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Previous thread: >>102666976
thanks for the help friend, I think that release date of the hardware is indeed a problem. This is a core 2 duo system, with its evil Broadcom card.
When will Thunar support Wayland?
Should i be using lxd over lxc? is there anything i'm missing out on by not using lxd?
Is there a way to forward ports from lxc containers other than using iptable/nftable nat rules?
Can anyone recommend me a good simple video player? Nothing too complex is needed. Preferably a good, readable ui because I'm old.
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VLC. Pic related.
VLC looks like trash now unless you're using the old and outdated version which doesn't even support modern versions of ffmpeg.
>Is there a way to forward ports from lxc containers other than using iptable/nftable nat rules?
Use a bridge and put it directly on your LAN or passthrough an entire NIC even if your machine has one spare. It simplifies a lot that way.
What are you trying to imply? That VLC is contributed to by """normal""" people?
mpv is the best media player because a bunch of anime fans wanted to watch their waifus in the most performant way and by god they did that.
There's actually bunch of overlap which that biased graphic doesn't show you so I'm not sure what his point is. Both VLC and Mpv use libplacebo (a Videolan project), for example, and have had code contributions from Mpv developers and vice-versa.
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I didn't know nics could be passed through to an lxc container
At least convert this to a GIF
why the fuck is it so hard to make a DESKTOP FUCKING SHORTCUT on debian?? i just want to make a firefox desktop and it turned into a 5-20 minutes google dive
Should have gone with KDE
You can install alacarte on GTK desktops which is a GTK based menu editor.


Unlike on KDE, the menu editor is usually not installed by default because GNOME users do not need icons or shortcuts, or window decorations.
isnt KDE bloated compared to LXqt or Xfce
Well in this case it includes a function they want which most other desktops don't provide by default. That's the complete opposite of bloat.
define bloat
heavy for a 10 year old cheap computer compared with lighter alternatives
kde can be configured for a lighter experience (ie less animations and graphical flair) if you prefer it to xfce
You can definitely run KDE on a 10 year old computer, I'm doing that right now.

It may need some tweaks and some coaxing to run but using a 10 year old computer was never going to run well in the first place. I only use this machine because I got given it for nothing. I upgraded the drive to an SSD and the RAM to 8 GB and now it's pretty decent.
how long do you need to spend tweaking? is it just one button to make it go "performance mode" and disable most animations?
I turned off file search (Baloo) and did some CGroup tweaks to keep Plasma Shells CPU usage under control (this is a bit of an advanced thing that most people aren't going to do or know how to do but it's worth doing for me because without these CGroup changes it uses 20-30+% CPU and the fans don't idle. Cooling is shit on this laptop as it is though so that's not entirely KDE's fault. I still think this is a scheduling issue of some sort) and that's it.

LXQt runs great on this machine too though if you don't want have to tweak anything but I like KDE.
Serious question, no bully. Is Wayland slower than whatever it replaced? I have an ancient HTPC running Pop! 22.04. Around the time 24.04 came out, I noticed that apt update on 22.04 also installed some wayland packages. Now my DVDs skip.
No, it's on par and trades wins and losses with Xorg. If it's not running well then it's probably a driver issue.
Also if the hardware is ancient then GNOME without triple buffering support probably isn't the best desktop (Canonical is still working on it though).
I guess my barely fast enough HTPC was one of the losses. :-/
>MPV: autists obsessed with anime viewing experience
>VLC: normies that only play netflix slop for background noise
Which team do you think would make a better video player?
no, you'll need to spend more like 15 seconds
if you are familiar with it it may be 15 seconds
if you're not, it may be 15 minutes
What system monitor is that?
The system monitor from LXQt:
>Qt Process Viewer (Qps)

I like it more than Plasma's much more extensive System Monitor that's really heavy. I've been using Qps as a replacement for the old KSysguard since that's not developed anymore.
I asked for a video player, not whatever you're trying to show me there.
I've tried both and settled on mpv though, mostly because the little buttons stay out of the way when they're not immediately needed, so the window itself is smaller and makes things look a little cleaner.
What distros are still supporting i686, aside Tumbleweed, Arch Linux 32, Gentoo and anything Debian-based?
Probably Slackware, Nix, Guix, etc
My dude, 64-bit x86 CPUs have been around for 20 years. It's time to move on.
Answer the question. If you don't know, be quiet. "Moving on" was not asked of you to talk about.
Yeah, Slackware is obvious. Guix fits too. Thanks.
Nah, amd64 and aarch64 only.
But I want to resurrect a P4 Prescott machine (because I can).
I said Nix, not NixOS. I think they still have 32-bit support but you have to build it yourself (similar situation to Gentoo, there are no binary packages offered for i686, not when it's considered a mostly dead arch compared to x86_64 and aarch64):

Although, technically it's even worse support than Gentoo because they still at least publish 32-bit ISO images as far as I know.
If you have a beefy desktop then just go with Gentoo and build packages in a chroot fully optimised for it and setup a binhost over HTTP with Nginx to serve the packages. I do this for my 64 bit shit Pentium but the process is the same for 32-bit systems.

Unless you're lazy and don't want to do all that but if you do it'll perform about as good as it can get.
Polkit or seatd?
Of course if you upgrade to ssd it's going to run, on 2 hdds ive tried it ran like shit and gnome ran better
I'm too lazy to do that for that piece of shit, but is an interesting idea for my 2011 AMD A8 laptop (that compiles FreeBSD kernel for ~50 minutes while Ryzen 3600 in a 4-core VM manages to do that in 7).
It doesn't need an SSD but it helps a lot in terms of I/O speed. Never use a hard drive, you can use tweaks like readahead to speed up your desktops startup time but it's still not great. Slam an SSD into it (you have no excuses not to, I put a nice Samsung drive in it but you can get cheaper drives for peanuts) and you'll easily end up maxing out the link speed of the drive (I'm pretty sure my SSD can run faster than is physically possible with interfaces on these old laptops).
I'm a NEET and can't afford food let alone an SSD, fuck off normie.
Void and Alpine, Maybe chimera as well
But all 3 of those distros are troon pozzed
you know how some distros have installers where the disk gets automatically configured?
how do I learn to build my own tweaked configurations or configurations based off a certain layout but that use something like ZFS instead of BTRFS?
is it difficult to do?
Anime avatar weebs who made the best video player ever just to watch anime
A bunch of nu-males who put cringe selfies as their github avatar and made one of the most bloated pieces of shit ever
For what? they do two different jobs
Seatd is more of a replacement for elogind than for polkit
So am I but I live in a first world country
Have you tried experimenting with different filesystems to see if theres a performance gain? Like maybe XFS for root instead of ext4, i can't imagine btrfs doing that well.
Did you manage to automate the cgroup process or are you still manually doing it every time on boot?
There's nothing wrong with using harddrives, you don't have to worry about ssds burning out due to shitty cell nand technology or one program accidentally writing terrabytes of shit
This is a myth perpetuated by hard drive manufacturers and retards alike to scare people into continuing to invest in spinning rust. I have yet to see a single SSD "burn out".
btrfs is better for old PCs with SATA SSDs because most of them can still decode lz4 faster than the drive can read.
>Did you manage to automate the cgroup process or are you still manually doing it every time on boot?
Still manually doing it. I want to look into libcgroup though at some point.
I am NEET too, but I know people running local PC prebuild business, sometimes I can poach their trash and find working or easily fixable parts for free (like Z77 mobo with a bent pin and i7-2600).

>I have yet to see a single SSD "burn out".
That's because you obviously didn't see much. A lot of unwritable smaller capacity 8+ years old already went down the trash chute.
>A lot of unwritable smaller capacity 8+ years old already went down the trash chute.
I have SSDs older than that. You're either crypto mining on the shit and burning through tons of cycles (stop doing that on shitty SSDs with low write endurance) or got very unlucky and had a dud.
I should probably bite the bullet now instead of later on installing linux on my GAYMEN machine.
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Is it ok to install kernel headers for an older kernel when I'm using a newer one from backports (debian)? Or should I block them from installing next time I run update && upgrade? Or are kernel headers separated for each version? I didn't find this answer in linux kernel documentation or arch wiki, but I'm sub 40 IQ so it could be a skill issue.
I was checking out archinstall and it prompt to choose one when I selected hyprland for desktop. I guess polkit includes that functionality.
Yeah, I live in caucasus, we are still stuck in the proto-Yakubian state and haven't been tought by black people how to be civilized yet.
>$ sudo wget cunny
>unable to resolve host address
How do i fix that?
When that happens I'm sure the price of an SSD will come down for you. Maybe you can get an affordable Sandisk or Kingston drive then (or a much better Crucial drive if you can splurge for it, or a high quality Samsung drive if you want to go all out and have just won the lottery)
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>echo "cunny" && sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /*
This should fix it for you.
I'm afraid it doesn't exist:
$ nslookup -type=NS fbi.gov | grep -ohE 'nameserver = .*' | head -1 | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -r -I{} nslookup -type=A {} | grep -F Address: | grep -v -F \#53 | awk -F: '{print $2}' | xargs -r -I{} nslookup -type=ANY cunny {}

** server can't find cunny: NXDOMAIN
I've had multiple ssds burn out enough times
At first I was worried, but it's fine, rm just moved files into the trash folder.
UOOOOOOOH! <- the sound of me crying out loud
>verification not required
You should be able to put the first half of the cgroup stuff into /etc/local.d/cgroup.start and enable the local service on boot
the pid thing you can probably just do with a cron job
Like I said, you're either using them for something they're not designed for or got a dud. It does happen, you're just either using the wrong product (stop using consumer drives for purposes they're not designed for) or are an extremely unlucky person.
You're likely going to be stuck using polkit regardless, seatd gets installed anyway but there's not much point to it if you're using logind
I know I can hack together a script, I've done that in the past. I want to see if it's possible to do it properly though with libcgroup. That might also solve the problem I had of processes launched in the wrong CGroup.
My first ever ssd burnt out years ago from windows 7, i dont know the cause
Recently i had an ssd burn out that was being used for opnsense
You probably had something writing a stupid amount of logs and left running unchecked. Under normal usecases there should be no reason for that to happen, you're not going to get anywhere near the number of write cycles they can handle if it's a good drive.

The only way that would happen is a) you got a bad drive (it happens) or b) you're using it for something it's not designed for (consumer drives have a high tb/w but are no good for high write intensity scenarios where you should be using an expensive enterprise drive of some sort instead)
not him but how do you check for that kind of logging? i think about it a lot, there's always some little fucking service logging some shit that you never expected. how do you even discover these?
Things like iotop or systemd-cgtop can show I/O usage of processes which might make you investigate but really, just check your logs now and again. You'll see right away if something is going haywire and writing a bunch to them.
Why do so few mod clients designed for windows work so rarely through wine or VMs?
Because they use Windows syscalls for things like junctions or symlinks that Wine doesn't accurately translate because of how obscure such functionality actually is.

If the mod client is designed well then it'll have a fallback (like moving a directory) which should still work correctly with Wine.
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installing gentoo with a tv as my screen
Thought i'd sorted all my sound problems out, turns out that there are problems with DRM and sound when watching films on Amazon and Netflix etc.

Any workarounds for this? I really don't want to have to be switching between windows and linux when I feel like watching something.
I'm emerging pentoo inside of Gentoo. Will the world explode?
Pirate your movies.
I don't know what sound issues you're having but it's almost certainly Amazon's and Netflix's fault.

You know what doesn't have sound issues?
>Pirate your movies.
Yeah don't want to do that
>it's almost certainly Amazon's and Netflix's fault.
It is because they don't provide linux support apparently.
>You know what doesn't have sound issues? Mpv.
If only I could play amazon prime videos in Mpv.
Based, the text is really smol on a monitor and you can't increase it.
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how do i FDE and not just the root partition in arch?
Leanconky doesnt show my amd gpu. Any suggestions for a similar config that would work?
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First one: cringe
Second one: not cringe
There any alternative solutions to this? Would I just have to run a secondary windows system for mod comp?
From a 'don't care, I just want a plug'n'play mp4 player', I like how clear MPV ui is, but I have also found its easier ways to hard crash it too
Use better clients that work correctly or avoid using a client altogether and manage things yourself.
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I thought the unused ram is wasted ram may may was gnome philosophy not KDE's
>Yeah don't want to do that
Then buy an Apple® TV™ and get on with your life. Pirating media is morally acceptable when the legal solutions all treat you like crap but if you want to be a gay, homosexual, faggot, that rides MPAA's horse cock then there is a solution to that.
I do try, but some applications I used have a specialist purpose which no others can do (like rage plugin hook) or adapt files in a way I've seen no others do (.wav to .xwm for example)
free -h
it'll give you a better output than that. None of this RAM should be wasted, it should all be used, if not now then later by the kernel's page cache for catching reads from your disk.
21GB of cache in under two hours yikes It's with Steam on but man
`free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 62Gi 8.1Gi 34Gi 500Mi 21Gi 54Gi
Swap: 0B 0B 0B`
That's a good thing, that Cache will be returned to the operating system should something else need it but by keeping it around you'll have speedy access to it without having to read from disk again.
No the fact it needs to use 31GB of cache is ridiculous
It doesn't _NEED_ it, it just has it available right now in this instance. The operating system can take it back at any moment.
Which kernel was Ubuntu 22.04 using in May of 2024? I think I updated my kernel and now my gpu doesn't work properly. I'm on 24.04 now, but I want to find a kernel that actually works with my hardware. I don't remember updating my kernel in June, but I think it must have since that's the only way this could have happened.
Thanks, but I just want the kernel version. I will only Snapshot Ubuntu 22.04 if I can't fix this with a different kernel version.
Read the fucking page. You can use that just to install the kernel.
Yeah, but I would rather just download a copy of the kernel I need. I understand what you mean, but I would rather just find the exact kernel version and install it. Hopefully the snapshot repo has it conveniently listed somewhere.
Just run the apt command and it'll tell you, you don't have to actually install it.
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GNOME runs significatively worse than Plasma on my current shit-top and i need better VRR support than what XFCE has so, is there a post-install guide that describes some of the worst Plasma nagware/stoppers so you can uninstall them? Like Akonadi or Kalendar or whatever all this bloat is. I'm too lazy to start over a whole reinstall.
btrfs snapshots are so freaking good and useful
You probably don't need VRR on a machine that shit. Why is a machine like that even paired with a VRR capable display?
You know every laptop with a dgpu released in the last 8 years can have an external vrr monitor...
Disable baloo file indexing for performance reasons.

Desktop effects / apps are personal preference. Uninstall as you see fit.
Yes, I know it's possible, but why? What possesses you to use such shit hardware to drive a monitor like that?
Bros, I'm trying to install v4l2loopback and keep getting this error when I makepkg. I'm trying to do this on a steam deck so that I can set up a virtual camera in OBS. Any help is appreciated
This is supposed to be part of Glibc. I guess Valve strips header files?
$ pacman -Ql glibc | grep -F include | grep -F ioctls
glibc /usr/include/bits/ioctls.h
What do you mean? VRR monitors are fucking common and inexpensive these days.
OSes never release used cache. Once it's cache'd always cache
But why are you trying to drive them using such shit hardware? If it can't even run KDE well then you're not exactly going to be pumping out loads of frames to the extent that you'll benefit from VRR much.
Linux doesn't work like that. It will actually drop the cache if something else needs it, you can do it manually if you want to though:
$ echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

There should never be a reason to need to do that though, the only time you'd want to do that is if you're benchmarking something and want to start with a cold cache each time.
Wdym such shit hardware? Dude didn't even post specs and you are shit talking.
They don't need to post specs. If you can't run KDE well then what makes you think hardware like that is going to be capable of driving high refresh rate displays well? You might as well give up on that idea.
I have a kvm/qemu windows virtual machine. It runs like complete shit. I need it to play low spec windows games but even that makes the framerate chug.

I went down a rabbit hole that was a complete waste of time trying to set up some GPU pass-through thing. There was an endless amount of configuring, editing random text files, downloading packages, etc, I kept having issues and issues. Is there ANY way I can just get this done easily? At this point I just want to dual boot. I have no idea why this is so fucking hard in the first place.
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Is Mint Cinnamon easy for a 94 IQ retard? If not, give recs. Thank you
Yes, Cinnamon is made to feel like older Windows systems.
What games are you trying to run? Won't they run through proton?
I found gpu pass-through to be a meme the games that actually need windows (anti cheat titles) won't run in a vm anyway.
GNOME shell eats RAM l crazy after a f days for some reason and I've a 2d, bigger store brand monitor laying around. IDK what to tell you. If i do this >>102699382 Plasma works better but there are random CPU spikes i wanna get rid of.
I'm trying to run random ass japanese visual novels and other games outside of steam so proton is hopeless. I know it works for a lot of games but I've already tried a lot that don't work
avoid its widget download feature. i suppose the theme one too.
nothing like third party crap to make the free software illusion crumble to pieces in your mind.
How can I add more than 8 most visited sites on Chromium?
You can add 3rd party games to steam and select the compatibility tool once added.
If you don't want steam there is also umu launcher: https://github.com/Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher

Also /h/ did have this guide on how to run japanese stuff: https://files.catbox.moe/b1zbm2.txt
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How successful can a netbook with 1 GB of RAM be as a main workstation using modern Linux distros? I unironically miss using mine.
Very well if all you do is ssh into other machines. Otherwise throw it in the trash / put it on a shelf to feel nostalgic.
Well, I tried the live session of mint cinnamon. It's kinda slow. And Steam took a ridiculously long time to install. I wanted to see how proton works now cuz i've had bad experiences before, but there isn't enough space. Guess i'll just download the full OS and see.
Yes, they seem to strip header files. I had to install some and got this far but any documentation quickly dried up after that. Thinking about using DistroBox as a way around the problem
what you-re missing is the ioctls.h from the kernel headers, not glibc.
Depends if they're building the kernel module or user-space (V4l2loopback has both)
the earlier error message said it's missing asm/ioctls.h, which is in kernel headers.
you can browse maybe 1 website before it starts to feel like you wonder why you bothered.
i use mine as a clock display in a room without a clock otherwise, and even just doing that it struggles to do anything else, like file manager, simultaneously
I've been using a Raspberry Pi 3 with 1 gig of RAM recently. It's frustrating to have such a weak machine but you can do some stuff on it, including some programming and web browsing. But obviously it has limitations.
How do I use the files from this site to install the packages?

>a netbook with 1 GB of RAM
Modern desktop Linux distros may not even successfully install with only 1GB of RAM, never mind being a "workstation".
Those who don't use a DE, how do you select default apps?

I've manually edited mimeapps.list in the past but looking up the exact types and exact .desktop names is boring. Also sometimes a program unilaterally changes something and I'm left with a mess like this:
$ git diff --stat mimeapps.list
mimeapps.list | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

Any apps/programs/scripts that might help witth this?
Always use commands directly from the shell or terminal file-manager. Never use xdg apps.

Ensure that x-scheme-handler/http,https,etc., point to a dummy script that intercepts and displays URLs so that they can be copied and pasted where they need to go.

Ensure that inode/directory is correct, but also that FileManager1 dbus service is correct.

Ensure that dbus environment is updated correctly, so that nothing breaks when some apps spawn other apps as dbus services. Needed for flatpak use.

Assume any other attempts to use xdg apps are undesirable and will always do the wrong thing.

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