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postgres edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102968982
I love postgres so much its unreal
you couldnt live with your own failure and where did that lead you? back to me
It is interesting that while everyone bitches about their technology preferences, everybody admits that postgres is mostly always the best choice

the only exception is what? sqlite? but thats an entirely different deal
php is the shit you are retarded
captcha quads
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had to decline a job offer and it makes me feel bad
I have 5yrs Java dev experience at a medium sized company and an associates degree, do you think any of the following are necessary if I decide to look for a new job? I would apply for remote jobs if that makes any difference.
- leet code
- AWS certs (I don't have cloud experience, our stuff runs on prem)
- learn new languages and frameworks
- read the algorithm books they read for bachelors degrees
- something else
>pajeetcode making an early thread just so he can vandalize the op with shills
You think that's bad? First day of my new job that I just accepted to stop being unemployed is on Monday but I have to sneak out during lunch to complete a second round of interviews somewhere else i'd much rather work at.
Hope they don't get too upset when if I quit on the first week / second week.
To my credit I didn't think I'd get the job so fast, it was just one basic bitch zoom interview and i was in. Never talked to HR and never did a technical. It can't possibly be a good place to work at if they'd just accept anybody based on a 15 minute online meet and greet. Last guy probably ran away (like I hopefully will as well).
PHP can be unzipped and put into path for WIN or link file created in the bin folder for NIX. that will be all the installation. people should see the joiful way
Well, it's mainly that the company I turned down was a bit of an underdog. Much smaller startup without a huge budget. Everyone I met and interviewed with was nice. What they're working on seems cool. But, I got an offer from another company with over 2X the compensation.
just do leetcode also how did you get a job with just an associates
by applying at a zillion places and interviewing 10 times and moving 2h 45mins. The place is in the middle of nowhere and they don't get a ton of applicants
>boomerfag seething
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Why are kikes like this?
>wild ride
>professional meeting haver
millennia of inbreeding. The probability of a jew being a schizophrenic (which correlates with sociopathic tendencies) is about the same as an Irishman being an alcoholic.
anyone have that picture of wdg's plans about killing themselves from about 2 years ago? I was one of them and I'd like to reminiscience my neet days
Mandatory Military Service
All Israelis are zionists that will never stop promoting their plague of a nation.
>how did you get a job with just an associates
Is this a thing? Is this seriously still a thing?
Based on my experience companies are looking for a wide range of experience in different technologies. If all you know is Java then most employers won't be interested since you need to be able to hit the ground running and manage their entire tech stack from the get go. What the exact tech stack is of course varies from company to company. C++, webshitter frameworks, AWS & Azure, Docker, Kubernetes are pretty safe bets.
Companies only looking for M shaped developers now.

Fullstack is now redefined.
Before 2021:
Fullstack meant
>backend tech
>frontend meme framwork experience
>SQL knowledge

After 2021 fullstack means M-Shaped developers:
>3+ years of experienece required in all the folloing technologies and concepts
- microservices managed in the cloud
- state of the art real time dat processing and streaming with apache kafka or RabbitMQ
- Dev ops competencen in setting up a kubernetes deployment pipeline with Jenkins, Gitlab etc.
- deep knowledge of either Java EE or .NET
- Deep knowledge of either REACT, ANGULAR or VUE
- deep knowledge of managed and unmanaged Cloud provider configuration either Azure or AWS expert
- Hexagonal system and App architecture and Microservices
- Domain knowledge of either: transport, energy, geodata or Finances

If one of these requirements is not fullfilled, you are not a fullstack dev/Sr. Developer you are barely a developer at all.
You are a reliability to the company to waste time and money to onboard you.
No matter how low you were programming anywhere.
You are effectively worth nothing.

So: learn to weld or become a barista.
any1 else work for government and have their boss tell them to recycle decommissioned parts for spares - ie, dont buy new shit when we have old shit we can re-use

the current state is LAUGHABLE
you must mean state government. federal is the opposite.
>masters in CS
>4 yoe
>TC 25K
I heckin love yuropoorland
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Do I really need a Linkedin profile to get a job? I absolutely loathe everything about it and its privacy nightmare requiring IRL info
I'm unironically loving being a printer tech.
>almost 3 figures
>free company car+fuel+allowance
>job involves 80% travel, sometimes even overseas

Why the fuck did I even study cs.
has anyone in the history of this thread clicked any of that bullshit?
Apparently, otherwise he wouldn't be so hellbent on putting his ad up there.
Where are you exactly? I'm also in Europe, also have a Master's, I have 0 yoe and I'm making 12k more than you as a junior.
The land of Hungarniggers
You don't "need" anything to get a job. You could just personally go to the headquarters of the company you want to apply for and ask for an interview directly with the CEO of the company.
Linkedin is just a convenient tool.
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>all these corpocucks and entrepreniggers saying "do due diligence" with a straight face
literally "saar do the needful"
>>almost 3 figures
Damn anon you make $90 a year???? Amazing!!!!
what do you mean? of course associates degrees are still a thing, why wouldn't they exist?
if you live in america, you can try an online degree program to finish your bachelors. you could finish one in 6 months at WGU if you know what you're doing. I'm not sure if it would help improve your employment odds but its cheap and you'd be able to tick more HR boxes.
Anons, any good certifications to pivot one's career towards C/C++ development (specifically embedded and low-level systems)? Or do I need to go to school?
Fastest way to get an accredited AS degree? Most jobs in my area require one. I have 3.5 YOE.
I hate working in tech so much it's unreal, tech has become everything I hate due to the amount of spyware, faggotry, ads, jeets, niggers, women, dei and troons. This entire industry needs to collapse and then start again.
Actually, yes: As it became clear to me, that I'd be fired.
To which I'll add: I'm currently waiting for the next >>>/g/utwg/
No, I won't be the change I want to see.
I'm in same fucking situation and hate it, companies ask for FAANG leetcode skills, deep knowledge of everything only to pay you a bit more than a government job where you don't do shit. Developers are treated like dirt and overstressed, no matter the company. This "career" is a piece of shit and extremely unstable.
if you mean isrealis, it's >>102988567 (military service uses cult indoctrination techniques, unironically) and even if you somehow got out of it or aren't a moto jarhead, the country is literally physically beset on all sides by enemy states. that shit would make anyone go crazy
My coworker shit himself again
sign up for classes at local cc. Try to test out of as many as possible without needing to do the whole class, cc's typically have options for that. Should help you speedrun the a.s.
Should I list my medals on my resume? I've got two
What medals? Military? Sure, employers like that shit
yeah but they're the lame ones (generic "deployed ever" medal and generic "deployed ever, NATO remix")
>literally physically beset on all sides by enemy states.

Actively genociding the native population and creating your nation on their remains tends to do that, yes
true and i don't have any opinions on israel deeper than "if you wanna be a state keep winning wars over it" but the fact remains that the only people who could cope with living in israel will tend to be crazy people

even if it weren't at war all the time i've heard it's kinda a shithole and only recently has moved away from the kibbutz system, which basically was worker barracks housing around a farm or mine, complete with a galley and quartermaster instead of so much as company stores let alone normal commerce
lol where I work saying "I did my due dilligence" is code for "this is stupid and I'm giving up; this is a THEM problem now"
no. you have to be "connections" on it for anyone to see anything beyond your resume, which you would have already sent in an application. i think current default security settings actually only show current employer tbqh
>requiring IRL info

Nope. I have a fake account on there due to reasons, you can literally put in anything you want, no ID or anything required
It's funny that mysql is usually used with php instead of postgres.
The elephant stack would have been cool.
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Is it just me or is ChatGPT awful at system design? I'm asking it system design questions to study for my upcoming interview and it drew this diagram and I had to tell it to make authetication a separate service and include a load balancer between the user and the services
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just a monolith with sqlite is all you need. postgresql if you want to be fancy.
ai is a tool, not a solution to all your problems
Yeah but the interviewers wont pass me unless I talk about how to scale with microservices and shard the DB for a gorillion users
Well I need *some* kind of tool to study for this shit.
Chatbots can't think by design. Asking one to do anything that requires logical reasoning will just result in you browbeating it into saying what you want
But surely some of these system design questions have been asked so many times that it has an answer in place, just like it would if you asked it for a definition? I just want it to roleplay as an applicant and give a solution so I can ask it followup questions. I keep getting fugged over when the sys design interviewer keeps asking followups and probing and eventually fucking me over when he figures out which part of the system design I'm the least familiar with
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there are interview guides out there written by actual humans, use those
would breed
i love brunettes
bro? your font smoothing?
The real question is, would you rather have a schizo jew gf or an alcoholic irish gf
The reason tech used to be SOVLful (and also video games used to be SOVLful) was because it was a new technology that all the suits, women, etc didn't understand so it was the domain of genuine nerds and social outcasts, but now that they have more understanding of it they are able to control it. What we need is some sort of new paradigm that they again dont understand, like what Crypto was for a bit, and what AI could or might not be depending on who wins the power struggle over it
>Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
For next thread, replace that link with:
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firearms and firearm technology are mostly boring because of the american O B S E S S I O N with the AR-15, but there's still fun developments in that field. The necessity of high-end tooling to do anything interesting precludes casual entrepreneurialship, but if you go to any defence conference you'll see tons of absurd autistic designs

when i was a lad i wanted to start a small company making high tech sci-fi attachments for rifles. self-zeroing sights, low velocity electromagnetic launchers, that kind of thing, a division solely for /fa/ as fuck chest rigs and holsters, etc
>search for entry level software engineer on indeed
>first 3 pages are littered with "staff" and "senior" in the title
I did this to myself
As a veteran if I ever come across a resume like that and it isn't a combat action related thing I am grilling you extra hard and failing you anyway regardless.
bro this is the jeetcode OP for utwg
which one has bigger tits
myworkday sucks
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pilled pajeet company
nobody asked coomer pajeet
done, ty saar
i look exactly like this also its military so there arent that many jeets (yet)

honestly i think theyre not joining the military because a lot of the immigrants have military background from india and dont want to fight the chinese again
I ghostmaxx all social media with accounts, employers would rather see nothing than see a facebook account full of hot takes and drunk pics.
literally or
yeah it's crazy how postgres conquered the market in terms of mindshare
I've recently noticed that the buzz around NoSQL has died down and nobody is talking about them anymore
this is how u not get hired anywhere
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Work starts in 10 and a half hours for me. What about you anons?

Also how was your weekend?
It has never been an issue, social media is the lifeblood of nepo hires and salesfags.
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I have a salary negotiation call in 19 hours
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I'm a reservist so I only go to "work" again next week.
HR rats from the various places I've shotgunned my resume to either didn't call back or set up appointments they themselves ghosted.
On the docket for next week is teaching juniors the legalese of fleet maneuvering, but I anticipate no one will show up but me and one other guy so I'll try to automate it in Excel
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Hope you get that cash fren. Treat yourself if and when you do.
My preferred company kinda lowballed me... maybe. Idk which of two levels they want to slot me in at. If it's the lower level, then the offer is a bit below the middle. If it's the higher level, then the offer is basically the absolute bottom, according to levels.fyi.
Luckily, I have a second offer from a company I don't really want to work for that I can use. It's for like $80k more/yr (including salary + stock).
You aren't going to have a fun time scaling Postgres, It's impossible without spending a fortune on proprietary extensions and even then they aren't going to get you anywhere near feature parity or scaling of MongoDB or Cassandra.
>Treat yourself if and when you do.
Also, I should add, I plan to upgrade to the better brand of chicken tendies. The type I was buying are basically tendie shaped chicken patties and they suck. Gonna buy the real shit now.
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I decline all job offers then tell the roaster whore to fuck off
its a lot in africa
I think I've beaten every other ancient technology story posted on /twg/, discovered a key competent of our manufacturing process relies on a self-modifying Business BASIC program written in 74.
Given how I can't find employment as a web dev at all, I found a buyer who would pay me really cheap to build him a website. I figured it'd be good for my portfolio. I use .net 8 and Blazor wasm and I am trying to integrate Keycloak for auth. How the fk do people learn this stuff, every comment online i find says oh its just two clicks but I can't do it. After couple excruciating weeks I've managed to add it to my project but I've no idea how to deploy it or add external id to my users which I can use as a bridge to users stored in my app db so I can query the damn thing. Any kind anons actually use this and can shed some light?
40 DIM K$1,A$(16,2)8,E$50,Q$1,Q1$1,U9$8,E$(2)120,E1$(32)1,D2$60,P$3,Q7$13,Q6$2,B$(8)1,C$1,N$5
250 IF INT(S2)<>S2OR S2<S1OR S2>2^16-1THEN 240
290 GOSUB '150(1,E1,T0-1): IF E=0THEN 300
300 E$()=ALL(00)
430 S8=S8-1: IF INT(S8)<>S8OR S8>2^16-1THEN 385: REM COMPARE AGAINST MIN # OF SECTORS NEEDED: IF S8-1<T0-INT(-S8/2000)+10THEN 385: DATALOADBA T#2,(S8)A$(): ERROR GOSUB '90(A2$): GOTO 385
9030 DEFFN '126
9040 DEFFN '127

What the actual fuck I think the program is actually generating theses DEFFN's lazily?
I've used macs shortly in a previous job but I returned it because I did not like it(Unfamiliar UI and keyboard shortcuts + low storage). In my new job I have the option to get this

should I take it and give applefags another chance or pick the windows option(no linux)?
You have the same resources that Oracle and SQL Server enterprised for free and much integrated with the OS.
All mainstream features enterprise DBs are either available by default or as an extensions.
You can also write your own extensions in many languages.
The SQL dialect is much purer than the alternatives too.
If nothing postgres should be bigger.




nobody asked
I'm gonna continue this blogpost, I've figured it out, It's actually pretty fucking smart, theses function definitions are filled out (overlayed) when you press a function key to work around the 32KB memory limit by selectively erasing earlier parts of the program in work memory.
Have you ever actually used any database other than Postgres? It's really lacking in stuff like query pinning, planning and auto-tuning and doesn't have anything comparable to pluggable databases, RAC, Java Pool, etc.
Finally started the background check process for a comfy gubmint job. 84k salary, hybrid, .net/c# stack. An upgrade all around from my last job that only paid 60k, onsite and coldfusion bullshit with asshole senior dev.
Is it me or does big corporations management live in a fantasy?

I'm getting the feeling that they live in a different world. They hire pajeets who fuck shit up, but in their mind they are successfully saving costs and being efficient. Yeah no, you are paying ten times less per hour but things will take 100 times as long to get done in the long run, as the problems they create accumulate.

They think they can fix toxic assholes with some stupid course about being good team workers. That's not how it works, if some guy is a piece of shit and some HR becky tells him that he can't talk shit anymore, he won't become a nice guy to work with, he'll just instead be a piece of shit and a coward because he can't say things to your face now.

Overall I think they're just isolated from the real work and in a bubble. And they get their info from their "experts" so for example they can't tell if pajeets are taking an entire year to do what a white guy would take 5 minutes (or wouldn't have the problem in the first place), because the pajeets will say "this is just very complex sirs but we're working hard on it", and they think "wow imagine if we had white people doing this, all those hours of work, we saved so much money!"

I got a fun story about it though. At one team I had a bunch of toxic pieces of shit who were bullying me, but an HR becky told them not to bully me. So they didn't say anything to my face but they were still talking behind my back and being obvious about hating me. I took up their challenge though and had a manager leave due to me laughing in his face and not getting any consequences, sabotaged projects due to pretending to be working on them until the deadline, had some guys work on christmas by doing that too. All along they had to still ask me for help because management wouldn't let them hire anyone but pajeets, and they tried with pajeets and couldn't get them to get anything done. so they couldnt replace me. kek
that's awesome bro

must be super comfy. wdym hybrid? and is that like permanent or could some boomer say fuck it you have to do 9to5 monday to friday now?
>sabotaged projects due to pretending to be working on them until the deadline
you sound like the asshole here, what exactly did they do to you first though? how does one get bullied at work? I feel like you have to be pretty unlikable to let it get to that. I hate talking to anyone at work about anything that isn't related to the task at hand and prefer if every thing is emailed.
hybrid is 50% wfh 50% in office/onsite so i spend 1 week home then another week onsite or come in every other day they let me split it how ever I want to divide it up.
> and is that like permanent or could some boomer say fuck it you have to do 9to5 monday to friday now?
I have no clue actually, that would suck balls if it happened. I think the team I work with is way to comfy with hybrid to come back to office full time but they could totally do some fuck shit like let all the senior devs stay hybrid and force new people to come in and i have heard of that happening at other places. pretty sure someone earlier in this thread was complaining about that exact scenario
basically everything was fine, i got a bonus even, but one project went wrong. mainly because i was working sick as my doctor said it wasnt that bad and to not take sick days. but it was very annoying. bc of that they didn't give me any work for like half a year after that, and when they did, i had this fucking stupid manager asking 24/7 what i was doing exactly, what i had done that day, etc. at that time my work got massively worse and, by then, they admittedly did have a reason to be unhappy about it. however they didn't say anything to my face yet.

after a while of that, i had a stupid meeting with some managers who were pathetically trying to find subtle ways to say they hated me without saying it. jfl. fucking cowards on a leash by a becky. but back then i was like, ok, i will do what they want and we'll get along again.

after a while of that they said they were very happy with me and that i had improved. however, later, some guy accidentally showed a chat in screen share where they were talking shit about me. and at that point i said, fuck it. i got real mad and started the story i described in that post.

by the way one of the guys who were talking shit about me got a very long leave. and the other one was doing the work of 3. he was so stressed out lmao
you won't get cleared if you are caught posting on 4ch
I'm behind 7 proxies.
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I can say from experience that that's not true.
corroborating this
fyi - the newest version of chatgpt free version is good enough to make react components and UIs with nearly perfect code. Almost scary how much better than gpt3 just a year ago
jfl i haven't been able to get chatgpt to do anything but waste my time with stupid shit that doesn't work

i noticed no difference btw
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But can it deal with disrespectful karens? IT slaves stay at parity
it's still a black mark against you. depending on the role and level it can be a barrier, or part of a larger suitability refusal.

just don't lie if they ask because they know lol.
I am an incredibly wack person in a lot of easily identifiable ways and it's never been a problem.
ahhh i see well nvm, sounds like it was actually deserved. milking them for 6 months with no work doesn't seem like a bad deal though.
i guess blue boards are less of a problem.
even with the threat of AI taking our jobs i still feel like theres never been a better time to be a programmer as long as mainly programmers are hired to past together ai slop code...we are doomed once corporate realize they can hire normies for cheap to do it
pretty sure the background check is solely looking at my criminal record which is clean so im not worried
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FACT: 99.99999% of employers demand actual clearances, but don't know what those clearances mean, how they are acquired, what information they govern, nor even have invented reasons why they "need" one.

Even in Canada where things seem "looser", most employers are not even aware of what constitutes Designated("Protected") or Classified information and do not deal in any such information, let alone have the facilities to handle it properly in accordance with Treasury Board/National Defence policy.

i am talking about TS and related. if it's below that nobody is refused except people with bad criminal records or mountains of cc debt, or you/your parents/your dog is not a US national.
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>noooo you heckin NEEEEED TOP SECRET FULL SCOPE POLY Q CLEARANCE to work for my company that maintains a yelp review aggregator!

post your taclane
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why does work even exist?
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>and related.
case in point. Due to well established NATO doctrine, there is no "related" clearance, only caveats. They are formally designated as just Levels I-III. Requirements for specific information needing tighter controls are generally called Caveats in english-speaking countries, but all information within a level is still subject to "Need To Know" doctrine.

Even being in the US doesn't mean you escape that, since it's largely the US that sets these standards. Likewise, "SCI" is basically meaningless since it works out to the lowest level of TS -- TS, with an extra caveat meaning you DON'T have access outside of whatever hyper-specific thing you're working on (or rather ONLY have access to specific projects/taskings -- a caveat is inherently more restrictive than a level)

Employers just think that it means you're generally "trustworthy" so they demand it for their do-nothing bullshit jobs that never even see let alone touch any government data.
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Mods, junction this nigga to the tanasinn chamber. Thank you.
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My boss has started demanding I refer to her as "Sorceress". Should I be worried?
Only if it lasts after Halloween is over
Yesterday she fired someone by throwing an icicle at them. I'm scared bros
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I went to a career counselor the other day (small company), which unfortunately turned out to be helmed by a pretty nutty late gen X woman with overtly liberal attitudes.

She was quite enthusiastic at the beginning on the phone and all, but once i gave her more information about my background and so on and she realized she'd actually have to sit on her ass and work with me for a bit this changed very quickly (to the point she almost grew passive-aggressive with me on the phone, though that might just be her general style as well).

Had an in-person appointment with her too, she decided to invite another cunt in (which was also around her same age but full of tatoos, quite the sight to behold). During this appointment she kept making these weird noises, it looked as if she was trying to hold back tears; Or maybe she was also just really bloated, i don't know. Either way, as i said she's pretty nutty and hard to work with in general.

The topic we were meant to discuss was then pretty much sidelined by these two since they came up (behind my back, of course) with some "new strategy" they thought would be better suited for my situation - This strategy boiled down to sending out even more applications, essentially.

It's been almost two weeks now since i saw them, and these cunts still haven't sent me the information i actually frequented this appointment for (i was almost mugged on the train while traveling there, too) in the first place. They also basically never respond to any textual inquiries and followup questions, bizarrely enough.

Overall they're acting unprofessionally as all hell, but i'm frankly tired of looking around endlessly for counselors willing to engage w/someone that's struggling. They roughly offer what i'm looking for at a competitive price, that's what counts for the moment. And they did give me some decent pointers during the appointment itself too. Just need to get the details boiled down for now. Thanks for reading my blog lol
>I went to a career counselor the other day
they're all like that
career counselling is a sinecure for the kind of femoids who can't get HR jobs because they're too retarded
>nearly 1 yoe
>have never written a crud app because the database and architecture on my project has been set up for me years before I joined
>want to apply for a promotion soon
Someone please link me a guide I can follow along to create a crud app with Java before I get exposed for being a fraud lol. I tried asking chat gpt and the code wouldn’t compile
it's called intuition anon, try using it
That works on the job but not in interviews
>I tried asking chat gpt and the code wouldn’t compile
fucking zoomers these days, they dont even know how to learn

t. zoomer
hiring for a pre-mvp startup for equity. we got high ticket users on the waitlist. hmu at anonisburtsbees@proton.me with ur resume and github
Buy an ad
on 4chan? that would be a bad play
that sounds like assault. Stupid titles (like in-house scrum master or customer engagement director) are something you have to live with, especially for social holiday bullshit. unless you are ready to go on the shitlist. be a party pooper or claim it is against your strict religious values to normalize witchcraft. Very haram. But then don't bring up your love for Harry Potter next lunch break.
- only if trying to work for a top company or a retarded one who thinks "google did it, we should do it".
- not unless you're a cloud engineer specifically.
- yes but it doesn't matter because it's not in your experience section. learn surface knowledge then lie and say you did it on the job otherwise it's literally worthless.
- 0 impact.
- learn the top 5 in demand tech ranked by % of the time appearing on job descriptions. lie and and say you used that in addition to java at your job.
Our CEO let me have a look at our finances and there's a project generating 100+k€ a year that only one senior is responsible for alone (among other projects)
How much money do you generate /twg/?
I am a cost center, no revenue ever
200 rupees sar
it was 2 years actually, first that half a year without work, and then a year and a half doing what i said after i got mad
Is HR retarded?

>Be in consulting
>various experiences fullstack
>CI/CD kubernete bla bla bla
>Geodata API experience
>Finance experience
>java EE
>all meme Stacks
>EXCEPT real time data streaming or Management of broker services
>7 YEO

Constanly clients hit me/my HR up to hire me as consultant.
Constantly ask about Real Time Data processing.
>it's not in my profil
>they want expert for Data streaming
>tell them, I can learn it if they spend time with onboarding me
>lol no

Why do they even start to contact me, if my profil already does not fit their requirements?!
Are they retarded?
Yes, they are retarded. It is not like they have anything better to do, but waste time and resources anyway.
If you need a guide and can't intuit it you have more fundamental deficiencies.

Also, it's getting hard to post here. If I don't see you again: Thanks for telling me to get into FP when I was a kid and also fuck you for all the porn. I didn't need that when I was 14. But I probably wouldn't have read all the programming advice if it weren't for that so I guess I can only blame myself.
Industrial controls people are all either retards or turbo autists with no inbetween.

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