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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

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Previous thread: >>102973527
They need a better icon. This looks like something GIMP would use
What is that? A box with a zipper on it? I don't get it.
>he doesn't put zippers on his cardboard boxes
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The icon had seen better (YMMV) days
>S O U L
The lobotimisation of GNOME's icons is sad
What autoscroll extension do you lads recommend for the browser? As in the thing where you can click and hold your mousewheel to scroll
The middle mouse button already does that for any browser
No it doesn't
[bluetooth]# scan on
[bluetooth]# SetDiscoveryFilter success
[bluetooth]# Failed to start discovery: org.bluez.Error.InProgress

Why do i get this error when i try to scan for devices?
I am still trying to fix this
No it does. I just used that feature.
In your
will enable it
I don't know what that icon is supposed to be either. :-(
>let's try that
>it's already enabled
>middle mouse button doesn't do shit
there must be more to it then that.
You can use dd to create a usb

Also you probably just need to fix the mbr for windows
What possible excuse could you have *not* to just use Etcher?
dd just werks

Also if you download a windows iso on popos, you can right click on it and there is an option to write to usb. Think it is the first option.
W10 ISOs need special handling, you can't just dump them whenever or they'll shit the bed.
Thoughts about Trafotin?
I'm starting to think that I am too stupid for Linux. . .
Stick with it, Linux is a learning tool not an os.
You can probably hold down shift to bring up the grub menu during boot and select Windows, or just select the Windows EFI entry from the BIOS menu. Absolute worst case you boot into Mint and rtfm how to add a Windows boot entry to grub. It's not difficult.
>make windows 10 install media
Use WoeUSB. dd won't work without manual intervention.
I'm looking at building a new pc and I might go from amd gpu to nvidia gpu, is nvidia support for linux any good?
trying to make a dedicated server hosted within QEMU, but seem to get a connection failure where I can't exactly narrow what I'm doing wrong
Do I need to bridge the network before server hosting or is this far more complicated than I thought?
So I saw a comment on a linux subreddit, apparently it was made by an Israeli tranny. Naturally I disregarded its content.
Newfag to linux.
What's the closest I can get to MPC-HC with the codecs I'm used to for watching anime?
Use SMPlayer
mpv. It's better than mpc-hc even on windows anyway.
Anon probably wants a GUI, which SMPlayer gives him while also using libmpv.
You can just use mpc-hc in wine, but there's no reason not to run VLC or mpv. It's not like anime uses super special codecs any more. Really hasn't for 20 years at this point.
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Will I be able to update from Fedora 41 beta to the full release whenever that is? Just installed the beta today. Seems pretty good so far.
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Do you tag temporary files used by scripts with the PID ($$) in Bash scripts? I'm a newbie and it's something I've been doing but I haven't seen anyone mentioning this being a good practice, or even bad for that matter.
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You are already on it. 41 will always be 41.
>MPC-HC with the codecs
You specifically don't want this with a Linux system. You want codecs as codecs, not as something baked into a single program.
Right now I'm using wireguird from the aur as the arch wiki recommends for using wireguard profiles for vpn but it sucks. Is there a better way to do it?

I download wireguard profiles from protonvpn, is there a simple script that will connect me to any random profile out of the many from my wireguard profile folder everytime I boot up?
idk how Etcher works
I'd had to download Etcher from somewhere first
dd is easier to use anyway, all I have to do is type in commands
why not bitch
codecs are good
everybody installs codecs first when they install the best linux which is FEDORA
If you run that script manually then no, otherwise yes.
>why not bitch
Then the codecs are just in that one program and that's extremely stupid. Why can't the entirety of the system have them?
>codecs are good
>everybody installs codecs first when they install the best linux which is FEDORA
You said you wanted codecs *inside* MPC.
Samsung galaxy book go doesnt allow me to pick boot from usb in the boot manager because it doesn't recognize it.

I've used rufus to burn the newest linuxmint onto different USB sticks from different companies and it still won't recognize the usb is even there.
What the fuck did I do wrong?
What causes Htop to fuck up this badly? It thinks I have negative RAM!
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alright /fglt/
I have a botched ubuntu 22 LTS to 24 LTS upgrade on my hands. Fixing it is beyond my skill level. Lesson learnt. Now I'm installing a fresh 24 LTS. Fortunately, I had all the files I needed on other devices (thank God for syncthing).

Should I take this as a hint that ubuntu might fuck me again in the future? In general, ubuntu has been more than fine for my needs. I like fedora alright, it just gets difficult sometimes to do some of my work -- I use R a lot and the support there has been mixed in my experience.
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What are the options for running the latest Photoshop versions, VM I assume? Would the QEMU/Virtmanager route be a way to go or is that only if I'm doing GPU passthrough?
Love how one worker process is taking 99% of the requests while the others just stay there wasting memory and a third of them are idle 99.999% of the time.
Are you actually running a public DNS? If not, consider switching to unbound. If yes, consider switching to unbound, Knot, NSD or even PowerDNS.
I was switched over to windows for like a day and when I booted back into mint a bunch of UI shit is completely fucked up. I can't even edit my screenshot to crop it because it just shows a black screen in image editors. I'm assuming it's a driver problem and discounting GPU failure because it's still working fine in windows. AMD, not nvidia.
If you create them with mktemp and clean them up with an EXIT trap there's not much reason to care what PID they originated from. I just do $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
and here it was when I pulled the trigger
Is it overkill to run Linux Mint as a main OS on a $3000 PC?
oh gosh, the auth on 4ch ate my first post. Fug.

I have a 'puter I've installed endeavour onto to act as a soft home server, 2nd computer kinda deal (6700k/16GB). It's there so I can install private MMO servers basically and act as a go between my steamdeck and my regular PC with game backups etc hosted on there.
I only have 3x HDDs I can install onto (1x500, 2x250) and when I installed the OS on them, performance was terrible with really bad random read/write. An anon suggested RAID and I got filtered by Intel RST.
So, if I understood correctly I can use software RAID with mdadm and get a performance increase with raid1 (raid0 filtered me admittedly or I'm just a retard). I'm actually a retard.
The soonest I can buy an SSD would be on Friday and it won't arrive until mid next week so I gotta make do with this atm. If things work out well and I get an SSD in the future I'd be migrating the install to that and then using the 3 drives as storage like they were intended.

That image was what I had worked things out to be, pulled the trigger while waiting for 4ch auth.
230GB partitions for BTRFS, with / (or root) on the 500GB drive, that would be mirrored post install with mdadm and a 1GB /efi partition set with the boot flag. I couldn't get calamares to accept /boot too so I ended up with that config.
This is what it looks like now, so I guess the path would be to setup mdadm with raid1 and that'll mirror? If I've fucked up I don't mind starting again but I'll have to do it later tomorrow as I have appointments in the morning.
Once I setup mdadm I'd just continue writing to sda1 or does it go to md0, do I need to change my config with systemd etc? This is where I'm getting filtered atm.

Also I know guides say not to go to archbased if you're a noob but the deck is & I used linux casually in the mid 00's.
Thanks for any help.
If your script or whatever leaves stuff behind on purpose, it could make sense to have some naming.
As in something like
But if the file is completely temporary, what's the use?

What's a "wireguard profile"? You can use systemd-networkd for configuring it all btw.
>I download wireguard profiles from protonvpn
What does it actually contain? You only really need a key and address:port.
Here's an old systemd file of mine, it was used to connect to my VPS' WireGuard endpoint
# 01-hetzner-wireguard.netdev 
PrivateKeyFile=<here goes the file containing your personal private key>
PublicKey=<here goes the public key of your VPN endpoint>

And a .network file to give the thing an IP:
# 01-hetzner-wireguard.network 

So the VPS was and I was on a /30. It was all point-to-point though.
>pause button
>next/previous button
>audio track button
>subtitle track button
>volume button
>fullscreen button
is mpv supposed to have no GUI or something
wtf else do you want out of a video player
It has an "on-screen controller" when you mouse over it with some simple options but it mostly expects you to do things through hotkeys. You can even add a command to mpv.conf to make it not even have window decoration.
I've been an avid mpv user for years and I need nothing else, but some other anons just need a GUI for whatever reason.
I've seen the nested menu shit VLC has and I really don't see the use.
Understandable for music since advanced playlisting software is nice, but for video you should just want the basics, right?
Why would it be overkill?
>$3000 PC
Unironically install Gentoo.
Of course the performance will be dogshit.
>An anon suggested RAID
Get a SSD.
>So, if I understood correctly I can use software RAID with mdadm
Makes your boot process magnitudes more complicated if you host your system inside just about anything. Be it RAID or LVM or encryption.
>/efi partition
>boot flag
You sure you on the track here? Boot entries are a thing.
efibootmgr -v -u
Don't ask me, ask the anons that want that.
I forgot it even had window decoration. I remember now that I turned that off years ago. You can change the UI around by installing different plugins, though I don't know of a popular one that has "more UI" than the default. I noticed that was a possibility when I installed TheAMM/mpv_thumbnail_script, because it implements its own on-screen controls. To me they seem generally the same as the default ones, but I don't really care to see a lot of buttons and crap on screen when I'm watching a video.
There are people running Ubuntu on $25,000 servers. There is no meaningful relationship between the choice of distribution and the price of the hardware it's installed on.
I'd highly recommend googling around for upgrading Ubuntu from version X to version Y. From what I've seen, a lot of people going from 22LTS to 24LTS have had serious issues. It typically gets ironed out eventually, but the issues have been ongoing since 24 LTS released. Fresh installs are fine, but upgrades are specifically fucked.
So yeah, it might fuck you again in the future if you just upgrade the version without checking around first. You shouldn't have to, but here we are.
NTA, but do you happen to have a short writeup or summary to recommend of the things people are running into? I need to upgrade my work laptop from 22 to 24 sometime soon. I have more than 20 years of experience with desktop Linux, but I have an especially low tolerance for downtime on this box so I want to prepare in advance.
Nevermind I found it bros it's an option in
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Years ago I've used Arch, then moved to Gentoo, then to Void. After that I've had a long break from Linux and I'm looking for a distro which IS NOT rolling release, but has the same "vibe" as Void, mainly I want a distro which comes "bare" as in without any desktop environment, just not rolling release. Can you guys recommend anything?

I'm on X220 and need something light and fast, but also reliable. The thing which finally broke me when it comes to Linux was when I needed to install some Qt libraries for GUI development and I haven't upgraded my system (Void) in a long time - long story short it took hours and in the nd my entire system deadlocked itself upgrading and I couldn't install or remove any package (mfw pic rel). RR is really just not suitable for usage unless you care more about ricing than actually doing stuff. I don't mind packages being outdated since if there's an issue I can always just install something locally or build from source.
>Get a SSD.
Yeah, that's going to be a week and a half away at least right now.
This would only be short term if it could improve performance. I've already got it installed on the fastest 2.5" I have.
>makes your boot process magnitudes more complicated if you host your system inside just about anything.
>be it RAID or LVM or encryption
It's only for home use and atm it'd just be simple backups and the MMO server, nothing super serious.
>You sure you on the track here?
No, that's part of what was filtering me during setup. As far as I knew I had to set a /boot flag before setup previously but only needed /efi when installed. Currently the 1GB partition is /efi with boost & esp as flags.
I'm using systemd, sda1 (the 230GB partition) is /, /home, /var/cache & /var/log for mount points.
Running efibootmgr like that shows this, from searching I guess I'd use that to change the entry if I did go RAID? I was on track really until efibootmgr was mentioned but I think I get you?

If I'm right then the process would still be:
>MDADM RAID 1 from 230GB partition SDA1 BTRFS to the other 2 drives SDB1 & SDC1
>wait for it to copy/mirror
Then and this is where my understanding breaks down.
>boot from 1GB partition SDA2 FAT 32 EFI partition
>use md0 or SDA1 from that point on
I'm almost certain I'd need to change something to boot properly there but that's where I'm unsure. If I pulled the trigger too early and need to setup md0 before install then I can do that too, nuking it and restarting is possible and fairly fast with endeavour. I don't have anything at all setup here. It's a clean environment.
Thanks anon, again, SSD won't be an option until middle of next week.
>No, that's part of what was filtering me during setup
Any typical "Linux distribution way of booting UEFI" means usually this
>GRUB executable sits at \\EFI\boot\Hannah Montana Linux\grub\grubx64.efi
>boot entry called "Hannah Montana Linux" exists and points to \\EFI\boot\Hannah Montana Linux\grub\grubx64.efi with the correct boot arguments
your distro' scripts should do the tricks when you start "grub-install"
>hopefully this GRUB executable finds the rest of its limbs from your root or /boot
>RAID etc
If and when your initramfs fails at setting that up, it's another topic. The hardware related boot process got covered.

I used mouse gestures to type the sudo password every time it pop ups in kde5. It was faster and easy, middle click + move to the right it pasted and enter.

Kde6 removed mouse gestures and typing with shortcuts. So now I have to figure out how to send my password to the clipboard and then make it paste it. Make it an script and then I can set a custom shortcut.

So far I managed to send it to the clipboard via xclip reading a file.txt but then it paste it inside terminal with xclip -o.... Any ideas?
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So your password is saved in plain text on a script in your $HOME and the account is in sudoers. Brilliant.

Pfff I doubt a hacker is interested in movies and music. The only reason I dont add myself to sudoers is because I know linux will kill itself
Yeah, I got most of that concept down it seems.
I know the init stuff is in the efi folder/partition under a uid (or letters numbers) part with another EFI folder and loader folder where the config files are.
I know loader has the entries folder, loader.conf (can set the boot time/default entry here) and the .conf file is I think what's used to generate the initramfs which is the kernel?
I've set kernel flags before and had them permanently set on my main desktop when I tried to get back (both to correct a realtek issue and for amd-epp powercfg stuff).

I'm not using grub, only systemd for booting.
Do I NEED to use grub if I wanna use sw raid? Is it something that I can't do with systemd? Is this just being used as an example to demonstrate the purpose of the EFI/boot partition?
To put it into terms as the other post did: it feels as this is off track, downstream at the end of the process and
>If and when your initramfs fails at setting that up, it's another topic.
seems to confirm that.

I'm still just trying to get an idea of what I need to do with mdadm and if things should be writing or pointing to md0 or sda1. I'm unsure of how automated that process is and if I should just be setting that up and then worrying about a config after.
It feels like we're discussing something hypothetical down the line or at the end of the track, and why I'm so unsure is because it's left out the middle part so it appears as though it has been shutdown at the end as something not possible.

To sum up: I know how to create a blank md0 array and did so in the live environment (it's nuked now).
I'm unsure of whether it will copy over/mirror my existing drive, if the process is automated from that point on and if I need to worry about changing stuff for systemd to boot. I am also aware generally of how systemd functions.
It appears as though we're missing that middle section..
If your threat model is so carefree, why not simply enable passwordless sudo?

(Please note that I'm not suggesting this. My real recommendation is that you learn and type the password by pressing keys on the keyboard.)
>The only reason I dont add myself to sudoers is because I know linux will kill itself

I know linux likes to fuck himself so much when is free to do whatever it wants, changes config files and uninstall shit without asking... Ask me how I know.
celluloid if gnome
haruna if KDE
What sort of productivity do you lads use your linux OS for?
It's trash compared to SMPlayer.
smplayer looks like shit. i really don't like it.
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Whatever do you mean.
smplayer will be the closest
>If not, consider switching to unbound.
I should, I just don't want to change a working config. I have a lot of custom zone stuff I setup that I'd have to redo in Unbound.

I moved to Unbound as a stub resolver on my desktop though and I'm glad I did that. I'm only using Bind as a primary and secondary DNS in my LAN.
not like you could also confiugre it to spawn less workers.
SMPlayer looks so clean these days damn
fav floss app for taking down lecture notes?
You can download wireguard profiles from protonvpn and use them to access the internet, they can be loaded through cli or gui like wireguird from the arch wiki. I'm looking for a script where I can place a bunch of profiles in a folder and it will automatically load up a random one wherever I log into my computer.
Just use an E2EE note app like Notesnook or Standard Notes
Stop posting this antisemitic caricature
Anyone know why my appimage game that I am trying to play just has the window open for a split second then close up again? I'm trying to play a gross game I downloaded, but it doesn't want to run. I have no problem running x86 things, but app image stuff doesn't want to work for me.
I have disk with partitions boot, efi and encrypted volume.
In the encrypted partition I have lvm setup with os1, os2, home.
I made this debian installer and the os1 works.

Now I tried to deboostrap system into os2 volume but I fucked up my system because the initramfs couldn't decrypt in the boot anymore.
I managed to rescue this with the installer and now os1 works again.
How do I get debian installed to os2 and added it to grub so that I can boot to either os1 or os2?
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I've got KDE on my old 2570p still on hdd, while KDE is fully featured but everything feels a little bit slower compared to other DEs.
Not to mention everything uses more ram.
But no tearing, better printer and settings manger, better multiple monitors support.
I used i3wm before, and while it used less resources, I spent too much time configuring it and for whatever reason battery life was worse on it.
What do you think?
Should I switch to i3wm again? or is there something better?
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How to de-bloat my system?
It's arch with KDE, I've used it for 6 years now.
I've installed so many applications over the years and uninstalled them.
But when I look into the config I see all this extra config just there not to mention all the installation packages cached.
What else is there.
What do I do? track each file and delete it?
or nuke the drive start over and migrate the config back?
You didn't use -Rns to remove config files as well when you pacman -R'd?
No, I run -Rns, but sometimes applications change the way it store configs.
Especially things not installed with pacman.
So I'm dual booting and want to sync some folders like game saves of games that I play on Windows and Linux among other things. What's the best software to sync a bunch of folders between two computers? Must be free and open source.
I know of FreeFileSync or Syncthing. Also for game saves specifically there's Ludosavi.
wget or wget2?
Kubrick, bitch,
it's supposed to be a roller flattening a folder with some document inside
Do they work with wg-quick?

find /etc/wireguard -type f -name "*.conf" | shuf | head -1 | xargs -r -I{} wg-quick up {}
>not to mention all the installation packages cached.
paccache -r
I wonder if pacman can be changed in pacman.conf to not cache in the first place though? Everyone has good Internet these days. If I needed to downgrade a package I can download the old one from the snapshots repo
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for me it's foot
if you use kitty you are an Indian
Nothing beats Alacritty (fast, GPU accelerated minimal) and Konsole (all the bloat).
If you're using Wayland then you might as well use Foot. Pretty much the fastest terminal I've used.
It doesn't seem like it. Sad. I guess you could make CacheDir a tmpfs.
foot is faster and GPU accelerated terminal is a huge meme, especially in combination with proprietary Nvidia driver + Wayland
It works fine for me on AMD and even shitty iGPUs. It's not slow or sluggish. It will consume a small amount of VRAM though.
>with the PID ($$)
say i have a file or set of files on some fixed-size media, and wanted to fill the remaining space with ECC based on that data, like those par2 files back in the day, what options are there?
i only currently know of dvddisaster which can do this, but that's specifically for padding optical discs, which this is not, i'm looking for more general-purpose solution. anyone do something like this and have a go-to program for it?
smooth scroll isn't the same as auto scroll
i just use mktemp and trap to make, track, and remove temporary files used during a script
like this example i made in another thread;
workdir=$(mktemp -d)

makes a temporary directory with a random, non-conflicting name in /tmp (configurable) and puts it's path into "$workdir"
rmworkdir() { rm -rf $workdir; }

defines a function to remove the workdir and its' contents
trap rmworkdir SIGINT SIGTERM

this ensures that if the script dies or is killed, it will still run the rmworkdir function to remove the temporary folder (still need to run the function at the end as well in case the script ends normally)
tracking what files are "yours" based on PID doesn't seem like a bad idea, though there's better ways to do it. while conflicts may not be likely based on what else you give as a name, i feel more comfortable creating temp files that have been tested for conflicts before creation, and are remembered specifically by the script so there's just no chance anything else could be mistaken for one
Probably missing host-side libraries. Run it from the console and see what it says.
I'd +1 for syncthing, I'm not going to give it a massive, glowing endorsement because for all I know there could be better software out there but you said:
>save data
Syncthing has an option to backup files & keep copies too, so you could keep your last 500 synced saves for example in case say steam's compatdata folder nukes your save 20 hours in and even copy those backups to another service with another program.
>Also for game saves specifically there's Ludosavi.
Gonna have a look into this now I got a steam deck, could be a good thing to fit into a workflow.
>Saves that are stored as files and in the Windows registry.
This sounds perfect for something like FF XI that works off of the registry. I've been having problems with getting Ashita to run on SteamOS.
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How do I remove gnome extensions that are installed by default and are totally useless?
How do I remove those bloat?
sudo rm -fr /*
nigger tongue my anus
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Ive used NixOS for a week and its good. I'm surprised everyone's not using it.
>People keep saying the language is convoluted
I learned it within 5 minutes and the syntax is easy. I'm not sure how anyone could say this is harder than arch or resolving dependency issues in deb based distros. It's much much simpler.
>People keep saying the compatibility with programs and setup for things is hard
I never found anything that didn't work or was hard to do. I setup syncthing it was as easy as this. I never found anything that didn't work.
services.syncthing = {
enable = true;
newfag thinks we won't know
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I miss when GNOME was great.
Why did DE's like GNOME & KDE an hero instead of building upon what was great.
it does remove all the bloat though

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