my big issue with arch/manjaro is its rolling release scheme. coming back to a vm after two months bricks pamac with circular dependencies or whatever and i genuinely dont care enough about the headache to fix it. i think a package manager should intelligently manage packages and not tell me
$ pamac update
Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: installing kvantum (1.1.2-1) breaks dependency 'kvantum-qt5' required by kvantum-theme-matchama
Add kvantum-theme-matchama to remove
Warning: installing db (6.2.32-1) breaks dependency 'db=5.3.28' required by lib32-db
Add lib32-db to remove
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing lib32-db breaks dependency 'lib32-db' required by lib32-jack
- removing linux59 breaks dependency 'linux59' required by linux59-virtualbox-guest-modules
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Warning: removing 'gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng' from target list because it conflicts with 'gnome-shell-extension-gtk4-desktop-icons-ng'
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing lib32-db breaks dependency 'lib32-db' required by lib32-jack
- removing linux59 breaks dependency 'linux59' required by linux59-virtualbox-guest-modules