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old >>102730389
when I run this the Python script itself seems to work, but the ffmpeg process is unable to access any files, is it because I'm using Windows or am I doing something stupid? if i directly copy/paste the command it generates it works fine.

ffmpeg = Path("c:\\bin\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe")
pass1 = f'{ffmpeg} -hide_banner -i "{infile.absolute()}" -pass 1 -threads 2 -qmin 0 -qmax 50 -crf 10 -speed 4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v {bitrate}M -f null -an -sn /dev/null'
pass2 = f'{ffmpeg} -y -hide_banner -i "{infile.absolute()}" -pass 2 -threads 2 -qmin 0 -qmax 50 -crf 10 -speed 0 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v {bitrate}M -f webm {sound_cmd} -sn {outfile}'
convcmd = f"{pass1};{pass2}"

async def main():
print("\n", convcmd, "\n")
fm_proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(convcmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
async for line in fm_proc.stderr:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
print(line.decode(), end="")


the error:

Error opening file ffmpeg2pass-1.log.
[vost#1:0/libvpx-vp9 @ 000001aa6a06d440] Error reading log file 'ffmpeg2pass-1.log' for pass-2 encoding
Error opening output file C:\path\to\file.mp4
Error opening output files: I/O error
One of my HDD's make a short squeaking noise sometimes when I close the case door too hard or open a drive cage "door" (it just keeps the drawer in place) or even just move the case a bit. I've been noticing it for a while, but it's very rare, and I'm seeing no SMART errors.
Is it just something to be more careful about or a likely issue?
Where the fuck can I download APK files so I can patch them with revanced. APKPure and APKMirror are both only giving me those bullshit XAPK or APKM files.
with those cr*ptobro motherboards with like a gorillian PCIe x1 slots, assuming some dodgy mounting method, would they work (albeit probably miserably slowly) with throwing in a bunch of the SATA expansion cards or something like that? how stupid would it be?
Does it work if you only do pass 1?
I have two video files of identical length (they're the same scene from different camera angles). One has sound, the other doesn't. How to I get the mute one to have the same sound as the unmuted one?
ffmpeg -i unmuted.mp4 -i muted.mp4 -map 1:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c copy result.mp4
I've been looking everywhere online and nothing has helped so far so here goes; I got a new gpu for my PC (4070ti super) for my x570s msi mobo and the installation went fine, it booted to desktop but a few seconds later the screens went black and I heard a windows disconnect noise, upon restarting there was no boot screen and there was a white light on the vga ezy debug board. I've tried everything I can think of to troubleshoot it, removing all old graphic drivers, reseating all cables, replacing the psu, updating the bios, reseating ram. It's driving me insane that this could be either the mobo is on its way out or I bought a dud gpu. Is there anything I can do other than returning the gpu or getting a new motherboard?
Why is 4chan shadow banning my posts? Is it because I'm using Palemoon?

Sometimes they'll post but won't go through but the cool down timer still applies and then I can post the exact same thing afterwards and it'll go through fine.

What gives?
Palemoon was shadowbanned from commenting on Youtube once, it's possible. No reason to use some furfag's ancient fork of Firefox anyway.
It's actually good browser for shit hardware like the dual-core shittop I'm typing on. Modern Chrome and Firefox are optimised for multi-processors and having only two of those that's in short supply!

I use Firefox on my desktop though. Regardless, this shit site shouldn't be discriminating against different browser engines.
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I actually only came into this thread because of the kino OP image.

In case anyone else was wondering, it looks like this was a regional bus that ran in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina. (It might be worth noting that the two main colors of the Argentinian flag are blue and white.)

A port/harbor and town in Argentina.

Another town in Argentina.

A lake in Argentina, adjacent to a town that once commonly and now officially shares the same name.

Wiktionary says "[adjective] from a mountain range". I suppose this is the name of the bus or the route; maybe something like English "mountaineer", "mountain man", or "highlander".
What are the issues of using a NAS hard drive as a regular desktop PC drive? Something about error checking?
None. NAS drives are typically higher quality than regular "desktop hard drives".

I guess if you need a reason to avoid it, they can be louder sometimes (the RPM should be listed somewhere) but the inverse is also true too sometimes (they can be more efficient and run at lower RPMs. I have some WD Red drives that run at 5000 RPM instead of some of the more louder 7200 RPM drives you can find)
Great, thanks.
Build the PC outside of the tower in case its a shorting issue with the motherboard touching something it shouldnt be. Also update the GPU firmware
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thank you, I was wondering if the image was mirrored.
I have a t420 chinkpad with metal hinges, every now and then after I get up from bed and sit on my desk, if i touch the hinges i get an electric zap. This does not damage it, right? It uses an ungrounded power brick, I used to touch my windows metal frame because sometimes it happens too much, sometimes never, I just noticed relative humidity in my room fell to 42% so its probably that.
wow I tried all kinds of things but not splitting the commands up. it does work like that, thanks
I have a 120gb SSD and I want to get a 240 or 500gb one
The problem is, that 120gb has my windows 10 install.
How can I easily clone it so the new disk becomes by C:?

I used mostly Linux in my lifetime and for this I would just expand the volume with lvm. I have no idea how Windows works for this. I doubt I can just install the new SSD and expand the C: partition, right?
dd the disks then use gparted to move the partitions around so that C: has space to grow.
What is this called? I want to get one, but looking up "PC speaker" I either get full on actual desktop speakers, or the little shitty buzzer things.
That almost worked. Unfortunately I got an error message.

>[mp4 @ 0000015c9b3fd300] Could not find tag for codec pcm_s16be in stream #1, codec not currently supported in container
>Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument

I suppose I must use some other mp4 editor. I have kdenlive, but I'm like Homer Simpson pressing buttons during a meltdown with it.
Never mind. I figured out how to do it with kdenlive.
The error indicated that the script tried to do a second pass when the first pass hadn't happened yet.
say this is an actual technology forum, i'd like to start a thread of genuine converse about the intrusiveness of current day tech companies.

today i opened my computer (windows 10) to see the co-pilot icon pinned to my taskbar and i thought to myself.. at what point of time have we allowed ourselves to give private companies, mega corporations to have direct access to our computer and software and to automatically do things in the background that alter things in our **personal** computer. i mean.. it's only a program but it could be so much more, to think that i could open my computer and a file would be missing is just sort of messed up.
what's the best long term data storage method?
where do i sign up to be a woman in the next life
They'll be property again in 80 years, so I don't see that it's worth the bother.
can't logic away a mental illness
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After a w11 update all applications show the program name after the window title on the taskbar, is there a way to remove this?
Any tips on removing a watermark using an offline method?
Multiple transparent ones over an image of a person.
I tried gimp healing but it looked fucked.
Motherboard speaker seems to give some results.
It's a slow fade, when you give yourself away. Its a slow fade, when black and white have turned to grey. And thoughts invade, choices made, a price will be paid, when you give yourself away. People never crumble in a day.
Why are you using a python script for ffmpeg? Just setup an environment path in advanced system settings and run the program the way it's supposed to be used.
I need a simple standalone mouse macro recorder to repeat few clicks without mouse movement in between. Any recommendations?
>Basically, the information that I stumbled upon https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013790319-How-many-accounts-can-I-register-my-YubiKey-with
Those are technical details, not anything accounting related.
And those are very advanced features, it's packed. I'm like using one or two features with mine, for one web page and "sudo" on Linux.
Asus b650-tuf, Sapphire pulse vega56 W10, ryzen 7600x

I've been having strange issues with my GPU, Windows boots but after 10 seconds of being on desktop everything freezes except for file explorer where I can't open anything
I've ruled out that its a ram or disk issue already so I decided to take out the GPU and use my internal one to see what happens
Everything works fine, so I tried to plug in my previous GPU an R9 285 and it worked. Then I installed drivers for it and I ran into the exact same issue the next boot with the subtle change that my motherboard's GPU light was on. So I removed it again and went back to internal, I ran ddu and then plugged in my Vega again. It booted fine and now works again. The only way I got it working previously was either to reset or reinstall Windows itself.

Does anyone have any idea what the fuck is going on with my GPU? Is it literally just driver issues?
If one hard drive fails in a RAID 5 array, will I still have read access to the array or do I have to rebuild?
Yes, because parity is typically stored across all drives but you should replace it ASAP.
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how do i run my code in visual studio?
Build the project and run it. There should be a "Play" button visible somewhere. It looks like you've somehow made a blank project with no build targets.
Wondering if anyone might have an idea of wtf is going on with my machine, I've been trying to figure it out for weeks now and can't find any fixes.

Whenever the computer goes into sleep mode, it fully shuts down and needs to be started using the power button, if I check the event viewer, I see this message but no indication of what actually caused the shutdown
>The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

There are a few other common warning or error messages showing in there, but my googling doesn't seem to indicate that they're related, stuff like
>The Secure Boot update failed to update a Secure Boot variable with error Secure Boot is not enabled on this machine
>The AMDRyzenMasterDriverV26 service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the path specified.

I've tried sfc and dism and they don't identify any issues, I've tried reinstalling graphics drivers, including ddu to remove first, I've tried disabling hibernation and fastboot, still happening.

Windows 10 Pro
Ryzen 5 7600
Radeon RX 6800
Asus Prime A620-Plus wifi

Any ideas on what could be the issue, or even what I could look at to get more information? I'm just going in circles trying to google the issue at this point as I just keep finding recommendations for the things I've already tried.
yes i picked blank project. should i chose something different? i am a beginner i just started learning C language.
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>it fully shuts down and needs to be started using the power button
Is it sleep mode or hibernation? Hibernation is supposed to do that. The powering off I mean.
What operating system you using?
Affordable? Hard drives.
"PC speaker" is the correct term and there is no other.
Is Windows OK with that?
Networked filesystem gets available very late in the boot process so you may want to keep the majority of your OS in your local drive regardless.
But for an anime collection? Why not.
>Is it sleep mode or hibernation?
it's fully shutting down, has to boot from bios and everything, and there's always a new message in the events that it rebooted without shutting down cleanly after. Hibernation (should be) fully disabled at this point
I have 2 questions.

1] Why do W10 still pester/force me to update them even after I've supposedly turned updates off?

2] Why does my computer wake up instantly after I put it on sleep mode?

motherboard speaker, internal PC speaker, 4-pin PC speaker, any combo of those
Consider telling Windows that you have a metered internet connection. This will slow down some of the obnoxious update behavior. It might pester you still but it won't force you or even download anything until you're ready.
the answer to both is because Microsoft blows dick and is jewish as fuck, but

>Why do W10 still pester/force me to update them even after I've supposedly turned updates off?
Because the current ethos is "ignore the user, push spyware and adware at all costs" you've gotta get into registry edits to actually disable that shit.

2] Why does my computer wake up instantly after I put it on sleep mode?
does it still happen even with the mouse and/or keyboard unplugged? First assumption is that something is sending an input that's waking it up immediately. Also check if you have wake over lan turned on, it's possible you're getting a network ping that's causing it to wake up.
Weeks ago I updated QBitorrent to 5.0, and it made all search plugins, including Jackett that I been using for long, not valid.
I stopped using QbT for this time: is Jackett, or any search plugin, compatible yet? OR should I go back to previous version?
Anyone know a place with good free courses? I want to study before looking for an internship but everything is monetized to hell and back.
Desktop or web versions of QBT, jackett, etc.? Is this for your local machine or are you running a media server?
Its called Hinduism. Join your local temple
I want to post a link publicly to my privately hosted server
Any way to do this without just directly posting my IP address?
Use a proxy like CloudFlare to point back to your server, or set up your own proxy server on a VPN somewhere.
VPS not VPN, fuck
Taskbar settings -> combine taskbar buttons dropdown. It'll probably be a bit different on windows 11
Had Jackett installed as a plugin from web URL, and recently tried installing Jackket directly on desktop and works... But point is that it doesnt show on the torrent program directly like before.
Oh this was for -> >>102776060
Choose a console project instead. Visual studio's solutions can store multiple projects inside it but yours doesn't have any
A relative of mine wants to have a very simple website to present his business (no checkout, no shop, just presentation).

There is no reason to use anything other than tools like WIX or Squarespace for such a scenario right?

It's because I could build something for him (or try to) using VueJS or some stuff but that seems utterly unpractical because these services also take care of SEO and all those things I know nothing about.
only reason to use anything else would be for portability if he wants to ever have the option to move the site to other hosting or whatever, but most likely he doesn't know enough for that to make sense really.
Thanks, but not what I meant, might've been poor wording on my part.
I want the labels there, but I don't want nor need my file explorer folders have the " - File Explorer" string added after the folder name in the taskbar. I swear it wasn't like that before today's update. The whole point of icons and pinning things is to already know at a glance what application it is.
If it's a small local business then yea just use some cookie cutter shit.
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I accidentally uploaded a corrupted mp4 for a Youtube video, and was met with this. Unfortunately I also typed the description into it, which is quite long. The only option I have is to delete the video; there is no link to it and nothing on it is clickable, so I can't go to the edit page and grab the long description from there. There's an option to add to the description from the dashboard, but it also gives no links and basically just acts as a script. I tried viewing the source and going to it with inspect element, neither did anything. Is there anything I can do, or am I fucked and have to write out the entire thing again? Shit was over 4000 characters.
Is the text on screen? If so, then it should be possible to inspect element it like you already tried. Try again then :p
The text is visible, but you can't select and copy it?
Don't write long shit directly in a webui retard, use a notepad or something and copy/paste

Take this as a life lesson
Only the first hundred characters or so. It cuts off after a certain point.
Check the network tab of your browser's developer console. There might an HTTP response with JSON or so containing the description as string.
Best quick current way to clone drives?
I installed a new NVMe SSD and want to clone my windows install over there.
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I'm trying to follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/hisenseA9/comments/1diqvv6/flash_a_hisense_a9_with_a_custom_rom/

At some point I have to do this https://github.com/aimindseye/hisense-a9/blob/main/unlockbootloader.md with a custom fastboot. I downloaded everything, I run ./adb reboot fastboot but when i run ./fastboot.exe devices I get no devices. I tried to install the right drivers as it says here https://stackoverflow.com/a/35076765 so I got the drivers from google but it didn't change anything, only Android disappeared from Other devices.

I have OEM unlocked, USB debugged.. Also I have x64 OS is that a problem?
for windows you're really better off doing a clean install and just moving files over afterward, cloning a windows install can get real fucky real fast, especially if there's any difference between the source and destination drives.
does a console project with c# logo works for C language too?
Just checked them all, no dice. Probably doesn't help that I did the upload yesterday and in a private window. But the fact that I have to manually delete the video means the url for it is stored somewhere, right? I don't know how Youtube works in regards to these things.
This honestly. Happened to me years ago. Never again.
>Is Windows OK with that?
It may bitch about the partition table not matching up anymore but nothing chkdsk can't fix.
>Yeah, your laptop has those two devices. It has wired and wireless. Right?
Oh, it does. But you can't use both simultaneously, right? I thought once you're wired, your wireless is off and doesn't connect to anything

I still don't get the entire process desu. Can you babby it?
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How to hide the Quora login popup with a uBO cosmetic filter?
Choose a C++ project, then remove the c++ file from the sources and replace it with a C file (with main in). Microsoft has always been weird with C support since early stuff tended to be C++ based already. It has a fully featured C (and C++) compiler though
By default, Visual studio's solutions treat .c files as C files and .cpp as C++ files.
"Adguard - Widgets" in ublock filter lists seem to remove it.
does the inside of a car usually get hot enough that its a bad idea to keep a battery, or a device with a battery inside of it? assuming I dont live in some hellish desert
i tried to mirror my phone screen on the tv and the window in the streaming app was black , heard its something involving drm. how do i avoid that?
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What's the best image upscaler available currently? (primarily for drawn stuff)
At 30°C outside the inside of the car can get to 70°C. So devices that already get hot while they run should probably not be run inside. Computers for example might get damaged if you leave them running.

But batteries usually can handle those temperatures, they are more sensitive to cold temperatures. If they aren't part of some device that is running and which gets hot, then it shouldn't be a problem. Especially if the battery is just stored inside and not producing power (and heat).
Depends on the battery chemistry, but some climates have been known for causing problems for dash cams with batteries.
Like the other mentioned, definitely depends on things like whether the device is running or turned off and the battery chemistry, but of course always a good idea if possible to make sure it's store somewhere out of direct sunlight to limit how much it heats up if possible. If you've got a trunk that's closed off from the cabin that will usually go a long way to keeping it cooler since there'd be no windows heating the interior from sunlight.
I am at my wits end as a brokie, I need an office software but I'm too retarded to pirate it. How do I pirate office?
How loud is a NAS. Thinking of getting a DS224+ with two 10 TB drives. However, it would be next to the living room (no door).
Would you hear it?
I got a new phone. What's the best chan app? I used Clover before and Kubora or whatever it's called seems outdated
see /fwt/ >>102761338
is containerized/partition encryption at all possible on m.2 ssds? im not looking for hardware level encryption of the entire drive.
or should i just stick with my already encrypted hdd and hope it doesnt die?
why wouldn't it be?
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I want to generate a picture containing text info from a CSV spreadsheet using some command-line tool, like imagemagick.

How do I do this?
i was specifically looking for hidden container encryption and the few results i got spoke only of hdds or hardware based encryption for ssds. i havent looked at anything to do with encryption in 10 years, so i figured id ask a stupid question.
so are you saying theres no reason for it not to work as intended?
I'm saying if you have a way to encrypt a partition at the software level, it shouldn't matter what kind of drive it's on as far as I'm aware. I could be wrong, but I was just confused as to why there'd be any difference if you're not trying to do hardware encryption.
no, youre right. what i looked at spoke of residual data left behind when software is used to encrypt previously unencrypted data/devices. i thought that made the whole process not viable for ssds. i found what i was looking for now.
my mistake, thanks though.
I just switched from a wifi connection to a wired connection. But the cable still goes into our router. Is there anything I should know about this situation? This is my first time using a wired connection.
>after 10 seconds of being on desktop everything freezes except for file explorer where I can't open anything
does it eventually unfreeze or not? i mean, does it act as if it needs a few minutes to load up or does it freeze forever until you manually reboot?
if it eventually unfreezes, what i would do in that case on windows is create a boot trace and see what driver/process is taking up so much time to load, but that's somewhat advanced and autistic. in my case, there was an asus startup program that was holding everything else back until it loaded.
just in case, this is the guide i followed in the past when i needed it: https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/177443-gathering-startup-shutdown-sleep-hibernate-reboot-trace.html
other than that i don't know, sounds like a driver issue. it's pretty weird that a gpu makes everything freeze BUT windows explorer. maybe try booting in safe mode (either spam F8 during boot or run msconfig)
just got my first oled and it has some vertical lines pretty randomly but throughout the entire width, really noticeable on gray, am i cooked or is this some common shit that needs some video fix or break in runs? if so, how?
There's nothing fundamentally different between the two, you're just not using a wireless link anymore.

It still gets its address over DHCP (or neighbour discovery for IPv6). It should still look and behave as part of the same physical network (because it is).

There's nothing fundamentally different about using a Wifi cable.
Not really, your router has DHCP enabled by default so it'll automatically assign you a local IP and you're pretty much good to go. You could setup a static IP and port forwarding, depending on your use-case, but that's really whatever.
Probably less noisy than your typical box-fan, depends how much it's processing and how powerful the CPU is. The fans will typically be louder under heavier loads.
Try libreoffice
Probably clonezilla
You can only pause updates, not turn them off, and your mouse or keyboard is probably fucked up.
Update bios, disable secure boot, legacy bios is fine, make sure your page file is system managed and that you have enough disk space for the page file to expand during sleep/hibernation mode.
It's because you usually have to transcode the audio or video when making a new file, otherwise they don't align properly.
My menu nor icon are showing up with the window I'm creating, and I don't know why. Can someone take a look and annihilate me for being retarded?
(I'm using OpenWatcom v2. I've provided a version of it that will compile it. Also the litterbox will expire in 3 days.)

That might not be the HDD, but the hinge of the case door. WD40 it?
I'm buying some parts to upgrade my PC, and for the CPU I have the choice between a Ryzen 7 7700x or Ryzen 5 9600x, both of which are the same price. I play videogames a decent amount but more often just general multitasking and using Photoshop/Lightroom, so I've been told the extra cores of the 7700x would be the better option.
But, I've noticed the TDP of the 7700x is much higher (105w compared with the 9600x's 65w). I don't want to spend any extra money on a beefy new cooler and I have a Cooler Master Hyper 212.
So basically I want to know if a 7700x is likely to throttle with a Hyper 212, and if so whether that would negate any potential performance benefit it would have over a 9600x.
They both have a max operating temperature of 95C
Forgot some important information: In the source codee, the window class is in Windows/Classes.c, and the window created is in Windows/Main.c. The menu is stored in Resource//M_Main.c, and icon in Iconography.c.
But the TDP of the 7700x is higher, it will be using more power so doesn't that also mean it needs more cooling to keep it below that temperature
Maybe under a max load, but the software you specified is likely going to be using more GPU than CPU.
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Is WizTree still faster?
Where can I get a copy of photoshop 7.0 now that internet archive is down?
Considering it's a temporary outage, just wait it out.
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Pretty scriptable with a few powershell commands:
(cat ./yoo.csv -Raw | ConvertFrom-Csv) | foreach { magick -background lightblue -gravity center -size 180x pango:"<span foreground='blue' size='x-large'>$($_.First), $($_.Second), and $($_.Third)</span> are <i>cool</i>!" "$($_.Name)_lole.png" }

From a csv file containing:
Name, First, Second, Third
Sam, a, b, c
Tom, 1, 2, 3

It produces an image for each row of the csv file (excluding column names of course) - In my case, sam_lole.png and Tom_lole.png just listing First, Second and Third. You could do a similar thing in Python or a bash script, whatever is your liking. That's basically all the scripting you will need so time to learn how to use imagemagick :P
The parenthesis around ConvertFrom-Csv are unnecessary btw. it's just regular piping the object array from it to the foreach (foreach-object) command
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I learned the absolute basics of C++ for my college Algorithms course almost ten years ago. I have been using C99 exclusively at work for the last five years. Are there any books/guides like "C++ for C devs" that aren't "this is a straight up reference manual" or "babby's intro to what variables and functions are" that I could use to get up to speed so I can apply to C++ jobs?
The ring volume on my android goes up and down randomly. Happens with headphones in, but not reproducible (they don't have volume control). I ran adb shell cmd appops query-op AUDIO_RING_VOLUME and the only apps that have permissions are android, com.android.settings, and com.android.systemui. Should I be concerned that this is happening?
New to networking, trying to establish an ssh connection to my NAS. I have root access, but can't establish an ssh connection. Dashboard logs say "ssh login failure", which I assume means wrong login credentials. I though they're the same credentials I use to log into the dashboard, at least I don't see anything in the settings that would allow me to set up a ssh user/pass.
>system fully powers off
>when resumed, the OS picks up a "resume image" from the drive
That's what hibernation means to me. Looks like your OS didn't pick the resume image.
When you clone a drive the partition table is identical. In cloning even the trash data gets copied.
>I have root access, but can't establish an ssh connection
The NAS has keyboard and monitor huh? Or are you looking at a web console?
>I though they're the same credentials I use to log into the dashboard, at least I don't see anything in the settings that would allow me to set up a ssh user/pass.
Assuming it runs Linux or Unix: you have to have an actual account to the system which you use with SSH. The web console thing is a nonsense fabrication.
(my old Asus router used an username "admin" for SSH and such)
>at least I don't see anything in the settings that would allow me to set up a ssh user/pass
How about SSH keys?
The situation is the same but now you don't have to worry about the Wi-Fi *link*. Emphasis on the word link.
Physical drives don't matter as you do encryption with software.
>hardware level encryption
So you can wipe it on a whim? Most drives do that for that exact purpose.
>or should i just stick with my already encrypted hdd and hope it doesnt die?
How is this relevant in this context?
I'm mostly computer illiterate except for basics. Is there a way to completely stop a site from seeing any info at all from my connection? I don't just mean a VPN the makes it seem like you have a different IP, I want to know how to not display any IP, device ID, or any other info a site can use to identify me as a unique user.
quick /g/, gimme a list of the most lightweightiest browsers.
>When you clone a drive the partition table is identical. In cloning even the trash data gets copied.
But the disks are not, windows expects the recovery partition to be at the end of the disks but if you clone into a bigger one there will be just empty space in there, gparted corrects this but only on modern versions.
wget/curl, netcat if you really need the space.
>I want to order a package but I don't want to tell the store where to ship it.
Yes, you have to give them some IP, dumbass.
best software to create a thumbnail gallery image for videos stored in iso format? like an image made up of 10x10 screenshots from the video starting from the first frame, going to the last, and filling up the inbetween with the interval required
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There's a partition at the physical end? Can't remember my Windows 10/11 installations doing that. Guess I didn't look at the table close enough?
>videos stored in iso format
They are called DVDs and (super)video-CDs.
There's no reason to be upset. Don't go to stupid question threads if you can't emotionally handle reading stupid questions.
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>post some affordable low spec PC parts
>"haha, that's so unemployed, you cannot possibly do any work with that PC" t. some random anon
Every time I see a "work PC" in real life, it's used for nothing but printing documents and reading emails. In what kind of work you have to crush numbers? *With your desktop*?
>inb4 CAD
Those super simple wire frame things can't possibly demand that much GPU power. Right?
t. dumb tradie
I provide services through Medicaid and we have to keep up with shit tons of paperwork for all our clients and contractors. All our billing is online too. Half our business is on thousands of excel spreadsheets. Is your entire work experience watching movies?
What a weird angry response. How did my question hurt you?
>Is your entire work experience watching movies?
It's so called Real Work.
>t. esl retard
I guess McDonalds technically is a job.
Firefox, SeaMonkey, Dillo
If I install vaultwarden on a server on my lan what are the odds all my passwords get stolen? I'm just using a paper sheet now and want to have different passwords for every site easily. I'm pretty dumb so don't want to get fucked over.
Tails (OS)
Routes everything through onions(tor) by default and has no persistent storage(by default)
Not sure what the problem is. The question was honest.
Not really usable.
Left over from the times of spinning rust, is the recovery partition and is there in case your disk is failing because the sectors at the end suffer from less wear and tear.
>Posts on 4chan
>Expects autists to NOT chimp out
How's highschool going for you kid?
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I want a Libreboot laptop, but I want it cheap and with internal flashing because I'm a dum-dum who would brick the computer during the installation.
So should I get a Macbook 2,1 (late 2006) or a Dell Latitude E6400?
>That might not be the HDD
Definitely is, I switched to a different case a few days ago. The old one didn't have any hinges in the first place.
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Retard here, could someone explain to me how exactly the "suspend" thing works on linux? I'm currently using gnome on my desktop, and it has this thing that makes the screen "turn off" after a while, except when this happens my screen goes blue after a second, and a "hdmi signal not found" osd message appears for a bit, before the screen turns off then on again, now on the lock screen. Isn't it supposed to keep itself off? isn't that literally the point of the suspend feature? am I retarded or just missing something?
From personal experience, sometimes is just a faulty usb port. Try using a different port/cable/adapter.Try checking if adb detects the device in fastboot mode.
Latitude 100%
How much ram do you have and how big is your swap partition?
If a SSD says "bad magic number when reading superblock" is it toast? Or is there any way to fix it? Preferably without a reformat. I was able to pull the data into an image file, but I still wanna use my drive dammit. It's a traditional format, not NVME.
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>I'm a dum-dum who would brick the computer
Doesn't the flashing process involve clamping or removing the chip? If it does you can always have another shot at it case it fails somehow.
16G for ram, no swap.
I don't know anything about tracing so here.
So I was fucking around with a throw-away-email-site called "Mailiantor" and eventually I reached the limit of the free trial, to holy fucking shit this website has FBI type of fucking security because I switched devices, wi-fi, browsers and random free VPNS and it still gives me nothing or that fucking "Reached limit" response. This is starting to get ridiculous, because even fucking TOR couldn't get around it. Can anyone tell me why?
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Just Linux things.
>press sleep/suspend button on a keyboard
>computer goes to suspend and immediately wakes up
>click suspend from le menus
>computer goes to suspend
It was a Debian system. I figure the keypress that sent it to suspend also woke it up AS KEYPRESSES ARE SUPPOSED TO WAKE IT FROM THE SLEEP.
No it's because the mp4 container doesn't play nice with that lossless audio codec. mov or mkv would have worked.
That's probably your issue, how much disk space do you have available?
If you
cd /

Do you have a swap file at least?
What exactly is the point of a HDD in newer PCs? What's the point of more storage if it's so slow that you go insane?

I keep seeing some PCs that have like 250GB SSD and then 1TB of HDD as well. Is that really better?
Over 400G so more than enough I guess. Is swap really that important? sometimes I would set it up when distro hopping, but never noticed any difference. I'm only asking this because gnome suspends itself by default, and while I understand the point of it, I rather have the screen always on, with just a clock screensaver after some idle time, just like other DE do (e.g. Cinnamon). Instead I have to use an extension for a similar behavior.
Suspend is basically hibernate, and hibernate relies on a page file, and swap is the basically the linux version of a page file.
>What's the point of more storage if it's so slow that you go insane?
>so slow that you go insane?
HDDs are just fine for things like storing pirated media or backups.
>I keep seeing some PCs that have like 250GB SSD and then 1TB of HDD as well. Is that really better?
Better than what? Having a 1 or 2TB SSD? They are poor.
>1TB of HDD
Being poor again, I think. I personally can't think of an use case for a HDD smaller than 4TB.
sudo swapon --show
Generally HDDs are good for storage
>generally don't fail without notice once worn in
>generally cheaper per TB
>well established
If the downsides are enough of a problem, you can just buy more and put them into a (Z)RAID, giving you redundancy as a bonus
You will probably want to get rid of gnome, but for suspend you want enough swap for the amount of ram you have in use, for other uses 2-4gigs with less swap if you have more RAM is good enough
No output. Thanks anyway, my original question was more about understanding the behaviour of it, aside from this blank screen thing I don't see any important reason to set it up.
Yeah I know, I just wanted to give it a try, I hadn't used gnome in years, I'm surprised it's more stable now, even under wayland. I also tried kde when 6.0 came out and was quite buggy for me unfortunately.
Then just don't use suspend I guess. What file system did you install your OS to? ext4?
Did jewflix just randomly ease up on policing VPNs for the first time in 2+ years? Mullvad suddenly just started to work with it so I can browse other countries' catalogs
Regular Arch, ext4. I usually don't use the suspend/hibernation thingy, but since it was on by default on gnome I got confused when my monitor went blue with "no hdmi signal" after I went away for a while.
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Swap partition (instead of a swap file) further simplifies the setup btw.
I ended up with python because I wrote this for a python based telegram bot initially when I was doing a lot of phoneposting, and when I couldn't do floating point math in bash for the bitrate I just put the whole thing in python instead of trying to learn awk at the time. this was a rewrite
honestly I rewrote the async bit out of habit since I had to to get the output in a TG message but after reading this I realize it was a waste of time here; I can just produce the command with the script and run it
My network changed and now cloudflare is giving me shit. Infinite captchas, refresh errors when clearing and flushing shit. What is wrong? Chrome btw.
ipconfig /flushdns
as a pc user that doesn't have too much free time to tinker and tweak my pc and learn how to use a whole new operating it's pretty upsetting to see, of course i believe there are alternatives and external software made for windows to make it better privacy wise but i am not even sure where to look lol
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Is this a meme? Keep seeing it here.
Does shit to the actual problem as you are simply asking for a new internal IP from your router. Works only if you are on bridged internets or dialup or something.
>as you are simply asking for a new internal IP from your router
Wat? It clears your DNS cache
Already did that. As I said doing this caused errors but still infinite verification.
captchas solver on 4chan x keep downloading the captcha after post, how to fix this?
looking for a mouse
>light weight (equal or lighter than g305)
>2.4ghz ssensor
>basic design
>scroll wheel isnt that shitty rubber stuff
basically i love my g305 but the scroll wheel is fucking up my index finger. i need something metal i think
it's defective
Check the cable (it's a TV/monitor?), otherwise sounds like it's defective on arrival yea
Would I get in trouble if I send my broken drives full of pirate materials?
Second, I keep dropping/plugging the wrong cord or some stupid stuff and broke both my external drives. IT really pisses me off because I did that just as this internet archive was down, and I had all the stuff I cared from there backed up, which sucks balls.
My question, is my friend has a FTP server from work. Is it worth creating my own local FTP server? Oh sure it'll be a bitch to go and turn it on myself, but that way I do not have to move it unless I need to, and when I do move it I can just use blankets/move between houses, and not move between rooms.
I already have a desktop I can use, maybe I can replace the drive with those server ones?
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I'm helping my cousins build a pc with some of my old hardware and I want to put Windows on it. I kind of remember am easy way to activate it for free but the last time I installed windows was like 10 years ago it feel like so I can't remember anything more than that lol.
I remember getting Vista or something and just getting free updates all the way up to whatever I have now(11 was it?).

But yeah, does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was a really easy thing that just activated Windows so you wouldn't have that watermark.
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>Trying to fix flickering monitor
>Already tried different power cable, hdmi cable and different input laptop vs pc
>goes off and on every 3 or 5 seconds or so
>tried tapping it, rotating it on all sides etc
>still happening

Thinking capacitor issue but i dont see anything obviously broken

Its 11yrs old should i just get a new one or

1/2 power board
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I think I found something "massgrave", sorry for the dumb question.
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2/2 signal board
I've got a Quest 3 but in my office the signal drops from 5ghz to 2.4ghz. The wifi6 router is just a couple rooms away but seperated by a few thick concrete walls because the place I live in is old. My office is also connected via powerline adapter.
Would the best bet be setting up a new AP in office just for it? Seems like overkill.
I also cant currently move the router.
4 blue ones total
1 seems bigger (one bit in middle)

Is that the one?
any reason to get more expensive AM5 motherboard apart from a faster LAN? don't care about the audio either I use external interface
What's a good ergonomic budget friendly office chair that's available in the EU? I'd prefer something under €200, but can go up to €300. I'm 191cm or 6'3" if that matters.
I'd get a high desk first
My chair is used up, I got it used 5 years ago and now the seat is simply too worn down. My legs have enough space as is, though I have been thinking of getting one of those sit/standing adjustable desks, it's not my biggest concern.
300 euro aint much, but ikeas matchspel is alright
You can set up your phone as a 5ghz hotspot since most of the traffic is local to test it out.
Is the download captcha toggle turned on?
Can confirm that is a capacitor going bad, mine used a power brick though so I just changed that, cracked open the old one and a 470uF cap was busted.
the site isn't loading any images for me anymore
anyone else seeing this or what could be wrong?
I have an Ikea close by, I'll see if I can try it out there, thanks anon
I bought 2 desktop computers sight unseen and it turns out they have a coreboot+UEFI replacement BIOS installed called Dasharo.
Should I keep it or put the manufacturer BIOS back?
I'm trying to install Windows and I'm getting weird errors so I suspect it's the BIOS
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How do the fuck do I install this?

How can I get on PirateBay is my stupid country (UK) blocks it? I find the idea of paying money for a vpn abhorrent.
its not actually blocked, youre just using your isp's default dns. so change your dns ( is the best)
Click on 4chan-captcha-solver-wasm.user.js then press "Raw" - your userscript manager should then pick it up
Is it a good idea to clean old thermal paste with acetone? I don't have any isopropyl to hand right now.
I would
Maybe for overclocking, but if you want faster LAN just get a NIC.
Channel 165 might resolve that
NTA but is there any advance to getting wasm over non-wasm?
Custom install with autounattend.xml and look up watermark removal.
you're at some faggot's mercy either way
That was the intended use case? Thought you guys attempted to get a new IP from your ISP.
What do you mean by faster LAN? Are you looking at some random AM5 motherboard that just so happens to have 2.5Gbit networking as opposed to your current 1Gbit?
That's not tied to AM5 socket if that's what you are implying.
I think it's quite a bit faster
I've just built my new pc and can't decide on wich version of Windows to install. 11's UI is dumb, but I'm reading it'd be less stressful for my hardware than 10. I'd install a linux distro, but I have an nvidia card and it was a nightmare last time I tried to install tumbleweed
why not try a linux distro first and if it doesnt work out use 11
get 10 but force it into submission by removing all the bullshit. /wst/ has tutorials
apt-cache search nvidia
I need recommendations on bluetooth earbuds to use at work. Budget is probably $100-200. /csg/ sends to /iemg/, but they don't have info on wireless/bluetooth. I don't know where else to ask.
Is there any way to stylize in css the resize feature of div?

Technically I was able to make my own design and script to function as a resize button but it's kind of inconsistent so I added a resize above it that shows the two lines but could they be changed to another color or add more lines or something?
the nothing ones get good reviews
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Tried using my computers hotspot and I'm getting worst speeds than before so can rule that out

Gave that a try, still no luck. Thinking that new AP might be the only way
Why is Firefox not recognizing anything I setup on it? I used Betterfox user.js and installed some addons, set up bookmarks etc. And after a reboot everything is gone. I go to about:profiles and the profile I worked on is still in there, and opening the folder I can see the user.js file. So why is everything gone? Tried the other profile but it has nothing on it as well.

I spent 2 hours on this shit and I can't be bothered to do it again.
no just some have 1 other 2.5GB\s
intel or realtek?
not interested in OC, it's almost irrelevant in the current year
I'm going to install Windows 11 and Rufus has the "disable Secure Boot and TMP 2.0" option checked. Should I leave it like that?
In the @keyframe, you can set background-color at the end of it
Or just in the added class/pseudoclass
I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this but I bought these RGB gaming fans from aliexpres but it only comes with sata power and some sort of 3pin connector.

I was expecting regular fan connectors for motherboard and seperate RGB connector for lights

How the fuck do I hook it up? How do the fans know how fast to spin and where (front fan or cpu fan etc)?
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Forgot pic
You don't want total no-name chinkshit because the company has to maintain a working app.
>You don't want total no-name chinkshit because the company has to maintain a working app
So does that include Samsung, given their app no longer supports the original galaxy buds?
I have a DAP for my music and a phone for navigation. My car has android auto, but only supports one input. I am a retard and my phone has no sd card slot if I wanted to put my music on it. Is there a way to send audio from my dap to my phone?
Sending data is a more common feature than receiving, I'd say it's unlikely. Even if possible I'm not sure how well that would work with android auto.
Depending on how much internal storage your phone has, consider compressing the shit out of your music. Not like car speakers are that great, so you could probably get away with <128kbps opus or something.
I compressed my music to MP3 in fre:AC and it fucked with the metadata. Would opus potentially work better?
It's been too long since I did any compressing myself, I remember making some kind of script to fix the metadata probably for apple aac compressed files.
iirc the benefit of opus is slightly better quality at low bitrates, which is why I suggested it. But maybe there's some program that keeps the metadata correct, would be worth looking up.
I'm an artist and want to sign up for one of those cheap webhosting services so I can make three websites

>One that is for networking and has my contact info, links to socials, portfolio-specific pages etc, a basic wordpress site
>A store to sell my various art curios
>A booru gallery for my art

The first two I think I can do on my own, but for the booru...I've found a DIY booru engine called szurubooru but the install recommendations say to use Docker. Problem is that the only way to get Docker would be to sign up for a VPS instead of cheap webhosting. Is there anyway to sort of..."extract" or otherwise take the Docker out of a Docker container so I can install it manually?
I'm looking for a tiny-ass bluetooth mouse I can throw in a backpack, but I'd still like it to have 5 buttons. Any recommendations?
only with headphones in? are you sure your hardware volume buttons are not fucked up, meaning they're not pressing themselves? also if i remember correctly the ring volume you set with headphones plugged in is different from the volume you set with headphones unplugged (it remembers the settings) but you can change that in the system settings. if none of this is relevant, i personally don't know what else it could be.

i'd say pretty low, especially if your server is not exposed to the internet. i think the only thing that can be stolen is the encrypted database, assuming someone has direct access to your server and has permissions to copy the vaultwarden files. but even then, it's encrypted and they wouldn't be able to much with it. take this with a grain of salt, but i think it's safer and more convenient to use a password manager than a paper sheet

i think because with vpn and tor you're sharing the same ip address with different people which have already used up all the free mails. to mailinator it does not matter if you change browser or device, all it matters is your ip. do you have to necessarily use disposable mails over a vpn? if not, you can also use websites other than mailinator when you reach the limit (tempmail or whatever, there are many sites like that)

>Would I get in trouble if I send my broken drives full of pirate materials?
i doubt they care with all the RMAs they get but idk. not sure what you're trying to accomplish with the FTP server, maybe you just want a local NAS with a couple of drives? that way, if a drive dies, you can replace it and keep your data safe

acetone is fine, i personally use ethyl alcohol

i think you might be using the wrong profile, but you said you already checked about:profiles. when you click "Launch profile in new browser", you don't see your bookmarks and addons in the new window? user.js should be inside the folder of the profile you're using
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i want to download rice i've seen, but i'm not sure how to go about downloading dotfiles or even replacing my existing ones
how do i run maintenance on my liquid cooler? i bought it many years ago and i assume i gotta do something to it

its a master liquid lite 120

Also whats a good strategy to have the computer monitor further away so you dont hurt your eyesight so much? should i buy a cheap big 1080p screen to put 2 meter away from my keyboard and mouse?
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Is something like this possible in 4chanX?
>i think you might be using the wrong profile, but you said you already checked about:profiles. when you click "Launch profile in new browser", you don't see your bookmarks and addons in the new window? user.js should be inside the folder of the profile you're using
I created a new profile because I didn't trust the default one. Launching profile in new browser session shows no bookmarks and addons.
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I'm using this
Simple history script, is there a way to limit entry?
So it would log http only and limit it to 1000 entry?
merge binary bubble linear which sorting type is fr fr bussin? no cap answers only p
You might wanna top up the distilled water in your loop. The method depends on the cooler
Anyone know why I get an error every time I try to import a topsters2 .json?

>The file selected is not a valid Topsters 2 backup: InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character
Throw it away before it leaks all over everything or seizes up internally.
anyone knows how to "transfer" my 4chan session ID from the browser to an app, sa KurobaEX?

im trying to do this >>497902254 and make it work in the app. i already verified using an email, it works in the browser but not sure how to make it work in the app/fork apps.

i tried copy pasting cf_clearance (clear this is not it)
i think its the csrf value, but nor sure where to put in kuroba
Figured it out. >>102794833.
I have videos downloaded on my computer. How can I stream them to my phone?

I'm tired of online services and eating pop-ups, I now want to torrent and watch it directly.
SMB share on computer.
Stream with VLC app on phone.
Is vlc the best app to view videos on a phone?
You can use any combination you can figure. VLC just so happens to be a video player that does SMB.
I just want a way of accessing it directly from my phone without having to touch the PC.
Like, putting a password and letting me access video files of my choosing, like a personal hosted Netflix on home.
Too bad phones/tablets/toasters (or their operating systems) don't do shit and everything is left for the application.
How do I stream from Netflix then? Don't they have the videos on their own server? Is that what SMB basically does?
looking at my local technical community collage and they offer a course for Network Management, they also offer a course in Supply Chain Management. I do HVAC which sucks for my body and I like computers but im no wizard, what should I take classes for (im 23 and have a felony holding me back from anything in security)
I'm trying to learn the syntax of the c++ programming language instead of using the tutorials because I feel like they teach you what each "magic word" does but they don't teach the rest of the language.

I need a list of all of the programming concepts or categories.

For the moment I know preprocessor directives, classes, functions, variables...
But everytime I try to search for a complete list of the syntax of the language I only find unsorted messes, can anyone help me?
i dont want to put you off learning or trying to find a new way but before you invest in IT for a job you need to understand that
a: they are shedding people all over the place
b: when they do need someone they're either offshoring or hiring a cheap immigrant regardless of how fake their qualifications are
c: even if none of that is true in your area, with a basic qualification you're going to be lucky to get a foot in as a 1st line servicedesk lacky.
d: a career in IT is a career constantly updating to the latest thing - so unless you are really into it, you're going to hate it. and if you were REALLY into it...its likely you'd not have gone in to hvac and gone in to IT from the start.

whatever you do i wish you good luck, if you choose this course I pray you prove me wrong everyday...
learncpp.com? It's pretty good
I mean the syntax. For what I see there are:
1. Identifier: chosen word necessary to define something.
2. Keywords: reserved words of the language with already established meaning
3. Operators
4. Literals: the value itself, like a '40' or "word"
5. Separators: they sort the code.
7. Preprocessor directives.
What else am I missing?
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I've used computers for the last decade, yeah I understand that certain tech niches are rat races. I was also thinking about taking a course on either Computer-Integrated Machining or Technical Support and Services if those previous 2 options were out. random pic of my setup
I need to create a VPN server in AWS or Azure that routes all traffic through a second normal commercial VPN server. How do I do it?
Put the cookie value in there? God, I've never tried phoneposting before, this is awful. Just use your pc matey
I think I fucked up, I removed the xbox app a while back because the app was being an unresponsive piece of shit like everything microsoft related. I've recently been trying to reinstall it because one of the games I want to replay requires it to work. Every time I go to the store to redownload the app I keep getting error code: 0x80073D05, I did some research and it looks like this has to do with the store having problems erasing data from a previous install or conflicting folders. I tried deleting all the xbox related folders in appdata but I keep getting the same problem. I tried wsreset, logging in an out of the store and clearing the store cache. Does anyone know if there's a way to fix this? The only other thing I can think of is maybe there was a folder I missed in appdata or there's a permissions issue.
Is the gap in sound quality between wireless and wired headphones/earbuds still big or that just an audiophile meme?
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>2.4ghz ssensor
2.4GHz is the frequency for the wireless protocol, not the sensor.
>scroll wheel isnt that shitty rubber stuff
>i love my g305
They make replacement wheels made of aluminum.
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I'm so tired bros, my work laptop decided to go into a repair loop when forcing an update I wasn't around to stop, I connect the drive (pic related) anywhere else and it's all there, I've made a backup of the few things that were not uploaded online, formatted the drive and the Windows 10 installer is not seeing it saying it's missing the drivers, I've had that happen before but now I absolutely cannot find the drivers. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Pic is the M2, laptop model is a Dell Vostro 3400
>They make replacement wheels made of aluminum.
Why? I fucking hate Logitech, I want a metal wheel for my Saitek.
You're still fairly young and I'm not sure how community college tuition works in your area, but as long as it's free or not making you go into debt, you should try to better yourself, lest you regret it later on.
Take it from me, I was stuck in a low-paying profession I hated until 30, now I'm 36 and finally getting my shit together job, car, house, gf wise, not exactly your case since HVAC isn't bad money-wise, but still. The earlier you start, the earlier you'll be done and see if you like or not and get to pursue another path
hvac isnt abysmal money wise but its not something I want to do nor will my body be willing to do it in my 50s, I appreciate the words anon. I read a bit elsewhere and I think I might try to do some other stuff to get my foot in the door in tech, ill suffer some helpdesk jockey thing if need be till I find something better.
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Please suggest an actual good quality USB hub.
I have a picrel and it has been perfect for years, but all the similar looking ones I've bought since all suck.
Ports randomly die, devices need to be reconnected to work consistently, etc.
I need 8+ ports, USB 3, and am willing to spend up to $100
I don't have a GPU at the moment and I'm trying to figure out which games I can still run okay with the UHD 630 integrated graphics on my CPU. from what I understand integrated graphics takes normal ram to be its "vram" right? so when I see a game is using a loooot of ram in the task manager, is that because of the iGPU taking a lot of "vram"?
buy startech industrial usb hubs, I don't know if their consumer products are good too, but I guess they should be.
i have a old pc (i5 2500) running win10 that won't format a samsung usb drive as exfat (keeps failing even with multiple 3rd party software). If I plug it in my new win11 laptop I can format the usb.

what the heck could be going on with my win10 pc? is it win10 trying to make itself obsolete?
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I'm interested in the quest 3s but googling what they're capable just shows me people talking about what I assume is their favorite game from the native app store. I'm more interested in knowing what my options are for watching my own content on it. can I just screen mirror my pc to the device like I would onto a smart tv? I see some mentions of steamlink and pcvr but I don't really understand what they're capable of.
There's one ACPI compliant one from Schiwi with USB 2.0 and one from Goobay with USB 3.0, with the latter having an on/off power switch.
How do I turn of google security check when logging in from my computer? Google security ask me to press a number on my smartphone when I login from my computer.

This is a secondary account that I register using fake name and never upload important/personal data, it has unimportant data like food recipe, so I want to skip security check. If the account get hacked, I'll just create a new secondary account using fake name.
Same problem, sometimes I don't even have the battery in my android and need to put it in, boot it up, set up the clock, resend the code, tap one time and pull the battery again.
How to disable that asinine shit? I never asked for that.
use backup codes
I've already deleted all my youtube comments, looking into downloading all my emails now. And then it's time for a nuke :^)
Backup my videos if you want to see them in the future.
If you get a samsung ssd you can use samsung magician to clone your old ssd to the new samsung one, some other brands have similar software just check before buying.
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What type of VPN traffic does the secondary service offer? WireGuard and OpenVPN presumably. But you should know it and pick one before continuing this quest.
Likely a hardware issue. Have you tried another USB port?
>USB hub with ACPI support
Now I don't even understand what ACPI is, thought it was purely motherboard+CPU stuff.
How do I figure USB hub has ACPI support or not?
There really isn't any other way around with Windows is there?
On Linux there's a smart way of migrating systems around:
>boot a third party system (like an installer)
>format new drive
>copy old system from old drive to new drive
>make new drive bootable and set passwords and shit as passwords and booting and shit aren't in files
0% cloning, just copying files. And the filesystems are brand new and everything.
Why can't I do that with Windows?
>They make replacement wheels made of aluminum.
where to buy?
No, SMB/Samba lets you mount shared folders and browse them as if they were normal folders on the device you're browsing them on. You can use the Android Samba client if you want, although testing it out it's probably not going to be as smooth as VLC.
Keep in mind this involves downloading the file and playing it, so it's way easier on your computer than having to set up Plex or Jellyfin and using a client app for those on your phone, but it may not be as stable or easy or whatever.
yeah, you can filter by name. the settings will pretty much tell you how. xm
I have a swiftpoint propoint, they're really small. It has three buttons but it also can detect if it's tilted and you can assign the buttons to do different things while it's tilted or assign functions to tilt gestures.
It's a little tricky to get the angle you have to tilt it at right, however.
It's not really going to hurt anything, but that's for running windows 11 on unsupported hardware. It's not going to work/do anything on future versions of Windows 11, but for 24h2 it'll still allow you to install it on computers that don't have a TPM or virtualization based security.
>Now I don't even understand what ACPI is, thought it was purely motherboard+CPU stuff.
>How do I figure USB hub has ACPI support or not?
Admittedly I don't know either, I just own the hardware. I think of it as "feature complete and bugfree USB hub implementation".
Nah, I mean the message preview of the stub
ran a speed test out of the blue, got 135mbps
lower than it should be. ran more tests, got a consistent 250mbps after that, which it should be.

Why the disparity? it feels like i caught it off guard while it was busy giving me shit speeds and then once it realised i was testing it buckled up.
i know some providers do boost when they detect a test but idk if mine do
What technology your internets are? Cable/fibre/4G/5G/DSL?
Is it true you're supposed to lower the desktop resolution before playing a game for better performance? Not talking about the game resolution, the desktop resolution.
I can understand if it's running on borderless fullscreen, but actual fullscreen? Does that matter at all?
Is there really no proper open source application for using your Android phone's camera as a webcam on your PC? There's droidcam, but as far as I can tell, the phone app is not open source.
Speed tests are only good for finding out maximal speed. Use something like iperf between your computer and a fast (preferably your own) server.
>2 days, 12 hours
Is there any chance of a seeder coming back to let me finish this?
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You can build crap inside Termux environment as if you were inside a Linux system, here's an example on camera API
Termux is also handy when lumping stuff together. Tor node, Privoxy, iperf3 server for example can all run as background processes.
Don't expect your phone to turn into a proper server as power savings can kick in.
I need an old standard, DIN 240:1923-02 specifically. I can't find the actual standard anywhere, just descriptions of it. Any idea where I could find this? It's for metric whitworth thread.
I've tried zlib, library genesis and rutracker, as well as just generic searches.
>2 days, 12 hours
Means absolutely nothing.
>Is there any chance of a seeder coming back to let me finish this?
This is maybe more of a /diy/ question.
What's Whitworth normally? How many Whitworths are there?
>What's Whitworth normally? How many Whitworths are there?
This is kinda why I want to see the standard, but in short it's one of the first thread profiles that were standardized. Imperial whitworth is still quite common, but it also came in metric with TPI. If you look here there are at least 7 https://www.gewinde-normen.de/en/whitworth-fine-thread-din-240.html
I'm specifically looking for W 30 x 1/14", which I see is used in some Italian standard plug thingy but nowhere is it defined what the dimensions are. I can assume the profile, but I want to know for sure if it's possible. Because the only others I see for W 30 have a TPI of 10 or 12.
I figured I'd ask here since maybe somebody knows a good site or server that hosts standards. If you happen to know a different standard that specifies this thread then I'm all ears, but I kinda doubt it.
I want to try out gayming on Tumbleweed with my nvidia card to check if I can finally avoid Windows. Is there any way to do it without fully installing the OS on my drive?
I'd assume their "live ISO" does all the tricks out of the box. But I'm no Suse-knower. All I know Debian won't do what you are looking for.
Not being a police here or anything but just pointing out it's kind of piracy. Hence the difficulty finding it.
did you perchance take this picture in new zealand? feel like i've seen this before
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thanks anon
I have an old Note 9 that's still working. Planning on prolonging its lifespan.
Samsung says the maximum size it can accommodate for a micro SD is 512GB.
Will a 1TB card work?
it shouldn't really matter no. Unless the game engine the game uses was made poorly. Just set the game resolution to what you want.
If you want higher fps then you want to reduce the game resolution or use FSR/DLSS (which also reduces the game resolution and upscales)
Does anyone know this?
>Not being a police here or anything but just pointing out it's kind of piracy. Hence the difficulty finding it.
Yeah I'm well aware. Not sure if that one escaped into public domain or something considering it's from 1923 and has been discontinued a while ago, but other standards are generally more easy to find with just a filetype:pdf.
>Not being a police here or anything but just pointing out it's kind of piracy. Hence the difficulty finding it.
I agree that it's piracy. But I am also confused that there aren't dedicated piracy sites for it, like there are for everything else on the internet.
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How can this instagram viewer website inflact dot com remember that I've already used up my free viewings *after* I've completely purged all site data and cookies?
What else can I do on firefox for the site to completely forget my past viewings?
glacier national park in argentina
Is there no way to set a standardized image embed size on rentry?

On the "how" tab, scrolling to the bottom, it tells you how to embed images. I've been looking at archived rentries for examples, and I've found that people often do something like this:
![Alt Tag](https://i.imgur.com/PYV4crq.png){100px:50%}
. But the problem with that is it only standardizes the width, which is something I don't even care to limit in my use case; if you reverse it like the following:
![Alt Tag](https://i.imgur.com/PYV4crq.png){50%:100px}
, the image is completely squished vertically; I don't understand it. I just want to make every embedded image have the same height, but I don't know how to do that besides manually calculating what the height would be for the specified width, because if I just put for example
![Alt Tag](https://i.imgur.com/PYV4crq.png){250px:200px}
, it stretches the image to fill out that specific aspect ratio. I am going to bed after submitting this post, so if anyone helps me, sorry if I am not here to thank you.
What is the best software for upscaling videos? I see topaz and and avc mentioned alot as i'm researching this.
Are there any tools to download all the images from mastodon (baraag, pawoo, etc) accounts?

Or to more efficiently view images posted with specific tags on them?
via IP address? A VPN would be needed for that. I use a pay-as-you-go VPN for this kinda thing
that's an old/original style "pc speaker", it was never called anything else
i doubt anyone makes/sells this specifically already made up, since pc's moved to piezoelectric "beepers" decades ago once everyone moved to sound cards and the pc speaker was left only use for error beeps, however the speakers and cables separately can be
it's an 8 ohm, 0.5 watt, 57mm diameter speaker, not hard to find with those keywords
Try a lanczos filter?
Amazon, eBay, AliExpress. Anywhere really.
Just search for “g305 metal wheel” and you’ll find them.
They come in multiple colors too.
Very carefully.
It's there, but with recent bluetooth the codec quality difference is negligable. Comparable to like the difference between high quality mp3 and flac.
ffmpeg with libplacebo. No clue how but I guess this is a good start. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76792577/how-to-use-ffmpeg-to-upscale-video-resolution-with-libplacebo
gallery-dl https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
Seems like the width based autoscaling relies on height percentage not doing anything - this works too: {400px:%}.
However, a percentage for the width seems to function as setting it as a percentage of the page width? Shame.

I guess you could right float any long images so they doesn't take up too much vertical page space
Let me rephrase:

Are there any tools to download all the images from mastodon accounts that have a GUI and aren't command line?

Example: ptxihoce (enter it into the URL where the code usually goes)
It's still scaling based on the width but just floating it to the right so you don't have to scroll too much
there is this annoying NGO/political group and they just lost their site domain i dont know how its up for sale for peanuts since it isint a com or a net (those are taken) and the one left is from our countries,they link most of their irl posters,stickers,graffiti etc to this domain.

can i just buy it and setup a freehosting thing to have like a blank html site with "you are dumb and this is a scam" and just link the proofs on it?
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fuck is wrong with this script? I just downloaded it of the internet and it should simply work.
Use Media downloader: https://github.com/mhogomchungu/media-downloader/releases
Install the gallery-dl plugin: https://github.com/mhogomchungu/media-downloader/wiki/Extensions
Then in the batch downloader tab, add the person's account and press download. It'll start getting all of the images
>been thinking of getting a cheap reader so I could read ebooks on wider screen and not worry about getting it stolen and losing personal data stuff like with a phone
>cheap readers on local ebay are broken or very old most of the time
>can get larger new tablets in good condition for similar price
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they are e-ink devices therefore totally different product group
Is there a workaround or fix to this in virtual box?
>base install of arch linux
>keyboard always set to american layout
>if I install a WM like dwm I can't zoom in and out in the terminal, even If i set the keyboard to my country's layout
>arch with some DE like KDE
>zoom in and out works just fine in whatever keyboard layout
I'm too dumb for this. I suspect the solution is too obvious, what am I missing here?
To install the plugin, just get that json file and in media downloader, click add plugin and choose that json file you downloaded :)

You might also wanna add some gallery-dl options for rate limiting and sleeping so you don't get blocked:
--limit-rate 1M (500k or whatever)  --sleep <seconds or a range: 0.5 or 0.5-2.0> --sleep-request <same formatting as for --sleep>

 --limit-rate 1M  --sleep 0.2-1.0 --sleep-request 0.2-1.0 
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What does this do?
Well if the other suggestion doesn't work you can maybe google for gallery-dl GUI or something. Or possibly jdownloader would work, but I only use that for videos from shady sites, no idea if it works with mastodon or images.
How does pixel density work? Will games look as shitty on a 42" 4K monitor as on a 27" 1440p monitor, since they have almost the same ppi?
If you only want images then you can do: --filter "extension in ('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp')"
and so on for whatever file extensions you want
Sounds like you already found it, use a DE.
Did you install the guest add ons/drivers?
The PPI is about the same for them so I guess. However, check if the subpixel layout is different - TVs often have different layouts from RGB so can look worse than monitors at the same resolution/PPI/whatever
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Why do some power sources have a range of output voltages? How does it all work?
I want to be able to play my retro games with my computer monitors, I'd also like to be able to use my headphones connected to my computer while playing. As of right now, I have a composite switch hooked into a CRT - should I get some capture card and hook up a the composite to my computer? Any alternative works for me, as long as it's the best one, or close enough
The top one is constant current, the one of the bottom is adjustable (dimmable).
what happens when I do this?
mv /dev/null /dev/random
Cool, but what does it actually do? Better text visibility in the sun?
There is an Amazon's reader on the top of searches and it has built-in advertising for some reason. Cringe, the book reading app on my phone is at least free.
Anyone? I don't have the cash to replace the disk right now :(
I appreciate you, anon!!! Thank you!!!
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It looks like literal paper, very pleasant to look at. And consumes zero power while not moving.
>constant current
So the voltage stays at sensible levels at all times? Are all lithium ion battery chargers like this?
>the one of the bottom is adjustable (dimmable).
Gotcha, thanks.
also, took me a second to understand what "Example: ptxihoce (enter it into the URL where the code usually goes)" meant, but, yeah, I realized in reformatting my post and retrying submitting it over and over that it wasn't [redacted] that was wordfiltered; it was rentry links, but not the word "rentry". It's a shame. I wanted to reply to myself commenting on as much once my post got through, but I remember being told once that replying to myself might've made people think I already received a reply by someone else, So I didn't.

Actually, turns out archive today links are wordfiltered, too. So that is just unfortunate. But I won't bother reformatting the post this time.
E-ink is easier to read as you don't need a backlight. It's just black on white, as opposed to a black filter blocking white light. Also more efficient, so longer battery life. I'd suggest looking at them in person to determine if you want one, I don't think anybody needs one because as you said, a phone does the same shit.
if you have perms and say yes it will move the file /dev/null to /dev/random breaking both
see man mknod for more details
Yeah, if you have a reply people might glance over your post
Ah, is that so? Sounds pretty neat, actually. The problem is some books I plan on reading have colored illustrations and I need to keep them that way.
There are colored e-ink screens now, more expensive obviously though.

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