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Previous thread: >>102827942
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I enjoy kdenlive
what is this logo
Shitty linux distro with one random guy holding the keys to your system.
Canonical and Red Hat have been around for a while now, how come they were never able to create something to rival Windows?
Neither of their dads are juiced up with the San Francisco Fed
>"we use this because we learned it in school" t. industry
>"we teach this because industry uses it" t. school
Can't compete that. Also there's the enterprise aspect which Linux systems suck at.
Devuan. It's debian with openrc, runit or sysvinit instead of systemd
basically. it's one of those things where whoever got there first gets embedded so hard that it's very difficult to change it later
at this point windows is popular because it's popular, it's what everyone uses and what software is made to run on, therefore it's what people learn to use and develop software for, it's a self-maintaining position. you have to go against the grain to use something else, and nearly nobody really wants to do that, it means less software options and less employee options. there needs to be some benefits stronger than that, and that's a hard thing to beat
Government needs to mandate Linux to fight the microkike.
on top of that, if you have an existing windows environment, you may have a lot of documents in formats specific to windows-only software. this is also a major issue for potential converts. if you're starting from scratch, it's much easier, but document compatibility is a major issue as well, if you or people you get documents from use something else, it's another issue to deal with
as an example i draw machines in solidworks, even if freecad got good enough for me to use, which i'd love to do, it's not going to be very easy to switch to it, because i already have years worth of parts drawn up in solidworks, which i would have to do again. just having a good alternative to a program isn't always enough
Because government makes everything better, right?
How is forcing governmental institutions and schools to use Linux bad?
government simply uses linux with the microkike embedded in binary blobs
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>Scaremonger myself with the fear of setting up BTRFS snapshots and subvolumes
>Read a tutorial and do it in 20mins on the side while queueing something else after blasting Candlemass an hour beforehand
>All of this while using the system
Nice, it was literally just creating some directories and editing fstab then updating grub's config.
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What's your go to choice for cross platform synchronization between Android, Linux and Windows? I also may or may not need to attach pictures >2MBs for my notes so that kinda rules Git sync out. I was thorn between Joplin and Obsidian. I amn't a fan of Joplin using SQlite instead of plain files out of paranoia, but otherwise is truly Foss and promotes self hosting a sync alternative, which is nice. Obsidian seems nice but is propietary and requires setting up sync manually.
how much trouble can I expect to run into trying to get secure boot working with a dual boot windows and arch on a newer thinkpad?
Someone pill me how Artix fares in comparsion to EndeavourOS. Isn't it no systemd pretty much? And what does OpenRC mean? I still don't know shit about OpenRC
If you don't know anything about alternative inits then just stick with Endeavour.
Maybe the mechanism they use to do that is slow as fuck? It's certainly not OpenWRT's fault. Some ISPs use shitty tunnels to maintain a static IP.
>it was literally just creating some directories and editing fstab then updating grub's config.
Yes, it really is that easy. One wonders why more distros don't do this by default (besides OpenSUSE). This is something that'd benefit Debian and Ubuntu users but of coming their installer can't do anything useful.
*of course
Socialist one's do. Every time the EU is being socialist that's generally a good thing.

Money talks though and software tender is corrupt (see: Microsoft moving their headquarters to Munich, etc)
For some reason a program I added to $PATH stopped showing up on dmenu. I already tried reinstalling dmenu and deleting its cache but that didn’t seem to work. I’m not sure what exactly caused it but the last time I changed anything relating to that program I installed dex to autostart it. I’m using arch with dwm if it’s relevant.
ive gone nearly 2 months without having to boot into windows. granted i havent needed to use word (for uni assignments) but so far its going well
Should I bite the bullet and install gentoo?
Yes. Just do it in a virtual machine.
I mean, you could if you wanted.
Just follow the install guide on the Gentoo Wiki and you'll be fine.
whats the website to check if my gaymes work under linux?
ProtonDB is where to look to find ratings on how a game works through Proton.
ugh the comments for the games i play run the gamut of 'works fine out of the box' to 'cant run even with lots of fucking around'
guess ill have to put a move to linux on the shelf for another few years
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Yes, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Depending on your level of Linux experience it will either be straight forward or you will end up reinstalling a few times because you did something wrong during the install.

Once you have it installed and stable it is pretty comfy and you can fix anything that gets broken without needing to install again.
>Socialist one's do. Every time the EU is being socialist that's generally a good thing.
As a Europoor: eat shit and die. The EU is destroying us.
Anyone else getting segfault on latest audacious?
Convince me not to switch from windows to EndeavourOS with Plasma
yes. im already looking into alternatives
please tell me if you find a nice alternative
>ill use a worse version of arch
go right ahead
Fedora is the only mainstream distribution that has partial support for creating and reinstalling on BTRFS subvolumes through their GUI at all (still can't create subvolumes with the / character so is useless).
Debian or Arch? I'm fine with not handholding this from you, but why the hell no other distribution other than Mint and Suse tries?
True init systems instead of corporate backdoor. Simple as. Rest is very similar.
Install WPS Office from Flatpak and deny it network permissions, is fine for docx.
Do you go to an open source (software) group meetup in your city? There's an open source user group meeting up in a week or two in my area. Meeting at a physical library.

In the previous thread I said that Safari Browser in an iDevice cannot view HTTPS certificates. This isn't entirely correct. When you first go to you will see a warning since you setup a self-signed certificate there. That warning page is at
You can click a thing in that webpage to view the certificate. Then you can go back and click/tap yes trust it and proceed to website. After that, as long as you don't reboot the device, you both won't see that local warning webpage again and won't be able to look at the cert again. (Can't paste that file:/// link in the address bar for some reason.)
If you have a drive laying around just try it
most half a year comments are outdated when it comes to proton or wine-staging compatibility, assume most things are just gonna work compared to a couple months ago
How true is this?
packagekit is a meme and so is Discover.
Yesterday I did a major update on EndevourOS. What happened? KDE Plasma broke. Black screen. The funny thing is that if I log in with X11 everything works. What can I do?
Use X11 and be happy?
Well yes... I could do that...
eh, im fine just using pacman and yay but why is it bad? i dont understand why a simple gui that runs these commands could be bad? apparently its useful for flatpak but i dont think i use that
Discover can't even properly update widgets so why would you let it touch system files? Just remove it.
gonna encrypt with luks, is logical root+swap with lvm the way to go? Any 2nd method of full disk encryption that involves both root and swap partition?
>Just remove it.
i used plasma-meta so i dont think its possible? i just appreciate that my system mostly works as intended
This will never change, maybe in a decade or two.
X11 is gay
Wasted digits of truth, verification not required.
They both almost did at one point untill gnome 3 and unity happened and basically threw away all the effort up to that point just to regress again
And then its happening again with the obsession to force wayland when its not mature enough and still is a regression for most users outside of the faggots who want hdr even though it barely works
whats wrong with wayland? what features is it missing
How about functionality for one
A proper equivalent to the xorg display server instead of being fragmented into different compositors that are all trying to do their own different shit with almost no crossover and having to wait for the individual compositors themselves to implement the protocols that may or may not have taken years of autistic complaining by the wayland tribunal before being officially merged
most of the desktops outside of gnome and kde dont work properly on wayland yet due to the lack of time and manpower
>How does distrobox handle that? Do you not have that whole other userland running instead of the Debian base?
Pretty much, its just an advanced chroot
There is a way to shell back in without ssh using the same method flatpak uses
if you can't use it then the problem doesn't affect you
rsync doesn't cover your needs? Maybe I didn't understand what you're talking about.
Can i use rsync on Android?
Don't i need a dedicated server for this?
Does 3D Cache (like from the 5700X3D) benefit compiling in any way? I don't really know whether I should pick it the 5700X3D(8C 16T) or the i5 12600K(10C 16T), I think their vidya performance is similar so I was wondering if I could decide it with compilation times, as my main machine will run Gentoo.
>Can i use rsync on Android?
Yes. I do it to synchronize my files between my phone and my laptop.
>Don't i need a dedicated server for this?
NTA but syncthing is basically p2p
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The qt6gtk2 package just got an update, everything works again now.
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lsusb sucks. What's a pretty terminal program for viewing all the USB junk? Or a GUI one, GTK preferably. Even terminal programs could use unicode for disk drive symbols etc.
>Socialist one's do.
Do they ever hire programmes? I rarely if ever hear about government contributions to OSS.
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>Update Plasma
>SDDM shits the bed 3rd time this week
Ok it was an honest attempt but Arch isn't for me for now. Maybe if i decide to run Hyprland I'll give it a shot. 100% will explore using Pacman through Distrobox, however.
This doesn't happen on my machine, startx btw
What's a good linux distro for a gaming desktop
I've been running windows 10 on it so far but I'm considering upgrading my storage and reinstalling everything

For context, here are the distros I've already used:
>debian: I don't like the ecosystem, I don't like the culture of "backporting" features/fixes instead of just making the new version available
>void: used it for a while but I don't necessarily trust its future in terms of maintenance efforts
>gentoo: it's what I'm running on my laptop, but it's a hassle to maintain (every now and then I have to mask a package, untangle some use flags, manually prepare for an upgrade, etc.) and I really don't want to deal with that kind of things on my desktop

I would most likely run KDE, which I've never ran before but again the idea is to have things "just werk" as much as possible, and I'll be installing proprietary games and steam anyway so bloat or whatever is a complete non-factor.
I'm considering unironically Arch, for being rolling release and relatively well-maintained, and probably less brittle on upgrades than gentoo due to having less customisation and thus fewer moving parts. Thoughts?
Install an alternative like lightdm or ly and enable those while sddm is broken.
Display managers don't matter that much.
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>super complex desktop system
Picture relates. Arch works great on my router lmao
Just use gnome or cinnamon
Link to USB?
Just run plasma from the terminal or use greetd if sddm is the issue and not plasma itself
arch is good
If you used void with openRC and gentoo with openRC i definitely recommend Artix
>Arch + KDE
>"just werk"
kek >>102860488
I use it btw, currently on lightdm because sddm is also fucked for me.
Void was with runit. (Do they even have openrc as an option?)
Artix is interesting, but again this is currently running fucking windows, I want the easiest solution not the most purist one. I rather expect stock arch will be more stable, more well-tested and more "just werks" than a fork maintained by a smaller team tasked with replacing the entire init system.

Well shit, on the other hand it's also what valve uses. Guess I won't know if it'll work for me until I try it.
Just use Fedora, it's the best!
openRC is very stable. the Artix team mainly work on adding better compatibility for systemD to openRC packages, but since you don't care about openRC Arch is definitely the better option
Yeah I'm sure openrc is stable, it's just that it's a lot of packages that might have systemd scripts that need to be re-written and independently maintained for openrc.

I'll go with arch over artix, but does anyone else have any comments/suggestions regarding my wish to play steam (or non-steam wine) games out of the box?
Might try this later but i want to do a clean install anyways for unrelated motives (new disk layout w/ subvolumes i've in mind)
GNOME runs slower on this laptop than Plasma w/ effects disabled. It's what it is.
Ill be honest with all of you. Windows made me hate windows but linux made me hate computers and technology in general. Before I just disliked printers, now anytime I see one I feel genuine desire to unleash physical violence on them. I hate technology so much now that if ever AI gains consciousness then Ill be first one to create a new racial slur for them. I hate computers so god damn much its unreal.
gaming on arch is pretty sweet out of the box, especially with gamescope and wine-staging, also wdym non-steam wine games? you can also run non steam games by adding then to your library and enabling proton
Is ebussy good for you?
im thinking about switching to linux as my main pc os and using a windows vm for anything i cant do on linux, i saw something called bazzite that seems to allow gaming and other things to work pretty well out the box but i know you guys probably know a lot more about this kind of stuff than i do so i thought id ask
is it worth it? to switch over completely to something like bazzite and just ditch windows all together in favor of a virtual machine if needed? are there any crazy downsides to this i dont know about? im really new to all this and just want to know if theres any reason i should maybe wait on it
ty in advance anyone who can help :)
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Any advantage of transitioning from Ubuntu (Mint) to Debian? Really love the APT package manager and I'm used to it.
Debian has more packages in the repo, I think
How does one get NetworkManager back when a certain uninstall process has removed it? Is reinstalling your distro the only good solution? I was trying to remove my previous desktop environments but the network capability went out with it.
Assuming you are a neet since you posted kaguya, there isn't much issue moving to loonix if you are willing to spend a while learning new things, bazzite seems to be a moderately complex distro with a bunch of programs tailored for gayming and just werks, i recommend you install both linux and windows in the virtual machine if you are going with bazzite, install something simple but not just werks like Arch in the virtual machine just so you learn a few useful things like managing non GUI stuff and how to use a package manager, i assume bazzite is just gonna have a software store or some shit but it is still nice to get to know things better in case you need something specific or need to fix something
>also wdym non-steam wine games?
Like skyrim through modorganiser (and SKSE). Would just adding MO to steam and having it run in proton work when launching MO which launches SKSE which launches Skyrim?
If you managed to launch MO with just wine it is probably gonna work the same with proton
>Assuming you are a neet since you posted kaguya
It's over.
If you are not a neet there are probably many issues you are going to run into if your company uses closed source software
>enabled xmp on bios so ram runs at 6000 MHz
>dmidecode --t memory says it's running at 4800
>run the command again
>it now says 6000
It says 4800 every time I first run dmidecode on a new terminal. Is it normal?
im a former neet, but i dont have any company software or anything to worry about so its probably fine , ill try the vm thing like you said tysm ^_^
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I'm just a kaguyabro, not the guy you replied to...
Well, seems the previous thing I wrote was not posted. Oh well. Shittiest fucking day possible so far.
>Was updated to ubuntu 22.04
>Power outtage in my building
>Something fucked with my disks partitions/boot/whatever
>Sends me into emergency mode
/dev/sda2: clean, 796617/7299072 files, 24705977/29173760 blocks
[ TIME 1 Timed out waiting for device/deu/disk/by-uuid/4358-CAAB. [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Filean /dev/disk/by-uuld/435B-CAAB.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /boot/efi.

[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File Systens.
You are in emergency mode. After logging in, type "Journalctl -xb" to view systen logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit" to boot into default mode. Press Enter for maintenance (or press Control-D to continue):

What can I do guys? I'm really hurting for help here since I admit I'm a retard who just wanted to get away from bill gates and the other bloatware kikes so I can run a stress free machine during college, and this was amazing for that. So I'm begging to be spoonfed here because I'm totally lost
Can you run
lsblk -f
Yes. A bunch of wine stuff appeared on top, but I doubt that's relevant now.
At the bottom it says
| vfat FAT32 435B-CAA8
ext4 1.0 -lots of letters- 11.5G 84%/var
sr0 /
his company would be shit if they'd expect him to use any company data on his provate device.
Cnile here. I'm thinking of forking dwm and implement features I need. Is this feasible or should I just stick with Hyprland?
>i saw something called bazzite
never even heard of it
That does happen sometimes but i was mainly referring to specific business professional closed source software that only work on Windows or OSX
depends on your distro, sometimes the package will still be in your cache and you can just pacman -U or dpkg -i it
Well, yes, but that shouldn't matter at all since he'd have to use those on devices provided by the company, and on those he wouldn't have the permission to install any OS anyway.
Just in case his company is not the type to give him a specific device only for work, but i guess that would be a shit company
>i guess that would be a shit company
Exactly, and they'd deserve any trouble caused by this.
Because it doesn't run those commands it runs a shitty Package kit abstraction. On other distros like Apt based ones there's a dedicated backend for it. It's more the fact that the shitty Package kit abstraction is poorly maintained and if poor quality. It may work just fine but you're on your own.
>wine stuff
Nothing like that should show up. Unless you meant "windows stuff", which could be relevant as I asked so we could see your storage layout. I don't even see your root.

You wrote 4358-CAAB the first time and 435B-CAA8 on the second post. If you edited /etc/fstab at any point, make sure you didn't mistake the B for an 8 or vice-versa. That's the only reason I can think of for the message, a power loss wouldn't have caused this, especially with an EFI partition, otherwise the system probably wouldn't boot at all. Consider temporarily adding "nofail" to the mount options to allow the boot to continue without it mounted. You'll have to do it manually later.
Why does systemd need internet access?
systemd has its own network manager, time server, and dns resolver
there's also machinectl and i think systemctl can be used across different machines over the network
If I were to use Timeshift (on my btrfs pc) to make snapshots of my system, and a "pacman -Syu" made my computer unbootable for one reason or another, how could I load the snapshot for the previous state? this hasn't happened to me, I'm just curious about this whole system snapshots thing.
It doesn't. Other services that depends on wait-for-online do. Check what services are requiring it.
Whenever I get an error from a command on the terminal, for example "command not found", it hangs as if there was a process running instead of returning the prompt. I've tried both in bash and zsh and happens anyways. Any idea of how to fix it?
Do you have a riced up prompt?
Third time I'm writting this down on my fucking phone.
>Nothing like that should show up. Unless you meant "windows stuff", which could be relevant as I asked so we could see your storage layout. I don't even see your root.
There are some wine stuff that looks like
>p/wine-platform-7-devel-core20/24 loop29
>p/wine-platform-9-devel-core22/27 loop30
Now here is where I crown myself king of retards... I cannot scroll up to show you what's on top of the list. All that I can see on the screen are those wine things. And then the sda I mentioned in my previous post (>>102862050)
>You wrote 4358-CAAB the first time and 435B-CAA8 on the second post
As I'm on my phone, and dealing with a time sensitive deadline I was using a text scanner. My apologies. It's 435B-CAA8.
No idea what to do, still.
I'm planning to switch back to a Window manager from KDE but I've always struggled with feature parity. Things like automounting external disks, lockscreen, bluetooth/wifi managers, notifications, "now playing" icon in the dock, adjusting multiple displays, brightness and probably several other things I'd only realize that are missing once I move to a WM.
Do you guys have any lists or guidance on the best way to get back all these features? Also a way to make them follow (at least a little bit) the overall theme? Just dark mode would be enough, but I remember feeling pain whenever I had to connect to a bluetooth because of the ugly white screen jumpscares.
I thought about followign someone elses rice but they rarely list the stuff they use.
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How to transfer 256GB file from my laptop to a remote stripped-down live ISO Debian server?
I need to copy it to /dev/sda on the debian server, without any intermediary files.
I can't run an SSH server at the moment, and only have access to wget, no packages or anything
You could take a picture of the screen.
lsblk -f | less
should let you scroll freely.

I haven't used Ubuntu in years but I doubt Wine snaps are being mounted in the initramfs. I would edit /etc/fstab to see if adding nofail to the options for the 435B-CAA8 filesystem allows the boot to succeed. Look for something like this:
UUID=435B-CAA8      /boot/efi       vfat     rw,...   0 0

Add "nofail" where the ... is and reboot. See if that gets you through.
Who do I need Kdenlive or openshot when blender exists?
how do I get spek (the spectrum analyser) working on nobara Linux?
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file picker preview doesn't work on PNG and PNG only ever since I upgraded to plasma 6.2. But it does work on regular dolphin preview, is it only me?
I can't upload images, God knows why.
na p/gnome-3-38-2004/110
Dap anonc-3-38-2001/143
and then>>102862050
I'm really sorry for the spam everyone. But I really need this fixed.
Same here, JPEGs are fine but nothing for PNG, GIF, etc, on the preview panel.
I don't normally use that panel though, just Icons View with the thumbnails.
Why do enabled systemd units always appear as loaded/dead in a newly started docker container? How do I get it to spawn as loaded/active? The systemd service script already has
Is desktop Linux still a meme
anyone has experience with XShmGetImage?
it works fine for a while and then crashes my program with BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) and I have no fucking clue why
did you pass the --init flag to the docker container?
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GUI undervolt utility?
dns woes. can anyone help me with this riddle?
this is on ubuntu 24 vps
/etc/resolv.conf has, so local resolved
`resolvectl status` shows a server on Global, if i `dig @` with that address it works, if i try with 127.etc (like the rest of the system) it gets no answer
`systemctl status systemd-resolved` prints Status: "Processing requests..."
also, weirdly journalctl shows no entries since like a month ago, even though i restart the server and/or service in all ways imaginable
It depends on your usecase. Gaming is decent now. Office online solves Word and Powerpoint. Maybe Adobe has web stuff now too?
why is it worse?
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win11 pulling the bullshit recall integration into the explorer is the last straw, im switching to linux with the next hw upgrade

im running nvidia with triple monitors, main focus is gaming and HDR support + solid desktop environment is needed (i dont want to bother with command window if i don't have to)
which distro should i go with? pop, kubuntu, base debian? something else?
So I'm having some really bad issues with eduroam. My laptop won't stay connected more than 2 minutes without disconnecting, and even when connected it won't load anything. Most of the time it gives me an issue with wlan0 authentication timing out, though today it started giving me an issue with IP configuration. I have yet to have an issue with my hotspot, only eduroam. Before these problems started, I had been running everything find for a few months without issue.
This problem started about a month ago when I was running Artix. I used my laptop as a router to connect two devices for about an hour, turned off the hotspot, and went home for the weekend. I didn't use my laptop over the weekend, and when I came back and tried to connect the issues started. I tried a few quick fixes, and nothing worked. So I thought maybe I needed to wipe NetworkManager, so I uninstalled it and deleted all the configs. Reinstalled and it still didn't work. Tried some more stuff and got nowhere, but some fixes were systemd specific. I wasn't good enough at openrc to figure it out, so I just tried Arch. I installed arch, made sure everything was set up properly, and the issue has persisted.
In summary, I cannot connect to a WPA2/PEAP network with NetworkManager and I have tried:
>OpenRC NetworkManager
>systemd NetworkManager
>reinstalling NetworkManager
>reinstalling the OS
>trying a different distro
>Static IP
>Static MAC address
>custom config files
>template config files
>automated config files
>anything under the sun involving wpa_supplicant
And nothing is working for me at this point. At this point I'm wondering if it's possible I've fucked my network card in to some sort of broadcasting mode when I was running as a router. Is there any way I could check for this issue, or should I just learn to not forget my hotspot in the future?
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Maybe Tumbleweed?
Rolling release that is stable for everyone, and even if something shits the bed, it's easy to restore your system.
Also pretty good with KDE, which seems to be the main DE.
People don't talk enough about Tumbleweed.
It's literally what dwm is made for. If you're already a cnile then you even have the exact skill required to do it.
>or should I just stick with hyprland
Although since you said that - Hyprland is a wayland compositor, and dwm is on X11. If the "features you need" is porting dwm to wayland... then yeah, probably just stick to Hyprland.
Lads, a few years ago I was told that the nvidia gpu drivers for laptop cards on Linux were pretty terrible. Is that still the case?
You know that actually sounds like an interesting option.
>rolling release that is stable for everyone
This seems to be surprisingly rare, void was my first full-time distro and in the ~6 years that I used it I think updates broke exactly once. And that was due to a bug or issue in xbps itself that then got fixed, IIRC, not due to package issues or conflicts.

Arch is notorious for breaking but Gentoo has also really disappointed me so far with this. I think I'm gonna give Tumbleweed a try, thanks anon. I had forgotten it exists.
what about netcat? nc
so like;
$ zstd -c /path/to/image.raw | nc <server ip> <port>

while on vps;
# nc -lp <port> | zstd -d /dev/sda
Adding on to this, would using netctl give me a better chance or is this issue possibly deeper than that?
If even Tumbleweed is unstable for you, you may try Slowroll:
Good luck mate, hope it suits you well!
I used the alien CLI utility to transform the deb into a rpm. I think there's an appimage too.
It's fine these days
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I'm getting started with zsh and have read the guide on the zsh site, which is nice for explaining what's possible, but now I'm looking for a more detailed walkthrough that isn't just "here's the most basic shit, now go install ohmyzsh", any anons know any resources like that?
Does anyone actually use this here? How is the compatibility with OBS and Packman?
There is no best way to achieve any of that. You'll just have to assemble various components that weren't really made to fit together.
Don't use Docker with Systemd. Docker already has everything you need (health checks and restarting on failures)
Why can't you run an SSH server? The live rescue image should have one. If it doesn't then maybe you could use something like Dropbear
>network capability
I specifically hate DEs that force that crap as dependencies. It's really the stupidest thing especially on a wired machine.
Great for a system that jumps around networks though.
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Help please,
im using fedora silverblue and on the left side its the native firefox and on right its chrome from flatpak

the firefox font rendering looks good while chrome is not. i think this is due to chrome being a flatpak app and does not have access to system fonts?

i have searched how to have better non english font support for flatpak but the workarounds didnt work.
It's not worse. It's just Arch with some hand holding.
bump. heard there are issues with signed keys on the lelnono uefi that can brick the system
>It's really the stupidest thing especially on a wired machine.
That's where you're wrong its hook system makes setting up complicated wired network setups a breeze. I use that to configure load balancing across my two network interfaces using nexthop routing.
Same as >>102867872
Perhaps a simple way to ask this would be:
I want the Cinnamon panel to show "" on Sundays, "" on Mondays [...] "" on Saturdays. I'm not into Astrology but I like those symbols, it's a succinct way to refer to the weekdays.
What would be the simplest way to achieve that?
dunno but if you want to mess with flatpak permissions and you're running GNOME, get Flatseal.
Chrome browsers just have their own font rendering.
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anyone here has any idea what the latest and greatest rage in desktop environments etc is? i am using Arch with openbox on my old thinkpad but i am thinking off repurposing a dell laptop i stole from work as another arch machine but since i setup my thinkpad years ago and havent put much research into arch or whatever lately i haven o clue if theres anything new or exciting i could be doing
This may be one for /hsg/ but they're useless half the time.

>How do I debug broken IPv6 Neighbour Discovery?

I can't ping but if I manually add the lladr like this it works:
ip neigh replace dev DEV lladdr LLADDR to ADDR

Could my managed switch cause this?
It's literally the exact same fucking package manager.
COSMIC is the hot new DE
tranny vibes but looks pretty useful i guess. i dont wanna spend too much time on configuring it.
Having this weird issue with linux, my nvidia card always fucks the display so i had to change quietsplash to nomodeset in grub
prblem is, my resolution is all fucked. i have a 1920 x 1080 monitor but my res is stuck at 1024x768 (4:3)
is it an nvidia driver problem? or the grub thing i did to make it work?
Does anyone have a good replacement for Notepad++ on Linux?
And not actually as a code editor.
I really just want a text editor that can keep a session without having to save files manually just for random notes/scratchpad for daily things.
I was using NotepadNext for the last few months, but I just restarted and it lost a bunch of my tabs and notes I had unsaved.
well do you care about it being FOSS or not? its embarassing that you lost files like a retard. could have just used google docs lmfao! Notion is not bad either.
Obsidian or vscode
Skill issue. I type shit in Nano and just don't forget to ^O.
Do I call it GNU? Linux? Is it both? Do I have to say "GNU/Linux" each time I wanna talk about it??
Just be a normal person and call it Linux.
I think I figured it out. A firewall on another router in my network was blocking the forwarding. The reason adding the lladr directly works is because it's then switched instead of routed.
The usecase for this by the way is a web server that binds to a dedicated IP address per website.

e.g fd:443::1 fd:443::2

It's technically "on-link" (these addresses are set on br-lan which is the LAN bridge on OpenWRT) but I couldn't figure out how to get OpenWRT to announce a more specific route to it. The addresses are all /128, if I add a /64 then netifd picks it up and routes that to clients which then start using the prefix themselves (not what I wanted, I just want to announce a route).

I did find the setting in the end but because I use multiple routers sometimes the other router would get picked hence why the firewall had to be set right on it.

The lesson here is always blame your firewall. It's always its fault.
Say whatever you want
The IPv4 addresses just get picked up and work like magic by the way. I don't know if ARP works differently to Neighbour Discovery and that's why it works fine without a route.
Is uBlock Origin Lite noticeably worse than uBlock Origin?
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How to get windows games to run on linux with proton safely?
Needless to say the games are pirated.
check protondb as each game can vary in terms of difficulty to run/install
>pirated games
You can get Windows malware via proton. That includes ransomware too.
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Picture for reference.

There's not a lot of information out there on doing this. The important bit is the IPv6 routed prefix.
It has silver but lutris says it's platinum.
I know, that's why I'm asking.
I don't want to run VM just for this.
I also want to know. I want to experiment with building the environment with what I need instead of dumping other people's rice on it
read the documentation
Are non-LTS versions of Ubuntu less stable? I don't mind having to upgrade in 9 months time or whenever it is.
The clue is in the name. The "lite" is Manifest v3, it's entirely declarative which means it's up to the browser to do the blocking instead of uBlock Origin. Supposedly this is better for resources but it can't do as much. It doesn't require any extended permissions though so it has that going for it.
yes and no
Yes. Ubuntu tries new unstable things like they did with early Wayland during non-LTS.
What is currently the best way to make Linux look like Windows XP? I tried xfce-winxp-tc and it kinda works but I'm looking for something easier to install and automatically configure.

Wayland has never been unstable unless your name is Nvidia and making such changes during an LTS cycle would be even worse.
Interesting answer

Fair enough. Maybe I'll just try the non-LTS version anyway because it has software I want, which isn't found in earlier versions
what is the best TCP congestion control for a high latency (~650ms) 100Mbit satellite connection with ~7% packet loss
Maybe I should have clarified. Ubuntu added Wayland by default to one of the non-LTS releases, but Gnome with Wayland was still too buggy, so the next release Wayland was no longer the default.
Specifically it was buggy on Nvidia so they made that decision. Fedora was already defaulting to it at that time (I don't remember if RHEL was too or if that came later).

This was back when Nvidia was still trying to fight everyone instead of cracking on and doing their job like they are now.
>doing their job like they are now
Because they are now? What do you mean?
>pair Bluetooth device
>everytime I restart the Bluetooth device is saved but doesn't work
>it appears as a new device and I have to remove the old one and pair the new profile
Why does it do this?
What DE?
Gnome, I'm using Bluez as a Bluetooth manager but Gnome also has a built in one. Blue doesn't seem to work but without it the gnome Bluetooth manager doesn't work.
It's conflicting then.
I'll try uninstall bluez later to see if I can fix it.
Got a virus so gonna take the plunge to Mint, anything I should be aware of, that people had from transferring from Windows?
>I've been using linux for just a couple of days
>99% of the problems I've had were solved by giving my user specific permissions on a specific file or directory
I tried to connect my phone to the pc and had to allow myself to access it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a hassle or anything like that, but why would I need to do that on such a menial task?
Security on Linux is a lost stricter than Windows. Might be a pain but at least you know you PC is secure against attacks.
The biggest seller for Windows is that it’s stable, which means it has support and teams to maintain that.

Meanwhile Linux is like 70% paranoid schizos who hate sending error reports/system reports, and the devs are normally autists who refuse to do anything they don’t personally explicitly use/need (see ebussy meme).

Linux requires some knowledge to do stuff, and often needs a terminal, meanwhile most normies don’t even know what a cmd looks like beyond what hackers use in media. So windows is safer and more user friendly
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can anyone recommend me a Hyprland theme most closely resembling the one in picrel (note the panel)
Try Ubuntu and make sure your wifi works before installing. If it is not working, use the drivers app in Ubuntu to install it. Good Linux distros for beginners are Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Fedora.
For what purpose?

Probably something delay based like TCP Vegas or BBR:

Or if it's for background traffic / bulk downloads then maybe something like LEDBAT?
Are there any tools on linux for showing if an ssd is dead? I have an ssd that is clearly dead spewing out write i/o errors in the kernel messages but smartmon and gnome-disks pretends its still healthy
They weren't doing their job before. They were more interested in trying to be Nvidia instead of playing nicely like they are now. Years of effort wasted on eglstreams only for it to go nowhere. They even hired an engineer to work on GNOME and KDE. All wasted effort.

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