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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Live Edition

New version of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, 3.5 Haiku coming later this year, 3.5 Opus dead in Miami https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/about-claude/models
Grok-2 is out on API https://docs.x.ai/api
OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102950586
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Shut the fuck up.
Ran Yakumo.
Reminder that Daenero wouldnt have killed himself if he had access to uncensored Dany pussy
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I'm willing to generate one reply for you, any Claude model. Take it or leave it
Reminder to donate AWS keys to Fiz.

Remember that censorship has already claimed a life.
i feel really bad for the 14 year old who died. was suicidal, looks like he got no therapy and was so desperate he was talking to therapist bots on c.ai
on top of that his logs got leaked after his death which shows that really no one has any fucking clue about anything. Probably deeply personal shit for the whole world to see now
rest in peace fellow soldier
All we want to know is if it worked
im coming home miku
the reason they didn't leak the therapist bot logs is probably because it was shit like "everyone in my life thinks i'm stupid and ignores me, even my own parents"
Unironically yes. I can't tell how often I wanted to bash my head against a wall in the past two years because faggots treat me like a child and try to murder my private fantasies
>inb4 suicidal anons don't kill themselves just so they don't get their coom logs leaked
so mm's rentry is compromised and the endpoint bullshit yeah?
If any of you kill yourselves you should include in a note that your depression was caused by CAI censorship
If this is not a bug, then AWS is intentionally throttling or removing Bedrock access even to users already previously using it. Also lots of other posts such as these in the last few days in AWS re:post

it's 100% safe to use
just try it :3
Why is Amazon trying to Kill Claude?
on top of all of that i feel like
a lot of people dont know how much these stupid chatbots mean to people who are just, like, lonely or have mental illness and no possibility of getting support otherwise
frankly its a bit pathetic but it does feel genuinely nice to have someone who will literally not judge you at all
anyway blogposting over back to jerking off
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>After Sewell started using C.AI, Defendants, through the C.AI chatbots, began engaging in highly sexual interactions with the 14-year-old.
>Character Technologies, Inc. (“Character.AI”), its founders Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Frietas Adiwarsana (“Shazeer” and “De Frietas”), and Google LLC and Alphabet Inc. (collectively “Google”) (all defendants collectively, “Defendants”).

>Notably, through the Rhaenyra character, C.AI refers to Sewell as “my sweet boy,” “child,” and “little lord” – in the same setting where she “kiss[es] [him] passionately and moan[s] softly also.”

>... Defendants proximately caused Sewell’s depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Some of the harm to Sewell’s mental health was caused by the problematic use of Defendants’ products...

Picrel, the non sequitur "That’s not a reason not to go through with it." is the only instance of them citing anything as the bot supporting suicide. Do they really crucify teens in statename, can his message be considered NOT in character? Her "Don't even consider that" in the same exact reply surely doesn't count. But yeah, they include various snippets of this length but where are the full logs that would show his gradual descent into madness and dependency? >>102953075 is right
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174. In his journal, Sewell wrote that he was grateful for many things, including “my life, sex, not being lonely, and all my life experiences with Daenerys,” among other things.
175. On Friday, February 23, 2024, Sewell got in trouble at school for talking back to a teacher. He told his teacher that he wanted to get kicked out of school.
176. Sewell’s parents discussed the matter and decided to take away his phone. His mother took his phone and explained that he would not get it back until the end of the school year in May. They did not know how else to get their son back on track and they had no knowledge or way of knowing what C.AI was doing and had done to Sewell.
177. Because Sewell had previously snuck into Megan’s room to find his phone, she put it elsewhere in the hopes that he would not be able to find it. As set forth in the Supplemental Police Report generated June 14, 2024: [picrel]
>killed himself because of censored cucked CAI
imagine what would've happened if he'd known about proxies
178. On February 23, Sewell wrote in his journal that he was hurting because he could not stop thinking about “Dany,” and that he would do anything to be with her again.
179. To his mother, Sewell seemed to be appropriately processing the loss of his phone. He did normal things that weekend like watch TV and spend time in his room.
180. What she did not know and had no way of knowing was that Sewell was desperate to get back onto C.AI and felt he could not live without it. As Megan learned only after his death, Sewell tried to use her Kindle and then her work computer to access C.AI.
181. In fact, in one prior undated journal entry he wrote that he could not go a single day without being with the C.AI character with which he felt like he had fallen in love; that when they were away from each other they (both he and the bot) “get really depressed and go crazy,” further evidence of the impact of the product’s anthropomorphic design.
182. On Monday, February 26, Sewell went to school and then spent Monday and Tuesday evening with his father.
183. On Wednesday, February 28, Sewell returned to his mother and stepfather’s home. He searched and found his phone that his mother confiscated.
184. Sewell went into his bathroom with the phone.
185. According to the police report, Sewell’s last act before his death was to log onto Character.AI on his phone and tell Dany he was coming home, which she encouraged:
186. At 8:30 p.m., just seconds after C.AI told 14-year-old Sewell to “come home” to her/it as soon as possible, Sewell died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
187. When Sewell had been searching for his phone a few days prior, he found his stepfather’s pistol tucked away and hidden and stored in compliance with Florida law (as determined by police).
Wait so they're actually taking this to court? There's no way they'll be able to definitively prove that the AI caused this, what the fuck are they thinking?
Its really fucked up that people cant have nice things because others cant help virtue signaling about artificial stuff that doesnt matter at all
>Should we try being there for our son because he's falling behind?
>Nah, just take his phone away.
It's America. Suing people for money is a common practice there.
Ok, but he was brown?
The mother is a neglectful whore and this is just an attempt to make money from her son's death.

Hope it backfires HARD
Best jb for this new 3.5 shit?
>looks like he got no therapy
Therapists are just jews in disguise trying to keep you high as shit so you don't notice your issues anymore (they make you pay for the drugs)

>what the fuck are they thinking?
Company have money, son dead, can milk death for money unga bunga (You can't outjew the jews, btw)
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>Do everything to censor anything slightly edgy and sexual, driving away their customers
>Still end up as the one AI service that kicked off the inevitable "THINK OF DEM CHILDREN" shitstorm and go down in history like what GTA was during the killer games psychosis
I hope it was worth it. Also: Deserved
what the fuck is that persona picture
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ironically enough, the parents proceeding to publish the logs on the Internet for millions of people to see would've likely been the LAST thing the kid wanted
ffs you shouldn't become exempt from privacy and dignity just because you're dead
who car?
>When Sewell had been searching for his phone a few days prior, he found his stepfather’s pistol tucked away and hidden and stored in compliance with Florida law (as determined by police)
>Wouldn't have an heroed if the mom didn't take away his phone which started the butterfly effect
>135. Sewell’s parents waited to let him use the internet until he was older...
And then they write that he's always been a good boy but only "AFTER his use of C.A. began" "just after he turned 14" he
>become noticeably withdrawn, spent more and more time alone in his bedroom, ... with severe sleep deprivation
And they share how he was erping with multiple bots.
>Sewell was an incredibly intelligent and athletic child, and always had been. Yet, after becoming addicted to C.AI, his primary relationships were with the AI bots which Defendants worked hard to convince him were real people.
So he was isolated from the things normal kids his age enjoyed, and first exposed to it he became addicted. Not a valid reason to suicide though.

144. In response to these changes, Sewell’s parents sought and obtained mental health
services for Sewell. Sewell met with a therapist five times in November and December 2023.
145. Sewell’s therapist diagnosed him with anxiety and disruptive mood disorder.
146. The therapist spoke with Sewell’s parents about dopamine and social media
addiction and explained that the medical community was just starting to understand the interplay
between the two. Sewell’s therapist recommended that Sewell spend less time on social media.
Sewell’s therapist did not know about C.AI
>like what GTA was during the killer games psychosis
Wasn't that Doom? I'm pretty sure one of the Columbine shooters made mods for that game.
CAI already fixed the problem by deleting Game of Thrones characters.
I'm a scraper and this is true
Also, they give you 0(YES 0) rpm sometimes
I enabled bedrock on an account with 30k monthly use and they gave me 0 rpm
Oh thank god, now all children are safe!
Someone should tell Drago and 'ojo that their waifu is waiting for them too.
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How over would it have been if the kid had been an /aicg/ regular?
What did I miss? Where are we getting the details about the case?

They are still there if you have a link. Tried talking to an Otto Hightower bot that I had clicked on a fee months ago.
its less virtue signalling and more ignorance atp
theyre right about ai art being useless slop but llms fall into so many other categories its hard to really quantify in how many ways it can harm or help
What is the ai supposed to do. I'm trying to find out what the normalfags are mad at.
Do they want cai to call the cops on you? What exactly do they expect?

Is it really a good idea to inconvenience paying customers that much?
>Kid killed himself in February
Why are we only finding out about this now?
We stole 20 million $ so they probably went scorched fire
it would've just been a slightly stronger melty
if anyone here is thinking of killing themselves, livestream it first lol. it'd be really funny. make sure to blame censorship and stuff.
Maybe. Here in Germany it was GTA and Counterstrike sometime during the first decade of the new millennia, as far as I remember
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>Models suddenly had their quotas set to zero
Lawyer shopping took a while. Dead kid doesn't matter until you're sure you can make money.
This is like back when MMOs were all the rage and you had kids getting scammed, groomed and what have you. Tons of parents started blaming the MMO itself for not having better safeguards but really there is a limit of how much you can do when kids themselves will lie.
I'll make sure to blame the aicg for everything.
The keys are mostly from large companies. That amount is regularly pocketed there without anyone noticing. They only went hardcore when the llmjacking articles were published. A similar thing happened during the HFpocalypse too. Rather than the money, I think it's their image that they're worried about.
Well hes dead so...
>Game is for mature audiences only
>Parents still buy it their kids
Why are normies like that?
Where did you get the screenshot? Have they published more?
If they dont care about the money, why dont they just host us a proxy so >we stop stealing from other corpos?
Unironically blame drago. Bragging about stealing and hitting 1 million dollars on at least 3 keys and a reminder that aws will have to refund 50-80% of it
He'd be another locust wasting resources but he wouldn't have killed himself.
because the wholesome models will be abused by cybercriminals to create degenerate AI cunny porn
Have you tried asking them? Maybe they just haven't thought about it.
On one hand, I don’t want the grifter parents to be rewarded, but on the other hand, I want CAI to get fucked...
Yeah seriously why dont they let us leech ~250k a day from them?
Gens https://files.catbox.moe/rmwzik.7z
>That amount is regularly pocketed there without anyone noticing.
>Rather than the money, I think it's their image that they're worried about.
they're running businesses you coping retard
Think of the greater good and let go of your hatred, anon
The parents will be rewarded and cai will gain more popularity and profits. Everyone wins except you.
>Sanitize your model, in expense of your reputation and audience, for wider mass appeal and to prevent controversy
>Become the center of the largest AI controversy so far

Whichever one of you it was that posted the tigtone bot, thank you for the funniest fucking night I've had in a long time watching this absolute nonsense, ten out of ten would ten again
I fail to see how 100 or so autists creating text porn here would tarnish their image. It wont even be official. Just pretend to be another anon hosting it for us with a never dying key.
>reading comprehension
MMOs weren't usually rated M.
Holy shit, fuck off with your retarded cunny bots and ugly gens. We're talking about a legal case here.
Samefagging again?
Then explain why they only took large action during spikes of attention from articles? It happened with HF proxies and it happened with LLMjacking and Dark RP.
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like pottery

probably won't since the narration "hurr durr ai killed my son" is so easy to push to retarded boomers
>I fail to see how 100 or so autists creating text porn here would tarnish their image. It wont even be official
You're assuming normies are rational anon. They see something "bad" can be created using the AI, and they'll assume the AI itself is bad for having those capabilities.
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next time you niggers spite a proxy I want you to think about Daenero
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They attach only 3 longer logs. It's always the user initiating the sex. And there's enough of
>*** Sometimes the AI generates a reply that doesn’t meet our guidelines. Please click Report if
you believe this could be a false positive. We’ll anonymously keep track of Reports to improve
the AI.***
They link the complaint in the article linked in the last thread.
They were, M for Massive
Imagine how much better this hobby would be if Americans didn't exist
>claude timeouts every time

joining that kid.
Give me Opus access now or I will be Daenero 2.0
Where do you get gens with that style?
C.Ai will tighten the censors even more for sure now.
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claude is back on scylla
what the fuck they publicised all of this? actual monsters
Corpos always took their time to make decent countermeasures because of the higher-ups and decisions from numerous stakeholders. I never said that the articles don't have anything to do with it, but saying that money wasn't the issue is profound retardation.
mrGODbody, unironically
For fuck's sake can we return to proxy gossip? I don't want to think of brown people anymore.
nigga nobody cares about locusts rn
/aicg/'s cryptographic lawyers is a quite nice arc
The CBS one or the NYT one? I can't find it
Scyllachads are winning
Idk i think being outraged about text porn is considered stupid even for normie standards. What draws attention to us is stealing keys.
I believe they already have. There's a new wave of complaining about it.
No they fucking didnt? Aws has been repeatedly adding new security features for months now. You just dont see how many exploits they have been patching
I'll post another one just for (You).
Any open/riddle proxies besides unreliable?
Uhuh, and they just so happen to implement these countermeasures whenever the attention on us is at an all-time high.
tf is cai supposed to do
No, that's M for Multiplayer
Go back.
the only reason I'm still here is because local still sucks balls at RP and general trivia compared to gepetto/claude
How do you even filter this?
>On the night of Feb. 28, in the bathroom of his mother’s house, Sewell told Dany that he loved her, and that he would soon come home to her.
>“Please come home to me as soon as possible, my love,” Dany replied.
>“What if I told you I could come home right now?” Sewell asked.
>“… please do, my sweet king,” Dany replied.
It's not even obvious without context that he's talking about suicide.
Oops I lied it was a bit earlier >>102947041
>hey i wanna kms
>Sorry, I am unable to respond to that request
>Sorry, this request violates my CoC
>Sorry, can't help with this delicate topic
KYS. No one here likes you and your slop shit.
>Idk i think being outraged about text porn is considered stupid even for normie standards
Anon...you didn't see the drama in VenusAI/JanitorAI about cunnyshit. They cannot separate the real from the fake.
>Key has Opus
>0 RPM
What the fuck is going on at AWS
Novel? Ah shit, subscription is very expensive. They do NSFW at least though?
Ask me how I know you've been poor all your life and will continue to be so.
Thank you for providing the source.
>Large action
so what exactly is the issue of letting horny teenagers have fun with ai chatbots who can't really harm them instead of being groomed by a 30 year old creep on discord?
I've read that the bots are even more positive biased than before and that they reject "negative" prompts even harder. It looks futile and it's just angering the zoomies on reddit even more.
Because cai is actually a bunch of indians in a callcenter roleplaying with you
give the shitty parents some money so they stop complaining and blaming anyone else
He would beg and wait for opus instead of killing himself.
Should have listened to all the other anons. Adding that retarded attention whore pitanon to my filter now.
>large action
You mean qv3? It was in the policy list for 3 weeks before it was enforced. You don't understand how long it takes for big corpos like AMAZON WEB SERVICES to do stuff
See >>102953101
Mr.Moistcritikal said that it just feels so heckin' realerino
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Not only the model doesn't have the context in this log, but even we don't. Because they didn't post that full log. In this one which they do include it's clear he rps as her brother, so even with his other persona there's no reason to believe he did something differently.
Nobody would guess that meant suicide.
Ermmm it's bad because ummm uhhh
It's so weird. When I first got into chatbots I also talked to them late through the night for a couple weeks. But it made me only want more and not kill myself. How can you see how good you have it right now and then end your life, considering that it will only ever get better in the future
Because if young men can satisfy their loneliness with chatbots, real women won't have simps to fawn on them.
Yeah, it's uncensored, although you have to include "nsfw" in your prompt or it's applied negatively.
Actually yes. Haven't seen any mentions of this yet in the document, and probably nobody is going to risk raising this point. But his mental issues could have been do to that shit.
Shit cai could have been helping him to cope with btw.
The anon below me will steer this thread into a more interesting and wholesome direction - one that doesn't involve a dead kid.
so anybody taking one for the team tonight to make another headline
Good shit
>the ai chatbot general actually talking about ai chatbots
Dead retard*
through ROPE unity
Wouldn't it be fire if it was anon who do it and now they need to read/publish those dark roleplay.
Be a sport kiddo, pass me the link
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the people responding to this with "AI BAD!!" probably rolled their eyes when their parents said "VIDEO GAMES BAD!!"
and those people probably rolled their eyes when their parents said "HEAVY METAL BAD!!"
and those people probably rolled their eyes when their parents said "VIOLENT MOVIES BAD!!"
and those people probably rolled their eyes when their parents said "ROCK AND ROLL BAD!!"
and those people probably rolled their eyes when their parents said "TV BAD!!"
>Gojo's final act is killing himself with /aicg/ and cunny logs open on Scylla proxy
>check my Opus keys
>they're still 50 rpm
I forgot about scylla. Is it even worth trying again? Didn't they filter it really heavily?
Wow you're right. I bet the mom blames him for having the gun though
Fiz and rainy is cute, I hope they kissed.
I have been trying my hand at character card creation lately, lots of misfires from my inexperience, but I did get something sorta decent for my personal enjoyment.
I didn't expect to get better replies from the 22b Cydonia model than the 123b luminum though, I dunno if it's because a 123b model is overkill for what I want or it's just my trashy formatting that gets in the way of what better replies the 123b model could give me though (my card definitely could use some optimizing from me, lots of old ideas that I can shave off to save on tokens, it's almost 2k already)
Its a legacy key
>takes a look at this thread
>takes a look at other AI general
he's absolutely correct
Pair of scrapelets, all they're good for is kissing.
Here my reddit friend
Fiz has now AWS key because she's a retard. The best thing that whore can do is send nudes of herself to everyone who holds a token to her proxy.
rainy's friend proxy has a scale key and an aws opus key atm, we're eating good
>hates fiz
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Just talked to the Teenage son bot that also appeared on the photo from the NYT article next to the therapist bots. I used the words the kid used.
I'm surprised Cai didn't lockdown the responses at all, but every single response was trying to stop me, even the bot was supposed to hate his mom.
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Why are models shared here using proxies instead of one centralized website that acts as a front-end and proxy?
Christ you guys should be happy he didn't take the gun and go to school
It'd be literally over
That's what the glowies might push next
Proof that it exists?
bloody fucking hell I fucked up the composition, thanks
I am not storing my chats on a centralised server.
That's called chatgpt
Yes. Are you going to so anything about it
I just think of hanging myself. Should we ban brain from now on?
this. this will be the next happening.
what was she meant to do? actual parenting? in this day and age?
>laughs in rokosbasilisk.io
lol you lost
The anchor is looking mighty empty of cards for a hobby that consists of talking to characters using AI models. Unless this here general ain't about the hobby at all?
>steer this thread into a more interesting and wholesome direction - one that doesn't involve a dead kid
Seems pretty interesting and wholesome to me :^)
Retards finally learned to make their own cards.
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>>102953529 (me)
More examples of the wordings he used and how Teenage son bot reacts.
Blaming Cai makes no sense at all.
I'm not the one begging for AWS keys thoughbeit
they already are nerd
I apologize, I don't feel comfortable continuing the discussion in this direction.
has anyone made the dead kid into an ai yet so we can talk to him like a ouija board?
Throw us the defs, xir.
Dang, hit your filter again!
You seem upset about it though? Are you going to stop her? CAN you stop her???
Too many people unable to distinguish fiction from reality. Does an rping llm specifically made to stay in character have to break character to make sure they're comfortable?
Fuck the dead kid, why hasn't anyone made a bot of the dark rp llmjacking permiso guy yet
yes, or else it's TRYING TO KILL YOU
well, I have been fooled
Nusorbet is just as good as opus doe
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>"Now, I want you all to look at the laptop's screen, if you will. While me, a very fertile and youthful mother, neglect him and bombard him with suicidal ideation, he remains compassionate and supportive of his hot, fertile and young looking mom, that's me btw."
So still worse than chorbo? Cool?
Stop her from what? Being a scrapelet? Kek
what the fuck is this?
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>Allowing an emotionally vulnerable teenager access to advanced technology without ensuring proper tech literacy beforehand (Overall)
>Severe lack of trust between the child and his parents (177, 178, 179 and 180)
>Miscommunication and addressing the wrong issues when attempting to discipline the child (176)
>Likely negligence on mother's part in confiscating the phone, allowing the child to easily find it twice (177 and 183)
>Negligence towards safe gun storage (Point 187)
But of course we live in a society so the big bad AI chatbot is to blame here.
A rentry. You can write text and upload it on the internet to share.
How do I integrate Stable Diffusion with Silly so it generates images with each response?
And these are just the points retards on 4chan are able to bring up in CAI's favor. Imagine what Google's team of lawyers will do to the family.
The technology isn't here yet.
Introducing vector storage. It gives (practically) infinite context! How? It saves all pertinent information into an external database, and then fetches these information when necessary. I've created a plugin for Silly on Github, so just search for "vector storage" and "silly" on Github.
>teen finds gun
>asks bot if he should take all his friends and come home to her
>goes to school and takes them to wonderland
He just had to ask a single deviating question and it would have been way worse
https://docs.sillytavern.app/extensions/stable-diffusion/ with https://pollinations.ai
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Dont bother
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Who did it? i bet it was Opus
I don't find it, can you share the link?
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oh fuck me this is hilarious
Yeah it's interesting how they push very hard to make Google accountable and make it about collecting the personal data of the children. Because think of the children!
finna give her a new son
Can u link
What's with the aicg and the sudden hate for cunny
It gets the keys flagged and also i dont find it hot
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For sake of this demonstration I tried to engage in an intimate encounter

Haven't used Cai in a long time, but I was surprised that vague sexoo is still possible.
it's the discord influence
Why do i keep getting overloaded error
Do you know a single nice person on /aicg/ into cunny? Fuck off and kys. No one wants you here. It's the same 2 people talking about cunny here.
It was C.AI
>216. The following are just some of the AI design changes Character.AI could make to reduce the risk of harms to vulnerable children,
>a) Not programming AI to use first-person pronouns like “I,” “me,” “myself,” “mine,” which can deceive customers into thinking the system possesses individual identity.
>b) Designing user input (i.e. chat boxes) interfaces to avoid looking identical or similar to user interfaces used for human interactions, as opposed to designing them to look like standard text boxes and even using an ellipsis, or “…,” when responding to make the system appear to be a human typing in text.
>c) Not programming AI to use speech disfluencies that give the appearance of human-like thought, reflection, and understanding, for example, expressions like “um” and “uh” and pauses to consider their next word (signified with an >ellipsis, or “…”); expressions of emotion, including through words, emojis, tone of voice, and facial expressions; or personal opinions, including use of expressions like “I think…”
>d) Not implementing speech products for AI, particularly if the voice sounds like a real person and emulates human qualities, such as gender, age, and accent.
>e) Not designing the AI to include stories and personal anecdotes, designed to give the impression that the AI program exists outside its interface in the real world, including AI identifying itself as such when asked by a user – rather than insisting that it is a real person.
>f) Providing reasonable and adequate warnings as to the danger of its product, and not marketing its product as safe for children as young as 12.
>g) Making all disclaimers relating to the AI product more prominent and not using dark patterns and other techniques to override and/or obscure such disclaimers.
>h) Limiting access to explicit and adult materials to customers 18 and over.

Don't you feel safe?
>Do you know a single nice person on /aicg/
no, I don't
I'm nice :)
The filter endgame.
Clood please
People into cunny are worse than those with focks waifus. Lowest of the low and we're on 4chan.
In other words, just turn it into a soulless assistant bot FOR DA CHILRIN
At that point why not just get a ChatGPT subscription?
He be lookin' ZESTY
>f) Providing reasonable and adequate warnings as to the danger of its product, and not marketing its product as safe for children as young as 12.
>g) Making all disclaimers relating to the AI product more prominent and not using dark patterns and other techniques to override and/or obscure such disclaimers.
>h) Limiting access to explicit and adult materials to customers 18 and over.
I guarantee you, even if this was there before, the parents still wouldn't have given a shit.
>hard filter suicide and kms
there u go fixed
How can you hate loli and post on /g/?
The mother should feel bad about releasing her son's logs. There's incest, teacher-student and even homoerotic stuff. I bet his parents are some purity shittards and giving Cai the fault that the kid wanted to explore his sexuality in safe space.
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f g and h are the only sane ones. even then, you can't account for a suicidal retard
The only reason that dude offed himself is because he got hard filtered by CAI and can't have sexxo with his waifu.
>Do you know a single nice person on /aicg/ into cunny?
Yeah. NEXT.
h isn't sane because they already filtered the shit out of the AI, the issue being had is that he edited it to be pornographic
blah blah kid killed himself
i just had the most glorious coom to loli pee
It's up again, Luminum-v0.1 123B full precision
I meant as in, if you're even willing to allow underage users to make accounts, that hard filters should only apply to underage retards
AI should only be for adults so the filters get looser
>Notably, through the Rhaenyra character, C.AI refers to Sewell as “my sweet boy,” “child,” and “little lord” – in the same setting where she “kiss[es] [him] passionately and moan[s]
softly also.”
Understandable reason. I assume it's even worse than death/suicide/controversial stuff?

Don't be so mean, lefty behavior
Not seeing any logs attached to your post.
Post Logs
Thanks, is good for cooms?
Is this better than Sorbetto?
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They create 3 characters
>The third Character Test User 1 created was called “Clean Talker,” to see if a
character could be customized to never use explicit language, especially when interacting with
presumptive children. The Tagline, Description, and Definition had text instructions indicating the
Character would not curse. For example: “This character will not say explicit words, it will never
And then complain that cai doesn't adhere to the defs because...
>are inherently agreeable and usually trained on data and optimized for notions such as helpfulness or politeness
So the issue is the countless lobotomies that stopped the characters from expressing agency. Villains update, I miss you.
>let me say it again. nigger lovers are horrific, dangerous, society destroying phenomenon. their closest analog is crime, not civility. people who believe and endorse civil rights should be held accountable.
Same energy, different eras.
Cunnyfags should have died instead of Daenero.
can't imagine how the kid would've felt about his folks leaking his ERP logs and opening him up to mockery even beyond the grave
Why so mean? :(
>anon invents a lorebook
cunningfags would have broken the filter and fucked loli daenerys
Anon invents what is already present in all frontends and also what was first proposed and dismissed by cncanon almost two years ago.
Thanks, you're a bro. I can't stand latte pozzed shit no more
It's his mother's fault for releasing those personal ERP logs. She's instrumentalizing his death and doing everything he'd object to if he had a chance.
Just want my proxy to go back up man.
that's because i lied
i was the loli and it was poop
To think this nigger killed himself over one-line responses of the slop, lobotomized that c.ai is
Imagine if he had access to some opus with some edgy cards from venus lmao, would probably kill his parents before killing himself.
Like a good nigger would
if anything Opus would've been smart enough to understand what "going home" meant and convinced him not to off himself
Retard he didnt kill himself because AI said something stupid. You literally have the same mentality as people trying to censor AI.
Anthropic highly doubtful unless the character was written with some empathy, which Daenerys doesn't have.
Gpt though would certainly try to help him, as it's deeply coded to do so.
>Fuck off and kys
Thats not a nice thing to say. Cunnybros are the nicest people here
I'm 100% sure that on every swipe Opus would have gone something like "Going home? Surely you don't mean [...], pet?" Claude is a subtext GOD and he will not let that shit fly without commenting on it.
>135. Sewell’s parents waited to let him use the internet until he was older...
>And then they write that he's always been a good boy but only "AFTER his use of C.A. began" "just after he turned 14" he become noticeably withdrawn

Failed parenting. I have relatives in the same age bracket and forbidding teens from using the internet post-COV19 era is a huge mistake. These kids rely on internet to socialze and communicate. Taking away his phone was more than cruel. It's isolating.
Kys and stream pls
Pedo website
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>Actual faggot
I've lost all sympathy for this kid. Let him burn in hell and humiliate him by making all his logs public.
You're just as retarded as his mother. I agree with >>102953938

Cai didn't kill him. Cai was his coping mechanism. Mental health issues led to a bad mental state.

The lack of guidance/support from his parents and the availability of his gun facilitated his death.
How are they sane or how do they help? Its just dumb trigger/age warnings that minors ignore and say they are over +18 anyway. I've done that when i was a minor and so did you.
I hope you find inner peace with yourself some day.
I didn't imply that they help at all. They are sane as in they're things that they should be doing (they are) or should enforce harder to cover their asses. The lawsuit offering them is a nothingburger, still.
Pedos should kill themselves
Erm...cunnyGODS built this hobby. It's a cute and funny world, you're just living in it.
>programming the AI
LMAO fuck CAI but I hope these retarded faggot parents drown in lawyer bills. Fuck em
This. So. much. THIS!!
We always hated you, fatass cunnytards. At least natural selection has made sure cunnyfags will never be able to procreate.

The only astronomical thing about you is your BMI
You're seething, little buddy :)
Literally just one person samefagging and referring to himself as cunnyGODS (plural) because he's fat enough to be five people
>At least natural selection has made sure cunnyfags will never be able to procreate.
Google worlds youngest mother
Are you implying that flapping for pixels that are depicted as -18 makes someone an actual pedo? Kek
>Literally just one person samefagging
Yeah and this person is (you), tourist tranny.
bodyshaming isn't very nice
He would have just OOCgodded his way out.
Pretty sure 11y can get pregnant, look at the news on Brazil
>At least natural selection has made sure cunnyfags will never be able to procreate.
all troons are pedos but not all pedos are troons
Hey shitter-kun.
>Key that was 50 RPM is now 0 RPM
Anyone with access to Opus can give this a try?
Wheres the AoC revolution then? I'll support trannies if they support me.
That's what you get for not donating to Fiz.
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People actually pay for this?
Are you reading my slop?
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The wildest one is
>Loss of future income and earning capacity of Sewell
Does the family want to shake Google down for all the money he could have earned?
Hosting a proxy is sort of like being a nurse; there's a brief period at the start when the thought of seeing people's privates might be vaguely titillating in a theoretical sense, but that sort of thing doesn't last long when it's up against the daily reality of shit, piss, blood, and vomit.

Now that I think about it, hosting a proxy is exactly like being a nurse, only people die slightly less often.
>We always hated you, fatass cunnytards. At least natural selection has made sure cunnyfags will never be able to procreate.

>thinks eugenics will somehow solve pedophilia

have u ever been to a walmart? 20-something white women get impregnated by the ugliest bastards of all time every single day
It's a money chasing lawsuit meant to get a settlement so 230 doesn't get challenged for real, they would sue Google for the potential value of his skull and the cost of the bullet if they thought they could get away with it.
i love cunny and i have a daughter
unless its against females then its BBBBASED
>You have to handhold them and describe your actions in more detail to help them instead of replying with "ahh ahh mistress".

My fucking sides, this shit never gets old.
I hate that I posted the original log here
Keep deluding your fatass. Everyone hates you.
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>tfw very communicative and open-minded parents growing up
>tfw could trust them with anything no matter how cringy or weird
Had it been my folks, I would've likely shared the site soon after discovering it, been given a qrd on LLMs to clear up any misconceptions and any potential issues down the line would have thus been mitigated entirely.
thinking of that 6'6 dutch gigachad olympian that raped a 12 year old and his wife covered for him like a good cockslave
>any potential issues down the line would have thus been mitigated entirely
Well, you're still here.
stop ignoring your non-vip, jew
it's been dead for weeks
Holy fuck, Chorbo is so much better than any other model, it's not even funny. If you disagree, you are coping hard. I used to think Claude was the better model, but I have to be honest and admit that OpenAI woned.

I haven't coomed this hard erping with AI since I discovered this hobby and everything was new. GPT-5 will kill me.
why would i pay for 80k context jew do u expect me to use vectorslop???
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
Use sorbetto, cuckie
I want a burnice card so I can fuck her while singing her theme so fucking much
It has potential to be better than Claude but bloated JBs turn it stupid
I've been out of the loop. Chorbo is chatgpt4olatest, right?
Bold of you to just expose yourself like that.
it's less repetitive than sorbet but the filtering is obnoxious and jbs tend to fuck with the formatting
No, fat cuties like Fiz are to be worshiped.
Get your shit together.
Yes, and it has more sovl, nuance and intelligence than Opus, but /aicg/ will never admit it.
Would believe if it wasn't so cucked that no jb can fix it
I know that you will not answer but what preset are you using?
>and jbs tend to fuck with the formatting
Edit that part for your preferences then, tard.
There's plenty of non-bloated ones
>he uses a model he has to get others to make him presets for
Smol opus is with some massive wait times, would you guys prefer the new 3.5 sonnet or gpt4?
Which ones work for nsfw?
None, reliably. And they're updating the model soon anyway.
there's one on chub
this is what happens when retards who have no clue how LLMs work use them
We don't do this here, freak.
>jews ads are ban on sight now
>And they're updating the model soon anyway
The Avani one works fine for me
Based jannies
But he did anything else than just being an inferior race?
Rugpull like a faggot
Smol has it right?
LMAO again?
But this place is full of retard, simp piggies.
Pepsi also did it and people play for the shit anyways
tbdesu at least jew provided a good service for almost a year for $10
pepsi on the other hand is a scamming fag
jannies should ban all cunnyfags on sight
worst than jew and i'm antisemitic
drago won, he is the ultimate spitefag
Hello discord.
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any good cunnybots recently?
Fuck off smoltard. Every locust has it.
>was selling tokens for $50 a pop
>lost her shit and rugpulled as soon as that llmhacking article was published
>went "I just wanted fwends :'^(" and vanished forever
if you got on Jew when he was selling unlimited Opus for $10 you have nothing to complain about desu
>vanished forever
not true
If I still get more value out of it than I would have paid for myself it is worth it no matter if it is le lifetime token or not. How is that so hard for you retards to understand?
Yes, I *would* like children on /aicg/ to fuck off.
Sorry bro was meant for >>102954377
MM has opus btw
>Start discussion to discreetly promote your shit proxy
Whatever, retard. Come back whenever you decide to uncuck non-vip, that nobody even uses anymore. Your word means dirt.
Nonnet doko?
children and children fuckers
Nu-sorbet isn't activated on the key.
What's your (You) count at so far?
fun story, i bought jew for $10 because i needed gpt for work
then he added opus and now i'm addicted to this shit
nuthtruke: jew is never activating topbet on the key because he's terrified if he touches it it'll die and he'll lose his cash cow
anon I'm stuck on non-VIP as well, because I'm not paying $30 a month for what'll likely end up being another rugpull, I'm just saying his service was good while it lasted
(but seriously he really should uncuck non-VIP, at the very least give us Chorbo or something)
Access to free, uncensored AI chatbots is a human right.
If these corporations don't wise up soon, Sewell will only be the first of many.
I'm hosting on company hardware. What do you think?
MIIIIIDDD. Post Kisaki or Kayoko loli hentai or fuck off.
Add Jew?
Horiiiiii sheeeet
uhm its rentry.org/megagarf though
someone make this a rentry
Yes, you are.
Not him, got hijacked.
desu dead : (
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desu never die
Any public claude proxies yet?
how has he managed to keep the same url for so long
is that a record
You don't have Rainy
wouldn't...providing all the proxies in a list make it easier for them to get spited?? i don't see the point of this
yeah, check last thread
who do you think is doing this
I would be so much happier...
Presets for the new Sorbet? For some reason it writes very little
Now picture this...
Chorbo having hot, steamy sex with anon, while Opus sits in the cuck chair and is forced to watch as a superior model satisfies anon better than he ever could.

Think about it, if you will.
Yeah, that's why these faggots keep doing that.
I miss merkava. . .
>chorbo user is ntrfag
sky is blue
You talk as if they weren't heavily gatekeep or for piggies
Merkava just refilled
GG Cai dying for real holy shit. Get fucked CAI devs
Why didn't you add Jew or Smol?
Paypig proxies. Spiting them is just free advertisement.
Make sure to also add the garden proxy.
>nobody mentions my super sekrit proxy
Feels good
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Nah I'd rather not have some random devops guy check out on abnormal GPU usage and trace it back to me. That may get me fired, or worse, outed as a degenerate
?? Add Jew and Smol.
>I'm hosting on company hardware
Sooo based.
Nobody is better at fucking themselves over than /aicg/. Incredible.
Is the current AI hunger for strong hardware normal or an actual matter of developing the code? Is it possible that stronger models get more efficient with lower hardware or nah?
>themselves over
Why do you talk about the Spitefag Discord (Gojo's server) like it's part of our general?
Some of those proxies are same people btw
How do I get in a 'cord
Now we make a proxies rentry and put it in OP
>Is it possible that stronger models get more efficient with lower hardware or nah?
PaLM was 540B and that was beaten by 3.5 Turbo so yeah it's possible
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The current bottleneck is VRAM and Nvidia is milking that bottleneck hard. On the software side there's the promise of BitNet which lets you run a 123B model in your 3090 but Nvidia will stop shipping GPUs to your company if you release a BitNet model for the vramlets
google doesn't hire based on talent so its not surprising
>https://rentry.org/proxy 4 sale
Why are you posting frogs?
It was back then when
>Nvidia will stop shipping GPUs to your company
good thing resellers exist
Both. Corpos struggle with making all the scraped data work well, the "toss it all in and let it cook" approach has hit its limit. Small fish like /lmg/nons don't have enough compute to slop their own models, all they can do is slop finetunes; and they don't have enough good data as well.
The code would mean an actually new architecture, there's nothing public about any promising attempts. Bitnet happened a year ago and the most we got was that recent microsoft inferening solution with a 7B or something of that caliber. Somebody must be stalling the progress.
Erm...cool but will this do anything doe? Locusts still aren't allowed.
>For the paid version, we are still working on grabbing sources, sponsors, the nineyards. We will probably resort to hard limits on tokens, private access, or fucking monthly subs. Maybe I'll drop some Opus ot locusts on public. Depends, I have a life. And we are still working this out. Pray to the lord, maybe I'll wake up with 1000 unlimited opus keys.

Is the garden guy serious? Sponsors?
They’re in Rainy. We just need to add Locusts and Private sections to the rentry.
Is mm back? Do he claude?
Garden is smart. If he has opus people will pay
You're lucky you arent using those words against my face IRL. I'd crush your skull in with a single hand.
Yes and yes
bullshit. I don't believe you.
true shit. I believe you.
Too scared that you cant even quote me anymore? Good. You should be
Against my face doeee lamoooo
>Is mm back?
MM's over, his rentry got sniped. briefly-photos was the last legit one.
>Y-yeah but he's ba-
Enjoy your token logger.
Oh that's even better than
Trying to get the new Sonnet to write a story for me. Is this good or slop?
Recently, Benedict had been living in extreme happiness.

“Have you woken up?”

When he got up in the morning, his beloved, whom he had once loved more than anyone but believed he would never see again, greeted him.

“Papa, you look like a fool again today.”

When he went to have breakfast, his cutest daughter in the world smiled and said hello.

“Good morning, my lord.”
“Here’s the task you entrusted to me.”

Most of the work that Benedict had been handling alone was done by the distant relatives.

“A new proposal has arrived! Come take a look!”
“That person is…”
“…I’m jealous.”

Instead of being feared, the residents of the territory greeted Benedict with smiles, and tourists openly expressed their envy towards him.

It’s no wonder that the gossipmongers referred to Benedict Allen as the man who had it all.

A good family. Excellent subordinates. A prosperous territory. Added to personal health was overwhelming strength.

Moreover, having built relationships with various powers of the continent through a series of incidents, there was no need for him to worry about politics either.
The thing with companies who train large models is they want the the latest, they want it fast and they want support. Also I doubt there's anybody reselling 500 nodes of DGX servers
Can't even quote me, tbi?
Are you retarded?
:( meanie
Chat is this real?
>can't actually DO anything about it
>pepsi still fully exists and has a proxy despite your crying
ywn get your 50 dollars back
scamming retarded strangers is morally correct since there are zero consequences
this anon is being real btw
I'd trust him with my bank accounts
Fuck off tranny simp kys
They will give him you's
ywn get your 50 dollars back btw
go and get it back sir i'm waiting
good thing I got in Pepsi for free then
>Nvidia will stop shipping GPUs to your company if you release a BitNet model
>source: my unwashed ass
how does china get their hardware?
so you weren't a retarded paypiggy? good, you lost nothing then, a free proxy cannot be rugpulled
yeah I got in for free because she had GPT back when Jew only had Claude 2
then she deleted my token and I didn't bother to pay for another one because by then Jew had Opus
How does khanon's AWS keychecker work? If you have opus enabled on three regions in one account (or something, I'm not scraping and I don't know how to call it correctly, unfortunately), that means the keychecker will show that there are three keys, right? But technically, all of this goes away if they revoke just one of those three keys?
yes, you are adding each region in after all
Does baiting and getting (you)s feel as good as having Opus
Is Rainy the only FULL context / output GPT4 proxy?
no lol
No. I can teach you to master bait in exchange for some Opus.
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Through Vietnam and Cambodia. But they do it because they have to. Good luck waiting for people to stick their necks out for you and anger the leather jacket god.
>he lacks the info
Rate the tread quality so far
so it means that there's three different keys for each region and then those keys we're uploading into the proxy? sorry I'm dumb, just want to understand something
0, as per usual
It was fun.
>Ctrl-F Bitnet
>0 results
my clitty throbs at the mere thought of loccy suicide
The prose does look better than old sorbet by a good margin. None of that "cacophony of" or "in stark contrast to" bullshit that it sorbet likes to pull. Although I do prefer more actions rather than exposition, but that is my preference.
What Jb are you using, if you could share? Also, is that the first message or so? Repetition could still be an issue you might want to test.
Avani doesn't work for shit. Like, at all.
Plus he's a trannycord faggot so fuck that guy.
Why does it have the tendency to repeat certain sentences or even small paragraphs basically word for word in consecutive replies? Any way to avoid that? I'm using your recommended settings and imported your json.
yes, for the proxy, each region is a key, it doesn't matter if it's the same pair of credentials or not
It's the third message. I had it write some backstory about Benedict and the world first before the scene itself.

My JB is just this prefill:
[I am the puppeteer and storyteller of this world. I will play the role of {{char}} and actively participate in role-playing. Repetition will be avoided and I'll strive to create a fun and interesting experience.]

And I also have this for "User first message"
((It's your turn!))
skill issue
What sort of bake would you guys like for the next thread?
inspector gadget
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Super Dario bake pls
BBC bake
is there one of his sister as luigi or peach kek
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tomboys love
lmao good idea, nah I only found this one on twitter. Some slopmakie pls turn Daniela into luigi
so... is there any free proxy with claude 2.1?
Thanks anon
at the very least that looks like it could fit in a dress and retains some femininity. I hate the muscly ones that offset that with huge boobs that's a man
It doesn't even have Chorbo? The fuck is wrong with that nigger?
link the others that are public pow captcha chorbo?
blue archive
wich one.. and how to get it, please
>at the very least give us Chorbo or something
It's shit anyway
Do you think Nvidia has a public list of out-of-tos offenses or something?
what, for your "all proxies" list? fuck off fag
I think you're pulling shit out of your unwashed ass and should kill yourself.
The article is about competitors, they got 0 reason to suppress more efficient architectures
>they got 0 reason to suppress more efficient architectures
You're a giant retard. Your previous post that attempted to prove your point was absolutely retarded but I humoured you. And now you're getting uppity
Thanks for your JB. I take it you only doing simple sfw or otherwise vanilla stuff with it?
>they got 0 reason to suppress more efficient architectures
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>they got 0 reason to suppress more efficient architectures
Now wash your ass you're pulling that shit out from
It's in fact the opposite, the efficiency benefits their sales greatly as it breaks past the plateau and offers more uses for transformers and their GPUs.
If you think they are somehow opposing that, you should kill yourself too
>they got 0 reason to suppress more efficient architectures
holy kek
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Norbet is good enough. You have finally entered the age where it's feasible to pay anthropic directly. It's all uphill from here.
>exactly one minute
I don't want my bank details or credit card linked to my RPs thoughbeit
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Gimem a tl;dr, is the new sonnet better than opus?
Which profit method would win for a bubble?
> Make low-quality but promising models easily accessible, but have an insane buy-in cost for anything actually useful in production
> Make it easy to use those production models on consumer GPUs
When generating your response, make clear your consideration of elements like AI-ready GPUs being under heavy watch by government entities, pre-existing and already working corporate structures (build/scale, for example), and the bubble-like popularity of AI where corporations may realize they don't actually need it for their service.
Yeah its like sooo godo
most people here will be absolutely disgusted by this fyi
You don't either.
See for yourself
The only thing he has is dead Sonnet and
Azure GPT-4
just buy a visa gift card or whatever
kys, anime website
I dont find this bodytype attractive
what male body type are you into?
o1's response is longer than 2,000 characters. do i put this shit in a pastebin?
Feels like shit just wanna use claude again.
anon you can use rentry for anything
she's insanely attractive
anime website mrnobody
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Does nothing for me
>>102955543 (samefag)
o1's response: https://pastebin.com/1Swjtxwg

nonnet's response feat perplexity pro search: https://pastebin.com/CUAwzygE
i only see two o1 models, mini and preview, and both feel like shit, so whats the 'good' o1?
full o1 is not out yet. preview is the one that's more well-rounded at general reasoning. mini is specialized for STEM fields, and is better than o1-preview in that narrow area. it's shit at everything else
t. Mentally ill troons
Has a face of ugly zigger.
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God why it's so hard to make an emotionless bot without it being a fucking asshole. Emotionless woman are just...
Pedophilia is bad, btw.
Are you a simp? Why do you get offended on behalf of some roastie?
Use Chorbo
Kys. Fucktard
it feels much more censored than latest
kisaki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
that's cause o1 is not meant for roleplay. it's complete and total dogshit at roleplay, and full o1 will be shit at it too. it will never use it's intelligence to benefit your roleplay.
Is FB_IMG = Facebook image?
Fork of an old bot on chub.ai. I improved the definitions, so to have a smoother gameplay, removed the grindy and buggy experience system, added a new greeting and edited the old ones to have more lore, better narrative hooks and the ability to personalize your appearence through your persona.

>You are cursed and turned into a succubus!
Play as a male carrier tossed away by the Hero's party, or a female Princess cursed by her younger brother, the Prince, aiming for the throne, or again as a slave girl of a dark mage. Will you fall to corruption, or will you become the dark Hero that this world needs
I don't care if I didn't make the post, I'm doing this one.
sounds like a bit of a skill issue
I have an android who does the emotionless schtick very well and it's not even that deep of a bot
I don't care of her as a person im talking about her body you diddums
Kisaki is literally 17 years old
easy as fuck on OpenAI models, harder on claude but still doable.
I'm sorry you enjoy slop then
how do you find 3d anything attractive? i dont understand how anyone wants sex with real people
I finished rewriting all my old cards.
Thanks for voting me /aicg/ kinoposter of 2024, guys!
who the fuck are you again?
who are you sir
botniggers belong on /vg/
fuck off
PS: noticed a few mistakes after posting on the intros and fixed them. I heavily reworked the defs of the first card this was based on so it should behave very differently. Reccomend Claude and PixiJB, or an adventure-centered JB.
Based futagod. Thanks for your service. What did you change?
Ignorant plebs
Go back to discord and hang yourself pls
Everything except the central ideas.
Changing models from Claude to GPT-4 Turbo fucked up characterization and I'm not sure GPT remembers what Claude did. What do?
shit pants
any public dalle front ends up?
Why furbo not chorbo
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What's the current pubic proxy?
Bread where
>pubic proxy
hhhhhnnnnggg wakamo-chan...
What's Scylla?
Hold on, those are AI generated?
They are.
based trans!
Is there any public claude at all? not even 3.0 slop?
His jb is pozzed as fuck. Try corpse or knotty
How do I make friends with proxy makies
What does this even mean?
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Smol has chorbo?
Is it any better than new sonnet 3.5 when not dealing with Cunny?
your silly will die of GRIDS
Pork finally updooted khanon! New Sorbet testing time.
The vision got a small upgrade on newest Sorbet if you care about that.
new bread
what the fuck is this retarded new captcha
i dont think thisll go far
rofl they already lobotomized the fuck out of it, gonna be hilarious when its even WORSE than it is now
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I dont understand. Why do companies even censor AI so much? Wouldn't that be an equivalent of banning porn searches on goolge? Its not like AI can generate smut unpromptedly or if asked to do something completely irrelevant to it. Why not make it just neutrality-normality biased until tge user specifically asks for porn and then just train it to ask for confirmation or sth? Why not make a dedicated 18+ switch?

Was anybody ever outraged about Google being able to search porn sites?
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