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>/g/ made a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Title: The Mongolian Basketweaving Book of the Dead
OUT NOW: >>102809038
OUT NOW: >>102809038
OUT NOW: >>102809038
OUT NOW: >>102809038
OUT NOW: >>102809038

>/g/ makes a 14th album
Theme: 90s Trance
Deadline: December 31st
Please post titles and/or cover art

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>102775803
I never noticed that they used sampled orchestral hits in the DBZ soundtrack
Who made the Requiem track? I need to know how it was made, tools used etc
sampled hits like that go all the way back to the cmi fairlight, they're everywhere
That was my one. I didn't make it for the album I rendered it a while back and thought it suited the theme so chucked it in.
I used 2 Kontakt instruments.
1. Spitfire Mural Strings.
2. 8Dio Requiem Professional (Choir)
3. Daw is Reaper
The only processing was a bit of Valhalla reverb on the choir, and a stock low eq cut on the choir.
These sound like that out of the box so mixing is minimal and only involves channel gain.
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Fellas, here's some great study material & inspiration to use towards the next album.
Each video features several classic trance melodies played on hardware. Straight to the point. All great references for trance music.

Novation Peak



piano roll trance melodies to borrow/steal from
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Very nice. I noticed the album cover submission was that JP8000/8080 indigo shade of blue!
I got the vst one (Adam Szabo) cool little synth
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Me too! and I'll definitely be using it on my album submission!!!

vid for anyone curious about it
this vst only has 2 oscillators that only have a single waveform - the supersaw from the JP8000!
Oh you're really baiting me with this I might make something
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Different styles of 90s trance for album inspiration.




i wonder how it wouldve sounded just using the GM soundfont
I wish I lived in an alternate reality where Roland didn't go full retard and lock their VSTs behind that Roland Cloud bullshit.
This one actually
>"Fiverr is an Israeli multinatio..
Stopped reading there anon

Ignorant learning to make music a few minutes EACH day. Also practicing piano just 5 minutes a day. Every Day.

>>102783544 >>102826068

So.. music is always segmented in 4s ?

I once heard that Math is the language of nature, so perhaps there is something to it.
>So.. music is always segmented in 4s ?
No. Waltzes; triplets; the list goes on.

yes everything is in relevance to 4, not just timing.
4 repetitions with one varying at the end to signify change with tension... 4 chords... 4 track recording, 4 strings on all the (important) string instruments.... yeahh

nature literally is just math. pattern recognition. shit.
as a child that was actually my only aptitude so people thought i had the math brain from being able to figure out the strings of numbers or algebra shit but that turned out to be very wrong like everything else /blooog

even techno with the fractals.
look up the harmonic series if you don't already know. synth stuff and literally all the instruments are understood and perceived in relevance to these patterns whether you're aware of it or not.
>even techno with the fractals.
That was a half joke about arpeggios

If you arpegiate whatever in techno, as one does, you don’t even have to do it in 4s, could be 3, 7, spanning over multiple octaves and even doing it with polymeter or polyrhythm, but when done tastefully the fact that it repeats will make it make sense in context; smaller patterns are more obvious of course, and obviously you can do something similar in any genre, but it’s a trope in techno specifically.
took a nap, thru it too the back, no more now

indie games are dead compared to 10 years ago, but yeah, it might be feasible for you to learn how to make your own music since the bar is set incredibly low for video games since the music is an afterthought compared to gameplay and graphics
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I like it but the background is too stale and tame, needs some fancy 3D graphics, I might cook up something serious later.
Is this a cover submission?
No, I just threw this together in a few seconds to resemble the silly random sphere renders which were a common theme in late 90s trance.
i love that the theme of this album can bring stuff like this. love it so far
wtf i love this too. can someone stick some like button on 4chan so I can like everybody's posts like a grandma?

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