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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102987282

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Local install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI

>SD 3.5 info & download

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3.5: https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion-3.5-large
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>IC-Light V2 (Flux-based IC-Light models)

>Breaking the Memory Barrier: Near Infinite Batch Size Scaling for Contrastive Loss

>Generative AI for Krita 1.27.0

>Performance Profiling Report (Forge/A1111/ComfyUI)


>qapyq: image viewer and AI-assisted editing tool for curating datasets

>Disney Poised to Announce Major AI Initiative


>3D-Adapter: Geometry-Consistent Multi-View Diffusion for High-Quality 3D Generation

>DreamClear: High-Capacity Real-World Image Restoration with Privacy-Safe Dataset Curation

>OpenAI plans to release its next big AI model by December


>Blendify -- Python rendering framework for Blender

>MIA-DPO: Multi-Image Augmented Direct Preference Optimization For Large Vision-Language Models

>Towards Effective Data-Free Knowledge Distillation via Diverse Diffusion Augmentation

>Diffusion Priors for Variational Likelihood Estimation and Image Denoising

>Up-to-date list of danbooru tags

>OpenAI disbands another safety team, as head advisor for ‘AGI Readiness’ resigns

>Google offers its AI watermarking tech as free open source toolkit
>mfw Research news


>Are Visual-Language Models Effective in Action Recognition? A Comparative Study

>Rethinking VLMs and LLMs for Image Classification

>CFTS-GAN: Continual Few-Shot Teacher Student for Generative Adversarial Networks

>Adversarial Score identity Distillation: Rapidly Surpassing the Teacher in One Step

>Can LVLMs Describe Videos like Humans? A Five-in-One Video Annotations Benchmark for Better Human-Machine Comparison

>DeepIcon: A Hierarchical Network for Layer-wise Icon Vectorization

>LucidFusion: Generating 3D Gaussians with Arbitrary Unposed Images

>Warped Diffusion: Solving Video Inverse Problems with Image Diffusion Models

>LLaVA-KD: A Framework of Distilling Multimodal Large Language Models

>FrugalNeRF: Fast Convergence for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis without Learned Priors

>Fine-Grained Verifiers: Preference Modeling as Next-token Prediction in Vision-Language Alignment


>Accelerating Object Detection with YOLOv4 for Real-Time Applications

>Audio-Driven Emotional 3D Talking-Head Generation

>G2D2: Gradient-guided Discrete Diffusion for image inverse problem solving

>Improving Vision Transformers by Overlapping Heads in Multi-Head Self-Attention

>Animating the Past: Reconstruct Trilobite via Video Generation

>A Survey on All-in-One Image Restoration: Taxonomy, Evaluation and Future Trends
**** thread schizo malware news
Why didn't you use my one of my images for the OP? It's been a while but you could go through the archive and DL one of them.
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
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hello! nice to see you're not banned. a lot of your images got nuked
comfy implemented native support for mochi. it might work for you now
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Hey Debo! It's so great to see you!
Thanks haha it was over yesterday but I was super tired!
I saw that when I woke up LOL but oh well, I had my fun then literally went to sleep as it happened
Oh wow cool!! So I just gotta update my Comfy and it'll work?
How have you been? :]
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lmao. way too healthy looking to be a real janny tho
>So I just gotta update my Comfy and it'll work?
I think so
>How have you been? :]
lazy, lol. I pumped out some pretty cool debos at least. whatcha got planned for your weekend? maybe if you get mochi working, you'll have a lot of time to pump out some cool stuff
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LOOOL true!
Cool i'll give that a try soon :D
Lazy days are pretty nice tho! Uhmmm not too much really, might only have 2 days off cause we have an event coming up
I'm gonna try to relax as much as I can tomorrow tho haha
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Heya PW, missed ya the other night
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Heyyy Mouse anon!! It's so great to see you :]
Yeah I kinda spent the night in jail hahaha!
LOL I wonder what happened to LK anon! Great song!
Have you tried SD 3.5?
Heyyy it's so great to see you! How are you doing? :]
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Yooo I'm good how're you? You seem to be on more lately. Good to see you as always.
Suno seems to have shit itself atm
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what is this style called and how do you achieve it
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I'm so glad to hear that! I'm doing great :D
Yeah! I sometimes go through periods of being kinda in n out hahaha but I love making time to stop by to hang out here! Even if it is super late sometimes!
Oh? How so?
Like the clothing or the animation?
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strawberry elephant
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that animation looks like animatediff I wanna say!
LOL nice! Is that mochi?
Oh it's working again. I still love these so much. You hit gold with these prompts
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Sounds good. You been cookin' anything cool lately?
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These are very cute, thanks PW. Goodnight anons
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The future is Mochi.
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I love these! They're both so good! :D
Thanks! Suno is so fun, especially with all the new stuff they added! I remade a few things using the 'cover track' thing haha
A lot of the same really haha!
As far as SD goes though i'm trying to get mochi to work
It looks so cool!
Good night, Mouse anon!! I hope to see you again soon :]
Sleep well!
I'm trying to get it to work now haha
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> people are selling vinyl stickers of AI generated smut on ebay now
AI was a mistake
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Wow, negative prompting on flux even improved the consistency of my LoRA... AND it's only 100% slower!

I'd imagine you'd just dump video frames and use ControlNet to gen on top of them.
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Well, I give up on mochi for tonight hahaha! It says it can't find flash_attn_2_cuda or whatever
Getting flash attention to work has been a pain haha
Good night, anons! Ihope to see you all tomorrow :]
I miss schizoanon
It would be fine if it followed the on-model artstyle, rather than the glassy shit all AI art has.
>Well, I give up on mochi for tonight hahaha! It says it can't find flash_attn_2_cuda or whatever
don't go for flash attention, sage_attention is faster and easier to install
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G'mornin Anons, have a great day!
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How do you guys manage your temps? Maxing out your GPU at 80 degrees can't be healthy. I have to time my edging so I cool down alongside my graphics card.
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Good morning.
Nice spooky and detailed gens.
Zankoku na tenshi no you ni
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>How do you guys manage your temps? Maxing out your GPU at 80 degrees can't be healthy.
I limit my gpu temperature to 65 degrees
Wow, I need one for my lawn.
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I have the ROG Strix OC version of the 4090, so it's low 70s at most.
I just power limit mine to 70% and keep fan at 60% when genning. Max temp I'll usually hit is 67c.
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morning, good
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fuck off schizo anon
um i'm bipolar anon not schizo anon
why are you posting dox pics
we didn't post that picture
ok, you retard
oh okay
carry on then
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i miss ffaze and julien
um those pictures you generate are uncomfortable
in what way
Am i supposed to know who this is?
that's the creator of miku
omg migu
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someone they are harassing by posting their doxed pic on here
thats quite shit
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How have you been
Looks like debo but older and bald
I dont believe you
/sdg/ is healing
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Was it injured
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Cool shot.
/sdg/ is dying
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the window for halloween gens rapidly draws to a close
the only thing I feel towards you is pity
well yeah, its main use is porn not silly greeting cards and generic anime pictures
what video tools can be used with Pony type models?
>well yeah, its main use is porn
Grim outlook
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3.5 does anime really well for a base model
should be a strong foundation for finetunes but needs booru tags
Morning anons
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happy halloweek
That's really cute, 3.5 is also pretty neat
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damn, its a foil too. big money
>this is his life
I like how this highlights her thighs.
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Good afternoon, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
I finally got mochi to work!!! It's not the big one, but i'm just happy it's actually making stuff haha
Omg thank you SO much btw, anon!! You are the best!!
I was going crazy trying to get it to work :D
Why are all gens in this thread so shit?
Afternoon PW
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oh boy, the mochi era is upon us. how long does a gen like this take you?
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Good afternoon, Quokkanon! It's so great to see you :]
Heya Debo! It's great to see you!
It's so exciting haha! I was so happy when it actually started loading up!
That one only took about 3 mins! I'm gonna try a bigger one and see how long it takes :]
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I'll see you all in a few hours! I was just really excited haha
Bye :]
All the good posters migrated over to /ldg/, shit gens only in here
yeah i guessed that just wanted to make sure
what a shithole
It's a kind of magic
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its actually a firecracker and this is moments before she blew off several fingers
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Howdy fellas
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Aaw... very spooky
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they're in it for the treats
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im very angry
im very horny
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im very pumpkin
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what is your plan for spooky day?
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eat candy and gen girls in costumes

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