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>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff

>People who will be joining us shortly

>Helpful YouTube Channels

PREVIOUS: >>102590290
I'm a PhD studen't
Best thing you can do when you turn 12: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 15: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 18: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 21: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 24: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 27: get a job and move out
Best thing you can do when you turn 30: get a job and move out
I hate LinkedIn, I hate HR, I hate Jobs, I hate everything
Get rid of people who says 'get a job and move out'.
You are just going to get a real job bruh. Factory work is legit btw. Look for night shift in a wet food processing plant. Settle into an easy fit and you'll make 27-35 dollars an hour no problem. Then just don't be degenerate and you'll be set for life.
>a wet food processing plant.
imagine the smell
I did that until I got laid off. Its a living nightmare moving back in with your parents.
Hello Doctor
>Factory work is legit
sure if you have an IQ of 50 and arent affected by mind numbing repetition
what field?

yes but i was fired due to elections, it's a layoff equivalent in my shitty country.
>work in factory for 20 years
>solid pay for meme work mostly just socalizing
>get some dumb watch when you retire

>be codemonkey
>burn out after first year
>try to shitpost your way through 3 year contract to get stock options before you quit
>trans out from mental breakdown before you quit
>leave job market to 'start your own business'
>lose everything you had saved
>move into moms basement
>join the 41%
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mind numbing repetition jobs are legit. Have your boss leave you the fuck alone, put the earbuds/muffs on, and just do bodyweight exercises all the time and teach yourself latin and ancient greek and mathematics and all that that shit.

Or sure, you could sit in your gmc yukon for 90 mins to get to your office job, where you have to be "fully attentive", sitting all the time and constantly stressed out (ruining your health) for maybe 10k a year more (that won't help you anyway).

Nothing about this system is legit. Bullshit jobs where you work maybe 30 mins a day and use the rest of the time to become a cultured thug are the hidden jewel.
I'm 36.
People will complain that work us beneath them because of "mind numbing repetition" then will sit alone in their room and press F5 on their computer for 12 hours a day.
it's that good in the US?
man i wish factory work is good in my thirdie country
No, those plants are full of illegals making less than minimum wage.
yeah I had a job since I was 10, I'm 28 now working in accounting and I still can't afford to move out.
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Maybe wait until you turn 18 at least

>Its a living nightmare moving back in with your parents.
Very much true, I am in that nightmare right now
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Academia is a pyramid scheme. Outside few disciplines that require expensive laboratories like medicine, biology, chemistry and what not, it is a complete waste of time and a remnant from the medieval ages.
>move out
Nice meme. I will never pay rent, never pay mortgage, and never commute.
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LinkedIn is a pajeet website
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>apply to 3 positions at a company
>get decline emails from 2 of them the very next day
bros i think one got through
Probably pissing in the wind here but if I'm looking to get into Helpdesk Tier 1 support for some experience while getting certs, are there any MSPs or large companies that are taking applications? I have nearly 5 years of non-IT customer service experience and recently got my A+ cert and I feel like applying to smaller companies on Indeed or Ziprecruiter is not going well, though I've only just started a putting in applications a few days ago.
experience is more important even if its not explicitly help desk, get in a tech support campaign at a call center
>Factory work is legit btw.
not really no.
construction worker though? you are set for life just get a crawler license or something
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I've saved 50k in rent living with my dad, I'm going to move out at 25. Should I wait?
It depends how is the relationship with your dad.
Does he let you bring bitches to fuck? Is he a good dad?
I mean, there is no reason to give money to the rental jew unless you really have to.
Great relationship but I get 0 bitches lmao
She's a Mancunian but pays rent in dollars?
>implying this loser on the 4chan Technology board gets any bitches lmfao
don't move out till you have a job numbnuts
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I have a job
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Kek I never noticed she did the math wrong LMAO.
>I'll be 40 in 10 years
Imagine being dumber than a roastie
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welp I got laid off and my replacements know nothing about how my job works and the workload is intense, I was basically doing the jobs of like 4 people
I'm sure management will ask me to help the new guys get up to speed before my last day but nothing I say or do can prepare them for the retarded management they're going to deal with
in all the years I've been working there it has been a consistent struggle to get people to understand my job and all the problems that arise from shitty management
>company hasnt raised my pay in 4 years
just gonna wake up at 11am and log off whenever I feel like it
fuck management, if they ask you back you ask for 2x your hourly rate. Milk those bastards for all their money.
this is unemployed tech workers general, your kind isn't allowed here
I definitely will
someone in the chain of command seems to be firing people without any kind of business context as if it's a numbers game
even my manager had no idea that I got laid off and it immediately set him into a panic but there's layers of management above him so there's nothing he can do
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you get what you fucking deserve useless tech nerds, get a real job that actually produces something real
>.t machinist working for a company that's expanding faster than we can higher workers
>higher workers
Lol, nothing like insulting tech workers while being an illiterate retard
please be patient, im an eastern euro ESL
i have a job tho unlike you nerd
I agree that factory work is for low IQ niggers, but
>muh mind numbing repetition
Nigger, it's a fucking job. Would you rather be in a place where you get yelled at by an Indian? One where you have to work overtime to meet deadlines?
A job is much better the less it requires and the more it pays, and EVERY job is a fucking pain in the ass by its mere definition.
I'm the one guy with a job here: >>102683423
>Eastern euro
You probably make a quarter of what I make
I am a code nigger and I agree with >>102683698. The CRUD I am writing is only good to move money from Goy to Jew, and it does jackshit to actually improve society.
I am not automating farming, I am not researching construction bots, I am not finding new ways of making food healthier while lasting longer, I am just writing a fucking webshit app with a monthly subscription.

But I also bet >>102683698 makes dildos or cheap tinkets because he posted le reddit muscled man (which he is not).
I also work for a subscription/ad-supported company. It provides no real value to society, but it pays a lot
>muh factory low iq work
nigger i work on 2 CNC machines that cost more than your entire life of wagecucking at some gay tech company could get you
i make 2x median wages in my country
>makes dildos or cheap tinkets
i make car/train parts, medical stuff like knee implants for german/swiss companies but nice try nigger
nigga you'll ALWAYS be seen as a low iq loser who wasn't able to do anything requiring brains, and people will see you this way no matter where you are on the planet. You're here in this thread insisting that your iq isn't below 50, look at the state of you.
you dont even comprehend what machining is, is has programing too
i actually studied programing but i wasnt as retarded as you and realized i have no future being a useless codemonkey and switched professions
keep coping and seething jobless nerd, at least you are a big boy with big brain right?
Why are niggas with jobs coming here? This thread is for unemployed losers only, fuck off.
because it's the only way a factory retard could flex on anyone
why is a webshit seething because of someone on the other side of the planet operating a CNC machine?
Today I woke up, read some emails, checked my stocks, hit the gym, ate some lunch, posted a few memes on slack, checked my ongoing tests for the code I worked on this week, and responded to some work emails.
>2x median wages
So, what? 50k USD?
whats the fastest way to become a software engineer? i hate my current job and haven't gotten a raise in years. i wanna rake in the big bucks desu.
start at least trying to write code
where would i start though? ik some languages like c++ java and stuff.
well, what interests you? if you're working on something you're interested in you're more likely to stick to it than if you're just doing it for $ or practice
> Best thing you can do when you turn 12: get a job and move out
African Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 15: get a job and move out
Indian Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 18: get a job and move out
British Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 21: get a job and move out
Chinese Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 24: get a job and move out
Pakistani Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 27: get a job and move out
Mexican Edition

> Best thing you can do when you turn 30: get a job and move out
USA Edition
my dream job is some place like Google where they give you free lunches every day and have dedicated nap rooms. programming wise though, i guess i like c++ the most though, just seems like you have the most control of the memory compared to java. idk what exactly i'd want to do with it though.
>canadian isn't even on the board
we stay losing b'ys, living at home for life cuz pajeets stole all the jobs and then robbed us at gunpoint too
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sounds like a zoomer problem
so what? cost of living is infinitely cheaper in eastern europe than in us you stupid nigger not like you understand what that is
americans dont understand relative measurements. keep in mind that this is also a people that says
>999999 murders per person per day?
>well the country is bigger so it's fine :)
yea thats the power of an american brain unfortunately
an american thinks hes better off than me because he makes 10k a month while spending 80% of that pay on rent/groceries/random bills while i only earn 2k but spend 10% on groceries and dont pay for rent because housing is actually affordable here
your own example shows the american coming out top
and its more like 30-50% for the american anyways
>an american technically saves slightly more money in your example
>what the fuck is purchasing power
yep here we go another american with his big brain shows up
your example is retarded on its face anyways, you just made it up to feel better about your situation
>having 90% of your money free is bad
>especially in a country where 10l of clear spirits is like 0.99 kroner or whatever
I lived in Eastern Europe before miving to Canada. Donwn horrendous ngl

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