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>gets hacked
>Kills you
>Crushes your baby by accident.
i could kick this things ass
why do you think they would make house robots strong enough to kill people?
you watch too many movies
One of these shows up in my wrokplace I immidiately quit
god im so happy so much shit woill be automated, fuck people being employed. managers will run the world.
>Drops a toaster in your bath
You would rather have some immigrant cleaning your room?
if the thing can use knives it could be very dangerous. I guess shooting it isn't going to be very useful unless you have very good aim and know its weakpoints.

Imagine vidrelated but it just won't go down even after the cop magdumps all his ammo into the thing.
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dont install shady shit on it
turn it off it it doesnt work well
>gets hacked
>somebody programs your robot to become a hacker itself and remotely hack every other robot in the state
>Kill switch engage
>Entire state gets killed overnight
Would make an interesting movie.
If they can manage to make this thing open doors, pick up packages, open them, cut up the cardboard, and throw the trash away, I'd be seriously fucking impressed. I swill wouldn't pay for it, but if robots can't even do the simple shit that down syndrome retards can do, what's the point?
Given how much of a shitty disappointment Amazon Alexa was, I'm thinking these things will end up having like 2 or 3 core functions (take out garbage, get the mail) and that's it. They'll probably have to release some notice that they are not safe for prolonged use with cooking products, especially oils, and heat, so they can't cook for you. And then another notice that they are NOT safe to drive cars.

So, just like most people use Amazon Alexa as a cooking timer/bluetooth speaker, this shit will probably have like 2 actual, non-cumbersome use cases at most.
you'll get fired anyway
just hit a gym and be stronger than the robot otherwise ngmi
You can either be not strong enough to kill or be strong enough to do any kind of useful work. There's no in-between.
Dangerous is not that it can kill people. It won't. Dangerous are the sensors built in that collect data.
so women do not exist?
Good then I get neetbux. You think I care about this particular wagie job?
They way he swung the radio back up by the cord after dropping the freak made me laugh.
>Stabs you in your sleep
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>gets hacked
>kills you
>things that didn't happen, ever.
You might be able to overpower power steering in passenger car. But you can't unbrake your car if it applies full brakes on one side in a tight turn or all of them in a slippery one.
Why didn’t he use a taser?
I think he was just thinking of cutting the brakes :P
due to racist bigotry against this innocent gentle giant who dindu nuffin
based desu
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dumb fearmongering. robots literally cannot do this, because of physical law. see pic related
They're all controlled by indians bro, they can't be "hacked"
"S-saarr..." *bzzt*
"I am being hacked...please deposit the play card serial codes into my camera or I will kill you sarrrr..."
He was literally being attacked by a blade/knife the moment the door opened, I'd say lethal force was authorized long before the ape started attacking again.
Why did he wait until it started swinging within kill range for a second time, he surely had made it clear it should have put the weapon down and gotten on the ground, theres no excuse.
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>made by hacks
>kills you
These are things that have to be programmed into the robot, just because some guy in the 1940's said it doesn't mean anything at any stage.
Take those robot killing drones and dogs that patrol warzones now, those things can easily kill and harm people on their own.

No other area of technology has people assume stupid laws like this will ever take effect, for starters obeying ANY order given to it for every robot would create chaos and make companies lose money so that one will be scrapped instantly.
What exactly stops me from robbing this thing?
ubiquitous surveillance
>Sar, I need yu to goh, you need to goh go and buy de Tahget gift kaad, sar
its filled to the brim with cameras, trackers, probably a direct line to the police (who will actually show up because a billionaire is asking) plus it most likely just bricks itself if it gets stolen like an iphone would.
You'd have to be totally retarded to try it.
I think he means jumping it with a knife and taking its wallet (or the package it's carrying)
Wonder what happens if you ambush it with tinfoil. People will surely want to fight these robots. That's how humanoid robot companies should compete, pitting their bots in public duels.
A baby can kill you with a gun or a knife. Force multiplication is a thing with tecnology
One of the biggest problems with making a humanoid robot has always been that they are too unaware and can't care about people around them not only because they don't have millions of years of evolution behind them but because programming them to care about every possible movement of a person around them would be impossible. Nobody wants to buy robots that will turn around too fast and cave in your sons skull.
I'm okay with it so long as Elon's the first one down
I'd rather have an immigrant who's working their ass off to get ahead than some
The funny part is he probably thinks he will be exempt.
A taser shot after the first attack would have prevent the second attack.
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stupid scene, you can't just stab someone with minimal effort, ruins the entire movie
Fumbling with a taser costs valuable seconds, and I've seen plenty of cases where a taser did nothing to stop the attacker.
The thing didn't drop until it had eaten like 4 or 5 bullets, so it wouldn't have been stopped by mere pain like vidrelated.

If it had been a runner instead of a shambler, it could've overwhelmed him like >>>/wsg/5707607
weren't these things showcased to actually be people in robot costumes?
At least it's logical and predictable, unlike a jogger.
women are not in the slightest bit competent or intelligent
robots could do a lot of cooking without being particularly strong, it just requires dexterity
>Is actually remote controlled by some guy in India
>Kills you
isn't there that memoryholed incident of a chinese exec who got assasinated by her tesla...and that exec is also working on an important battery tech?
The cars will also be hacked to kill people
This whole thing is a terrible idea
teasers are shit
>say "street shitter"
>the indian guy controlling it in his office in deli starts attacking you
They should never be connected to the internet
>throw a glass of water on it
tough enemy.
He will anon.
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>gets hacked
>milks you dry
Fuck that, all I need my robots to do is have a cute screen face or helmet like pic related, act cute, and keep me company.
these things probably aren't ever going to be able to move in the smooth, full range way you're imagining DESU, since they don't really need to
it can be strong without having an (incredibly expensive and unnecessary) internal setup that gives it the exact same agility and range of motion as a human
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i couldn't agree more, I would pay so much money if they actually worked well and talked to me like a human person.
im so lonely ;(
>gets hacked
>government ban robots
If only
>people get mind hacked
>now believe governments are real
if your workplace can be replaced by these you work minimum wage
Attendees at the event were told not to gently push them or they'll fall over. Zero chance they will remain surefooted after any kind of gunshot. They probably can't even get themselves up again if they fall down.

Boston dynamics bots are the ones to worry about.
Bruh all that blood coming out of his arm at the end
>gets hacked
>rapes you
Then just don't have kids. Problem solved.
Then grandma is gonna get her head caved in. I'm pretty sure that one has already happened.
Bunch of salty zoomers are going to pay jeet script kiddies to whack granny so they get their inheritance early
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>gets psy-oped
>kills you
*Pushes it over*
I'm sorry Americans are disabled.
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Concord making a comeback.
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It will be impossible to make female robots with this pelvis design.
why do redditards quote literal fucking fiction every time this is mentioned? have you not fucking seen war drones?
either way OP is retarded, his car could get hacked and he could get killed too. that's not specific to robots
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I can't believe they finally got the candy man. The streets are now safer.
It was user error.
not in your sleep
it wasn't coming out of his arm, it was dripping from his forehead. She sliced the skin right off his sincipital bone.
>gets hacked
>Kills you
M3GAN was great
As someone who almost entirely stopped watching Judeo-American movies and TV some 20 years ago, it's weird to see how trailers nowadays just spoil the whole movie.
They at least left out the sex scenes so I have to give them some credit.
Elon's robots don't work that way, someone has to put on a motion capture suit to control "the robot."
Can't wait to get robomurdered by mossad
After the gorilla recovered he would have went into the killing spree again, he should've killed after he didn't drop the weapon and went straight to kill him again.
But the officer 100% sure was more concerned about niggers chimping out again and sending him to rot in prison than preventing the ape cutting him again.
If he's caught misbehaving he'll just open his wallet and pay himself out of any trouble, because if he kills a hooker, her fathers won't have enough money to sustain a 10 or 20 year long judicial process against the best lawyers in the country.
Lobotomy solves recidivism. They are compliant and dedicated workers afterwards.
>Pay people who have no need for money
You're at fault thinking these people are part of society and not in a smaller society of their own. They have their own billionaire police.
>>gets hacked
Nigger, why is it connected to the internet to begin with?
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telemetry of your pillow talk. Dont worry it will totally just be used for training purposes we pinky promise.
Now that Chrome is disabling the Adblocks it will be interesting to see people’s reactions to their super curated ads. They are going to be wondering how they know so much about them. Maybe it’ll even start a civil war.
>Maybe it’ll even start a civil war.
Too many people are too unhealthy, fat, lacking energy to do anything more than talk crap on the internet. Also, no clear lines for a civil war. North and South are Red and Blue. Maybe the distinction would be city vs rural but then cities would lose access to water, electricity, food, anything that requires a truck or train. I dont see a practical way to have a civil war. Probably more like civil unrest, "protests", etc...
Why would he wait that long? 6ft rule, that guy has 0 survival instincts
>Too many people are too unhealthy, fat, lacking energy to do anything more than talk crap on the internet.
Plus they're pussies.
>Maybe the distinction would be city vs rural
That's what John Titor says it will be
>implying something with a zillion sensors can't be hacked by your television or speakers in the room
Hell the fucking fridge lights can probably pwn the thing
you know that was a fictional book right
God if vikander and sonoya pinned me down and stabbed me to death I would climax so hard.
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For some people, it will be the first time seeing an ad in more than two decades, they are either going to freak out or move to Firefox.
Not if it poisons your food or strangles you in your sleep.
The point is that it doesn't need sleep so it makes up for its slow speed by working 24/7.
>Maybe it’ll even start a civil war.
Tucker's interview with Massie didn't start a civil war or a grass-roots assassination campaign, so it's safe to conclude that nothing ever will, unless the people running the mass media want it to.

Right-wing goyim will just continue watching nascar and sportsball and only "resist" by yelling at their TV now and then.
People still buy roombas even though they suck ass at actually doing what they are suppose to do. I'm sure 99% of the people that buy them do so they can take videos of their cats riding them.
>that webm
Exhaustion or drugs?
And whys the dumbass just recording instead of trying to call somebody?
Either a medical condition or drugs. My niece has a hole in her heart and routinely just slowly passes out but she collapses to the floor completely. This person has the same reaction as someone that took xylazine, where they just hunch over but remain on their feet.
Drugs. He didn't call anyone because its a drug addict passing out at work, not an emergency. That's the managers/coworkers problem
>connecting your bot to the internet
>making your bot just a normal computer that can be hacked
>Why would he wait that long?
it's because she's black. American Cops have been conditioned to give blacks extra leeway, especially after Chauvin got convicted. I remember there was a big study done on bodycam footage to "prove racism," with the result that cops were actually much less likely to shoot black suspects compared to whites, and also waited much longer after a black suspect brandishes a weapon and moves in for an attack.
they will absolutely have "law" enforcement rules programmed into them by the ultra-rich.
that's probably an opioid addict, it's called "the nod". there's also a good chance other sedatives were involved, like benzos, cannabis, or antihistamines.
Yeah cool whatever, can I fuck it?
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give it a few more years
vax status?
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the indians driving them wouldnt do that
FUCK elon
>A team must be sent to manually update your droid
>implying this thing won't be 100% IOT
The cars are already killing politicians
god I hate porn, I hate this image too. I hate anything sexual.
you know that breasts aren't inherently sexual, right anon? They are just an aspect of female anatomy, which can be sexualized in certain contexts, but are not of themselves sexual.
>xX_HackerChud88_Xx cracks the Starlink network through a CIA backdoor
>Access to all optimus bots
>The Ghettos of America and Europe become warzones
>UN humanitarian aid camps in Africa become death camps
>Kikes and politicians assassinated by their own robo-butlers
Total Aryan Victory.
>breasts aren't inherently sexual
Then why do they give me a boner? Checkmate
I wouldn't have a robot in my house for the same reason I won't have a maid or any other kind of manservant in my house

My home is my private space and I don't want anyone else in it
just geo-fence it to your sex dungeon, ez
With your dick?

>maybe it has a microUSB port, anon
>best of luck
is it just me or is that man high as fuck on the ganja in that pic?
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why would he hack me?
Maybe don't expose your AI waifubot's SSH port to the world
Not if man’s best friend has anything to say about it
don't show >>102865952

>no telling what that /pervert/ will do
thank god. finally
i know this is a troll but honestly after watching lots of body cam footage on youtube, tasers seem hilariously ineffective. their penetration is dogshit and they're horrendously inaccurate by design. also they removed "touch-stun" mode a few years ago, new model tasers don't have it and MUST be fired to shock somebody. if i were a cop I'd probably never use my taser for compliance ever and just carry lots and lots of pepper spray
unironically because >>102865117
he doesn't fear for his life as much as he fears for his job
hell yeah brother

this was literally a scene in the animatrix
opioid users have hookups and aren't such dorks they have to get cranked on gravol to get by. recreational antihistamine overdose is more of a kid/hick thing
Oh shit those were drops of blood at the end. I first thought he was emptying his magazine in her body, kek.
>an immigrant who's working their ass off
lol this isn’t the 80’s you can’t fool people with lies like that anymore
Imagine if we killed people like this
Lmao, this is from Russia. Citizen's Avenue station entrance, Saint Petersburg. I wonder what the context is.
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Cry about it.
>lgbt blob peppersprayed.webm
what other context would you need?
some bulldyke got into some dude's face and got pepper sprayed, then did a big performative drop wiggle thing as if she had been fucking shot (god if only)

what more could you want
>My niece has a hole in her heart
does she now
>actually teleoperated by a pajeet in an Indian callcenter
>I guess shooting it isn't going to be very useful unless you have very good aim and know its weakpoints.
Nigga just shoot your laptop and find out what happens. These things aren't build like a fucking Terminator.
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He should have went into dual wield mode right after the first attack. Taser on the left hand and gun on the right for backup.
Not anymore, retard and teleoperation is used for motion data collection. But falling for rage-baits with resident herd is better i guess?

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