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Server-side Kotlin edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102814733
>kotlin representing webdev
goddamn, I hate all those new languages popping up all the freaking time having just enough of a different syntax to fuck you.
So I learned how to set up a simple backend in flask, I wrote my own imageboard-like real time web chat using web sockets and htmx. But everything I do feels kinda hacky and shitty. What now? I feel like I understand the basics fairly well but how do I actually get good?
I'm a kobweb guy myself
Why in the name of the almighty markup would anyone use a framework that does not even give you markup-like templating?
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You guys got a mega folder or some torrent magnet with web dev books/courses/anything...? My usual sources give me shit results lately.
What's the usecase?
The like and dislike buttons on YouTube share the exact same line of code.
<div class="yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill" style=""></div>
yeah its called ChatGPT
Frankly, I don't know why anybody uses a framework. I'd simply write fucking markup instead. But if I was to use a framework, it would be one of the hundreds which actually made use of something as close to markup as possible.
>new languages
kotlin isn't new, you just don't know much about tech
>made use of something as close to markup as possible.
i want to make a static webpage using github pages, is there any client side javascript framework that would handle different viewing devices etc automatically?
>client side javascript framework that would handle different viewing devices etc automatically?
not how it works and not how it should work:

1. that's achieved through CSS media queries
2. if you want something more advanced (pro-tip, you don't) you use a server side approach that reads the client's device charateristics and serves content accordingly

If you want to prioritize mobile devices you:
. write CSS styles for mobile default, and then adjust the media queries later in the CSS code (it matters, cascading) to adjust them for dekstop, and tablet
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font-size, vh, vw, em, rem is all you need. Don't be stupid with it.
I guess they're being styled differently with something like :first and :last
thanks will look into this
the project is too simple to bother with hosting my own server infrastructure
i guess the main point is that i want to put up some boxes etc and make sure they dont look like ass on mobile devices, remember this being an issue with simple websites like 10 years ago
>like 10 years ago
now we do have media queries and mobile first approach, don't sweat it
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>The like and dislike buttons on YouTube share the exact same line of code.
How can you know for sure?
YouTube be like "here's about a billion elements just to show a button"
inspect element
So, the thumb down button does nothing and doesn't even exist in the code?
They're deep in the framework cult
I think frameworks are fine as long as they're not too bloated. E.g. Express is lightweight.
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why are old boomer web devs now obsessed with McMaster Carrs website now?
is the SPA style that send just a <head> and a empty <body> and renders everything afterwards forgoten technology now?
>javascript off
>50 MB blank page
Have any of you used IndexedDB? It's pretty cool, but the API is a real clusterfuck
Yes, sounds like just one more abstraction layer should fix it
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how do I actually change all my vanilla javascript to Node?
I genuinely don't understand how the left could be the same as right or what their relation is whatsoever
abstract storage operations and then you just need to change the underlying implementation to something node specific like node-localstorage
Why would your user (or any DB model) not have an ID?
It does it's just vanilla javascript mock code on the left and Node functionality on the right, that's basically what I have to do now and the fact that the client side has been split into two isn't comfy for me because the condensing nature of frameworks has less code available for me to understand.
Mainly because with Postman and MongoDB I'm not able to see exactly what's going on with the site after each line of code.
SPA chads still going strong outside twitter
>not express
>not better-sqlite3
Be a chad or die a virgin, anon.
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10k contract to make literal hot garbage for some fucking mouthbreather retards.

I got 2k for the prototype (literally made in Flask) 8k when I deploy it on digitalocean and they can scam their construction workers.

Have I made it?
do you ever think
>who the fuck are these people writing these massive libraries, manifestos, book-size docs and top tier qualitywebsites for a fucking library/framework
hundreds, perhaps thousands of them
why do they do this
not only are they retards for working for free but they also complicate my life by introducing more choices and I hate them
Is it possible to use Kotlin with just VSCode or should i install Jetbrains?
can someone explain the point of Astro? I'm confused. I read up on it a bit and my impression was... the power of Hugo/Jekyll with the complexity of Remix/Next.js? isn't that t he worst of both worlds?
forgot to add: it says it can be used with metaframeworks e.g. Sveltekit. But Sveltekit already does SSR/SSG and even SPAs... why the fuck would I add astro then?
How should i return resources?

GET <domain>/book/1/

"id": 1,
"title": "title",


"book": {
"id": 1,
"title": "title",
There's lots of money in selling courses and books. Wintoddlers and itoddlers don't want to learn by reading docs or making prototypes but subscribing udemy and coursera.
The latter is better because you can send status and error code and just return 200 - OK http code.
I don't know about vscode, but zed editor has firsr party kotlin plugin for some reason. I guess they're a fan? https://github.com/zed-extensions/kotlin
The framework's ideology is that you have 0 JavaScript by default and only explicitly opt in through traditional script tags, or adding "client:load", "client:idle", etc on react/Vue/angular/svelte/solid components (on a component-by-component basis).

So Astro sites are meant to be a multi page app with optional progressive enhancement which is essentially what you want for front end marketing sites. And you don't need to use react, Vue, svelte or whatever on every page like you would be forced to with typical meta frameworks.

The bonus you get with going as close to vanilla like this is mostly the performance which generally improves SEO and conversions. Just compare the core web vitals from the http archive data set:

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what do you think of my first attempt at making a chat
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How will webshitters cope when compose Multiplatform will be stable for web?

Millions of reactshitters implementing their webshit using mui crying out in pain
>The latter is better because you can send status and error code and just return 200 - OK http code.
no it isnt you unemployed retard. Status should be read from HTTP response, not from the json body. If there's an error you should jhave a standardized error response body too.
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SERIOUS question
what is the point of Cool New Web Framework #999 if every employer uses React and has zero reasons to stop using React

what is the point of Bun vs Deno wars if every employer uses Node and has zero reasons to stop using Node
or sometimes Django
But mostly PHP, actually

just for my hobby projects?
is the situation the same in your countr?
if the employer is resistant to change when it comes to tech stack (given that would be a positive change, most of the time it isn't) you should change the employer
Wow I bet it will be just like when React Native for web came out, which was quite a while ago

You're so dumb it's painful
>everything's working fine but xynthia thinks we should replace everything
>replace xynthia
Easy, by not being a frontend monkey
change employer to WHAT
another employer
>implying we have a choice in an employer's market
>implying new frameworks are worth touching when they're still in meme status
NEET spotted
another employer which also uses React and PHP?
Don't forget about Flutter
something about the chuds i bet
the other employer also uses React
everyone converged to the same shit.
well stop being a front monkey then,you will not use react anymore
Depends what you mean by new frameworkds. If you mean meme JS FOTM frameworks then you should stay away (as I pointed out in my original post, most of the time you shouldnt change). But let's be real JS monkeys aren't real developers so who cares.
but it's all i know
and i want to use Vue 3 anyhow
Good point
Worst choice in the current frontend meta. Use Angular or change to backend.
>what is the point of Bun vs Deno wars if every employer uses Node
"What's the point of Node if every employer uses PHP?"
- You, 15 years ago
i don't want to wait 15 years to be allowed to use Deno
i want to use it NOW!!!
elaborate profusely or be ignored
i find it quite comfy but also i literally have not used anything else for frontend
>elaborate profusely
If you can't see for yourself that Vue is shit then you can't be saved. Also don't care enough to explain
Me starting every project:
>THIS time i won't write a bunch of shitty spaghetti code
Me two weeks later:
>why did i write all this shitty spaghetti code
I think this is an iterative process where you regularly have to invest time into refactoring your code from time to time.
ah ok you're one of those
bretty good start

you need to check the return value of $f to make sure that you've successfully opened the file

and you'll hopefully realize at one point why you need something like databases to ensure that shit gets inserted properly at the right time

I'd say the next step is to switch out the .txt file with a sqlite db file and use PDO to select/insert on the database.
these cross platform frameworks are always going to be limited by the number of native APIs it has access to which is always a huge pain to write bindings for.

React Native with the Expo Modules API is honestly the best way I've come across so far that bridges that gap between native kotlin/swift and JS for writing the bindings.
That shit is rendering to canvas like figma. Very few sites will need this.
This shit renders to html.
How can I remember a value inside bookmarklet e.g. last entered prompt string?
javascript:{ let url, date; void ((url = prompt('URL')) && (date = prompt('Date')) && (location = `https://web.archive.org/web/${date}/${url}`)); }

>inb4 impossible
Since bookmarklets have a context of the page, you could probably create a new page to web.archive.org and then make a local storage variable there.
Probably true
He literally said that most of the time it isn't worth changing tech stack
you don't know if the new thing is good until the new thing reveals itself to be good.
I like to get a taste of what's the big deal with a new thing and then I either adopt it or I don't based on how I feel.
In my country java spring + angular is the official stack for the web btw. 60 million people and you can barely find jobs with other techs lol
>60 million people
Italy? If so, great country
>java spring + angular
ah, roman aqueduct tier, reliable, endures millennias
>they don’t know it compiles to the respective native code
Lots of coping kek
That's not going to make a massive difference for most apps which are just boring menus and don't require lots of performance

React Native already renders native UI elements, it's just that the logic driving the UI is in JavaScript. But like I say, for menus and stuff, faster performance won't make a huge difference I think.
Also if you think the web browser is going to disappear overnight then you're an idiot. Even if the web browser does die, decent devs will just move onto the next platform. So again, you're an idiot.
It’s not about performance you absolute mongoloid. If it was about performance everybody would be panicking and migrating to WASM. It’s about developer convenience and knowledge.
Webshitters are only good at webshitting and sometimes at node but that’s dying out.
Kotlinchads are about to become good at literally everything high level Frontend and backend related. More and more javatards are switching to kotlin because its so much more comfy than their javashit backends. More and more app companies are switching to kotlin shared logic, some are even using compose Multiplatform already. And this shit isn’t even stable yet, imagine what happens when it becomes almost as good as on android.
This guy again - >>102897273

My new theory is that mirtazapine makes me write shit code. It's a med that makes you drowsy and i think that is leading me to write shitty code just to get features implemented.
Blah blah blah blah blah

Have you tried not being a moron?
I accept your concession.
Have any of you ever done A/B testing on Azure?
I'm deciding whether to create an app service or function app and I need to do A/B testing with it (mandatory on Azure...).
Any advice?
Calling you a moron isn't a concession lmao
I've always been a vps guy but the project I have in mind is pretty big this time
as in I shouldn't even work on it if it won't scale
so I've been looking at serverless but the idea of paying per use has always scared the shit out of me

let's just say, if 4chan were built with cloudflare workers, managed postgres, that type of thing, how much would it cost? would the bill destroy my life
A Chinese botnet campaign could indeed bump up your bills.
I don't know why you couldn't build it on regular vps instances, you can have different ones for your db, workers, etc. Scaling is not your first priority when you don't even have an mvp.
[React Native] I'm trying to catch and store the values of a gesture start and end so I can draw bounding boxes on top of a loaded image. So far I can get the starting and ending coordinates and console log them out but when I try to store them in a variable nothing happens and my variable is null when the gesture ends
My code looks a bit like this:
const [startPosition, setStartPosition] = useState<{ x: number; y: number } | null>(null);  // Variable to track start position of touch
onPanResponderGrant: (evt) => {
const { locationX, locationY } = evt.nativeEvent; // catch the x and y coordinates of the initial gesture
setStartPosition({ x: locationX, y: locationY }); // this should set the start position variable but doesn't for some reason
onPanResponderRelease: (evt) => {
const { locationX, locationY } = evt.nativeEvent; // catch the x and y coordinates of the release gesture

if (startPosition) {
console.log('Start position exists:', startPosition); // This should be executing but doesn't because startPosition is null
} else {
console.log('Start position is null'); //

Any ideas?
Don't rely on react-native's built-in panresponder, use react-native-gesture-handler. Chances are it's already in your app if you're using react-navigation.

Never, ever call setState on gestures because it's just going to be a laggy mess. Use react-native-reanimated shared values instead so it doesn't re-render the component and also runs animations on a different thread.
you still need to write native bindings on the respective platforms to be able to use non-ui shit like bluetooth, audio, I/O. rendering a pretty UI is meaningless if you can't access the filesystem to save to a sqlite database for example.
Sweet, it's working
Now I've gotta figure out how to constrain the boxes to the active image area, move the boxes around and resize them
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Guys. I am building an internal web app for my company to make some processes easier. I am building it wiht react, vite, tailwind and supabase to save me the backend bs.
I am at a point where I am thinking about re-working it all and find a way to stream line/make it easier.

Are there any templates I can use to start off from?

Most important feature:
- User Management with different roles (for example staff should be able to write news entries in the news section, other roles can only view it)
>I've always been a vps guy but the project I have in mind is pretty big this time
>as in I shouldn't even work on it if it won't scale
Why not develop it for Kuberneres (K8S)? Then you can scale thr parts you need in case/when you need to scale it.

Just have some type of queueing system in place and workers to handle the jobs. That's similar to a serverless environment. That's what I would start.
looking into shadcn atm. could be what i need tbqh.
Look into CMS systems, possibly headless CMS if you want to make the frontend yourself.
i think i need to go more custom than that. its very specific. internal web app for an esports team and many of the things I need are specific to us/esports. like scrim data i need to pull via an API and all that shit.
>watching the 1 hour theo/primea react blog post videos
I'm brain rotted beyond belief
It's not the e celeb. It's the twitch chat on the side.
That's the hook. I want a twitch chat on everything in my life. My brain thinks in emotes monkaS cooked.
I thought Primeagen's ~10 minute videos were sometimes alright, but now he just posts ~1 hour long streams and I cannot be fucked with them
You can combine gesture handlers too, e.g. for resizing you can use the Pinch gesture (unless you're talking about drag handles), and use Pan for moving around.
What is a good way for me to dip into web development, really would like to learn html and css to host a simple website for myself. Should I get a VPS? Mainly concerned regarding securing the thing.
Start with a static website and host it using Github Pages or Cloudflare Pages. A static website means it is the same for everyone, no need for the server to send different data to different users.

Then for the next peoject consider to setup some kind of server to host a dynamic website.
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I feel like a fucking pajeet, I am trying to get into this web design shit but I cant even recreate the fbi investigation page.
I am trying my hardest, I really am, but I really dont know where to start with this banner, and how to order the picture. Im thinking of dropping this shit out at this point...
Any tips or hints?
sir learn about positioning with flexbox froggy
it will become much clearer

>I am trying to get into this web design shit
>Any tips or hints?
Stop being retarded and picking lofty goals for your skill level
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So basically front end dev is a joke for me. Its so piss easy. However my brain always starts leaking when i think about the backend implementation. It fucks my head.
Is there a way to overcome this? Make it easier? Yes i know there are plenty of tools but all of them do different things and that just fucks with my head further.
Should I just build the front end and then go from there or should i try to build a back end and then build my front end based off it?
I am so confused at this point.
I wish I was good at frontend, mostly the design part. I just can't seem to make a webpage look good at all. It always looks like shit or boring. I want something that is at least good enough where people won't leave on first instinct that the site sucks because it looks bad. Really sucks.
Practice anon. Don't worry about optimization until the end. Get the guts working. One step at a time.
Yeah idk. More practice it is i guess. Just annoying. I don’t know how to explain it but i feel like backend adds dirt all over my code. Makes it all messy. No matter what elegant new tool you use it will always turn into a mess. As if someone pissed all over everything.
> I want something that is at least good enough where people won't leave on first instinct that the site sucks because it looks bad. Really sucks.
This has less to do with how beautiful it is but more with the standard psychological tricks you have to use to retain the users attention.
But once I switch to new page with different global context the code from previous one no longer runs. I'd have to switch manually before running bookmarklet :(
What the fuck are you doing? Using a bookmarklet is exactly the same as pasting code in the console. Save your stupid variable in localstorage or a fucking cookie. You'll have access as long as the origin remains the same.
Damn, there are a lot of restrictions. I guess you could make a userscript to do it instead then
Well he wants it to remember the last input regardless of origin
Inject an iframe with a known domain and use it's storage.
pen and paper, but pros start with db design, imo, that takes experience, and for a newbie (like me, sort of), it is better to extract be functionality from the actual planned screens of your project
It's literally just turning sql into json what about it is even remotely hard?
I'm writing a backend in Go and it takes so fucking long to write compared to JS/TS

Maybe I should just use JS/TS with Bun or Deno
I tried to memoise a component in Preact and I swear this shit ain't working, it's still re-rendering my fucking component and I have no idea how to fix it

Maybe I should just use React since there is so much more support on the web for React
This guy again >>102913578

I fixed it which is nice

Also you guys should post more, /wdg/ only survives if we all shitpost about web dev memes
webshit, espeicially frontend is too trivial and shallow to have regular generals about it, whether you like it or not
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Linear impulse collision response this,
coefficient of restitution that.

I got momentum transfer!

Many people make their careers in this field

Very cool, are you just doing it for fun or for a game?
how much does this gdpr shit matter for a small guy (for you)?
am I safe as long as I host outside EU?
>am I safe as long as I host outside EU?
no lol. why do you think US companies get fines billion all day in the EU.
it is not really that innovative to use and abuse customer data :^)
not that
it adds more overhead when I'm already struggling with figuring out so much shit as a solo dev
just let copy paste a statement on the website and you are done
>it adds more overhead when I'm already struggling with figuring out so much shit as
Are you using customer data for something other than what the customer expects i.e website functionality? If not, congratulations you don't have to care about GDPR unless someone emails you to remove their data.
>how much does this gdpr shit matter
contrary to popular belief, it absolutely does not matter, because all data that you have to have to make your thing work, you can simply get without explicit consent.
so if you need a mail or phone for logins - that's fine.
if however you abuse cookies to sell your visitors data to ad companies you rightfully get fucked in the butt.

of course you need a privacy policy in all cases, but that is purely passive IF you are not doing shit with your actual user data.
>I'm already struggling with figuring out so much shit
Good stuff, I love the EU now
I made a shitty quick YT front-end and I swear it gives me lower CPU temps, even though videos on YT itself should be using hardware decoding, and I turned off that ambient mode thing. Weird.
How far can I go in being able to give a site a late 90s/early 2000s look while still making use of current standards?
Is your frontend also using hardware decoding?
Nah Claude will do it for me
What do you mean? Are you thinking of using react to make a site that looks old?
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what is too low of support for you /g/?

I don't care about samsung users or people that haven't updated their browser in 2+ years, nesting should have existed in CSS since its inception
>how much does this gdpr shit matter for a small guy (for you)?
Very little. Only matters if you collect data that is not obviously required for the service to work. You can keep the email if you use it for login.
If you save and use the email for anyhting but stricly improving the user experience, like for example sending marketing emails, then this needs to be explicitly accepted by the user.
You don't need to get permission to send password reset emails, but you need it if you send marketing emails.

Basically just don't sell user data or use it for things that makes you money and does not help the user. Also make sure to save all sensitive data in a secure way.
Don't be an asshole and you are fine.
It only matters if he is doing business with eu cucks and he's not in the eu. If he's in the eu, he's fucked.
Is react overkill for a static website?
Yeah, for the most part.

But you can use a static site generator/renderer like Astro which would allow you to send the user the HTML of the the react components without needing to send them any javascript (unless you opt in with client directives). So that means you can use all the react libs you want without the user needing to download any of it.
I finally finished a portfolio project after 4 months and it feels like I can finally breathe again without feeling guilty for not working on it every day. It probably should have took me 3 weeks, max. But I'm not gonna make excuses why it took me so long.

I don't think preact has memo component desu
Last thursdays chrome update
wrap of all that shit in

if(window) {
//your code here
What? New? Kotlin replace java in the industry YEARS ago
Considering the fact that the modern standard is
I'd say you can pretty much do absolutely everything. IMO design the thing in photoshop, slice it up to piece and use them css grid with utitility classes named table, tr, td...
oldest supported FF ESR.
It did not. Despite influencers and youtubers claiming otherwise, the industry standards still are:
dont overthink it, backend is mostly just getting a request, doing some checks on the input like auth, getting/setting data in a database and sending a response
>figuring out POST and GET api instructions, bodies, bearer tokens and query params from confluence and swagger
it feels better than not figuring it out, but it still feels like trying to find the pirate's treasure with the map and finding missing bits of the map
>bearer tokens
absolutely exile everybody who does that shit.
I think Kotlin has replaced Java for Android dev right? I think Google now recommends Kotlin for Android dev

But for web back-ends then yeah, Java seems to still be way ahead of Kotlin.
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I fucking hate these stupid google faggots deprecating everything they made my fucking domsubtreemodified stop working in chromeo i have to update a billion places in this website code and now some play core library fucking deprecated shit i had for an animation that was a big chore to find in this android app i maintain

FUCK OFF NERD I DONT care about your globohomo muh r/programming best practices I JUST WANT TO KEEP MAKING 6 figs wfh minimal effort
what's stopping you from making a sovl website like https://dukenukemis.cool ???
How do you guys pick a good CSS framework or styling thing or whatever like React Bootstrap or Material UI or the other million ones that exist?
Am I over thinking this shit?
I thought bearer with refresh token was the latest fad desune
>Java seems to still be way ahead of Kotlin.
no it's not, most versions of top jvm frameworks support kotlin fully
How many companies have Kotlin codebases though.

Different countries and regions will be different, but personally I rarely see web dev job ads mentioning Kotlin, but they often mention Java.

So maybe I'm just biased because of my local area.
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Procrastinating building two pages using Elementor. (sirs)
Java really isn't that bad if it's >= 17, if it's 21 it's super comfy. In fact, even though I work in kotlin and I think it's very nice I sometimes miss the simplicity and straightforwardness of java.
I just cant get used to the type variablename syntax even if my comsci 1 and 2 classes were c++
seems like petty reason to me, plus you have var keyword since forever
Yeah but then i can just use kotlin
but then you're crying that nobody uses kotlin
ky$ retarded zoom zoom
>frontend developer
>like creating new websites, apps, and shit
>need to level up my career
>every job requires 4 rounds of technical interviews

I suck at doing these live... so is it just the daily leetcode routine for a year and then try again?
No, I’m not
I just had to make an android app randomly for work, looked at java and kotlin, and picked kotlin
yes you are >>102924386
No, i’m not XD
Currently using NextJS and Prisma

Is it even possible to load an entire table (20k+) at once without the browser sharting the bed without pagination and some sort of lazy loading implementation?

I wouldn't mind a render block of the initial page load time, although the page must be still reasonably responsive
it would be extremely painful. is there some requirement for loading it all at once? but yeah usually youd lazy load that or paginate
Kotlin still has null safety and compile to llvm going for it.
But that's pretty much where the list stops desu
Now on the front end its a different matter
Pretty much. Or get into freelance where it doesnt matter
Sounds terrible dont you fucking have to pay to apply for shitty jobs on upwork
Last i checked the browser starts to stb at 10k dom nodes unless you use the new content-visibilty shit
Never gone into that myself, 2 years ago linkedin was full of recrooters looking for contractors
Tumbleweeds now a days thou
Any sort of online freelancing like upwork/fivecrm has certainly been taken over by now by pajeets that will work for free.

No one would even want to pay extra for quality work.
>null safety
Java Optionals exits, maybe not as easy to work with as Kotlin's nullable types but still get the work done
never used it, but graalvm exists
You're mixing up two people, and i wasn't complaining about people not using Kotlin, I clarified that in my area, web dev job ads mentioning Kotlin are rare

You're a genuine moron
You're far too thick for this industry
Yes, it is. Because when fails some background service, you at least have some information for the user. Http provides zero status codes for this kind of situation. Server itself runs, resource is available.

As background service - that can be Vies in EU or similar shit.
I'm trying to make a userscript for 4chan that modifies images. But every time I try to do:
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height); <-- here it dies

it fails with "this operation is insecure". How do I deal with this. Is it because the images are hosted on 4cdn.org while the script is running on 4chan.org?
do you have some weird browser like librewolf? they usually have restrictions on canvas coming from privacy.resistFingerprinting
You know what, you were right. I use normal firefox, but after going from "strict security" to "normal security" it works. Thanks.
I'm far too thick for your whore of a mother, so she sucked me off instead
>over an hour to think of a pathetic comeback
You really are a moron
I'm not a perma online basement dwelling neet like (You) lmao
If you needed to implement user sessions would you use a pre-made solution or build your own?

I started using a pre-made solution but it lacks what I want so I might just do my own solution
You're an incel, that's proven by your posts
You're cucking out because you're seething like mad about me correctly identifying you as an incel
this is the kind of posters /wdg/ needs, I just got promoted to Chief consultant because of this, thanks guys, keep up the good job
>CSS framework
> coworkers all use 6 million useEffects in their components
> all of them are just for changing react state
How common is this? As much as I've grown to love React, I HATE working with people who suck at it
After watching him for a bit I realized his 30-60 minute article review videos can be condensed in 5 minutes by reading the article
just posting to see what the deal is with my timer
ok it is a normal one now, still fucking insane though
More of a request rather than a requirement but yes. Specifically the below green text

>since the DOM nodes are still there), it doesn’t affect find-in-page (+F/Ctrl+F)

Thanks for the link, never knew of that css feature, I’ll check it out in detail
I love svelte bros
just wish everyone moved over to it at this point
even xhamster is built with svelte now
think about that
svelte vs sveltekit, go
I think svelte is for people who already have a website and just want to add svelte components
or maybe if you're making an non-web electron app

but everyone else should use sveltekit because it gives you a router and basically 0 drawbacks
can have a separate backend if you want
it's bullshit that is making things more complicated than they should be
It's not the absolute number of DOM nodes that is making shit slow. It's the stuff that is being rendered. Rendered as in frames rendered by your graphics card.
You can easily have 100k elements/text nodes - if they are not visible in *any* way. Does not matter how.
>Rendered as in frames rendered
Technically it's the layout engine stage before being sent to rendering that's the heaviest part.
is there an ai that can set up an ezpz website yet
>ezpz website
Yeah, no. You don't have a clue of the work involved.
how much would you charge for an ezpz website
fancy elements where mouse hovers over pics and has a subtle slide and a pop up for those emails
So are you asking for a facebook clone or a gmail clone? $8 000 000
neither ur fired
pedogram then, lucky me.
>I genuinely don't understand how the left could be the same as right or what their relation is whatsoever
are you sure that is the case? On the left you have a function. On the right you have a const that references that exact function along with other code that could be related but is not currently related. Everything below the "userId" is something else, what do you not understand?
don't respond to ancient retardation from three days ago
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cross-domain canvas loading gets blocked by Firefox to prevent fingerprinting
employers only ever use a language or framework because of whoever was the software developer at the time of creating said infrastructure decided that was what they wanted to work with. It is never because the company took time to seriously consider what and why they should use a tech stack its simply what they got stuck with for better or worse due to whoever they contracted the work out to. Yes you are right MOST employers only work with one of a few stacks but that is simply because that is what MOST software devs know/work with. As a software dev over time you will be given the opportunity to migrate over to new frameworks or stacks or build new software with whatever you want (mostly the latter), hence why people talk about meme frameworks to begin with.

for example, I was the sole software dev at my previous company and the only tech literate person. So when the time came that I needed to build new apps/features I used Vue and Tailwind CSS a lot because I like to use those tools. Now they have to hire people who know how to use said tools because I made their infrastructure that way. Also same job, they were desperately searching for someone who knew how to use a dead CMS or at least who knew PHP (which the CMS was built off, no its not WP). The only reason they had this shitty meme CMS to begin with was because a contractor outside of the company they used to hire out liked it.
>React and PHP
You know I always see vanilla JS/PHP and sometimes Vue/PHP (usually with Laravel because Vue comes with it for the frontend) but I dont think I have ever seen React/PHP before.
>Use Angular or change to backend.
why angular? it seems super overkill for a front end framework.
nta but we use React (Vite, Next.js, React Native) for our front ends with Laravel as the primary API backend at our business.
>i dont think I have ever seen React/PHP before.
Isn't that what Facebook does? They use React and PHP on the backend as far as I know.
are there any tools that can test the security of my toy web app that has user authentication and authorization?
. .
I was wondering if I was missing out or something by not using a CSS framework...
Some people online said it can speed shit up but at the same time it's more stuff to learn.
nta, try to see what they solve and how they solve it, do some research on the job offers, which are in demand and which aren't then make your choice
overall, they're about enforcing a standard on a group of devs, so they spaghetti a bit less the project, some do indeed speed up styling, others offer more fine grain control, etc
shadcn and tailwind no need to thank me
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from usps website, what design pattern is this
I just spent a while building a back-end around a framework, and that framework doesn't seem to have a feature I want... so now I might drop the framework. Annoying, to be honest.

Adding the feature to the framework myself seems like too much fucking hassle, I'd have to dig into the internals of the framework.
The "just fuck my shit up" design pattern
It seems simple enough to do yourself. Just encode the session data, sign it with HMAC to prevent tampering and set it as a cookie.
>I was wondering if I was missing out or something by not using a CSS framework...
For employment opportunities, having good knowledge about CSS is much more valued than having experience with a CSS framework.
>Some people online said it can speed shit up
It can, but from my experience they are mostly hell when you want or need to tweak them. Anything but the happy path is like pulling nails out of your eyes.
Now I use Tailwind myself. The main reason is that it has great documentation, that helps me learn CSS and easily find what I want to do. Also it works really well with LLMs like ChatGPT.

If you just want to make an internal tool, where the exact design is not that important, using a UI/CSS framework like Ant design or Bootstrap can be vert nice, but if you need to have more custom styling I would avoid it.
But I am just a lowly backend developer, so don't listen to me.
>CSS framework like React Bootstrap or Material UI
aren't those component libraries? i thought css framework was like tailwind
Yeah I think you are right. I will probably just stick to using vanilla css for this project I am working on.
console.log(Number(null)); //-> 0
console.log(null==0); //-.> false

Explain this.
I think this is one of the reasons why react is industry standard, everyone uses it, thus it has most of the use cases considered, that's worth a lot
THEN, maje sure to pick a css lib for the next one cause you might indeed find yourself in that situation in an actual job, nta btw
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Good point. In my case it's a back-end framework but yes, using something popular has value because there is so much support for it.
This should be the next OP image

I never use double equals in JS so I don't have to worry about stuff like this
use Tailwind motherfucker

(You) ARE gonna thank me

Hideous syntax. Absolute cancer
I wanna be a better programmer, but my job drains me of all energy. Idk what to do at this point, well just job-hop to a job that pays the same-ish but also gives me employment time formation. Thanks rubber duck, but I'm too tired for even job hunt. Last time I tried passed a bunch of interviews but then they were all like, lol come this wednesday during work hours to our office. What where they smoking? Only way I can realistically do that is if I plan it like one month in advance or so.
Anyways, I guess I want to be unemployed and stydying. Fml.
I think I finally got CSRF protection working with Fiber (Go framework). But it doesn't work in Chrome because Chrome is not regarding localhost as secure, when it should. Fuck Google.
Safari niggers really need to hang themselves I'm tired of dealing with Apple's bullshit. We're authoring our own m3u8 files so we can finally give iphones a good experience since iOS is the only browser in the fucking world that doesn't support MSE (EVEN INTERNET EXPLORER 11 HAS MSE. EVEN DESKTOP SAFARI)
mediastreamvalidator+hlsreport, the only tools apple provides for testing m3u8 files, confirms my fucking m3u8 files are good. So tell me apple. Tell me WHY IT STILL DOESN'T FUCKING WORK
PLS please.
PLS please?
Why do people act like == is the child of Satan in 2024. Yes you should never use it but all it does it force type coercion.
why is flask popular when bottle.py is more minimal and was first?
What's the most pageviews per month you ever got on a website you run or have designed?
>Safari niggers really need to hang themselves I'm tired of dealing with Apple's bullshit
then don't. I don't anymore.
>um it doesn't work on my fagDevice
don't care, didn't ask, plus you got AIDS

one of the advantages of not being forced to build websites for public users.
>Why do people act like == is the child of Satan in 2024
>you should never use it
You should learn when it matters.
because type coercion is bad. the more important question, is when is Tc39 going to get off their asses and give us by-value object equality? I'm still waiting for records just so I can have Maps with keys that aren't just JSON.stringify'd objects. The irony of key ordering in serializaiton is not lost to me or forcing to constantly (de)serializing for key lookup ops.

nevermind, it's literally over. fuck this language. wasm save me
This looks rather intersting? I wonder if someone could find a job with this lol
What’s the best stack to build a portfolio for a normie that’s not wordpress? Like an artist or photographers portfolio that’s easy for them to update and isn’t cost prohibitive to host? Right now I’m thinking cloudflare workers with a custom cms but is there anything easier that’s also cheap?
>too lazy to design a scam site
its over for me isn't it
Yes it is, because you don't even have the morals to recognise that creating a scam site would be wrong.
>custom CMS and CF workers for a portfolio site
>not even a frontend dev portfolio
nigga just use WP like the entire world
its probably easier to use just use headless cms if you really want to custom build the side, there is really no reason you need a custom one for a portfolio website
Cloudflare is essentially free for the traffic a portfolio would get and I don’t know wordpress. I could build a tiny cms faster than I could even learn the theme system let alone everything else.

Thanks anon. SonicJS looks promising but I’m going to look at some others. Do you know of any hosted headless cms that aren’t super expensive?
Hmm. WordPress is pretty simple to use, but I guess if you're more familiarized with CF go for it. Good luck
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>going through The Odin Project foundations javascript stuff
>solutions to every task in the assignment pages or the github exercises are always longer and more redundant than the official solution
>when i try to make it shorter and less redundant it always ends wrong and the official solution is way longer

why am i so fucking stupid. make it stop
How many repos of side projects do you have?

For me, the answer is too many
>quantity > quality/size/scope
shiggy diggy
If you worked for the Internet Archive, how would you solve the repeated hacking?
Rotate all the keys, for starters
Add Passkeys/2FA on every external service
Review firewall config, probably deny all connections outside cloudflare IPs (if using CloudFlare).
Log events (logins, page access) to something like Grafana/Datadog/CloudWatch
Add anomaly monitors on the service so you can get notified
Enable logging on the database
Make sure the database can only be accessed through a local connection
In general, avoid open ports (e.g. ssh) unless from a specific IP range (like GitHub actions).
Onsite backups
Also provision new servers and force all privileged users to change password (alongside google workspace accounts). Assume what you're running is hacked
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Is there an easy way to set up routing based on roles in a react app? What I am doing right now is wrapping my routes in a ProtectedRoute component that checks the logged-in user's role. If the user is not allowed to see the page, they're redirected to a 403 error page. After that, I save each route in a createBrowserRouter and pass it to a router provider as a prop
Then, when a user logs in I just check their role, set the appropriate navbar then send them to a page that redirects them to their corresponding dashboard. So far everything is working right now but I'd like to have a more robust and easier-to-utilize routing system because I'm not gonna be the only person working on this
== is fine when checking for null or undefined. I can't think of any other valid use case though
>Make sure the database can only be accessed through a local connection
this I was thinking when I read the question.
I can't think of any use case for '==='.
What kind of a cuck of a programmer have you go to be to...
1.) not know if you can actually compare the variables you are comparing or if their types don't match so they might get casted to something else
2.) use a language that you are obviously not able to handle and therefore have to hit the = key three times instead of two like any normal programming language
3.) workaround that by having some kind of linter like typescript installed.

I program in JS because I target web browsers
simple as
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Formik or React Hook Form?
both are gay, but if I had to choose between either, I'd go with react-hook-form
Well, that's why I said too many

But still, I think it's good to try new things, even for a short while. If I see a new programming language or framework that looks interesting then I might start a very basic project with it, just to try it out

In fact I saw something about this on Hacker News just the other day
>Start Often Finish rArely
>The point of SOFA club is to start as many things as you have the ability, interest, and capacity to, with no regard or goal whatsoever for finishing those projects.
>The goal is acquiring many experiences. The side effects include entertainment and increased skill.
juniors caring about === and me junior-mid wishing I had the time to implement a memory card game with realistic css animations
>he doesn't program 25/7
I wrote broken code in my dreams. Do better.
>I do x because y
>and therefore I am not a cuck of the triple equals
That ain't a valid excuse. You are not a cuck for using JS, you are a cuck because you use JS but lack the skill and willingness to know it and therefore having to rely on defaulting to the freaking TRIPLE EQUALS.
Do you agree with this statement:
>For most cases [slower framework] is much better as it's easier to use and can handle more cases. For most cases you won't even notice the performance difference.
shut up lil bitch
Not him but fuck off if you're just going to seethe, /wdg/ is supposed to be chill
the inevitability of software products is that over time you get more and more and more features to the point it bloats and slows down.
and then new shiny products attempt to replace said software product with 50% of the features
rinse and repeat
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Oops :(
something went wrong somewhere

I bet your a rails faggot that prefer OP code to be split in 4 different files packaged by layer
he was:
1. visibly seething
2. trying to make me seethe
do the math
I agree that you're trying to sell me the slow fw
I'm in the mood today, I might do (((networking))) aka writing an email for that .net position, hope it opens soon
He said 25/7 so I'm pretty sure he was just joking
Bros I'm tired of C#, is it a good time to start learning python
I've been thinking of applying to junior C# jobs. I don't know it very well compared to other languages but it looks alright to me. Maybe I would tire of Microsoft very quickly though.
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>inevitable bad code
skill issues
Sounds like a coping club for retards. The purpose of coding is to make stuff. You're the white collar equivalent of a meth head who collects "project cars" and 10s-100s of bicycles that they're going to put together one day. You won't. You're switching because you're hitting some kind of roadblock that you must overcome to get better, but you just give up and switch to something else instead, and ultimately learn nothing. My first project (and only) is a public facing app that's earning me my living, and in the future will earn me my fortune. Get your shit together and try trying.
>My first project (and only) is a public facing app
Imagine the (code) smell
Why would I ever care what some retard that's so unproductive at coding that they have to sell their hours for money thinks?
Incredible things are happening in maroon reddit
I'll do what I like. The fact that you cry about it is a bonus.
you have to rewrite it in rust.
I read it and I don't get it.
If you code in haskell you are rapist
Not sure if I'll send the email though, too much emotional work
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Why do all of you hate freedom so much?
hey my Stalone avatarfaggot fren, havev this [spoiler]I can't fucking post images[/spoiler]
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>"your website should work without javascript"
>make website work perfectly fine without javascript
>"your website doesn't function the way I expect of websites"

what do these people want? I also offer a lite version that is ONLY text and nothing else, but then they complain about having such a barebones skeleton site
desu just ignore anti-js shitters. it's not worth it. I made the mistake of having a nojs + js version and maintaining both sucked.
the js one was less terrible too.
>For most cases [slower framework] is much better as it's easier to use and can handle more cases. For most cases you won't even notice the performance difference.
that depends on how much easier it is to use and how much of a performance difference there is. Without knowing either of those though I would say yes simply because tech and hardware is so good today that performance should rarely ever be an issue. Even when it is the frameworks you are using are probably not the reason why your performance sucks.
I don't mind maintaining a basic no js site desu, I enjoy vanilla html/css but god everyone is so fucking retarded. WORKS ON MY MACHINE.
I don't either for basic shit, but then you want these cute little nice to haves, like, any dynamicism in the UI and nojs just doesn't work anymore.
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My current job has few hours every Friday dedicated solely to research - you are expected to look up stuff, learn shit etc. I think it's cool because i do not want to do it outside work too much.

Do you recommend any resources/sites etc. to browse to learn shit from web dev?
Your website can't show pictures without JS?
i just pick a random one I use styled components for styling and mantine for a component library
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So let's say I have the following situation:
- internal service A: This service has a user credentials DB, and it connects to external service X;
- internal service B: this service must get the credentials from internal service A, in order to connect to external service X;
- external service X: provides credentials to internal service A, and both internal service A and internal service B must connect to external service X.
The credentials in question are just tokens used in OAuth1 (consumer key/secret, token id/secret, realm). How do I pass these values from service A to service B in a not retarded way?
My first idea was to just create a read user for service B in the credentials DB and be done with it, but it feels dirty to do it.
I also thought of using Redis for this, service B would make an authenticated request to service A, service B would get the user credentials, save it into redis with a random token, and pass that token to service B, which would use the token to retrieve the credentials and delete it from Redis. This looks less dirty but more clusterfucky.
Thoughts on both?
bros.. they ruined svelte...
I used svelte to escape from react hook
i dont even ahve the energy
fuck this gay earth

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