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Steals your data | Steal your girl
Lizard puts on a new face and fools reddit
seething /g/-tard is jealous that other people are now not only more successful than him but also doesnt look like a puny onions consuming faggot like him
Zuck was just an accidental success, he was never meant to be anything more than a nerdy upper middle class secular jew. luck of the draw.
gates and jobs on the other hand have a bit of a spark.
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>AI improves
>zuck starts looking more human
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sounds like you are just blinded by hatred of the jews
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Dumbfuck slobbing on his lizard face implant
He's married to an ASIAN you fool.
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more zuckerberg?
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Sounds like you like to suck dick
what does a search result have to do with UI design?
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>What does UI have to do with UI design?
It is a mystery
I bet he must be hanging himself cause his candidate lost
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Why change anything when you can charge people $999 every year?
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new design every 2 years boosted the sells. Now they don't give a shit, retards still buy it.
All that money and he couldn't get a beautiful Asian?
What a massive failure
Quite the opposite kid
The ugliest man faced one
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Most of those are not actually from those OSes.
That guy died in a tornado btw
tttt terms mentioned
/g/ is a boymoder board
Why don't he change his name to M&Ms?
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Why is he signing shit? He's just a tech jew, not Elvis.
in a sense you're correct. the only reason (you)'re poor is because you were born stupid. unlucky!
why change perfection? only thing to change is the dynamic island hole, then it reaches the final form
0 = 2
He should ever have left Britney.
Seethe, cope & dilate.
sir i think you have the gay
more of these please
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Sometimes when I search for an application and I mistype the application name, the start menu says no results.
but it has a web result suggestion for the correct application.
Like I get that one is feeding my search through the Internet and one isn't, but like, bit of shitty user experience.
long hair ≠ tranny you stupid troon
pros use wireshark
You don't even know what the two are.
How tf is \t == 0?
Whitespace and 0 are both falsy enough, I guess
>png with jpg artefacting
What a rotten language. At least it can't be whitespace sensitive then
Yeah it's a lossless JPEG
>leave no child left untracked
well done, 2014 anon
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Like whats your point lol. This is windows theres a lot of apps that do not look like the current version. Windows is ''open source'' if you know what i mean. Also its a smal people like you complaining about this. Majority doesnt care about this shit stupid
kek, tendiesfag on suicide watch
thank you for this information britanny bernstein
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>before hrt
>after hrt
do they even have something different, or apple just re brand it and claims to be "faster"?
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this is a humor thread. My point is to provide humorous content. In these cases, by making fun of inonsistensies in Windows.
Wow I'm glad we took away abortion to fight shit like this
Classic, and checked
Miss u Ronnie ;_;
Literally he would be arrested if he made the Facebook he made in Harvard today. He was selling people's information to literally anyone who just walked up to him and gave him a 20. That's known as 'Fraud' and the only reason he isn't behind bars is because he was one of the first to do it.
>Slightly bigger camera
>Logo turned matte
Anon, are you blind?
You v. The guy she tells you not to worry about
I am amused how apple did not went bankrupt after Jobs died.
Literally not a single good new product.
Their smartwatches are just a accessory for obese people. Their VR set are comically retarded, their computers went from "the best machines for design" to "very expensive facebook machine" in just a couple of year. Ohhh, and let's not forget about apple cloud, like that amazing time they facilitate de leak of hundreds of famous intimate pictures leaked because Rajesh does't wanted to double check the identity of anyone sending an e-mail and asking to change a random account password.
Apple pretty much only exist because 4 countries believe that using android is communism.
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Meh, the only mistake was using != and == for falsy and truthy, instead of !== and ===, and the other way around.
he sold his soul or casted a spell to be more attractive the zendaya bitch did the same thing its auroa through super natural energy
Just do something like ~ and !~ and call it approximates or whatever.
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Huh. I remember climbing in to a passenger transit van earlier this year when i was picked up at the airport. Someone had scribbled graffiti on one of the warning decals in the door frame. I cleaned it off with one of the wet wipes i keep in my travel pack because i'm not a degenerate and we live in a society. Glad to know now that i did the right thing.
Thats exactly how Facebook and Google make all of their money today and have been for the last 20 years you stupid fuck.
I like the bottomless pit inspector one
I want to see those desktops individually, in a zoomed in view, as upon zooming the pictures of the desktops become very blurry.
How to find these desktops in the archive?
No they are not, they are all the same OS, you can tell from the scrollbar.
I don't follow iPhones and genuinely thought these were all the same model with a different color until I read >>103146167 lmao
>Update README.md
>Update README.md
>Update README.md
>Update README.md
>I'm programming
POV: You are a colombian spic (brown) who tried to get away with their bullshit "contributions" but got BTFO because their webshit project is infested with jeets and bullshit commits.
Biden forced him to kick the Russians off the Linux maintainers list.
That's a good thing, though.
AI is visual and audible fastfood
Makes you mentally obese and a fucking stupid cunt
Democrat | Republican
New face filters on instagram today
now made in india sir
>26 seconds after first post

yeah fucking right anon. retard for ever saving this picture you're baiting me and im falling into it so damn hard fuck you
the joke is that that screenshot is not a collage, but they're all present in windows 11 at the same time. windows is just many layers on paint over the same system, nothing is ever truly completely overhauled
Wow, this is pathetic. And I'm talking about you. What, did your post not get enough attention in that other thread?

that's not what a POV means. And it is only used by people with severe brainrot.
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Are they coming back after trump lifts the sanctions soon?
"guys" is not a gendered pronoun, i've seen women use this with women as well
That's the joke, this nigga doesn't even have chrome installed. btfo
Go back to your south american shithole beaner, and shave off that faggoty ass moustache.
a horrifying fate
very good
so did a jeet take perfectly valid english and "fix" it and notified everyone in the process or what's going on here?
it isn't
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It was a big incident because he notified every single person that was on the epic mailing list, which was like millions of people since you needed to sign up to it to get the source code.
>like millions
it says so on the screenshot (comments on the left side): 398,463 members.
>android with iOS 6 design
take my money
that hasn't stopped and he was allowed to do it because facebook was a DARPA project and he's a jew with well-connected jew parents
>whole ass piece dedicated to loo-poo programming
I kneel...
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look at the filenames, cuckboy
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is that the spicy keychain artist?
>dat tumor (chyooomah) camera module
cuck zamn! it looks like gack
Well yes, but look at it this way.
>first he sent email notifications to 400k people
>then he sends another email notification to all of them the next day because they didn't merge his PR fast enough since he replied to a thread/pr that mentions those 400k people
>each time someone angrily replies in the thread, everyone gets an email notification
What the hell happened here?
I remember this
I enjoyed this
>programmable action button
>camera control
>apple intelligence
I've seen women call each other "bro" as well. That doesn't mean "bro" isn't gendered, it just means you are retarded.
unironically laughed out loud and not ashamed to admit it
I'm guessing they stopped accepting translations because they were getting a ton of documentation PRs. Looks like they still are getting an absurd amount, though, with a PR for each individual file changed.
It was truly a beautiful time. My email got spammed with a bunch of notifications from this thread, and it resulted in like a gazillion fucking pointless emails. GitHub at the time embedded the images directly into the emails, so a single jeet resulted in ~400k emails including a gaping asshole.

i dont think it is possible to have wife and children while being this deranged anymore
i blame social media
Needs some extra graphics showing them managing to lose it all.
Well shit, if you want my sperm that bad I'll apply myself to your lips.
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>teddybears actually his previous wives and children
>tfw the woman and kids on the last picture have become teddybears by now
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imagine how many board room meetings were held to decide on zuck’s “new look”
Triple equals signs? This is a goofy ass language it cannot be serious wtf.
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How is wireshark in any way, shape or form a substitute for mullvad you troglodyte?
where is this
I can hear it, fuck off
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are all CCIE cert holders schizophrenic?
Perfect for gorgeous looks will never not be pottery
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>open video
>8 mins of woman talking
>close video
ok techlet
you will never understand about linux systems like her
KEK I love seeing faggots like this get BTFO. They're the type of scum infesting every tech job in the western world. Faggots like this are just as incompetent as pajeets.Good job anon for calling his faggot ass out.
Hola Sebastian. Why are you seething? You expect us to believe that you are le epic programmer because you got thousands of commits on a shitty web project with 2K pajeets contributing readme edits? gtfo faggot.
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I just wasted 8 minutes of my life listening to the incoherent babbling of that cunt

one of the biggest tells of a bullshitter is when they try to impress laymen with titles instead of simply stating what they do. notice how she mentions her CCIE before claiming to be a developer and 'networker' for 'networking and computers and [...] all those other things', becoming more and more vague whereas an expert would provide actual details supplementing their initial sentence.

she's full of shit and so is her retarded claim, but that won't stop her from lying, sucking and fucking herself into some lofty corporate position and being praised as a hero in some news article. i hate women so much

should've listened to >>103156978
Take a look at the user names
Thanks, Anon. I lost my entire meme collection and this is a classic I was afraid I would've gone without.
Based Linus
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9000 hours in mspaint
i trust him less since he had his tech-bro makeover
misogynistic much?
My cock can fix her
Still looks like an Arab pretending to be an Italian hipster
(Even though their people all treat northern Italians like crap and are only ever nice to Sicilians)
While working at EA, I was at a smaller studio and
I was forced to work with the main branch. They would nitpick literally everything I did. Like everything. In one of the emails I wrote in the documentation to use 8 pixel wide strokes for the outlines on the user icons. They circled this part of the paper and wrote "PLASE use the 8 pixel wide strokes for the outlines on the user icons."

I wrote back "PLEASE go fuck yourself." and was immediately sent to HR. My manager thought it was hilarious because he knew how big of assholes they were being but HR wasn't so PEASED about it. I got a warning and that was all. Fucking assholes.
Nice bait, now explain what she means by "Linux is a 4x4, menalminum system that only fucking works bilateral based on what information it's fed."
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Or just shopped the image cause he doesn't actually look like that.
he will always be a cuck to rockefeller
That's because the != and == were there first and had to be kept like that for backwards compatibility.
Of course it's crazy that they didn't start with a proper equality operator in the first place. Original JavaScript was funny.
the die and bottle cap holding the gpu is the best thing out of that whole pic
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average arch user
So it's basically the new gallium gadolinium kernel, neat
>"explains" buzzword with more buzzwords
You are retarded and brown.
And you are a newfag
Reminder that being overly verbose is a strong indicator of incompetence (>>103141058), if you can't explain a subject in a simple manner, you do not understand the subject.
Not disagreeing with you, but in some cases being verbose is a deliberate choice. For example if you're trying to impress ignorant gullible people (like the woman in the video), throwing a bunch of jargon will almost always be more convincing than to explain it in layman's terms.
Talking to educated people with critical thinking skills is obviously a different matter, but that's not her target audience here.
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not always
>educated people
>critical thinking skills
Those two things are not mutually inclusive.
It all makes sense now.
range ban india
i swear jeets just put all their character sheet points into confidence and literally nothing else
Clearly you're neither since I didn't say or imply that.
Who is Ian and why did he deserve to be killed?
>Who is Ian
the co-founder of debian
>and why did he deserve to be killed?
he co-founded debian
It's probably for the better to not pass on such deranged genes
3 4
You know, in hindsight, I don't think that one was real.
>Who is Ian
The creator of Docker

The rest is obvious.
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how would you add AI to cow2beef?
Add a zillion slightly overlapping cow images, and make it take 15 minutes, but have the output be a complete collection of all the cuts of beef you could get out of a cow. All cooked. But with extra hooves. I'd do this myself if I had my laptop here.
Do you know what a turbo encabulator is?
Actually the input needs a zillion overlapping pictures of cows and a zillion overlapping pictures of beef.
>Do you know what a turbo encabulator is?
I've worked with retro encabulators for most of my career as a enculation technician
this one is true lol, I was amazed that they unironically do everything with their phones.
it's so funny that we only had 1 generation that is good with tech, both zoomers and boomers are tech illiterate
lol she literally speaks nonsense
or was it the joke?
His wife (Deborah in Deb-ian) cucked him and left.
Didn't he have a website where he sold these?
>the people complaining about "muh zoomers" are also pedos
how are people supposed to know I have the newest and best iphone if they all look the same
>not 2x2
>PhD in making shit up
Ah, the suggestion that verbosity correlates directly with, and indeed serves as an unambiguous marker of, one's alleged incompetence is, to put it mildly, a claim worthy of far more nuanced consideration than such a blunt assertion might imply at first glance. In my perhaps overly elaborate but sincere opinion, the art of verbose expression—though often maligned, sometimes with a degree of rhetorical excess itself—is neither inherently counterproductive nor necessarily indicative of a lack of skill or ability.
To elaborate further on the subtle intricacies that verbose expression can capture, it’s important to consider that human language and communication, rich as they are in both nuance and breadth, often require more expansive discourse to fully explore a concept’s many facets. A complex argument, laden with interlocking ideas, caveats, counterpoints, and exceptions to general rules, may well necessitate a more substantial, extended discussion. To reduce such ideas to mere bullet points, in fear of appearing verbose, might risk stripping the subject of its depth and reducing the communicative act to something closer to a checklist than an exploration of thought.
Indeed, verbosity, when used effectively, can serve as an important tool for educators, writers, public speakers, and communicators across disciplines, as it allows them to guide their audience through the terrain of their argument at a carefully controlled pace. Such an approach can provide ample context, address potential misunderstandings preemptively, and draw attention to finer points that might otherwise go unnoticed. Far from signaling incompetence, this approach can reflect a careful consideration of the audience's needs, a deep understanding of the topic, and a meticulous attention to linguistic detail.
It just gets bigger...
colombians are some of the worst and most annoying faggots
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Imagine just how many times that image must have been reuploaded, I always wonder where a meme I see on my screen has been before it got to me.
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bitches. not even once.
what's all those chinks and jeets doing making commits? Why don't they make their own shit in their own country?
there is probably more anarchy in a corporate environment like Microsoft than in projects like Debian or Slackware.
this is so schitzo
love it
Zoomers don't even understand how a shift key works so yeah
makes me angry
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It's so they can tell westoid companies that they've worked on open source before when they apply for their H1B jobs
How long until this is actually possible and we're able to just browse the entire Internet while offline?
trust me we see through it
t. techfag
OpenAI has probably downloaded the entire Internet to train its models. I giess they could do it.
Convince it to say nigger
Definitely a bygone era pictured here. 10-15 years ago all the crossdressing stuff was mostly just jokes, now it's what a lot of people on this board build their identity around
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lock it, lock it now.
is still the best g humor
>haha le peasant fixing README file on his breaks. You have to always flex by pushing code 24/7.
I considered them faggots 15 years ago and consider them faggots now. I will attack up a crossdresser like a ferral nigger if I see one in public.
Man it's been a while since we've had an updated version of the iPhone -> iMat meme
depends what you need from the internet. you could do it with a single hard drive if you just want wikipedia and some forums.
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At least he apologized lol.
Did they ever end up disabling email notifications from going out to hundreds of thousands of people for that group?

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