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Does TDE have a good software eco-system? i am going to throw away my old SSD with devuan testing in it and saw that trinity had a liveCD with devuan testing, should i install it? never touched trinity before but it looks cool, or should i just install regular devuan testing and then shove trinity in it?
>>103198347second for nix flakes
>>103198213I managed to fix it. The GL libs are for some reason out-of-date but what's even weirder is that if you manually install the linux version it for whatever reason will refuse to run, even if you go to the binary and try to get it to run.I downloaded the linux version through minigalaxy (3rd party gog gui) and then went to the binary and tried and for some reason it now works. I can't think that Minigalaxy is doing anything different to it that the manual install isn't doing but its absolutely bizarre that it works now.
How is Linux Support for Intel E-Cores these days?
>>103199019Not sure what you mean. The scheduler prefers the best P-cores, then other P-cores, then E-cores and P-core hyperthreads.
>>103199019Fine. The problems got patched out pretty quick. I use an i9-12900H as a Gentoo box and it flies.
OpenWRT SNAPSHOT upgraded successfully. I extracted the rootfs tarball, chrooted to it, installed packages and then copied /bin, /sbin, /usr and /lib manually, directory-by-directory, rather than reflashing a whole new firmware.Process went smoothly, only thing I forgot was the luci-mod-proto for my 6in4 IPv6 tunnel. Finally a good fucking package manager. I hope this makes package updates better, opkg was awful at that, especially if you ever accidentally updated base-files or netifd. To be fair, OpenWRT is designed around reflashing, you're not supposed to upgrade with the package manager, but I do it anyway.
>>103199645>only thing I forgot was the luci-mod-proto for my 6in4 IPv6 tunnel.Also, Luci can't install packages graphically from the webui anymore. They'll probably have to write a new module for Apk.
>>103199654Fixed that, should have copied /www too. I forget OpenWRT uses a non-standard directory for that.
Can you completely power off a PCIe card by software? Or at least put it into a very low power mode? I want to do this with a nvidia GPU on a headless server.
>>103198789A lot of the software that comes with Trinity Desktop are pretty damn good if you want a bundle of software that hasn't changed since the early 2000s and are still maintained to this day.>KonquerorSimple file browser that works. However, it is useless for web browsing.>K3BFor burning audio and ISOs onto discs, it does the job really well. You might need it in order to mount audio discs.>KcalcA lightweight calculator tool. Does the job.>KateThe equivalent of Notepad plus plus. You can use that if you want.>kolourpaintSimple paint tool inspired by mspaint.>kgetAn Internet download manager. Works like one.>KpdfPDF reader. A little slow but it does the job.>kbfxprogram that lets you set different start menu themes>superkarambaDesktop widget loader. Many old widgets need to be updated for modern systems>knewstickerTaskbar widget that displays the latest RSS feed.There's a lot more but I haven't tried them. install them with your package manager, make sure to add -trinity to the end of the package name.For example:Sudo apt-get install kolourpaint-trinityEver since I switched to TDE, I never looked back. It's like a FOSS alternative to the windows XP operating system.
>>103201005Almost all of these applications have changed for the better since then though. Why would you want old KDE3 based apps instead of the modern Qt 6 versions?
>>103198347How can I privately stream games to friends on Linux?Discord is shit and doesn't work, and twitch is public, and has a fair bit of latency
>>103201070OBS + Nginx Rtmp
>>103201059It's only their user interface that hasn't changed much since their first release. The code for those programs still get updated and maintained. Some people don't want to leave KDE3 which is why Trinity Desktop exists.
>>103201103I doubt they keep it actively up-to-date as much as KDE does. Qt3 was hardly the pinnacle of human engineering. I suppose it's nice a time capsule you can boot the iso once and marvel at how KDE3 used to look like and then never use it again.
>>103201075>Nginx RtmpFugg, looks like I have some learning to do