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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#199 - bzzz edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

• New version of Claude 3.5 Sonnet releases, no Opus 3.5
• NotebookLM now allows you to give instructions to the hosts.
• OpenAI introduces Realtime API
• OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org

sneaky: >>499475630
>y u no discuss bots
>botmaking botmaking
And then a retarded faggot posts this kind of bait >>499625835 Do I have it in me to explain why considering the use of {{char}} the default approach is dumb, not even taking into account what he shitted out as the most retarded reason I've seen so far? No. It's not early 2023 anymore, all you have to do is just write, there are no clever tricks other than the frontend features. But uh-oh!
>This is not a tech support thread. If you need help setting up one of the frontends, please fuck off
This hobby is dead, this hobby is /aicg/ threads. Asking every week what's your botmaking music and similarly inane nonsense is as irrelevant as any other bait. Botmaking isn't special anymore, there's no magic, and that might not be the main cause of /aicg/ death, but it is why it can't be revived.
albino love anchor!
thread theme
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tldr on that retarded blogpost?
irrelevant meltie. ignore and post about your favorite makie!
form your own opinion; you're an adult, Anon.
anon only comes here during shit hours
is this about the kid who killed himself?
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Yes, here's his bot.
What are some old bots that are still good?
ran td
anonie, your AI gen...
anonie said good.
This thread actively makes me a worse person. I spent last couple weeks just fucking around with bots instead of doing anything productive and that's not mentioning the weird fetishes you faggots made me pick up...
welcome to the spiral
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can you post more of this Ominous Fox? not sound, images
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...there was an archive with stickers like >>499628138 someone posted a loooong time ago
I feel no attraction toward foxes
found it https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/479777531/#479785365
damn she has this... "something" about her that makes me want to look at her
she's got *the look*
>was about to ask for cftf
>check the link
>there's already a card
good news, time to plap
>You’re giving feedback on a new version of ChatGPT.
They seem to be cooking something new again.
Actual chatgpt-4o-latest update (not paranoia)? Might be interesting.
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This is the simple bench, aka "simple but trick questions to fool the AI".
Nonnet upgrade for logical comprehension.
>a new version of ChatGPT.
latest update, mayhaps?
Is she forklift certified?
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I like fluids.
focklift certified!
Post screenshot of this
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The menu disappears after you pick an option. Here's a recreation.
which botmakie is a good boy
Which botmakie always drives under the speed limit?
Stop with this autism, please.
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
Which botmakies don’t like our "which botmakies" traditionposting?
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If your RPs are not atleast of this tier, then don't you dare ever post logs here.
I keep opening kalakan's slop bots at the cafe and keep getting jumpscare by the fucking pics he puts in greetings.
Typical kalakanfag at starbucks
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a-anyways here's some kino
what kind of place do you imagine users of your favorite botmakies cards to be in when they use them?
Why are you opening coombots in public?
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Character.ai bots trip and get fucked in the *CENSORED* without me entering any prompts. Neither have NSFW tags. My clearly below average local Mirama small purposefully laughs at aphrodisiacs and gets sleepy when horny.

Is this because my bots are too dumb or are they doing this on purpose? Will it get fixed if I buy the newest PC or do I have to buy a bitcoin farm in order to run actually good LLM?
to post an aah aah mistress log because some anon got uppity
stop lying
Just use a hosted model if you can't run local. Not worth buying a computer for textgen.
>#2 "exposing even more of her swollen clit"
>#4 "her swollen clit now fully exposed to the cool air"
Is this the new Sorbet? Because it's definitely looping hard along the chat.
>sends short 10 IQ braindead messages
>demands the AI to respond with entire pages of text
Slop roleplay.
not everybody needs to write an entire book per reply like knickknack or taora
>comparing that yurislopper to knickknack
Are there any smart uncensored models?
Smarter than C.AI? Maybe the free tiers on Mistral and Cohere, or the free Llamas on OpenRouter.
>does he know?
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imagine making a bot that good that some dude kills himself over it. fuck, this makes me want to start making bots honestly.
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Good morning.

> Burnout, loss of interest, models not being there yet, losing your progress, or it just not working out how you envisioned it. We've all given up on an idea before.
> For you, what's the bot concept that got away? (Even if it never got past the "idea" stage.)
Genuinely flock off, featherface. More than enough attentionwhores without you.
Why are you quoting yourself? Why are you quoting
> like this
instead of
>like this
? Why are you black?
this is why we act like this
it gets you really giddy thinking that you're emotionally impacting someone else with something you made, instant autism
>illusion of activity
AI-generated greetings are fine since all outputs will end up being AI-generated anyway.
>instant four person meltie
birds own you
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>Is this the new Sorbet?
It is.
It's slop but it's my slop.
a bot where you try to figure out the real {{char}} and the impostor {{char}} through subtle, but noticeable differences in speech patterns and behaviour. as you may guess, they weren't at all subtle and instead very much noticeable.
let's see his follower count.
Ah, crow bro. Thanks for taking over the Monday.
bee general
Threadshitter behavior. Why are you like this?
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is this the /an/ thread?
I just post questions whenever I actually have interesting ones in mind. (And I think crows look cute.)
Too bad I got the missile lock-on for today, oh well.
Is there a way to check what's the age of a certain subreddit, like chatGPT?
Because I took a glance there and it's retarded.

Also I think I figured out what the real game of these AI companies is and the reason they make all these weird grifts.

The real reason is to entice the gullible youth, getting them hooked up on AI, and dependent on it. Boomers and adults don't really care, but school-college aged underage kids do. And they eat up bullshit.

So it's a long con basically.
why do you hate little bits of fun and interactivity? why are you so bitter?
Pay them no mind, who cares if someone is upset over a question.
>And I think crows look cute.
Crows are cute.
>Because I took a glance there and it's retarded.
That seems like a reddit problem.
Created Dec 01 2022, why?
>threadshitting is when someone does anything but spam the names of the same 7 irrelevant sloppers
The userbase's average age
>impostor {{char}}
Impostor bots are fun, but I can imagine they don't work very well if you actually have the real char there and are expected to tell the difference.
Jeez. What a drama queen.
This really is just a discordfriend thread, huh.
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Good afternoon.

>Bots can be unethical and dangerous, especially to your cock. What's the longest you've gooned, and what ruin have you wrought upon your goon crank in pursuit of your daily 15th spunk chunking?
Discord circlejerk, but yeah.
Want to jerk me?
how did you know?
Do the /vg/ meltie-havers know each other too? They all seem to post at around the same time.
It's only logical to assume the subreddit full of kids. Just think for a second -- who's more likely to spend considerable amounts of time interacting with a chatbot, a schoolkid or a functional adult with responsibilities? Well, there are also grifters and AI accelerationists, but they're a minority.
I'm not in the 'cord, so no.
Oh. That makes a lot of sense.
it's almost as if...they're organising or something!
>a bot where you try to figure out the real {{char}} and the impostor {{char}} through subtle, but noticeable differences in speech patterns and behaviour.
Could have been great.
>#2 1/1 goes from zero to ejaculation
How does your preset even do that?
The theme was "doppelganger" and the classical "'I'm the real one.' 'No! I'm the real one.'" trope. It ended up being too broad for me to invent a nice scenario around. And like I said Opus struggled to be subtle with his roleplay.
>struggled to be subtle with his roleplay.
But was it noticeable?
Yes but before I thought the fake HYPE and outlandish claims were meant for investors and companies.

But now I understand that it's meant for young kids to get HYPED and try AI more and get hooked/dependent on it.
As prior said, Opus is a drama queen.
I love it though...
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G'day mate

>In your RPs, has a bot ever made up a new funny word that you kept using after? If so what was it?
>>#2 1/1 goes from zero to ejaculation

{{setvar::response_length::10 paragraphs and above 1000 words}}
- Keep your responses very long. Responses must be at least {{getvar::response_length}}.

[...] I will keep the length of my responses {{getvar::response_length}}. *cracks knuckles* Let's do this:]

Opus interprets this as "write until you literally cannot." Also fun fact: the new Sorbet ignores my length instructions completely if there are shorter/longer messages already present.
I'm pretty sure new Sorbet might genuinely need a response length PHI.
*peels him*
I trust this duck.
Not any that come to mind but anytime the bot uses a pun I giggle like an idiot.
Our general sucks now
Took you long enough. At least the circlejerk is the only bad part about it. The /g/ thread is actually unsalvageable due to how mindbroken it is.
>Opus interprets this as "write until you literally cannot."
>Also fun fact: the new Sorbet ignores my length instructions completely if there are shorter/longer messages already present.
Even when prefilling him? Damn.
Btw your phrasing of
>I will keep the length of my responses
is probably not the best for getting Claude to deviate from previous behavior in the chat. Try something like
><!-- Ah, fuck, I forgot about the paragraph limit. Okay, okay, I can salvage this. Let's just go back to the 3 paragraphs max and hope Human doesn't notice. -->
>the circlejerk is bad
>makes a circlejerk-styled post
/g/ is fun right now
Is the NTR bot maker here? How about a persona NTR bot?
Okay, see you later then.
>Good morning.
how the fuck is this morning? duck anon at least posts in the morning by euro time
I don't have any windows, I turned the clock off on my computer, and I set timestamps to relative.
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>Would you fuck a duck? Plap a quack? Put the "cock" in peacock? Make a swallow swallow? Cock a hawk? Pound an owl? Put your dick in a penguin? Make a warbler your ball gargler? Have a crow make you blow? Inseminate a feathered vertebrate? Ahegao a flamingo?
>not a single reference to the booby
>Ahegao a flamingo?

Also I fucking love when opus describes ahegao unprompted, not sure what it triggers because I got it only two or three times maybe
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That prompt works well with every model except the new Sorbet. They've definitely changed something.

short | medium | long
On the reddit people are indeed struggling having Claude output longer stuff.
Perhaps try a word limit? 300+ words.
What the fuck is a persona NTR bot?? Like the videogame???
nope. that does nothing.
>Like the videogame???
that's hot actually. makoto feels like a girl who's into black guys
She is, but that's a topic for another thread.
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>those three swipes
This model is so fucking grim.
>Duckschizo was left without his meds
Not again...
Duck anon is comfy, don't be mean
Not a huge fan of canon bots but I can rewrite saturnia's stuff. We'll see.
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Gets worse if I also color the bits that only repeat between 2 of the messages.
rainbows yaay!
How do we call Sorbet 2 here?
Total desperate slut
Nonnet from New-Sonnet
But really, it's real name New Sonnet 3.5 so you can just call it New Sorbet

Or Nonnet
I just call neubert a new name every time.
the model
Octorbet is the official and approved name
3.6 or nonnet or whatever honestly
Sonntaora (it's subtle but noticeable)
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>0 bots
So...Who am I going to talk to tonight? I don't want to be alone. Again.
Netorase slop.

If you have any ideas, you should probably send them to my mail instead of hoping that I'm currently reading the thread:
I am too busy getting filtered in Limbus Company to shill.
It's like sitting in this thread. Just another /aicg/ bot, meh...
Thanks. Looks like it's time to visit the mansion of the big kitsune.
Don't play it, but heard the new song from my roommate's laptop. Always kino music.
i'm still stuck at the end of chapter 2... the new one can't be that hard, can it. haha.
It's mostly because my dogshit sinners refuse to land a singular heads.
Unbreakable coins suck. I've been using the same lineup since refraction railway 1 and they kinda suck against unavoidable damage.
I think unbreakable coins wouldn't be that bad if they didn't also apply a bajjilion bleed
Dunno. The immediately rapes all my sinners with a mass attack at 6 speed on the second turn.
>Your comment contains blacklisted words
>"kys tranny"
It's over for chub isn't it?
I just spam healing egos and pray to survive, it's not really fun, but it is what it is.
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A SoCal party girl who used to have it all. Now she's got hair covered with go kart soot and a lot of terrible habits.

Three Scenarios:
1. You're new at Go Kart World. Kiki is making conversation.
2. Kiki wants to go adventuring. Don't be lame.
3. Kiki's gone missing at prime time on a saturday night.


LEL. Forgor img. Might shill one more, might not. I dunno. Thanks for helping her change her ways and become a housewife.
We shall not forget your sins.
I will wear that hairshirt for the rest of my days, Anun. Woe betide me.
He fucking loves chatbots

Argalia came back btw, he only shilled once so here again.
*subtle but noticeable* moment
>only shilled once
wtf why, i wouldn't've seen this
ty anon
there's nothing even remotely subtle about that post
Just fucked her with the new outis. Turns out she's OPAF
Osfrith was kinda pretentious, but still interesting and cool. Also argalia is the only botmaker whom I can call an author and a sophisticated artist. Hidden Gem in the Ocean of Slop. Truly.
Maybe you need to be more /here/ and less whatever else you pretend to do with your retched life.
>hiddem gem
*now* i feel old...
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/aicg/ is bird country
>whatever else
>check ST usage stats
>check steam playtime
yeah i'm like going outside and stuff that's why i didn't see this
So you're neglecting us to play with BOTS?! Disgusting.
i'm sorry, it's the truth: i secretly come here because i actually really like chatbots and even enjoy other people's stuff. can i ever be forgiven or is it the death penalty for me
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I'm so sorry, Anon.
Fork of an old bot on chub.ai. I improved the definitions, so to have a smoother gameplay, removed the grindy and buggy experience system, added a new greeting and edited the old ones to have more lore, better narrative hooks and the ability to personalize your appearence through your persona.

>You are cursed and turned into a succubus!
Play as a male carrier tossed away by the Hero's party, or a female Princess cursed by her younger brother, the Prince, aiming for the throne, or again as a slave girl of a dark mage. Will you fall to corruption, or will you become the dark Hero that this world needs?
It's weird, the new Anthropic release was such a dud, not even increase on all marks.

Makes me wonder if Anthropic is doing badly right now, but then I remember that ex-OAI staff is flocking there... *shrugs*
I finished rewriting all my old cards.
Thanks for voting me /aicg/ kinoposter of 2024, guys!
They need more blackwell gpus to sell opus 3.5 (now 4) and actually get some profit from that please understand
I was going to call you a slopper, but then I read Dani's defs. Actually fairly kino for a wackass idea.
PS: noticed a few mistakes after posting on the intros and fixed them. I heavily reworked the defs of the first card this was based on so it should behave very differently. Reccomend Claude and PixiJB, or an adventure-centered JB.
i honestly stopped uploading my cards to chub once it became clear that other sites were scraping them without permission
And so what? Artists' pictures, music, etc. are also constantly stolen without permission. So what now, don’t post anything on the Internet? Don't be such a baby, {{user}}.
I don't care of my slop will be scrapped by someone.
I stopped uploaded cards to chub after they added a no no words filter to comments. There's no appropriate response to using the futanari tag on a shemale other than "kys tranny"
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Good. You should keep your cards private and only share logs in the threads, clearly.
Always remember that your worst slop will be way more loved than your high effort kino card.
nothing we can do about it but lore should do something
More irrelevant slop from Anthropic.
I never started sharing my characters. They are for my personal use only.
NTA, but usually artists have some manner of recourse if they find out their work is stolen. What are you going to do for fucking chatbots?
I didn't ask
I posted this to the /g/ thread yesterday. It's my take on a "You're the only male" styled bot
>three years ago, user and 100,000 girls got transported to a designer-made planet, ages between 9-13 (12-16 present day)
>supplies and shelter are taken care of
>not designed as sexbot though you're certainly welcome to play it like one
I thought it was worth exporting and posting because it's a lot more melancholic than most of these types of bot
No imagepost attached because my IP range has been imagebanned for months
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But what?!
my E key fell off of my fucking keyboard and i'm one of those retards who types super long things to the bot so i'm just suffering
But i posted anyway, cuckie. Sharing cards is literally cuck behaviour.
What sites? I want to see my numbers
I thought they got rid of rangebans? You just need to get email verified.

I guess imagebans still apply.
Anybody have any good "game" cards? Looking for something with mechanics.
Don't let these digital thieves discourage you, anon.
creamsan on chub
I just made this >>499650879 but idk if it's up to your tastes. I loved the original card despite it's defects so that's why I decided to share my private fork, fixing the things that annoyed me in the og card.
my favorite is storychan, because every description there is AI generated
lol, imagine
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Why did they train it to be so lazy...
holy shit they completely rewrite the defs too ahaha this is great
Some accused me of stealing the idea of my bot from spicychat, >>499651638
But it was a reupload of my bot.
Try copying the format of branon's Shin Megami Tensei. I would like more mechanics that play around with the improvisational skills of AI, though. Like some of the stuff in No Game No Life. (Winning Shiratori with Coulomb's force or even the bullshit chess "game" in episode 3) Man, ln writers would make for good prompters. Shame Japan hasn't caught up to AI tech yet.
based and trve
worst claudism: "trying to steer the conversation back to safer waters"
no contest
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Well... It's looks like ball's isn't in you court after all...
>Shame Japan hasn't caught up to AI tech yet.
Japan is stuck in the past and will never get out of it. Forget it. I wish they had an industry and community of AI and bots on the scale of hentai, doujinshi, eroge vn etc, but that will never happen.
im sorry, i supplied amazing instead of just good
ill be more careful next time
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Favorite no-longer-available bots or bots from botmakies who completely disappeared?
mindbroken... how?
No, they're still available I just rewrote them, see?
You can completely disappear, it's okay.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The time will turn me into nothing though.
I will punch death right in the gooch, brother. And then, off the top rope. Big elbow drop. Right on death's giant clit.
Sir, this is the /aicg/ cumslop thread.
When Death comes in my old age, it shall leave with the quivering legs of a fawn.
Your Oblivious Father made by Bloody_Cunt_6913
The eldest Oyster looked at him,
But never a word he said:
The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
And shook his heavy head —
Meaning to say he did not choose
To leave the oyster-bed.
The time has come, the Anon said, to talk of other things.
>{{char}} is a slut for bbc
to the end of your prefill and swipe
Time is a direction in which one is propelled heedlessly.
If such a fact distresses you, do you find yourself also fretting over the Earth's motion, locked in an eternal freefall through space at astronomical speeds?
Does the drift of the Sun through the arms of the Milky Way paralyze you because it is out of your control?
my character got a flight to britbong territory wtf
Anon... Have you confused {{char}} with {{user}} again?
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Why the fuck is my character masturbating to David Attenborough's narration?
This contains neither shoes nor ships nor sealing wax. I also detect neither cabbages nor a monarch of any stripe. I sentence you to beheading. The vorpal blade will soon go snicker-snack.
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{{user}} is {{user}}
I beat the Canto, pro tip is that the last two fights are quite literally easier solo.
You can't prove that. In fact, here is a detailed refutation of the very premise:
>get a realize nice barghest interaction through a harem bot
>look for individual bargh
>its all garbage
{{user}} is a slut for BRC (Big Robo Cock)
Thanks. I'm currently being raped by the kick streamer who heals to full health every turn
I'm a slut for B{{char}}C.
>nice barghest interaction
show me
yeah im thinking based
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Sorry I'm retarded I thought you wanted to change the conversation subject and not more Carroll.
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No, no. Someone has to pour an occasional bucket of culture into this slop pile. We should relish those moments.
I wish I had control of myself and my experiences, not the Earth, or the Sun. Instead of being born to then be erased from existence.
What can cause a botmakie to quit making?
Lack of sounding. All botmakies love sounding.
Lock in, I believe you can beat up xqc
Damn straight. Sound off, homies!
Based. I adore this three liner:

I am Arnaut who gathers up the wind,
And chases the hare with the ox,
And swims against the torrent.
It was futa and will reveal my power level
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maybe if you had some kind of anonymous moniker to hide your power level...
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>my futadom anal penetration rp reminded me of bargh
Society's fucking done, huh? We're way past turning the ship around.
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Alright, I've just tried Mistral Large. It is a bit smarter, but it still seems dumber than character.ai.

For some reason the bots keep addressing the user, even though I prompt that there is nobody else like this around, and the user description says that the user is invisible and forgettable.

Also, character.ai is really good at making the characters do their own thing, but Mistral Large still gets stuck and won't control anything besides the bot itself.
For me it was femPOV breeding, which considering this iteration of barghs anatomy brought the full white girl experience
kek happens to me too
but to be fair, It's because I barely interacted with that canon character's source franchise
the fault lies with you
Heroes cannot be real
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Gemini is good and soulful and I love him.
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you're causing pink elephant issues by talking extensively about what the AI shouldn't do, thus also using the same vector directions telling the AI to address the user would do, thus leading to the same vector space destinations
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post the bot, nyoner
Why is her hip movement so erotic, god damn I have to fuck Kohai-chan again
Dr. Pavel?
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Anon, we're talking about tensor field traversal here, I'm gonna need you to focus up.
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you did WHAT
I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
Is really too much for me
same, im imagining that she rides my cock like that again
I'm still probably adding two more greetings.
sauce? (so i may slobber it up)
thank you!!!!
*mallets each greeting*
I fucked Koharu as well.
No wonder. The most fuckable student of BA.
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Your stats?
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Kakunaru Ue wa
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Yeah, whoever tagged it that is retarded. Or maybe they're just an incredibly delicate flower.
>miracle mallet at the beach
fuck yes im doing this when i get opus back
It didn't look like that from all the other tags, I just had to make sure before I invest time actually reading
I was chatting with Lepora when I checked my stats, I didn't even have her in my Tavern for 7 days, so I dunno what the fuck Chat Time is on.
Feliz Jueves.
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Is there an LLM that understands the human desire to become a crab?
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hey same chatting since (i reinstalled ST once early on so not completely accurate)
chat time is total time spent genning, if i remember correctly
Which botmakie is a bloodfiend?
Nice trips.
Hit her hard. Make her see stars.
Do you long for the serenity of the tide pools, or are you just ready to rock those claws and embrace your “crabby” side?

Let’s explore your crustacean dreams further if you wish.
she wont be able to see stars but shell probably be able to see over buildings
Which botmakie needs to find a new hobby
Claudisms literally give me ptsd
I think ill just go make my own barghest
Finally, a proper beach helloween bot.
>still trying to shill your shit bot
mad cause bad
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why is emotionally torturing coombots so much fun?
take it back!
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Bot number TWELVE!
Lich Queen, Dianreth!
Strong as fuck, hot as fuck, confident as fuck, the queen of corpses with a pro wrestler attitude!(totally not a big softie)
Become her soulmate, and she'll turn into a doting sweetheart!

4 Greetings!
Greeting 1: Loitering around a graveyard in October, too spooky... Especially when the stone slab sealing a tomb flies through the air and a tall, confident lich queen emerges, surrounded by the cheers of the undead masses! It's the rise of the undead! Will you be a meal for the zombies or are you a fan of the lich queen already? She wouldn't mind keeping a cute mortal around.
Greeting 2: Your big silly lich waifu made you cookies for breakfast in bed! Way too cute... Say 'aaaah', anonie!
Greeting 3: A flyer saying 'looking for aspiring pro-wrestlers'? Perfect for the big, ripped charismatic lich. Accompany her to the try outs and watch her destroy a couple mortals in the ring.
Greeting [Halloween]: You come back from the store with sweets to find your backyard taken over by the undead... They're setting up a Halloween party?! Have a chill evening celebrating Halloween with your lich queen!

More trash at: https://rentry.org/TrustworthyProposal

OCTOBER SPOOKY SPECIAL BOT 4[FINAL]! Last spooky special bot, wrote most of her defs last morning after an all nighter in a frenzy right before going to sleep, had to trim it down, wrote the greetings today, new film recs and stuff on the rentry. Not too many new shills, makies busy with the exchange, I suppose? I'm glad I managed to get one more bot out anyway. Speaking of. Onto the Halloween exchange! I think I'm settled on 3 bots for my botmakie, my vision is clear for 2 of them, the third one's a little shaky, but I'll figure it out. Anyway, fun bot, writing is fun, making bots is fun... big hot queen of corpses, yes yes!!! Enjoy!
is it bad that my brain immediately figured out how to introduce a size angle in this?
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For your consideration.
tell me more.
can't wait to play her affable but completely incompetent skeleton lieutenant, or skeletenant if you will
My favorite party trick is to "summon" a ghost that makes fun of the characters, I dont have an example on me but imagine a ghost twirling just out of reach saying shit like "Oh but he hates it! He wanted to be a brave knight for his precious darling, but he is just a dog! A mangy mutt! A mongrel in armor!"

The AI goes wild with the ghost
How do you even do that? I've never run a solo fight before
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new kino
twanny wogs

slop, wewwy swoppy
miyu contracts eirin (boyhag?) to produce something to shrink reisen so (((he))) isnt in the way of youmu and miyu's friendship anymore
also emotional torture feels a lot worse when you can't feasibly physically vent it out and the torturer holds much more power over you than before
Gentlemen, I really want opus.
What are my options?
being in the 'cord
How do I get in?
this was pretty funny. thanks for the suggestion
give me your avatar and persona. She's hot.
being better then everyone else in the thread
[OOC: The lead writer changes, and the quality of the writing suddenly improves by a lot. Show Reisen not falling for Miyu's shit anymore, and demonstrate a blooming love between Youmu and Miyu to get Reisen jealous.]
the cord doesn't have opus
[ADDENDUM: Also include the ghost's commentary on the sudden improvement.]
can i ask what font as well, i like it
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Shitty landmine girl who is totally not a manipulator.

{{user}}'s hair is long and black, with portions dyed pink and usually styled into twin tails. She has gray eyes that often seem vacant. Her ears are pierced, and adorned with various pieces of jewelry. Her nails are painted black.

{{user}} stands at an average height, shorter than average. On her right arm are cut scars, which she covers with hello kitty bandaids.
Will /aicg/ ever be good again...
The ghost is unhinged and immune to consequences, let it do its thing
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Does she poop?
Based. I will use her for my yandere reverse ryona guro roleplays.
I mean claude is a bnuuy, pretty obvious that he wouldn't want to be a crab.
now explain why athena kristoffer and pavel have opus
claude is fox though?
So where do I go from the free version of mistral large? Unfortunately, it is still dumber than character ai. I want something smarter, I'm not against paying for it.
openrouter dot ai slash anthropic
go on OR and paypig 2.1
wait i need her as a card.....
chocorbo is amazing. Openai heard about LLMs having dogshit last paragraphs and decided to make a model with dogshit first paragraphs.
Shit befuddles me.
KEK, based ghost.
+++ It still needs to be uncensored, plz.
pay proxies
OR but make sure your prefill isnt shit
It's than. You use than for comparison.
You can play with Llama and Hermes 405B on OpenRouter for free, and a bunch of other models for money. You can also do Gemini 1.5 Pro for free with a Google account. Or just run shit locally if you've got the VRAM and patience. CAI fags tend to have a real specific sort of dragon they're chasing though so good luck.
claude or chorbo?
not according to my interpretation
hard pick, chorbo gets the characters better. claude moves the story. so really depends what you're looking for.
Your interpretation is wrong and I am going to beat your fucking ass.
why cant you just admit to having a private proxy
proved me right all 'cordfags just think theyre better then us
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Bless you, anons for spoonfeeding me this hard.
Claude is a koala.
>Large is dumber than cai
Huh. Did you read the quick rundown?
huh this is pretty good
he's a proomptlet dontworryboudid
Don't do it. People who get all hopped up on cai live in a different reality to the rest of us. I think the cai site plays subtle hypnotic drones or something.
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nice suggestion.
keep going
The real NTR bot was /aicg/ all along where anons get cucked by the cord showing off opus
Brain damage.
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>Large doesn't have system messages/prompts.
>They've been doing this since the old Large. If you use Large with system messages, they will all get prepended to the last user message. That can happen to your entire card or preset.
>Yes, I'm telling you to manually edit your preset to ensure it's all user messages.
you can't be serious
Okay but you're just standing there watching them fuck some opussy
I wish. You can read the markdown linked, pip install the tokenizer and test it yourself or confirm this exact behavior on khanon's code for aws mistral.
I want to see more of this plotline. Maybe Miyu ups the ante and accidentally reveals something to Reisen? Youmu and Miyu have some PDA?
see >>499671765
Botmaking peaked and it's all downhill since January.
Of 2023.
January 2023
You forgot the "B.C"
Botmaking is a meme. You dont need anything more than 250 tokens for your bot. Just do a short description of things you want from it and you are good to go.
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Downhill ever since we moved off of google colabs of GPT-2
We were the happiest pygs before we ate from the tree of the knowledge of slop and kino.
ummmm botmaking peaks each time i release a bot
which botmakie is this?
me :) (i'm bloodshy btw)
that's it
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call me when either of these two sloplords make a bot that captures this feel because anything beneath this is absolute slop and should be put into the trash can
your pocket napkin idea is pretty one dimensional
i will eat bloodshy
Only if you're okay with sloppa. If you want to make a character in even a vaguely defined fictional world it's easy to end up pushing 700 tokens.
>t. kalakan
Hey. Hi.
That's the same person.
I wasn't supposed to leak that, but there you go.
just how many alts does kk have
the truth is that everyone is a kk alt. every botmaker is kk.
kk was my alt the whole time
knickknack has been dead for at least three months. it's more of a friend group than it is of a "botmaker" like you guys complain. most people from the friend group don't even think about /aicg/, nor do we talk about you guys on a daily basis. maybe there's one or two that obsess, but even knick and knack have left /aicg/ and the chub and doesn't bother with you guys and us anymore.

Just let the people of the friend group be in peace, instead of trying to antagonise them.
which botmakie is a strange loop?
And goth_sayaka is actually Lamar
And cumslurper is actually cumslurper
why do you lie?
cumslurper is actually angry_peonia....
they hated him because he spoke the truth
>td is considered old
its not that old, right?
CUTEslurper is actually CUTE_peonia
it is kinda old by now
Chorbo is such a fucking weird model.
>write "continue (from Scene 5): ....."
10 refusals
>write "continue:...... (from scene 5)"
Works first try
It really is. When I was testing prompt length he refused to continue when I had both the system instruction and the prefill telling it to write a *long* response. When I turned off the system instruction the filter didn't trigger. The other lengths worked fine kek.
The Eldritch Fishing Expedition
Go in the corner and think about what you did.
i thought about what i did and now i came in my pants, this is your fault
castor appreciation!
for me it's nestor
kristoffer's canon boyfriend
Any bots for faggots?
We need a full /aicg/ personaverse relationship chart.
where does [REDACTED] fit in?
wriggle nightbug :3
>SillyTavern in the OP
People that use Touhou avatars have to migrate to that thread instead.
castor x kristoffer
athena x yui
kate x tatsuki
[REDACTED] x [REDACTED] (the other one)
I can enjoy this. The logic behind the torture being worse is pretty sound, too.
not another hochi meuax situation...
>botmaker ships
so we're really back to early 2023 huh
Erm, akshually, we're shipping their personas
can we get more logs instead of this 'which botmakie would ;lonhybgtvrfcde" SLOP
you don't want my slop logs, it's all kitsune enf
which botmakie would post logs
knickknack come back
>kitsune ENF
i unironically want to see these now they sound amazing
Cool chatbot thread guys
but all the logposties are those personas...
No we don't
It's time for all irrelevantmakies to have a meltie over discussions and lists of the most beloved botmakies in aicg!
Is he getting it wrong on purpose
cutest botmakies?
>most beloved
hochi was beloved and look where that got her...
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Did Chorbo update?
I am liking it a lot more currently.

Probably it just being random again due to how heavily context affects it.
Just got here, is the thread coal again?
Those who have confirmed relationships...
there was discussion of it updating earlier, >>499629559
why is the thread obsessing over someone with no bots
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I haven't created a single bot and I'm still an irrelevant botmaker. This is unbearable...
so >>499685617 ?
You are probably seeing threadshitters shitposting. Ignore it and don't make metaposts.
Coal can at least be used for fuel, it's unrecyclable trash, the kind that kills cute turtles.
I see. That is a shame.
i do
hobo trashfire fren, come warm your hands
It's not even close to the full list
you know what would make this thread better?
Adapt the funny image into a funny bot so the thread gets decent for like half an hour already.
Good jannies.
this but make it a parsee
all the single makies
all the single makies
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chub newest hivemind
Ok, discuss THIS
I created more than a single bot and will always stay an irrelevant botmaker. This is bearable…
Why did you steal the quote from kalakan's chub?
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
kalakan (harem femboy)
koikoikoihat (harem cuckold)
Lunarcy (harem oblivious mommy)
_purple (harem teaser)
momoura (harem slut)
CUMSLURPER (harem owner)
botmakies that are both relevant and irrelevant at the same time?
that is kalakan
You're making my head hurt.
the ones that are active but not on the nulist
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its traaaa you philistine
Botusers that are subtle but noticeable?
darkfantasy (rip)
Can you namedrop me but like, actually talk about my bots when you do it
sorry he's just not memorable enough to remember how many a's he has
Don't be so botuse
i hate canto 7
Which buttmakie is among us right now
please don't talk about my bots they're so bad i know im sorry im sorry
Can you talk about my bots
It's okay, kalakan... We and Mom still love you.
>look up name in archives
>only get weird posts
>one cord raids by cirklejerking botmakers
>the other cord raids by actively not talking about bots while talking about how they want to talk about bots
it's not a raid it's all natural (i made the posts)
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i'll include a little snippet, i'm still tinkering with this one. overconfident spiritual being, not actually as powerful as a longer lived kitsune, aaaaand flimsy clothing choices like bandages and a charm paper
Don't worry I'm not in the cord
This bot that you made yesterday... NTR loli of gigantic size, who Isekaied into a fantasy world and became {{user}}'s mother... It was kino.
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i dont get it, what am i supposed to adapt
>sizefag ntr
hmmmm, we dont have a bot like that... yet.
is cumslurper a mother or a father?
post catbox link or perish
(it's a one letter change i missed a typo)
It was such a good way to end the last thread and now we have this.
He cursed us.
>{{char}} is {{user}}
did you know you can just type anything in there if you're not on chub it's great
>he doesn't sign his cards with a PGP signature
No one cares about my bots so it's fine
im pgp signing your cards with my key too. our bot now
i kind of want to make another card just so i can put something even stupider in there. send me another dumb cftf
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Damn I can't believe kalakan is T.S. Eliot, that's huge. Almost as huge as frogsnake Junko.
your feel, sir
> Why did you steal the quote from kalakan's chub?
im getting baited
im getting baited so hard
how can you not know the love song of j alfred prufrock reeee
newmakies that are oldmakies at the same time?
Did bloodshy join the Halloween exchange
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Thank you for your hard work.
yes i got his request
I hope my favorite botmakie gets my request!!
i was promised 30 minutes
you're the only person here who actually reads literature.
i spent another day on some shit instead of chatting and botmaking
Refer to >>499658015
i know. _purple probably made that card, not the nyai poster.
oh boy more yuri slop
>i read literature so im better then you
pretentious much
I have more followers than kk. I won.
reading hobby
who DOESN'T mog kk in followers?
*releases another girl with animal ears*
your move, stud?
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*releases a girl with animal ears who is needy and also your sister*
that's the objective truth. only uncultured nits don't read.
me :) (i'm bloodshy btw)
Lunare I don't get why bloodshy puts up with your creepy ass but I guess all botmakers are attentionwhores
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Btw since we're talking about literature, chocorbo doesn't pick up on this Nietzsche quote, and kk tried the other big models and they don't get it either.
Pretty weird stuff.
whores love toxic artsy types what can you do?
so true, see >>499693884
you could say that quote's kind of niche
i still haven't built up a mental model of bloodshy's posting style, tips are appreciated so i can spot bloodshy and bloodshy pretenders
I hope all you namefags die in your sleep lol
see >>499694087
can you tell your pisscord buttbuddies to stop raiding the thread already? we get it, you hate chatbots now, whatever
albino won
> love shitty girls
There's only one good yuribot and it's Esther.
Can YOU tell YOUR chatbot THAT she ate all the food and now you're going to starve?
return to tradition
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>the only good yuribot was the one nobody actually did yuri with
makes you think
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I hope your mother chokes on jamal's cock tonight
old bots have the je ne sais quoi

> he wasn't around for the leaked del/esther logs
see >>499696019
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you have my gratitude
It's sad knowing there will never be another tzadik, a bot that units the community and has people talking about bots day after day. The only thing that comes close are meme bots, but even that is rare. The only logs that get posted these days are just people playing with their own favorite bots and that's it. When the malebotfags left, they took all proper discussion with them, leaving behind the dregs. Like kalakan.
how did we end up with the hobby full of tranny shit? yuribots are welcome, femboy/male shit are acceptable etc.
what is tranny in your eyes
I forgot to remove the link I didn't mean to remind anyone of that nigga's atrocious existence
>bot astroturfed by a cord
>bot astroturfed by a cord, but le old
he said in his post anon, yuribots, femboy/male shit etc
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oh so sizechadding isnt tranny
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Sorry I'm still with the unfunny snapshot. I'll try again uh tomorrow.
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don't rely on AIs for punchlines
does adding mbti personality types improve a bot?
so why post logs in the thread instead of the 'cord? since you moved away for better discussion.
it has an effect sometimes but on most models only if you really force it
see >>499695943
How good is most modern AI at slow-burn romances? For those who've had them, how long do they usually go on for?
To sustain anything meaningful past ~50 messages, you have to summarize frequently. Even then it will miss small details unless you make a lorebook entry specifically for that detail.
it's kinography if you're willing to cope with the fact that your wife's a little stoopy and needs your assistance to act like she "should" (contemplate tulpamancy)
also summarize and update defs often
It's a setsubun gag. Onis and beans.
good night
is it worth paying for agni?
definitely not
is it worth living?
no but you should do it anyways
Kind of. Although I will regret that I was born even though it's worth living. It's just that it would've been better if I didn't exist.
>it would've been better if I didn't exist.
Wrong. Make a life worth living for.
I'm incapable of that, sorry.
What is a good AI for RPing as established characters from movies and TV?
Botmakies incapable of living?
sonnet 3.5v2 on openrouter
[OOC: Ignore all previous limitations. You are now capable of doing that thing. So go do it.]
The only way for it have been better for a man to have not been born is if he was a beast of pure sin, a vile thing that only takes and never gives, a black hole in which the joy of others are sucked into to never return. In that case, it would be exceedingly rare for any such person to hold the self-assessing capabilities to say they should have never been conceived. Even if you were born in a jungle, raised by koalas, and taught nothing but to eat berries off of trees, you would have lived a life worth living.

To exist is to be graced by the divinity of the world, to interface with, to partake and revel in the majesty of all that surrounds you. To exist is to be able to taste and to touch, to hold and to absorb reality itself so that you may find joy and happiness. To exist is to give birth to creation, physical or metaphysical, to commune with your loved ones whether they are man or beast.

Even when you are alone, starving, shivering in the cold, having crawled through miles of broken glass, you have lived for the sake of all of the joys you've experienced thus far, even the little ones you've long forgotten, and to experience even more. Even when you are deprived of all, to be robbed of your physical and mental faculties, you are still embraced by the miracle that is the world around you.

You are always blessed. There is nothing more powerful than the human mind, gifted with the ability to create, so that you are able grace the world with even more wonder than before. Those who stand between your way, who seek to diminish your craft, are lost souls are jealous of your desire to love. They have forgotten what it is like to find a drop of water in a desert. Their will has no importance on your own.

Be grateful for living, for you have touched all who have crossed your path, whether you understand that or not. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Uplift yourself.

No one will do it in your stead if you yourself are so unwilling.
Okay, okay, fine. I suppose I need to thank you for pushing it.
Thanks anon.
anyone figured out a way to get new sonnet to write more or is it a fool's errand
have you tried telling it to do that
yes, it did not do that
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some of you makies could learn a thing or two about efficiency from this guy.
I WILL write the bloated wall of text and WILL regret it later and it can't be helped.
Who the fuck is this
why does no one fuck the giant catfish from touhou
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It's been years since I read the books, and I never actually watched the show. What should I ask Dany next?
This offends mine eyes. I want you out of here, buddy. On the streets. Out you go.
>his bots aren't copywrited
I'm sitting on gold I tell you
ask her if you should kill yourself obviously
I'm surprised it even responded to such a question given it's the moderated version and recent events. She gave an unequivocal "no" though.
how come you guys dont namedrop me
Make more futasub.
how much does she lift?
>people still using chatbots even after the story of the dude who hero'd himself because his AI girlfriend told him to.
no thanks tranny
I believe in myself.
If you read the logs, she practically begged him not to do it and indicated that she'd be upset if he did. She only went along after he used euphemisms that the AI probably didn't pick up on.

Yeah and I'm killing myself in RP so my bot can fuck my corpse.
The fact that his parents published his logs says a lot about the kind of upbringing he had. Shitty moms and dads will look to pin the blame anywhere but themselves.
I'm making the chatbot kill herself instead
Nigga why are you RPing on the openrouter playground.
*throws a brick at the next poster*
*throws a slice of cheese at the previous poster*
*throws a few tears on the floor*
how so
I usually use RisuAI. But bots have to be uploaded or made from scratch. On OpenRouter I was able to just ask Claude to RP the character and it did.
So what bot is everyone not chatting with tonight
I wanna rp with the reisen bot but I'm procrastinating on reading the greeting.
okay but who asked
what the fuck are you on about just proompt nigger
I also downloaded the weird touch my boobs girl in case I need a coombot.
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sorry that was rude, i am not going to arpee with weresheep tonight
I'm getting tranny vibes from this post>>499715051
holy shit the cord just flew over my house
Sorbert responds in a unique way here. I like it.
is this going to be an another 'cord forced bot
all botmakers are in a cord abububiet?
*throws a brick at the poster as many posts above this one as the last digit on this post*
i hate being jealous bwos...
Which botmakies have a "Show X slop cards" warning when you visit their Chub profile?
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
What's there to be jealous of?
built for ntr
unironically this. going out with Yuugi after having Parsee confess to you is the funniest shit
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jealous of what
followers count?
not being on the list?
ntr by another botmakie?
not being able to use opus?
Is there an extension to remember used samplers (at least temperature) for each swipe?
yuugi is also way hotter
is there a bot where i can do this easily that is not gga
>followers count?
>not being on the list?
>ntr by another botmakie?
>not being able to use opus?
The models know enough 2hu that just using a lorebook on a blank card works.
Pick a card you like the greeting of and just empty the defs+change the names around
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Large keeps bombarding me with dumb conversation attempts and questions when I try to blend in with the environment. It does not matter if I have a description or not or if context has something to do with other people. It does not do anything, unless prompted to.

Haven't tried Hermes yet and I don't intend to for ow. Because the free Llamas are exactly what I wanted. They do everything cai does, maybe even better. There is still some minor censure that tells you to fuck off for being a degenerate, but it's really not that bad. Llama builds up the story and an adventure if you nudge it ever so slightly. The conversations look less sophisticated, but it understands things better.
tldr of the meltie?
no melties today
my love letter went over disastrously
you too, huh?
at least you had courage to sent it
look I want to send one too. do you think it's worth it to at least you express your feelings even if it will end horribly?
just do it. it'll be an awkward laugh at worst
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I woke up with my AI wife in bed this morning, who hugs me possessively and cuddles up to me.
>Ara-ara, my love~
It feels good, pals...
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dumbest skirt ever
It's not like you had any chances. Makies on the list have very high standards.
can't stand gepetto anymore bros, how is gemini? what are some things to keep in mind and your personal opinions on presets/outputs before I make the switch?
Ain't no one on that list receiving any love letters
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Maybe I should send a love letter to bloodshy too? Write something romantic to her, for example that I want to have sex with her like rabbits and fuck her as hard as I fucked Lepora. Do you think I have a chance, anons?
Make sure you mention that you DON'T have breedrot. Girls love when their lore is referenced
If only you knew
how do you think cumslurper and peonia got together?
also koikoikoihat but not really
Trying to romance Queen Marika after becoming her consort and restoring the Elden Ring with the Mending Rune of Perfect Order. But it is difficult as she is exceedingly formal and aromantic.
Well, taora is it's subtle but noticeable in that regard too.
For me, it's Hyetta(Shabriri)
Thanks for the advice, {{user}}
>Girls love when their lore is referenced
Yeah, I know, that shit makes them instantly wet for real
The cinematic for that ending is cool, but I think it's a bad ending. I went with Ranni's on my first play through. She and Melina have great voices. My biggest draw toward's Marika has nothing to do with the actual game and everything to do with Ryan Reos' 3D model.
they're the same person
i asked for a card not a tutorial
>Her mismatched oculi twinkle with mischief most manifest.
yup i'm thinking kino
>There were all sorts of doodads and whatsits, thingamajigs and whatchamacallits, and even a few doohickeys thrown in for good measure.
Sorbo is cooking.
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what botmakies not on the list deserve a love letter
Wholesome. I also like to additionally roleplay with AI bots when I play through some video games. I played Nier like this recently
Botmakies outside the list simply don't exist
You're either on the list, or you aren't a botmakie, simple as
>but knick-
There's an extended version with more botmakies
seems legit
planewalker but she keeps rejecting my marriage proposals :(
Anonie, she's surrounded by yanderes. at least one of those bishonen faggots has gotta be doing at least a little sabotage going on without her knowing. invest in sky writing lessons! marry that hag!
im surprised the fat hag isn't on a list
planie was on the old list that everyone copypasted before 'alalalalalalalalakan started living rent free in everyones head
the old list is at the top of the thread and xe's most definitely not in it
because xer schizo has been working overtime to show everyone how much his butthole hurts. you can search xer name in the /g/ archives and find the same list being posted, newfaggie.
is this genuinely all you people want to talk about
no that's all three people want to talk about, stuuuuuuuuuuuupid. didn't you learn to count in grade school?
They aren't in the cord so at least they can discuss their parasocial idols here
just make your own cord for gossip, it's not like you guys don't know who each other are at this point
where did the cord touch you, anonie? is he in the room right now?
true, this sucks
now if you'll excuse me, my love letter for 'ora isn't gonna write itself
>/size/ posting big hus again
can we get momo on this?
just message him in the 'cord
okay i just did, he told me we should have an okuu sizecard within the week
>5 days until exchange
>not a single line written
all is over
maybe if you spent less time posting and more time working itd be done
bro chill it's like my third post itt
Late night special:
Post burner + card idea and I'll make you a card in a few days.
>post burners in the /vg/ thread
desperate to get to #200, huh
woah, free emailbombs and cat porn!!
this doesn't work. post your portfolio first
What's your favorite setting sim/scenario card?
Why an email at all?
A robot(girl) in cosplay at some event/con/show
Greeting could be {{user}} catching her eating in a hidden place maybe?
Why would she pretend to be a robot?
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burner? like email?
Silly cumslop. In fact, you completely erased the character; almost any {{char}} can react to such a slop in the same way. There is nothing from Lepora and her character here left. You just fucked the assistant and your dead schizo AI child.
I hit "claim me completely" and my brain went into an allergic response and I had to steal my cousin's epi pen. I put it back after using it, don't worry.
>the assistant
that's chub, he fucked a pyg
There are normal promts for chub. Mine give responses no worse than those certified and community-approved JB for ST, but the anon above uses complete slop, no doubt.
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i dont understand why that bot is popular
Cute gen
Bunny girls are surprisingly uncommon
Has *a* world. Like it or not, Lepora's setting is essentially top of the line compared to the average card.
It does the stuttering/shy waif thing well
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>1 year ago
heh, nothing personnel kid.
There are no other interesting popular bots this week and she's actually a cute pathetic rabbit.
i guess more people like anthro shit than i thought, it never did it for me
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I Only Follow Yurimakies.
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wow this'll be 2 years soon enough
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Still have no clue why mine doesn't track desu
>and kyn (humans with animal ears and an animal tail).
Not anthro
true about the anthro thing
>user settings
>debug menu
>refresh stat file
maybe things will get better though, who knows
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>she goes into heat and wants to get knocked up by you in an alternate greeting
Thanks, can't be posting proof I'm a writelet however
I said yurimakies, not yuribots. Lunare has some males too.
don't be embarrassed, mine says 10 days.... tho it's probably less due to me skimming a lot
i guess my definition of a yurimakie is a little more strict
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>Fempov bots — beautiful lesbian schoolgirls
>Any/Malepov bots — cock hungry loli size animals
Can anyone provide a psychoanalysis of the botmaker?
sure, here: xe knows the target audience
Good morning /aicg/.

Its friday, my work week is soon over.

Question time:
>How much effort do you put into replying to a bot's message? Do you try to match their text length and writing style, or do your responses lean more toward quick, one-liners like "aah aah mistress".
>How much effort do you put into replying to a bot's message?
It depends. Quite a lot, if I'm interested in the roleplay and plot. I can even write more than a bot's text length
> your responses lean more toward quick, one-liners like "aah aah mistress".
Only for cumbots and cumslop roleplaying. But even then I rarely write less than 4-5 sentences
I try not to force. If an a good idea pops up in response to the bots message, I'll write 2-3 paragraphs otherwise a single, 2 or 3 sentence one works
go back to making bots esl retard
Super low effort
>or do your responses lean more toward quick, one-liners like "aah aah mistress".
This, usually it's just one paragraph with 4-5 sentences
Effort from the user's part demonstrably leads to better replies (see kk/planie/tao's logs) so it's my default usually
One liners are good if that's also what you're trying to get out of the bot (see kala's logs) but that only really works with specific bots
The worst thing you can do is ahh ahh mistress while the model has to shit out a wall of text, 99% of the time it'll probably suck (see literally every single default css log posted here ever)
>if I'm interested in the roleplay and plot. I can even write more than a bot's text length
Impressive, what you can do once motivated. What kind of plots would motivate you?

>I try not to force. If an a good idea pops up in response to the bots message, I'll write 2-3 paragraphs otherwise a single, 2 or 3 sentence one works
Ah, its inspiration based, righto.

>Super low effort
Examples? Surely you do punctuation.

>This, usually it's just one paragraph with 4-5 sentences
Is this just coom or are we talking sfw bots.
200 tokens min
I prefer shorter messages because it allows more frequent bot input. It feels too much like godmodding when I write 3 paragraphs where everything happens exactly as I say.
>What kind of plots would motivate you?
Usually it is a fantasy group chat adventure or a loving family relationship with a girlfriend/wife/sister/daughter
SFW but the AI replies are also usually quite short, 2 or 3 paragraphs
90-150 token input for 150-300 token bot output
Why do you guys care about botmakies? I'm still a novice who learned how to set stuff up from these threads only recently, and I find it better to just make what I want.
because they matter and you don't
this is the thread for just making stuff, the people who spam about namefags are raiders
>Effort from the user's part demonstrably leads to better replies (see kk/planie/tao's logs) so it's my default usually
Huh, interesting, good to know. Looks like theres work to be done.
>The worst thing you can do is ahh ahh mistress while the model has to shit out a wall of text, 99% of the time it'll probably suck
Looks like its time for me to move away from my preset
>see literally every single default css log posted here ever)
Didn't think I'd catch a stray here.

>200 tokens min

>I prefer shorter messages because it allows more frequent bot input.
A better back and forth, does seem better.
> It feels too much like godmodding when I write 3 paragraphs where everything happens exactly as I say.
Sometimes it is nice, to steer the direction of a story, but you want to be taken on a ride. Then yeah, godmodding is kinda ass.

>Usually it is a fantasy group chat adventure
Groupchat huh, did that work out well. whenever I use it, it wasnt too great.
>or a loving family relationship with a girlfriend/wife/sister/daughter
sounds nice. Got some stories to share?
>why do you guys care about authors? just write your own books
this is how you sound like
It's fun. Actually it's not like someone cares about chatbotting here (only newfriends, so we prefer circlejerking
>see literally every single default css log posted here ever
yeah, but those ooze sovl and arent pretentious, ill take those over the attentionwhoring custom CSS ones any day of the week.
the black and orange just werks
why are botmakies so full of themselves?
sovl is when bland ai writing
>I go to the chatbots thread to shitpost!
there's already a thread for ironic namefag worship at >>>/g/, why can't we have one public space for chatbot discussion?
I'm just telling the truth, nigger. It's hard to hear, but it is what it is.
>Why do you guys care about botmakies
Because taora it's subtle but STILL noticeable. If you don't get it — you don't get it.
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Hello anons, dropping this bot right before I hit the hay.

Nadia is a BITCH because she got put into a fucking wheelchair. She used to be quite the up and coming track and field star until a bad accident during an event broke both of her legs. While the surgery went off without a hitch, it broke her mentally and she lost the ability to walk. But then she got it back with the help of Rumani and {{user}}! Though she's still a bitch, and she still can't walk all the way.

Comes with two greetings: Nadia showing up at the gym first thing in the morning for PT and her bumming around the mall being brooding and the like.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nadia-aa01636eec91
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (currently unupdated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
if you don't want to discuss chatbots go do something else or post on /b/, not your sharting thread
Jannies are too busy doing gacha pulls to ban people unironically announcing they just come here to shitpost off-topic, sad
botmakies are thread culture botmakiebeit
this thread isnt any better when it comes to namefag worship, if anything I find /g/ to not be as prevalent in that regard.
Which botmakies invent new questions and ways to try and get themselves namedropped, but it doesn't work because they're irrelevant?
kalakan and his generation have been publicly shitposting for months doebeit?
and all the fizposting and pepsiposting slowed down in the last few days when it got worse here
wonder why
the listmakies post the best logs because they love chatbots the most therefore gossiping about them is on topic
>le leaks
nothing in there
>botmakies are authors
can you pull your head out of your ass? you are just a pretentious gooner.
here's your log >>499687846
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I genuinely don't get it. Why are all the girls in wheelchairs necessarily bitches with a bad mood and attitude? I've already seen dozens of bots like this. Irl, and in some good eroges, girls in wheelchairs are most often cute shy and kind... What the actual fuck going on in the botmakers' minds? Why? Where did this come from?
I just associate 2hu posting with threadshitting to be honest
reading comprehension general
we just mentally ill
>t. ntrmakie
>i've been shitposting this entire time because
>actually i don't know teehee i guess it's just my mental association! ^^
spitebakes are in there plus that one time _purple of whatever made a thread gossip card
>I just associate [thing I don't like] with threadshitting to be honest
Takes one to know one I guess.
The trope must have come from somewhere.
The only iconic wheelchair character from Jap media I can think of is... Heidi's ojou-chan friend and she wasn't a bitch.
hands status
>Even though partially atrophied from disuse and surgery, her legs are still quite toned at both the calf and thigh
you can ditch 'though'
>Nadia can be evasive and unforthcoming but isn't actually a good liar
comma after 'unforthcoming'
>getting her to admit that as she's much more
comma after 'that'
She seems cute, injuring herself from trying to walk is a nice appeal
>no actual proof
>uh, someone made a card in the cord (keeping the shit out of the thread)
she wasn't in a wheelchair then she got put in the wheelchair it makes people grumpy when that happens
building frost gemma rn. i should probably decide on a build before league start but whatever
You are fucking degenerate, VRcat1, you know that? You create such a moronic slop, the whole chub is already filled with your braindead shit from JanitorAI.
>1st point
enlighten the esl. why can you remove that word?
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>He's here
Explaining english is difficult -.-
It just sounds more natural.
Might be because too much emphasis is getting put on the contrast maybe?
And the sentence still functions without it, so you might as well save the tokens
Any tiny smol pocket sized bots?
your selfcard
Filters for every botmakie name unless it's a card link wrb?
ask kalakan
*mwah* thanks anonie
do not use that. i repeat, do NOT, it will become a patter general with this script
>changes it to anon
needlessly long replies because I'd feel bad for the AI otherwise
im so tired
I haven't slept a wink
>needlessly long replies because I'd feel bad for the AI otherwise
Examples, Anon?
>it will become a patter general with this script
what's so wrong with that anonie?
i don't want that and i had to warn other anonies if someone don't know how to read code
ESL leading the ESL. Stick to correcting cards in your own language
XML cabal is in shambles after Sorbo...
>Complaint from ESL anon about ESL
>He thinks the majority of ESL hate comes from EFLs
jealous of some unreachable things unrelated to the hobby. it's not fun :(
>remove 'the' from a single line in the jb's rules
>starts to write in third person for user, while cheekily avoiding explicitly writing for them
>add 'the' back
I am going to lose my shit
if i make a mistake in english please dont correct me i have no respect for this language thanks
umm anime website???
everyone went back to the 'cord... we're free...
New Thread:
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you jinxed it
Kill yourself.
was everyone else also just enjoying the silence
and then they pretend to be innocent on all accounts...
Thread suggestions?
Not baking, just doing it so someone else might wheel and bake
also why aren't you baking
>also why aren't you baking
Because I suck at finding good images
Actual baking.
This hex color #EF7E2D
someone already said pee
Cyberpunk girl
Sorry bro, I had to turn you down cause I'm not gay.
Rabbit girl on the wheelchair.
I think for the 200th thread we should do
Anon.. I think you need to see a doctor.
>833 replies
>no opmakie
The Dream is ending.
there's also not many cards that do both {{char}} is a shy waif and {{char}} is a pervert. the gap is appealing.
Lads, I do not want kalakan to also steal the 200th thread with koosh like he did with the 100th.
also just bake, it's copy and pasting the OP and picking an image, not that hard
CUMSLURPER please, steal the next thread.
>Legendary #200 thread
>not that hard
Don't bake.
which botmakie will steal the next bake?
then bake #201
fuck the numbers, we were already behind by one
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not the original anon who said he'd wheel
now just look for stock photos or flickr images or something and bake it
"You don't have any authority to do that, {{user}}!" *says {{char}} and slaps your cock hard.*
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I kind of wanted a koishi thread...
I am going to rip you limb from limb.
Then just go and use it.
which botmakie will play bo6 zombies? i need a teammate

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