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*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in the thread subject ***

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102884959
neovim vs VS Code vs Visual Studio Code vs Jetbrains solutions
you tell us
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I like to use Aussie software
google is telling me that it has vim mode, that's hella sweet ngl, which features do you make the most of?
vs code with vim motions
no emacs Chads?
sounds good enough, I gotta re-learn vim, but this time like taking it seriously, fucking VS code
damn sounds cool as fuck, like the best choice to edit behemoth-tier code files
Any SQL masters here? I'm writing a Booru clone using SQLite and trying to improve the following query, any advice? This is for searching posts via tags.
source TEXT,
title TEXT,


post_id INTEGER REFERENCES posts (id),
tag_id INTEGER REFERENCES tags (id),
UNIQUE(post_id, tag_id)

SELECT posts.id, sha256, title, favorites, COUNT(*) OVER () as total_posts from posts WHERE posts.id IN (SELECT post_id from post_tags INNER JOIN tags ON post_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE tags.tag IN (?) GROUP BY post_tags.post_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tags.tag) = 1) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0;

SELECT posts.id, sha256, title, favorites, COUNT(*) OVER () as total_posts from posts WHERE posts.id IN (SELECT post_id from post_tags INNER JOIN tags ON post_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE tags.tag IN (?) GROUP BY post_tags.post_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tags.tag) = 1) AND posts.id NOT IN (SELECT post_id from post_tags INNER JOIN tags ON post_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE tags.tag IN (?) GROUP BY post_tags.post_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tags.tag) = 1) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0;

The query params are tags like "foo" and "bar" and there can be multiple in each group.
I've attached the query plan for the second query if that helps at all.
>which features do you make the most of?
For every day I use it, they send me a can of Foster's, which as every Aussie knows, is the most Australian beer

Their new logo is awful, it looks more like a human thumb than a dinosaur.
There's was literally nothing wrong with the old logo, why designers keep doing this?

- avoid using HAVING, it's just a filter when you already have selected the result set
- don't use limit/offset pagination, rather use cursor/keyset based (i.e., sort it and do where [field] > last_page_field, limit 20)
- avoid subqueries (i.e. where posts.id IN ( ...)) and either use
EXISTS (it stops once it finds a match) or use JOINs (left join for your second query)
- use "EXPLAIN [query]" or whatever equivalent for postgres to check how expensive your query is
>why designers keep doing this?
I guess they thought Deno 2 has some good features and they want to use this opportunity to bring new attention to their runtime. A new logo shows that the devs think it's a significant step-up from the last version I guess.
There is literally no use case for having your site function 100% without JS. The only people that don't have JS are:
>minimalist ultra-privacy focused schizo users
>Thelma still using Netscape on her Compac Pesario 5000
Neither are buying anything from your site, so fuck 'em. There's no point in catering to them.
Absolutely correct, but the customer heard that phrase somewhere so you have to do it
>what do they want
Server side rendering.
No JS.
Give it pizzazz.
I will answer your AWS or SQL questions it is time to start an episode of the show I'm watching..
>I've been reading and reading and I want to read more to learn, what should I read?
don't. build.
>sell me on using AWS instead of a VPS
I'm not a salesman and you haven't given me a use case.
this general will be gone in no time. new fad languages come and go almost immediately. /g/ idiots have the memory of a goldfish and they will move onto fantasizing about new language while never once using it as soon as it comes out. hare is gone already, deno will be gone too. see you in the next language general
Have you used cloudformation or terraform and vouch for either? Thinking of deploying a docker infra stack
this general seriously dropped in activity since chatgpt. Hardly see any of the beginner questions asked here anymore.
t. snr php/js/react/native dev
not that anon, but i've used both since they came out. what do you want to know? terraform applies to anything with an api, cloudformation is aws only, so you will be locked in. but also aws is the best cloud and everything else is complete shit. imo you should just buy a metal box, why use a virtualmachine when you can just pay upfront for WAY more performance?
I’ve used terraform for 10 years and it’s far superior to cloudformation. CDK is starting to build a solid rep and it’s officially supported, so i plan on looking into it soon.
Our office isn't physically in the states but our primary customer base is, so we'd have to be renting bare metal machines if anything. We already have a bunch of shit on AWS (EC2 instances, elasticache, RDS, etc) but recently I was given the task to spin up a new service (that uses postgresql, clickhouse, kafka, and two web servers).

So I'm thinking either terraform/cloudformation or some docker swarm or kubernetes setup. But yeah, not too clued up into devops and not sure how I'd handle shit like DB migrations and CI/CD once the need arises.

Cheers, I'll check out CDK too. Also tried SST a number of years ago too but it seems to have greatly improved since then.
Framework to get me fucking a job?
I'll look into that, thank you.
How do I get Blink to render HTML math properly? On the right is Gecko
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Forgot pic
>bare metal
>cloudformation of terraform
nothing to do with one another. you either use the cloud or metal. if you use metal then you don't use cloudformation or terraform. just use ansible to configure your metal and use docker compose. simple
Check your local listings. React and TS is a safe bet
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>our "deno" is completely safe to use
>we cannot harm anybody, hence why we use the same sans serif style as absolutely everybody else
>we cannot spell dino correctly anyways, hence why our deno looks so retarded
Them logo looks like it was made with CorporateLogo.io on the cheapest plan
I find the edges on their sans serif rough and that could harm someone
So they should have used Comic Sans then, just so that absolutely nobody feels like they could have gotten hurt.
yes comics sans to be extra safe, but there's also rounded sans
<div id="ref" class="test"></div>

<a href="#ref">...</a>

how to css select all <a> tags that link to an element containing a certain class?
Svelte 5 is just preact signals witb retarded $ symbol thrown about to reminisce about php and jquery
>PHP & jQuery
>you thought I'd let you escape abandonware town so easily?
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Even if they actually wanted to go for the retarded safe look they could have done so with so much more character
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untest but should do the thing
body:has(.test#ref) a[href=#ref]
Good only for learning, but has its limitations. Had to fully migrate to nvim later
nta, tell us about nvim pl0x, h9w does it compare to vim and vs code
is it possible to ONLY show three dots instead of text when not in a hover state?
>- avoid using HAVING, it's just a filter when you already have selected the result set
I don't get this one.
Shouldn't filtering on the DB side be a good thing since it means less data would be transferred through the network which would make a faster query? It wouldn't matter in this case because it's sqlite, but I am asking about the general case when backend and db don't live on the same machine.
How can i store the output i receive from an api in a database? Basically i want the user to put in a string, hit enter and then the output gets pulled and populates the database and then gets stored and displayed. nextjs / typescript.
well an int basically something the user types and then executes the command to query the api basically.
and how do i avoid CORS errors while doing it from a browser. man FUCK this.
User input --> Your website's form --> Your server --> API --> Your server --> Your DB --> User response
where does the form come from?

Should look like this:
1. User enters an ID that queries the api
2. Api gets called
3. I receive the response from the api
4. Data gets stored in DB
5. Data gets displayed

My problems are with the transition from step 3 to 4.
>where does the form come from?
From YOU you drooling retard

>Should look like this:
In what world do YOU get a reply for someone else's API call? CORS is to stop retards like you from leaking personalized data.
>From YOU you drooling retard
ok i get what you mean now. i wrapped input/form into one in my head. anyway.
>In what world do YOU get a reply for someone else's API call?
yes the server calls the API not the user so basically me. so we are on the same page what the order of operation is here.
Ok, so what you are really asking is "how do I database????"
i think you underestimate how many issues this shit can cause.
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Can someone help me out here?
I'm trying to resolve a DNS request through e third party resolver and send the response back to the client. The problem is, every time the forwardQuery function resolves the request, it changes the client address to the resolver address and instead of sending the response back to for example, where the question came from, it sends it to, where the answer came from. I tried storing the client info in an object and freezing it with object.freeze, I tried copying it, I tried storing it in a map and nothing works. It gets overwritten to the resolver address.
I've got a
udpSocket.on('message', async (data: Buffer, remoteInfo: dgram.RemoteInfo) => {
const originalClient = {
address: remoteInfo.address.trim(),
port: remoteInfo.port
.... .... ....
... ... ...
const response = await handleDNSQuery(query, RESOLVER_PORT, resolverIp);

And here is where it all gets fucked:
function forwardDNSQuery(query: Buffer, RESOLVER_PORT: number, resolverIp: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');

const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('DNS query timed out'));
}, 2000);

client.on('error', (err) => {

client.on('message', (msg) => {

client.send(query, RESOLVER_PORT, resolverIp, (err) => {
if (err) {

After calling the forward function it binds the whole shit to the resolver and there's no going back
is always the resolver in the end
anyway. just gonna use api routes and drizzle. i have figured it out.
You've explicitly stated you don't know how to call your own database from your own server
no i did not. the issue was with storing data into the database.
They said the old logo had a couple of versions (neither totally official) and the rain didn’t show up well in tiny sizes
…it still looks like a fucking thumb
What happens to the resolved promise from forward/handle-DNSQuery go and where exactly is the address changed? I think you've simply mixed up variables.
that stuff ain't rain. It's fragments from a big fat meteorite "raining" down killing the "deno" before it even became a thing.
The address gets changed inside
function forwardDNSQuery(query: Buffer, RESOLVER_PORT: number, resolverIp: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');

const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('DNS query timed out'));
}, 2000);

client.on('error', (err) => {

client.on('message', (msg) => {

client.send(query, RESOLVER_PORT, resolverIp, (err) => {
if (err) {

This function is invoked here
export async function handleDNSQuery(
query: DNSMessage,
resolverIp: string
): Promise<DNSMessage> {
const queryBuffer = query.toBuffer();

const forwardedResponse = await forwardDNSQuery(queryBuffer, RESOLVER_PORT, resolverIp);

const response = new DNSMessage(forwardedResponse);

response.packetId = query.packetId;

// Set response flags
response.flags = (response.flags & ~0x7800) |
(query.flags & 0x7800) |
0x8000 |

return response;

In the main file I do
const response = await handleDNSQuery(query, RESOLVER_PORT, resolverIp);

Before I do that, the client address is
Right after, it gets changed to the resolver address.
So, what I think is happening, is the remoteInfo from the initial socket gets rewritten to the remoteInfo of the socket I open to communicate with
Or the second time I open socket it just stays, disregards the initial socket and sends everything back to the one opened in forwardQuery?
I'm actually losing my shit here I swear:(
What client address are you actually talking about, the value of
yes. originalClient.address is the address of the incoming question, which I send with
dig @localhost -p 2053 google.com

before executing forwardQuery, originalClient.address is After execution, it's

I wrote a small debugger to see what's going on
[2024-10-25T10:06:50.386Z] DNS Server bound to
[2024-10-25T10:06:51.636Z] New request from client
[2024-10-25T10:06:51.636Z] originalClient:
"address": "",
"port": 42706
[2024-10-25T10:06:51.638Z] Processing query:
"id": 8755,
"flags": "120",
"questions": [
"name": "google.com",
"qtype": 1,
"qclass": 1
"clientInfo": ""
---Executing handleDNSQuery----
---Executing forwardDNSQuery----
---End of forwardDNSQuery----
---End of handleDNSQuery----
[2024-10-25T10:06:51.672Z] Got response:
"id": 8755,
"flags": "8180",
"answers": 1,
"authority": 0,
"additional": 0,
"originalClient": "\u0000\u0000:42706"
[2024-10-25T10:06:51.672Z] Sending 54 bytes back to client
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Why not both?
This is a friendly thread, see the OP. Please keep your discussion civil.
I should mention I tried asking ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot and they've all been more than useless.
well try the new anthropic model
Inspect the response body. I think your event handler is seeing the response from the dns server.
You may have confused the message's remoteInfo address for something it is not. The socket is seeing two different messages: one from the user and a different one from google. Of course they will have different sender addresses when they're from different senders.
because that font looks pale as fuck. give it a bite. make it fiery. incorporate the fucking "raindrops". whatever. just do something at least.

sans serif SOULLESS text logo is boring and simple minded.
>This is a friendly thread
Don't get your programmer socks in a bunch
hah, show better examples
fuck right off to /v/ with your gay ass attitude, (You) will never fit in
Just did. Sadly it's just as useless.
Yeah that's it I think. And it's using to send the message to the same address.
Should I create 2 instances of datagram, one for resolver and one for client? For example
const clientSocket: dgram.Socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
const resolverSocket: dgram.Socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
I think I should...? And then instead of creating a new instance inside forwardQuery, I pass it as a parameter inside handleDnsQuery and then forwardQuery and execute the whole thing from resolver socket? Can I do that?
I posted three "examples" in this thread - for free. Actual "designers" get paid money for putting up "$wordmark" in Helvetica. Go figure.
they look actually worse though
nothing is worse than $wordmark in sans. You are wrong and/or brainwashed.
nah u just have 12 year old "taste" in design, long story short, good design takes formation, skill and experience, and no, you're not "doing it"
So you are suggesting that every wordmark - that did not look like total crap and exactly the same as all other wordmarks - done before approx 2014 was not created by skilled professionals with lots of experience?
I call bullshit.
>you're not "doing it"
never did I claim to, did I? I merely pointed out the fact that all actual designers are doing is putting $wordmark in some kind of sans serif font and getting paid big money for that - even if their results suck.
He's a slave to soft and safe corpo art. Probably the same fag that made the thread.
>corporate art
I do believe that thing can actually exist. If they want to. But for some reason every fucking company has given up on this.
YOU added it nobody was being civil until you decided
Take your sexual fetish to another board, thanks
This. I recently was hired as a fullstack dev for the first time after having only done frontend. Backend was my personal thing only. I though that I could take a step back from the world of frontend fuck ups, but the truth is that the backend people are even worse.
As a full-stack dev I don't see why people make a big difference between the two. They're the same thing, the only difference is where the code is running.
If you do fullstack and treat both ends of your fullstack the same, then you are a bad fullstack.
There is a key difference between the two which makes for all the different behaviour: The backend is (at least in theory) fully controlled. You can (again - at least in theory and unless you lack skills) sanitize the shit out of it in such a way that every IO operation, every API is well defined and does not give you state of error. You cannot by definition do that on the frontend, because you have absolutely no control over it.
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They're essentially the same shit, and people who are too dumb to understand that aren't my problem
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>not giving a shit about anything at all
so you are one of these people
Not him but you would never ship minecraft with that mindset
Notch didnt give a shit about any of those and now he's a strong independent man who doesn't afraid of wokes
the fuck has minecraft to do with web dev?
the fuck has minecraft to do with the essential split of web dev in front- and backend?
are you dumb?
you have 0 clue of what good design actually looks like, and your failed attemps should have given you a clue, stop embarassing yourself
>but i did have breakfast this morning
twitter screencap brains is what they have, completely fried
>it's the simple minded logos speak to me
I see.
>look at my shitty designs
>I am basically a designer now
suuure I bet all your fellow discoord troons agree too
You are saying he should hours designing a logo because you disagree in taste.
Not very friendly of you.
>it's not sans serif at a price of 10k per letter so it is shit
Well actually I guess that they used a shitty AI for that "logo"
yeah sure, go get 'em design guru, absolute dellusion
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Do you learn new web dev shit outside work or do you use company time for it?

In theory i have 3-4 hours every Friday dedicated to just R&D and stuff, but i wondered if it would be efficient to also learn some shit in my free time.
VS Code any Linuxtranny who says otherwise is retarded. It's the most efficient tool if you work with ACTUAL business software.
>ACTUAL business software
then they should be paying you jetbrains licenses, no?
JetBrains is shit.
not what actual professionals say about it
Jetbrains > zed editor > sublime text free > vs code
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Do you block countries from your sites?
can you elaborate a little bit on it?
I whitelist those that I actually want on my site.
you have to block china for sure
VS Code is for people that get work done
I only allow Western countries, that's what a Whitelist is!
How I'm supposed to deal with a designer who don't understand the how the box model works? Should I quit? He want's to put br in titles and all that shit, I tried to explain him that I can do that but it's a bad idea.
>*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in the thread subject ***
Wtf happened?
>Wtf happened?
first day? welcome to 4chan especially /g/ where the most miserable know it all autists on the website gather
>first day?
>said the turbo newfag desperately trying to fit in
you will never fit in, faggot, go back to /v/ where you belong, subhuman
i dont play video games. what would i even be doing over there.
I think I'm finally coming to terms with databases. God I've just always hated it. Nothing exciting ever happens from querying or setting up a db
i will never make peace with how we agreed on this should work. it could be much simpler. yet. maybe AI fixes it.

This seems based
Why would you want to render component in the server side when you can just use a REST API + CSR?
I am trying to figure out how YouTube is fetching comments for shorts.
In dev tools while scrolling down there are not new xhr or was or fetch calls made but the main comment node is shown to display insertion of fresh comments.
Anyone has any from where it is inserting the new comments?
It would seem like for every short YouTube is fetching all comments at once and storing it somewhere, but I am unable to find it.
>line breaks in title
Doesn't sound like a problem to me.
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I got the Junior position but i feel underqualified even though i did first few tasks already and some are already in production.

How do i catch up and learn the quickest and become good at my job?
Forget it. I found out. It is a xhr request.
Wtf they have variables like "Moderated*".
, then "*engagement*" and then "*paid*".
*Fetch not xhr
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>>102972465 >>102972554
Are you really old enough to be here?
Better ux and seo
Nobody cares about SEO grampa.
Congratulations for doing homework.
nta but there is no such thing as a good UX in a CSR/SPA.
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What amazes me is how much invisible crap they're sending back and forth and the browser somehow still coping. Must be why they're so into browser metrics to figure exactly how much shit they can pull off.
page 10 sirs
Might as well crosspost this.
Does anyone here know how the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface worked? I'm specifically wondering HOW the browser and the software communicate. Is there a shared external entry point, or some other IPC on a running application on the plugin software involved?
I've done searching, don't get me wrong, but Google has turned up nothing and I'm pretty sure everyone's just ditched the documentation because "lol insecure!" (I'm wanting to make a something which incorporates NPAPI.)
Wow I horribly butchered my addition. Oops!
>Is there a shared external entry point on the plugin software involved, or some other IPC on a running application?
I use company time for stuff I don’t give a fuck about myself
Do you use Chrome for doing web dev, or Firefox or something else?

I've used Chrome for ages but I might start using Firefox for reasons. I guess I can still open up Chrome to test my sites when I need to.
I use Firefox because I prefer it's UI and dev tools. I open Brave (Chrome) when I'm done just to be sure everything works fine there.
On larger products I have UI/visual tests which use both browser engines. Then I just compare the resulting screenshots.

Work more. Work on more diverse projects and solve diverse problems. You won't really learn fast unless you challenge yourself and overcome challenges.

Significantly better loading times.
anyone who seriously does webdev, as in deploying sites that are used widely enough to care about or paid for, will have access to at a bare minimum the latest stable releases of chrome, firefox, and safari, and probably also will have a device/vm with android and these browsers as well as some means of testing on ios. lots of people though will simply test in chrome and call it a day because it has the largest marketshare across all devices except iphones/macs and generally tests well in things like acid3 and lighthouse.
just resetting my timer . .
>I use Firefox because I prefer it's UI and dev tools. I open Brave (Chrome) when I'm done just to be sure everything works fine there.
>On larger products I have UI/visual tests which use both browser engines. Then I just compare the resulting screenshots.
Nice, that sounds pretty good

Yes sure you want to test your site on multiple browsers/engines/devices, but I was wondering what people use as their primary browser.
oh i use firefox. fuck google and fuck apple.
same, smae reasons too, but in reality, I just love firefox, they've literally added a feature I requested on a poll they sent me, the feature is autocomplete on CSS style sheets
>My current job has few hours every Friday dedicated solely to research
I literally spend 30-60 minutes each day at work studying and doing research.

Check out the orange Hacker News webaite and see what's mentioned there. Read up on the stuff that keeps getting mentioned there.

Read the docs for the tech you use every day at work, your database and language etc.
And think about something that you are interested in and look into that.

I find books on O'Reilly and read those, you cam also get a free PDF. I try to read a book about Golang, and the "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" book.
Jetbrain is the best
jeetbrains is superior though, seen that screenshot of the jeet kid coding without using linebreaks or spaces? absolute beast
coffee bump
t. I take caffeine free coffees, cause:
1. I don't tolerate it
2. I just love coffee
Same, I'm drinking one right now. Unfortunately decaf coffee still makes me have to shit a lot though.
I read this about the free JetBrains thing:
>There are some edge cases that are in a bit of a gray area when it comes to using a free license versus a paid one. Sometimes, projects that start without commercial intent can become commercial later on. JetBrains simply says that "if your intentions change over time, you’ll need to reassess whether you still qualify for non-commercial use."

Hopefully that means they're free to use up until the point your project becomes commercial. But who knows, if your project is successful, maybe JetBrains will send lawyers after you, saying "you intended this project to be commercial all along, so therefore you owe us money"
Safari is my main browser
Arc is my work browser
Chrome and its gazillion profiles is my other work browser
Firefox is my Discord and non-work-Slack browser
Should I add PUT methods to my reminders API? I prefer to only have POST and DELETE (and GET of course) because it seems to me that PUT can easily lead to you making mistakes. Would you be upset if the API you use does not have PUT methods?

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