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Previous Thread: >>102937327
That doesn't actually work and you are a lying frogposting nigger
Second for lying frogposting niggers
>3rd recruiter to reach out to me in 2 weeks
What is going on, when did my resume become good? Was it 3 years of exp?
Interest rates slacked off. 2-yr business outlook improved.
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Cyber anon here. I regret ever taking up a shift-based SOC role at this glownigger institution.
>get consecutive night shifts on schedule with constantly changing hours
>get calls for coming in on days that I'm supposed to have off
>forced to stay extra hours well into nighttime if a single employee calls out
>no remote option, have to come in most of the week
>coworkers are all former military methheads
Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow so I can find something more remote and comfy with stable scheduling. I'd rather be unemployed than go through that shit again.
Someone from upper management pulled me into their office just now. They said they were going to fire my manager (lasted 7 years here) and that I will be taking on most of his responsibilities. I don't want to guys. I'm giga autistic and scared of management. Also, I'm mainly remote while my manager is not. Nobody in these management meetings outside of the one guy from upper management even knows my face. Also, my company is toxic and they constantly reduces head count whenever the CEO feels like we aren't making enough money for the amount of people we have so I'm scared to ask for a raise and become someone under that scrutiny. But I should ask for a raise right? I'm currently the most senior dev at 110k per year but I don't know what I should be asking for. Maybe ask for something crazy high and hope they just pass me up or hire someone new?
can't fix stupid look for other work
Why are there help desk positions asking for 4yoe? Who the fuck stays at help desk for 4 years and doesn't grind out aws/ccna/isc2/sec+ and escape. You should be getting one of those every 2-6mo. Like who would just stay at the bottom tier making 30-50k/yr? Why would anyone do that?
My IT guy has been here for 2 years now at I think 60k. I talked to him about certs or upskilling and he had zero ambition of doing it. He has maybe 6 years now overall. Idk man, some people are just chilling. He also has 4 kids from 3 ex-wives btw so maybe that is a factor.
Look at Elons pants one button is undone, someone there had to perform a sloppy bj to keep his H1B job
I'm not looking. Nice try.
Thats the difference?
And I thought I got good
He's just autistic and forgets to redo it after he pisses.
I am also autistic and do the same thing all the time
I've done nothing besides goon and pretend to work this week
Ask for a prohibitive amount of money to take on the new responsibilities. When they say no say
>oh no, oh well then. Guess you need to hire someone and I will just keep doing my job.
Then look for a new job.
>certs or upskilling and he had zero ambition of doing it
35 yoe and same, I don't give a fuck about certs, that shits for kids and tryhards. i just learn shit as and when I need to
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Im also getting a lot of recruiters lately. I think lowered rates have businesses open to hiring again.
I am 1 day a week in office and I literally only do work on my day in office because there's nothing else to do.
I wonder if they will ever notice this.
Has nothing to do with interest rates they barely went down and just got raised up again lol. Has everything to do with recruiters trying to hit quotas so they can get end of year bonuses. They have no actual intention to hire
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I'd like to get some advices from more experienced devs on something.
I always have an incredible hard time understanding the business requirements of what I've been asked to do. Ngl, the current company I'm working for is at fault in the way that they don't have much documentation for their applications, nor a glossary to know what we're talking about, no architects (in our team at least), no ticket system... Pretty much every project is given to the devs orally (yeah I know crazy in this day and age and even worse, for one of the major tv channel of the county).
Anyway after failing to deliver my third project this year (been there for a year), I realised that I wasn't stupid, I just have a ton of difficulty to filter/keep/write down clearly the informations given to me and to synthetize them into actual requirements.

Anyway, does anyone have tips on working on this type of environment ? Especially on the requirement thing That's the backbone of my suffering right now.
Because on the three projects, I concluded that it's this factor that makes me fail every time. I don't know clearly what I got to do, I do it and then I need to re-implement/delete some major part of my code and that result in the refactoring of some other piece code, etc.
Anybody else hate late starts. My team is lazy and doesn't have standup until 10am so I usually spend the first 2.5 hours of my day looking for stuff to do.
Short answer, start looking for a new job. I was at a company like this and eventually you give up and BS your way to get by until you burn out. Long answer, get super autistic with whoever is giving you a task, make them write things down line by line so you can point back to it at the end of the project.
>deadlock candletrooper Apu
Excellent. Top tier. Unparalleled. I feel it. Some of us were made to die.
>early thread with the shitty generic OP
FUCK YOU (very nicely)
record every meeting.

put it through an llm.

put it in a wiki/doc and share with everyone.

u create the culture anon. no one else will change it.
When is the last time your boss defended you?
Why do companies use that shitty WorkDay platform, I get autorejected from it each fucking time no matter the CV
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what's the xp progression for building the data science skill tree. let's say you're a sql monkey who can run the general data pipeline of raw data to a visualization. i'm noticing more and more focus on data lakes, snowflake in the space. do i need to grind the azure skill tree starting from the beginning? i'm not entirely sure because i don't have a mentor at work who actually knows fuckall.

i have to use tableau for my position and my literal retard of a boss asked me what that even was when interviewing for a promotion.
Yeah I will definitely look for different job but not right now. You know as chaotic as the current team is, I also realised that this kind of environment make you progress like no other.
I was literally scared of coding a while ago and now it's all gone when I thought this feeling would never leave me.
So I'll profit from whatever they have to offer (they're supposed to give me some tasks with Unreal Engine soon which was why I accepted the job in the first place even though I've been working with Spring for 8 months now)
I had a single meeting and yeah I recorded it. I was watching it right now btw.
I'm realising that I personally made the mistake to not ask more questions (I'm a social retard but I'm working on it) and everyone there needs to speak ten times the amount of shit they're supposed to tell me, so I tend to avoid going to talk to people. But I got no choice.
> u create the culture anon. no one else will change it
Yeah to be honest, I was going to. I even want to work on this glossary when I'll have some time.
10 years ago at my second internship. If we're going off permanent full time then never.
Are you making 120k/yr?
Learn how to load and clean data with pandas, make simple visuals with matplotlib, and build xgboost models in Python within a Jupyter notebook for regression or classification. That will get your foot in the door at most places
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>manager is wondering what could the reason I don't want to go to a conference that takes place on Saturday
Well, I would say maintain a Jira instance,
but my employer deleted the company's Jira midway through the project.
All notes were gone, and he didn't care.

I'm currently experimenting in the project repo with either
- keeping "feature requests" in a docs directory
- or just a notes.txt,
depending on the size of the project.

Also, something I took from DDD:
Write a "vision statement", so you can easily identify scope creep.
It's basically a three-line description of the project goals.

Also also, what >>102956418 gives as a long answer:
You're basically in the requirements-gathering stage,
regardless of what higher-ups might claim.

The last thing I'd like to mention, and this is where I'm personally experimenting with no success,
is writing "user acceptance tests" in Cucumber/Gherkin.
My rule-of-thumb here is "Imagine it's 1922", a.k.a. write and explain everything
as though it's all being done by flesh-and-blood human beings
-- with waistcoats and ties, or overalls and flat caps, if you must.
Get the ibm data science cert
I'm starting a job as an embedded dev in a week and a half. Is it too late to start learning C?
At my first company they wanted me to fly to mexico city for a client visit. They said "hey get ready, we need to go to mexico city next week". I told them "I don't have a passport" and they sent someone else instead.

With domestic travel I'm considering bringing a gun through TSA so I get put on the no fly list
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It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
It'll stop any day now
I like how a simple code freeze ends up shitting all over Agile and throws metrics out of whack because people can't do shit for an entire sprint. This is on top of the SM never hearing of such a thing.
Very cool, very nice.
>With domestic travel I'm considering bringing a gun through TSA so I get put on the no fly list
I've been sandbagging a project I don't feel like doing for months creating pointless discussions between management, product and designers.
>Apply to 9999999 positions I know how to do
>No interviews
>Recruiter reaches out with job I have like six months of experience in (they're looking for five years of experience with their tech stack)
>Get interview with less than 24 hours of notice (I assume I will bomb it)
what the fuck

>just got raised up again
wait what
The company I work at would have to 15x its valuation for my options to not be underwater. I hate startups so much.
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We just don't do metrics anymore.
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>company wide zoom call
>hr intern turns on camera
>camera points directly at her big tits
>she notices and turns off the camera
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>taking on first client
>super simple product
>have to write a project proposal
>have to discuss payment
>will go for equity on this product
I might regret this
If they were aware that you didn't know C then I don't see the problem.
Most people who work from home are basically committing time fraud.
>smalltime company I was at got acquired by big player in the field
>No increase in pay
>Find out they just employ 1 person in the west to lead teams of 5+ indians/skilled peeps from low wage countries
>Company is disorganized af, nobody knows anything
>Not able to move horizontally in the company, as none of the teams talk or cooperate
>Main focus of company is not my actual job, like being a software engineer at NVIDIA, you're somewhat needed but it's just support
>Pay is mediocre and no possibility of natural growth, it's all decided by HR based on silly rules, not actual skill
>Benefits are allright, wfm 4.5 days a week and manager could care less

Where can I make money (>75k) as an embedded C developer anons? Yuropoor speaking ofc
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Yeah and?
Been interrupted by my product owner twice when i was in a meeting for something "more urgent" then called at home in the evening for the same reason. So this is the engineer life, huh.
Dont pick up the phone after hours.
If they are it’s the fault of bad management. When I had good projects and was motivated, I was even more productive at home than at work. Now? Fuck it, my boss doesn’t care, why should I?
I know, unfortunately we're supposed to be available "occasionally" in the evenings, nights and during the weekends. But of course, "occasionally".
its fucking over for you
They're aware that I only have basic proficiency, yes
unpaid overtime is commiting time fraud
lol the ones doing that are shorter than the gook woman
Helpdesk is stupid easy and can lead to just chilling. You have good enough job security if you don't fuck up and are just better than the braindead randoms and yes saar pajeets. Even better if you get promoted in the tiny tiny career path to senior/lead/manager/whateverthefuck. If you are fine being a loser forever and making a just above livable wage, then I guess that is fine.
I can say working helpdesk for 4 years was the most chill time I had in a job even if the pay and the fulfillment was just not there. So many personal projects done in that time.
then I would assume they're planning on training you or using you for some non-C thing.
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Should've developed a screencap trigger finger.
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Not really tech job related but any anons with wifes / girlfiriends?

would you say that overall having a girl improved your quality of life? I like my job but still feeling depressed as shit since no gf... Wondering if it's as good as they portray it or just another "grass is always greener" thing
>I like my job
There's no way weirdos like you made it through any interview.
project harder, shitskin
fuck off back to the unemployed thread or literally kys
I moved to asia and got a gf. Also had a hoe phase tho

both improved quality of my life
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Depends on hell desk type. Been in hell desk for 7 years. Only just moved away from it. On site, no phone work, working 1-1 with company end users. Started at 50k, went up to 70k. Thing is though I had unlimited overtime so I would take my laptop after work and "wfh on stuff" and I was racking it 100-110k on my W2. Zero stress, basic as fuck T2 work. Paid off my uni and certs. Making bank, relatively. Only stopped cause it was feeling unfulfilling being almost 30 and looking at the other help desk lifers and not wanting to end up like them.
depends. a good woman will improve your life. zero pussy will drive a lot of guys crazy. a bad woman can destroy your life.
>good people are good
>bad people are bad
Damn this board is truly full of wisdom
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keep it up.
I’ve got a wife and kid. Having a wife improved my life. Yeah there’s downsides but when I really think about it, overall my life improved

Having a kid changes your life. Not necessarily for better or worse, although for some people it certainly does. Life is just different now that I’m not the MC anymore. Maybe I can say that it made life richer, but definitely didn’t make it easier lol. I will say that once you have your first kid you will never sleep the same again
its not supposed to be wise. its an answer to his question. my wisdom is telling me right now that you are a bitter nerd from a pathological lack of bitches.
>your reply is mean so you're mean
So true you keep spilling that tea queen
My former coworkers watched youtube videos most of the time at the office, sometimes right in sight of the boss. The location doesn't matter if you don't have a work ethic.
I'm a junior but I'm already under pressure to complete "urgent" tickets and shit and work long hours, I have no idea how so many people in this thread apparently just watch youtube videos all day. Does nothing happen in your company, you don't have anybody checking on your tickets, they're not giving you any?
I heard the first two weeks after the kid is born is the most brutal for your sleep schedule.
it varies there's periods of that then periods of nothing
at my first company I had way more of what you are talking about because it was small/badly managed
the bigger the company the more space there is to fuck around
Sometimes they do, sometimes things are stressful, but there are weeks where nothing happens
anon fucking thank you. i started on this basically immediately after you posted. i have a little scraping project i've started already using jupyter, not sure how i'll use matplotlib for this particular one but i'll figure it out. i appreciate you

honestly anon i just need to grind a solid portfolio not sit thru more tuts
It was the most physically difficult experience I had ever gone through. They need to eat every few hours so you’ll be up 3-4 times a night at minimum. Hopefully they go back to sleep, but sometimes they don’t, so you’re basically rocking them all night. I had a few weeks off for paternal leave luckily. I still sleep very lightly and wake up several times a night even though my kid sleeps like a rock now
if you raise him right and such though anon he will grow up to appreciate the shit out of you. i know my parents went through that and i always keep that in mind when i talk to them or think about how i can support them in the future. i think you understand what i'm saying
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Do I need a degree/certs to get an entry level helpdesk position? I am currently a car salesman and have been for 10 years. I have grown tired of this business (I hate cars) and the money has dried up.

I have always been good with computers (insofar as I can install gentoo on my own PC). I am also good at talking with people. I am happy to start at the bottom as my expenses are low.

Casually looking it seems like a lot of entry level stuff requires experience or some type of cert. I would like to work on setting myself up to do something IT related in a year or so.
just apply
start applying and say you have an A+ on your resume
nobody will bring it up but if they do just say you're in the process of taking the exam or something like that, you have plenty of time to pass that shit
>Work at consultancy
Should pick a project:
>java spring EE
>React, vue and angular
>blockchain experience
>specific domain knowledge of finances
All require verifyable project experience of at least 3 years and some even 5 years.

Fulfill all.
Glorious job description blah blah new tech. Whoah freedoms.
Green fields project.

What I do for a year in the project:
>migrate legacy java backend to newer version
>clean up code
>migrate spring versions
>cry a lot
>migrate from trashed odd dependency riddled Angular 8 to Angular 17
>migrate keycloak
>literally nobody even knew how to even start the application locally
>last deployment was 2 years ago
>ask how this is possible
>nobody knew
Never developed or touched a single feature related to the required skills.
0 kafka.
0 blockchain.
0 rabbit MQ.
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I've started putting pronouns (just he/him) in my bio, and I swear the rate at which tech companies call me back has tripled.

What does this mean?
wank fraud
How so? I am available 8 hours a day.
>what does it mean
That you're unemployed and lying about some retarded shit because you're a faggot.
It's not fraud because society owes me a great debt.
Still haven't heard back about a second interview. They either contact me tomorrow or I have surely been ghosted. Feels bad, bros
>be non-programmer
>last time I wrote code myself and didn't just edit a script was in college
>get asked to assist in a project
>task is to basically write some advanced code
>just say sure and nod

what the fuck do I do now
How’s the current love life of /twg/ anons going?
I haven't had sex since 2011
claude sonnnet 3.5
I haven't had sex since 2013
I keep a notes.txt try to have a viable product asap.
does that shit actually work now for coding
desu what the code would do is rather simple, but advanced for me
I only really remember python and just basics
how much does that shit cost and where do I sign up
god damn you guys are just as bitchless as /utwg/.
you can do basic stuff for free
the issue is about how it integrates with other stuff
just put all the relevant files/code in and describe the problem, and test it and make sure it works and keep asking it are you sure this works?
I haven’t touched a pussy since 1995 (the year I came out one)
>implying I work
>implying I'm at home
From what I've seen as long as you know what you're doing a LLM can write the code for you, but you have to know the general outline of what you want and you need to be able to tell if what they provide is accurate enough, AND may still need to debug it.
If you're doing something extremely specific it might be useless.
e.g. I asked chatgpt for some java image scaling algorithm with an option for high and low quality, what I got was a broken if statement with different settings for high/low quality, meanwhile a simple google search provided a better algorithm fully coded from decades ago on the old oracle website (this one reapplied scaling every time you double the images size for an, assumedly, smoother final image and just did it in one if you wanted low quality).
>anon doesn't know he's a c-section baby
aaaaaaand it's done
holy fuck, this is the future
won't be able to test it until tomorrow
Why do they all need a login? Copilot's basic but no login needed.
any quality ai is expensive enough to run there are rate limits, if it's free and doesn't require a login it's just not intensive. I have no idea why anyone would use copilot, who cares about logging in and spending a dollar a month?
Think about data as full stack vs back end vs front end.

Front end is visuals and analysis. You need to talk to boomers in management about numbers and why your numbers are right and what do they mean.

Back end is ETL and infra. You need to do SQL, orchestration, DBA stuff if you are not on the cloud and security. You would also need to know data modeling such that you can deliver clean data for analysts.

Full stack is both, jack of all trades and master of none. You can only really do full stack if your company does not have even remotely sophisticated data needs.

Management really likes front and and there is almost always skew in roles that lean to analytics and data science, however as a rule they cannot do anything useful without a solid back end for data.

Data engineering is not well understood outside of several specific industries. A lot of data engineering work is building and maintenance of data warehouses, can be on premise or cloud. For most part it is SQL with some orchestration, a lot of cloud migration stuff would brag about python libraries, but it all comes back to SQL in the end.

Data engineering as a rule is higher paid, but more stressful. Data analytics and data science are less stressful but more saturated fields.

A huge amount of companies are still on prem, but slowly moving on the cloud. Snowflake is a bit of meme as it has been very popular, but it very costly and great many organisations expect some kind of magic solution to their data problems, when the root cause is in their source systems.

t.data since 2010
just told my gf i loved her so pretty well
it's crazy to me that even with very basic coding knowledge I could easily hold a job with this power
now I just need to find a way to pass this off as my code and never get exposed that I suck at coding
you still need to understand it or you will likely fucked up and not figure out how to use it, if you learn to use it well you can get by pretty well though, as well as use it to learn.
I'd recommend asking it to go line by line explaining what each thing is doing if you don't understand anything. Also get it to make unit tests for you and understand how those work.
Is it shitty that your company doesnt document anything at all? Yes, it definitely is. You however should be documenting everything you are doing whether it being writing documentation for projects you are working on or keeping track of projects you have been given. When you leave that place make sure you have copies of your own documentation so that stuff you learned at your current job isnt just memory holed and lost to time. A big part of being in tech is having to relearn things and making a habit of making sure you have material to go back and relearn things faster is key to success so do it for yourself even if no one else ever reads any of it
It's a more advanced stackoverflow.
>I'd recommend asking it to go line by line explaining what each thing is doing
even though I understand most lines this is still good advice thanks
I asked for a detailed explanation (it had already commented the code) and learned some new stuff
then it put the entire explanation into an .md file so I can read it later
I said thanks and it told me yw and to not forget to save all files before closing the tab
I love my AI
Yeah it's a skill to learn to use it well, you can get it built into your IDE using continue with vs code or some other variation. Key thing I'd rec is just make sure you push back and question, it will just send you wrong stuff sometimes but if you ask (are you sure) it'll usually fix it. I use it primarily for a newer/more niche language though probably would run into it less for older ones.
>record every meeting.
I only record meetings they tell me I can't record.
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>generate boilerplate and solutions to extremely well tread problems
>dont understand any of it
>the code doesnt work half the time and even sometimes is invalid
mad code monkey
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>I love my AI
you dont get it fool, we are literally 2 years away from AGP singularity. this artificially intelligent being even says thank you after it gives you a solution to make a discord bot in python!
>this artificially intelligent being even says thank you
it doesn't though
AI confirmed smarter than you
Talked with my mentor and he called out that I want to change jobs
Still not getting laid
Still want a boyfriend
>wait what
He made that up.
thank you anon, insightful. right now i just want to grind projects and learn as i go. the basic stuff, i'm particularly interested in NLP just on a personal level. any way i can leverage that interest to get a buffed out portfolio?

i'm using python/pandas right now to build a project like another anon said i should. this stuff is new to me but i'm getting the hang of it with chat gpt as i go, trying to actually understand each line more or less so i can make useful documentation. ultimately i want to be good at this stuff; but i also just want to make more money and fake it til i make it.
They’re useless anyway.
My wife quit her job at AWS so she’s less stressed out, so pretty well.
>you don't have anybody checking on your tickets
I'm don't work in tech support
my super visor asks me if I can please (for example) check some config of a tool a customer is using and change this and that
I ask him how much time I should invest
he tells me 15-20 hours
I complete that shit in two and book the customer for 22 hours
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I think this is an easy question to answer without having to get a girlfriend/wife with something barely related. Do you travel/have you traveled before? Cause there's some parts that are analogus to the girlfriend experience. You need to prepare, set out specific things to do and you'll end up with the experience. Largely how it goes is based on the preparations you make earlier, how you are feeling when it's happening, and a part randomness that you can't prepare for. If you're a depressed guy at home you'll probably be a depressed guy traveling, but you might find out that the effort put in gives you some genuine pleasure and memorable moments. Or it could suck ass. The essential thing being that you try and do it, that's the only way to know for certain
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How do I go back in time to tell myself to pick another career path than tech?
You first have to reach the pinnacle of tech, making millions of dollars a year in the process, and then have to consider whether it's worth taking another career path when you're that rich.
wait two more years, we've almost achieved AGP and the AI will be able to tell you
>help desk monkey
>usually wfh but vpn issues means have to go to datacenter
>DC guy leaves
>oops anon emergency visit you gotta check a guy in and escort him to his rack also you have to stay there until hes done
>cant make small talk because data centers are fucking loud
>awkwardly pace around like an autist on my phone for 3 hours
i have no idea how people do datacenter work every day jesus christ
lol grab a chair and sit in the corner autismo.
In my defense I haven't fucked any fat bitches since then. So there is a small matter of pride there.
Do you already have a cs or statistics degree?
Get a gba emulator and play pokemon on your phone
Fuck a slampig already
Scratch that. I somehow misspelled the name of the first interviewer in my thank you email. I am definitely not getting the job. Time to consider eating my 9mm
I'm 36 years old and I have never had sex.
I'm an Ethical Hacker. AMA.
(I think some devs at work hate me lmao)
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I remember when "people" (most likely bots) shilled for this guy in this and other boards, and said he'd only leave (and hire) the white people for the newly bought twitter.
I never gave the color or race of his employees a moment's thought because I'm well-adjusted.

I wonder how many of them were valedictorians.
I just escaped hell desk. The bar is low, and the expectations are low no matter the company. Once I left hell-desk, your career trajectory is pretty much in your hands. I got into networking, and the offers, recruiters and job openings really started to open up.

The good thing is, if things get hard you can always get a second helldesk job or just fall back to one really quick if you get laid off or whatever. Back pocket sort of thing.
idgaf about musk or about the employees of his companies. my comment was about the heavy manipulation that was going on in this board (and elsewhere) at the time this guy bought twitter.
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>be me
>39 yo boomer
>probably have 7 years or so left until retirement
>comfy current job, fully remote, good pay but not great, generally 9-5 schedule with an occasional urgent request
>but I’m still full of piss and vinegar
>still want to build something really cool before I’m done
>haven’t learned a new language in awhile
What should i do? Should i just accept I’m in the twilight years of my career? Or try to jump back in to something fun?
Seriously, it probably ruined what was a good interview
not sure why you replied to me, but, learn Go, it's fun:
As long as you didn't call a tranny by his real name I doubt they care, you met them for a few hours at most.
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best ai best girl
Accident - my mistake
What could possibly be less interesting? Meds.
Anon that paid an IG thot to go on a work party with him. I was working and didn’t get to reply before the thread got pruned, but anyway, I replied back and we’ve been texting. We’re actually going to the ren faire this weekend for Halloween. She sent me pictures of the costume she made. Guys I do think she likes me, she said she’d pay me this time because no one would go geek out with her. This is what I gathered so far
>comes from trailer park family
>sister is a whore with three kids
>mom and stepdad are nice but distant
>had only one bf in high school
>ended up dating a girl with the bf
>gf ended up getting pregnant by bf
>got left out so she moved to the city
>didn’t know what to do but work at Walmart
>decided to do OF and strip
>has been doing it for two years and actually did a web dev boot camp but never got a job and just used it to promote herself online
>hasn’t dated anyone or done anything outside of work
>most of her clients are old boomers and loser gen xr bros that quote the simpsons
>other girls are on drugs, catty as fuck and are hookers
>she’s autistic and kinda of a shut in
>said she agreed to going out with me because she could tell I was a sperg

Bros I’m marrying her , I can tell. What should I wear for the ren faire
I would never date a woman who did porn or only fans or anything like that
Fitted tunic, doublet, and breeches.
As long as you're okay with marrying a literal prostitute
>What could possibly be less interesting?
why did you even reply or read my comment then?

exactly. take them, you mentally ill retard
Love Xgboost
>Anon that paid an IG thot to go on a work party with him
>she said she’d pay me this time because no one would go geek out with her
>>had only one bf in high school
>>ended up dating a girl with the bf
>>gf ended up getting pregnant by bf
>>decided to do OF and strip
>>has been doing it for two years
>>hasn’t dated anyone or done anything outside of work
what a sad life. how the fuck did this society become so shit...
That's funny, good luck
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Catboost is better
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bring a lappie to fuck around on next time
man, this board is fucking DEAD now.
>decided to do OF and strip
>she's autistic and kinda of a shut in
shutting boomer cock in her pusy at the strip club maybe
yup, but this is still one of the fastest generals here
it's pretty comfy, probably because we're all people who have actually worked a day in their life
>who have actually worked a day in their life
well i wouldn't go thaat far....
>t. 2yoe
A co-worker referred to a piece of code I wrote recently as "blazingly fast" at our 20+ person stand-up today. It felt really nice. Thanks for reading my blog.
The fewer 20-somethings asking stupid questions, the better.

See, reading Sedgewick was a good idea.
yeah but the people who go to the office do too, they just have a harder time doing it
Somehow I believe this. Godspeed anon
Nah, it was down to the fact that they are all embedded C programmers whose idea of a "high level language" is awk or perl, and to whom a "thread" is a thing in a sewing kit. I wrote my tool in Go, and all the lab machines have 48+ cores.
Pretty funny. Nice work.
So wait even if you make it through this hellscape job market and land a job, if you want to leave that job years later you have to go through the same thing again?
>consecutive night shifts
>>no remote option
>>forced to stay extra hours well into nighttime
SOC monkeys are so cucked...
anon, get the OSCP, the portswigger labs cert, get a CVE and spam your CV to pentesting positions. or maybe try getting some intelligence position, that shit is filled with retards.

>if you want to leave that job years later you have to go through the same thing again?
depends on many things that are not in your control. the economy and the society goes up and down all the time, and technology also changes all the time (yet it repeats...)
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It's all worth it when I see that smile on the customer's face.
>depends on many things that are not in your control. the economy and the society goes up and down all the time, and technology also changes all the time (yet it repeats...)
will it be better if trump wins?
Pro tip, start looking while you still have a job. An interview is like a woman, if someone else has currently vetted your worth (you have a job/wife) they want you more.
Yes my software is frequently multi threaded too. Barely anyone knows how to it correctly.
If you have a job you have the luxury of waiting until the job market isn't a shanty town to job hop
The people who take it in the ass during downturns are the layoffs and especially the shmucks unlucky enough to be graduating from university at the wrong time
So how has AI literally obliterated the tech sector?
I am seeing a dramatic increase in physical AI jobs. Electricians specifically trained in maintenance of AI systems will be the next meme.
It hasn't done anything at all.
it hasn't. it's a literal meme. high interest rates as the aftermath of helicopter money obliterated it.
what do you do when you email someone an important questions only they can answer and they just.... don't respond to you. It's so weird, I'm not trying to take up this persons time, I just need an answer then I'll be out of their hair and we probably won't interact for another 6 months if ever.I guess some people are just unhelpful assholes.
AI has had basically no effect on the tech sector besides making nvidia workers millionaires
Wait a week and then email them again but CC your manager. Wait another week and then CC their manager too. At that point its a management problem. If neither manager does anything, start sending out resumes.
AI has been more useful on the business side. Things like, "summarize the meeting so far" and "write a commendation for a colleague," that sort of thing.
CC their manager
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My high school friends are still in real estate and still live down the street from me 15 years later. I will need to unghost them some year to see if I have more money than them or not.
This is a good way to make enemies.
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don't care
act like a bitch get treated like a bitch
It's probably better to CC your own manager and have them deal with the other guy's manager if needed. That's how I was coached to deal with flakes in the corporate world.
Havent touched a woman or ever had sex since i was born. Thinking about killing myself in the most violent way possible.
all my time outside of work is spent decompressing from work. no motivation for self improvement, gf seeking, or even really vacation
Nah it's 100% true. Forgot to mention I'm from Eastern Europe, so it might've thrown recruiters off the scent in detecting I'm a filthy mudblood asozial untermensch, and assumed I'm a Westernized immigrant or something.

But anyways, tech is full of meangless status checks, like if you mention C# on your CV, they assume you're some corporate drone, but if you write Go, they'll think you're some hoodie-wearing rainman master hacker, even if you're writing the same fucking software in a slightly different C dialect.
I literally can't remember the last time I spoke face to face with somebody who wasn't a barista or a coworker
I'm pretty sure it's been at least a year
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Are eastern european women loyal? i always found them to be pretty.
Fuck no. The ones that are, are already in relationships.
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damn...i must suffer and wander this earth...and ride this bike with my handlebars...
wtf i thought elon was anti-DEI?
My guy, take that time and fix a library of things that nobody else will ever touch. Don't commit/push them, just keep them ready for when you burn out or encounter some large problem in your life (women problems, car problems, someone died, you went on a bender, you get minor depression and need to sleep for a week, you bruise a rib and can't sleep for 4 nights, a ten year old crashes their bike into you, you have an airbags-deployed car accident, etc). It's an investment in your future. Even if some of it are just emails you could send or short "everyone look at me, I was totally here today" discussions about future migration plans, etc.
That pic is what peak performance looks like, and that's what really matters.
Portfolio don't mean jack. To go beyond a junior role you need to be able answer questions like "Can you tell me a time when you lead or contributed to a major new data initiative and what was it's impact?"

Learning/portfolio would help you pivot into a junior or barely into intermediate role.

It sounds like you want backend. Learn lots of SQL, see where you can use it in your current job. Learn python proper, how to structure projects and functions, apply to automate stuff in your current job. Ideally data quality clean up stuff like some data entry that call center has to do.

Do basic reporting project at your work. Make it a meaningful not someone's pet project.

Most of all - understand data. Answer questions like "why is it difficult to project revenue for our company?", "why can't we have an accurate count of invoices per customer?" Or some other pain point of that are unique to your company. Make friends with finance,not IT. Finance always needs data.
Damn. Clever anon.

It's wild isn't it. Expectations vs reality. Is my gut feeling right that this is way more common at larger companies?
Strained due to second kid just arriving and having a move to our new house coming up
you ethnicity fetishists are fucking retarded and probably underaged.
latinas cheat too, asians cheat too, eastern europeans cheat too, western europeans cheat too, americans cheat too.
this happens because women have an entire constellation of simps available at any moment. this is YOUR fault for being a simp (you just simped eastern europeans) and for letting your fellow men be desperate pajeet simps.

you dumb nigger ass coon
Every company with IT project
>muh distributed highly available scalable efficient microservices
>failure safe and decoupled """""microservices""""
>super micro and efficient
>trust me we use kubernetes
>that means efficient
>we only hire super competent cloud native devs
>clown computing is part of our DNA

Get onboarded to project
>uhm yeah
>so here is a README.md
>literally everyone who achieved it to get it to run forgot how
>README not up to date
>billions of errors
>still figure it out
Literally a 30 step procedure of getting everything running
>important, everything has to run or nothing runs
>highly critical order of start up required
>local development eats literally 80% of my RAM (have 32GB)
>CPU permanent on 95%
>laptop fan goes brrrrr

>literally 4 tightly coupled monoliths build with Java Spring boot
>2 docker containers with ominous go mail servers and a mysterious common server that was barely touched since 3 years
>one kafka instance
>4 storage services and 5 databases
>each depend on each other
>various hoops need to be jumped to even build the artifacts
>no service can work independently nor do they have a test environment to connect the service to
>only option: RUN ALL APPS LOCALLY IN DOCKER, except the one you work on and run it with some specific magic whispers custom meme commands
Thanks anon, you made me happier with the project I'm currently working on - still a bunch of Java Spring Boot "micro"-services, but at least they are mostly not tightly coupled and we have a test environment. Also we can run them locally against the test env.

I gotta internalize that it can always get worse.
good reasoning anon. so you're implying i should be chad and ignore women and focus on my own goals and enjoy my own company and beat women to death as a hobby?
>work hardly 4 hours a week
"Work smarter, not harder."
that is very much right, anon. encourage other men to do the same too, or else your efforts will only be a drop in the bucket.

>beat women to death as a hobby
sadly that will only get you sued and the media will give women more attention. but damn, it'd be nice if we could. they deserve it.
Unironically in love with a vtuber, it's actually pretty nice ngl
I am worried I'll get found and get fired but everyone is too happy with my work. I'm not bragging because I'm a retard and just confused.
based, you made my day better
based, 3dpd
Oh god no anon, I am just gay
based, fuck women
Anyone here a Technical Account Manager? I may get an offer for this position and want to know how fucked I might be.
Happens to all of us.
All I do in my current job is send less than 10 emails a day and mess around with some values on a spreadsheet.
Makes me feel like I'm gonna get caught being lazy, but I then remember the effort I needed to put in at the beginning to unfuck the project from the very start and streamline it to what it is today.
If they ever do complain, I just remind them of how drastically underpaid I am.
it isn't
>unironically in love with a man using motion capture software
>New company
>boss: hey can you do X?
>no thats actually, technically impossible
>boss: I'm pretty sure it isn't, can you try it this way?
>thats not even an option lol, I hate saying this, but what you're asking for is literally not doable
>boss: what about this way?
Dudes just making it fucking awkward, it CANNOT be done no matter how much you want it to, it does not work like that.
Had an online meeting and there were some females in the call.
My cat jumped onto the desk to get some petting, and the females went "aww" on their cameras. I'm thinking this is the year I will have sex boys.
Good, wife quit her job because I make enough money for the both of us to live comfortably and she was burnt out.
Now shes making me little treats to have throughout the day. Made the best fucking pie yesterday.
who's the lucky girl?
Soon, she'll be burnt out from homemaking. You'll come home and prepare dinner while she watches youtube.
Too much of any one thing will burn you out without breaking up the monotony. Right now, her baking hobby and doing shit around the house + video games is enough for her.
But this why we go do fun shit, like taking two weeks off going around in Japan multiple times a year, getting drunk and fucking at hotels. We did this in South Korea once, but Korea kind of sucks.

Also I'm fully work from home, I'm not on that cuck office shit.
Same thing happened to my wife. She was literally starting to go crazy so we decided it was better for her to go back to work. I’m not saying the other anon can’t make it work, but just look out for any changes in behavior
Don't get married if you don't know how to keep a relationship alive, dumbass.
tgif am i right fellas
Ok lol, but just remember what we tried to tell you. The hubris on this board is honestly astounding, where you angrily reject the advice of anons who are just trying to help you and prevent you from having the same issues they did. Sitting at home all day with no kids is going to fuck her brain up pretty bad. If you have young kids, then what I said doesn’t apply of course
I am not the person you're replying to, that person needs your advice. Still, that doesn't mean literally anyone can get married without preparing for it.
You'll see about that when she realises she can have half your money and income and do it all over again with a man 2 inches taller and longer than you. But yeah why would she get off the ride as long as you're doing all the work.
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>person has infinitely free time and relatively well-off
why the fuck are normies like this? i'd kill to have at least 100 years of free time to learn languages, musical instruments, programming languages, read books, watch series and movies, go out on hikes, motorcycle rides...
i hate women (and low IQ neets) so much it's unreal
Nigger, as I just fucking said, if you don't like the consequences of getting married, like sharing half of your net worth for the rest of your life, don't fucking do it. Yes, if you do things, they have consequences. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?
looks like some words got eaten by stallman in my post, but i meant
Our brains are just wired differently. Women would rather be miserable than bored. It just so happens that most of them never develop much of a personality or real hobbies, so they are unable to fix boredom on their own
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>It's another episode of a coworker going on vacation right before deploying a project he was leader of and claimed to be pristine and the very next day the team leader realizes there's plenty of bugs, the code is a mess and the documentation is about as readable as Blood Meridian
it sure is worrying how many men are woman brained. i think at least 90% of 4cheddit and its offshore branches (reddit, twitter, tumblr, tiktok, etc) would be bored to death if they had an easy life.
good fucking god, why don't they just do my job and give me the money if they want to be miserable so badly?
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>The judge smiled. The fool was no longer there but another man and this other man he could never see in his entirety but he seemed an artisan and a worker in metal. The judge enshadowed him where he crouched at his trade but he was a coldforger who worked with hammer and die, perhaps under some indictment and an exile from men’s fires, hammering out like his own conjectural destiny all through the night of his becoming some coinage for a dawn that would not be. It is this false moneyer with his gravers and burins who seeks favor with the judge and he is at contriving from cold slag brute in the crucible a face that will pass, an image that will render this residual specie current in the markets where men barter. Of this is the judge judge and the night does not end.
State your country and income now.
If you're that smart you should be able to FIRE and achieve your fulltime neet valhalla of reading books all day.
never claimed my IQ was extremely high, it's just not low enough to suffer from boredom. 90K€, spain
> reading books all day
don't forget riding motorbikes, anon. it's really important
>90K€, spain
I kneel.
I make 38k in Spain and people think I'm rich.
Good morning sirs I deliberately ignore tickets from anyone with a non-white name
if you have solid experience with distributed systems you can apply for remote jobs. i am working for revolut, but i've also heard of other companies that pay barcelona-tier salaries. even better if you move to bumfuck extremadura.
I do frontend web dev, and I don't really plan on moving.
I have thought about searching for remote positions in UK because I have no problem working in English.
>>102967413 cont
and by the way, get ready to get overworked to death if you ever get one of these good paying webshit jobs. that is exactly why i'm getting the urge to neet, i haven't been able to dedicate any time to my hobbies and i'm going insane.

yeah, there are decent paying frontend jobs in the UK, germany, barcelona and madrid, in that order. i guess this goes without saying, but avoid consultoria curryshops if you want better pay

hope you can find something, anon
Coworker's dad died, I'm really bad at sending grievances. All I do is a "oh fuck I'm sorry to hear that." but I don't know what else to say. I really do feel for them though but I get kinda awkward it makes it sound like I don't care. Any advice on to handle these types of scenarios?
Good morning sirs. Yesterday it was over. Today it is over. No blockers
>Any advice on to handle these types of scenarios?
I literally only wfh, gym with headphones, garden, vidya, or grocery shop. It has been months since I've had any sort of conversation with someone that lasted longer than pleasantries
I am not a programmer but I've been building python macros and stuff for the team.
I notice my programming is insanely bad though. My team doesn't have much expectations for me because I wasn't hired to be a programmer so that's good so I'm not into some really stupid projects but I'm running into two issues:
>Overreliance on Chatgpt
I outright say i've been using Chatgpt for my programming and then editing the code to finetune it, I'm open about it so my boss and team don't get me to do some outlandish stuff. I'm the only "programmer" on the team so it's not a big issue but I do wish I learned more of the fundementals so I'm not overly reliant on sending a prompt to ChatGPT, get a code snippet, dissect and use what I need.
>I use way too many fucking if statements
my code is so fucking bad, high school me is probably crying his ass out. I am literally yanderedev level of "if statements". I usually try to send my code back to ChatGPT and go "can you optimize this or give me a better way to do what I'm doing" but chatgpt either goes the complete wrong direction and fucks up the code or it'll give me code that just doesn't work lmao.

Any tips?
Living the dream.
Ngl, I've been so turned off by women I can't anymore. I'm not gay or anything and I still jerk off to porn but I cannot handle the way the modern woman is today. I can only get off is by hatefucking cunt pornstars or NTR...
two words: code smells
Well yeah that's why I'm trying to fix it. Unless you mean generally everyone's code sucks.
>browsing linkedin
>see ad
>"Canada will lead the way by welcoming 500,000 new PRs over the next three years. Apply Now!"
uhhh leaves? everything good up there?
aren't we stopping immigration as a last chance ploy for the liberals to get more votes?
>uhhh leaves? everything good up there?
I'm not a leaf, but I know the answer to this...
no, it's beyond shit here. can't even get a minimum wage job anymore, the only people getting hired are the bottom of the barrel jeets for min wage and cream of the crop, 8 internships before graduating Waterloo kids. I know kids with meta and google internships on their resumes that are going >1 year unemployed. unemployment is rising FAST and the bank is cutting rates to try and stimulate growth, but no fuckin dice. also, our biggest bank just got smacked with a 3 billion dollar fine for money laundering and has frozen all hiring, due for more layoffs.

>stopping immigration
lol, it's barely a 25% cut. even if they stopped immigration down to 0, we would still be fucked because there's 0 reason to start a company in canada when you can just dip down to the states and start something for cheaper and get more customers. up here you just buy homes and let them sit around empty.
Godspeed, anon. My ten faire costume is
>target olive flat front cotton pants
>tucked into leather slip on boots
>white cotton tunic
>sword and scabbard
>floppy 1500s hat
BTW, you can save money by just buying a prop sword/scabbard on like eBay or whatever. Most ren faires won't allow you to take any weapon out of its sheath anyway.
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I spend 75% of my day playing MTG and still have universally better metrics than all the shithead goldbricking jeets
That's because they spend 90% of the time chatting up white girls on Facebook while you fix their work. Only metric that matters is salary. Now go do the needful, kindly pls saars.
I hate front end shitters so much and how React lets them do the most overly retarded shit
>"quick call?" meeting to tell me to join another meeting instead of just messaging me what the meeting is about
i don't even mind quick calls anymore. maybe it's the 3 years of no contact with anyone, but quick calls just feels like a great way to catch up with people and get their thoughts rather than playing word solitaire and stressing over fucking word syntax.
Reminds me when I worked in government
A coworker and I would meet up to discuss something prior to meeting with our team lead and tech lead, prior to a meeting to catch his boss up to speed, prior to a big meeting in the Pentagon that we would all travel to and literally not participate in any way.
nothing ever happens, they cut the student visas down this year and the end of infinite tech money will kick even more out
after zoomies finish freaking out about the softest boom bust cycle ever they'll go back to working
>get ready to get overworked to death if you ever get one of these good paying webshit jobs
That's why I'm not actively working a better job right now. I've been working here for 4 years, the pay is really enough for me, I have little stress and I get to slack off half of the day.
employed anons, how old is too old to be a junior? I'm self teaching right now (I have a stem degree) and I'm confident I'm going to be at junior level in terms of my stack and LC. I will be targeting bottom barrel companies for the most part but I'm worried that my advanced age as a 26 year old boomer will hold me back. is it joever 4 me?
>Canada will lead the way by welcoming 500,000 new PRs over the next three years
you know exactly what this means: 500K jeets will flood canada. do you want to go to a country with 500K jeets?
>and the end of infinite tech money will kick even more out
they were never coming for tech in the first place
the 2 million punjabis they've brought in post covid can barely read English, they're not the ones taking the fagman jobs
they're colonizing restaurants and food delivery
Sperg here, where'd you go and how'd you do it?
well, congrats my man. good luck in the future as well.
Will there really be a recovery in '25? If there isn't my life is DONE
Think of it this way, if you off yourself (from the market, or from life), then people like me will have an easier time. You would be doing the world (something I am a part of) of good thing.
What's really frustrating is that you get a good one - this happens with Hispanics in the states - and they start getting pressured to hire their marginal cousins, or even completely untrustworthy guys.

You end up in a situation where you either assume every word out of a Latin/Subcon's mouth is a lie and must be vetted, or the only way to interface is through a white guy whose job is to assume that all his immigrant subcontractors have lying, cheating cousins whose work must be validated.

It's very tiresome.
No. At best Trump can give us a soft landing recession by picking up a few pieces of low-hanging fruit, instead of the 4 years of plummeting we've seen.

I mean, in terms of QOL, 120k has become the new 70k over the course of 4 years.
>decided to do OF and strip
I would do the same if I were a woman but if unacceptable when others do it. Dump her.
Tbh, your assumption (at least in the land of the fat) of a woman that's single, conventionally attractive, and doesn't have an obvious red flag like a little bastard in tow is that she's some form of e-hoe.

Uggo or hoe; those are your choices in your late-20s and 30s.
He would need to actually make things cheaper and deflate which the jews do not want to happen. You could do it but the level of money printing over covid was an event horizon that I don't think opening up new gas and oil, new timber, new mining, and new factories could allow us to escape. The only thing that could save us is actual imperialism, let's annex chile and canada and start logging the fuck out of canada and mining chile and selling homes there and opening factories there. Why chile? Because it's another california and I want it.
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Or just find a 20yo girl and groom her into the woman you actually want. Impregnate her and marry her (not legally so she can file as a single mother for gibs me dats)
my investment account made 18% returns in 2022 and the rest haven't been bad either, you scrubs lol
Zamn that's almost keeping up with the real inflation rate.
lol early 20s women fucking guys 7+ years older than ARE hoes. Normal women date guys about their own age. Hold up your end of the gold digger's contract, and accept that these girls are using you as much as your more traditional Latina or SEA gold digger (and often ex-literal prostitute).

If you didn't meet her in college or your first job, it never began. Uggo or hoe: those are your options.
You underestimate the power of grooming
It will get worse. This is just the beginning.
Most economists expect growth and lending to slow pretty dramatically. I think we're likely to see a simultaneous tech and realestate bubble pop.
>Normal women date guys about their own age
Cope roastie. You had your chance and you blew it.
And if you're wondering who I'm listening to it's the Vanguard economic forecasts. I don't like their fund managers but they don't mess around with the economists and they tend to nail it (at least insofar as I've listened.)
Depends what you did previously desu. I for example am at the same age as you and currently a junior in a cloud / microservices stack. I don't feel out of place since I was a SWE (frontend) for 2 years prior. Overall I would say it doesn't matter if you're not a complete weirdo. I've had ~40 year old juniors and ~20 year old seniors on the team before if that makes feel you more reassured.
Women tend to date older. They usually don't date men around their age. It's historically seen that there's always an age gap.
>~20 year old seniors
Lol wut
companies love investing and speed promoting really young talents, the older you get the less of a "gem" you are to HR roasties
>tfw making more money from stocks than my salary
I'm on £60k currently in a small company and received an offer for £85k from a fintech company. What am I in for?
You also get a ton of expectations put on you. This is the professional equivalent of getting a woman obsessed with you. Yeah if you dump all your energy into it you can take advantage of the situation but it's an exhausting and horribly unpleasant way to live.
Or they lock them into that role and never let them leave it. Never be critical to production.
Yeah, 2-3 years. The idea that 10+ year gaps were normative is diaspora brownoid cope, which has been absorbed by equally undesirable autists.
no, why do you ask? i do have a degree though. not a useful one. ive been my industry for several years
Do you mean 20-something year olds? Because I interpreted ~20 as "roughly 20", implying seniority at at most 23, which is ridiculous
This has to be bait
More of the latter. But the dude at 20 was equally proficient at cloud shit as our 30 something team lead, so that should tell you something
I will try not to be autistic and absorb as much as info as I can. I'm into most normie stuff like sportsball and popular games so I think I'm good on the socializing aspect of working, I want to be the guy everyone likes even tho they aren't good at their job (yet).
I haven't been part of this conversation but sorry I'm not dating a 30 year old woman and get plenty of 18-25 year olds interested in me.

If you want a guy your age these days you're going have to tolerate someone who will be unemployed until their mid-late 20s and women always date up (or they date thugs) so most won't.
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Foot in the door job. I remember y first SOC job, 2011. I doubled my pay from 40k to 83k in one day. I lasted a year before going up to 100k when an engineer role opened. Just stem the tide, something better will come along if you're not a shitbird.
Ngmi in data
I think you meant to say more of the former, because the exception you listed was the latter
Sorry, mercedes but you're a used up roastie. The count gets haydee.
would you rather
>think for 36 hours, and code for 4
>think for 4 hours and code 36
you made the right choice
why is no. 2 raising his heels?

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