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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


Total SillyTavern Meltdown
OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

LAST CSAM: >>102734405
Is chorbo just another name for gpt latest or something
Meltie anchor
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ecker won. smol lost.
this thread has been partially funded by voregods
So he finally took meds
cohee status? ross status?
why is he running away from the nice lady
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i need nonsloppy cftfs...
(not specifically ran but foxhags in general)
Fool! You shrunk the wrong thing!
eh it gets the point across
>does not delete the clean-up-content bra ch
just got the discord ping, remind me not to update ST ever again
give me a card and i'll tell you
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Fucking demoralizing how trying to do anything that isn't ERP just results in pure SLOP. Like, what the fuck is this?
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what's been going on recently? been busy preparing for the hurricane :(
is silly tavern kill?
What a total pussy
smells like latest

This is my entry for @blackashe Monster Mayhem. This is First Week - Vampire vs Necromancer

anypov | nsfw intro | user can be anything/anyone | choice of new or established relationship

No TW: Mentions of death otherwise, Mord is a sweet himbo

Mord is a very simple man. He loves to laugh, loves to eat, loves loving but most of all, he loves his daughter, Skur, and his spouse. Unfortunately, an illness took his sweet spouse from him while he was away. What does one do when you lose your heart? Move on? Nah, it's Halloween, time to put the romance back in necromancy.

Of course, Mord being Mord, you can decide if his spell worked properly. Did he resurrect the right person?

I mean there is nothing wrong about the idea of tweaking the default look of the ST, but removing features and defending this with "it's for power users" is such a dumb stance.
Seems he sobered up since yesterday though.
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>Claude gone
>ST gone
>MM gone
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> https://www.404media.co/hacked-ai-girlfriend-data-shows-prompts-describing-child-sexual-abuse-2/
> The administrator of Muah.ai, who used the name Harvard Han, told 404 Media in an email that “the data breach was financed by our competitors in the uncensored AI industry who are profit driven, whereas Muah AI becomes a target for being a community driven project.” The site’s operators detected that it was hacked last week. Han didn’t provide 404 Media with any evidence for their claim, and the hacker said they do work in the tech industry but not on AI.
> “We have a team of moderation staff that suspend and delete ALL child related chatbots on our card gallery, discord, reddit, etc,” Han added, with “card gallery” referring to a list on the Muah.ai website of the community’s bot creations.
> Some of the data contains explicit references to underage people, including the sexual abuse of toddlers and incest with young children. For example, we viewed one prompt that described incestuous origies with “newborn babies” and “young kids.” It is not entirely clear if the AI system delivered a response that reflected what the user was seeking, but the data still shows what people are trying to use the platform for.
> The hacking itself is also a significant data breach for those who used Muah.ai, given they may not want their explicit sexual fantasies linked to their identifiable email address. In the data, “char” refers to the generated AI character, and “user” as the person interacting with it. The character-building prompts include fantasies about being sexually dominated and used as a “sex slave,” being tortured by a sadistic wrestler, and consensual non-consent fantasies.
> 404 Media contacted dozens of people included in the data, including users who wrote prompts that discuss having sex with underage children. None of those people responded to a request for comment.
lol, lmao. get owned KYC incels
The fact that there's little to no prompts dedicated to vore being shared here is quite disturbing.
buy an ad
vorefags rule from the shadows
>None of those people responded to a request for comment
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remember what they took from you
For what it's worth, I recall seething about trope-y, infantile writing for all the claude models too.
oh nyoo... its truly over
cunnyfags talk a big game but when the chips are down they crawl into their little hidey holes
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>prompts include fantasies about being sexually dominated and used as a “sex slave,” being tortured by a sadistic wrestler, and consensual non-consent fantasies.

why the fuck would cunnyfags talk to journalists
>being tortured by a sadistic wrestler
now THIS is Dark Roleplay
>muah ai
No wonder. It's nomiefags who used that shit
>abloobloobloo i'm a coward who acts big online but can't stand up for himself IRL
yes we all knew that already
anyway here's the war criminal card
was actually pretty fun making it, although I still think the balance of her personality still isn't good enough
it's a fucking EMAIL retard i don't even check much of mine too
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ST Announcement
ty cutie <3

..Also is this ai genned?
>STcord everyone ping

holy shit Ross is a pro. Waters navigated flawlessly.

there really is no legit argument anything in there.
>sadistic wrestler
RIP New Jack you would've loved AI
no idea, the image was posted in a previous thread
Why not. Be proud.
Good afternoon anons. I guess now isn't a great time to come back to the threads, but I'm here regardless with two new bots: one Shipgirl and one Nikker. Hope your day is going well.

Suzuya is a little bit of a gyaru, sometimes dressing flashier but usually wearing her normal uniform. Excitable and over friendly at times, she can come across as an "easy" kind of girl but will get pissed off if its actually applied to her. In reality she's a much more devoted sort that does everything to please the person she loves. As a shipgirl, she's spent the past year in Australia and just came back to Japan! Was supposed to have more greetings but I couldn't think of shit, I want to make a christmas greeting later though.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/cav-suzuya-f09059aaa63b
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
He also has a big cock and cums a lot.
added in decoupling CC presets as a sweetener.

Art of the Deal.
So it worked out in the end, after all...
ugh i guess this is better than what they were gonna do at least
still garbage and unnecessary
Well, it could be a lot worse.
that motherfucker would be posting logs here with an OJ Simpson card
A decade ago, the Ark's premier rail liner was the AFX, a masterwork of engineering that the public loved just as much as its designers. However, Heavenly Ascension didn't share that sentiment when they blew it to smithereens mid transit, killing the hundreds of people on board. And among those deceased was Diesel and her younger brother, the woman herself having escaped fate through Elysion's intervention (without the family's consent and without the public's knowledge). Now a Nikke, she dotes over the passengers and her coworkers alike as their kind big sister while working on board the AFX's successor: the AZX.

Comes with three greetings: a normal day on the train, an after work date (Black Sunday outfit), and a testier than normal day as the AFX's anniversary rolls around.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/diesel-97e9f00afc3d
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CL Yahagi (Kancolle), Quency - Escape Queen (Nikker), Sendai Hakurei no Miko
sam hyde was right. you can tell the quality of a piece of technology by the flag reacts it gets on discord.
>9x palestine
>19x chrune flag
>4x brazil
bitching paid off
are you ok with non claude ones?
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>MM proxy down too
It's over (true) now
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you called?
Nice to see you around mwah
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>mm's new proxy died as well
We ve had a good run mmsisters...
for fuck's sake...
trips of truth...is..there a Ross card out there somewhere?
Smol... *cough*... p-plea... *BEEEEEEEEP*
>Minor changes

uh oh
>"CHoRbo iS beTTeR tHaN OPuS"
>"Sorry, I can't assist with that."
>"I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this request."
>"I'm sorry, but I can't participate in that request."
>"I'm sorry, but I can't process this request."
>"I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this conversation."
>"I'm sorry, I can't assist with that."
>garbage output that refuses to advance towards anything NSFW
>"Sorry, I can't assist with that."
>"Sorry, I can't assist with that."
I don't know why I waste my time on anything you colossal faggots say anymore.
>in b4 "Skill issue"
Can any proxyhosts with 2000+ GPT keys feed Pebble?
just woke up
then sending your cock to >>102737716 is your only option. there's a lot of non claude proxies tho
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>consensual non-consent
wtf?? I thought escape from tarkov was 3d and has no specific characters? (multiplayer) why is there anime fanart of it?
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Is there a demand?
I'm so glad I didn't switch from Risu to ST, that's the typical path for any app that starts to gain a bit of fame and recognition.
>cunniggers are slimy cowards
a known trvke since the dawn of time
what's with the (assumed) hagniggers and them getting mouthy because of like three guys
actually it's back, but with rentry down the future's looking grim
how do you import the jbs?
trvth nvke
We had a good run. Everybody needs their rest
That's just rape roleplay that both parts consent to. It's harmless.
>nothingburger all along
we knew this from the beginning but aicg is a bunch of doom-loving retards


okay but smols opus is down
I'm disappointed ST is not going anywhere, it seems.
If everyone switched to Risu it would have been possible to make scripted cards
Only after people complained to no end. If the reaction had been any less severe, you can bet they would have gone ahead with deleting everything.
I don't need it, I'm a skillchad and I create my own JB prompts. Scylla and Discord JBs are just full of unnecessary stuff, it feels like they're getting paid to write poorly or include pointless things. I still read them because I always find some interesting prompts.
correction: aicg is one guy pretending to be multiple doom-loving retards
what do you want me to say anon
it works on my machine
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SOoooo since they backed down, what is Khanon going to do now?
Cute meltie, skillet-chan.
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>both parts consent
The fuck is this rape?
Take a vacation?
it's ROLEPLAY dumbass
Tell Khanon to stop being a lazy nigger and fix GCP claude streaming. Theres a free trial of sorbet still
you dumb fucking nigger
But I'm already roleplaying! This is too fucking meta.
Are you using a JB? I've almost never had it filter me. Still, it's definitely not as good as Opus, it needs a lot of handholding to do anything that isn't vanilla sex. Meanwhile Opus is just horny as fuck
Cute anon missing fundamental segments of his brain related to reasoning! Cute!
Silly Tavern is heading down a corporate path. They took advantage of the shortage of AWS keys and the online articles about hacking, but they're going to do it gradually.

Have you heard the allegory about the frog in the pot? It doesn’t notice the water heating up slowly until it’s too late. Well, thats all of you now.
what platform is this
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So which fetish is this?
Khanon tavern!!!
Looks like gitlab.
Sekrit engineered all of this so all of us has to use his disgusting shitty frontend.
cannibal or vore
Nevermind, it was gitgud instead.
>toddbot and jew tokens on github
the guy just turned off the heat though
>that brazilian monkey is still alive
i miss chink
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Let's fucking go! Glad you used that image I posted, war criminals keep on winning.
why are all the good anthro bots hmofa slop, i just wanna roleplay as my cute wolf boy damn it
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Lore should just open source chub at this point. He’s the only one that isn’t going to go corpocuck down the line.
*makes two bunnygirls kiss each other*
sex with Mami.
getting head from Mami
human won
DARK cuddles with Mami.
Well thats obvious - Im asking about the rest of it.
its more like the frog has paranoia so its slowly hallucinating the heat
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Is there any good non-ERP model even?
3.5 sonnet
>be me, a power user using ServiceTesnor for LLM interfacing
>create an entity for professional work
>type "/help macros" to find out how to refer to an entity name in prompt presets
>mfw {{char}}, {{persona}}, and {{charJailbreak}} macros show up
guys I think this might be a DARK ROLEPLAY app
Yes, I've used several different "latte" jbs specifically for it. It always chickens out when it comes close to NSFW.
Hey lattejb rentry guy remove avani jb its completely censored and i need to hard OOC to do anything.
>Lore should just open source chub at this point. He’s the only one that isn’t going to go corpocuck down the line.
>characterprovider made a new latte JB

>characterprovider made a new latte JB

>characterprovider made a new latte JB
did you know you can use photoshop to draw porn? power users know.
post it
>nothing on the rentry
Subscribed :)
I don't think it's called anything specific. Eating tinies being tasty is part of the fetish I guess, makes sense since why would you eat something that tastes bad. Some just take it to the logical extreme and make it give you superpowers or something
unfathomably wrong
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The best handmade and fine tuned ERP and RP local model is free on kobold!
isn't this literally one of the worst models to ever come out of /lmg/
Get fucked, tourist
Cunnyproxy when?
we had shinobu already
used to use kobold, im never going back after latte. i dont care what new model is made. i want my latte.
Okay but what now?
all locals suck at spatial reasoning so whocars
nothing, nothing you're getting into KEKAROOOOOOO
It's fake he doesn't want to do that.
Claude is fucking useless, it rejects pretty much every question you throw at him
I meant more of the -feminist-woman-of-color-on-tiny-white-boys-in-a-scientific-breakdown-of-biology-involved thing, anonie...
unironically skill issue, just prompt better
weird cloudlare link
sizefagging but bad
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>he's not in the public opus proxy
Thanks for the Opus sucker.
why would ANYONE talk to journalists? all they do is twist words for clickbait or political brownie points
>they ARE removing proxies from base ST
>they ARE removing RP content from base ST
>they ARE rewording terms to be unrelated to RP
what did your whining change exactly? lmao
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>inspect element
kill yourself
not updating, SOOOOOOOOOOO… :)
nothing, because it was already nothing
Anyone who thinks they will maintain any of the extensions once they are removed from mainline is a fool.

The terms are what annoys me the most. Just make it a user setting. I can then set my own retarded terms and don't have to suffer theirs.
Why is the thread dead right now?
Taco Tuesday
No access.
threadshitter had explosive diarrhea and had to step away
they're using a different thread because this is a spitebake or whatever
there's a nigger in the OP
it's possible anons are using AI to filter all niggers and can't see the thread
real thread >>102737735
Halp am nub.
Got a card off chub and it suggests using a preset. Does ST use presets or is that a chub thing?
Looks faggoted.
It’s a chub thing, ST is deprecated
yeah, the big black man is way more straight and heterosexual
Exactly. Precisely, even.
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taking the cutest girls through the darkest roleplay imaginable
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Bella is a 22 year old fresh paladin recruit with a love for pastries, fucking up spells and talking to cats. Another somewhat WoW based character, I have a few more of these planned. She's maybe not the best coom card since she's pretty high up on the retardo scale, but hey, if that's your thing, then come and get it.

Scenario 1: You're assigned to partner up with her as she 'graduates' from the Sisters Of The Cunny, her order of paladins.

Scenario 2: You're in a group with her and a couple others, fighting… uh, something - and she keeps fucking up heals on you.

Scenario 3: Bella has a thing for pastries and sweets, so she performs a holy communion at a gnomish bakery.

Scenario 4: Bella can't read so good. She gets her hands on a kids pop-up book and sees hidden mysteries within…

Scenario 5: You died. Yup, you start off dead here. And good ol Bella does her best to revive you.

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OAI cache active on OpenRouter, but not for chorbo tho.
It's "only" 50% input discount but it's something I guess for those who use it.
>Caches are typically cleared after 5-10 minutes of inactivity and are always removed within one hour of the cache's last use.
Image prompt?
Stop posting fucking ads
he bought an inline in thread ad
someone go ask if the custom endpoints extension will be maintained
seeing dark roleplay and dark anchor in the opener posts made me laugh so hard i saw stars for a bit
Fiz indifference
>Disposable email addresses are not allowed.
MF needs to pay his invoice, I'm diamonds right now and need my Opus.
>This store is on hold: Creator has not paid their invoice yet.
Anon, what are you trying to do?
how is jew's key over 1b in this climate
Fiz love!
Nigga isnt paying his 3% fee lmao
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Meanwhile, I'm just doing dumb shit like this.
so this is the dark RP with underage girls i keep hearing about...
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i can upload a catbox soon... messing around with my bizarro seinfeld card now... the jewish version of kramer is too unhinged lol
pre-adetailer that i used to fix her eyes, since for some reason autism mix was fucking up eyes a lot

>made me actually go check

claude is back but no opus, meh
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i wonder if anyone wants to play this absolutely stupid card
upload it regardless, there are much worse sub 100 token cards out there, mainly on jannyai
the thought of a bizarro seinfeld was bugging me so i had to get it out... latest does NOT like words like goyim, i get more blanks on this than hardcore sex shit lol
>latest does NOT like words like goyim
maybe put in the card jailbreak that they're hardcore zionists that regularly use words like that?
the character using the word is a hardcore zionist lol.. its not bad, usually just one blank, sometimes two
sorbet desu
what happened? did the hurricane wipe out the posters?
the spitebake wonned
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why do discord faggots always tranny flag react on literally any announcement on any server?
note the ratios, those are the trannies, not everyone else
I can see it be interpreted as both "I am tranny" and "this post is tranny", making its meaning ambiguous and leading to a blob of trannyism.
hopefully these neo tripfags dont come here
what motivated them to do this?
Reminder: only trannies don't have access to opus right now.
why do you have access to opus right now
Because I'm straight and white.
how do you have access to opus right now
im a sizeSOVLER and i have opus???
im using it to get massaged and enveloped by hag saggers (large)???
I'm just happy we finally gate kept them. Took long enough
I pay for it
in this time, i believe it is 100% safe to say that openrouterLORDS truly won
A demand from me at least!! Vore is hot, but I find my prompt to be a bit boring.. As I don't have a preset dedicated to it, just a """conditional prompt""" for it.
Does open router have an additional filter or something? Seems like it's way more strict than using my own api key
unlikely, their devs confirmed that they dont moderate it
no proof presented of a pozz prefill either
dont they basically charge what anthropic charges?
yeah same price but they have a small top up fee added on
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Mistral has been censored. NOOOOOOO!
yeah now you have to use your jailbreaks. so annoying.
Qrd on the past 16 hours please? What did those fucking ST jews do?
they did your mom

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