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Previous Thread: >>102955318
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>must be bilingual in Japanese
>salary $50k-$60k
>New to company
>Working under Sr staff member that has been giving me smaller tickets
>finish a release and log off
>Indian team takes all the tickets I was meant to have and won't give me any
>Sr teammate is out for the week
>No work to do and have to hunt for shit
>try to explain to them I can take the work and they promise me they are about to merge the task I was going to take
>It's been 3 days and they made no progress on the items
How should I proceed when my "mentor" gets back
weebs can't be picky...
I'm on £60k currently in a small company and received an offer for £85k from a fintech company. What am I in for?
Enjoy the free time
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>guy with more yoe than me that was hired for new projects is about to get fired after a year of me babysitting him
I take this is a good time to ask for a raise?
BRING. BACK. /utwg/.
Did you do a bad job babysitting?
There's literally nothing stopping you from making it yourself
Document it. Never ever ever assume an Indian is acting in good faith with stuff like this.
im jewish so I need a shabbos goy like you to do it
I did, this asshole was telling me they would fix this during the whole week and basically blocked me from doing any work related to the release, it doesn't make any sense why they would do that when it makes their job easier to let me help
asking for a livable wage is dishonorable
Anyone has a resources that teaches programers to write documentation on their work?
its not the sabbath thoughbeit
how many yoe do both of u have
You can't polish a turd into a diamond.
I tried really hard, and so did my manager and boss but the guy simply won't listen.

4 and 6.
how did you babysit him
telling him how to code?
Tell him the kind of things you shouldn't tell to someone with 6 yoe.
I am not a programmer but I've been building python macros and stuff for the team.
I notice my programming is insanely bad though. My team doesn't have much expectations for me because I wasn't hired to be a programmer so that's good so I'm not into some really stupid projects but I'm running into two issues:
>Overreliance on Chatgpt
I outright say i've been using Chatgpt for my programming and then editing the code to finetune it, I'm open about it so my boss and team don't get me to do some outlandish stuff. I'm the only "programmer" on the team so it's not a big issue but I do wish I learned more of the fundementals so I'm not overly reliant on sending a prompt to ChatGPT, get a code snippet, dissect and use what I need.
>I use way too many fucking if statements
my code is so fucking bad, high school me is probably crying his ass out. I am literally yanderedev level of "if statements". I usually try to send my code back to ChatGPT and go "can you optimize this or give me a better way to do what I'm doing" but chatgpt either goes the complete wrong direction and fucks up the code or it'll give me code that just doesn't work lmao.

Any tips?
already told you: code smells
just write you garbage code, go through it and look for things that seem off like code duplication or a suspiciously big function/method (aka code smells)
time and practice anon, that's really the only way to get better. Look at open source projects on github and try to see what they are doing, but don't just look at one and take it to heart. you just have to look at more code and write more code, then write some more. good luck, you will get there if you keep practicing.
Am I the only one on this site still who is mentally ill?
Depends on your time zone
In any case an observant Jew wouldn't even be posting (they can't even touch an elevator button), much less be this direct
(Though admittedly the first post was somewhat indirect)
you really didn't say anything except code smells and when i re-replied you didn't really give context lmao but thank you i understand it.
thanks. just wondering if i should start from scratch and learn fundies again.
unemployed people are lazy, thats why its dead. and why they are unemployed (jk)
try out claude 3.5 and replit agent
Are Euroboomers like Ameriboomers? Every time the topic of WFH comes up, they get VERY salty about it.
>durrrr ur job can be done by an Indian
Oh ok and being physically in an office prevents that?
>thanks. just wondering if i should start from scratch and learn fundies again.
i think you should just do projects at home to actually make you learn stuff. chatgpt as a resource is not bad at all considering how many people who are actually good still use copilot or claude to finetune or get a new perspective. just a thought.
Why the fuck do Ameriboomers have such a chip on their shoulder?
What the fuck is their problem?
I hate zoomers too because they are all lisping libtard faggot wiggers, but if I had a son and he had an easier life than me I'd be happy for him I wouldn't resent him for it. I mean isn't that the entire pride of being a parent?
Unironically I think the period of abundance they grew up in is poison to the soul
"Fuck You; Got Mine"
Junior got pushed into Senior and I'm having problems adjusting.
I don't know if it's just motivation but I don't really care about system design so I usually just try to leave my projects open ended with the stakeholders ("Do you want it like X or Y") but my management has told me to start becoming more proactive. I'm kinda whatever and I don't know much about the overall operation process to make a decision but I don't really have a drive to do it either. I'd rather someone just tell me their requirements and I come up with a solution and give it to them but it feels like I have to come up with the requirements, come up with the design, do the testing, I don't really care much for all this at all. Management seems "happy"ish on my work but I can feel that they kinda wish I was more proactive but they definitely knew they hired me underexperienced and put me in a tough situation going to a senior.

One big element that pisses me off is that I introduce a new feature to a team. They want a demo, I demo it but apparently I go too fast even though it's pretty self explanatory what the feature does and they end up wasting all of the time before I can finish my demo so I have to keep rescheduling and then they're so resistant against it and always coming up with new requirements and I'm just holy fucking shit ugh i don't want to develop this anymore. If I send them the instructions to demo it on their own time they just don't do it and I don't care much to follow up.
I love going to the office because of the social aspect and I have absolutely nothing against WFH people. Why would I? And what for? That’s retarded as fuck.
Same. I don't overly like it but I can get a lot of work done and I get like 150% more productive which helps when I procrastinate hard at home.
I wanna fucking die, anons
But some things they had better than we had.
Sure, they never even thought about things like wfh.
But when they were young, women weren't entirely ruined, houses weren't $800,000 for a starter home, they weren't drowning in jeets and mexicans, and so on.
So it's like they resent us for the tiny amount of good things we have, while overlooking the massive amount of shit we have to live with.
I like wearing my nice clothes. When I work from home I never get the chance to wear them. Going to the office is a reason to not be a slob.
ngl I've found europeans are so weird and backwards if they're not from the uk. hell even when they're even in the uk. why the lot of you so gay? like gay AND weird
What tech hub should I try to get a job in? I want to move somewhere I can get paid more and actually date.

t. 28yo boomer in a 50k town and hating it
>But when they were young, women weren't entirely ruined, houses weren't $800,000 for a starter home, they weren't drowning in jeets and mexicans, and so on.
Policies that boomers voted for and boomer politicians implemented btw.
Gonna kms, I explained to my work crush why my coworker and I picked her among a group of users to do an easy task for us.

>"We also picked you because…"
>brain froze for a few LONG seconds, imagine a retard sitting there while frozen and staring at the window while another person stares at them waiting for them to finish their sentence
>"Because we like you a lot"
>she laughed
>i laughed and cringed
this but for crossdressing
plus everyone thinks im trans so they cant fire me :)
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Not Austin.
>all the real quirks and attractions got demolished for shitty condos and shitty apartment complexes
>food trucks are overpriced and shit quality
>there's nothing but bars downtown and they're also shit
>the women only want techbros of a certain economic class

Not Houston.
>huge parking lot
>only bars
>shopping malls but why bother with that?
>some museums
>people are generally pretty shit
>it's an oil & gas city why the fuck are you here?
Being forced to go out is the only way I won’t go back to being a hermit, a slob, and unhealthy as fuck due to not getting any exercise.
Is there anything more disgusting than this basedboy affected sense of ennui that you guys love making a big display of?
Huntsville? I have a military background, and what I'm doing now matches some LockMart openings - but Huntsville AL seems like a place you move to with your wife you met in DC, rather than a place you move to as a single dude.
Never move to company towns or dead-end towns as a single guy. Sure fire way of staying single and bored.
look everyone, anon is in love with his coworker!
>but Huntsville AL seems like a place you move to with your wife you met in DC
What a bizarre statement. Man is this general jewish.
Also escalate to your manager. But with tact.
Just say that you don't know what you should be working on and your mentor is out of office so you can't ask.
In other words, don't frame the discussion around the jeet, just let it naturally evolve that way as your manager asks questions.
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American boomers were raised in a moral system where hard work is synonymous with being a good person. Any attempt to make work easier is a sign of immorality and laziness
They also played life on the single easiest ultra babby mode difficulty in human history so they need to find ways to cope about how little hardship their lives actually contained
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How the fuck do I get into Leetcode in "building up my retard brain to function for programing" type of way? Step by step.
I made an account but don't even know where to start? And i'm pretty sure I can't complete even the most basic problems. What to do ?
if you want to actually learn, stop using AI until you are at a basic level of competence. its probably warping your brain.
>How the fuck do I get into Leetcode in "building up my retard brain to function for programing" type of way? Step by step.
they're all cheetsy doodle puzzles you need to already know the algorithm beforehand by somehow reading a book and then reading the book over and over and somehow relating the math symbols to the programming language you choose.. it's just a joke because if you don't know the puzzle you have to look it up already
if you compete on leetcode you're just really knowledable in algorithms and whatever they throw at you, you were by *chance* prepared for, even when the algorithm can be ridiculous complicated or specific, which defeats the purpose of "simple interview questions"
it turns interviews into a chinese math expo because you're a little disposable twink who wont ask for too much money
I'm starting to wondering wtf I'm doing in this industry.
On God, today I went by a construction site and felt jealous of the workers. They don't think, they don't have to put up with faggots and they're building shit.
Why the fuck didn't I go for a route like this... I'm not even making more money than them and I know it
>And i'm pretty sure I can't complete even the most basic problems
I'm pretty sure you can. leetcode easies usually have a solution that uses extremely simple logic (which may not be the optimal one), if you can't even figure those out that's more of an issue with basic programming capability than lack of jeetcode skills
You just pick a problem, solve it, read the optimal solutions, and rinse and repeat until your brain is fried. Once you get to the point of trying to prepare for interviews you can start selecting problems intelligently based on what you're bad at but at the start you're just bad at everything so it doesn't matter
>On God, today I went by a construction site and felt jealous of the workers. They don't think, they don't have to put up with faggots and they're building shit.
construction is subhuman tier the more the fed squeezes, if the money supply were halved tomorrow it would be more than 10x valuable for one man, but it was already over in the 2000s
we already scarred earth enough
they're all bald, all that matters is you see the scam that they build a pile of sticks and it's ((worth)) 30 million
>Once you get to the point of trying to prepare for interviews
leetcode is useless for interviews that aren't leetcode random algorithm from the dusty math history sidenotes, you need to tailor your personality more than do leetcode problems.
the programming a real job will want won't be random specific binary tree algorithms or linked list sorting it will be can you corroborate these two spreadsheets..
I didn't ask for your wall of cope because you suck at DSA anon
what does your break routine look like on a typical work day?
Because it's a town that's only relevant because of the military, and aerospace contractors. So in general, if you work there, it's because you got a job with a contractor and moved there.

So a lot of the population is engineers moving from DC or other aerospace and defense hubs. To lesser extent 3-letters trying to save money on COLA vs the East Coast.
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>Got a verbal offer for a new job
only fagman asks about DSA and why are you working at a fagman? are you some kinda brown fag?
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I despise redditors but I spent a few minutes browsing r/managers
Is this really how managers think? These people are actual subhumans
just wait until you sign up for linkedin

this is probably the most sane piece of linkedin spam i've received recently
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haha yeah right. if you look around and read economic projections by thinktanks they are expecting housing to be very expensive and wages to have not caught up even in 2030.

this market is the new normal and there are still >80k retards enrolling in cs programs every year. maybe when entry level positions have literally 200 qualified applicants per available position (and thousands of liars) people will finally realize its OVER.
>verbal offer
Unless you have it in writing, submitted, and on your first day I wouldn't trust it too much
I have to enforce a hard rule on myself to never open the linkedin homepage because I just can't handle the faggotry
Linkedin as a social network is brain poison on a level that makes twitter and tiktok look healthy
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Yeah I know. They said they'd get the offer out to me Monday.
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>you look around and read economic projections by thinktanks they are expecting housing to be very expensive and wages to have not caught up even in 2030.
All stats are lying their pants off
All professionals are liars and scum
All doctors are butchers of their field even of people
They want you to be a good little taxpayer who sells out their bloodline for a few video games and wine
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what getting the clap taught me about b2b sales
congrats anon, how long did it take you to land this job? how many years of experience do you have, and in what tech stack?
Honestly it was a quick process. Recruiter reached out on LinkedIn a couple weeks ago, I had 3 rounds of interviews and then I spoke with the CIO and he verbally said he was going to ask HR to offer me. I have 6 YoE and my tech stack is mainly Azure services. This role is moving into account management/tech sales which is where I want to be to make more money.
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Linkedin has a few gems
LinkedIn has a lot of people taking the piss these days but there are some truly horrendous obviously 100% serious takes on there
freedom of speech to troll the richest cunts of all is the greatest part about their little verified social media games
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I had a boomer manager once that would get upset at me for taking breaks. He would actually complain to my boss to tell me to stop taking breaks. The thing is though I am legally required to take several breaks in the day and i would SEE THIS NIGGER TAKING A BREAK DURING MY BREAK. I'd be walking around the building and see him going the opposite way. Every time I saw him the next day my manager would tell me that "they don't like you taking breaks" or "watch out, you're on their radar" followed up with "they can't do anything about it but just watch out".
One time I asked why he can take breaks but I couldn't and he replied with "well he'll just say that he worked to get to his position to take breaks"
It was completely targeted too. One of my boomer coworkers working the exact same position would take a break literally every hour to walk around the building a couple times. Never got a single complaint.
I have nothing to really contribute this behavior to besides lead in the paint and lead in the fuel. Absolutely bizarre aggression.

Looking back I should have started looking for other positions after that shit. I was laid off 6 months later.
Does anyone have experience working in big tech while being racist and anti-semitic? I try to contain myself, but I just can't handle working with Niggers and Jews.
>hey pal
>young man
>they're gonna haul you off
>everyone has pain
>potty mouth
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I think I just found the actual worst one I've seen in six or seven minutes
>posting >MUH GUNS on linkedin
>posts objectively incorrect firearms maintenance advice
>as the "executive director of military base planning"
someone who is involved in "planning" of a military base should know that you should keep your firearms in a case when you're not carrying them for exactly this reason (so you don't spill milk on it or drop it behind your desk where it will be filled with spiders or something stupid) and on miitary bases they have armouries with lockers and guns are generally put away only after being absolutely doused in CLP. And for normal carry, get a fucking holster nigga. Why do be there tufts of cat hair and cobwebs in your gun? if it's that bad you can take it apart and use a dry cloth at least.

and this is the guy presumably hiring civilian armorers or at least involved in their hiring practices. think of how shit it must be in tech companies
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I'm coming to realize military since 1945 has been science fiction to scam us out of money
We should have just nuked Russia when we had the chance
You just have to to it in a libtarded way.
You not only need to become retarded, but give yourself the personality disorder (these aren't even real) that your employers have given themselves after years of brainwashing a conceited human being into a true evil
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Alright, kicked off the deployment. Time to break for lunch. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Patton wanted to take care of the Red Army after Berlin fell but then things happened
>reach for my trusty Taurus Curve i keep at my gamer desk
>tactically clear my basement before approaching the ground level
>hark, two swarthy niggers are attempting to lift my mom's TV
>as they struggle with the 1980s projection tv, I come up on aim and attempt to fire
>i feel a sharp pain in my hands
>was there a third? is this the end?
>suddenly the two swarthy niggers are screaming
>realize I am covered in spiders gnashing their mandibles and shitting webs all over my wrists
>a puddle of unidentifiable green-gray goop is leaking out of the barrel of my Curve, making the whole room smell like a dementia ward
>multicolored flames erupt from my flesh as the spiders' venom has reacted with the Dewrito dust caked onto my skin
>the niggers drop the TV and flee into the night, scarred for life

noguns btfo
LOL courage the cowardly dog-pilled
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>two job offers, both hybrid
>first is less money, huge and stable company, shorter commute, lunch not free but cheap and high quality in cafeterias, project sounds a bit boring but could be comfy
>second is ~$80k more, much smaller company, longer commute with more traffic, lunch free but could be low quality catering, project sounds creepy and maybe a little unethical, team dynamics seem kinda fucked up
idk what to do... any advice?
I plan to ask the first if they can do a bit more money, but I doubt they'd match. The work on the second is really kind of bothering me... it's honestly the kind of thing I'd be embarrassed to say I work on, but I'm also the kind of person who's naturally ashamed of everything I do anyway, so that could just be me.
the latter place until it implodes then use that to get better offers down the line
My PO saying how he is working significantly more hours than 40 this week, while I've been jacking off doing jack shit
Well that's what I did with my last job. I went for the more money, and then it did implode, and then I was unemployed for a year...
but what did it teach you about b2b sales?
80k more sounds like a lot more dude i would take second.
then go for the stable one. jesus. alternatively, >>102971418
They're both high numbers, well over $200k. I should have gone with a percent difference
I'm sorry I'm indecisive. I'm tempted to just not respond to any of them and keep neeting instead...
My PO is constantly on my ass stressing me out asking me to release shit ASAP, how do you manage?
My PO doesn't do that, the SM does however.
Just make sure you're good friends with the team's SME to have you, especially if everyone there besides the SME never heard of this project in their life before.
or what have you*
It's the weekend and I'm hanging out with my coworkers tomorrow. Hope it'll go well.
It's the weekend and I'm gonna ghost all my coworkers at a party tonight because it is mildly cold outside.
brother r u insane well over 200k?!?!?!? why would u NEET if you can make that much fucking money???
I already have a decent amount saved up. I could theoretically retire now in my late 30s, but I'd be on a very limited budget
It's the weekend and I'm going to hang all my coworkers tonight.
still no unemployed general huh
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sign your timesheets.
The number of blacks who call me to say "The computer don't work good why you guys ain't fix it??" and then refuse to provide any information "Yeah a screen pop up that say sumn I dunno main" FUCK
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See you all Monday
>he works at a company with a bunch of blacks
Sorry your third tier toilet degree led to you working a firm like that. Should have studied a little harder in school.
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It's just one of our clients is a bunch of low IQ texas blacks and they drive me insane
It kinda seems like my more senior coworker is targeting me
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>companies say they want RTO for "collaboration" between contributors
>these same companies incentivize you to purposefully not help anyone and even ignore co workers due to ranking everyone against each other and PIP culture
bros... I'm starting to think maybe it's not about collaboration between employees and increased productivity at all. I'm starting to think maybe they just want to fire half of the workforce.
I'm probably just overthinking this. Ha. Time to take my meds.
Just gave a tech interview. Went okay. Wish me luck anons.
same, good work this week everyone
time to get some well deserved rest
I have this guy with 3 yoe and asking me why a column (lets say name) is missing from the results. I asked him if he knew how you get columns to show up in the results and he said he did but it is been a while. Wtf? There is no way anyone who has ever studied any sql forgets how to do that right?
Boss often asks on Monday, "Anyone did anything fun on the weekend?". I am the only one that never answers.
They just want control over others. It's not that hard to comprehend
one time I answered I ordered 5 pizzas, laid on the ground with the boxes all around me and cried as I shoveled pizzas into my mouth. They never asked me again.
They could have forgotten to propagate a column from a subquery or CTE. Regardless "it's been a while" is a pretty suspect response.
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>Get hired for a temp job just to make money when I'm in between jobs
>Project I'm hired for is a shit show
>Already deal with unreasonable tasks for my role
>Severely underpaid
>Manager sends a team message with even more unreasonable expectations

Some of these fuckers are kinda bold, eh?
Wishing you very best luck saar
>one time I answered I ordered 5 pizzas, laid on the ground with the boxes all around me and cried as I shoveled pizzas into my mouth. They never asked me again.
based and racecar mechanicpilled
bumpty bump bmp advice please
>unreasonable expectations
>Some of these fuckers are kinda bold, eh?
>Taran Tactical

Just post the video of Taran Butler being a creep to one of those shot show booth babes
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>the company with the actually interesting product that I wanted to work at the most gives the lowest offer
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lol i had a 400 pound redditor coworker like this back in 2016.
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>switching teams right before product requests a new feature that will require a complete refactor of our data pipelines
this is something that gpt could solve. plug in the query + why is __ missing and it'll fix the query for him
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i joined a "cyber operations ctf sports" team at work despite just being an AD Janitor how badly will this backfire

someone pleas do this
CS is the new business major. Undecided for people too embarrassed to be undecided. Unfortunately, some of them ultimately get BSCSs from 3rd tier toilets.
Can't give you advice when you didn't ask a question, m8.
Not so cool now, is it?
yeah I guess not...
More pounds.
Toss him to the wolves. Life is too short to put up with someone like that in the way.
Got a new fridge with a "Sabbath" button on it, didn't notice until it was too late. I'll make sure to do so many un-kosher things with it. Maybe I'll start with a few pictures of Mel Gibson.
>tfw in montgomery
>tfw all the cool IT jobs are in huntsville like missile base tech support
>tfw I'm stuck doing IT for health care
my god I fucking hate my job. devops engineer and I get treated like shit. Devs know next to nothing about how to get shit running on production and when I help them fix their shit I am the bad guy. management doesn't know what I do and I have tried to save us from the aws/cloud trap, and now they are pissed that we are not on aws when what we have is cheaper and more powerful.

They were right. devops IS berrated by management and the devs are coddled as fuck.

I work all the time and all I want to do is fucking kill myself
even the job title is fucking bs. I am an operator. I am paid to get shit running on a server and to keep it up 24/7. and when a devs shit ass code breaks, NO, its not their fault, its always mine. they just fucking run along and get fucking wasted after they throw shit to me on friday and I have to pick up all the fucking pieces
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>use gerrit at work
>the comment and reply feature has a button that just says "ack"
>assume it is the same "ack" as the 4chan "ack" so I use it whenever someone points out a typo or other dumb mistake I made
>eventually learn it actually is short for acknowledged
Good thing I didn't use the ack emote when my coworker posted on slack that his dog died
>techies going on and on about how AI and robots will replace manual labor jobs and lead to self-driving cars
>self-driving cars are still decades away and AI has replaced the jobs of those stupid techies instead
Wonder how they feel getting slapped with that Uno reverse card.
I remember being one of the only people who did not get why everyone was dumping tons of time and money into self-driving cars. I even remember when people were posting that google survey where you had to pick which lane to swerve into if the brakes fail. There are still massive government institutions where they still refuse to use computers for their paperwork because of regulations. How the fuck did anyone think they would be able to just automate one of the leading non-medically related causes of death
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>tfw generational differences are starting to hit and I'm genuinely starting to get retards like you as underlings now

dont worry, anyone with decent bus or subway or other light rail service was wondering too

>google survey where you had to pick which lane to swerve into if the brakes fail.
i thought that by law it's always the outside one. even if there's stuff in the way, if you're slowing down due to a failure in your car, you peel out to the rightmost lane and onto the shoulder, or in urban environments, into the curb but not onto it
just push back on the devs. as a dev we don't gain anything at all from devops so we don't care. managers are usually DEI hires without inner monologues don't waste time thinking about them.
It was more of an "ethical" survey than a legal one, like it would make you choose between old and young, male and female, criminal vs law abiding, 2 lives for 1. Like some sort of trolley problem survey
I will add that I am jealous of the people I knew who ended up joining retarded self-driving car companies like Cruise or Waymo and ended up making more money than me. Maybe I should have made my career moves on what had the most hype rather than what makes the most sense
even then the correct answer is to careen into a tree because cars have safety features that will keep you from dying while pedestrians don't, and even if you have to pick a pedestrian, the first priority is regaining control rather than preservation of life (since regaining control enables further preservation of life by not crashing into more people)
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you're right. I am really just venting into the void.

I already toe the line on being the asshole to the devs. one time a frontend dev came to me and asked me how to use tar. I typed `man tar` into his terminal and walked away. A manager came later that day and chewed me out for not being a "team player"

I send out DEV_PSA's whenever there is a major dev workflow change or something that explains how to do everything. I even do Makefile shit to make it as simple as possible. I had a dev come up to me and ask "your instructions don't work, I added this to my .ssh/config but it doesn't work." turns out in the instructions I put {YOUR_SSH_KEY_PATH} and he put that exactly in his ssh config. I even explained in the text above what to copy that you should replace the {YOUR_SSH_KEY_PATH} with the actual path, but people just don't care.

I have plenty of other stories if anyone is interested.
The workforce is just filled with npcs and low functioning people.
Put the burden on the devs to write complete sentences to you and your manager why they need you and can't do it themselves. But even then it becomes a power struggle of who is actually in charge. Working just sucks and the winning move is not to play, but people need money.
It was MIT, not Google https://www.moralmachine.net/
And it was concrete highway dividers instead of trees. I personally think it's kinda bullshit if something you bought and paid for with your own money actively tries to kill you. And it would be hard to sell a product that will prioritize the safety of others over you the purchaser
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only reason I am still at the company. I have equity and get paid really fucking well bc they know shit would all fall apart if I left. Also the first and now lead dev and I are buddies. I rant to him sometimes but he sucks up to management too much to be of help.

I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of fucking idiots and I am the only sane person at the company. But money is nice and my personal server doesn't pay for itself.
>le morals of le machine
why are people who don't have driver's licenses trying to develop car-driving AI? These are all solved questions, and are administered to humans when they have to get a license.

Likewise, it's an abject failure of road design when such traffic interactions between pedestrians and cars/trucks/etc happen in the first place.

Why are americans so bad at roadway design, traffic management, and driving licensing structures?
>driving licensing
If you aren't engaged in commerce, it's not "driving" you are just travelling.

The right to free movement, well established in American law, entitles us to “travel” unlicensed, unlike in your soviet euro states.

>“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”
-SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, section 329, page 1135
the USA is a real country unlike yours, so on our roads we can go at more than 14 miles an hour. if your breaks fail you can't magically swerve out of the way of women and niggers, you have to make the hard choice. our roads are much wider because we have more people in one state than you do in your entire country. NASCAR was invented here for a reason, we actually drive our cars and drive them fast.
kill yourself statist
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>america is a real country
Isnt your secretary of health a fat tranny? America sounds like more of a clown country than any post soviet state kek, Lol fat american suburbdwellers CANT WALK
Whos flag is on the moon? Retard
in the REAL WORLD shit happens. we have these things called "niggers" that you cheese eating surrender monkeys keep dumping on us because you've never won a war in your life.
communism lost
Kek I should have suspected you were a yuro when you made that earlier comment about public transit but I thought you might just be a cityfag, now it makes sense. Cmon anon, we were having a civilized discussion, why you gotta sperg out about the US.
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Yeah…the reason i work in tech is so i can be full remote and not live in the overpriced niggertranny shithole of the USA. I cant imagine ever seriously coming back even rural areas i had pride flags everywhere. Imagine paying US cost of living to be surrounded by this vomit inducing shit at all times. Grim

this, lmao, retarded nigger yuros ltierally cant understand the big questions. if theres a dog and a nigger on the highway, which one do you hit? we dont have le ebin safety space tranny railings to keep them out of the road. you have to make a choice.
me on the lower left (i am the incredibly out of place squirrel)
>it's an abject failure of road design when such traffic interactions between pedestrians and cars/trucks/etc happen in the first place.
Says who? Communists?
you are a bootlicking nigger and I revel in your failure.
I had a coworker make a Rule 34 joke when I went to screenshare earlier. Not a problem, it was just funny in the moment
I've decided to start smoking cigarettes again.
I'm very close to becoming an alcoholic
already an alcoholic and addicted to cigarettes and zynn
That's interesting, I'm a devops/SRE and I love my job, pretty much all I do is roll out new infrastructure as needed via azure pipelines using terraform

Compared to my last job just generating shitloads of CRUD reports because some dude needs to know why machine 1 is producing 5% less output than machine 2 and at what time I'm in heaven
The dev ops people where I work are extremely uppity.
>Get pissy the systems they don't update in many many many years break and require weekend long fixes
>Refuse to run prod updates that involve invoking a single CLI command
>Reject free, completed work that they're supposed to do, but for some reason I get tasked to do it for them
>Implement hacky solutions (that often break) when there are built in tools that do what they need
>Generally not helpful anytime you ask for their input on anything (mainly due to above)
>Force the main code repo to also have all their bloated yaml files because "muh mono repo"
Your situation regarding devs sounds pretty bad; we take responsibility when we mess our own things up here. I still have these glorified yaml editors for being the biggest assholes around due to their own incompetence. I was really really hoping LLMs would come for their jobs right away. Amazon is slacking in that regard.
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Weekends are so depressing.
I wish I was at work.
I got a job interview for a support role at a VPN company lined up for Monday, what should I cram over the weekend to make sure I get it?
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Looking for input here but I think I'm on a position where I can pretty much tell my boss to pay me X or I walk.
>5 years working here as frontend web dev
>coworkers were mostly boomers without experience with newer stuff
>no experience, hired as junior, rapidly take over the frontend team
>got two big raises when I got offers from another company
>last year the idea of building a new version of the app from scratch starts lingering
>they hire a more experienced front end dev
>he does a subpar job and I end up taking over yet again
>guy is about to be fired because of the absolute mess the project he was leading is and his overall performance is really low
>I fix his mess in a couple of days
>everyone in the team agreed to the team manager that the quality of my code is far superior from this guy
So basically I'm gonna tell him plain and simple that if I'm having senior responsibilities I want the senior pay, either here or in another company.
Dude, we're at the very beginning of a possibly nastier recession than 2008, with all the cans kicked down the road from 2008 and 2020 piled up. Get a better offer at another company first, lest you wake up to a terrible reality check.
Working is insane in the way that smoking is actually a good thing there, I don't think it's a good thing anywhere else. You'll take multiple breaks a day and no one will bat an eye, it's also good to socialize.
How do you respond to "So where do you work?" On a first date?
honestly it feels pretty weird to tell strange women where I am 8 hours a day most of the week

and why do people even ask this question? like we just met what business of it is yours
"A <whatever your company does company"
As much as I dislike modern woman culture that's a completely normal question. That said, they're trying to find out how much money you have too.
I've tried saying "A small business doing xyz" but they always follow it up with "So what's the company called".
women are truly shameless and can't take a hint.
Just tell them to fuck off then. That's pretty hamfisted lol.
Why are you so weird? It's a basic question, are you a janitor or something?
I can't imagine being so embarrassed by my work place I'm unable to answer the most normal questions.
So where do you work?
At a small business doing xyz.
Okay but what is the company address?
Wow women are truly shameless and can't take a hint.
Its been said ITT already
Was your ex stalking you or something? I genuinely don't understand why someone would care about not telling where they work, unless it's something to be embarrassed about.
He 100% work in a fast food.
i want a minimilistic resume template. any good ones?
I don't work at all
Here you go
## Personal information

name: Dumb Faggot

mail: faggot@cock.li

## Education

Primary School for Developmentally Challenged, Faggotville 123

## Experience

2005 - present: NEET

## Skills

Advanced: pissing, pooping

Beginner: washing hands
>Dude, we're at the very beginning of a possibly nastier recession than 2008
Pretty sure that's absolutely irrelevant for me or my boss.

>we're at the very beginning of a possibly nastier recession than 2008
bottom signal
Foxes actually thrive in cities
There are more foxes in London than Wales exterior
I realized today in coding challenges/leetcode, 90% of it is understanding the problem and solving it with bruteforce first.
foxes are just so cool, the one animal that truly deserves to be domesticated
Learn their portfolio, maybe try out the product itself. Acquire some basic knowledge about OpenVPN/Wireguard protocol. Last but not least have a basic understanding of the service industry: ITIL, ITSM, the concept of a SLA (Service Level Agreement) all should ring a bell.
haha these pussy niggas tryting to avoid saying they work in tech because it gives bitches the ick

L skibidi rizz for real
>I remember being one of the only people who did not get why everyone was dumping tons of time and money into self-driving cars. I even remember when people were posting that google survey where you had to pick which lane to swerve into if the brakes fail. There are still massive government institutions where they still refuse to use computers for their paperwork because of regulations. How the fuck did anyone think they would be able to just automate one of the leading non-medically related causes of death
it was a keynesian scam to keep some engineers going under elon musk and george hotz of all utterly deranged people
the education system is rigged to create spics who are also from india at the same time whose entire existence is to tie a thousand bablyonian sized batteries together and bullshit their way through a cricket driving a card with lidar only to throw all our hands up in the end after hundreds of billions of dollars have been washed into the economy by lowbrow millennials who are becoming spiritual boomers, and thus the retards in government got what they wanted, economic stimulation...
it will come at the cost of everything
>>le morals of le machine
everyone is protecting their little salary because if they state the truth about it they get cancelled
>why are people who don't have driver's licenses trying to develop car-driving AI? These are all solved questions, and are administered to humans when they have to get a license.
>Likewise, it's an abject failure of road design when such traffic interactions between pedestrians and cars/trucks/etc happen in the first place.
>Why are americans so bad at roadway design, traffic management, and driving licensing structures?
lol all the DUI riddled lollipop men SEETHING in this thread when this is the truth
suffolk just did a study about why is the traffic so bad (it's hordes of illegals from guatemala construction speculative real estate), and they say nothing was done since 1968 and probably nothing will be done in the future, meanwhile the roads are like mad max on long island
if they were sane keynesians, they would throw money at it until it broke, but no this is about looting and crab bucketing
My babysitter is basically unfirable because no one else has even a remotely good understanding of our codebase than him.
My boss walks around the office with an AR-15 covered in all kinds of SOPMOD type attachments "in case shit pops off". Is this normal?
Indians are unviable because their cost is the same as that of Eastern Europeans who at least speak understandable English.
i'd actually prefer they didnt know because i don't like gold diggers
>My boss walks around the office with an AR-15 covered in all kinds of SOPMOD type attachments "in case shit pops off". Is this normal?
is he korean?
he's white but has dreads
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I'm awake for some reason.
>girl tries to vet a 25 year old guy to make sure he has ANYTHING going on in his life
>guy immediately acts defensive and dodgy, and is clearly bullshitting about something
anon is right though
>girl tries to "vet" you
gold digging thot behaviour
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>just survived another wave of layoffs
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Anybody else worried about stocks dropping depending on the results of the presidential election. At this point, over half of my compensation is from stocks.
no it's irrelevant
That's literally me at my current company.
Hiring someone with my skill level for my current salary is doable.
Hiring someone that will stand working with our shitty code for more than 2 weeks without walking away is very hard.
they always bounce back after media crises that dont actually affect the companies in question
tech companies with high average ages? I wanna holla at some GILFs
defense contractors
good wok anon, you're performing at a top level amongst your coworkers and it shows
Not were it counts, my bank account, and I need to fix it.
I got quorum on my ideas by inviting people to the demo who tend to be most agreeable or don't give much of a shit to interject/change much. That is what I did last time when I wanted to implement some radical changes.

t. Junior dev
I do something similar, I randomly grab people walking by my desk to look at something I've built, I do this like 10 times and suddenly have a bunch of people on my side, in a month everyone will know "we're doing that built thing" but nothing is officially recognized and at that point no one wants to stop it
I have the opposite problem where I have to give the retards exactly what they want only for them to see what a terrible idea it was and it's up to me to fix it while they ask me why does it take so long to unfuck the ball of mud.
tl;dr just be urself
i cant get a tech job in miami because they all want people who are bilingual in english & spanish. why do people move to america if they cant speak the main language?
>Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
>Salary - $55k a year.
Just Say No
Just take it and keep looking.
Cuban bro here
It is incredibly frustrating and one of the bigger reasons my 100% Cuban family hates other Cubans. Everyone in my family has learned fluent English. A lot of others will legit will live here for 50 years and not pick up a single bit of the native language.
Just think about that angle whenever white libshits look at us weird when we say we want to close the door behind us as soon as we touch US soil.
There is no main language. It isn't a real nation. The US is the Tower of Babel.
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>the pajeet coworker who used to do JS webshit work asked me if there's a is-odd library equivalent for C++
I can't take this anymore
They look at you weird because closing the door to immigration means you shouldn't be here.
>But I'm one of the good ones
>Only my reason for opposing immigration is valid
>The reasons that would have excluded me are invalid
This is a level of narcissism even white libshits struggle to understand.
there obviously is one just add it for him incel.
>t. unemployed loser that became christian after reading /pol/
>This is a level of narcissism even white libshits struggle to understand

Libshits struggle to understand even the most basic concepts. Kinda like how just because a border is closed doesn't mean no one gets through by proper means.
Being a pick-me is not only pathetic, it's incoherent because he's saying you should assimilate into something that is rapidly ceasing to exist. He should be a total globohomo leftist shill because those are the same forces that brought him here. He's too retarded to know what team he's on, which is even more contemptible than merely not learning English.
>that library has 350k weekly downloads on npm
I can smell the curry through my screen.
Usually the most confusing aspect about it is that they would understand I have logical reasons of contempt for people coming over and literally making it harder for everyone, but I should rally counter to that because uhhhhhh...... consistency?
It just doesn't pass any form of a smell test.
Does anyone know any services or formats for a portfolio of personal tech projects?

>inb4 github

I'd rather use something more HR (Idiot) friendly
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>>Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
>>Salary - $55k a year.
electrical engineering will give you the means to do computer science while computer science is stuck in lalaland
you can really expand from electrical engineering, I did CS myself because EE and computer engineering both do expect you to know more coming in, but I recommend EE over CS always now because if you learn to draw a circuit first you're a hundred million years ahead of anyone in CS
I think $5 wouldn't be unreasonable, and it really would filter a lot of thirdies
>i cant get a tech job in miami because they all want people who are bilingual in english & spanish. why do people move to america if they cant speak the main language?
east coast wants employed men to be slave guards who whip around the spics
what is the general approch to logging information?

I use python and with logging libary I find it harder to read when almost every line is just clutter with logging.DEBUG("thing is happening")

Should I just forgo using this and just sparsely use comments?
I usually just say "haha I work in tech, I'm basically a professional computer nerd"
If I reach 8 figure net worth before I find a decent gf I'm just gonna larp as a broke ESL grad student studying an extremely boring and unlucrative STEM subject like geology or something to filter out golddiggers
Most normie women assume techies don't make money, the only women who knew how much my job pays usually had careers of their own
A lot of people I know list their previous job as their current job on Linkedin. Probably makes sense to not let people know where you live as a kind of protection against her going crazy and calling your work and saying you're a horrible chud rapist or whatever
logging is for debugging without a debugger attached. usually in prod/remote situations.
LOL you're clearly a leftist falseflagging or a room temperature IQ. There's a difference between "let's let in a few of the high IQ technically skilled people in a legal process with extensive vetting who are willing to assimilate and respect the laws and cultures of this land" and "let's let in everyone without checking anything including violent cartel members we've already deported twice before for murder"
For some reason to leftists (and a few of the far right) both of those guys are the same because they're both ESLs. The only difference is leftists want both to get in.
>How do you respond to "So where do you work?" On a first date?

"Oh, I'm a Cloud Technician. I just make sure they don't fall out of the sky. Haha!"
Not that hard. And before you answer any questions from a woman, just remember, they can't tell the difference between 5'4" and 6'7" unless the two heights were shoulder to shoulder. Lying to them about technical topics is, at most, morally grey.
>can't tell the difference between 5'4" and 6'7"
there's no way you manlets believe this, holy fucking cope
1. have the stakeholders provide the requirements, that's bare minimum shit.

2. record your demo and provide it as a video file so they can go at their own pace and rewind it.

3. if you dont respect your own work then you are gay.

this is a lack of imagination problem through and through. maybe your consumption of media is leading you to a brain space where your innovative and creative complexes are being compromised and dulled.
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>been working for a little over two years now
>one year in web dev
>one year in SRE/devops

not sure where to go from here, I'd like to stay in the SRE/devops realm just because so far I've found it way more enjoyable and less stressful than web dev

if I can get to three years of total experience, can I start going for mid/senior roles? do I still need to do leetcode to prep for those or can I rely on job experience since I'm not a junior anymore?
>holy fucking cope
Virgins can't help but self report.
how fast can you stand up a k8s cluster and get it in the hands of developers who are deploying via gitops/argo
you fell for some pretty weak bait anon
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Anyone know any good articles or guides for negotiating an offer when you also have one at another company? I'd prefer company A, but company B's offer is quite a bit more money, and I want A to cough it up since I think they're lowballing me... but idk how to go about asking for it without coming across as a greedy autist
What happens when there are no product owners/managers in a team? Do engineers have to suffer through endless meetings?
My team lacked a product manager for 4 months up til a few weeks ago. My boss pretty much did all the work the PM was supposed to, except we rotated between hosting daily standups and wrote our own tickets.
I general log information when
- Something starts
- Something finishes
- Something goes wrong
Along with some checkpoints and statistics. You have to gauge how long each step runs for and add/remove log statements when there's too much spew. The logs act as a way to trace through what your code is doing so in prod if it gets stuck somewhere you can more easily find where the job got stuck. Don't bother with warn/debug, that garbage is never getting looked at. Error when something unexpected happens, otherwise info.
That's what I had to do at my first job. The people we wored with had more managers than we had people at the company. It was awful, my time was spent 60% in meetings and 80% doing the work. People that wish for total PM layoffs have never been somewhere with 0 of those people.
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The meetings will be the least of your worries
My current job has no product/project managers so it has me and my coworkers preforming erroneous tasks on top of my original responsibilities with no extra pay.
If that wasn't bad enough, the retard in charge always forgets to add something to the process so subsequent weeks become harder and we have to double-back to previous items to "Fix" them.

Recommendation: Only stay for as long as you can find something even just a little bit better and cut corners anywhere you can without getting in too much trouble. You're brain and mental will unironically suffer if you don't.
>t. One of my coworkers developed night terrors after a year of working with an MSP that functioned that way.
>My current job has no product/project managers
I would genuinely quit, better be unemployed than deal with this kind of stress.
if your "product" is so nebulous that you need so many meetings, you have a bullshit job.
Logging is for faggots, trannies, and pajeets. Your code should be self-documenting and anyone who >neeeeeeds to know should be able to do their own stack tracing and decomp analysis.
Those with the do nothing jobs have to call copious meetings with the competent people so that other think they're part of the smart crowd.
t. works with a 150 year old company with 150 years of bureaucracy
this but unironically

you dont need to print to file every time theres an intrustion and where it came from and shit just do something about it
Sorry you're a jeet working at microshit but some of us have actual real jobs developing cutting edge apps so we don't need 150 levels of malignant (((bureaucracy))) before getting down to the real money making business of Coding

all logs do is make karen and kevin wannabe programmers think they know shit because they have a file full of shit they cant read when they beg devsecops for help converting their excel sheets

just dont do it

users cant be trusted with information

even if it crashes just print "Something bad happened :( " or youll be flooded with calls
>you have a bullshit job.

You think I'm gonna fight you on that?
Any of you bros work at AWS and have been able to get a WFH accomodation in Seattle? I'm trying to be a little baby and just quit after November, but I don't want to drive in 5 days a week. Especially since I was hired as hybrid.
reeee, I don't want to be in the cage :(
quickly, it's a relatively simple process
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what should i go back to school for if i have basic IT skills and only want to do something IT-adjacent

I was looking at either Ocean Technology(surface monitoring buoy and AUWV shit) or Marine Navigation Tech (bridge officer)
Kill Yourself.
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Anyone ever get hit on by Asian girls (Indian and East Asian) at work? It's happened to me a few times and it just gets annoying after a while.
That was an unnecessarily hurtful thing to say.
Stacy's cucked by superior asian pussy.
honestly feels bad as a white dude who mostly likes white girls
I get hit on by white women occasionally but honestly I feel sick of being approached in general. I'm married, I don't want a leftover woman.
I'm brown so I don't get hit on at all.
wrong answer but you can still b my junior
shut up furfaggot
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would you like a latte or a cuppaccino~
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tangentially work related question, do you people have sweet tables on events or do I live in a country run by children?
like sweet sweet, not fruits and shit,
Where do I apply for tech jobs. No one is hiring me. I can't get a job.
at events yeah but it's often placed with the fruit and most of the sweets are factory made junk cake and stale sugar cookies
u get hit instead, by ur parents
sounds comfy. pm must've been daedweight
nta but thank u for the advice anon. about to implement this in my saas
I wish. There aren't even any asian women around.
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You will never be a real programmer. You have no commits, you have no pull requests, you have no open source repos. You are a low IQ brown man twisted by an unearned comp sci degree and coding bootcamps into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and from bots. Behind your back people say that you're a useless DEI hire. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “tech bros” laugh at you behind closed doors.

Real programmers are utterly repulsed by you. Even devs who “pass” have no creative output and excessively verbose with techno buzzwords. Your GitHub profile is a dead giveaway, and even if you manage to score a 3 month internship at a tech company, a real company will turn tail and bolt the second they sees that you haven't completed any non school related projects.

You will never be happy. You cope by saying that your useless software is using a proprietary test framework so you can't open source it, but deep down you know it's because you don't want people to see your incompetence, and that the core of your software is actually an open source project which you're shamelessly profiting off.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
My ex company revoked the WFH when you felt like it a few days a week option, it was only done to try and make people quit so they would not have to pay severance when firing people.
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Anons, I absolutely hate Linkedin in every way, from the endless faggotry and privacy nightmare. Be honest, do we really need Linkedin to get jobs or projects?
(picrel, got restricted for some reason and I have to submit a government issued id to verify)
It's about magical hallway conversations.
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Any input on this? I think I'm in a position where I can demand more but I don't want to push my luck.
>have a second round interview on Tuesday
>not confident at all
Why do I have to do 3 rounds of this shit for 20/hr
nobody uses computers for anything except to cut a block of plastic or play video games
get real faggot, your 180k salary is going to the grave with you
If you're employed and receive an offer from another company higher than your current, will agreeing to a counter-offer from your current company make them less trust or rely on you?
Take the higher at the new company
Fuck your current company
You have to do leetcode even for principal and distinguished engineer roles in this joke field
Yeah, fuck these cunts. Should've give a raise before I got the offer.
>memestein was the smartest man ever
He couldn't even work out the math of "his" own theories. He needed Hilbert to do it for him. And to call things like relativity his would be ignoring all the work prior by Lorenz, Maxwell, Faraday, Fourier... even Riemann and Gauss postulated space was curved like a century before
No I'm with you

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