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old >>102771236
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What's the best image upscaler available currently? (primarily for drawn stuff)
What DNS should I use if I want just decent performance? I know some are 'more secure' than others, but I don't really care about that, as long as I'm not diving into some kind of Chinese botnet.
How the FUCK do I enable double click to select kebab case identifiers (eg: in lisp) in my editor??
Is there a workaround or fix to this in virtual box?
>base install of arch linux
>keyboard always set to american layout
>if I install a WM like dwm I can't zoom in and out in the terminal, even If i set the keyboard to my country's layout
>arch with some DE like KDE
>zoom in and out works just fine in whatever keyboard layout
I'm too dumb for this. I suspect the solution is too obvious, what am I missing here?
posting again since the other was closed. I just wanna be able to set this shit from the ground up
For japanese sites I found Google's dns ( was much much faster than my ISP's dns. Not much use of other ones.
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I'm so tired bros, my work laptop decided to go into a repair loop when forcing an update I wasn't around to stop, I connect the drive (pic related) anywhere else and it's all there, I've made a backup of the few things that were not uploaded online, formatted the drive and the Windows 10 installer is not seeing it saying it's missing the drivers, I've had that happen before but now I absolutely cannot find the drivers. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Pic is the M2, laptop model is a Dell Vostro 3400
Deluge got blurry when I upgraded my monitor. How do I fix this?
Go to Dell site, enter service tag number since those are the most precise and see what drivers they have for download. Post tag number if in doubt.


I sometimes move a hard disk to a PC I know will permit install without issues then complete the installation there while copying downloaded drivers to a convenient folder like the desktop. That's one reason I keep my elderly T61 collection.

Does your Dell have a recovery partition?
How do I make firefox use nautilus as its file picker on gnome (arch btw)?
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Website shows firmware updates for several types of storage but they're all installers, nothing I can use when installing Windows, tried downloading a couple and extracting but only .exes to be found
How is it possible for a thread to be archived so fast when much older threads are still in the catalog?
Try that bios update and see if the storage is detected in the bios.
I have a ubuntu Stable Diffusion PC set up in the basement.

I want to remote access the PC with a windows laptop upstairs.

When I usex XRDP, I get a session that is less functional than, say, compared to logging into a Windows machine with Remote desktop that gives m 100% full mirrored access.

Do I have XRDP set up wrong, or are remote GUI session through Windows Remote Access to a ubuntu machine inherently less functional?

Specifically, my Stable Diffusion setup requires CoreCtrl to manage power usage, but I cannot run CoreCtrl in a remote session.
apt-cache search vnc
The BIOS sees the storage just fine, when I plug it anywhere else it's fine, it's even visible on a command prompt with diskpart when starting the installation, only the Windows installer refuses to see it due to no drivers
can someone here explain this to me? Or what I should read.
I meant to attach this reply
I once worked on a project where they turned an old grain tower into apartments. The contractors removed the internal metal stairs at some point and I had to climb the sketchiest 40' tall extension ladder in the middle of the floor up to some tiny hole to be able to get up to the roof and look at some water damage. Fun times.
Put this on external storage and select it with the Browse option.
nevermind updating it fixed this :)
>monitor goes to sleep
>dark screen
>bright blue screen
>now its off
how do I stop it from showing that blue screen? I hate it
4chan boards are ranked by bump order - the replies bumping the thread to page 1 of the board. This means an old thread can survive as long as somebody replies every now and again (preventing it from being archived after moving off of page 10). If you put "sage" in the options field then you can reply without bumping the thread - mostly used for when you want to reply to a spam thread without bumping it
Is it from ASUS? If you google it everyone is complaining about it lol
If you switch to displayport it might not have the blue screen? That's what one person said
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON, finally worked. I really appreciate it
4chan threads* (within their respective boards)
Depends entirely on the type of drawn stuff
The very best would be something with the Flux tile controlnet, but that thing uses 23G of VRAM for me
How do I make money with tech? What's the new paradigm?
Glad to hear it.
yes its asus, I didn't know this would be monitor specific. I assumed all monitors did this shit.
Nah, most monitors have a black screen for a second before turning off
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Should I use oracle virtualbox or VMware? Which one is easier to use or more user friendly?
>Depends entirely on the type of drawn stuff
You mean whether it's pencil b/w or color?
that is bullshit
I need to stop buying asus then
> This means an old thread can survive as long as somebody replies every now and again
Well, yeah, but what makes it confusing is that the thread I linked was created at
> 10/13/24(Sun)19:30:37
which means the thread itself is more fresh than the last post (>>102805895) of soon-to-be-archived thread:
> 10/13/24(Sun)19:14:51

So, a fresh thread was archived long before it could reach the last page.
Not sure then. It's possible that the cigar reply was saged? Some people do that by default
Is there a good method for bulk removing specific audio tracks from video files?
Are posts with images sageable nowadays? I recall this wasn't the case.
where can i find a connector for a mechanical switch pin? I cant find one thats too small
It's probably a setting you need to disable. Poke around.
Virtualbox is easier imo
Most phone poster here. When I’m not using WiFi 4chan literally doesn’t load any images or most of the site. Like I can go onto boards but it’s all broken but only when I’m not using WiFi. It doesn’t do this for another phone on my same plan so maybe my carrier is specifically targeting me? Never had this happen before.
Does it happen in incognito mode? Might just be a cached error. Otherwise, check for expired certificates and system updates ect.
Yeah it’s weird. I’ve been trouble shooting this for a week now
I want to get the syntax or programming languages like c++

For what I see there are:
1. Identifiers: chosen word necessary to define something.
2. Keywords: reserved words of the language with already established meaning
3. Operators
4. Literals: the value itself, like a '40' or "word"
5. Separators: they sort the code.
7. Preprocessor directives.
What else am I missing?
Try turning it off for a few minutes and then turning it back on. Usually the OS will check for system and application updates after; It should also clear your phone's RAM and recache everything along the way. After the phone is back on, go to settings and check for system update and google play update, and any other form of security update, then reboot once more after they're installed.

What phone is it?
Anons on /v/ said that gaming laptops are a meme and break down easily.
Is there any truth to this? Are there any decent ones?
What is the best software to use to make full PC backups onto an external hard drive?. My experience with Windows' built-in software is bad. They want to perform the backup automatically daily or hourly meaning the HDD would need to be physically connected to the PC at almost all times (fucking stupid) considering moving my 7 TBish takes almost a day with the glacial speeds of the wangblows software solution.
Biggest problem with them is keeping them clean. It's hard to dust out a laptop in comparison to a desktop. You'll experience thermal throttling after about three to six months. Getting them serviced isn't cheap either.
If you can't be bothered to learn dd, try clonezilla. Read the documentation so you don't accidentally nuke your installation.
iPhone 8. It’s worth noting it does the same for chrome.

It kind of is. You tend to get more money for you buck with a normal gaming rig that is also easier to maintain than you would with a laptop. That being said what do you want to play is a big factor too. If you want to play something simple like Minecraft then a regular laptop that can play games might not be a bad option.
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Last time I tried it spewed errors up my ass, though I was trying a disc to disc clone at the time and not multiple images onto one drive. I'll give it a go.
You have 2 options
>live boot
>virtual machine
I would recomend you start with a VM just to see if the OS is legit regardless of which you choose
Live boot
>full performance, no second wheel OS
>No storage space required**
>you can try out the OS, and if you find an OS you like this is also where you would be able to start installing it
>you will have to install NVIDIA drivers for graphics to look normal but you should get something resembling usable(they require a restart lol(this wipes your "storage"))
>no need to reboot/(maybe)mess with BIOS
>can use host OS to screen network/disk traffic
>allows you to have some degree of permanence with the OS (eg. Dowloading large games
>MAY (probably not) be slightly finiky to setup
>should be able to use files already existing(slightly funkily through steam)
>attrocious performance
>no, really
>you should only use this to see if it RUNS
>only needs .iso, no bootable media

**your "storage space" is limited to how much RAM you have, if needed you CAN make a partition(some FAT FS so all OSs can read it(FAT32 is limited to 4gb files, use exfat)) for some degree of permanence(oow/no sec tails OS)
Given you can't figure out how to make Windows Backup do what you say, you should probably stick with Macrium. dd and clonezilla are non-solutions. If you want to put the into learning something, learn to use vss and restic or rclone.
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When trying to insert new cells in ms excel, the pop-up always defaults to "shift right".
I swear it used to default to "shift down", but people online say you can't change the default option.
This is annoying because I insert a lot of cells like this, and it's tedious having to select down every time.
Was the default different in an older version of the program? or am I crazy.
any tips for how to begin unobfuscating kotlin/java?
didnt see a thread about it but whats the best youtube downloader I can use for all formats and quality?
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Is there anyone who already disassemble this thing and documents them in any way? I need to know more detailed spec of this stuff
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Some websites keep saying that my Ungoogled Chromium is outdated despite being updated to the latest version. What do I have to do to fix this?
For lack of a /consooomer general/,
I want a head mounted display that projects a virtual screen for viewing shows, for example like a TCL NXTWEAR but I have no idea if any of them are any good or if it is worth it.
Is it possible to manually move a browser's history? For example, could I copy my Firefox history and all onto a flashdrive, then move it onto another computer?
I don't like cloud services but I'd like to keep track of my (You)s across computers
How do I stop my isp from scamming me and throttling my internet speed? I'm suppose to have an internet speed of 500mbps but instead I've been getting around 90mbps weeks now. How do I do I stop these scumbags from throttling me? Something that I can do on my end. Calling them won't help with shit.
reinstall the package anyway
I think aloud a lot, and I'd like to have it transcribed to text so that I can search it easily.
What would be the best way to set up something to do this?
Just updated my BIOS to solve that intel microcode shit but now my desktop icons won't stay where they were after a reboot or power cycle.
How do I fix this?
Should mention that auto arrange desktop is checked off.
In biz there are many crypto scammers

Have you ever seen people doing unseeming things here?
I feel like the users of the board seem quite stressed, but hopefully not so terrible in those other senses
Nevermind, had to unplug and replug my second monitor in for some reason and everything is good.
Is deleting and installing Brave good enough?
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Is it possible that GPTo1 sometimes takes long to answer to make you think that it's thinking but half of it is OpenAI being too cheap to pay for decent servers and wanting to make you feel that you're getting more for your money?
how to have a cute vtuber kind of fake webcam character for videos on liunx?
So on Glary Utilities, it has a program version checker, and it always gave me program updates on Filepuma even though I thought I was on the latest version by the programs itself. I just reinstall to override the existing installed folder. It cleared a few program issues itself, your mileage might vary
How do you tell easily appart genuine startups from the false ones?
Cable? Fibre? DSL?
If it's a cheap subscription on a shared medium you can expect that. Shared medium being like picrel where everyone flashes lights to everyone else as there's just plain old mirrors. Or with cable-TV networks where everyone signals to essentially one big antenna.
Linux-people drag their "home folder" with them all the time, that's the place where all their application data is. I assume you could do the same with Windows' C:\User data\ or whatever the place was.
how well could an airship/blimp/zepplin/etc handle a storm? are there ways to be built to handle them? what's the worst they could realistically handle?
It is exceptionally unpheasable
>4000ft/min shears/drafts in relatively short order
>you cannot avoid them even with perfect detection unless you have a pretty large lead on it
>hail of varying sizes
>see 1 for tornados
>icing if you are high enough (weight on ALL external parts)
If you don't get sheared apart, it will be death by a thousand stones
qrd on latex editors
The only time an airship would realistically confront a storm is if it got caught in a microburst or something on the ground. In the air they can simply outrun or outwait any terrestrial storm.
Test your connection from the modem to a computer with Ethernet cord. Same results? 2.4Ghz has it's limitations, and 5Ghz has other isssues. If you have QoS or something enabled on an older router, that could also throttle you. There's so many variables. Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't offer to send out a technician.
what's the deal with this app?
appinfo says it's Google One which I can confirm is no longer in the G section where it should be, just curious how it lost its name.
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Anyone else? I only have ublock and firefox
go ba-
please tell me for the love of god that my cpu usage spikes to 40% and then decreasing when opening task manager is normal winblows bullshit.
>Posting from this device has been blocked due to abuse.

wtf, i can now post, but wtf is this??
They have shitty user-agent detection. They think you are using vanilla chrome and the version number in your user agent string is older than the newest chrome version.
How i can feed twitter / x cookies to gallery-dl? Username / password no longer works . How i can make gallery-dl recognise that cookie
Assuming I had a flash drive with enough capacity, and if I were to set 2 partitions (one for Win10, one for ElementaryOS), would they both show up accordingly via boot menu?
Also, on a similar note, if I were to set 2 partitions (one for a live install, the other for general purpose utilities) would the live install partition show up via boot menu, and upon booting from it, would the utilities partition also be accessible?
Them white boys had me on Crystal Meth
how does I stop dis shiet
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im a debian retard and I want to switch to gentoo.

What do I need to know to make it stable, and how do I generally not fuck up my system?
i've had this too, i was trying to solve a problem and the solution is on reddit. its really annoying.
is my nighthawk r7000 still relevant?
My friend has an old prebuilt gaming pc that's struggling to even play dota. Even using a start command to load map at launch he sometimes doesn't load in in time, and considering we had a lan at his place not too long ago where the others had no issues it can't be internet related. Pretty sure it's the asus g20. Is it worth guiding him through opening and cleaning the thing or is it a lost cause? Any checks I should ask him to run? Didn't look at his dota settings I'll ask for a screenshot next time I talk with him, wouldn't put it past him to have something unnecessary.
i just got a LTE SIM card router but when i connect it with USB to my laptop(win 10) to install drivers, it disconnects immediately. what now?
People say "RAID is not backup". That's because if you delete a file, you can't get it back, right?
If I don't need redundancy or high uptime, but I also don't particularly care about protecting myself from myself (in 15 years I've never deleted a file I've needed, yet), and all I want is protect myself from random drive failure eating my data, is RAID a good solution?

>why don't you just set up backups
RAID is nice in that it's set up and forget (until a drive dies and you now have a mirrored copy of the data safely stored that you can re-build the RAID from). RAID also only ever needs a constant amount of space; buy e.g. two drives for RAID1 and you're good forever.
Backups require regular triggering and grow in volume unboundedly. How often do I backup - once a day? If so I might still lose data on drive failure that RAID would have maintained. More often - what's the impact on system load, and on storage space? How easily can a backup solution snapshot an actively running system? When will my backup size exceed my original disk size?
And if I back up multiple times per day, the drives need to be connected and mounted anyway. If I somehow wipe my system (e.g. ransomware attack), the backups will be vulnerable anyway. At that point, the only thing it gives me over simple RAID redundancy is a glorified recycle bin if I, the user, accidentally fuck up some files.
>inb4 3-2-1
I know that's the best but I'm lazy, and this implies even MORE effort because now you have to manually connect your offsite/cold-storage backups. Or set up a server with some append-only protocol (so, again, a hypothetical malware attack can't just wipe it too).
I know I "should" but for many years already I've put off building a NAS or backup server and at this point I should be honest with myself that I simply never will.

Given all this, is RAID fine for my usecase?
QEMU is GPL. Would it be legal to commercially release a proprietary disk image bundled with QEMU to run it (no direct linking, just starting QEMU with the image specified in the command line), provided the QEMU binaries themselves are entirely unmodified? (Likewise, would releasing a non-GPL ROM with GPL emulator bundled to run it be legal?)
What are his specs
>map doesn't load in time
I don't know much about dota, but that sounds like a storage issue somehow.
>That's because if you delete a file, you can't get it back, right?
>if I, the user, accidentally fuck up some files.
Or if a house fire fucks up some files, or if malicious fucks up some files, or if a catastrophic bug fucks up some files (consider that incident where an accidental space caused a program to delete every user's /home), etc.
>RAID is nice in that it's set up and forget
So is cron.
>How easily can a backup solution snapshot an actively running system?
You generally don't back up the practical system itself (unless it's a VM) but rather the useful data on it, so that the machine can be lost but easily replaced as all data and configuration is still backed up elsewhere.

TL;DR: RAID is not a backup.
>So is cron.
Yeah, sure, a cron-job is indeed set up and forget, but you don't get a working backup with just a cron job.
You CAN run a cron job with just a second disk (or set of disks) on the same machine. But about all this protects from is "catastrophic bugs", and that /usr bug is still getting reported in YLYL threads because it's so rare.

If you use an external server for your backups, then they are very much not setup and forget. You gotta maintain the system, keep it running, update it regularly, etc. Unless you're suggesting a cloud backup is the solution (especially so it doesn't die to a housefire), but that quickly gets expensive if you want to keep a few TB of data for years.
Can you format drives from the windows installer?
If I want to lock my Void Linux + LXQt laptop using xlockmore with the settings I want (white text on the password entry screen, black background on the password entry screen, and echo "*" chars when entering password), then I have to type the following into a terminal:

`xlock -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#000000' -echokeys -echokey '*'`

However, when I assign this exact command to Ctrl+Alt+L and Win+L and use either of those shortcuts to lock, the screen locks, but the password entry screen has a white background and the text is invisible (the text is presumably also white). Same goes for locking the screen using the Leave screen (shut down, reboot, log out, lock, etc.) or closing the lid, which I set by entering the following lines in ~/.config/lxqt/lxqt.conf:

lock_command=xlock -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#000000' -echokeys -echokey '*'

It's almost certainly because of the "#" and "*" characters, but I thought wrapping those up in single-quotes would fix this. I guess that doesn't work outside the terminal. As for the keyboard shortcuts and lxqt.conf, I tried various combinations of single- and double-quotes as well as backslashes, but nothing worked. How should this command be formatted so that the xlock options apply properly when locking via kb shortcut or the Leave menu?
I mean, if it's good enough for your Internet connection it's good enough.
Out of curiosity, what if you leave out the color options, and just use some option that doesn't require # or * characters? Will that have effect?
E.g. I don't know about xlockmore but can you just pass -echokeys and see the effect with everything else being default?
Just to see if it's really those characters messing it up, or if it's just ignoring the options entirely for some reason.

(Also, are you sure it's - and not -- for the long options?)
>grow in volume unboundedly
Just set a size limit. The source drive volume never be over about 85% full anyway, so there's always some headroom.
>How often do I backup - once a day?
As often as you feel like. Worst case the backup jobs run into each other and you get slightly fewer than you asked for.
>what's the impact on system load
For a home user negligible. You can always just buy faster storage.
>How easily can a backup solution snapshot an actively running system?
Trivially. It's built into every modern storage system.

Realistically you're a narcissist and whatever you want to do is going to be correct according to your own hallucinations. Just do that and don't bother us.
Kinda, what exactly did you wanna do?
You would probably need around four or five partitions in the end. EFI partition 1GB, Windows partition, Swap partition, ElementaryOS partition. After ElementaryOS installs it should automatically run sudo update-grub, but if it doesn't, the next time you load into ElementaryOS just run that command and it'll scan for OS to add to the bootloader. You can also edit the grub file to adjust the time and background of grub and run the sudo update-grub again after.
Guess it depends how old your CPU is, and what tasks were running in the background before you opened it.
Yes, it's "-" and not "--" for long options. I didn't really notice that before. I guess xlock/xlockmore is weird like that.

xlock -fg white -bg black -echokeys -echokey x
works for me for both kb shortcuts and the Leave menu (via the lxqt.conf file). It also works when I omit
-echokey x
. However, I'd like the echo char to be "*" rather than "x" or the default of "?".
I AM a narcissist but these are good arguments. What size of drive would you expect for a backup solution (relative to the primary data drive) - is 1:1 dumb?
Any good cross-platform solutions (I run windows on one machine - I did say I was lazy)
Drat. Well, I dunno anon.
What if you look up some unicode character that looks similar to * but will definitely not be a glob pattern? For example, somewhere in U+1F7B5 to U+1F7BA, or maybe U+2055. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_(glyph)

Assuming lxqt can handle unicode in those specific places, and the glyph exists in your font, it might work as a workaround.
Arch install is not detecting my unallocated space on my SSD (256 GB), why is that?
I just tried using
xlock -bg black -fg white -echokeys -echokey *
for both the kb shortcuts and lxqt.conf and it works! It's still concerning that I can't seem to use custom hex value colors for foreground and background colors, tho (unless there is a way and I just don't know how). I also have to wrap the asterisk in single-quotes if I ever have to type this into a terminal to lock, which might give a hint as to how LXQt's Global Actions Manager and lxqt.conf file handle that type of stuff. Thanks!
Try formatting that unallocated to ext4 with gparted
>Username / password no longer works .
Seems to work for me? But if it doesn't for you, check https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl?tab=readme-ov-file#id24
For a different site I had exported them with "Export cookies" on Firefox, and then just point the option to that file. Needs to have the right format.
Is there a way to download/archive an entire conversation from Facebook Messenger with all the messages and media from both persons?
Neat. Yeah, it's kinda annoying how shit like that is handled at times.
This is why people sometimes criticise the Unix "everything is (unstructured) text" approach.
What are the chances of me getting hacked by a person going through my accounts one by one, or is it usually a bot script running?

I got hacked right now, and my linkedin account got completely wiped and changed into another person, someone tried to login to my gmail, then now someone got access to my steam and sold a lot of my items on the market. I feel like it's a bot since the activity is fast. Changed all my passwords of course, deleted my linkedin since it's useless now. Now on the process of wiping my devices completely formatting the drives and reinstalling the Windows.

Somehow the hacker got access to all my saved login on my browser and computer so I'm assuming it's all compromised now password wise.

I'm worried this bot or person will start doing things to my other accounts like discord since those were also auto logged in on my browser but so far no activity.

That's why I have a suspicion it's a bot because it might be only targeting certain accounts of mine.
Probably should have done the format first; They could already have the new passwords if that machine was infected.
So far no activity on the changed passwords, I'll change it again after format, I did a full scan as soon as my email started sending suspicious activity warnings, it got a trogjan file on my browser's cache, deleted it, then ran a malwarebytes scan and nothing detected now. I'm not taking chances, I'm doing a full reinstall format on my devices, I'm just worried since it will take hours to format everything.
Good luck, anon, I feel for you.
Was it a virus or just a password breach? If a virus then obviously it's scripted, but if just a password breach and you weren't infected then it could be either, but still very much likely a bot. I'm under the impression that it's very very rare nowadays for people to get "hacked" by an actual individual human hacker sitting somewhere - unless you're a person of interest of course.
If you're not somehow inherently interesting (e.g. publicised high crypto net worth; employee at some lucrative or secretive organisation; or actual celebrity/politician/etc.) then you're most likely only ever gonna get hit with random scripts that mass-scan any and all possible targets. People reuse passwords all the time, so giant databases of leaked passwords are routinely used to try to brute-force normies with shitty passwords, and from there once you've got a match there's a good chance you can log in to a bunch of that person's other accounts with the exact same password (or a trivial variation of it). But this is only lucrative when done at a massive, massive scale, entirely automated from end to end.

Did you have similar/identical passwords on any of the accounts that were breached?
Yes, google "download facebook data" it's all there
Requesting to download my data directly from Facebook doesn't archive the media sent by the other person. It only archives the picture I sent. I need something like gallery-dl but for a Facebook chat.
More than 3 slurs and your post will be removed automatically
Between my linkedin, gmail and steam, the passwords are not the same, that's why my suspicion is that it somehow got access to my auto logins, I've checked remember me on my Steam for example. I'm stressed as fuck since I also had auto logins on a bunch of other websites but so far no activity on other important ones. Gonna change all the passwords after format.

I think the source of this is I ran a program without thinking the day before, I'm retarded since I assumed it was trustworthy since it was linked by a trusted source, I was pirating something and FitGirl is a trusted repacker, I had to download something from some other forum that FitGirl linked so I thought nothing of it since no one else in the forum is bringing up if the file is dangerous or not. I don't really know if it was that since the trojan was found on my browser's cache, so it could be something that I clicked.
For performance? Your ISP one. They should have one, you won't find a closest one
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make a script with ffmpeg, I made a script to check video audio files and convert them if the format isn't the desired one, I convert 40 files at a time, read the ffmpeg documentation
Can you explain more?
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My sound stutters a lot, regardless of audio device.
How can I find the source of the problem?

3090 rtx
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
one stick of 32gb of ram HyperX
PSU: Segotep GP900G 800W, 80 PLUS GOLD
Download offical audio drivers, and if that doesn't fix the issue it's likely your cord or output
Cord of the audio devices? Well I'm using bluetooth speakers AudioEngine, the other audio device is the monitor itself. So both have stuttering.
I just wrote a wall of text and hiroshimoot eat it up.
Freash install, no internet, install drivers from manufacturer site one at a time with audio playing, pinpoint the shit driver/device.
Do the same with all software, specially pirated stuff.
What bluetooth version do you have?
How many bluetooth devices connected to the pc?
How many microwaves, AP using 2.4ghz band are near? Cordless phones in the house?
>bluetooth version
lmp 9.256

The wireless controlers, headset are not connected.
Only the keyboard and mouse

This stuttering been going on since december, it has gotten worse now

>How many microwaves, AP using 2.4ghz band are near? Cordless phones in the house?
Never had issues with these before
My router has 2.4ghz wifi, some neighbours too
the intel drivers were a bit old for my network(wifi/bluetooth antena)
updated now
Its your wifi/bluetooth antena damaged?
What happen if you use your headphones and no other bluetooth device is connected and you put your head right besides the motherboard, with no metal case between them?
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What's the easiest way to transfer pictures (or files) from phone to PC without shit crashing out? I got like 20k pictures I wanna remove and sort them out, whether or not to delete on my PC. But it takes too long or the windows explorer hangs.
Syncthing >>102821123
That just means its not a signed binary
I'm not sure, but I can confirm it automatically selects "shift down" on my excel 2016 lol
just copy "%appdata&\Mozilla" to your other computers. you might need to type about:profiles and select the right profile when starting firefox on the new computer.
the driver was updated, so far so good
It's another episode of can't tell if zoomers or boomer.
I lost almost a whole 3 tb drive to an accidental deletion.

Downloaded a recovery software. It worked, but the file structure doesn't exist, it took hours, and crashed 1/2 way through.

Isn't there a way I can just opt to see everything I've deleted and then move it to another drive?
I'm both.
just got a new Asus laptop and it has some pretty noisy coil whine type noise going on

after reading up it seems like it's pretty common on these laptops
can't really bother to return it should I just tough it out
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Can I use a USB-C splitter and connect a USB-C 3.5mm DAC so I can charge and listen to audio via AUX out on my phone at the same time?
Currently I have to fuck with 2 cables every time I get back in my car (30+ times a day as a delivery driver) and I'd much rather it be a single connection for both power and aux out.

Alternatively, do these USB-C 3.5mm dac plus charge-only USB-C splitters work on android phones without having to go into OTG mode (which disables charging)
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What are the chances of my IP being banned from Catbox when running this script?
Fuck that, send it back.
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Suppose my only hobby is paying with machine learning (training local object detection models, train Lora networks, etc). Is there any way I can turn that interest and passion into a career? How would you use that to get a job?
lads, suggest me an in-browser proxy/vpn that I can open by right-clicking
Are passphrases still considered more secure than passwords? And would a coherent sentence be less secure than a random string of words when it comes to brute forcing?
There's nothing more secure about one or the other. Look at the procedure you use to pick the password vs the passphrase and compare how many possible combinations there are.
>would a coherent sentence be less secure than a random string of words
Just make the sentence longer.
How does the computer render numbers/letters at the lowest level? Is it like a grid where you draw each of the pixels to make up a number/letter? Like a graph or something?
older computers (bitmap fonts) store characters as an array of numbers that define what pixels are on or off for that character
modern character rendering is more complex, as the fonts instead define smooth shapes which have to be converted into pixels before display
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I have a mini fridge, one with a compressor, and every now and then, I'll say every few months or so that I'm aware of, it shakes like I threw a live rat in there. Apparently it's the compressor itself, and most say it's a faulty compressor that is about to go out. But this happens rarely that I'm aware of. Is there still any reason to worry about it? It's only a couple years old.
Windows is the problem in this screenshot
Maybe they genuinely changed it in newer versions
Thanks, I'll probably download an older version and find out.
Adding structure reduces the amount of possible options. Stringing multiple elements together exponentially increases the amount of possible combinations and thus options.

E.g. an 11 character password with letters (26 * 2 possibilities for upper and lowercase), ten digits and say ten symbols for a total of 72 symbols, gives 72^11 = about 20.5^10 possibilities.
A 5-word passphrase picked from a wordlist of 10,000 words give 20^10 possibilites.

If you're picking sentences, the randomness is probably going to be reduced, though it depends on how exactly you pick it. For example, if you have a wordlist of 3000 nouns, a wordlist of 3000 verbs, a wordlist of 3000 adjectives, and you don't count particles or connecting words, you might be able to generate random sentences that are grammatically coherent and that are functionally equivalent to a random passphrase picked from a 3000 word wordlist. However, they're going to be slightly longer (since again any helper words or particles aren't gonna be part of the randomess) and also you actually need a total of 9,000 words for all your lists, which will probably lead to some slightly more obscure or difficult words than if you just had a single 3000 word list.
And you can see the same tradeoffs here: if you keep the same 3000 word list and split it in three (so 1000 words for each category), and keep the same total length, you will have a much weaker "pass-sentence" than an equivalent fully random passphrase would've been.

If you try to give your sentence semantic meaning (so it doesn't sound like nonsense) it's quite a bit more complicated to figure out exactly how random it is. The same logic applies though, you can probably make it exactly as secure but it'll need to be even longer - I just don't know by how much (but I expect significantly).

Of course this assumes the words case of someone knowing your exact scheme trying to crack you. In practice this is very unlikely (though not impossible).
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I haven't been keeping up with all the AI nonsense, but is there a free service that generates videos given a prompt, or would that require something local? I'm not looking for local suggestions, I just need this one thing done quick and easy; I just need it for one thing.
You can actually build it in chroot on another partition from within your existing install (this is what I did) and switch back and forth until you get it completely working to your satisfaction

figure out all your loaded hardware drivers now while you're on debian so you can configure them in the kernel when you get to building it. make menuconfig is a bit of a mess now for building the kernel, so it will take a bit of effort to completely find and configure everything you want. compare this against the debian kernel config in /boot

I kept the old partition around, but you can make an new OS partition and make a dd copy of that partition on another disk so you can revert if you seriously mess it up later on.

all of the specific stuff that you put in /etc/portage with relation to how package.accept_keywords, package.mask, package.use and package.license works.
You mean like the way Citrix already did it in their hypervisor?
Or a team of people who tear down assets once they get access. I would suggest not using one password for everything.
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Is there any way I can fully put a stop to this? I don't want to install the update later, I want to install it never. My phone works just fine as-is and I don't want to screw with that.
I already disabled automatically downloading updates in the phone settings, but apparently that doesn't do anything if the update in question was already downloaded and simply not installed yet.

Is the downloaded updated stored somewhere on the phone's internal storage that I can just go in and delete, or would I need to root it to access wherever that is?
How can I accomplish this?
>create a text file containing SHA256sums of every file in a directory
>check the directory against the file to see if everything matches correctly
Made an oopsie, had to run removewat on win ten, caused pc to not restart, will only load in repair mode now. I can't run startup repair because it's not taking my Acct password. Might have to reinstall windows. I can load up pc with hirens boot cd so wondering if I can try anything in there that can help.

I can transfer files at least so I shouldnt lose much if I have to reinstall
Thanks, that's the kind of example I was looking for.
After poorly transferring a win10 profile to a semi-fresh install, I'm getting Win32WebViewHost.exe crashes when opening photoshop (which refuses to work) due to what I assume is something in the appdata folders.
>Exception code: 0xc0000409
>Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\SystemApps\Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\Win32WebViewHost.exe
>Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Is this fixable somehow? Google has failed me.
Scripting. Established way is is to have a file.txt and then a corresponding file.txt.md5, Unix/Linux mkd5 utility follows that. But nothing is forcing you to not do your per-directory thing.
>im a debian retard and I want to switch to gentoo.
Go ahead, it can be installed just fine from a Debian system.
>What do I need to know to make it stable
Stable as in does not crash? Gentoo is already quite stable.
Stable as in isn't rolling release? No way. But you can pick what you want to update so there's that.
Because it's unallocated??
Doesn't unallocated mean "no partition"? Need a partition first.
I was able to fix it by loading my windows USB and reloading a system checkpoint. I got the activate windows message removed but it's still saying windows isn't activated
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Should I do it?
maybe first check for loose mounting bolts on the compressor, also perhaps loose pipes
i'm not an expert on fridges, but conditional strong vibration with something that is supposed to vibrate otherwise could be a result of resonance, that is, when conditions are just right that a vibrating object is shaken at exactly the natural frequency of the object, which compounds the vibration to make it stronger, even if the input power is the same. factors such as ice buildup or shifting mains power frequency can slightly alter how the compressor vibrates
my dumb ass crammed an m.2 nvme drive into an m.2 sata slot

>system didn't like it

has been removed now and my shit is working again, how fucked is this drive tho?
Thread creation has recently slowed on 4chan boards. Why is this?
I've downloaded a bunch of maps on OrganicMaps over the years, how would I move some of them across to a new phone without redownloading them?
can you recommend me a good router anon, mid-tier?
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I hate having to install the OS again after buying a new MB or simply switching to a better drive

The drive I have my OS installed in, is getting a bit old, crystaldisk is giving ~60%, is it possible to completely clone the OS 1:1 with everything intact onto a new drive, as if nothing changed, or is a complete reinstall always needed?
60% means you're not even close to the TBW it's rated for, that's all this percentage means. There's a reason it's only set to warn you at <10% by default.
But yes you can just clone it.
reinstalling is never required
How frequently do you buy a new MB? Conflicting drivers might be a thing, and if you don't clone the whole disk then you won't have a bootloader.
I'm a fan of the ax86u pro as of yet
Their website says 24H2 is the latest version, so.. might as well download that, if you're going to swap.
How the fuck do I block CSS from downloading? I don't just want it disabled, I don't even want to waste system resources dedicated to fetching that garbage.
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If I'm to compress my folders for personal uses, should I compress it into .7z or .zip?
The hosts file isn't off limits but I'd prefer to keep the solution to inside the browser environment.
Personal use, use latest 7zip,andread uponpassworded files. Use most compresion, unless it is jpegs or movie rs. They do not compress well, because they are already compressed.
Anon posted an AI generated podcast, does anyone know what AI he might have used for it?
Virtualbox is braindead easy but has the worst compatibility.
sha256sum * > sums.txt

sha256sum -c sums.txt
if windows, consider using the modern "compact" compression, it's a transparent filesystem feature so your files can be used as normal
if linux, consider btrfs compression, also transparent
So I just do this?
Whether it's clean lines like cartoons or if it's detailed realistic shit
He means that you don't have to make archives at all, google CompactGUI
Yeah clean cartoon lines
Thank you, how would have bitmap fonts been made? Is there a way to program or interface which pixels are turned on?
I think Remacri is fine for that
You can get it and a shit ton of other models on openmodeldb.info
You can run those models with Cupscale (unmaintained but best UI for beginners), chaiNNer or ComfyUI
I get that, but it's mostly photos and videos. 7zip should be enough right?
You're not going to save any space compressing photos and videos
Sounds good.
Update on this, formatted the drives and reinstalled windows, still changing my account passwords on other sites but the ones that were logged on my browser I already changed the passwords. I have been reading more about malware and apparently there are malware out there that can attach itself on the motherboard's ROM, how likely would that have happened to me? I hope not.

Been also contemplating about formatting my phone but I don't think it's necessary, what do you guys think? it's not like I installed anything malicious on this device afaik, all the apps on this phone are from google play and from companies that I know.

I having second thoughts on formatting my phone because there's a lot of connected 2FA measures from different financial apps on this phone, none of which was exposed on my PC, but a couple of social media accounts were logged in both pc and phone on their respective apps, but I really think don't think my passwords were exposed just the login tokens and attaching phones on those financial accounts are very strict and would be a hassle to attach again. What do you guys think?
The only thing worth of value on my computer during the time of the hack where a couple crypto wallets that has rug pulled coins, I haven't check yet if it was stolen but I hope not since it's not like it the wallets were logged in, I'm leaning more to the side of the malware just hijacking my login session tokens and not a password breach, so everything that was logged in on my browser cache was exposed but I honestly don't think the passwords were stolen, if they ever tried to login there would be an email for a verification code but they were able to bypass that and started changing my linkedin profile, started selling some trash items from my steam inventory, tried to get into my email, it was fast too so I think it was a script, and afaik it hasn't touched other social media accounts like my facebook so I think it was only targeting which was defined on their script.
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bitmap fonts are just a set of pictures, you can use any image editor, though there are editors specifically for creating fonts as well
i'm not sure specifically which part you want to know about or what your goal is
in very old computers, the system font is stored in a rom as a group of pictures called a character set, with each character called upon by an index, basically you write a program to grab the data for each character by means of a predetermined offset into the character rom, what characters look like, which are available, and what offset they have into the rom is up to the system designer. for example, the original IBM PC character set is called IBM code page 437, which is a superset of ASCII (pic related), these are all the characters you could display in text mode on an original PC, it's likely familiar to you, because windows still uses it in cmd, often so does your bios if you disable graphical effects
Phones are the kind of stuff that connects to wifi-networks and cellular absolutely everywhere and is absolutely susceptible to security issues. What is it that you do that is so utterly fragile that you're afraid routine updates will destroy the usability?
Every windows version is worse than the last, and harder to debloat than the last.
>windows 7 was mostly fine as-is
>windows 10 requires debloating or installing an enterprise version to avoid ads in your start menu and forced, un-delayable updates
>windows 11 adds even more shit that I forgot because I don't use it, and I don't know if everything is even debloatable (yet) or if you'll be stuck with some of it

There's no compelling reason to switch to new windows releases anymore, unless you physically have no choice (e.g. no hardware support, or microsoft ceasing all security patches and you still need your computer to be internet-connected). And in the latter case I personally would probably finally jump to linux rather than """"upgrading"""".
anon it's like a couple of GB why do you care
you can probably do it through the app's data directory, but android has been thoroughly ios-ified and makes it a huge pain, easiest method would be if you have root access you have to find the right app data folder somewhere in its shitfuck of symlinked-everywhere garbage filesystem maze

unless organicmaps supports either an export option or using explicit storage for its maps, in which case you can do it in-app (by "explicit storage" I mean a folder somewhere in your user data that you can access with file managers and shit, as opposed to the internal hidden app directory somewhere inside the system data)
Can you use aria2 to automate where each kind of file gets saved?
ie, jpgs/pngs in ~/downloads/images, pdfs in ~/downloads/documents, etc.
I heard win11 has better support for dual monitors, and I run dual monitors so that's why I'm considering it
It looks like you're using win10 now, are you having any issues with dual monitors?
>better support
All major OSes have had multi-monitor support (and that means 2, 3, 4+ monitors) for years if not decades. Nowadays, even linux on X11 works fine with weird multi-resolution multi-refresh rate setups, and I've never heard of windows having any problems in recent memory.

If you're facing some specific issue that win11 allegedly fixes, then sure, otherwise I just don't understand your reasoning.
I want a cheap tablet that I could comfortably watch videos and read ebooks on both when held in hands and when standing on table(etui?).
Any recs?
>connects to wifi-networks
I don't connect to unsecured WiFi.
>and cellular
What are the odds that someone is going to erect their own small cell tower in the area that I'm in at the same time I'm there, using my cell provider's frequency, in order to MITM my cellular data? I think there's a better chance of someone just holding me at knifepoint and demanding I hand over my phone.
>What is it that you do that is so utterly fragile that you're afraid routine updates will destroy the usability?
Nothing in particular, I just have multiple bad experiences with "routine" app updates breaking the apps' functionality and would prefer, if at all possible, never experiencing the same with the phone as a whole.
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It's ogre. Jews won yet again. What's the current not-teamviewer?
I see where you're coming from but generally there's a difference between OS and app updates - OSes rarely change in functionality, compared to apps. When they do, it's usually separated by "major versions" and usually multiple major versions are maintained in parallel, so you can switch between them at will all while keeping whichever one you use up-to-date. For example, updating windows 10 without switching to windows 11, or updating android 12 without switching to android 13.
It's not 100% certain this will be the case for you because you're using a samsung ROM rather than normal android, but normally this is how it works, and within a single OS version it's very very rare that updates fuck anything up.

In comparison, apps are often built by tiny teams that do whatever they want and will fuck things up or redesign them in stupid ways at will.
I know but like, I'd rather keep it in a way to move it around easily? If you get what I mean.
In that case just don't choose a compression method at all, makes it faster to extract.
Also in case you care, you should check "store creation time" in the options, else all files will have it set to when you extract them
GIS still a good skill to learn for getting work?
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I use russian Radmin since 2005. It works even on 11. No annoying popups or time limits or forcing you to make an account. You can find cracked version on rutracker.
>inb4 KGB spyware
I dont care.
Is there alternative to free-mp3-download.net? With flacs options
yt-dlp should work just about anywhere
Bamping pls, I wanna move away from chromium, which has a plugin that lets you automatically sort downloads to Firefox, which doesn't do this.
Freelance gigs for AI startups maybe or just straight up apply for jobs with these skills
so im a leaf with a yank phone plan since I have relatives in the states, easier for them since theyre old w/e idc
Anyway, im using this data today on my phone and try to post here, but get a notification I was perma-banned 2 years ago (for some heinous shit). I was using data the other day with no problem posting, no banned IP. But today using LTE it says I'm using a banned range. I dont know shit about networking, why does this happen?
probably should clarify that i did not do anything that the jannies are accusing my IP of doing, I am just wondering how this could happen/ how my data-plan IP got mixed up in this/ why it changed after a couple days randomly
Mobile posters usually get IP range banned cause fagets easily ban evade just by restarting their data
Thank you, any way I can get around this? Any cause for concern, or should I just move on and pretend that my data IP isnt flagged for a felony?
>should I just move on and pretend that my data IP isnt flagged for a felony?
that is all you can do on your current mobile data
nice cool hope i dont get fucking extradited
I've ran 7 and 10 and have had 0 issues with multiple monitors at all sorts of stupid orientations.
>any way I can get around this?
I believe buying a 4chan pass allows you to bypass an IP range ban, although I'm not sure you'd want to go to the trouble considering your low odds of happening to land on a mobile IP range that is banned.
It eats posts without any slurs too. 4chan hates my new isp. I have to phonepost exclusively now.
Since it worked fine for you earlier, it probably means you can easily "evade" (in this context, more like just avoid) by restarting your data
Maybe it might take a few tries or maybe you'll need to wait a couple of days for it to go away
Mobile IPs are very very dynamic, and since it's an old ban it's clearly just random chance. It might even have been a single IP ban and you got unlucky; I've had tons of those when mobileposting. If you had suddenly seen a fresh ban then it would've been cause for worry because indeed your entire ISP/range might've gotten banned, but since it's 2 years old and you were posting without a problem earlier, it'll almost certainly go away.

Your IP isn't flagged for a felony, it's literally just flagged for not being able to post on 4chan and nothing else. Dynamic IPs exist everywhere and any legal action always uses timestamped logs, i.e. your ISP would be subpoenaed to say who owned that IP at that specific time 2 years ago; nothing will happen to any users of the IP ever since then.

Oh and you can also unironically appeal the ban. The 4chan mods also know what dynamic IPs are, I've had random dynamic IPs unbanned before just by posting an appeal that says "this is a mobile/dynamic IP, pls lift this months-old (let alone years-old) ban that the original poster will almost certainly never see".
Software Engineer or Computer Science degree? I think SWE has more job opportunities nowadays right?
The rise of machine learning and its consequences have been a disaster for captcha spam-protection on 4chan.

Back in the day there was no captcha, and then when spam attacks started happening, moot added a captcha. Over the years paid services or crappy solvers would come and go to little fanfare. But now it seems we get spamwaves even despite the captcha, and so every time hiro adds a new layer of fuck-you shitty scripting and fingerprinting and behavioural filtering at the browser/cloudflare level that inevitably fucks up normal users and just keeps compounding and compounding.
At this rate, posting on 4chan is gonna be harder than making a twitter account.
>My desktop PC is hooked up to two computer screens (DisplayPort). But each of said computer screens is also connected to two different laptops (HDMI).
>A few hours ago, I switched the screens to the laptops.
>When I go back, neither screen reacts when I switch it back to the DisplayPort for my desktop PC.
>Resigned to the fact that I have to do a hard reset/shut down.
>I press the power button.
>I hold it for 10 seconds, nothing happens.
>I hold it for a minute, nothing happens.
>Ultimately, I have to turn the power to the PSU off and on again.
>When the desktop PC starts again, it's like, nothing happened.

What could've caused this?
SWE is a job title. Is the degree a real degree, or is it a meme? At first glance it sounds like a meme "accelerated" or "career-focused" degree from a low-tier or even degree mill type of place, that's optimised just to shove students into random jobs no matter the quality to keep up its employment metrics, and optimising its teaching for this and only this rather than for actual education of its students.
Whereas CS is the "normal", traditional academic degree where you go to learn stuff. You won't necessarily learn to be an experienced dev, but that's what job experience is for, the degree is for learning about theoretic concepts that you might not otherwise pick up but that may well come in handy if you already know them - especially in more demanding, senior or theoretical types of jobs.
Its hard to say, things might change dramatically by the time you get that degree
SWE is 100% voodoo bullshit, but it's probably better if you want a job straight out of undergrad. It's way more important to network and have side projects than a specific degree.
Is it dns related? Try posting with another dns server. Also, if you have a dynamic IP then reset your router and get a new IP
I'm looking for an image expander/downloader browser extension like imagus, which recently stopped working.
Would putting my keyboard in the freezer help fix up some of my keys being sticky from some soda i spilled on it (specifically the springs are dampened causing the keys to return slower to their default position)
IPs alone don't point towards a person. You need an IP + proof a person was on that IP at a given moment to link them to a crime committed using that IP. This is because of the exact scenario you're experiencing. Because most isps just share a limited pool of ips between their customers, if someone does heinous shit, you could accuse all of them. Because of this it's widely understood that an ip address alone doesn't mean anything to establish identity.
Also tried this. Used cloudflare dns, didnt help. I think the issue is due to my isp being insane. I get switched in a pool of 3 ips every minute, so i probably wont ever pass a captcha.
Wth, I've never heard of that before. Call up your ISP then I guess
I'd rather not. They'll just forward me to a south american call center and I'd rather not deal with those retarded monkeys.
Unlikely but why not give it a try
Can you replace the springs?
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>shove students into random jobs no matter the quality
That's my goal, to get a job. When I look up "computer science" on job search the results pale in comparison to "software engineer", and people are beginning to know the difference. Still, great advice, thank you!

That's what I'm afraid of, but I think I can get a SWE degree in 1 year.

>but it's probably better if you want a job straight out of undergrad.
That's actually what I prefer. I wanted to go CS but SWE seems to have more job postings, and I can always go for CS later in my life once I have a job.

Thanks guys
does this include subdirectories?
Oh and what side projects would help the most? Like an interactive web site or some hobby stuff?
Or do you mean actual side shit from a job?
>That's my goal, to get a job.
Then get a job, don't get a degree.
>b-but jobs want a degree and--
Then when jobs say they want a degree, it's because they want an educated candidate, who has learned from a real degree.

The only exception is if you're applying to shitty soulless corporate places where a degree is basically a required piece of paper to get through the HR system, but all they actually need is a basic code monkey. In that case a codemonkey degree that teaches you how to be a code monkey and gives you a piece of paper to get past HR is exactly what you'd need. But doing this basically closes all the other doors (or at the very least does nothing to open them), and is this really your goal? To go work as a bugman drone in some shitty pajeet-ran monkey den?

>When I look up "computer science" on job search the results pale in comparison to "software engineer"
"Software Engineer" is an actual job title, so yeah, no shit. "Computer science" will only show up in listing that explicitly name the degree they need (and only IF your search does a deep-text search through the entire listing text), and plenty of listings will say something like "relevant degree" or "need a BSc" or something (because, for example, often a maths or physics degree will be counted as just as good as a CS one).
Is there AI for upscaling photos of faces?
NTA but the idea is to demonstrate that you know how to a) write code and b) solve problems and actually get shit done with code
Work experience is usually the most direct way to prove this ("hi, I wrote code professionally for X months/years, people have paid me to do this and have been happy enough with the shit I coded to continue paying me"), but absent a previous job, having projects you just built on your own is a good way to land that first job.

The kind of project that's good is the kind that demonstrates the above two things. That means it better not be something that can be directly written with a tutorial (e.g. a snake game in python, or a simplistic web site, are probably completely worthless). The absolute best kind of project is something that you write to actually use yourself and solve some problem you were having, AND which is interesting enough for you to be able to talk about how you built it, challenges in making it, tradeoffs and design decisions you had to make and why you did things the way you did, what you learned writing it, etc.
The second best kind of project is something which at least fulfils the latter, even if it's not something actually useful to you.
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I bought a 2017 mac air for like $50 which I plan to give to my brother for Christmas. The thing is that it doesn't come with an OS. I need an image of the macos Monterey so that I can make a bootable usb installer, but apple's own website only lets you download a .pkg file and web archive, which had all of the previous versions as .dmg / .img is now fucking dead.
>inb4 buying a Mac
He's a macfag. Nothing I can do about it.
>is this really your goal? To go work as a bugman drone in some shitty pajeet-ran monkey den?
m-m-maybe. Honestly the only thing I'm worried about is all the unemployed tech retards who I just assume are jeets or just severe autists who can't pass interviews. That's why employment is my top priority - but once I get in the door of my first job then it'll be easy for me.

>listings will say something like "relevant degree" or "need a BSc" or something
That's true, and the school I want to go to is ABET certified with their CS program, so it's a 'legit' degree.

Alright, I'm getting a CS degree and joining the unemployment club for the next 8 years. Thanks.
Oh, to add, nowadays with LLMs it's much much easier for a nearly complete no-coder to write some simple project guided entirely by AI, so I honestly don't really know for sure how that changes the landscape. It does make simplistic projects even more worthless.

Maybe you can use AI to help you write a considerably more complex project, though. Something big and featureful enough that there's actually clear effort from yourself and things to talk about stuff that you learned and decisions you took etc. as I mentioned above, even when taking the AI into account.

Oh and to add, all of this is just to increase your odds of a job. None of this guarantees a job, but none of this is truly necessary either. And networking is also important. I got my first job because my master's degree supervisor had his own startup and liked working with me.
Good advice, saved.

>And networking is also important. I got my first job because my master's degree supervisor had his own startup and liked working with me.
Alright so I just gotta hit the lottery, alright!

Jokes aside, networking in an online class isn't the greatest, and possibly non-existent, so I'll have to find out what to do from there. I'm lucky to have a valuable resource (veteran) so I might go through that channel.
Ah, yeah. An in-person degree is always vastly nicer from that respect. Good luck anon.
Thanks brother, I'll consider opting in for a local college but only if my first option doesn't work out.
What's the best way to sync notes across multiple devices?
maybe but i'm not buying new springs lmao
Why compress? You compress only when you want to decrease the file size and the difference isn't all that crazy. Just have the content in folders and save them to a flash drive.
what's your keyboard? if it's a standard model a pack of a dozen springs might be like $1 on aliexpress
if it's some OEM laptop keyboard with no spare parts except from official suppliers then yeah it's a different story
Why does Bluetooth randomly just disappear from Windows sometimes?
Had a power surge and it shut off my pcs.
Every mac came back fine, but my linux box doesnt show anything on the display. And no peripherals are lighting up.
Unplgged all peripherals,
Unplugged the power and held down the power button for 3s,
Usb ports work to charge my phone, but the keyboard/mouse lights arent coming on.
Tried a different outlet,
Removed 1 stick of ram at a time,

What else can i try to determine where the issue is coming from?
An old hard drive stopped showing up on my drives list and device manager shows it as "unknown device"
It's nothing super important but there are some files I want to retrieve from the drive
I've tried rescuezilla but it didn't recognize the drive when slotted into a dock, I've tried the cloning feature of the dock, didn't do anything
The only time the drive is "recognized" as unknown device, is when I connect it to the SATA cables that are directly in contact with the motherboard

Am I fucked or is there a way to get the files out?
Did imagus stop working for anyone else today? Didn't realize how much I relied on it until I tried browsing and it didn't work.
Basic but just to be sure, did you try resetting the cmos?
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I got like 13/15GB in google drive, what do if I wanna free up space? I deleted a year's worth of pictures and I got only 5MB out of it.
I know topaz has a toggle for it
Is reddit actually useful if you ignore all the gay political stuff?
Yeah my mobo has a little clr_cmos, so tried that while it was turned off (screwdriver to connect)
They are so in love with censorship over there that you can never be sure any useful post or interesting discussion will stick around. Entire sub-reddits just disappear from one day to another.
Tried again with the headphone jack rather than a screwdriver and got it to post!
can a lack of RAM cause PC to freeze/crash with that constant buzzing sound coming from speakers? (video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXz24Hse0vM)

so lately i have been playing relatively fresh video game while having like 30 tabs open in chrome browser and music playing in the background. my current system has 16gb of ram. the game requires a minimum of 8gb ram and recommended being 12gb ram. with all that shit running,task manager shows that i use around 90-95% of my ram (so basically around 15gb).

just a few days ago the game started having random "seizures" (there are NO action scenes or ANY vfx-heavy stuff happening) where fps drops from like constant 80-100 to 10 and down to ~2fps. jitters like that for around 10-15secs and gets back to normal 100 fps pretty quickly. minor inconvenice but whatever. now it got worse, sometimes whole Windows freezes/crashes and even rarer - system reboots itself forcefully after freeze. my cpu is ryzen 3600 which is plentiful and gets around id say 70-80% usage. gpu usage 70-90% (6gb vram).

very rarely, like once a month (these days probably more often) you can still catch a system stutter without playing any vidya - just browsing internet. same buzzing noise and whole system stutters (you can see based on mouse point movement). but obviously i dont reach 100% of RAM usage just by browsing, it uses like 50%.

so what the fuck is up? is it my SSD giving up? or its a GPU issue? or do i need to buy additional RAM?
Haven't found one myself yet, but be careful of the dude trying to push an alternative on the Imagus subreddit, feels incredibly sketchy.
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Best DDDR5 for gaming? AM5 platform
Is there an easy way to rip every frame from an mp4 in good quality? Most of the free ones I've downloaded and used produce blurry screens that are nowhere near the quality of the actual mp4
Why does Epic Games Launcher not stay the fuck off my pc? I don't even play games why does it not leave after I delete it?
CPP software is intrusive
CS is dead
really starting to think that
but what do?
I have a wonderful, cute and smooth brain so to me Software Engineer and Computer Science is the same thing
I used tor and now my ping randomly spikes and I get dropped packets all the time. Am I on the glowie monitoring list now?
what happened to the g/installgentoo wiki?
did floorp already patch the firefox vunerability? I haven't seen they talking shit about it
Are device bans actually possible? I’ve tried using a few different browsers in conjunction with different VPNs, and nothing seems to work.
>What site
Youtube. If they are legit, how do I avoid them?
buy an external harddrive and put everything on there. they are cheap as fuck anon stop relying on cloud shit.
yea it can be for niche hobbies and interests. definietely stay away from anything too popular and avoid actively participating in posting.
i don't know if this is the right place for it but it hurts so much to watch genuine knowledge disappear as the illiterate hordes bury and trample anything of value for a quick buck I can't find anything of value anymore no matterwhat platform engine or terms searched its killing me and I hope every person responsible is justly punished thank you for reading my blog
Just buy another switch. They're cheap as shit.
With ffmpeg It's something like:
ffmpeg -i example.mp4 out%d.png

Or jpeg or whatever
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I need a link to a reliable removewat.exe
The last one I tried gave me problems and had to do a system restore. Please for the love of god I can't look at this
ffmpeg -i Input.mp4 -vf "fps=n" Image_Name%06.jpg

Replace n with the frame rate of input.mp4
Depends on the motherboard and CPU
# Remove Windows watermark
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows' -Name 'LoadAppInit_DLLs' -Value 0

# Disable watermark in Windows settings
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System' -Name 'NoWatermark' -Value 1

# Reboot the system for changes to take effect
shutdown -r -t 0
Sell it, get something smaller that supports dhcp
Genuine question, why do some companies - some new/modern banks specifically - absolutely require a phone app to function?
Starling for example, apparently they have a functional website ("webapp"), but you can't create an account at all without using a smartphone.

Usually websites would push apps to be able to collect more data and sell more ads, but these are banks, who a) already get unfettered access to my spending habits which sounds way more valuable than anything a phone app could scrape, and b) don't show in-app ads anyway. So why the requirement?
Same for shit like Monzo and Revolut, afaik. I've seen this pattern in ride-sharing apps too, like Uber and I think some others too, and again I'm not sure modern android - with google trying its hardest to walled-garden its own data and prevent apps collecting shit for third-party ad networks - is really all that lucrative compared to my travel schedules, and again they don't exactly show random in-app ads (except for ads to their own extra services and upsells).

They all HAVE webapps. Fully functioning ones. They just arbitrarily gate access behind using a phone for some reason, and I can't comprehend why.
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How do I download gifs on twitter? There has to be a better method than using the conversion sites.
It downloads as mp4 for some reason then I have to convert it to gif which makes the filesize jumps 20x, then I have to spend a bunch of time shrinking/compressing the file until its under 4mb, which can lead to some horrendous results.
I find it really bizarre there is no efficient method to share gifs on a big social media platform like xitter but here we are.
looking to dual boot my thinkpad x1 yoga gen 6. should be 3 major partitions, windows, arch, and a shared storage partition. What should my encryption scheme be? i'm thinking:
>BitLocker for Win
>LUKS for Arch
>Veracrypt for shared storage partition

also I've heard trying to enable secure boot with Arch on thinkpad x1's can brick the system, causing bootloop even if keys are generated and added to secureboot in BIOS. is this true?
I haven't tried to dual boot linux and windows in over a decade because it was always a pain to deal with / remove grub when I wanted to just go back to windows only. is this still the case?
Try using
yt-dlp -F link

Then enter
yt-dlp link -f code
Typically you need to boot to the windows installer and open cmd and type bootrec.exe /fixboot to get the windows bootloader back
Ultimately it's shareholders and marketing who tell developers what to do. And we have to oblige if we want to have money for rent next month.
As for the specifics - in 15 years boomers went from being absolutely anti-technology to being complete cellphone addicts not too different from zoomers, so they think everything involving cellphones is profitable.
What is the proper way to hold your mouse? Are you supposed to have your middle finger on the middle button and ring finger on the right button? I always used my index finger for both left and middle button, but ever since I bought some super expensive "ergonomic" mouse, the right button is more sensitive and slightly lower in position, so it seems to imply it's meant for the ring finger.
On normal mice, it's down to preference, though the "normal" way would be with just two fingers, with index for both middle and right. I actually use three fingers but I don't know anyone else who does.
On an "ergonomic" mouse it's really hard to say because they can have the wildest shapes, and they're also not necessarily intended to be used "normally" since the entire point is to deviate from the accepted standard and try to become more comfortable. Is it one of those vertical ones?
Whatever is cozy I guess. I usually keep the scroll wheel in-between the index and middle finger unless I'm playing a game that requires more than two fingers on the mouse.
I usually scroll with middle finger personally.
For the lack of ram, the BSOD might appear as something like
irql not less or equel

>lookup your bluescreen code or look in the system logs
Never understood how people manage with side buttons. Like uh how you TOUCH the thing without accidentally clicking those fuckers? ok sure you can carefully just touch the very very very top of the device so you won't touch the sides. But that's just silly way of living a life, constantly being careful and afraid and all.
You get that problem with legacy BIOS boot, don't use it even if neckbeards here praise it.
>turning on basic features such as secure boot bricks your entire hardware
Doesn't sound like a quality purchase IMO.
>even if keys are generated and added to secureboot in BIOS
This is a process that actually *can* brick some UEFI implementations.
>some new/modern banks specifically - absolutely require a phone app to function
Bank requiring an app like it was TikTok or something? Just can't see it working. How about serious users like business users?
This idea definitely wouldn't fly here in europe. At least in this particular country. Where you from?
>Starling for example, apparently they have a functional website ("webapp"), but you can't create an account at all without using a smartphone.
This is something grocery store chains and retailers do when they want to give "bonus points" for customers. You know like
>goto store
>time to pay up
>"are you registered customer?" (yes/no) "please show QR code from app or tell me your phone number so I can count these eurodollars as your purchases for big bonuses"
Does technically work with just phone number. I guess it's a law or something you can't force people into those.
Muh mok keys
>different browsers in conjunction with different VPNs
While doing it, how much cross contamination happened? Like did you take your initial browser and went thru all VPNs with it?
Yes. I assume personal keys aren't a thing so chinks don't bother programming their UEFIs properly.
They're not gifs in the first place.
thanks, I haven't run a powershell script before so hopefully I have no issues trying it out

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