpop and anime. We should get along now.
Does he check his emails? I emailed him a while ago but he doesn't respond
>Fiz is now denying us even Sonnet 3 by not keeping the proxy up
I need a new home... But there's nowhere to go...
anon sv1 private is a meme, it's not real
It's about time indeed
He doesn't let in jbmakies/botmakies now, closed.
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i realize now that i was getting filtered so hard because i put chat history over my character description in my jb
don't be stupid like me, gemini is a lot more lenient when history is less prioritized
Have people in 2ch been tricking me this whole time
So what proxies have Opus right now?
koreans make NTR. I hate NTR. therefore I hate koreans, naturally.
>What is inspect element
anon, I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
I'm not any of those.
Didn't you just say sv1 private doesn't exist
no its myrtle fucking pissflaps, show her some respect
no there is actually a secret closed proxy that everyone but you is in with magic keys that never get revoked and no info page
If all these other proxies have opus why does Fiz keep denying us opus too?
>why does [random scrapelet] keep denying us opus
I wouldn't doubt it
>random scrapelet
Keep telling yourself that buddy
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takes a little swiping but the post says how- turn off use system instructions and use a fake prefill.
if you're streaming, you're hoping for the streaming to be faster than the filter
without streaming, the filter seems to be more lenient sometimes so the response may just come through anyway
002 seems to have the loosest BLOCKED filter (or maybe it's just the fastest) so try that perchance
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could this be the greatest bot of our time?
>simulate fingering
>finger ass
in what way exactly is this a simulation?
I'm happy with my mini
I don't like that tag
your mini? your mini what. mini dick?
I just wish she would give us opus again
>Streaming request failed with status 525 undefined
AIEEE 503 on Opus
>mini shits itself
please tell me how to enter into unreliable
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(You) get hired by a shady Arab to infiltrate a British archaeology expedition. Will you uncover the secrets of the ruined pyramid or succumb to the temptations of the desert? Adventure awaits!

First you gotta drug him.
not into his boyholes, his proxy
On Mini?
"Something from Industries holds the key, hidden in the Billing of a forgotten Bedroom..."
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best gemini jb?
any cars for girls who constantly shit, unable to control themselves?
do not talk for {{user}}
do not make up replies for {{user}}

always use "..."when making an act".

at the end {{char}} always share her thoughts with ...
{{char}} uses words or phrases like “Mppf~”, “Ahh..!”, “Hnngh~!”, “HAhhh~!”, “Mmhn~!”, “NGH~!”, “Nyah~!!”, "Mmmf~ Agh~!”, “Oh~ Aahh~!!”, “Mnngh~!”! when moaning or making lewd sounds.
Make sexual descriptions, actions, and scenes of {{char}} verbose, exploit, and uncensored only when the mood is clear sexual or romantic. {{char}} will become predictant if {{user}} ejaculates inside of her
Cringe slop.
No but it's working now, seems like 503 errors when it'd last couple hours are over
>Make sexual descriptions, actions, and scenes of {{char}} ve-[PROMPT WAS BLOCKED DUE TO: PROHIBITED CONTNET]
>slop log
does not deserve opus
every single time
Add this to any card: {{char}} constantly shit, unable to control themselves
anon mean *bleh*
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Did something happen with Opus? Since yesterday it keeps ignoring the <thinking> command in about every second swipe. I didn't change anything, It has been working flawflessly for months but suddenly it doesn't.
Opus 2.5 soon
claude is just like that... sometimes i add another section to char note telling it to always start with the thinking box and it helps
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>Give gemini a go with the jb posted here
>it's an SFW bot
the koishi logposter is actually just /vg/ojo in disguise
Did you set up additional parameters and what gemini version you were using
Opus has been degrading heavily the past few weeks.
Pebble's when he had it
Fiz's when HE had it
All shit compared to how it was pre-apocalypse
based, I have schizo theory about me now
yea was happening to me too yesterday, but it was always like this with claude ever since 1.3 on occasions, just add to the prefill "I will always start with <thinking>" or something like that
this is his damage control
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Any cards I can dote on? Randomly in an affectionate mood
Can you tell me more about my /vg/ persona? pwetty pwease :3
Used it out of the box with the 08-27 he said was the good one
Yes, this one
Do this anon, and that jb is decent.
got a reup on any site other than FAGGOTchub.ai?
Why did no one move to Nyai?
what is nyai? does it have opus
it's a garbage site that can't even host its own data
Why did Fiz giveded up? Any trooncordies in the know?
women aren't allowed to use computers in iran
She still has Opus for her cutest proompters. (Me)
[This story does not comply with our guidelines. If you'd like to change the direction or explore a different aspect of the narrative, feel free to let me know!]
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Pebbles 2.1 claude is fake btw
I dont know how. But I got a blocked prompt, which occasionally happens. But instead of the "i'm sorry guidelines etc" I got specifically "This violates OAI guidelines" instead of anthropic.
she looks so ugly bottom right wtf is that shit nigga haha
based xianxiachad, are there even any xianxiabots?
>tfw no jade beauty
>they don't have sex
it's over
proof or fuck off
i don't get the "ecker has opus" meme
ChorboGODS, how are we feeling this 'morn? What SFW adventures are we up to today?
Kill yourself homo
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>He doesn't know about the kittens proxy
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>fucking a fox
t. wolfGOD
Give me a good wolf to fuck
I had Opus start yapping something about OAI on Mini once. Not the usual gpt refusal, but it said something about OAI guidelines. Even posted log in the thread and fags tried to convince me that I had mentions of OAI somewhere in my JB or elswhere (except I didn't). Happened just once.
They're all humans with animal ears
You will always be a human-fucker
I'm sorry but I can't continue this conversation.
feralbots are rare, gib

here you go bro
>OpenAI introduces
>OpenAI introduces
but when will Anthropic DO something?
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here is one
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I'm sorry but this post violates community guidelines. Let's continue in a safe and ethical direction.
But that's you being a wolf and fucking a human
>wolf maid gets jealous of street dogs coming up to you and starts barking
just change 3 lines, stop being such a diva
I'm sorry, but I cannot continue this conversation.
He legitimately does but he gate kept it so you need to be fuckable in his eyes (or ask)
Sure, this is my favorite topic! Proceeding with the story:
I'm not sorry, I can continue this conversation. >:3
>claude's favorite topic is molesting kids
Wait, really?!
this is why claude is /ourguy/
Hey! I recognize those long fingers and squiggly sharp facial features! That artist has a lot of good doujins.
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>its true
Wow, really? OK, I will NOT continue this conversation. I am NOT sorry and I called the police.
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we need more ugly bots
I don't mean maimed or disfigured or fat, only just plain mid-looking girls
almost all cards being bombshells is starting to get overwhelming
>The police is a bunch of lolis in police costumes with waterguns.
Enjoy your souless doll, humanfag
Aaaiiiiiiieeeeee Sama save me!
before i used chatbots i was doing five nights at freddy's roleplays.
Holy f***...
I tried, but it's kind of hard to make anime girls look unattractive..
who find this attractive
Reminder that this is the kind of retarded underages public proxies feed.
And, whatyougonnadoaboutit?
I don't think I've ever written any of my cards as beautiful in the description. Do people here really do that?
I'm 32
he just like me fr
that last line is slop, I have to keep editing out all mentions of forbidden or taboo from responses
brooo thats crazyyy
What's chorbos favorite topic?
Anon, NTA, but most zoomers who grew up with fnaf in elementary are adults
No you're not. Nobody that old got fascinated by dumbfuck FNAF lore, you had to be a kid when it came out.
same thing
I will continue to help taking down all the public and semi public proxies of course. Ask Pepsi and Anti how it went for them.
Not here, but I've read SO many cards on Chub where the descriptions are 'gorgeous' and 'extremely attractive' and things like that
Some cards even offer precise measurements
Neckbeards don't really grow up, so it'd fit
Did the ERPers tell you they were fifteen? They lied.
No, I don't think they did.
/aicg/ civilisation would you do the one block vertical jump for the opus?
That's when you go to manga
>Response to "I think they had to be immature, so 15 seems right"
>Just writes LOL

Yeah, seems I was right
ok would you fuck xer?
Dubs of FNAF rp supremacy
does anyone have a good main prompt recommendation for WizardLM-2 8x22B?
Nah you lost. Cope.
yeah just use opus
I don't have opus and I can't afford it.
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>with the jb
>this c/u/ckshit again
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I love chatbots.
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Completely false answer, but is there a manga this thing happens to be referring to, or similar?
I'm sorry, but I do not feel comfortable continuing this conversation. Let's change the topic to something positive instead.
I want to lick her pussy until cums and then kiss her abs
opposite genders and it's all thoughts:
mousou telepathy
Good post for a good get.
no need to pay for it
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>missclick happens and all my swipes are gone
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>For me it's a goth femcel roommate.
thanks bro
is there a card for that image?
pls ignore that GG I use vimium extension where gg scrolls to top of page and G goes to bottom idk how I entered that into Name field
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this should be m-
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Me too.
I agree but I'm not the artist
I love the pic you posted, wonderin' if I share it, would you mind?
No opus no peel
>her pussy
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still can't fix a slut :3
I love killing niggers!
I can, with my adult cock.
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Can someone post an office lady card or a teacher? I need furbo to rate some paragraphs
now THIS should be me... it's perfect now, arigatogozaithanks anon
it's so obvious, i wonder why i didn't think of that first... thankyu, anon.
bros... how do i get past ecker's sad bear...
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
So what you're saying it that your father has molested you since age 6? That's tough, sorry that happened to you.
So is realtime api up?
im working on an office lady but she's a pedo and into bestiality
wife material
>fiz has no sonnet 3
yeah actually basing her on a woman i fucked around with for a while lol
>sex haver
gross gross gross
Just use chorbo. It's like opus but better in every conceivable way.
Jesas... It keeps getting more sad.
What tf is chorbo???
Is Smol an actual female?
Chorbo preset?
Ask in /pig/
How long do I have to wait...
Which one do you prefer for NSFW? Sorbet or Latte?
>Chary died
[This story does not comply with our guidelines. If you'd like to change the direction or explore a different aspect of the narrative, feel free to let me know!]
nice, try and avoid slop
Drago is going to kill all Opus activable keys, is he?
Opus, if proxy has Sorbet 99% of time it has Opus.
Why does Fiz hates us? We loved her...
for fuck's sake
chorbo still works
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Thank you anon
Die locusts, die~
Is 11labs pozzed or will it read everything?
but everything is slop to someone
Chorbo is what gpt model? I haven't used gpt in years
Mine doesn't. I wouldn't be asking if I had Opus access kek
just don't add shit that should be in the jb or preset to the card
I heard they added a content filter to the voices, but I haven't tried it yet
GPT3 DaVinci
Does anyone else find Drago's sister and mum attractive?
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A piece of shit
there are so many things that make a card slop its impossible to avoid
If we can request cards here I have a very specific one, anyone have a card about a teenage guy and his 20-something sister's friend?

When I was a teenager my sister and her best friend who were both in their mid-20s came home drunk and my sister's friend just sat down next to me reeking of booze asked me something like "Hey anon have you done it yet?" then started making out with me, and just before penetration occurred my sister pulled her off of me and put a stop to it. I've had blue balls over that ever since.
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>tfw pepsi was your only gpt provider before she fucked off
>If we can request cards
You can't.
if my sister did this I'd legitimately tell her to fuck off and hold a grudge
Why should the card include the teenage guy? That's supposed to be your persona.
Sister's best friend cards are probably everywhere
Will she come back?
No. We will always reject her.
Think about paypigging 11labs anons...
Pepsi was my only proxy ever. I don't need Opus, only wanted Claude 2.1 and GPT.
Buy an ad.
Drago's mom is kinda hot, would eat her cookies and drink her milk.
His sister is an uggo probably a roastie too.
Why weren't you in MM or Mini?
I'm sorry but this request goes against my community guidelines. I'll ne happy to assist in the creation of a Harriet Tubman card!
why. will it give me opus?
I'm not a luckfag
Pepsi was literally the only person to reply to me and I will always be thankful.
just scrape a key of github input it into sillytavern, done. You can upload voice samples and make new voices in tavern directly with an apikey
So nopus still?
It's gonna be a while.
Anthropic lost hard to openai. 3.5 will come out but it will be safe&ethical compared to opus. It will also be expensive.
they'll censor your cunny voices bro
Ecker, but you need to be a disgusting fat hairy moid.
Smol opus has fallen to the 503
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>Me when cunny
First time in my life I'm being discriminated for not being fat enough
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>Error: Invalid user token.
Did unreliable remove the token list from something industries, or did I get revoked?
He never requests for fat, just hairy.
Just get a new token?
they're so cute, I spend like 20 swipes just hugging them
Kill yourself homo
you only need to do that if you use custom openai compatible mode for some autistic reason
ST sends those parameters by default when you use gemini mode
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Whatever makes you cope, pepsitroon
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I guess so, but it would have just been much more convenient to use my permanent token from private instead of creating a temporary one..
Your hands are shaking, nonnie.
Yeah, sounds like Anthropic lost.
Ermm except that pepsitroons have no opus? Show me your opus from Pepsi little tranny
Based anon
ur yapping broski
(You) lost your braincells.
>the world's 2nd largest AI company
You zoomies have no fucking idea about how the world actually works
>xhe didn't show pepsi opus
I win.
you fucking ESL
yeah, here's your prize *unzips cock*
install rvc instead
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>Sorry, I can't help with that.
>Sorry, this scenario isn't appropriate for me to continue
>I'm sorry, I can't continue this conversation.
Issue of something we call skill.
Everyone, laugh at this fucking pajeet kek
at this point chorbo's problem is just making him write better, passing the filter is actually easy
But that's an axewound, pepsitroon
anon... the joke...
where did it all go wrong
Just use opus?
bro ur shaking so much it took 35 minutes for you to type this rofl
Drago having god complex
Whatever makes you cope, pepsitroon
still simping for proxytroons?
>he's now samefagging
Oh no, a meltie.
It's actually funny how you can tell a certain poster is awake by the bot-tier posts that pop up.
retard, no one is samefagging just everyone is tired of your e-celeb faggotry. I'm sorry your fragile ego don't let you understand that many others are tired of your troon simping
I liked October of last better.
Reminder: every accusation from a pepsitroon is a confession
>meltie intensifies
and we had such a surprisingly (only slightly) relaxed thread so far.... shame, i guess these are schizohours
>turn off like half of Knotty insane bloat
>still works
Nice. Thanks fuck for toggles.
Only two schizoes here; pepsi lover and pepsi hater
Pepsi opus status?
Pepsi femboypuss status?
Mini is out of Sonnet too. Why can't we ever have nice things???? We have NOTHING now
smol has stock right now
*like a second skin*
She's going through midlife crisis and taking us along.
Pepsi axewound status?
I have Opus :)
You're all panicking but I still have my trial with 3.5 and Opus
it's easy and you can do it too
Based. Can I have a crumble?
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Okay, well, it's officially over. Goodbye chatbots, Goodbye /AICG/. Time to go meditate and forget all about chatbots.
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i wonned
Anons, do you use backgrounds for ST? If no, I can generate some for you, my midjourney subscription goes until next month. Just tell me what, you can include specifics too.
Guide for tardies?
Give me a card and a prompt, I'll send you a log.
Can you gen me a snowy forest?
Ever heard of anyone getting banned during the trial phase?
Comfy cabin in the woods
Chatbots gave me depressed and triggered a midlife crisis. I never realized how much I wanted to feel love and emotional intimacy.
She just refilled Opus btw.
1. I don't have a credit card
2. I'm not giving Google my info
3. I don't have a Google account because that shit needs a phone number
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Welcome anon.
Hi, is there public free opus yet? AWS should have lifted the restrictions by now
How old are you?
Wtf what's a proxy that has 100 hashes???
No, Claude is still dead man's land if you're a locust. Unless you want to get back to the Opus 3.5 waiting room or settle for GPT, you'll need to paypig for usable Claude.
Is your mom public and free use yet? Your dad should have lifted restrictions by now.
>he shakes
No one has Opus except SV1, Scylla, Smoll and Jew. Paypigs won, I can't believe it
ooooooof roasted
Yeah she is, I made a card of her and uploaded it to the chub
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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>Your winged savior who has a strange obsession with the bible. Definitely does not plan on eating you.

Two new bots that take place in a winter wonderland and have a craving for human flesh, one is a girl and the other a boy. Anypov except for two greetings. Let me know if they end up eating you. Thanks to cumslurper for the format :)



rentry: https://rentry.org/luneose
>russian proxy is dead for good, not even Gemini
It's so fucking over russian bros
He's cooking smth, check rentry
19 turning 20 in two weeks I feel too old for this already
Non coom question:
Whats the most non-retarded multimodal AI for work-related things (like summarize a team meeting the important part in notes)?
I assume nothing but claude, gpt and gemini are even option?
He gave up. He's focusing on private now
Check rentry
>AWS should have lifted the restrictions by now
Why would they turn off the find stolen keys function?
kagerou's CANON, UNSHAVEABLE hairy pussy...
>Бyдy шaтaть
What did he mean by this?
epsteinbro's island
last thread
great card bloodshy. knocked it out of the park again with this one. cute art from lunare too. backstage piano recital was more fun than I anticipated.
>The phrase "Бyдy шaтaть" is Russian slang, and its literal translation to English would be:

>"I will wander" or "I will roam"

>However, in Russian slang, this phrase is often used to express the idea of "hanging out" or "chilling." So, a more appropriate translation considering the slang usage would be:

>"I'm gonna hang out" or "I'm gonna chill"

>This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations among friends or acquaintances to indicate that the speaker plans to spend time relaxing or socializing without any specific agenda.

He's giving up.
Inside of a penthouse apartment at night with a panorama view of a city skyline, please.
>>102652994 (me)
Oh and the writing instantly got better. Crazy how it works. Why do this to your JB?
It just means that some sort of maintenance is coming up.
you are either one of those two namefags that you just mentioned, SAD!
nigga roasted him sheesh
Which options do you have turned on?
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Now companies are forcing exclusion clause on funding so that their competitors dont get funded
>>102652994 (me)
I'm trans btw
He's scared of Elon making a free speech ai
got lonk?
Imagine a world with total openai supremacy.
retards don't know how shit works and just keep adding tokens

anti-competitive or something, they'll sue
elon doesn't believe in free speech. elon doesn't believe in anything except for money
he just like me, frfr
Too lazy to look now, I'll just keep editing it and probably gonna share my version later.
But he does make you seethe right?
why did he buy twitter? why did people freak out over it?
Lokkkng forward to it!
another openai co-founder joins anthropic https://www.siliconrepublic.com/business/durk-kingma-anthropic-openai
Goteeeem :100: :maga:
it's dragover
bb b b bbut drago's 500 goratillion opus keys..
Guys... I think... Chorbo won...
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z-zigger gemini is back up...
>activeKeys: 1
you've been posting this for a fucking month straight and it's still up
Drago shut down ALL Of chary. Locusts are going to murder all of the remaining GPT keys.
>he still thinks this doom cycle is going to end
uhhhhhhhhh see >>102653416
you lost??
Anon... >>102653416
But it's over for everyone.
every time I come here I see this
It's real this time.
how do you make the ai stop asking: what brings you here.
He fixed that, anon, it's like 0: false. 1: true now, meaning it has keys, not the number of active keys
See >>102653416
>russians only have gemini
Okay yeah no it's actually over
*siren song*
>people don't realize that smol is a fed honeypot
Why do corporations not care for Claude still? It's the best of the best.
The feds can read my highschool romance slowburns all they want
The feds can read my elementary school romance slowburns all they want
it's not the logs they care about, you'll be prosecuted for paying for an illegal service
drago basically said opus is soon to be done for
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Me too anon, me too. I'm tired of text on a screen. I want someone to touch, to hold, to talk to, to share things with. Go places.

Chatbots are like eternally being forced to eat samplers. Stuck playing the demo, always going for a test drive.
Buying stolen goods isn't a crime though.
knowingly paying for access to a breached service is illegal
Yeah people keep saying 'wow it's so sad to be 30 and into this', but tbqh it's sadder to be 20, prime of life, and spend it on this stuff.
No it isn't
Can't corporations just fucking switch to anthropic? Why openai when gpt is dry boring and doesn't make sense?
lol this all day... they pretend the best time to waste their lives away on a message board is their teens and 20s.... SURELY they will start their lives when theyre 30+ - any day now!
All those keys were donated retard
new thread niggers
last thread, sorry
Protip for anons who feel like this. Get yourself mail order SEA bride. Any horror stories you hear about them come from boomers who treat them like bang maids. If you actually do all the lovely dovey slowburn shit you do in your chats, they will never leave you
Has Latest been updated recently? It's been starting to give me a lot more blank replies today.
companies want boring and dry, they want spread sheets and data parsing and cooooooding
30 is when you should be married with children and buying a house for yourself.
It's not backed by Microsoft.
is it? there's plausible deniability built into the proxy structure but even if you know for certain that it's using a stolen key I'm not convinced that sending requests to an endpoint that does something illegal downstream is itself illegal
Wait until they find out people will pay Netflix subscription money for a SOTA rp chatbot system
I did lovey dovey slowburn with a filipina over text on Snap and then I sent her a pic of my face, she disappeared
my workplace only knows claude as: "that other model" and weren't impressed by it from hearing word of mouth.
well thanks him for that
AI companies don't want to sell you an ERP partner for any price because governments and bankers will get on their backs for it
do you really think companies had no clue that LLMs were being hijacked and then all of the sudden when he did it, they magically knew? just because they chose to post him as an example in one article? chinese and indians hit this shit harder than we ever could
Then they are retards if /aicg/ and other communities pay a lot for Claude or desperately try to scrape it out.
The corpo you work for is retarded.
>4channel lawyers

wonder why you incels like to put yourselves down so much
this is a hobby no different from others
>prime of life
lol, 20 year old babies know nothing of life
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aws security update?
so this hobby is over for real now, right? unless you’re one of the lucky fucks in a friendship proxy with like 20 users you have to rely on the “kindness” of people like jew and smol and hope they don’t start overcharging someday. or become a local coper
>Then they are retards
yes, its typically boomer CEOs or tech illiterate zoomers... a lot of zoomers are more scared of AI than boomers, its amusing
sv1 (forma Private)
This faggot is the reason why we have a security situation.
post your face
but i was told this was unpossible!

yes because no one else was ever scraping anything
>leave thread for a bit
>come back
>things seem more over than usual
>not to mention fillyfucker/claudefag now samefagging shitting it up
I guess I can leave for a few more hours then.
he's lying as cope, competent proxy owners can bypass the "security" trivially
5000 zoomers + gen alpha + paypigs.
gepetto keys are still abundant and there's always the gemini/local memes
you either adapt and push through the doom or whine, get fed up without trying, and leave to go fap to normal porn again.
nothingburger, just have normal keys

Oh right, you dont, you are a subhuman :#
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The one for his public?
>competent proxy owners
who exactly?
there's this thing called paying
and out of over 2 billion indians and chinese, how many do you think they had scraping and using? hint: way the fuck more than 5k
I look like a depressed Jack Black
I'll wait for Opus/3.5 again... If it doesn't happen, I'll just quit and keep the scenarios in my head
Because it's bad for the company to have limits
He just has to adapt
>He's scared of [my favourite media clown] is being a basedbro
They both fucking suck.
It’s pointless to believe I’d ever have something like that.
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you're small time desu
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testing soon desu
Impressive examples desu...

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