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Previous: >>103253717
Is it a bad idea to have my desktop in a position where it's not level?
I'm worried about the fans, specifically
as long as there is airflow it doesn't matter
How come when I backed up my files to a WD backup external hard drive. The gig count doesn’t match the number that are in my C drive
The shittiest, most basic sleeve bearing fans might have issues. Even then probably not unless it's a really steep angle, like you have it mounted at 45 degrees on a wall or something.
What is the best way to get a pre-paid phone number anonymously in America?
Gross VS net. The net size of files are what's inside them and the gross size is the space they actually take on your physical storage medium. If your block size is like 1MB then every file would reserve that space even if they contained one byte of net data.
Files can also be "sparse":
truncate -s 10G ~/anime.dat

on Linux/Unix(/AppleOS?) would create a 10 gigabyte file "anime.dat" on your home folder but it wouldn't actually take any space. Yet.
Usually virtual machine images are like that. There's a max size but if the OS running in the virtual machine discards blocks, the blocks are freed for actual use.
Would a 9dbi omni antenna work better than a 7dbi directional antenna to connect to access points 300-500ft away? Using an awus036h btw
Possibly as there are reflections all around. Only if we had a radio vision we could see it ourselves.
Can unbranded chinkshit laptops be trusted?

I'm looking to upgrade my laptop, but don't want to spend a lot. In particular, I want to get one with a better processor. If I look on Amazon, the cheapest new laptop with an i9 processor is ~£900, and the cheapest with an i7 processor is ~£500. But if I go on AliExpress, I can find an i9 one for ~£250 and an i7 one for ~£170 (examples below). They're unbranded, but seem to have 5-star reviews and offer warranty.

How much of a risk is it to buy this chinkshit?


hardware doesn't work on Linux and everything's glued together
How do I use GPG "the right way" across many devices? Do I copy/paste my existing private key onto each device that I want to be recognized? Do I use subkeys? How do I use subkeys?
Is it bad to use one do-it-all server/nas instead of multiple machines? I'm going to build my first server soon and plan to use it for general storage, media, and torrenting. I might also play around with VMs but I can't currently think of anything I'd like to do with them. I could also buy a separate mini PC and use the current build purely for storage, but I'd rather not spend extra money if it's not necessary.
Big retard here trying to set up Plex on a firestick for the first time. I downloaded 2 movies. One movie was ~25 minutes at x265 w/ 9000kbs bitrate; played back completely fine at high quality. Then I played another movie 1hr30mins long at x264 and 2500kbs. That movie although encoded at lower quality obviously, played back at a way lower quality than how the file plays back on my laptop; both are 1080p, but the 2nd one is playing back at like 240p/360p quality when streamed on the firestick

Any reason why this may be? Any settings I need to fuck with?
switch to the open source non-cucked alternative, jellyfin
could be some problem with live transcoding that plex wants you to pay to use
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Is it safe to say I have a shitty cable or fucked LAN port? Everything seems fine until, randomly, once or twice per day, connection is lost for exactly 30 seconds. Left is router, right is cloudflare's DNS. I initially thought it was my ISP being shit, but since my router also times out at the same time, then that can't be it.

Also, is there a better way to monitor what causes my PC to lose connection like this? Pinging tells me when it happens but doesn't tell me why it happened.
i bought some cheap vacuum cleaner and the power cable had some blue residue on it, picked it up on a cloth and it stained, any idea what it is?
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>Do I copy/paste my existing private key onto each device that I want to be recognized?
>Do I use subkeys? How do I use subkeys?
Extrmely good question.
>Is it bad to use one do-it-all server/nas instead of multiple machines?
No if you ask me.
>I might also play around with VMs
On the server? Why?
I personally can't see the relation. If I want to play with virtual machines, I do it with my desktop.
>mini PC
For storage? "Storage" to me means a 3.5 inch drive bay.

(picrel hosts a 8TB drive and two network cards and is a Wi-Fi router and a "seed box" (why do people call computers with bittorrent a seed box?))
install some stability monitoring software on your phone and see does it also lose connection
if its the router then factory reset it and if it happens again get a different one
what you actually should be worried about are hard drives
HDDs perform a calibration at the initiating stage and do not like to be rotated out of that position afterwards. this does not affect the hard drive itself as it can recalibrate easily but in rare occasions it might make the data unreadable. i've seen some hard drives spitting out read errors after the case was rotated 90 degrees
anyway, if you want to have your desktop at an angle, that's fine. just reformat your hard drive in that position or you might experience some problems. it's rare but it happens
>On the server? Why?
I've seen people talk about running services in them (like jellyfin). I don't know if there's any real benefit to doing this but it sounds interesting so I might mess around with a few.
>mini pc
No, that would be used for hosting jellyfin and other programs (if I decide to go that route). The server I'm currently building is going to be a mid tower (Define R5) so I can fit a bunch of drives.
I'm leaning towards just doing one server so I can put the money towards extra HDDs.
>I've seen people talk about running services in them (like jellyfin)
>I don't know if there's any real benefit to doing this
Ask yourself does it make any sense to have a VM image for every service or not.
Do you want to run an entire Linux OS to run a single service? And then do another Linux install to run another service?
There's some sense to it but for home use, idk.
(the absolute craziest of all ideas is to route inside a VM)
Did anything come of the Winamp open sourcing? Can it run on Linux yet?
Didn't they go closed source again? I haven't seen anyone doing much with it anyway. Audacious is on linux anyway
I'm running Emby server on an ancient android device. How can I upload files from my computer to this server when accessing the web interface (
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WinAmp user wouldn't want Audacious, I think.
Are you after WinAmp specifically or a lookalike? XMMS has been there forever.
this also happens when I'm connected directly to my modem.
You can use winamp skins with Audacious: https://lunduke.substack.com/p/miss-winamp-try-audacious-the-winamp (blog post but you get the idea)
That's a weird feature considering the two programs aren't nothing alike.
I think Qmmp also supports winamp skins
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When mounting a small 8 ports switch to the wall, should the ports be facing up or down?
Ports facing up would make it easier to see and access, but i'm afraid it would damage the ports? especially with my stiff cat6+ cables
i'd go down because of dust and other filth
Which of the hardware options below should I get, for a decent beginner-level home server? (use cases below)
>multiple Raspberry Pi in a rackmount
>single Intel NUC
>Synology or Qnap NAS

At the moment I only have a single Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running FreePBX as a house intercom system. I do not have any "old laptops lying around", the rack cabinet we got isn't deep enough for a Dell server, and standing servers aren't an option at this point either.

Use cases we're trying to implement soon:
>centralized server for FreePBX
>Ubiquiti Network Controller
>Plex or Kodi, possibly the latter
>shared network folder, possibly with Samba(?)
>some kind of NVR for 3 cameras, not yet decided to either go with Hikvision or keep consooming from the Ubiquiti ecosystem
>something can accommodate a PoE doorbell
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me when I see that pillow
ah great point
What's the best Firefox extension for downloading tiktok videos? I'll be doing some advanced gooning
you know how when you pirate adobe software you edit your hosts? now there is just a shitload of traffic going to localhost
is there even a way to stop that? never once encountered a crack that made the program work while also attempting to stop all the phoning home.

just use yt-dlp
I heard it mines bitcoin on your computer
Where tf did you hear that? lol
tried blocking it in firewall?
stop visiting retarded places
>t. tranny
I was talking more like metaphorically me rather than literally me, I am, in fact, a male
I had nextcloud and jellyfin installed on my debian server (no docker). Uninstalled nextcloud, but when I navigate to the servers ip address it still shows me the nextcloud login page. How do I fix this? Im losing my mind
>I am, in fact, a male
don't just go and admit it like that, sister...
given that the source and destination are both the same (your own computer) i don't think it ever actually goes through a firewall

i think the issue is the nature of adobe products is that they are fucking rootkits
i don't have anything related to adobe open right now after i killed some processes
so what is initiating these requests to adobe? i'm not quite sure how to investigate.
you can use Wireshark however how exactly, i can't tell you as i also don't know. try some tutorial or ask here
My rig keeps shutting off randomly when I run games. Should I check the GPU or my boot ssd first?
I got a 1090
If its shutting off completely its probably a power issue nigga, you get your psu from temu?
Sorry, wasn't specific enough. It'll turn off, but immediately boot windows again.
this >>103283661 or you have poorly attached power cable somewhere
It's only on higher graphic games, could it be power to my gpu?
more resource heavy games require more computing power which requires more actual power
perhaps your GPU asks for more power than your PSU can provide? or maybe it's overheating and the safety mechanism kicks in? but then maybe it's a faulty GPU or a RAM stick, hard to tell for sure
Do you guys know what about:config prefs I can flip to make Firefox stop refreshing my tabs every few minutes?
I thought setting accessibility.blockautorefresh to true would be enough, but it's not.
when it reboots does it ever fail to find windows? that'd be one and typically only sign your SSD is failing. you can check drive health with crystaldiskinfo but if you're not getting that symptom it's more likely the GPU itself is cutting out

you can try to reapply thermal paste to the GPU. if you've never done it before it's worth a shot. my friends are all raving about phase change thermal pads over traditional thermal paste but i've never used it myself, however it sounds legit at reducing temps drastically. google Honeywell PTM7950. if you don't wanna mess with that just use some thermal paste you have laying around.

idk what your card looks like inside but it will probably have some gummy thermal pads stuck around the board. most of the time you don't really have to change those, but if you end up damaging them you will have to. so if you google your exact gpu + "disassembly" figure out what thermal pads you need and grab some from amazon + some thermal paste or the TPM shit i recommended it's up to you. this might be the best you can do to rule out overheating, and if it doesn't work sounds like it's time to get a new GPU.

also protip: since thermal pads are mostly made of silicon, they're edible.
What's a good <$40 tv box with usb support ? With no chink Spyware preferably.
I have the Walmart brand Google TV, and an adapter so I can plug in a flash drive, but it makes me format it as internal storage, so I can't copy my vids over from the pc and just play em.
Can you move your profile pictures in Telegram (desktop)? I want to reorder them a bit, not having to delete them all and reupload in the correct order.
Can someone guide my through WD’s shitty Aronis True Image app. I’m trying to get my old files back on my computer
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acronis is kinda shitware imo
use macrium reflect free
if you struggle to figure that out then consult picrel
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I guess i'll ask again since i didn't get a straight answer last thread.
What happens when my Load/Unload Cycle count reaches 0? I'm nowhere near the rated 300000 count, but on the current/worst section it's already down to 1.
i told you last time that load/unload can only increase. don't pay attention to current and worst. raw is what you're interested in
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Should I keep insisting with tiling window managers? I've tried i3, bspwm and qtile, and I haven't enjoyed it very much.
Everything I do (coding, browsing, etc.) I do on full screen on my main monitor and I will have at most 2 windows open side-by-side on my second monitor (chats, references, preview of what I'm working on, etc.). There is literally no scenario where I need more than 2 windows open on one screen at a time.
Is there something I'm not seeing?
lol, load/unload refers to how many times the heads have been loaded onto the platters and unloaded off the platters, it can't go down
I think I’m retarded. Acronis True Image might not have saved my desktop files. I’ve already reset my OS so they’re probably gone now. If there’s anything I could do about this I’d like to know. I think I’m fucked by it would be nice to know if there’s a way out
tiling wms work best when on a single monitor because well, you can have multiple programs open in a simple and clean way, but if you can already do that with multiple monitors then I don't see why you should insist on a tiling wm desu(tm)
No you don't understand.
I'm talking about the Current/Worst number, which drops a digit every few months. What happens when that reaches 0?
Im livid now. The reason I did all this was to fix an issue with random crashing, WHICH DIDNT EVEN GET FIXED. I ERASED FILES IMPORTANT TO ME JUST TO GET FUCKED BY THE SAME CRASHES ANYWAYS
Best irc client for winblows?
these current/worst/threshold values are vendor specific. sometimes they represent percentage, sometimes a different things. they can both increase and decrease. there's no widely accepted standard therefore you shouldn't pay attention to it
if i were to guess, i'd say that the load/unload was internally set to 200000 cycles and current/worst represent a remaining percentage
also almost 200k cycles is a fuckton for such a young drive. no wonder Shitgate is so bad
Whats it like going to Linux? I want to do it, but i also want software like Blender or Unity to work just fine. Is Linux the right move
>Whats it like going to Linux?
Freeing, but sometimes frustrating. Depending on what software you use, you might have to troubleshoot a fair bit.
Dip your toes in by dual booting before taking the plunge, see how things work and how you like it.
Anyone have any pc recomendations that are at least on par with this

I checked, it's rated for 300000.
It's not young either, it's 12 years old. The Power On Hours rolled back to 0 early this year. The Power On Count is so low because i leave my computer running all the time.
I’ll also mention this. I’m looking to make a career out of using Blender, so any software that works in tandem with that is a necessity for me
>almost 200k cycles is a fuckton for such a young drive
? this is caused by things like idle spindown, which is something you configure. it's not something the hdd does on its' own or a sign of wear/failure
Swapping out the stock CPU fan with an aftermarket one tomorrow and noticed the stock one's pretty dusty. Is there any point in dusting it off now? I'm worried about just spreading the dust everywhere and pretty much just being a waste of time, think it'd be better if I just pulled it out without cleaning.
>The Power On Hours rolled back to 0
kek nice
i assume it's a 16bit value, then? (max 65,536) which would mean ~7.5 years power on time instead of ~1 year
if you're replacing it, are you going to use it again? there's no point cleaning something you aren't going to use. especially don't clean it while it's in the computer, since as you said it will put dust everywhere
If my motherboard has memory sticks (A1+B1 and A2+B2), can I have CL16-19-19-39 with 3600 MHz dual kit in the second set and CL-16-18-18 with 3200 MHz in the second? Different manufacturers too
>The Power On Hours rolled back to 0 early this year
garbage design. mine are still going up
anon just explained that it's much older than it appears to be so it's reasonable
How do AyyMD naming conventions work?
if I get a 9950X AM5 chip, is there going to be a 9950X3D that comes out 3 months from now that completely btfo out of it?
I'm scared my 13th gen intelaviv will blow up since it was from the affected timeframe and I might as well just buy a new mobo and cpu anyway since I only feel alive when I consume
is there a way on youtube to cut search results from indians/nearby countries?
I recently bought a board recommended to me off of serverbuilds and some other shit to build a "homelab" of sorts. I want to transition my Plex server (Synology) over to it. but also want to set it up as a homelab to run windows server and hyperv and shit so I can get into IT and leave my job as a fry cook at McDonalds. Does anyone have any tips on how I can set this up or what to look into. Please respond.
I need to get photoshop without a virus and without sending adobe a penny
Has anyone tried this platform called Outlier AI? >https://outlier.ai/

I signed up and I got an email asking me to verify with my ID. I've tried doing some research and there were mixed reviews. Apparently you get some work and get paid based on the task. I've been having a hard time getting a job as a new grad, so any tips would help anons. Thank you.
How unreasonable of an undertaking would it be to construct a mailing list? How is it done with a self-hosted solution when the big providers block anything that isn't gmail, outlook, etc?
My level of programming is not great, but I want to know if this would be a decent entry-level project.
Rolling the dice and the quality will be shit because the extra expense is for things like QC and potential customer complaints. It might be good, it will probably be shit, but it might be 'okay' for a few months then shit the bed
/r/ing an android app (preferably foss) that allows me to set temporary one-time reminders.
e.g. shit like "take laundry out of the dryer 1 hour from now", and i get a notification in an hour when it pops. i know it's possible to do with calendar apps and shit but they're overcomplicated for this use case so it's too much of a pain to set up quick alerts. ideally just something with a text field and a time picker and nothing else
I got paid 500$ for 25 hours of work last year, no tasks since then. Flip burgers or something instead
Why does GPU encoding look worse than software encoding?
Suddenly qBittorrent failed to listen to its selected port. I have tried another open port, but it still doesn't work. I didn't change anything. I also tried another client, which has no problem to connect. Aside from reinstalling any ideas?
Because software isn't concerned with arbitrary real time performance targets or the foibles of hastily slapped together proprietary vector hardware.
I guess a vpn? There was a 4chan list of indian channels you could block with an extension: https://pastebin.com/XYNk2Qpw
Search for to-do apps, they're far simpler than the calendar style apps
Nta but I tried reflect a few tears ago and it wouldn't clone my drive for free. That changed?
so... you're taking mathematical shortcuts at the hardware level. got it :)
use the actual free edition from free software sites not the free as in paid trial garbage you get from the official page
how anonymously? you can buy a tracfone for cash at most habeeb or shartmarts or pay a crackhead to do it for you.
how often do you rotate your ram sticks?
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Like floating point numeric data being more floaty?
Depends on the wear.
>Suddenly qBittorrent failed to listen to its selected port.
How do you figure? What does netstat say about listening ports when you fire up qBittorrent?
JSON index updates broken for anyone else? Works if I disable the option in 4chan X but stuck on blank index and refreshing if I don't.
>>Suddenly qBittorrent failed to listen to its selected port.
>How do you figure? What does netstat say about listening ports when you fire up qBittorrent?
The connection status tells me this. Also, it's red all the time.
Netstat doesn't show the port.
All of a sudden, my wifi has started cutting out when playing games installed on my NVMe drive. This wasn't a problem before today. Any ideas what it could be?
>rally,reaaaly dumb consumer question

I would like to purchase a new laptop but whenever I look into offer of laptops, it seems like each and every laptop comes with SSD internal storage. So the question is if I buy a new laptop with integrated internal SSD storage, is it possible to remove that storage for internal 2.5" HDD's?
>to remove that storage for internal 2.5" HDD's?
to remove that storage and replace it with internal 2.5" HDD's?
>The connection status tells me this. Also, it's red all the time.
Some kind of external port prober service? Yeah well that's the last thing to check. First check is the program even listening.
>Netstat doesn't show the port.
You have to give it some parameter to list listening connections. idk what was it
netstat /help

99% sure it is listening but it's stupid not to figure this out.
Keyword is "2.5 inch drive bay". Not sure how many laptops do this in current year.
Check maybe to see if the mobo power connectors are loose?
Buggy motherboard or buggy devices.
Is the Wi-Fi integrated or in a PCIe slot? Like not USB or anything?
If yes, try a different PCIe lane if possible or swap devices around or something.
Those things shout to the same wires so everyone has to play ball with others.
>You have to give it some parameter to list listening connections. idk what was it
Status says syn_sent.
yeah, totally irrelevant info, we want to see listening connections
windows 10? use windows network monitor and/or winmtr.
>is it possible to remove that storage for internal 2.5" HDD's?
better just buy a laptop that has an extra SATA for another drive
The ones that are listening are all with different ports and one with Remateaddress always says 0.
Syn_sent is the status of the port I use always used for qBt.
>The ones that are listening are all
If you use a port of let's say 9001 it should appear as for IPv4 and [::]:9001 for IPv6. Or *:9001.
So. If that's all good, next step is your router. Check your router's IP and put it in your web browser, log in and check port forwarding status.
And after that do the external check.

>inb4 dozens of posts and he finds out he's CGNAT'ed
I will follow this, but I don't understand why it stopped working out of a sudden. I didn't change anything. Not even touched the router settings and a few days ago everything worked fine. The only thing I noticed is that the internal battery seems to be low on power (after shutting down the computer the clock goes wrong). Could this by any meaning caused the trouble?
>I will follow this, but I don't understand why it stopped working out of a sudden
upnp is a protocol that supposedly does it for you but programs and routers are sooo random.
There's loads of networking crap you can neckbeard into cruder static settings to avoid these issues.
>give all your relevant devices a static IP inside your private net
Please don't confuse this with configuring the DHCP service, I mean picrel.
>configure your router' DHCP range outside those addresses
Like making it start from instead of encompassing the entire block.
Case you ever want to tunnel your private net to another private net:
>switch away from the extremely common

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