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how to request purchase advice
>location (country you're shipping from and shipping to)
>open/closed back
>sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
>previous equipment

previous thread
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For me, it’s ribbons
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No Immanis?
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Just the ca-1a, havnt been paying attention did they roll out the new lineup?
sry for late reply
since i mostly listen on eqed studio monitors and like the sound of beyers i don't find the mdr7506 too tonally harsh.
good range of sound, bass is punchy but feels kind of bloated. i normally listen on subs though and they're tuned to just barely fill in the low end so i'm not a basshead.
clarity is fine. i can hear a lot of detail i normally don't hear.
i was worried when i got these that they wouldn't be musical sounding enough but i'd say i defiitely prefer these to like the hd600s which had such a nasty bloated midrange that i couldn't get any instrument separation.
>location (country you're shipping from and shipping to)
Move frequently between Lithiania and UAE so wherever I can get a better deal is fine.
200 eurodollars
>open/closed back
>sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
rock (classic, blues, prog), metal (heavy, thrash, black), jazz fusion. Would also be used for gaming and movies though.
>previous equipment
DT 770 pro.

I'd like something either wireless or with a detachable cable because I'd be travelling with them a lot.
chek fiio ft1
they're popular rn
How much better are HD6XXs than a pair of SHP9500s?
I've had my Philips for about 3.5 years and they seem fine. I can afford some new cans but I'd rather not buy any if there's barely any difference in audio quality after an EQ.
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Anything with a similar form factor and sound to this, that isn't a flimsy piece of shit that breaks every 3 months?
It's over. I've destroyed my Beyerdynamics DT770 and broke the driver during resoldering.

I need something new with detachable cable.
You can buy Beyer drivers separately.
I know, I've decided I'm retarded and can't be trusted with soldering small wires anymore and I will no longer buy headphones without detachable cable.
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Looking for some speakers.
Fluance Ai41 ($350 CAD) or Kanto Yu4 ($480 CAD). I don't plan on getting a subwoofer because it's a small room and I live in an apartment, don't want to bother people around me
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>I don't plan on getting a subwoofer
>don't want to bother people around me
this works well for everything
Not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I'm ordering another set of K702s because all the wear points in my current pair are starting to have issues. I was probably gonna rebuild them with 3d printer parts, but while I had them torn down I was gonna try to redo the wiring. Is there a certain type of solder you should use? Should it contain any silver? I've done a couple of resolders on them and used 60/40 lead tin rosin core and it functions, but wondering if I redo these from the ground up, if I should use something different.
Nah, just make sure your solder joints aren't cold and you'll be fine. Expensive solders are a meme for this type of stuff.
Sounds good, thanks anon
Does anyone have AirPod pro 2? What is the noise cancellation like for yours? I’ve had mine for about a year and a half and I think the ANC has degraded. I thought I remembered on day 1 putting them in and not being able to hear basically anything, even in a busy train station. But now I can hear people’s conversations and shit.

Am I just imagining it or does ANC degrade over time?
Have you tried turning the anc on and off
So right now I got M40X's, I like the sound but holy shit they are very uncomfortable. Basically I'm looking for M40X but comfy. :)
takstar gm200 <100€ but prob need to buy from aliexpress
fiio ft1 (around 200€ and theres shortages)
Could put new pads on the m40x.
did you stretch the headband beforehand
>location (country you're shipping from and shipping to)
>open/closed back
Open preferably but willing to try closed.
>sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
Rock (classic, prog), Metal (heavy, thrash, death), jazz fusion, rap. Gaming and movies included.
>previous equipment
Philips X2HR.

Detachable cable would be nice, but not mandatory.
I'm gonna be a fag and ask for something I'll primarily use for gaming with ASMR and music as a secondary

>> Location
>> budget
Pref under 300 USD
>> open/closed back
Probably close but either one
>> sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
Anything but post 2000s American country
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>literally an ad
you chinks aren't even hiding it anymore
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Its literally not an ad tho
feel free to offer recommendations yourself
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can you niggers stop shilling for 5 seconds?
Guess these guys are waiting for the z reviews before they feel like recommending a headphone.
>literally posts an add
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not included here is the fiio ft3, he400se
Website is cornhole, gray text on a contrasting background and a nav bar that has blank tabs
>> purchase page goes directly to aliexpress
which website?
6xx is a good choice. They have a very good build and are moderately comfortable. Some people report clamp being a problem but it went away after about a week for me. They aren't perfect by any means but for the price it doesn't get much better without some downsides.
Thanks boss I'll take a look
>> clamping
I wonder if that's just a Sennheiser thing, I have a pair already that I use that are tight not terribly so
I hate seeing that fucking clown everywhere lately.
For gaming and closed, I'd say DT770. The soundstage will be great for that and ASMR. Also super comfy. 880s would be fine if you want open.
must be awful to be a headphone maker who then has to go in public using your own headphones and say they're your favorite and best ever
new korean snoy comparison is here
my headphones sure sound good listening to the comparisons
I would need an amp for these, correct? Or would I be fine since I'm gaymer with a decent enough computer
your pc mobo can run almost all headphones out there
people typically dont rec something thats hard to drive for mainstream buyers
if you get the 80 ohm version you should be fine
however, if you get the 700 pro x instead, it's totally fine for any device that exist AND it doesn't rape your ears like the 770 does

>location (country you're shipping from and shipping to)
from US or australia/ to australia
$500 AUD
>open/closed back
>sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
dont care
>previous equipment
hyper x cloud II

I just want something somewhat soundproof to automotive noise
could wireless earbuds with anc work

i need something for 12 uninterrupted hours at a desk. charging could be problematic
Sony WH-1000XM4 then, it has anc
you can prob stick a cable into it while in use if low on battery
Consider studio headphones over audiophile ones. DT 770 PRO X (detachable), MDR-7506, Shure 840A.
he is looking something that's "soundproof"
so why the 770 pro x over the 700 pro x which as like 5 dB more of passive attenuation and is one of the most isolating headphones that exist?
the 7506 is also not great for that and the new mdr m1 would probably perform better in that regard
this entire thread should stop pushing outdated trash when a modern better performing version of the same thing exist
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>full bodied
why are they using terms like that instead of "the electrical interferance is 0.00001% at 2 volts" or something?
do treble peaks like that of the hifiman have the potential to damage hearing? I just ordered the ananda and am paranoid.
hearing damage? no. annoying if you are treble sensitive? yes.
>12 uninterrupted hours at a desk.
I can never wear closed back headphones for that long.
My ears get too hot after an hour or two.
Closed back with hybrid pads dont really get hot, only full leather ones might.
No closed backed without ANC significantly attenuates lower frequencies, so ANC is a must for automotive noise.
Check out Bose QuietComfort (Ultra), Sony WH-1000XM4/5, Apple Airpods Max etc.
Kill yourself eceleb zoomer
I see.. that kid is a dilffucker..
>>previous equipment
>Philips X2HR
What do you think of them and why are you looking for something else?
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Pls respond
I upgraded to 600s from the 9500s. If you're using EQ it's not a huge difference really. The benefit of 600s is that they don't need EQ to sound flat.
It's been a while, but I remember there was a graininess to the treble of the 9500s.
I just checked reddit and people with natural, active post histories are saying they slap hard tho no cap
adx5000 are the most comfortable headphones ever
and above all a snakeoil
Thanks anon. In that case I'll hold off on buying them until my current pair breaks.
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I'm looking for some headphones where the cable port doesn't protrude too much from the ear cup and rub against my shoulder/clothing.

.I'm from the UK, budget around £300 ($400)
.preferably closed but considering open backs.
.prefer a studio headphone sound overall.
. preferably a headphone that has both wired and wireless.

my current headphones are audio-technica m50x,
They're ok, but the constant rubbing grinds my gears.

I was considering the DT 900 Pro X but then I noticed those also seem to have a very low and long cable port, made worse by the cable's jack. So I assume those would also drive me nuts too.

grinds my gears, man. why do they design them like this all they'd have to do is raise it up by like a cm or 2... anyway, grateful for all and any advice.
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masterpiece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRQcZ68t-_o
I feel your pain.
I have the same issue with my HD490 Pro.

I was thinking maybe a custom cable would fix this?
The mini XLR plug is quite long and rigid.
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or probably need to take a look at custom cables, openheart or randos on aliexpress
are the ports proprietary on the DT's? cos theyre proprietary on the m50x so I can't change them out for different ones. if only I'd gone for the m50xbt those for some reason are standard jack i think.
seems like more headphones nowadays do this with the jutting out port, combined with custom ports, pretty annoyin.
Jealous yet adx5000lets?
Audio technica used to produce similar things
>location (country you're shipping from and shipping to)
1500-2000$ max
>open/closed back
>sound signature (what kind of music do you like best)
>previous equipment
Shure SRH1840

Detachable cable mandatory.

Does being at the desktop change things? I hear people complaining about the QuietComfort (Ultra) refusing to charge from 0% with a USB connection, you apparently need a 2nd cable and all it does is let you use it passively while the headphones don't even charge
DCA Aeon RT and an amp. Mini-Hirose connectors are the best.
Love mine, but of course I was upgrading from some shitty ass Best Buy JBL headphones I used for almost a decade. I'd say that for an all around headphone they are great and will last you a long time especially if you find a sale like the headphones website sometimes does
I think they're great, that pads are just falling apart and I cant find good replacements. I'm also wanting to try something new
they are just standard mini xlr, if you are worried then just search "beyernamic cable" they should be compatible
it is kind of annoying that companies make proprietary ports on standardised connectors
mdr-q38 would probably sound more like the koss the em7x doesnt really have much low end.
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snoy had it all figured out...
how about a gamer headphone like audeze maxwell
Good to know. The Philips Fidelio X2HR has "correct" (according to Harman) bass down to 50 Hz or so which is rare among open backs. Other open backs with a good amount of bass are Sennheiser HD 490 Pro and Sony MDR-MV1 (though I remember Sony not selling replacement pads either).
Sennheiser HD 6XX is a classic for a reason, sounds quite a bit different tough.
Some Hifiman planar like the Edition XS might also be worth considering, with EQ their bass can be quite impressive. But beware of QC issues.
>sony mdr-mv1 pads
they don't sell them online but you can contact them about it, in the US there's encompass?
i had to order via their service center directly, it's about 22usd per pad.
>(though I remember Sony not selling replacement pads either).
they definitely do sell replacement pads
but... you have to find their specific support provider for your specific cunt, where you'll often have to make a request via email with a serial number and shit, and after having gone through all of that, it'll be something like 50$ + 20 in shipping
having them readily available for cheap would be too convenient for a pair of 500$ headphones, sorry...
^ here for example, this is the only listing that's indexed by google, it's only for canadians, has no way to purchase directly, not even a price, you have to contact them and go "please let me have these pads", they just can't let you simply buy them like beyerdynamic, or sennheiser or shure does.
HD800S bros, what DAC/AMP do you use?
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I kneel
Are these headphones alright? Looking for something cheap that I can use once in a while.
I find it slightly off putting that senn makes hd600, its sold for like 90% margins for decades yet they then release worse headphones for some reason
Schizo talk
so Z7, XB series, MV1 is done by another guy/team?
i guess

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