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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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GNU/Linux Games:

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Previous thread: >>102919463
Is gamescope viable on nvidia hardware with wayland?
>For NVIDIA's proprietary driver, version 515.43.04+ is required (make sure the nvidia-drm.modeset=1 kernel parameter is set).

So unless you're running something ancient (in which case you definitely shouldn't be using Wayland) it should work fine.
Why were some Russians removed from the Linux project? The current thread does not help explain it at all.
That's cool, thank you. Yeah it's a 3090 so still new enough. Admittedly I'm very new to linux
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Is there easy to use file duplicator finder?
I have cucked myself of storage by just making replica out of some really big files and I've arranged them that way.
But I'm not sure what files that were replicated.
But I want certain folder to be the go to delete.
I tried czkawa, but it didn't do what I wanted.
I have a problem with system stutters when I run stable diffusion, encoding part in particular: the interface just becomes unresponsive and being drawed line by line for a few seconds. I have tried to lowering priority, limiting cpu time and cores with cgroups, but nothing helped. Is it possible to fix the problem?
Debian, hardware acceleration for x11 is off to save vram.
I'll just quote exactly what Linus said about it:

>Ok, lots of Russian trolls out and about.

>It's entirely clear why the change was done, it's not getting reverted, and using multiple random anonymous accounts to try to "grass root" it by Russian troll factories isn't going to change anything.

>And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren't troll farm accounts - the "various compliance requirements" are not just a US thing.

>If you haven't heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. And by "news", I don't mean Russian state-sponsored spam.

>As to sending me a revert patch - please use whatever mush you call brains. I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian aggression? Apparently it's not just lack of real news, it's lack of history knowledge too.

Source: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linus-Torvalds-Russian-Devs
Have you tried a kernel such as Zen/Liquorix?
trying out arch/wayland wish me luck
I may be retarded because I still do not understand the reason.
I thought xubuntu was supposed to work great on old latitudes
My poor pentium M is running at 100% just with terminal and task manager
Good luck!
lmao this nigga ded
Are you a masochist
>linux takes money from banks and us gov't
>someone sees iceniggers on the contributor list
>tell linus he can't have them
>linus cucks
I'm a little surprised how unhinged their comments are, but that's just Horton's rule playing out.
No. Do you think it's because of kernel? I want to try something less radical first.
Btw htop show that no cores under 100% load during stutters.
The Linux Foundation is an organisation registered in the US therefore they have to be US sanctions lest Linus, Greg, etc, find themselves on a sanctions list themselves. It's real that simple, they have to cave to protect themselves and the project. The only alternative is to pack their bags and setup shop outside of America (of course they're not going to do that and other countries have sanctions too)
I'll quote the single word from Linus's statement which explains it:
So presumably there is some legal sanction stating that Russians can't work on Linux or other US technology (The Linux Foundation is US-based)
That's why you configure it yourself. If you don't want to use resolved then you need to query DHCP or RDNSS or Bonjour or however it is your network is setup to give DNS information and do with this what you will.

Resolved is simply the default resolver. Networkd doesn't even need a resolver unless it needs to resolve hostnames (if you're not configuring something like a Wireguard VPN, it doesn't)
Linus cucked. Move on.
That's Lubuntu (lxqt) but IceWM or Openbox should be faster, try Puppy Linux
The US Government cucked, you mean. He has no choice but to listen to his lawyers because he doesn't want to be on the receiving end of sanctions himself (yes, the US government has sanctions for people that don't follow their sanctions and will sanction their own citizens. This can get quite nasty)
nah, not really
>tl;dr Open source software that is published publicly is not subject to the EAR
doing it three years in is dumb too
If it is a high CPU usage issue, then those kernels can make your system more responsive. But if the issue is something like RAM or GPU, then it will not help. The reason it can help is because the normal Linux kernel is geared towards server workloads while Zen/Liquorix has patches for workstation workloads.
Linus's statement implies that sanctions are the reason that they took this action. Maybe he had new advice from some lawyers, telling him he should remove Russians if he doesn't want legal penalties.
/g/ still believes Linus, an effeminate nord that transplanted to the Bay Area, and Stallman, an East coast Jewish communist, are secretly based and redpilled and only cuck when they’re forced to. This board cannot get past the truth, that the icons of their free software movement are completely opposite of them on politics.
>Debian lol.
It was Arch(btw), they had tui service manager before systemd
Watch the Lunduke video I posted: >>102954243

I know a lot of people don't like him but it's very good, it goes through the exact laws and court cases and why they have no choice but to obey.

Stallman and Linus couldn't be further apart on the political spectrum. Stallman still hates that Linus never went with GPLv3 for Linux and stuck with GPLv2.
>I know a lot of people don't like him but it's very good, it goes through the exact laws and court cases and why they have no choice but to obey.
Well there you go, case closed
They couldn’t be further apart on what free software means. They are right next to each other on literally everything else.
Whats stopping the US from using some random law to force the linux kernel devs into implementing a backdoor?
sorry bros, switching to windows 10 (officially out of support and backdoor free) since linux is no longer thirdie friendly
Nothing in theory. In practice the kernel is free software and development is done in the open and they'd likely refuse to co-operate with them.

You have to pick your battles and fighting Russian sanctions is not the hill you want to die on even if I disagree with them myself (I think they are poorly thought out and don't just impact Russia but have a ton of collateral damage).
>vodkaniggers backdoor xz
>"ok then, no more vodkaniggers touching the kernel"
>wah wah linux cucked
When are you getting drafted Artyom?
Theoretically, the same russian sanctions could be used to force them into backdooring the kernel as well. I'm not expecting him to be standing his ground against sanctions or whatever, it's just i dont understand where the line gets drawn if he's already been forced to comply with US regulations.
I could swear there used to be an option in KDE's application launcher that would make it use the description as the title, so not Konsole but Command line etc. Am I crazy?
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Is there any downside to install Ranger using Pipx? Do plugins work?
Why do you keep repeating the same statement as if there's some other reasonable conclusion than Linus is a cuckold? The man has enough money to live comfortably anywhere in the world.

Stallman would've fucked off to SEA and kept working. If he were big on working in the first place that is.
Ahh, looks like the dashboard and the application menu have it, but the regular launcher doesn't.
The man decides to have balls, unlike you who would cuck to Russia
Not really, python programs installed on your system through your package manager might act a little funny if there's certain environment variables pipx uses to make the python venv thing work.
What's are the 3 best user friendly, GUI install, no 1980s command line UI install interface GNU/Linux OSes right now?
He seemed fine with 'cucking to Russia' until Uncle Sam told him it wasn't allowed. Maybe he'll just spread for anyone with a few hundred grand?
Linux Mint and Fedora
>Stallman would've fucked off to SEA and kept working. If he were big on working in the first place that is.
Stallman has 1 mil+ from awards. I do not blame him for just traveling the world and giving speeches because he loves what he does.
I totally agree. It just felt weird to say Stallman and work that close together. I'm just saying the man has backbone.
Even Arch Linux has a graphical installer, it's called EndeavourOS.
What difference could've he made?
ubuntu/kubuntu, Fedora
Ignore Archfags.
It'd be neat if GIMP had this option: File > Refresh. Usage: if the image was edited by another program, such as "cp x.png y.png".

Make a video out of images:
>$ ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
Get frame count of a video:
>$ ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -count_packets -show_entries stream=nb_read_packets -of csv=p=0 out.mp4
Replace the first x seconds of a video with a different video:
I suspect the real difference won't be known for 10~20 years because this permanently compromises Linux' position as the universal kernel. Like other Anon said, if they'll cave on this, there's no practical limit to what the GAE can demand in the future. Independent countries will have to make their own plans.

In the immediate term it's just shitty Linus isn't looking out for his more vulnerable colleagues. I could understand if he told them all to fuck off in 2022, but this is just whoredom.
He hasn't been "forced to", he's done so voluntarily because his lawyers would have advised him to do so because he does not want to jeopardise the project or end up on a sanctions list himself.
explain bottles to me
do I need to run STEAM through bottles first to play a particular steam game?
>but proton
runs like ass regardless of setting, too lazy to setup a dual boot (especially since there is only Linux installed and not windows)
no, i think there's an option to add steam games.
Yeah it looks like lawyers advised Linus to get rid of Russian developers:
>I'm not going to go into the details that I - and other maintainers - were told by lawyers.
>I'm also not going to start discussing legal issues with random internet people who I seriously suspect are paid actors and/or have been riled up by them.
Sad days.
>Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I am from Russia.
File -> Revert should do that.

>>replace first x frames of video with different video in ffmpeg
>https://chat-gpt.org/chat : You can use the following command in ffmpeg to replace the first x frames of a video with a different video:
>ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -i replacement_video.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v]trim=start=0:end=x,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[y];[0:v]trim=start=x,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,concat=n=2:v=1:a=0[v]" -map "[v]" output.mp4
>Replace `input_video.mp4` with the original video, `replacement_video.mp4` with the video you want to replace the first x frames with, `x` with the number of frames you want to replace, and `output.mp4` with the desired output filename.
>This command uses the `trim` and `concat` filters to trim the specified number of frames from each video and concatenate them together to form the output video.
Didn't work (what's the "y"?). Guess, I'll be a pleb and just split the videos then concat.
is not open source supposed to be above politics and shit?
aren't we all?
Then Cloudflare will soon terminate your Internet access and stop providing service to you. You best get your VPN ready because Linux is only the beginning.
>Ctrl-F "Putin"
>71 results
I wrote that before I read the thread. I thought I would be original. Oh well at least when you are an npc you are not alone.
>systemd-networkd cannot automatically set the correct dns servers through dhcp unless you use resolvd
I have Arch running a mini server with networkd and unbound and everything is working fine despite no resolvd. In fact my experience with resolvd is that's it's a buggy piece of shit that chokes on DNSSEC. Earlier this year it was shitting its pants with certain combinations of records and returning SERVFAIL to all queries until restarted.

Linus refused to deepthroat Microsoft, but it turns out he deepthroats everything else just fine. There was a time I would've defended the man and his practicality to the death, but that is no more.
Has nothing to do with it. Linus was fine with being Putin's bitch last week. Now it's inconvenient so he's going to scuttle his life's work and throw his collaborators under a bus.
Jesus, his blog is mostly world news now. What happened?
I get the world now more so than ever is a pretty fucked up place though.
It was always fucked up, you just weren't aware of it.
RMS has been effectively retired for like 20-30 years at this point. He mostly just travels and reads the newspaper.
When I use vim/neovim pressing ctrl + arrow outputs a new line and a/b/c/d depending on the key in urxvt but works fine in other terminals. Does anyone know how to fix this?
He definitely gives off "Old man yells at clouds" vibes. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, he has a unique viewpoint on things. There's no optimism though, it's downright depressing scrolling through that.
OK, I'll try to remember that. I did see that before you posted that. "Revert" more means "return it back to its original state" than "show its changed state now".

Now it says:
>>Overwrite first part of video1.mp4 with entirety of video2.mp4 in ffmpeg? video1.mp4 is 60 seconds long and video2.mp4 is 10 seconds long.
>[...]ffmpeg -i video1.mp4 -i video2.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v] trim=0:10, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [cut]; [0:v][cut] overlay=enable='between(t,0,10)' [out]" -map "[out]" output.mp4[...]
Closer, but not really what I wanted. I don't want to specify any end time, only the start time. Something like this psuedocode:
>ffmpeg -i video1.mp4 -i video2.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v], setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [cut]; [0:v][cut] overlay=enable='start(t,0)' [out]" -map "[out]" output.mp4
It's "revert" in the sense of "revert to the state on disk". I agree that the name isn't very good, because it implies undoing all the edits in the session.
>I have Arch running a mini server with networkd and unbound and everything is working fine
He thinks you can't pass the resolvers from your LAN to Unbound without resolved. That's not at all how that works though.

Check out things like OpenResolv for example that provide hooks specifically for this purpose:
>GUI installer, EndeavourOS
Guessing that's a liveboot. Will have to remember that if or when I install Arch in the future.

Annoying thing is, I think I once knew how to do this, but have now forgotten since it's been a while. This:
>$ ffmpeg -i long.mp4 -i short.mp4 -filter_complex "overlay" longreplaced.mp4 # short=10s, long=60s, longreplaced=60s
"longreplaced.mp4" does this: short.mp4 video plays with long.mp4 audio, after that, none of long.mp4 video plays but its audio keeps playing
Is surface pro still a bitch to get linux to work on it?
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just get a yoga or something
Hi mom
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>Guessing that's a liveboot.
Aren't all Linux installers?
>install KDE
>enable HDR
>now have brightness control
I never knew I needed that so badly.
I'm #teamKDE now
I don't think US sanctions care about that
based Linus
You'd think this would work, but it doesn't:
>$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i overlay.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[a]; [0:v][a]overlay=enable=gte(t\,0)[out]" -map [out] -map 0:a -c:a copy output.mp4 # edit of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35269387/ffmpeg-overlay-one-video-onto-another-video
same result as longreplaced.mp4.

Debian's installer isn't a liveboot.
How annoying is it to make Wayland work on Brave? I have to use it sometimes when something doesn't work on Firefox.
>backdoor free
As a Chrome skin does it support the same command line arguments as Chromium? If so you can just run it with:
--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
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Post more memes.
>Debian's installer isn't a liveboot.
Right. That's why it's super hard to use it even for Debootstrap itself. Works, yes but man what a hassle.
But it was atomized to the bone so it could support hardware with 128MB of RAM or whatever.
Sure what do you suggest?
Because since lenovo ruined their naming system it become a clusterfuck.
I'm looking for something that's 13" or smaller with pen/stylus.
I'm not sure how the yoga line compare to tablet regarding those.
For what it's worth they do have installers that are a live boot if you know where to look. They use the Calamares installer instead of the Debian one
EO14071 explains the timing, but one of the deleted maintainers is a Kazakh living in the US...
Also court case is a bit iffy, removing them from maintainers doesn't terminate GPL
this is me from this morning,
ended up passing out before i could finish an install.
tl;dr - new laptop, initramfs isn't passing boot info to kernel, get dropped into an emergency shell every time regardless of init system, format, bootloader. boot log looks normal other than a TPM parse error at 0.000 time.

here is disk info and loader info from quick and dirty cachy install using ext4 for root, partuuid using systemd-boot. all parameters are correct and pointing in the right direction. uuid produces the same result.
laptop is a cheap throw away hp 15-fdxxx just for hotel use.

i'll leave this install running for a bit if anyone has any ideas.
is this worth opening a bug on kernel.org? i imagine they'll tell me to go pound sand because lol get better hardware pleb.
No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation. Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ. One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you? (An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
i know bluefin/aurora have surface images but i don't know if that works well.
"yoga" is just lenovo's term for hybrid laptops. there are thinkpad yogas too.
the thinkpad L13 yogas are 13", i mention these ones specifically because it seems like these are the only thinkpad yogas that can come with AMD CPUs.
i don't use one but i have a refurbished x220t, and when it worked it worked pretty well, so i'd say lenovo knows their shit when it comes to hybrids.
>one of the deleted maintainers is a Kazakh living in the US...
If they have even the slightest association with Russia that's enough for them to cut off all contact with them. I don't know how they produced the list of maintainers to axe though and I doubt we'll ever know either. You can hope they've done their due diligence but they're probably never going to open that up for everyone to see.
Anyone else using QTerminal 1.4.0 in LXQt in like the latest Lubuntu? After hitting ctrl+c on an mpv command or doing something else, the cursor disappears, so you have to enter and exit vim to fix that.

Short overlayed on long, this also fails (no FFmpeg error, but unwanted result, also shit with shortest=0):
>$ ffmpeg -i long.mp4 -i short.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay" -c:a copy out.mp4
>$ ffmpeg -i long.mp4 -i short.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[a]; [0:v][a]overlay=enable=gte(t\,0):shortest=1[out]" -map [out] -map 0:a -c:a copy -c:v libx264 out.mp4
But why? I guess because no end time is specified. Therefore, it keeps trying to play short.mp4 and only repeats the last frame of it so the video track looks frozen. Or something like that. 3 hours and 30 minutes later (>>102955356), only this FFmpeg command worked to do what I wanted:
>$ ffmpeg -i long.mp4 -i short.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v] trim=0:58, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [cut]; [0:v][cut] overlay=enable='between(t,0,58)' [out]" -map "[out]" out.mp4
If you want to do a time-sensitive replacement, then I guess you're fucked. Luckily I don't have to do that with this.
Install Gentoo.
By cucking he jeopardized the integrity of the project. Now you know that when a government makes a demand of him he'll just bend over.
It's just as comprised by glowniggers as windows is now.
Thoughts on BTRFS? Why should I use it over EXT4? Any caveats?
lsblk -f doesn't recognize any of the filesystems or labels and UUIDs, interesting. Are you able to mount them manually? Check dmesg if not.
if you have to ask, then stay with ext4
heaven, at least on my device. fast as fuck, no problems at all
Then why does some distros use it as their default?
Anon, I'm sorry to inform you about this: Linux has been a (American) government project since the 90's, are you even aware that Oracle heavily supported Linux at the behest of said Government?
how is open source supposed to have some kind of immunity to government laws in the first place?
they dont exactly have any legal immunity in the first place
You're completly missing the point. Systemd-networkd cannot automatically set the proper dns servers given by your dhcp server in /etc/resolv.conf without using systemd-resolvd, you would need to manually set them
amerimutts ruining shit? how unusual! how unlikely! i wouldve never expected such a thing from those upstanding and moral folk!
A open source project setup as a non-profit actually has less protection from government intervention than a private (for-profit) company, Green Hills is still exporting their shit source included to Russian allies.
Could someone please link an updated default make.conf (make.conf.example)? I can't access a computer right now.
yes, that's in a chroot. lsblk couldn't even see them on the live disk.
this was meant for you

mounting them is fine.
The main character in the technology-focused series "Mr. Robot" uses GNOME with his Linux distro. I feel like /g/ generally cringes at or dislikes GNOME. So that fictional leet hacker uses it (and some other dude talking to him said he uses KDE). That episode first aired in June 2015, and maybe things were different back then.

As of now, I think GNOME is better than LXQt in at least one regard which is important to me.

Archived that command, maybe I can find it later - "replace the first 58 seconds of the video track of long.mp4 with the video track of short.mp4":

Where can I find that file? Somewhere in /etc/?
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technology-focused cinema peaked here
what wm/de are you using?
>A commented listing of all possible variables can be found in /mnt/gentoo/usr/share/portage/config/ make.conf.example. Additional documentation on make.conf can be found by running man 5 make.conf.
That's from the install guide, i suppose it should be in the same place as your actual make.conf.
But there's no need anymore, I've extracted stage 3 with my phone and got the file.
+deduplication and reflinks
-has performance issues when reaching max drive capacity
-copy on write means more writes to disk compared to ext4, may or may not cause ssds to wear out quicker, nvme ssds may also have overheating issues caused by btrfs(or so i've heard)
-the maintenance tools arent really that straightforward and simple to use
I wouldnt really suggest a person who isnt tech savy to use btrfs
Which offers the better KDE experience between Fedora and Kubuntu?
Linux Mint
Not a problem for me.
Btrfs will warn you if some of your data corrupts. Ext4 will not.
btrfs has snapshots and compression. ext4 doesn't

I use ext4 on my external ssds, too lazy to reformat them, and btrfs on my system disk.
And how does it warn you?
i dunno, i figured it'd matter.
Snapshotting. If you want better performance, XFS would be the better choice
I agree, even though many on 4chan won't
>Anyone else using QTerminal 1.4.0 in LXQt
I am
>After hitting ctrl+c on an mpv command or doing something else, the cursor disappears, so you have to enter and exit vim to fix that.
I noticed something sort of like this where the cursor gets deselected. Also if you press alt it gets deselected.
>Is there any downside to install Ranger
the downside is using slow, buggy, barely maintained software
What's a good ranger alternative?
So you'll claim it warns you but wont explain how?
Citation needed
The only good TUI file manager is mc because it's the only reliable one. Just bite the bullet and learn it.
vifm, but there's no things like icons or image preview out of the box and you have to set it all up
anon is exaggerating though, modern python and ranger are good enough
LF or the one written in rust that I cant remember the name of
Nah, I'm not that anon.
At least there's still openbsd and freebsd
Bummer, i like the Miller columns layout.
Will give them a shot.
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Go back to /k/
except it's written in go
this is actually based because nonwhites can't swim. based white nationalist US government

lol jk they want all whites to die for the jews
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone else have issue with nvidias 560 driver? Games are randomly freezing.
It's pretty cold outside.
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My 'ping' command suddenly requires root privileges. Wut

$ ping google.com
ping: socktype: SOCK_RAW
ping: socket: Operation not permitted
ping: => missing cap_net_raw+p capability or setuid?

I know it's easy to solve
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping

just caught me off guard. They must have moved something on permissions for a recent Sid update
Spams dmesg with checksum warnings, propogates I/O errors back up to the caller (ENOENT, etc), if shit's bad enough it'll forcibly remount your drive read-only.

Ext4 only does the latter.
They probably removed the setuid root bit because that's downright dangerous. Capabilities are the way to go.
Is there a program equivalent to Viscipics on Linux? Something able to analyze for similar enough pictures. Also, i need it to support webp (uescase: """designers""" filling our WebDAV exchange with a bunch of useless banners/backgrounds with ambigous filenames scattered all over the place in a bunch of .DS_store filled directories, but need to keep a few ones of them, and they exported to webp cause Google ranking good boy points).
Geeqie has a very ugly and confusing UI, but will compare images by visual similarity.
The setuid root bit means that it runs as root privileges. Software is supposed to do the right thing and correctly drop privileges but with capabilities we don't have to grant programs root access anymore and can safely grant them only the capability they need.
>all over the place in a bunch of .DS_store filled directories
macOS Finder does that bullshit. You should blacklist this directory on the server somehow so that it can never be uploaded in the first place. There's no reason for that to get synced to remote shares
Oh, and if you're wondering what they are, this is Apple's implementation of thumbnails which is somehow even worse than GNOME's broken implementation. They couldn't just put them in ~/.cache (I know macOS uses a different directory for cache, I can't remember which, it's not important).
Might do that later, i just got the job and need to get acostumed to it. I'll probably also automatically prune some of that shit periodically and cache the most recently used files somewhere else.
Looks nice it should work in a pinch. I'll have to set up some policy to avoid this happening again, like erasing files older than x days and caching whatever is actually being used.
They raise a good point they should make a guide for Git. I'll do it for them:
>Being a Debian maintainer requires knowledge of industry standard tools such as Git. If you don't have this then you are not qualified to be a Debian maintainer.
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I'm trying to follow this tutorial.
And for some reason when I try to do
dig @localhost +short -t A $(hostname)
 I always get 

@ ad
;;connection timed out; no servers could be reached
Something like that, I don't have access to that machine right now. The important thing is the .

However, this ONLY happens when I use the machine's hostname, any other hostname it works perfectly and even shows it's using Samba's DNS resolver with the correct IP address(192.168.x.x). Haven't tried the fully qualified domain name. Haven't joined any machines to the domain to check that yet, but I'm not sure if I can.

This is all on a fresh VM. The only oddity is the two NICs I have set, both with static IP addresses and a network that looks like this.

How can I fix this or do I need to worry about it? Assume I did EXACTLY what the tutorial said up to that point.
That's a pretty standard network setup. I would guess your DNS resolver is not listening on that address or is configured incorrectly.
>They couldn't just put them in ~/.cache
Putting all your thumbnails in one common location is a privacy risk. With the Windows/macOS approach thumbnails are not readily available for someone to snoop on what you've been looking at, they also need to know about and access the directory containing the source of every thumbnail, which could be non-trivial (eg. encryption). The locality of thumbnails matters.
Morning Linux brothers

What is the best Audio pack for Linux, my sound quality appears to dropped a bit since install
The kernel contains code for proprietary russia-only domestic server hardware and russian computer hardware companies.
(Insert Linux runs on everything joke here)
However if he helps those companies in anyway he could be considered providing ‘tech support’ which would be a violation of sanctions.
I’m pretty sure that’s about what Linus’s lawyers told him.
However Linus being Linus decided to be an snarky asshole about it.
Sounds like your /etc/nsswitch.conf is not setup correctly.
Any tips for ricing kde?
are capabilities just openbsd's pledge? they look very similar
No, capabilities are like extended attributes applied to a file that grant the executable certain privileges.

Pledge is about the application forming a contract. It will make various calls at the beginning and importantly won't be able to gain any extra privileges that what it would have had without it. It's about reducing privileges, not granting more.
Probably the closest analogue to pledge in Linux is seccomp.
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switched to hyprland today
don't listen to any of the Xfags here telling you Wayland is a meme. it's currently changing my life. Wayland is the fucking future for desktop linux!
i just use plasma. i don't have time for this bullshit anymore. and waybar is ass.
I upgraded Linux Mint to 21.3 and now I get an error of a missing libotf.so.0 file. I tried installing libotfl but I got an error saying it couldn't find the package. Where can I get this file?
Oops I left out the bit where I need this file to run emacs. I installed a newer version than is available in the package manager. Worked fine until I upgraded linux, so must have deleted something
did you run apt update and upgrade? could be a packaging bug
More like if anon used apt update && apt full-upgrade before upgrading his Mint version. All the guides say to do that.
Yeah I did that. I compiled emacs from source so maybe the file I need isn't in the package manager but surely there must be somewhere I can get it & put it where it needs to go?
Nevermind I tried this solution & it worked. I was hoping there was a better fix than this hack though https://askubuntu.com/questions/1407166/gcc-emacs-under-22-04-libotf0-missing
there probably was, and it probably was to rebuild emacs.
Any updates on final cosmic release? What about Fedora 41? Will Fedora 41 have cosmic too?
Isn't this made off hopes and duct tape.
been stable for me
literally everyone i saw who criticized hyprland's code quality had a bone to pick with the dev. i wish we got an impartial review.
Is there anyone other than the trannie? I know a Gentoo developer criticised it in the past too but that was just one developer and in the end Hyprland didn't get removed from Gentoo overlay:
There was also the Valve developer because Gamescope doesn't work properly on it. Those are definitely Hyprland bugs that need fixing.

Besides that I can't think of anyone else.
>Gamescope doesn't work properly on it.
It doesn't? Weird that they suggest to use it then.
I've got HP x360, is there distro with tiling window manager optimized for touch input?
Most of the people also criticizing hyprlands code or security are also just larpers with no programming skills or knowledge
Wayland, at least on wlroots, still has no support for mirroring displays.
So nobody (especially the average user) wouldn't be aware of any btrfs errors unless they were actively checking dmesg for warnings?
>privacy risk
That doesnt really matter as much on X11/wayland because everything uses the standard xdg-portal filepicker and the only thing the program gets to see is the final path to the file given from the filepicker
You will know when something goes to read a file with a corrupt extent and either get an error or observe that it's corrupt and something's not right.

You can also manually check the integrity of the filesystem whenever you want and that will of course report any errors back to you (useful if a particular file isn't ready in a long time)
The whole system is only as secure as the sum of its parts. If you can't trust the drive that ~/.cache is on then you certainly can't trust using any encrypted storage on it. You can also override ~/.cache by setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME variable if it's important to you that this be located on a different drive for some reason but this is something YOU must do rather than the system retardedly storing thumbnails on remote drives by default (this is almost NEVER what you want to happen)
>You will know when something goes to read a file with a corrupt extent and either get an error or observe that it's corrupt and something's not right.
This is too vague unless the person knows what to look for.
>You can also manually check the integrity of the filesystem whenever you want and that will of course report any errors back to you
Doubt anyone knows how to do this
I am a Finnish citizen, so I have to comply with US laws.
Linus Torvalds.
>it's currently changing my life
What were you using before and how is it changing your life?
I just tried doing some port forwarding but I gave up because I couldn't get it to work

Linux definitely is extremely flexible and powerful but I guess you need to do some learning if you want to use that power effectively

What I'm trying to achieve is almost certainly possible, I just need to learn more
linus has been living in america for a while now
>This is too vague unless the person knows what to look for.
You should know if something is wrong with a file (for example, it shouldn't be empty or full of all zeroes / null bytes). I know retarded people exist but I find it really hard to believe a person could look at such a file and think it's normal.

>Doubt anyone knows how to do this
Use the
btrfs check
I mean there's plenty of port forwarding tutorials on Youtube if you wanna look those up, and probably a bunch focusing on a Linux environment.
His employer is an organisation registered in the US. They don't have the benefit of being Canadian like OpenBSD.
It really made me think just how many people went on a crusade these past few days, shitting on Linus for removing actual employees of the RUSSIAN MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX from the maintainers list.

Like, if he removed people from Raytheon or Northrop-Grumman /g/ would be cheering, yay for freedom! Is it really all just fucking bots and interest groups now.
I'll try out hyprland this weekend, I've never used a tiling wm so there's that
I'm wondering what you mean by
>it's currently changing my life
I was reading Stack Exchange answers. They all feature iptables commands but slightly different commands.

I need to read more.
New-ish linux user here, since I moved to OpenSuse I can't write to my config files in /etc/ with text editors like kate anymore anyone knows what is causing that behavior and how I could change it?
So Kate won't even allow you to edit /etc/ files even if Kate is in root/sudo mode?
Now that you mention it I seem to remember kate previously prompting me for the password when I tried to edit /etc/ files but now it just tells me I'm not allowed to and I have to use sudoedit
Have you tried opening Kate in the terminal with sudo?
It tells me that opening kate through sudo is dangerous and recommends using a different command to open editor in terminal
Typically you start programs as a normal user.
Never knew there were text editors that become root when needed lmao
Kate is the only one I know of that can. It specifically has a sudo mode.
how is this a Linux question? or any OS question for that matter?
Anyway, here's a generic guide for configuring routers via a web interface:
You can use the special admin:// URI if you have the kio polkit plugin enabled, e.g,
kate admin:///etc/hosts
should work.
Sorry is the plugin for kate or dolphin?
>You should know if something is wrong with a file (for example, it shouldn't be empty or full of all zeroes / null bytes). I know retarded people exist but I find it really hard to believe a person could look at such a file and think it's normal.
It's more like people wont know what to look for unless they're informed beforehand. And people like jumping to worst case scenarios really quickly.
>btrfs check
Seems like this is only supposed to be done while the drive is unmounted
It's for kio which works with KDE applications like Dolphin and Kate (there's also a kio-fuse plugin that works for non-KDE apps)

>Seems like this is only supposed to be done while the drive is unmounted
The default is to run in read-only mode so you can force it to run anyway. It'd be better to run it on an unmounted filesystem if you can though.
So I got the game Deadlock freezing on me at the main menu and I dunno how to read the log file properly. I find this line and I can't imagine why it is happening
err:virtual:allocate_virtual_memory out of memory for allocation, base (nil) size 00100000

This is only on my ASUS TUF, my other laptop which is weaker works "fine" (As in I can play it). Both have endeavourOS installed.
Nothing I am finding is helping regarding this, any help /g/entoomen?
What a useful giant clock.
>Deadlock freezing
sounds like it is working as intended.
If you are on proton-experimental try to force it to run on the latest stable branch
How can I securely copy files between drives in Linux? I gotta admit that this may be a little schizophrenic, maybe even a series of bad coincidences, but on linux I've managed to lose several files when drag n' dropping.
On Windows I could just drag n' drop and pull the thumbdrive without ejecting pretty much a few seconds affter the dialog box closes, on Linux that lead me into losing a bunch of files (they all were in the drive but had 0 bytes), now I've begun to always eject stuff before removing but I still get REALLY afraid, maybe it's because I feel that the different parts of Linux are held by scotch tape and hope.
I'd like a way to ABSOLUTELY be sure I copied my files, and that when the fucking transfer dialog is done I can just pull it out without ejecting it first if the need arises (I don't do that anymore even on windows but who knows, sometimes you just have to).
Okay, so here's what it's actually saying. And I wonder if the tutorial has a typo because $(hostname -f) works. Also it looks like you do have to edit /etc/hosts even though it doesn't say to do that, so I already know it's possible for the information to be incomplete.
It may also be that it's trying to search another domain, since there's another active directory domain on the WAN side and there's instructions to search both it and the new domain I'm setting up on the Ethernet ports that has a connection.
Wait a few seconds more?
Open a terminal and write "sync", if it exits immediately you're good to go.
Really? https://linux.die.net/man/8/sync leads me to believe that the issue I was having was related to the fact there were still files in the RAM when I pull out the drive, is that correct? So sync forces the data to move from the RAM to the drive.
If that's it then great, thanks a lot. I was checking stuff like rsync or whatever but if I can make do with just sync I'm happy.
I tried running it with and without --read-only but it would still complain about the drive being mounted, i could just use --read-only and --force, but that doesnt sound like it's recommended.
So what is the best way to learn Linux terminal commands and how to read them? Like I am trying to boycott windows and switch to Pop OS (currently duel booting windows 10 and Pop on a seperate drive to try and don't plan on getting windows 11 when 10 dies) but the terminal confuses me a little and that is one of the big Linux things. I want to basically take a class on how to use it. I don't want to just copy and paste commands, I want to understand what I am doing when I type out a command.
If you're on a distro that uses udisks2 (most of them), you can set default=sync in the [defaults] section of /etc/udisks2/udisks.conf. Similar to Windows Fast Removal / Performance removable drive policy settings.
>leads me to believe that the issue I was having was related to the fact there were still files in the RAM
Yeah that's how all PCs work. From an application standpoint a file operation is normally finished once metadata is written to disk, but the OS normally buffers data to write whenever. Windows will do the same thing if you change the removable device policy to Performance.
Thanks for the explanation alongside the solution, that's very interesting to know. Bit weird that sync isn't the default behavior.
Sync is much slower. There's a file in /proc you can monitor to find out whether it's done flushing, but it's not easy to remember where it is (I would have to look it up). Most fancy DEs have a widget to do it for you.
River or hyprland if I'm gonna disable animations anyway?
I think river is like dwm and hyprland is like i3, but I might be wrong, I haven't used any.
Find something you want to do and use the terminal for it. Like trying to watch YouTube videos through MPV using yt-dlp (use the static binary from Github or a proper abstraction layer like pipx, raw pip likes to litter the system with shit but if nothing else you can set it to install packages only for your current user with --user flag). Later on you'll find that you can do things like force the video to always fetch the closest source to a certain resolution or just fetch the audio. Or even use RSS to check for channels you want.
man and apropos commands
Having a test directory with test files is very helpful. Pretty much try it as soon as you learn it.
Well I personally don't see the point in it being faster if the files aren't actually being transferred but I can see why it's not the default, shouldn't be that much slow (objectively at least, not relative to the non sync way) considering Windows use it as a default and I've never felt bothered by its speed.
>Most fancy DEs have a widget to do it for you.
Yep, now that you mentioned that I remembered that most occurrences happened when I was using I3. I don't remember it happening on Gnome but it did happened once in KDE when I was moving an ISO file and several config files.
ill be building a new pc soon and id like some cross platform (win+lin) benchmark tools, i want a synthetic one because of the reproducibility of the results, i dont care that it doesnt translate 1:1 to real world performance i just want to see if i can get similar numbers in both platforms
Hyprland has more features compared to river.
Your wrong about both.
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Thoughts on the Framework 13 as a Linux laptop?
You mail them to yourself if your periodic scrub fails.
I'm running EndeavourOS with XFCE and it is leaking a shit ton of memory.
Leaving my computer running for a few days results in xfwm4 consuming around 10GB of RAM, and it makes my computer noticeably sluggish.
Anyone knows what might be causing this?
I'm thinking of switching back to LXDE because of this.
Why is everyone on endeavour?
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OpenSUSE is switching to SELinux from AppArmor. What are the implications of this?
It's not xfce's fault.
Just saying
archinstall is too hard to type
Switching back to LXQt, not LXDE.
Arch has the newer stuff and the AUR, and I was told Endeavour is basically Arch but more convenient.
Maybe, but that's what top and xrestop is telling me.
Is it a good idea to switch my packages with their flatpak equivalents? Like librewolf, vscodium (aur) and strawberry (system package)? I know flatpaks take a lot of space but they share dependencies and I have a bunch of them already installed so they shouldn't take as much as space. What are the pros and cons of doing something like this?
>vscodium (aur)
For the flatpak version, I couldn't get the built-in terminal to see my host packages.
at least it's not a snap
it's still a flatpak
It's a per-application basis, I have distro hopped quite a bit in the past year and I find flatpaks mostly useful for distrohopping without worrying about your app requiring to be reconfigured because the distros have completely different packaging, they are pretty much hell if you want them to "speak" with other apps from my experience.
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Should I upgrade nvidia driver from 535? Mint/X11, Performance? Last time it nuked my monitor arrangement and there was some guff with flatpak platform libs.
Decided to learn Linux again. an autistic friend of mine recommended openSUSE But I was curious what /g/ thinks? only software needs are gamedev stuff like unity, krita, blender godot etc.
Go for it, currently on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and I don't have anything bad to say about it, I don't know a single non apple development tool that isn't supported on Linux because a good chunk of devs are linuxfags.
It's not recommended because the thing it is scanning is actively changing on disk (unless you remount the filesystem read-only)

It won't break anything though, it's just scanning not repairing anything (BTRFS is actually self-repairing in a lot of cases. The developers actively recommend against repair actions unless you know what you're doing)
On Flatpak, you need to always run a
flatpak update
after updating the Nvidia drivers. This is because Nvidia's shitty user-space forces you to match the exact same version as the kernel driver and host.

Mesa doesn't have this issue.
Ext4 won't corrupt my data. Btrfs will :^)
Only hardware issues will corrupt your data and you won't notice it with ext4, you'll just get random crashes and have no idea why. At least BTRFS has the courtesy to tell you the checksum it's expecting does not match.
where does btrfs tell me this?
Is there an imageviewer like Feh that works on Wayland and let me set a default window size? I want to quickly open small ~480p previews of big images that are too much of an annoyance to open in Gwenview from the command line.
I use Flatpaks for things that are a toothache to install (anything GUI using Python as a dependency) propietary shareware (like WPS Office) or that use non Qt toolkits (like most GNOME apps (Yes, haven't found a good Pomodoro timer for Linux writen in Qt, and Bottles is convenient).
In kernel logs and I/O errors propogated back to user-space.

You will know if something is wrong.
>Yes, haven't found a good Pomodoro timer for Linux writen in Qt
KDE has one but I have no idea if it's any good:
alternatives for wayland?
You could achieve something similar with Cage:
Will give it a shot, though pretty sure i had tested this one but can't remember why i ditched it. Perhaps a bug that got fixed already.
i don't see how is it remotely similar
so an error message will pop up? I don't usually check logs
assuming I use something like Fedora KDE
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Remind me, why did Red Hat abandoned KDE?
Cage does window swallows for all windows. If you run a terminal in Cage and then open a PDF, the PDF viewer will swallow the terminal until you close it
how exactly do i cast content from my pc to my tv? it's not a smart tv, i have a chromecast device.
i never did this even on windows so i have no idea how it works.
Because they develop GNOME. They aren't interested in supporting more than one desktop environment for their paying customers so rather than lead them down the wrong path they simply leave it to third-party repos like EPEL.

One would hope a big customer of Red Hat could change this attitude by demanding KDE, but let's be real, nobody uses Red Hat on the desktop.
Probably SUSE again trying to ride on RH tailcoats.
Expect more guides telling people to disable SE Linux.

This is a bad move. AppArmor is good because administrators can actually fucking configure the thing without having a PHD.
1) Nobody has system mail set up
2) The average user wont be aware of system mail existing in the first place
It's better to avoid flatpak as much as you can, there's always weird shit that happens when using a flatpak over your native package manager
You can make a script with scratchpads on sway or whatever they're called on other distros to achieve similar result
Check /var/spool, you likely have it configured even if it's just something like Nullmailer. Not all distros do this but a lot do, Debian still does for one.
I enjoy them and generally have better luck with them than the repo janny packages. Examples: flatpak Dropbox worked for me, distro repo didn't and I can even reduce its access to my filesystem. Nicotine+ was packaged wrong, an old version and missing all plugins. RPCS3 versions lag behind so I couldn't play online. Flatpak fixed all these problems.
That argument goes both ways. For example, any software that supports different plugins or backend tends to not have all of them installed and available (this would bloat the Flatpak) and instead only has a small selection based on the maintainers preference.

There are still arguments in favour of Flatpak though, like the isolation you mentioned.
What's the best filesystem to use on an old HDD with a bunch of reallocated sectors? I'm asking because on FreeBSD this choice made all the difference: system was nigh unusable on UFS2, but worked pretty well on ZFS. Maybe it's important for Linux too.
Not him but Tumbleweed was one of the few distros infected with the xz backdoor... maybe there are downsides to being right on the bleeding edge
That also goes both ways unfortunately. You can trade Tumbleweed for an LTS and you're still not out of the woods. Sometimes it comes to light that a vulnerability specifically affects older versions of software that LTS distros are using but has long since been fixed in newer versions on bleeding edge distributions.

If you really care about the supply chain you'll take control yourself and Install Gentoo (or some other source based distro).
Ok, but running nested compositor for that is a bit overkill
And speaking of nested wayland compositors
how do I stop plasma-x11 from running anything wayland-capable inside those when I have one open?
I was only trying wayland because of this plasma behavior
can't find it in bugs even
>how do I stop plasma-x11 from running anything wayland-capable inside those when I have one open?
Disable XWayland support. Sometimes this requires a re-compile, other times it can be done at runtime via the config (e.g Sway lets you disable this at runtime)
If you're just looking to force Wayland though then you can do something like this:
env DISPLAY= program-to-run

Although sometimes the program might auto-detect that X11 is running and connect to it anyway.
Nah, I mean
>be in plasma-x11
>open cage/wayland/ whatever compositor inside it to run wayland-only program
>run wayland-capable program in plasma
>it opens in said nested compositor instead
it werked regardless of xwayland in various x11 WMs, I guess it's related to some env var plasma exports
I don't think plasma would export any Wayland environment variables on X11.

What does your environment look like? I guess something like this should fix it:
env WAYLAND_DISPLAY= plasmashell --replace
>That doesnt really matter
Remind me again what umask most distros set by default for home directories, and what that means for access by other users.

>rather than the system retardedly storing thumbnails on remote drives by default (this is almost NEVER what you want to happen)
Windows doesn't do that either. Network drives are treated specially for various reasons, some practical, others historical.

Another positive of keeping the thumbnails with the sources is that when you delete the sources, and particularly their directory, the thumbs get deleted as well. No such guarantee if they're all in ~/.cache.
yeah that's funny because export|grep WAYLAND_DISPLAY is null
but if I run WAYLAND_DISPLAY= wayland-capable-program it stays in plasma
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I removed all layouts from here but I still can switch them by alt-shift. How does it work?
>No such guarantee if they're all in ~/.cache.
You should be pruning old cache files. I have a Cron job that runs regularly to do this. I don't know why desktops don't also do this themselves.
Do you have iBus configured? That uses its own separate keyboard layouts as far as I know (it can also be configured to follow the system layout but it's not the default)
I thought that LTS distros backport security fixes though
how would I go about safely exposing my home computer to the internet with ssh without having to fear people who aren't me getting access to it?
Use a VPN or overlay network. Or just use Mosh over IPv6 like I do. Script kiddies don't know how to scan the IPv6 Internet.
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I don't think so. That's all I have installed.
and no, that didn't work
They do. Just like bleeding edge distros. That's too late if you're already vulnerable though.

Honestly, I don't think it's possible not realistic to avoid all security vulnerabilities. It's more important how a distro responds after the fact.
I think debian installs exim by default to use for system mail. But i don't think any of the ubuntu distros or mint, or any of those other kind of noob-friendly distros do that.
>Remind me again what umask most distros set by default for home directories, and what that means for access by other users.
The hell you talking about? that has nothing to do with thumbnail caching.
Also, 99% of people are single users.
>The hell you talking about? that has nothing to do with thumbnail caching.
The default umask of 0022 results in ~/, ~/.cache/ and ~/.cache/thumbnails/ being readable by anyone.
password authentication off and use an ssh key
that seems enough for the vast majority
A cache that cannot be read is almost useless. No shit it can be read by anyone with access to it.
Are you being obtuse on purpose?
No. How else do you expect a cache to work? Keep in mind that almost everything runs without a sandbox and can read/write all files in your home directory anyway (use Flatpak if you want to mitigate that).
They do, but only after the security flaw was known. Also note that some security flaws get fixes just like other bugs, never make it into the cves and hence not getting backported.
uh, ogay, later I noticed that only gtk stuff is affected
somewhat fixed it by setting GDK_BACKEND=x11
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