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"Use Vim" edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102746047
Dead general
Maybe the reason for a quieter /wdg/ is because normies have given up on "learning to code" because they think AI will take all the programming jobs

/wdg/ is dead at the weekend because all the frontend chads are out doing stuff, unlike those backend virgins sitting inside arguing about language syntax
gm anons
>all this liquidity and yet /g/s hands will never BVILD anything
i'm a complete beginner to web dev, so sorry if what i'm about to ask is stupid but i remember seeing an image get posted here which said that japan websites didn't use apis, i don't understand that concept very well but from the little i know isn't it just a method of communication between the server/client? for example at the moment of someone sending a message there is a whole protocol between that, right? so how is this possible, do they just use a variant of this?
>inb4 thing, japan
i'm just curious.
Good, less competition is good for me.
I expect the market to strongly bounce back in 2 years time or so. Unless we have a big recession or something.
The webserver can put all the info in the website immediately. Another way that a lot of modern websites do is to only send a generic frontend to the client and then the client asks for more data later and re-render with the new data.
This is what Facebook does.
Google search returns all data immediately, I believe.
thanks for the explanation, anon
how unprofessional is it to put self employed web dev tutor on a resume if i actually did it
Think of the websites that you visit that have those loading spinners before you see the comment section. That's javascript code running on your browser that's requesting data from an API to fetch something and render on to your page. Javascript allows for dynamic app-like behaviors like this, but carries the risk that since it's client-side it can crash or not perform well on the user's browser.

For the "japan" like websites, they're more server-rendered. Take for example the thread you're in:

Press CTRL+U on the page and you'll see all the posts in this thread in HTML markup. This is possible because there's a server that processes that URL, retrieves the post contents (from usually a database) and shits out the HTML markup.

But because you may want interactivity (like quick reply, captchas, dynamic refreshing etc) you'll need to bring in a bit of JavaScript to do things. Which involves using APIs. So instead of having the server return an HTML page on the /g/thread/102814733, you could have the server return JSON (with the same data) so that it can be read inside javascript and then rendered on to the web page.
Vim IDE best ide
t. I use vscode but I can not not give credit where it is due
Once that said, what about VS code + vim keybindings or neovim, can somebody give insight on this?
>Unless we have a big recession or something.
they're extremely profitable for the powers that be, the downside, for them, is that they increase the homeless population and social unrest. But that alone might not disuade from raking in all the money and power
How old were you guys when you realized that Javascript makes all other languages obsolete?
The timeline of "Im a webdev but not really but I least I dont use wix"
WordPress > Woocommerce > Shopify > NextJS
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Today years old
On what SaaS, BaaS, PaaS do you host your counter ? I dont mean the whole site it would be on Vercel obviously, but the counter ? And the value of the counter ?
sounds interesting, still don't know enough web dev to attempt server side programming yet, but i get the main idea, as always thanks, very informational btw
One sends data piece by piece (SPA and React etc.)
Then other sends all data at once (web 2.0 websites like the Japanese examples)

The first can be more dynamic, the second can be faster (and usually easier to implement).
This is a general guidelines, and not hard truths.
>how unprofessional is it to put self employed web dev tutor on a resume
Not at all. I would put it as a small thing if you are a senior.
Shows that you can mentor others if you are a senior, shows you have done something if you are a junior.
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Just learnt about a new feature in the language I'm using, it works well which is nice

I won't divulge too much info because you guys will use it to get an advantage in the job market
You also know about "??"?
Is there a native/easy way to parse an object laid out in text to an actual object variable in javascript? For example:

and convert it to json:
data: {
group: {
name: 1,
name2: 'text',
name3: [

I mean I can brute force it to a degree with split/foreach but there's gotta be a native way for it.

eval but it can lead to pwnage if your text is user submitted
that was my first idea too, but
ReferenceError: asdf is not defined
whats the usecase here? where is codeblock 1 coming from?
Just concat it to "var asdf;"

Let him cook
a certain device is hardcoded to output data that way and I need to log the individual values to db.

like I said I can bruteforce the values or even individually regex them but this feels something like javascript should be able to do natively.
the big issue is that js cant handle something like
(assuming text is a string given your second codeblock) because js cant tell what
is supposed to be, so itll throw a "Cannot set properties of undefined" error. you will require line-complete lookahead to determine the type of assigned properties, and file-complete lookahead to construct an object with all properties required before assigning them. youll have to do basically two passes over your input, where you first construct an object of the signature described by your input, and then a second pass where you assign the property values to the object.
yes, that's exactly my problem, and I was hoping there would be a simple fix to it but I guess there isn't. oh well.
are you sure that the device in question doesnt have some proper API/SDK? these read like debug outputs that arent meant to be reconstructed.
This *is* the output of the http api.
Are you scraping?
Baby ducks general
Technically in the strict sense of the word, yes, in as much as I'm harvesting data from devices and into our own database. But it's all physical devices we own, connected to our local network, saving data into our own database, using the official HTTP API.
that's something only a webdev would say
AFAIK you need to write a parser.
Since Invidious is pretty fucked these days, I made a very simple YT front-end

I could open source it but I would probably get a cease and desist pretty quickly I imagine, so maybe I should just keep it for personal use
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Fuck frontend, after 5 years I've got enough of this shit, specially designers.
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i dont like those


vertical bars in vertical splits, prefer solid blocks

also, some PHP resident should rise a topic on PHP github repository to transit to gitlab or another hosting, as microsoft start trooning github at 14 of november
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also ive got this news from github, a PHP mastermind chad becomes techlead of LLVM project
>as microsoft start trooning github at 14 of november
what will they do?
I'm tempted to update my LinkedIn profile with a new job right a way so all haters will see i'm climbing the ladder.

Is this loser behavior?

impose mobile phone requirement for github
fake it till you make it
What's objectively the best back-end language?
It's up

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I'm interested in the futuristic/crypto aesthetic like pic rel. Anyone know of any more sites like this or anyone talking about this style?
What's going on with the wordpress drama?
What's a better alternative to using PHP?
There are like 6 alternatives, but it depends on what you need.
What do you need that PHP lacks?
What are the things PHP has that you're not willing to give up?
I heard PHP isn't secure and has security problems. However I see Wikipedia uses PHP so I am not sure.
It's not that the language isn't secure, it's that it's one of the first web server langs and back in the day people just weren't aware of the multitude of attack vectors (SQL injection, XSS, auth shit, etc). It's easy to fall in to those classes of issues in any language.

Nowadays you have frameworks like Laravel which have a huge amount of guardrails to avoid common security issues that you may be unaware of when developing a web application by yourself.
PHP is as secure as your code. Doing everything from scratch has the same security implications in all languages. But as the guy before me just said, if you use frameworks like Laravel, it's as secure as other languages with their own frameworks.
Literally 75% of all the websites on the internet use PHP, including 4chan, formerly 4channel.
>Literally 75% of all the websites on the internet use PHP
Sure, but mostly because they are made with WordPress, not with raw PHP itself.
No it’s not too late, ignore anyone that says it is. It’s important that you cut out the nihilistic doomer mentality and reject anyone that tries to instill it in you. You need to be optimistic. Do the Odin project. Also check out your local library and see if they offer any resources you can take advantage of. For instance I can access almost every Udemy course for free with my library card. Most of the courses on their suck but there’s some that are high quality. Once your unemployment runs out I would recommend getting any job you can while you still skill up just so you don’t fall back into that doomer mindset and or look like a lazy loser when you start applying for entry level jobs.
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Get owned https://x.com/mmartin_joo/status/1845772371317207359
>Literally 75% of all the websites on the internet use PHP, including 4chan, formerly 4channel.
That only works if you give equal weight to my personal blog and YouTube. They are not equal.
If you break it down by actual usage and views, then PHP is way down.
The only large website that use PHP that I know of is Facebook.
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Wow ddh sirs getting bullied
Are we really let this stand my fellow jeets?
>pm2 logs myserver
>bunch of /.env request
im new to deployment, is this normal? How to punish those niggas?
Wew, what the fuck?
This is some powerful shit. The regular stored procedure language is very limiting. I look forward to using this at work in 15 years when we move on from mariadb 5
you could feed them randomly generated garbage and potentially get them flagged by whatever services theyre trying to access
This Matt guy really wants everybody to hate him
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you dont understand even JS design benefits over PHPs. running in a box of another ((THING)) is not a benefit of the language, rather dependency. JS depends on browser makers and committees more than PHP does. the other hand, historically PHP was an applet to a webserver. but the later is fixable.

with LLVM compiler PHP compilation will be simplified and the language tinkering will boost among non-biased individuals even further. sink about it
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>page 8
Beginning resus
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JS: baby
Go: pit bull
ah, remake of old meem, I approve
This guy is completely unhinged.
Is this the end of the Wordpress supremacy?
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how do you explain this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB422eeOFr8

i saw similar graphs before with my own tests of promises vs fibers/generators. fibers is a mistake
okay, how do you get that pane split?
Give the source of benchmark instead Dr Disrespect react
>Is this the end of the Wordpress supremacy?
God I hope so

That's a 40 minute video. Is Bun really faster than Go? Surely not
>now this
Rust is faster than go
AND it can frontend https://github.com/yewstack/yew
Go obsolete
Yeah but Rust is very difficult and Go is easy

If performance was everything then you'd write your back-end in assembly
people still use java on the backend, speed doesnt matter
go shill rust in your discord
Modern web:
>cards cards cards cards
>speed doesnt matter
Just use js then. Go lang has no niche.
Not him but i like Go because it's got good performance, nearly as good as things like Rust and C++, while being pretty easy to use.
Lang you know is much better than lang you dont. But golang devs should not rest easy knowing that golang dev wives are desparate for JS chad cocks
Extremely strange comment
Looks mostly like event-loop model versus threaded model of execution in the first test. You get better latency and throughput with dedicated processes up until a certain limit, after which CPU context switching overhead hurts perf.

Test is a bit off since it was single cpu / thread limited for the container, so other container tasks were competing with the cpu potentially.
Where is the lenght of the Pattern field?

didnt know that go could get any better but i just found out that there's a goto
this makes things much simpler
This post considered harmful
Golang, Python (FastAPI)
C# or Kotlin (Spring Boot) if soulless corporate garbage
plugins, but neovin exists, and vim keybindings for vscode also exist
typing :vsplit or better CTRL+N with NERDtree plugin

thats your job to study Gos problem. it states it always faster. i gave hints

surely any JIT engine is faster development and it can also be faster than compiled binary when properly implemented. i showed it before

here. V8 is generally faster than PHP, but it is 2 times slower there, also theres no code that is compiled is written that can participate in that competition (development speed)

so yes, especially when most of the time happens in a separate bulletproof binary, for example in an extension written in C.

can Go routines or generators or fibers be better than promises? i doubt
js only devs can only think in npm packages
No i don't

Now let me just install is-odd to determine whether your post number is even or odd
stop talking, left-pad
What is the best, cheapest VPS server I can use to temporarily archive Twitch streams?
Not sure if this is the right thread to ask, but I'm trying to archive Twitch streams, as they happen, and I've been doing it locally so far, running a script, but my internet is unreliable and I don't have a lot of storage, so every now and then I end up missing a stream due to this.
So I'm looking into VPS, even though I have no experience with these. Any recommendations?
I'm thinking about going with Netcup, because it seems like the most cost effective so far, with decent storage. I'd really rather not pay for two separate services, one for archiving and one for storage. Also, I'm trying to get this done, ideally for around 5$ max.
Also, something I forgot to mention:
The idea is for these streams to be stored there until I download them to my local computer to edit them and upload them somewhere else.
soemthing tells me neither of your keyboards got numpads
have framework flame wars and autsim fights, or the thread dies
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Neovim here
Reminder: Desktop websites should be designed for 1024x768 displays, and your responsive bloatware bullshit shouldn't change it at all for desktop users nor give desktop users some faggot mobile version of the site if they aren't using the browser fullscreen like a retard.
It's normal for any public IP address. Put it behind a firewall and don't worry about it. Ideally on the cloudflare free plan so you don't get in to any situations where a dos attack uses up your egress and leaves you to a shock bill.
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>3 liner library in my node_modules
>maintained by a literally who github user
>project has 30 stars
>20M downloads/week

why is this allowed
The JS standard library sucks ass
this guy could do the funniest shit ever
It all depends on how much storage you need. I don't know many provides, I just checked netcup and it looks very decent in terms of storage to me, and their arm machines are even cheaper. I'd totally try this. If anyone knows which ones are good I'm also interested.
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How do I make a website in WordPress that feels like a website, like pic related? I've decided to try "converting" my company's website and hit walls with things like hero blocks with text and fancy lists with Font Awesome markers.
Gimme project ideas to put in my stupid portfolio so I can keep pretending I'll get hired someday
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My friends say I'm an absolute retard for using node-express with node-tray and node-windows, to create desktop CRUD apps. I say they are retards for having a 1mb program bundled with a 200mb overhead chromium with Electron. Who is in the right? My apps are literally a single 1mb .exe and a .db file inside a folder, that opens the user's browser, theirs are 200mb+ mess of folders and files for the same thing. Why do people use Electron?
So it runs some JS using Chromium which is built into Windows?

I tried out the compile option with Deno the other day, but it bundles the entire Deno runtime into your binary, so a hello world program is like 85 MB
I would go with a cheap VPS from any provider, and then save the data to some cloud storage.
I would use Cloudflare R2, Cloudflares version of S3, to store my data.

The cheapest VPS i found was from Hertzner and the IPv6 only version, it was for 2.5-3.5 USD per month.
I like Contabo, you pay slightly more for the lowest offering but it gives way more CPU and RAM than others do.
Usually you just get a few hundred GB space on a cheap VPS.

If you want to store terabytes of data, there are probably some that are meant as seed boxes that you can use.
yt-dlp can download vods
I cannot fight over something that I don't use.
Only if you admit that your favourite framework sucks
Both are retarded. You don't use webshit tools to make desktop programs, that's just how it is. Want to make desktop programs? Then use the right tools.
You don't use frameworks? For me frameworks just make sense. No framework means reinventing the wheel, and I don't see a point in that.

Just like I could write an HTTP server from scratch but it would be a waste of time I think, given that people have already done it, and they probably did it better than I would do it, unless I invested a lot of time into it.
Tell that to Microsoft who made VS Code with Electron. Meanwhile Sublime was probably made by a small team and it's way faster.
>not using a framework means reinventing the wheel
The web, it's protocols, the browsers, the APIs... all of that IS a framework.
Using a framework on top of that or a meta-framework on top of a framework on top of the web means reinventing the wheel.
Where does this dumb myth actually come from?
>Just like I could write an HTTP server from scratch but it would be a waste of time I think, given that people have already done it, and they probably did it better than I would do it, unless I invested a lot of time into it.
So you are using just a server on the backend? Or are you using some kind of server framework, too? Because by your logic, using a server only (if you are doing anything that is actually dynamic) means reinventing the wheel - right?

btw, here is a button "component" that does not use an additional "framework".
<button onclick="console.log('well fuck me')">FU</button>

and here is your todo app example
>So you are using just a server on the backend? Or are you using some kind of server framework, too?
I'm using Express because it's easier than using Node's normal HTTP stuff

In other words, it just works

Also jobs want you to have knowledge of frameworks so there's an added bonus
fukken 4chan won't let me post me todo app example. probably because it does not parse code tags correctly.
Express is a server building toolkit, a framework built upon the "normal" HTTP stuff. In essence, you are reinventing the wheel again and again when writing apps with express...
>muh jobs
>then continues to post on 4chan
>Express is a server building toolkit, a framework built upon the "normal" HTTP stuff. In essence, you are reinventing the wheel again and again when writing apps with express...
Let's say I buy a car and the wheels are okay, but a friend is willing to give me better wheels for free. I'd take the better wheels right?

>muh jobs
>then continues to post on 4chan
Pic related
>puts logic in attribute tags
Seriously diseased mind or work of an absolute genius?
>reading auth/jwt docs
Jesus Christ...im sticking with frontend
We already have something which accomplishes the task being tackled there, it's called JSX
$ npm update

changed 18 packages in 6s

What is this retarded bullshit?Tell me what fucking random virus-laden shit you're downloading and installing on my system!
Vue JS is the least mentally deranged framework of the 3 (more like 2), so I will learn that one
>create an empty template for react
>added 1478 packages in 7m
>262 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
>8 vulnerabilities (2 moderate, 6 high)
What the fuck is this shit?
>Who is in the right? My apps are literally a single 1mb .exe and a .db file inside a folder, that opens the user's browser, theirs are 200mb+ mess of folders and files for the same thing. Why do people use Electron?
The Electron app works on all computers without dependencies. If they can run the bundled browser, the app will work.
Your method breaks the moment the user's browser is not compatible because google decided to remove something, firefox first mocked google for removing it then removed it themselves samsung-style, and safari never even supported it in the first place. Also electron has more functionality than the browser if necessary.
For an app that is only used by you, the native browser should be ok. For an end-user program, I'd use electron every time to guarantee compatibility, which is evidently more important than worrying about bloat.
If he was okay with downloading VODs, he wouldn't need a VPS due to his bad connection. A lot of streamers don't have VODs enabled, so you have to use something like streamlink to capture the stream real-time.
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>To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force
>npm audit fix --force
>162 vulnerabilities (1 low, 122 moderate, 36 high, 3 critical)
>botting non vod enabled channels
saas idea desu
I bet you would get shut down quickly (and taken to court if in the EU) but this would be a very useful service.
Just spent ages implementing a shit feature and it turned out shit

I thought to myself "maybe this feature would be cool" and went down a fucking rabbit hole trying to make it work

Lesson learnt: stick to important shit instead of frivolous shit
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JavaScript is the future. Node.js is the future. Deal with it, Pythranny or C#virgin.
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Why work on your existing project when you could start over again on something else?
I'm a Cnile. And no, JabbaScript is not the future of anything, it's designed to make websites more interactive, that's it. Not this over bloated bullshit we're currently in.
no way, with a fucking div? you absolute madman, you're supposed to do that with canvas
Okay, positioning I understand, but how did you pull off PILL-SHAPED COLLISION?
I ended up going with AlphaVPS, 4.3 USD for 1TB, seems to be working fine so far.
And yes, VODs are disabled, so I'm using streamlink to download them.
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>AlphaVPS, 4.3 USD for 1TB
What the actual fuck
This looks like a pretty good deal. I never would have imagined you could get this much storage for cheap.
You making a game lad?
>WF bought GSAP
It's so over
There's a form on my website with reCaptcha and fucking spammers are bypassing it. I logged the request from the user and from reCaptcha and it's legit. They send a valid token and reCaptcha is happy with it. Are they using something like Decaptcha?
you can pay indians a few cents to solve captchas
Why would they spend a few cents to submit shit on my website? It's not even that big.
What are they spamming? Porn? Advertising? Offensive stuff?
the traffic is probably automated and the captcha just goes off to some jeet farm. does the form look like its for public comments or something?
Vim is still trending but emacs is long dead. How come?
It's a contact us form in vanilla PHP. I think I need to add CSRF.
Drugs and shit in Russian:
Пиcтoлeт для вязки apмaтypы этo coвpeмeнный инcтpyмeнт, пpeднaзнaчeнный для быcтpoгo и нaдeжнoгo coeдинeния apмaтypных cтepжнeй. B oтличиe oт pyчнoгo мeтoдa, иcпoльзoвaниe тaкoгo ycтpoйcтвa пoзвoляeт знaчитeльнo coкpaтить вpeмя нa выпoлнeниe cтpoитeльных paбoт {link}
dunno if CSRF is gonna prevent it if it's just an automated visit to your site

you may want to consider putting it behind cloudflare to get a bit of firewall
I think that seems like a good solution. Thanks, anon. I am also using it to learn. Studying the headers now if it has a referrer or if the origin is not the same as the website.
its just bottom barrel, last-decade scripted product spamming. its a shotgun approach that you can sometimes still witness on lots of ancient forums or forgotten about websites, but its not as popular anymore because most forums have consolidated to reddit and llms are plentiful and free now. most public sites hide these with spam f ilters or moderation, but theyre still visible to site owners because spam filters dont tend to protect forms unless submission is expensive.
ye, so whats bad?
I started a new job few days ago. Everyone more experienced gives me the same piece of advice as a newbie:
>Ask questions.
Even guys with like 10+ years of experience. They basically say that as a Junior i can be excused for being retarded and it's better to ask now than when i'm Mid after years and embarass myself by not knowing something.

Here's the thing tho: What questions should i ask and how i should ask them? I obviously do not want to spam my superiors with retarded questions constantly and annoy them until they figure out i'm too stupid and kick me out.

Any advice?
Hire a designer.
Just make sure that you have done your homework before asking.

Make sure to do the low hanging fruit stuff like shit that shows in the first page of google
why does building a website have to be such a cancer
and I know that all the faggots shitting out new frameworks had the same thought
it's unironically better to wallow in misery like myself tbqh
the web dev life aint it, i was less depressed stacking shelves
I do all my styling with css. What’s tailwind, is it hard to learn?
>he just figured it out
if you know css, you basically know tailwind.
it's really just class tokens that resemble CSS.

use the tailwind intellisense extension if you do try it out
Humiliation ritual
Tailwind is the style= attribute for queers
The weirdest thing about Tailwind is its build system and how it decides to leave CSS in
Make sure you understand how it scans your code so you won’t be surprised if you write an @apply rule for CSS for something that doesn’t show up in your code at all and nothing shows up
Any vim experts? I always make a ton of buffers I don't care about and when I quit all I get a bunch of you didn't save errors? Is there anyway to avoid this?

E37: No write since last change
E162: No write since last change for buffer "[No Name]"
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i was thinking of reading either javascript.info or eloquentjavascript after finishing the odin project's foundations course to have a more solid grasp of javascript

is it overkill or should i wait until after i finish the entire course including the branching stuff?

i am reading all the documentation and all the extra stuff and doing all the exercises but i feel like 3/4 of javascript stuff is just either flying over my head at all times or i immediately forget it after using it.
I suffer from immediately forgetting what I read after 5 minutes
doesn't help i have severe add this shit is like trying to pass stones sometimes.

half the time i'm looking at other programming languages before even finishing this one. i know i should focus on javascript as my first real programming language since i'm going for web dev but i can't stop doing shit like watching videos about python or game dev or people who code music with supercollider, etc because i get curious about other forms of programming i guess
Forget courses. Just build shit. If you want to learn front-end JavaScript build shit that requires JavaScript. If you want to learn backend JavaScript build shit that requires backend JavaScript. Someone had a project list, but in no particular order:

Quiz App
Form Validation
Password Generator
To Do List
Weather App

Just pick something that interests you and build it. If nothing interests you or you stop being interested in web dev, then web dev isn't for you. Simple as.
If you're using VS Code right now, just use the Vim keybind plugin. That way, the only part of your workflow that changes is the typing.

:qall should do the trick. Make sure you save the buffers you care about beforehand, though. You may want to bind ZQ to :qall.
It's a useful language but it's too slow for some things
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>to have a more solid grasp of javascript
Read the book, it's real thorough: https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/tree/1st-ed?tab=readme-ov-file#titles
Then follow up with the new stuff through https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_versions.asp and MDN
bro, your sliders?
Style slider's mouseup are bugged out.
what are you talking about?
you need onchange, not onmouseup
Here is a simple 4 step guide on how to decide if you need to learn about tailwind:
1. Are you ok with writing CSS? If yes: Do not invest in tailwind
2. Do you understand CSS? If yes: Do not invest in tailwind
3. Do you want a solution for your problems with CSS, design and/or styling in general? If yes: Do not invest in tailwind.
4. Find something else.
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These things are length sliders. They're drag operation has a bug where it loses focus after a second.
not only the thing is tight, the shading of the paddle is also flawless, but again, I don't think it makes sense to implement this outside of canvas, the upside of doing it your way is that modifying the values is really easy and doable on runtime, impressive without a doubt
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The DOM is plenty fast as long as you don't overdo it with node changes, and I get full advantage of css styling instead of having to reinvent it all. I'll get back to the webgl 3d stuff some time later.
>just reading
Build a todo list app nigga
Build a kanban fucking board
Wtf are you doin
your projects are badass, how did you manage to detect the collission between the divs though?
nta, but reading pays off, as in you'll avoid shitcode and probably adopt some good practices, two programs can do the exact same thing but one of the two be a massive pile of shitcode
>The DOM is plenty fast as long as you don't overdo it with node changes
This, but plenty means like doing tens of thousands of nodes.
There is a difference when actually doing stuff that requires re-rendering. Like in graphical rendering (not framework "rendering"): If something that you are looking at or might potentially be looking at changes, stuff gets slow. That is not the actual DOM being slow, but the actual frame generation.

I tested this a few weeks ago when I tried to speed up a frequent filtering operation: instead of doing stuff on the server, I simply loaded something like 140k elements into a UL and as long as I paginated the view, this was absolutely fast enough even on the slowest target device.
It's just vector math and getBoundingClientRect();
not him, but im assuming you mean preventing the camera from clipping the mesh. preventing clipping into a sphere thats statically positioned would just require that you clip camera zoom (camera distance from origin, simple vector math) at some value higher than your displacement maps highest point (this is generally normalized to some distance off a mesh so is also generally simple). nothing to do with near/far clipping and not incredibly complicated, but still requires some knowledge of threejs or whatever library is being used. stuff gets more complicated for irregular meshes and would probably either depend on normals or sampling mesh intersections with raycasting in a worst-case-but-more-generalized scenario.

read and then implement something that is not what youre reading about, but related. practical experience is what breaks you out of tutorial hell, and simply following some tutorial does not constitute meaningful practical experience because you are recalling and imitating rather than understanding and thinking. getting stuck on something and then learning enough to get past it is an important part of learning because it develops problem solving skills.
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heck i was gonna ask, do you have experience generating ismorphic spheres? im not a math guy at all, but i need to generate a sphere with a hexagonal grid (truncated icosahedron, soccer ball) with potentially arbitrary distances/numbers of linear hexagons between pentagons. ive found some stackexchange post but implementing this in threejs/browser is beyond me.

im familiar with using "quad spheres" like you might in blender when sculpting (picrel), but thats not effective for my usecase because the mechanics of use rely on a hexagonal grid. do you have any tips or advice on doing this? ideally each face would be interactable, the rest is easy enough to figure out through docs.
I used https://observablehq.com/@mourner/fast-icosphere-mesh
and wrote a js implementation of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmull%E2%80%93Clark_subdivision_surface
thanks. i think the fast icosphere would be very usable, id just have to identify pentagons and hexagons and then create flat faces from them rather than tris that extend to the sphere boundary. usable code is immensely helpful.
bouncy ball dude I propose you one exercise that I did, I took a bouncing ball canvas script from mdn, and I turned it into a kinda simulated bouncing ball phisics, making the bouncing ball bounce, but lose energy with time and friction and eventually stop bouncing and moving. I did it in a very hacky way with tweaks, but you might come up with a more elegant solution.
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hello frens, i m very very new to webshit, what the fuck do people use to create those interactive GUI websites, as an example those interactive weather map websites, design draw/diagram websites where you can drag and interact with shit. i created similar things but never on a browser as a website. i avoided webshit for the longest time and i am literally clueless because my search results are filled with jeets/retards trying to show their shitty crud app.
It's all react https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw
DDH and htmx crew will say its fake
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What exactly do you mean by 'what do they use'?
Some probably use things akin to wordpress's design tools, others obviously use a bunch of different frameworks. If you're making something new, canvas, html, and/or svg elements.
Read the OP.
>What exactly do you mean by 'what do they use'?
simply looking for good tools to use since i have close to no idea about the webshit ecosystem as i said.
the webm you posted describes perfectly the functionality i m looking for.
>Read the OP.
will do
Well, in my case that drag-and-drop is all pointer events and css transforms
My guess (never done it myself) is a combination of:
. canvas + svg for the dispkay and manipulation of display
. some kind of smart objects that descrive coordinates and shapes based on coordinates and vertex
. . this is a maybe, there are SQL objects/data types that descrive shapes, distances, etc.iirc

sounds complicated ngl
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it could be anything. doing it by banging in native elements and cobbling together javascript to control it, registering custom elements and writing some form of engine (webms related), using frontend libraries like react/angular/vue/svelte, etc.
oops, meant to be this file. i thought it was small enough for 4chan but ti wasnt and p icked the same one again.
svg and
currently making an interactive world map with it
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I am so fucking shit at styling its fucking killing my project ideas, i have lots of apps i want to make, mobile ones, but it seems everyone using react native just uses stylesheet and when you ask for ready components like shad they are

>Just style them yourself duh

No i fucking wont, I am shit at it, and sick of it. Fucking Tamagui UniStyles whatever they are all shit in this ecosystem, god is there an AI just for styling or something
You want this https://jdan.github.io/98.css/
just copy brub
no I don't, it's still cool though
Get them to show you database indexes and how it works.

Ask about how to write testable code.
What separates a good from a mediocre developer.

Honestly what separates good from bad/mediocre developers is if they care about the users and the quality of the product.

I always spend 30-90 minutes per day to learn new stuff. I mostly read blogs and the documentation for tech i use.
I recommend following Hacker News, the orange one, and when you see something interesting read about it. I often check the comments for related stuff.
I learned about Kuberneres, Postgres optimization and internal logic, queueing systems, deep dives into internals for Node, Python and Java, Linux, etc.

My experience has been that you see a lot of different stuff on HN, but once you have seen it mentioned on a regular basis over the last 1-2 years it means it is here to stay and something to watch out for in the future.

Also learn on paid time. Learning at home is good, but also make sure to learn while on the clock.
>make a sidebar on left
>long form on right
>make window small enough vertically that form can’t fit on screen
>white space appears on sidebar

And there’s no css to fix this. Sidebar contains flex that needs to be justified space between and it just doesn’t work
New bootstrap. Will eventually die and you’ll have no idea how to do css
Sure you can. Post picture, html and css.
For me CSS is just another thing to learn alongside HTML, JS, whatever back-end language I'm using, etc
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thanks frens for the great help.
sorry for the mass reply, cheers.
+ tie it to a an input system that can draw and register shapes/coords for the interaction
before diving into something like a front end component framework, you should go through MDNs tutorials. theyre probably the most comprehensive documentation and accurate tutorials regarding the web and browsers because mozilla themselves are primarily invested in both.
nta, but do you also (I sure do) seethe at the constant smear campaigns on /g/ against Firefox? Granted mdn is a god's sent. A shining beacon in the dark wastelands of web. That's where I got the bouncing ball example that I turned into phisics simulator.
>can't change the border color of a checkbox without having to build a checkbox from scratch using pseudo elements and appearance none
>make window small enough vertically that form can’t fit on screen
do you know what scrolling is
Just made a simple recreation of the fundamentals in codepen.

<div class="wrapper">
<div class="aside">
<div class="form">
<form action="" method="get" class="form-example">
<div class="form-example">
<label for="name">Enter your name: </label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" required />
<div class="form-example">
<label for="email">Enter your email: </label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" required />

.wrapper {
display: flex;
.aside {
background: aliceblue;
display: flex;
width: 300px;
height: 100vh;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.form {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

To avoid clutter here, just make the form longer by cloning one of the inputs enough times to where you make the viewport smaller vertically (opening the dev console might help), the aside starts becoming filled with whitespace.
so your complaint is that there's all this white stuff below your aside when you scroll?
your feedback is valuable the comitte. A ticket has been created. Your matter will be presented before the comittee on. 40th. July. 2034. We thank you for contacting w3c.
forgot i added a css reset but it works without it
main problem you were having is that you need to restrict .form to be the height of the window and add an overflow property so you can still scroll it's contents when it's too short. using the safe keyword will allow it to be centered vertically until there's overflow, then it behaves as if it were start
Thanks. I think I lost sight of the issue and I'll have to address overflow on the form -- I think I will restyle the scrollbars. And I didn't know about "safe center".
another way you can fix it is just by adding position: sticky and top: 0 to .aside, or use a min height to make the aside 100vh by default but stretch to the height of the form when it's too tall
anons I'm sorry if this is not the place to ask but I got into coding recently and sadly I need to get through java, I need to keep a score after a loop with different results ends so I went with while with the condition of repeating it until score reaches 3.

The problem is when I add the "score1++" or "score2++" in the outcomes of the loop it gives me an exception...
"Exception in thread "main" java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = 'P'"

Since the shit school I am at doesnt seem to go beyond the very basics of everything and I'm relying on indians and usual websites to learn anyways... anyone could give me a hint? I'm sure its a retarded question.
Tell me what you think
it makes no sense, that's why you should strip all the logic and just do
while (thing < 3) {
if (thing == 3) {
log("it's actually fooken werkin'")
and that's it
>it makes no sense
Alright you aint even trying, good night.
* for debugging purposes that is
that... I wrote something the wrong way, but since its like my second week at this I acknowledge my retardation
Anon I'll answer you this time but you should use the GPTs for simple stuff like this from now on. Your error isn't at score1++ it's when you are printing out the answer. You're doing %P to print out integers but that's not how it works. Since you're a beginner I suggest you just concatenate a string with "Player 1 score: " + String.valueOf(score1), etc
Read the words. What could you possibly have done in the wrong way?
i think its dumb 4chan shit but i dont really have any emotional investment in any of it so i dont get involved.
maybe you shouldnt even ask for it because system controls are subject of system style and theming. when components are introduced by committee >>102861062 then mediocrity happens and nobody uses those elements, they become a burden and a bloat of the browser.
Thank you so much anon, I see how retarded it was now, stuck in this shit for a few hours
likewise thanks anon

I really appreciate your help, bless you
Jesus christ, the Java documentation sucks more ass to browse than I remembered.
what the hell is the difference between wordpress template "patterns" and parts?

patterns are made up of parts, but parts can contain parts ... so what's the point in having patterns VS parts?
What the actual fuck is going on with that code style
Tortured into a word document with headers and paragraphs
Am I alone in thinking that shadcn/ui is an anti pattern and that you should use native elements whenever possible?
probably the result of rewritting it a lot of times, I went through that a lot early in the days
You should try to use native elements whenever possible, yes, but there are cross browser incompatibilities that necessitates a custom implementation.

So unstyled primitives like Radix fill in those gaps like how jquery used to do. Also does give you a decent API to do shit in JS when interactions happen.

And shadcn just adds tailwind styles on top of those unstyled primitives which you can own and modify yourself in your codebase, which is why everyone loves it so much. You can always change functionality this way.
It was such a bitch to work with Ant Design when I wanted to modify the default settings.
When using shadcn you can just modify the code directly, it just makes life so much easier.
Clients of all kinds, from governments to small business want all the bell and whistles. Then styling components is a pain in the ass.
UI libraries do the work for you
we're getting there
I tried wrapping a nodejs sqlite3 statement in a try catch and it's impossible to catch the error. It closes out the process no matter what. How is this acceptable?

The library allows you to configure constraints so that constraint violations don't throw exceptions, but then u won't know if the insert failed or not. Guess I'll just design it so that no action is required if an insert fails due to unique constraints.
I like project based learning but I have to actually want to do the project. I'm kinda stuck thinking of what to build next. I recently built a node app that takes a list of porn links from a 0day porn blog I visit and returns the direct download link to them so I can throw them all in my download manager and just download.

It's saved me a ton of time from having to manually go through each page and copy the link myself.

I'm a frontend developer trying to learn more backend so I'm having a hard time of thinking of any full stack ideas I'd like to attempt.

I guess I could build a front end for my porn crawler and connect it to a database. All the links I crawl would get stored in there w/ the title of the porn and the thumbnail that the porn blog provides.

I could then display the previews on the frontend and have a "favorites" collection in my database for all my favorite scenes.

What do you guys do when you're stuck and want to build something but don't know what to build? I kind of want to build my own version of Craigslist or Facebook marketplace.. a place for people to simply post ads to sell things. It's probably way over my head though.

Another question before you build a full stack project do you spend a lot of time thinking about the data and what's gonna be stored in the database? I'm trying to do better at planning projects out so that I don't run into any unexpected bullshit. Like I tried creating a chat app without thinking about any of the data associated with it. I eventually scrapped it cause the project just ended up becoming a mess because I had no idea how the database should be set up for a chat app so when it was time to build the private messaging feature I was stumped.
Sounds like you are doing something wrong. It should be possible to catch the errors, I know because I have programs that use Node.js and Sqlite and I can catch the errors.

Do you use some type of ORM? You can try Prisma, Typeorm or Knex+Objection. They should all work well. Not a fan of Typeorm myself, but the others are OK.
>Another question before you build a full stack project do you spend a lot of time thinking about the data and what's gonna be stored in the database? I'm trying to do better at planning projects out so that I don't run into any unexpected bullshit. Like I tried creating a chat app without thinking about any of the data associated with it. I eventually scrapped it cause the project just ended up becoming a mess because I had no idea how the database should be set up for a chat app so when it was time to build the private messaging feature I was stumped.

man i am in the same boat. i am not a professional but i am building an internal web app and all the logic behind all the shit made my brain leak. eventually i came to the conclusion that i have to think about the database first and the data in there to build from there. no other way around it. putting the data in there first makes life so much easier. i was trying to accomplish my goals from a perspective where the user dynamically enters things into it from multiple places but then you run into so many issues. best to have one source that is being pulled from.
java documentation is actually top tier, no, I'm not trolling
we want to make a website for our small company, however boss who is a bit technical said he wants to have an easy way of modifying the blog in the front page blog.
Now normally I prefer to use site generators like hugo.
What should I use for this case? Wordpress?
if we go low level, bash levels, the return code of that query should benother than 0, not sure if this could help you
don't you downplay bro's achievements like that
Not that guy but I would take it as a compliment if someone called my software cute.
Sick. What did you do to build that stuff?
The chrome maam marches on
that's troonish behavior
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Time stands still in other ways
I started learning Sveltkit becaue it 'was the cool thing to do'. Is there any actually reason why it's apparently decent?
It's the first 'language' I've learnt, and been using it to build sites for like a year now. Would it be painful to use something else?
Maybe because they realize that typing random bullshit sitting in front of the screen for hours is actually pointless. It doesn't have any social feedback unlike being on tiktok and instagram, and the programming community are generally bitter, inept cunts.
>Learning at home is good
Once code becomes your job you should learn something else at home. Generally hobbies that forces you to go out and meet other people.
Go + vanilla js, bite the bullet
nta, but I have to renew my gym membership and join a mountain club (or whatever that is called), weekends with my fren can only go so far
>frontend of some shitty software is able to construct an `Authorization: Bearer token` header
>cookie with same "token" is httponly
>said software's APIs can't handle cookies for auth
existence is literally a humiliation ritual. the demiurge is real.
There are 3 other developers at work and I'm the only one interrogated daily in standup.
Do I need to leave?
I'm given the most important tasks but the head of product treats me like an intern.
youre getting into bloatronerware.

im not stupid and know how it generally works. self-driven autism mostly without a real feedback from developers. to show the activity that gets more salad in the salary. simple as that.

also, trooners broke the early web principle of hierarchy:

user <=> developer <=> browser maker <=> spec writer

now spec printers think they have a right to take a feedback from the user :]] no you dont have that right

devs should stick to basics, probably not above the flexbox/grid feature (defined by private enterprise btw)
>existence is literally a humiliation ritual
Only when you're dealing with idiots or shitty people
what is bro yapping about
you're not the old php dude from 3-4 years ago, are you?
>user <=> developer
sure bud, if you've ever used any software written purely by a back end dev you know how poorly this goes
Oh yes, fosstards.
I hate the word frontend/backend dev. You either know how this shit works or you don't. Am I the only one that thinks this way?
Think I might get some SSRIs to increase my programming productivity. It worked in the past.
>Only when you're dealing with idiots or shitty people
that's wage slavery in a nutshell, no?
actix or axum?
I got my own personal project using actix, but lately been using axum and it seems less code bloaty.... just wondering how people feel about it. wrote a few middlewaring "actors" in actix and honestly starting to hate it. maybe I should go to .NET instead of this.

only doing this because all my nodejs web servers take up too much memory and at work, half the problems with our microservices are literal type errors (people literally do not consume the OpenAPI 3.x docs correctly or just ignore them). Rust seems to have a very strong typesystem + sum types for most the stupid shit I see in current Javajeet Springboot AIDS most everyone else does.
It does. It literally makes you not give a fuck. Addies and shit don't really work unless you have brain problems or don't consooooom enough caffeine.

The only shit deal is how annoying your doctor is or isn't. My doctor stopped giving it to me because I said the wrong things and wants me to do talk therapy which is fake and gay. Good luck.
>Good luck.
Thanks. Yeah I've had them before and they did make me program more. Although what I really need to do is stop working on side projects and start applying for jobs.
sure bud, spec writer (trooner) should take a feedback (which i think is fake) from a "frontender" who cant make a custom control

nope, that dudes dead, he gave me his boots, software war medal and compukter
this problem solves itself when you get old and poor
You basically write inline CSS with easy to use classes. They are usually named 1 to 1 with their CSS counterparts.
What places are worth reading regularly other than hackernews and css-tricks?
It shows, pro-tip, I'm the most anti zionist person you'll ever meet and even I can tell you fell victim to propaganda, detox urself my dud and get a clue, stop namefagging, don't shit where you eat
mdn, bless those dudes
well, when everything goes Israel way, you suddenly become kind and soft, giving careful advises. i think more your ass kicked more softer you are (ive already mentioned it will happen), because youre a bunch of hypocrites on welfare dropper. paleskintube advertisements clearly show where propaganda is (which side)
>implying there is only one side of propaganda
as I said lurk moar, and stop shitting where you eat
Israel dont need propaganda to win, it just needs to be persistent. i see you accuse me of your does (as usual leftist), low on memory again? its you who started right here >>102876157 and maybe earlier with your unrelated whines. what are you doing here? short on welfare? youre lucky im not a governor of Israel, not so kind as Netanyahu
So, I have mostly been using claude chat gpt for things and I know its not the right way to learn but ummm how do I get out of tutorial hell :( I took a few courses on youtube but feel like I just learned the basics.

Also I have never used any libraries should I use them instead of triying to create my own?
Not sure what your stage of learning is, but at a point you should be transitioning from tutorials to reading the documentation, especially when you understand the concepts behind web dev, and programming languages.

When you do use libraries, do make an effort to also learn what's actually happening under the hood. Use IDE editor features to go to source code, or read it off GitHub if it's compiled shit.
so you're a jew on 4chins, I get it, you just like to.get called a subhuman faggot, new age kids, no roots with a moth full of hooks and no bait in them, sad really, don't @ me faggot, buy a friend
find something with worthy documentation and le it guide you, research what makes a good programmer
I'm in an odd situation and could use some input. I'm in my final year of webdev at a smaller college and we've all been assigned projects for senior capstone. I've ended up as one of two new developers for an older project (an app that allows students to check out cameras/vr headsets/etc from the department) which was initially created in 2022.

Now, back then this project used AWS (and amplify) for backend and as a result the frontend code is full of all sorts of things like DataStore that rely on AWS packages, even though we've now moved to Appwrite for our new database due to some AWS issues (before my time). It's worth noting this project has not been in a functional state (front + back end working and communicating) since at least last year and a variety of students have rotated in and out of the team so a lot of the development history is unclear to me (there was supposed to be a handoff/documentation doc but if it exists we never got it).

My question is this: Is there a way to replace the functionality of DataStore with a different, but similar feature from a standalone package? I feel like there has to be some more elegant way to proceed rather than leaving 5 packages from a backend we don't use anymore installed, but from my initial online search I don't see a good alternative that doesn't involve rewriting large parts of the front end. Worse yet, continuing to use DataStore might mean including it in future feature code. Any guidance on how to proceed or ideas for what to research next would appreciated.
. .
kek https://gacha-tech-stack.pages.dev/
who codes porn sites? I wouldn’t do it I would feel like a cuck.
>Learning at home is good
>Once code becomes your job you should learn something else at home. Generally hobbies that forces you to go out and meet other people.
True. But all the successful and happy people I know have their job as their hobby. An engineer will build things at home because they like to build things, that's why they are an engineer. An architect will draw houses etc. and possibly design and build their own shed, cabin, furniture, home, etc.
I get it that you don't have any hobbies related to your professional work if you are an accountant, but the happy and best people I know chose their profession because they like parts of it and do it as a hobby, or it became a hobby for them later on.

But as a male software developer you should probably focus on meeting a wife.
nta, but honestly I'm so burned out by my job that I don't even want to code anymore, and I do love programing
depends on the site, some are run by enthusiasts others are just normal people who want a paycheck and look the other way considering the subject matter
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>mfw putting empty divs on my html because I'm too stupid to create a gab between two elements with css alone.
i can totally fuck with using empty divs for spacing. margin assumes that everything using the class needs that margin, but e standalone div is fine.
not working, my elements are not moving no matter how much margin do I input.
I assume it must be because they're flexboxes.
If they're flex items then the flex container overrides a lot of position things.
Try using column-gap, row-gap on the container, and wrap grouped flex-items in another (flex container) div.
...or you can hide the spacer divs with psuedo-elements
<div class="flex">
<div class="spacer">content</div>

.spacer::before {
content: "";
height: 1em;
width: 1em;
background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5);
>have to take a look at the DOM to figure out what the brands for most logos are
guess I am not ready yet
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I'm a general non-webdev guy but I feel like my curriculum and skillset are incomplete without some knowledge of webdev. In my last job i had to touch up a few minor things here and there in vue not to have to call up the frontend guy every 10 minutes and it was a huge pain, always took 10 times longer than it should have. I'm already going through the basic stuff of html and css such to pick up what i haven't absorbed by osmosis so far, but if you had to recommend a minimum set of frameworks/libraries on top of that to get the most bang for my buck what would they be?

In exchange have a random picture from my unsorted folder.
Probably just next.js because it's the most popular framework and has all the server shit out of the box. Though it takes a bit learning how their routing works and what server components are.

on the other end, Astro is a great option if you don't care about doing much in javascript
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cant get a job banging out html but i can get paid $18/h to use compsci to solve restaurant expo

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