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overtime slave edition

Pajeetcode 150: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102671175
I will move to Japan
I will WFH from my gooncave
I will ignore their social norms
wtf thats literally what I want to do...
i am going to troon out
i’m already wearing girl clothes on wfh days anyway
wagmi goonbro
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don't bother just do your agp shit in private
hrt doesn't do anything after puberty
it will just break your dick and exacerbate any dysphoria you might be feeling before
are you speaking from experience?
because my employers have no respect for my time, distracting me from useful work with bullshit
because the people running this show hate me and want me to suffer and think it's funny, any effort on my part is working against my interests in the grand scheme
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Looking for some advice, I have been offered a job for 20k more than I make now 80k -> 100k. My dilemma is my current job is very laid back and I get along with all my co-workers and its just a very chill job. The new position would be more hours and definitely more fast paced but I could use the extra dough. Should I stay or should I go? anyone leave a nice chill job for $ and ended up regretting it?
>always check messages, emails, texts, etc. every day
>nothing for months
>dont check for 2 days
>check again
>inboxes are blown up
do both
Are they remote? Do both, make 180k
i’m already twinkish so i feel like i might stand a chance but that sounds grim
i hope you’re still capable of feeling cute in cute clothes tho
stay. 20k is not worth to bust your ass off
what is more important to you? You'll have your answer.
As someone whos been in an ez job for years, take the faster paced one. My skills have completely stagnated and I worry that I'm going to be fucked if/when this job falls through.
My job genuinely makes me feel happy because I love my coworkers, my team, and because the environment is very relaxed. No amount of money would be worth leaving this to me, sort your priorities and see what's more important to you.
Oh boy, is there finally a containment general for all the losers who shit up this one?

Who's the genius behind that and how can I buy him a beer?
It's nice to have this isn't it? I could use more money, however, I have a family.
i hate women too much to want to be a woman
imagine if you could just switch bodies whenever
that'd be so convenient

women are shit because they're women
just chop out their brains and put a guy inside
so, my manager is kinda a faggy dork, and I'm kinda autistic

He wants me to meet with a colleague (for the 3rd time) to ask him more questions about software he's using so that we can get "buy in" for new software.

I just fucking hate wasting peoples time and being a proxy for this fucking guy

my question is: is any aspect of this normal?
He's a manager and you're his resource, anon.
to reword my question better:

Is it normal to rat out the person you are being a proxy for? It would make me feel better to say 'my manager told me to ask you X,Y,Z' but also, my manager might get pissed off by that
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>i’m already twinkish so i feel like i might stand a chance but that sounds grim
I was a "twink" pre-hrt (176cm height, 67cm waist, 40cm bideltoid, 80cm underbust, 20yo) but the standards are much higher to pass as an average woman your own age
like, 3 standard deviations below natural male development even at 18 sorta standards
looking on the outside in I also thought I had some hope but male puberty is irreversible, hrt doesn't do much, and surgery isn't all it's cracked up to be
1 and a bit years hrt and I'm just a man, I wouldn't look any better dressing up as a woman than I would pre-hrt, the only difference is having to hide gyno tits, I'm not hondosed and definitely block my T well, it's just not enough past young adolescence
>I hope you’re still capable of feeling cute in cute clothes tho
you'd be surprised, I haven't worn anything feminine in months, they just make me feel like a man in a dress which is what I am
especially don't recommend cosplay stuff, those are barely wearable for average sized western women, for trannies they're suifuel
the only superpower I ever wished for was shape shifting
gender dysphoria sucks ass and it really became an all consuming deal after I started hrt
not that it wasn't before, I just toughed it out by rescheduling my suicide date all the time
i share your paranoia. my manager is really nice but he's a fucking moron and i HAVE to shit talk him sometimes but i know some day he'll find out and it will break his heart
When is the next rate drop gonna happen? 4.75 - 5.00 is not kenough.
I just bought my house at 5.35...

is it OK to say to a colleague "my manager Malcolm, wants to get your opinion on X. He also told me to meet with you in order to get it." and apologize for taking up their time?
>great job report
>he wants MORE rate cuts
lol, zoomies are so retarded
their target is 2%, you should've paid attention
>you can buy a small house in Kyoto for 100k USD
Bros... we should make a gaijin retard colony in Japan. Ideally we would never see/interact with one another but it would be funny to see what the locals think
thank you. Seriously, I have no one IRL to talk to about this shit
you should listen to what powell says next time, and not what other people say he says
you'll get a .25 cut at most for this year
Do it, but do not get on HRT. That is how you ensure a job.
i don’t have dysphoria so i guess im a step up
my ideal body is being a hrt femboy so i might not mind the minimal changes as much
im pretty sure my TECH WORK job will pay for it too
>"We absolutely need this done by end of week"
>Barely get my build done by Thursday afternoon
>Teammate says he'll run testing overnight, (takes like four hours, all automated) will let me know in morning how it went
>Never messaged me back
>Ignored me all day
God damnit. The shit won't go forward AND I have jury duty next week. I'm fucked in this job.
literally not your responsibility
you did your job, say it's blocked by X not testing and that's it
>jury duty
say you are legally retarded then you'll be automatically excused
w-what if you're illegally retarded?
why the fuck would you not want jury duty? Anything is better than actually doing work unless you have a do nothing job.
>my ideal body is being a hrt femboy
you have dysphoria you just don't call it that yet
idk man, hope you have better luck than me I guess
jury duty is like having a job at the DMV. i'll take scrummies any day over being surrounded by literal 65iq niggers and women
I kind of want to play 12 Angry Men though. Jury Duty could be like a little vacation from working. Just pissed about the deadline going bust.
>automated testing takes four hours
I thought my testing suite taking 15 minutes was bad.
What in the world are you testing there?
It's boring as shit and I don't like dealing with city traffic.
jury duty is nothing like 12 angry men
You don’t need to apologize for taking their time, but you can thank them for their time and for bothering to answer your retarded questions
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get that bread anon!!!!
Look at what happens to people who are illegally blind
hits a little too deep ngl
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Is there any L1 visa holder? If I initiate acquiring a green card, will my employer discover that?
bro the economy is good and getting better
this is literally the start of the recovery
why are you people always doomposting

pretty sure you need employee support for a greencard application, and most good companies with L1 will apply for you
nuances... I never thought I was autistic, but this week I am second guessing myself
No, you don't get it. Let's say I already have L1 visa and I want to change my status. I can hire a lawyer for that, but will my employer somehow find out I'm changing status?
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Weekend time boys. See you all Monday.
nigga you need a PERM labor certification from your employer to transition to EB1/2 for a green card
you cannot do it without your employer
you’ll have to ask your lawyer
ask two lawyers and they’ll give two different answers
US immigration law is very often contradictory and full of weird exceptions
sounds comfy. I did that for 3 weeks.

Aren't you scared about it though?
why would I be scared? it's fucking japan, my neighborhood has more crime in a week than japan has in a month
get back here
There is plenty of other visa types that don't require certification.
cus of the financial implications and the big change in your life. Being surrounded by people who are totally different and you'll never be similar to
uhuh, if bro has the money for an EB-5 he has the money to ask a lawyer about this

>being surrounded by people who are totally different and you'll never be similar to
this only applies if you've ever had the delusion of being similar to the trash around you
>cus of the financial implications and the big change in your life
I'm planning on going with around 150-200k saved up
as for big change I'm just moving from one apartment to the next, I'm not living in the jungle
If it weren't for church and my family there's no fucking way I'd stay here. The US is overpriced and your surrounded by niggers and people who act like niggers.
>muh culture shock
I get culture shock when I go downtown in my own country anyway. Fuck you.
Women should not be allowed to WFH.
>full whf work
>almost no deadlines
>small, friendly and competent team
>no diversity hires
>interesting project
>modern and comfy stack
>no overtime
>no unnecessary meetings
I think I finally found my place anons
>bro the economy is good and getting better
That certainly seems to be what the oil futures and bond traders think. We'll see if they're right.
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>live technical assessment next week
>was suppose to get more info for it last week
>reached out
>said I would get more info today
>still nothing
Looks like I'm going to study everything and throw the kitchen sink in as well. I have zero idea what they're going to test me on.
yeah, the culture shock thing just makes me instantly write you off as a normalfag lol
your culture is equally absurd to me as the jap one
>I'm planning on going with around 150-200k saved up
Nice, I have a similar stash. Mostly invested in ETFs.

How old are you BTW?

And do you plan on returning to the US every 4-6 months for tax purposes?
WGU Night Owl checking in. Any other night owl engineers here?
meme was made by a genetic dead end
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hey lil buddy

ya, that's me

I'm in Taiwan and I'm just about to start typing some god tier code
22, I have around half of that saved up
also not american, and that's not how tax residency works btw
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I can't think until I've gooned in the shower and had some coffee then gooned again and had a workout then gooned again
>goon once per day max
>sesh cap 15 mins
you'd die of goon withdrawal
>finally got an offer after being unemployed for 3 months
>gamedev job
>salary bracket is 60-80k for a mid-level role
>my experience puts me at least close to senior, if not easily senior, but I’m conservative with taking on more responsibility
>senior roles start at 85k
>successful company, American, getting funding from big tech, they’re rolling in it
>expecting like 75k offer
>its 65k

I just know that recruiter low-balled me because he has fuck all incentive to get me more money when it might risk me not getting the role at all. Tough shit, bucko, we’re counter-offering.
anyone has experience running node js slop in prod? I'm starting a new job as infra engineer and I have no idea what I'll be doing
one of my 5 managers all he does is ask about if there's a merge request or some irrelevant git bullshit. what a faggot i hate managers.
just use your college education to figure it out.
sir status on the merge? we needing the marge. COB??
Your family need a dad and husband that isn’t stressed out too.
>We are all gonna make it
Sadly he did not.
having a nice long weekend
quitting on Tuesday
having another holiday
life is good
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I need to ask if there is any hope at all for a youngfag non-indian (albeit tranny) to do IT in Canada's not-so-populated provinces, and if so, how would I get into the business?

From where I'm standing, it seems like the best way to go about things is to be a private contractor for local businesses with an expansive resume of a variety of work - potentially doing things at pretty cheap rates but having the benefit of "not being a bullshitter", taking advantage of the political climate of the current day
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Blogpost incoming, I need serious advice:

Ive been working this job for a several months now. It’s involves writing mostly PL SQL procedures and functions to make reports, pretty easy work, none of the DSA concepts, math, backend/front end stuff I did studying in my own or in school is being used. Any random exercise from CS50 is harder than anything I’ve done at this job. If there’s any challenging part (not really) it’s just interpreting what the customer (another department) wants on the reports (changing column headers)

Anyways I’m not being paid much and want to move on at some point , so what skills should I develop to get my next role that would compliment this current job experience? I figured Python is used in the data field I should investigate that road? Is becoming a data engineer an attainable career path with SQL/PL SQL work experience + self studying another language like python or java, or is that a dead end without having taken multiple statistics type advanced math classes?

I’m not really sure what to do now honestly. In the BRUTAL year long job search I was trying everything, web dev Odin project stuff, leetcode, game dev, spring boot web apps. None of it panned out and it all felt pointless. I’m glad I got something in tech but now I’m in a role I’m not sure how to build off of and I’m poor as fuck. I few months ago I was a hopeless unemployeed new grad you guys said would never make it
what are you doing in Taiwan?


I FUCKING GOT IT I'M GONNA MAKE IT WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the fuck anon, that's a pittance for a senior position doing anything
Proud of you anon
My mom told the whole planet, neighbors, her friends, our family, anyone alive that I got a good job. I guess it means she's proud, damn.
what fuels you, /twg/?
cheers my dude, enjoy the fucking weekend, and enjoy those future gains!

I don't really know desu but I do know some of Chinese, and that non Asian countries are unsafe and more expensive, so I decided to come here. There is nothing for me in Canada right now. I'm only digital nomading for a month, then I'll be back. Not sure how I feel about this decision yet. Sort feels like a waste of $5k, but I have money to cover than easily

You ever consider taking off somewhere?
jerking off
faustian spirit. can't relax or i start getting anxious. otherwise would do nothing ever because this gay earth is unworthy of my talents.
Welcome to the games industry. They’re taking the piss with 65k.
that's what happens when you "follow your passion"
Yeah I think I'll take off to another state in the US or another country. It's time for me to leave this ugly hell hole that nobody gives a fuck about. Not completely sure where though
you don't have IRL friends either, huh
Fwiw back in the day (ie 20 years ago) games would pay big bonuses when the game sold well, often enough to pay off your mortgage. Some studios are actually turning back to that model. Most can’t offer it because they drank from the poison chalice of wealthy investors.
Not necessarily 0 irl friends, it's just that it's necessary for me to leave this hell hole and never look back even for a second for reasons which I can't fully explain
childhood trauma huh
I was molested and then got made fun of when I tried to get help, yes
I'm sorry anon
That sounds like an easily explainable reason. Hope you find peace.
Good luck anon.

Same thing happened to my younger sister by my mom's bf at the time. I would've cut his balls off, but he died on his own before I ever found out about the incident. Fast forward a bit, and my sister, while younger, attempted to grab my bits for what felt like a dozen minutes when I was on the floor. I was so fucking pissed off. I punched her once I got her off of my back and Mom's response was that I shouldn't hit girls. I just don't talk to her much now. My family is really fucked.

Have you ever considered revenge?
I'm not >>102686632 btw, I don't know if he is serious or was trying to troll by replying as me. I'm leaving this hellhole because it's just the right thing to do I guess
Stop trying to hijack this reply chain, imposter. We're trying to comfort >>102686554 over his childhood molestation.
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>I'm not >>102686632 btw, I don't know if he is serious or was trying to troll by replying as me.
>be me
>Constant imposter syndrome
>Pick up a ticket and think I've got no idea how to do it
>Procrastinate for a few days and then black out to a solution being ready for PR
>End the sprint with like 20 points completed
I have no idea how I do it.
I'm 1.5 months into the job hunt and roughly 50-60 applications sent out for a helpdesk position, its rough out there bros....Some of the recruiters and HR folk I've spoken too about it said my resume was fine and competitive but they simply opted for someone who's overqualified for the position instead, we're talking mid-senior level people wanting a $15/hr L1 help desk job
>Taking pride in unpaid OT
Put on your collar and your maid outfit, you are submissive. You crave approval.
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I'm done with the endless rejection emails.

These fuckers are always posting drivel on LinkedIn and getting paid for it. Apparently "jobseeking" has become your entire fucking personality and identity and has, ironically, become your job to the point where they pay you to post drivel on LinkedIn.

Fuck working a real job, where do I get paid to post stupid shit like she does?

I want to get paid to shit out stupid inspirational quotes and circlejerk.
Do it then. Prove how easy it is.
offer rescinded
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take the 100k offer to your $80k job and say "I'm leaving for this job" they will bump your pay at least $10k to keep you, might even match it.
If they're both remote, do both. Take a week off your first job while you onboard.
I'm doing that now, admittedly had a lot of doubts before I took the 2nd and worried about it all the time, but once it started I found it's very comfy. No one has any idea I'm working two jobs, and I get 4 or 5 paychecks a month. Highly recommend it.
Make a budget. 5 year + 10 year plan. Do you need the extra 20k? If you don't need it then don't leave a good job. Nothing will kill your quality of life faster than working somewhere you hate.
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Head on home now, those carts won't push themselves
Seriously though, how do you do it? What if both jobs REQUIRE you to meet them at the same time on the same day? An emergency outage? An incoming call on both jobs?

>He's showing as Available but he isn't answering his phone!
Oh just put yourself in Do Not Disturb Mode
>He's not scheduled for anything and can't explain why he is on DND all the time!

Seriously. How?
I got juniors who's asking me to make a code for their exams and of course I'm makign them pay. I just wonder how much should I charge? The code is just a simple vigenere cipher and decipherer with some really simple UI shit.
terrible advice
its in c# if that matters
Just block out meetings in your other calendar?
linkedin is the absolute cringiest shit ever. All of the posts there are just so braindead. You would glean more information fucking doomscrolling instagram in comparison to this calcified boomer brain shithole
"I have a meeting"
With who? Go ahead, pretend I'm your ACTUAL boss and this is real. Your answer?
Houses in Japan are cheap because you don't really own them. The gubberment owns the land, and you're basically just renting them like a trailer park.
They have not let housing become an investment
>albeit tranny)
No matter what you do you're going to fuck up. Unfuck your mind first.
Everywhere else is just someone else's hometown. The only place truly special to you is the one you grew up in.
IMO military veterans should be except from the rent but otherwise that's the way it should work.
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Should I be marking myself as disabled on applications since I have autism?
linkedin is the only social media that has ever succeeded in ragebaiting me and it does it with unfailing consistency
I deliberately take care to avoid ever going to the homepage because the first thing I see will 100% be some fucking retarded faggotry that instantly sours my mood
Yes. It's a tax incentive for the company to hire you to increase their diversity numbers.
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Do you feel guilty about not working during your time off, /twg/?
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>be me, self taught (lmao)
>been working as a software engineer at a warehouse automation company for over a year now
>our codebase is entirely SQL, including all of our business logic
>to git gud at my job requires a large amount of domain knowledge about how our sorting machines/warehouses/logistics in general works. seems like just programming skills are not enough
>regularly work on 1000+ LOC long stored procedures from 10 years ago
>no 2 sites are the same. all our sites are slightly different, some hugely different. custom stuff for certain customers and version differences abound
>over a year in yet still feel incompetent
>a few months ago they put me to work with Site X whose setup is so drastically different from everything else and is notoriously complex
>my incompetence is showing even more, and I'm worried I am going to get fired

Okay, here's what I need to know from you /twg/:
>Is it okay to ask questions to more senior devs about technical stuff? What degree of questioning is acceptable, and when does it become badgering/makes me seem incompetent and will cause me to get fired? Seniors tell me "it's okay to ask questions" but are always in meetings according to teams and take a while to respond. I don't want to be a bother.
>How do I know if I'm just a midwit, or if my job is truly hard? It's kinda difficult to compare myself with the other like, 2 junior devs at my company because I don't work with them at all. But it seems like they aren't struggling as much as me.
>How do I git gud at my job as someone with unmedicated ADD? How do I learn good skills as a SWE considering I didn't go to school? Before this, I programmed as a hobby and worked as a solo end-to-end developer writing a corporate webapp and doing IT for a year.
I just turned 21 and this is only my second tech job so I don't really have any frame of reference, but I get the feeling that the company I work for is shittier than most. Idk though, maybe it's just me.
sounds like these guys lost the plot a long time ago
This seems like something chatgpt could do. How retarded are they?
This is how you make it in the industry. This is why this general doesn't have jobs.
1 Block the big creators
2 unfollow people who repost cringe shit
My linkedin is full of people actually talking about things, and posting news about their careers and events. It's comfy
>Is it okay to ask questions to more senior devs about technical stuff?
As long as you (a) make a decent attempt to figure it out yourself first and (b) read the room to figure out when you're becoming a nuisance. Most seniors are happy to answer questions especially technical ones, but they don't want to be a babysitter. Different seniors have different thresholds.

>How do I know if I'm just a midwit, or if my job is truly hard?
Sounds like you're working in a legacy codebase nightmare. All concepts of difficulty are thrown out the window when dealing with spaghetti code. Is it easy? Is it hard? No, it's just tremendously poorly designed. Getting good at software in general won't help you. On the flip side, getting good at reading and modifying spaghetti code can be a valuable skill. Or it could be completely useless outside of this specific job. That's just what it's like working with legacy shit.

In a better job environment I would say it'd be a good idea for your long term career to find another job with a more modern stack, but a paycheck's a paycheck and plenty of legacy bullshit out there.
kek i might get to that point honestly
9 years of hell desk experience and i can't get a single interview for a tier3 or mid-senior position
thought it'd be easy cause most places just list 3-5+ years of experience for the roles
don't know what to do anymore
>Senior Support Specialist
what qualifications do you need for this job
>fagman "engineers" are 90% jeetcode monkeys and don't enjoy the art of programming
it's fucking over, I'm among subhumans
nuke india, nuke higher "education"
This is just a fucked up place that I don't even know if I give a fuck about anymore though.. Or I'm at least indifferent to it.. It's a decent place still though
Setting limits and standing up for yourself are key skills in any job. I'm not talking about the people who put extra hours in because they hate their personal lives, don't know how to find fulfillment outside of work, or genuinely love their job, but if the only reason you're working extra hours is because you feel like you owe your boss or because you couldn't say no to retarded deadlines, you don't have the personal skills to climb the ladder in the first place and you're just going to burn yourself out.

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