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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>/iemg/ Proto-Blog/Wiki

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Truthear Gate (Neutral) - $20
• Tanchjim Bunny (Mild U) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (V-shape) - $35
• Kiwi Ears Cadenza (Warm Neutral) - $35

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30
• Etymotic ER2XR (neutral) - $100

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• JCALLY JM20 - $24
• Fosi Audio DS2 2024 (CS43131) - $45
• Qudelix 5K - $110
• Tanchjim Luna - $130

• HiBy R1 - $85
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200

• EU Apple dongle, Fiio

Previous Thread[s]: >>103538063 / >>103538322
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First for Manor Maid
Why are foam tips so good?
I keep going to them even if I end up lowering the bass in the EQ
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final tits >>
What's Pato-chan-sama doing there...
>1mm hem
what a slut
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She has a collab with final for TWS designed specifically for ASMR.
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They're terrible.
What makes these good for ASMR? I just asked about airbuds pro 2 in the last thread, but I only ever use my earbuds for ASMR.
Or are these just another scam with an anime girl on it to make it sell?
How do you plan to show the results mr editor
there will be a live stream
theres an option to publish the results, will probably do that and if needed i can publish the data a la excel, though i doubt i will need to considering the number of responses
>tfw its all my response
You should print a zine and deliver it to every /iemg/ fags home in person
No idea, but Patra isn't the kind of person who would just let someone slap her designs on a product for a couple bucks. She's VERY protective of her fans, even had a longer legal battle against some merch company where they cheaped out a bit on one batch of plushies they made for her.
She had a collab with final before and I know she was involved a LOT in those back then, they had a special "Patra mode" that combined ANC with some EQ fuckery that was supposed to make them really good specifically for her voice - probably female voices in general. Not sure about these new ones but I'd imagine they have stuff like that too.
I don't know who that is, I only listen to White girl ASMR. But thanks for the info.
I have over $10000 in pos and let me tell you iems are a fucking meme for asmr regardless of the tuning because they bypass the pinna. If you really need to goon just use headphones.
Looking for a good bassy IEM around $100 and I saw the Delci mentioned in the past on the archive but I don't see it in the bin, is there a reason it was removed? Has it been outclassed by something else?
Its not for gooning its for chilling out after I fuck my wife. I have nice headphones but they're open back. Earbuds at least isolate the sound so she can't hear what I'm listening to.
Headpos moment, thread saved.
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She's one of the most successful vTubers in Japan. Started in a corpo and ended up buying her IP from them to go indie.
Very hardcore otaku, does lots of ASMR, streams obscure retro games, makes music, plays electric guitar, and a billion other things.
>Verdict Day cover
pretty based
i will now buy her iem
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Alterego/duality anon again.

More preorders arrived. Unfortunately I ordered the Annihilator right before Elysian announced the Apostle so I'm kinda pissed about that. But high hopes for the DX340.
Damn that's crazy.
Buying the AirPods.
Why doesn't everyone use foam tips?
What are the downsides audio wise?
why doesn't everyone use X tips?
because as with everything in this "hobby", it's subjective
It's not the audio part, it's the comfort part. They get stiff over time due to wax accumulation and become unusable, so you have to swap every 2 weeks optimally. Even if you don't produce wax, they will crumble over time.
To properly insert them you need to roll them between your fingers first as well, instead of just shoving them in your earholes directly.
She is very based.
She bought a bunch of older consoles to play through every AC game (before AC6 was even announced). And that's just 1 thing she did.
>Tin hifi t2 plus
Different anon here, I recommend against those. Poor sound, poor wearing ergonomics, overpriced in the current market. Tinhifi T1S, Letshuoer Soloist (look for it on sale on Aliexpress), Kefine Delci are some slim-fitting IEMs. If you want simple bullet-style, Tanchjim Tanya or Tanchjim ONE.

>Has it been outclassed by something else?
Kefine released the Klean, which is the same sound plus a swappable nozzle. Delci is slightly slimmer and made from CNC'd aluminum (more costly and lighter weight) rather than cast alloy. For most normal users the overall package of Klean, at a lower price, makes more sense.

>Why doesn't everyone use foam tips?
Trap heat, trap wax, not as quick to insert and remove, not entirely skin-safe / inert, requires more frequent replacement, etc.
>What are the downsides audio wise?
There can be some, but it's not applicable 100% of the time. They, by material design (porous), "leak," and diffuse some of the sound. As you insert them, they can also collapse partly over the sound nozzle, having a minor muffling effect.
yeah sorry gazettezo i just can't be bothered to do survey. most of the time my answer is other, i cba to find out what pos was from this year or not, etc.
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btw while i'm past the shitty wait timer, EPZ finally released new pos beyond the Q5 Pro.
G20 just looks like the same G10 / Q1 Pro sound, but now the default package is 2-cables, one having USB-C and boom-mic.
P50 is more interesting. I dig the aesthetics, price is attractive, and from their manufacturer graph, they've definitely gone for a meta-ish approach (compared to their old 1+4, K5)
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>currynigger shill OP
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buy a toilet street shitter
foam tips + truthear nova are endgame
did timmy just tell me yume4 is 2ba only? holy pos... sneedaudio fell tf off
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What's wrong with liking shartman tuning?
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>watching audio youtubers
nothing. hit play and enjoy music. like discussing other opinionated topics (religion, politics), the issue is if you tout some kind of superiority or force your view on other people as undisputed fact. i don't like it, thin mid bass and overemphasic upper mids. pretty simple. and if your pos is following it to a tee, that level is treble is pretty rolled off
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jews did 9/11 this is a fact and I am superior for knowing it
Why is crincicle popular when all of his tuning is shit tier?
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OMW to buy anime pos
I have no time for audio youtubers
omw to buy foxx
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Wise choice.
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Thoughts on this EQ I got for my nova?
add 1° negative tilt
Preamp: -0.2 dB
Filter 1: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain -11.8 dB Q 0.71
Filter 2: ON LSC Fc 107 Hz Gain 6.4 dB Q 0.51
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 166 Hz Gain -0.9 dB Q 2.54
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 296 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 1.37
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 309 Hz Gain 0.4 dB Q 2.33
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 1196 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 3.71
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 1474 Hz Gain -1.2 dB Q 1.77
Filter 8: ON HSC Fc 1506 Hz Gain -5.0 dB Q 0.51
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 2788 Hz Gain 3.8 dB Q 0.82
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 2809 Hz Gain -2.4 dB Q 1.62
Filter 11: ON PK Fc 6668 Hz Gain -2.1 dB Q 5.91
Filter 12: ON PK Fc 7500 Hz Gain 0.8 dB Q 3.49
Filter 13: ON HSC Fc 10000 Hz Gain 5.2 dB Q 0.71
Using this with the luna dac
do they sound better? I feel like they'd sound too dark with this
try it out
using small comply foam tips for deep insertion too
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which one?
looking for IEMS in the price range of 50 to 100€. i want to use them for gaming, music and watching stuff (movies, series)
did you forget a 0 at the end of those numbers or what
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hartman tuning is peak
hybrid DD + BA iems are awesome
there is no upgrade from the Truthear Nova
EQ is cope
Tanch One.
I don't think the senns cable are removable and the cable strain will die.
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we are /asanotanchgeneral/ buddy, the choice is clear

epz q1 pro, kbear kb02, kefine klean, aoshida e20, tin c2 2025, artti t10 pro, shozy p20 (cheap from linsoul), simgot supermix4, etc.
we've moved on to micro planars for treble gramps.
enjoy your obsoleted cringe timbre bellsings tech of yesterdecade.
and the kids are all eqing to jm-1 or soundguys. sean olive pissing his pants (more than usual)
stock Nova tuning sounds better (like usual)
How so?
it removes alot of detail it basically blunts every song I've tried it with
how are the TRUTHEAR Hexa 1dd+3b
mid, and lack bass. also revision has already been teased
the Nova mogs it in every way
Not for me it reduces the screeching treble and adds body to it
What song and what setup are you using.
>discussing a shitty autoEQ with a brain&hearing damaged harminge idiot
in addition to the atrocious headpos post, this /iemg/ thread is now christened
Excuse me, the adults are talking
>>103602362 >>103602359

how about the Fanmusic TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero
Class 3 adults to be precise.
terrible fit not for human ears, mid sound.
btw terrible fit and shitty cable apply to the Nova the guy is shilling you. truthear products in general are mid. yes, i'm sure you're being shilled by some youtuber and can see they sell fairly well on amazon. they're mid.
using a FiiO BTR17 in dongle mode
testing with Metal Fingers Special Herbs
listen to this song:
it blunts the bass and the piano
I had the Zero Reds for a little. the fit was weird, you had to rotate it just right into your ears. Novas fit way better, sound better too
lol no
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For me it cuts out the over bearing crackle present in the track I still hear everything but that sharp tone feels less harsh
TANCHJIM LUNA with comply foam tips deep insertion.
I also get a fuller more detail overall with these settings listen to
OE love by ivory waves and numb by men I trust
Taking bets which anon has a hearing disability
what well rounded iems can i get in that price range

yes but the nova cost 3 times as much. im looking for iems i can use when my head gets annoyed by my dt 770 pros
crackle? you mean the vinyl crackle? that's the detail I want preserved in the song
the only seasoning that sounds better with the EQ is valerian root:
buy once cry once
I think it's great but it's too harsh and hurts my ears stock
maybe it's the foams
I used spinfit W1's
I find a drastic boost in quality with the foams and the stock ones were great I just couldn't put them in deep like I like to without pain I daily drove my Etymotic ER2XR with foam tips over my blessings 2 dusk
Dunu s&s
I'm using small comply tips for the all day deep insertion
>what well rounded iems can i get in that price range
are you just ignoring the list of 8 options >>103602242, the OP, and the shopping rentry?
>nova can no longer be bought for under $100
And just like that there's no point in buying it again
I've realized there is nothing good above 8K. EQ it all away.
you'll have to wait for the spring sale
Why would you ever buy the truthear nova at the same price as the supermix 4?
people are so stupid they unironically watch shartur. society...
bellsings or bellsing+piezo, pick your poison
me want anal annihilator iem
Wait for Meteor
He reminds me of a schizo posted on /fit/ named vegan gains. They talk the same and have the same ego.
Wonder what happened to that guy
died from protein deprivation
whaat happened to kefine klean in the OP recs, is cadenza better than it? Im looking for similar neutral-warm or bass boosted
Anyone using the Faaeal iris 2.0? It's been on the OP for ages but don't see anybody talk about it or see any refried on YouTube.

I'm looking for flat head buds around $10. Mainly looking for good vocals and balanced sound.
klean clears cadenza easily. better build, accessories, sound, everything.
idk whatever retard shoved cadenza in. shit's old, mid, doesn't have great ergonomics, etc.
faaeal rosemary has a much better cable. for that alone i'd rec getting it over iris 2.0. during sales it goes around $15. flatheads in general are subpar and not tuned well. moondrop block unironically are the best sounding flatheads, because they are using DSP tuned via 5128 measurements.
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Klean only downside is the brass nozzle. Gotta wipe it every 2 weeks unless you love greentech
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Anyone got the Kbear KB02? It's pretty much KB01 (carbon copy of cadenza)+ bone conduction for $35.
No point talking about sound quality with earbuds, they're so variable with position and fit that it's hard to get a consensus and coherent group opinion on them
The main things to look for are cable quality, and fit, the latter being mostly the same for this type of shell design. The cable of the Iris 2.0 is fine, but I'd personally recommend the NiceHCK YDX which has a removable cable that is relatively above average.
some anon ordered it a bit ago. i'm curious too, maybe i'll demo via amazon and return if it's too pos
its metal shell so a no go
etymotic has ruined me because I realize there's no point in not doing deep insertion with iems
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I've never seen anyone mention owning BGVP DMA, but people who have it say it's pretty much the pinnacle of sound in its price categoy. Is it worth getting?
Never heard of it until now
If its that great and cheap, people would talked about it
Go for it anon and post impression
this, do it for this beautiful community
It's $300, a bit too much when I already have a few IEMs gathering dust. Besides, there are other better known IEMs in this price bracket, like Quintet, Tea Pro, 5+2, etc.
I only vaguely remember someone posting DMA's pictures a year ago.
Maybe it's a hidden gem? Who knows
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That 8k doesn't look like mere resonance.

It's over for the Harman target. Sharur won. PEQdB won.
Dude, even his viewers are jeet
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Thoughts on this list?
I've been wanting to buy a new pos
I just bought a pair of ER4SRs and got burned hard, one of the drivers was broken brand new right out of the box. Atrocious quality control and amazingly fragile product, it doesn't matter how great the sound reproduction is if it doesn't produce any sound at all.

So hey speaking of, what's a good alternative wired IEM to Etymotic ER4SR, in about the $200-300 range?
It means shut up rat.
You might want to check out the Yu9 U554 and U556, pretty much an "updated" ER4SE, with a different BA.

They're chink-ware and come with 2pin connectors. Same fit but with a bit of a different shape.

Also I pretty much 100% agree with you, there is no going back from Ety-fit, it's just perfection once you get used to it. There is nothing better than the ER2SE.
please God ban all indians from the internet
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looks like kz is going after the crin project tune
What's the point in buying a new pos when I can generate something epic using PEQdB? Only weeb companies and gacha collabs will survive after this app
Stop with this shitpost pls
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its not released yet, just like kz orion, which they havent announced yet either. 5ba 1 dd
Why do people listen to that fat fuck?
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>Bullet IEMs:
are there any other recommended iems I can wear cable down?
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Feeling cute, might bring my purse out today :3
Word on the street is crinacle likes to frequent brothels. He likes to hire one 18 year old and one mature up to 55. He has a habit of not showering and wearing what he likes to call his "pig baby" suit. He often screams Momieeeeee while sucking from the teat of the older escort while having the younger one "clean his diaper", you can draw your own conclusion on what that means.
why did i get a boner reading this wtf
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source or gtfo nigga

captcha: NSA WM
please walk slowly beside your nearest moving train
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What makes Nippon IEMs so superior in craftsmanship?
I think my delci has got a channel imbalance issue
What can i do to fix it
Either condensation (go from cold outdoors to warm moist indoors) or filter clog (or also due to condensation, water permeating the filter).
Let it dry, or in case of filter clog due to earwax, clean the filter.
buy foxx
Dry it.
Silica gel in a box overnight. Will fix it a lot of the time.
Condensation is a common problem for these metal IEMs in this season. My EW200 get it too.
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After a day with the DX340 I have a few scathing remarks (part one):

Shit is fucking heavy. The entire chassis is stainless steel and weighs 550g on my scale. Even though the screen is small enough for one-handed navigation, but you need to both hands support that weight.

>12v DC-in
This shit is a gimmick. It is not a true battery bypass like FiiO’s implementation, the DX340’s battery % still goes down regardless. The only thing 12v DC-in does is enable super gain mode which is helpful for powering behemoths like the Nightjar Duality but otherwise completely useless.

Also, the external 12v PSU IS NOT GROUNDED and so you can hear background hiss on sensitive IEMs.

>Stock screen protectors
Fucking blows, both the stock glass and film screen protectors are incompatible with the leather case. The case pushes against the edges of the film and creates bubbles, while the glass makes it impossible to remove the case.

Plus the stock screen protector has this abrasive rubbery hand-feel. I ended up getting a custom matte protector done specifically for the DX340 instead.

Also forgot to mention they provide screen protectors for the back too, which is of course incompatible with the case.

Finally, something good. The DAP is lukewarm at most, even on super gain mode.

>Double tap to wake
It’s there at least.

>”Recents” homescreen softlock
Basically, if you enter mango player (iBasso stock music app) through the homescreen and press “recents” in the navigation bar, you get softlocked into recent apps with the homescreen superimposed on top (see picrel).

Now none of your inputs will register, but thank god the navigation bar still works.
Are you sure it's dry? A lot of these metal IEMs have issues with condensation. Your room doesn't even have to be particularly humid, it just slowly collects over time.
Make sure the nozzle isn't blocked by something when you aren't using them and maybe get some silica packets to put in their box with them.
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I tried the PEQdB app. I have mixed feelings about it. Picrel are my results, tested with my own music and with the 'a/b instead of slider' option enabled.

What is positive is that my preference for JM-1 was confirmed. Reducing the sub-bass, and instead raising the mid-bass a bit. Also (a bit surprisingly, because I usually do not eq this area) the mids from 1 kHz to 3 kHz do exactly match JM-1 now.

What I do not like about the result is, it did not address the (imo) exaggerated output around 4.4 kHz that I usually EQ on the Gates. Instead they slapped a highshelf over the whole treble and raised it. Not only is this completely stupid, but I also predicted this in the last thread without even trying it (>>103540061). Of course a slight highshelf with 1 to 2 dB gain sounds better.

So for bass and mids adjustment, this worked better than I had expected. It is not suitable for adjustment of treble, imo. This app gave me the idea to program something similar to detect treble peaks (basically by playing two sines and asking the user which is louder), and outputs an eq preset to eliminate those. Then playing some music with and without the new preset and asking the user which is better, to confirm that the eq really improves sound. I just need to find some time to at least write a quick prototype...
After a day with the DX340 I have a few scathing remarks (part two):

>Mango player
iBasso stock player sucks. It doesn’t automatically index songs in my microsd card – you have to navigate through the subfolders and play the album for the first time before it gets classified under “All music” and only then is it able to be reached via the search bar.

>Audible treble roll-off
Fuck R2R and fuck 1-bit DACs. I don’t know what analog FIR filter iBasso uses but there’s audible treble roll-off which completely neuters the Annihilator’s specialty. It doesn’t seem to affect the Alter Ego or Duality much but I would not recommend pairing this DAP with bright sets unless your intention is to tame the treble.

The only saving grace (cope) is that it pairs well with warm/bassy sets. But now I need to find another source for my bright pos.

Anyways I am fucking seething.
the shit audiofools do to degrade their experience, carry around heavier bricks, more cables and interconnects, etc...
Will I notice a significant upgrade in sound quality going from the BLON BL-03 to the Kleans?
meh. if bl-03 doesn't fit you well, then that might change. slightly better treble sparkle with klean.
PEQdb is pajeet-ware
it can't work
return that shit and just get muse m5 ultra, you don't need more
>What is positive is that my preference for JM-1 was confirmed
not really, you're looking for correlation when it is very weak
>Instead they slapped a highshelf over the whole treble and raised it.
the whole program is just a personalized, black box procedure that you often see with other personalized eq software
>Of course a slight highshelf with 1 to 2 dB gain sounds better.
not really, the same logic can be applied inversely, in that more treble would be disliked
>This app gave me the idea to program something similar to detect treble peaks (basically by playing two sines and asking the user which is louder)
very bad idea to use sine waves, use pink noise and/or music instead, but then you run into the issue of listener skill as well as assuming that there is a problem when there might be none
shut the fuck up rat. ofc ur stupid enough to compare a dap and a bt dac
reminder to fill out the survey
if you have anything you dont want to fill out, just put NA or anything really
why would you use that over the qudelix?
>"that anon is complaining about coloration"
>" Oh I know! Let's recommend him a tube amp!"
retardGOD i kneel
>the whole program is just a personalized, black box procedure that you often see with other personalized eq software
I wasn't talking about how the software works, but about the output. In the eq preset it gave me is a highshelf filter
>not really, the same logic can be applied inversely, in that more treble would be disliked
there is no logic involved here, it's just my opinion on what people might like better when doing a blind test.
>very bad idea to use sine waves, use pink noise
I never understood how I should be able to use pink noise to find peaks. With a sine sweep it's easy; I hear that 7.5 to 8.5 kHz is louder than the rest, then I sweep through that and find the loudest spot. There I have the center frequency for the eq. How do you detect a peak when listening to pink noise?
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Planning on replacing my hiby r2 ii, I just want a good dap under $300 with a battery that last longer than 20 hours.
Keeping an eye on the Walkman A306 (it also costs ~240 dollars here and they claim the battery last between 30 to 36 hours, but dunno if there's something better at the same price range or even cheaper.
>longer than 20 hours
virtually none. get more realistic expectations.
a306 has weak as fuck power output in addition to some gay volume warning limiter, even for iems, which means *seriously weak as fuck*
>weak as fuck power output
>even for iems
Well, that's a problem since I use that. Would the hiby R1 be a decent replacement for my R2 then? I just want something with a bigger screen than this thing too.
Told you to just get the dx180. There's no reason to spend more on daps, they all have the same sd665 chipset.
the issue with sine waves (more precisely sweeps) is that you have no reference or clue what it should sound like, which is one of the reasons why equal-loudness eq based on sine sweeps (ie getting everything to have the same perceived loudness) is not recommended
for detecting peaks, the ideal method is with pink noise and music, since the goal of eq is to ultimately make music sound better. it's rather hard and music itself is variable so it's even harder than just pink noise
the eq guide goes into detail about this, and i do agree with its approach; ideally, you should use music-like audio to check for peaks, but using sine sweeps is a possibility. imo if you use sweeps then you can fall into the trap of creating problems where there are none, like finding a small peak that would be imperceptible or even beneficial to music listening, and deciding to remove it on the basis of loudness in sweeps
idk i'm not gonna endorse or shit on it. you can check out this review, look up other pros and cons
two other reviews
ignore the shit about "sound quality," focus on user interface, battery, screen, etc.
and also for various players you might be interested in, there is typically a head-fi thread. again, ignore stuff about sound, focus on user interface, quirks, possible bugs, etc. note that nearly all players irrespective of price have quirks.
I have been thinking of doing a small series of videos as an alternative presentation of the EQ guide.
Is there a demand? If not I'll be focusing on my next project.
I will only watch if 8 hour long
Estimated time per video will be 5-20 minutes depending on the topic and section.
I can make an 8 hour video of me fiddling with one EQ preset like an autist if you so desire.
>Of course a slight highshelf with 1 to 2 dB gain sounds better.
I don't get it. If it sounds better then what's the problem?
>the issue with sine waves (more precisely sweeps) is that you have no reference or clue what it should sound like
well yes, but that's the same with pink noise, isn't it? I would even argue against this; have you ever done a sine sweep with an etymotic? This is just smooth. The frequency get's higher, but at no point it sounds ear piercing. While with regular iems, if you start at, say, 3 kHz and have the volume so that this tone is loud but not uncomfortable, the area around 7 to 8 kHz will sound uncomfortable.
>the goal of eq is to ultimately make music sound better
I think this is the root of our disagreement. For me, the goal of eq is to reverse the changes made to the frequency response by the room. The room being the ear canal in this case.
>imo if you use sweeps then you can fall into the trap of creating problems where there are none, like finding a small peak that would be imperceptible
I do agree with this. That's why I'd like to create a program that focuses on 2 or 3 spots, that are usually problematic for me (that is, around 8k, around 11k, and sometimes around 4 to 5k). I imagine that I can create a test that does not rely on subjectivity, i.e., not asking which sample sounds better, but instead only asking which tone is louder. I mean, this is tricky enough if the frequency is too far apart. I really want find some heuristic and put that into code.
The problem is that the ear gets used to sound. That is why music producers take small rests in between mixing sessions and listen to reference tracks. Again: I'm not saying I'm telling the truth, this is just my opinion, but you can try it for yourself. Listen to any pos. After 10 minutes, enable a highshelf at 8 kHz with 1 to 2 dB boost. My bet is that at least 8 out of 10 people would say it sounds better (otherwise we wouldn't have this phenomenon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiley_face_curve). But if you take a short rest, listening to reference songs that you know sound good, or even listen to nature, or playing an acoustic instrument; then come back to your eq'd sound and you might realize it does actually not sound good.
>but that's the same with pink noise, isn't it?
not really, or at least not in the same way since pink noise is after all just music.
>have you ever done a sine sweep with an etymotic? This is just smooth.
i have and it's not all that smooth, with as you said a rather prominent peak at higher frequencies. not ear piercing but it's probably due to very subdued treble levels past 3khz due to deeper insertion
>For me, the goal of eq is to reverse the changes made to the frequency response by the room. The room being the ear canal in this case.
the issue here is that you assume that a flat perceived treble response from sine sweeps equals a "stock" frequency response, which is what i am trying to get across with respect to sine sweeps not having any reference/anchor for which you can show that
also, the idea of reversing changes made by the room seems rather arbitrary, why remove the room out of the equation?
the main draw of the dx340 for me was the alleged battery bypass mode which was exclusive to fiio daps. what i did not expect was the atrocious dac implementation to the detriment of sound quality
smirked/10. still kys shittur
What's the use case.
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>sine sweeps not having any reference/anchor
Imagine I have a flat response from 6 [kHz] to 7, then from 7 to 8 it's louder with the peak at 7.5, then again flat from 8 to 9. Let's also assume 6 to 7 is as loud as 8 to 9. Then I do have a reference: 7.5 should be as loud as any frequency from 6 to 7 and 8 to 9. When I say flat response, of course I do not mean "real" flat. Ignoring small deviations; it can also be tilted, like getting darker or brighter; just not an obvious bump. I want to make this bump less obvious.
>the idea of reversing changes made by the room seems rather arbitrary
This is the only use-case of an equalizer. In wireless communications, an equalizer is used to revert the influence of the channel to the signal. In audio, an equalizer is used to revert the influence of the room to the sound. I have my speakers next to my desk. The desk produces a loud, but very narrow peak at 130 Hz. This distorts the signal, I need to get rid of this by applying the inverse filter on the source signal, so that the desk resonance and the filter cancel each other out.
battery longevity ergo the dap takes a while longer before ending up in a landfill
Why is crinacle a shot caller when he not only hates harman but his IEM's are fucking garbage. I bought the dusk 2 by mistake and being recommended it only to see and experience IEMs a fraction of the price sounding better and ass blasting every IEM made with his input in the same price bracket.
>i'm dumb and naive, i bought a pos, so screw that guy
ok? to me, these micro e-celebs are utterly irrelevant. i don't think about them or their status at all. they want to earn some bucks from their grift, the people who fall for it (You) aren't my concern either
Dusk were shilled everywhere anon including this board. So spare me
It wasn't until he started to post more videos the people in the scene realized he was a fucking idiot and people new to the scene at the time like myself got burned.
>Dusk were shilled everywhere anon including this board.
no, they weren't. newfag.
You obviously haven't been here 3 or so years ago so it's fine. You're now slobbing crinacle's dick of all people so now I know you're a fucking retard. Not only did he lose face over the years but so did moondrop which also shilled here heavily.
you said you bought dusk, an iem released this year. what the fuck does your retarded purchase have to do with 3 years ago?
so now you're talking about blessing2:dusk? an entirely different model of iem, in the context of an entirely different time period and marketplace of iems. i've been around longer than you.
>i fell for shilling
>i-it's all your fault for doing the shilling!
no dumbass, it's your fault for falling for it. i'm not defending anyone. just placing the blame in the appropriate place. on you, the person who consciously chose to make a purchase.
but what if that bump was congruent with your hrtf? that's the point, with music you have a reference (speakers) while with sine sweeps you're at the mercy of your hrtf changing the perceived loudness at specific frequencies with no indicators of hrtf-induced changes or canal resonance changes
>In audio, an equalizer is used to revert the influence of the room to the sound.
oh ok in that case sure, was thinking of pir instead but if we're talking about small distortions then yeah
>gets egg on his face
It's okay just say that you misread instead of jumping to conclusions and seething at me?
Reading comprehension is a hell of a drug.
you seem to just be a cry baby that doesn't take accountability and responsibility for your own actions. nobody forced you at gunpoint to be a dumbass
The Blessing 2/dusk were suggested in a previous OP btw
With that said you seem extremely salty over something that has nothing to do with you. Are you a victim of the crinacle and still buy his slop?
My excuse was that I was new and didn't know better but you're too deep in the game to be seething to this degree.
projecting so hard. imagine falling for pos a jewtuber shills. literally could never be me. it was definitely (You) though lol
crin is unironically one of the great innovators in this realm. 3/4 of you wouldn't be here without him. He's brought great change even with though there has been some fuck ups in this area where it was mostly expen$ive audiofoolery and stagnation. One does not have to like him to accept this.

dusk is fine you're just dumb and fell for herdlike behavior instead of understanding why one would buy it. All of these dimensions you allude to are overdetermined.

I don't like crin, i guess similar critiques about sharur apply here. He's very smart, is pretty radical and a freethinker. He does look pajeet but at least his face doesn't look like he's melting like you weirdos and the political dimension of sharur is interseting in that he's a very conservative libertarian american in stanford (peak liberal left) and that in itself is rather interesting because i'd wager in behavior he is less pajeet than many of you here critiquing him for the same thing.

Both are obnoxious but I guess I am more annoyed by the lemming behavior than what these influencers have to say.
You're a knob slobber you dead ass just went full slobber mutt
Can you not read, the initial post asked
>Why is he still a shot caller
You're still hooked on the fact that when I was new to the hobby that I bought a popular IEM that was shit and that it's my fault as someone new who listened to people's recommendations from both the general reviewer standpoint and the board. Yes the scene has changed and yes people like myself are more educated which begs the question.
Why is that fat fuck still a shot caller when he keeps releasing garbage IEM after garbage IEM and holds some of the worst takes known to man?
The IQ of someone who buys Dusk ladies and gentlemen, on full display.
>Blessings 2 Dusk was popular at the time
>Anon buys it
>everyone including /g/ shilled it
>everyone realizes it's shit years later and that crinacle is a fat retard
>hyper fixated on something that everyone did in the past
Is he your daddy or something?
why is mr beast popular? why is stable ronaldo popular? why is [x shit thing] popular? why does nggar have a bunch of follwers? you too dumb to understand the mechanisms by which these things grow?
what do you do when your iems' filters get clogged? i have 7hz salnotes zeroes and just poke them out with tweezers, clean them, then glue them back in place. however, i think i've done this one too many times now; the filters are more glue than filter and the sound quality has taken a hit/the balance is off.
any there any cheap iems in the price range of the salnotes zeroes with filters that are easier to clean? is there even a better system, will i just have to put up with doing?
i know this is /iemg/, but do any of you have any recommendations for a $20-50 bluetooth speaker? i just want something i can play while in the shower and doing the dishes or whatever
you've done better than most actually maintaining them. there isn't really a better system no. the one manufacturer recently implementing a decent replacement nozzle filter system is moondrop, but they did it with brass-coated nozzle that patinas and corrodes, and in general are pos.
just stick to other cheap pos, grab a filter pack or simgot tuning kit and replace when needed.
Yes you were new and there are good excuses to expect you to make mistakes and get burned. I do find that an indictment of crin or the product itself though

Let's talk about the iem itself first. Really I find it odd that one would call it "shit" since it's not a oddly tuned iem. It's rather meta. Does anyone here really think it sounds shit or do they think it's overpriced, people having problems with crinacle as a person and the way he marketed the product, or the iem falls out of personal preference?

Why questions are always overdetermined but if I had to say it would be that I disagree with the premise that he has some of the worst takes known to man. Mainly because he doesn't say very controversial things, people just don't like his demenor He's pretty knowleadgable and any mistakes he makes are rather technical with good reason albeit flawed. Crin is really trying to push the boundary and while that has failed I would not say the dusk is one of the areas he's failed much in. The worst part is the moondrop app and I suppose the overpriced nature but the app he doesn't have to do much and the overpriced nature is not all that egregious for what he is offering. Not everything has to be maximum value I suppose. Singolo and dioko were much worst but even then that's just failing from trying to innovate
jbl, soundcore, tronsmart
edifier too
I do **not** find that an indictment of crin or the product itself though
Used JBL + battery replacement using the ifixit guide.
Now we're at the edge of my knowledge.
>but what if that bump was congruent with your hrtf
Wouldn't that mean that I would also hear that bump when listening to a sine sweep on speakers, assuming they measure somewhat flat? When I do that with my Yamaha HS80, then there are much more minor deviations, which is understandable because of my room and all the stuff laying around doing all kind of things with the fr. But abstracting from those details, it sounds okay, no unexpected stuff going on. I don't know how you perceive the ear canal resonance peak around 7 to 8 kHz when using iems, but for me this is VERY obvious and annoying, and there is nothing that comes close to that when I do a sweep with my speakers. (In the treble at least, there is something similar going on at 130 because of my desk like I already said, and at 54 I have a strong room mode that I need to take care of; I even measured my room, and 54 Hz is the wavelength that fits exactly in my room.)
>was thinking of pir instead
qrd on pir, what do you mean? can't even find anything on this
It was overpriced with shit tier QC to boot. Also I think it was worse than the initial blessings once I got a chance to listen to it. Over the years after watching him on and off I realized this dude has bad taste in IEM which can be shown in all the products he releases. I just don't think he's a good guide post for people in this field because he has no idea what he's really doing and has taste that many people don't like. If he wasn't attached to so many high cost piles of garbage I can give him a pass but for someone like him to be in charge at the price brackets I see it sets everyone up for failure.
hpg is dead and full of fags. My friend hates the feeling of IEMs raping his ears and wants me to recommend him a cheap Over ear headpos. While i've been looking at the IEM meta for a while, i don't know any decent over ears. Based on the ASR review, 1More Sonoflow NC is a good deal. Anything similar in 100-200$ price range?
i got those sonoflows for like sub-$50 last year. as per usual, headpos. people dickride the soundcore q30, also an atrocious headpos. but well, those are their standards for "good" so idk what else to say...
also specify closed/open, wired/wireless
Sony WH-1000XM3 if you want to save some money for the older model, they're pretty solid. I've had my XM3's for like 3-4 years now, and all they'e needed is the occasional pad replacement. Great noise canceling, work with a wire if you want or wireless if you don't, sound quality is fine.
closed, wireless, wants to have adjustable ANC since i showed him an AES paper on ANC dizziness causation.
i echo other anon. basically snoys are goated normie-tier for those criteria, but yeah a brand new xm5 exceeds $200. i do see on amazon the bose quietcomfort are on sale down to $200. probably many many comparisons between the models as the two top dogs
I do not find the argument that essentially boils down to the iem is not to my preference and therefore it is bad very convincing. The reds which aligns closer to his preference were well received sound wise. All of his offerings are reasonably priced. Dusk and blessings used to be killer value. I have listened to the dusk 2 and blessings and the idea that the dusk 2 is that much worst i find very odd.

As for the QC issues, it sucks but this is literally with every chink iem brands without exception.

Again the idea that he has no idea what he is doing is rather odd because you again site no specific technical examples. I see his iems being designed rather intelligently for the price bracket. Dusk 2 does not lean as revolutionary or "competitive" as salnotes and truthear zeros but expecting better are standards are set a bit too high no?

Xm5's are old. Any xm6 leaks? When does sony usually release their pos?
brotha, he listened to some cheaper pos and got assblasted he paid for dusk (never even clearly specified which dusk). the guy probably can't hear shit, isn't a trained listener, doesn't have references, who knows probably just had shit seal with the dusk resulting in the subpar sound, etc. as is many such cases.
quick google says first half next year, dunno how reliable that is
It's my fault for entertaining the occasional discussion with people here because everytime it falls apart when it gets picked a part any bit further.

I don't even know what you're saying. This sounds like an ESL person throwing a concatenation of buzzwords together. This is way more pajeet than sharur has ever been
What's the name of the cheap TWS anon was recommending not so long ago?
mine are not getting clogged
You know exactly what I'm saying if you frequent the thread. This Dusk anon is yet another typical newfaggot only now having the basic epiphany of
>"Woah, this thing people shilled isn't to my preference!"
And he has a bunch of misconceptions he's fallen prey to, and continues to be a general fucking dumbass. He likely is still graph illiterate, will move on to some other pos when he musters the money to redeem it (probably still going to listen to reviews), etc. It's every day. Why you wanted to sincerely entertain him, yeah idk.
You okay anon?
>My friend hates the feeling of IEMs raping his ears
...he could I dunno try to find a comfortable ear tip or IEM formfactor...
You realize you need new people for this niche to grow right?
Most hobbies have more trust worthy reviewers and there's a better system of educating new posters within the general itself, what we have in this thread now would have been a dream if it was up years ago.
qcy melobuds, moondrop space travel, soundpeats
Fair, I was more replying to the crowd. My contrarian idea that I find also true is that sharur and crin gets a bit too much hate and that is a form of scapegoating going on when the problems are overwhelmingly not with these two. Crin has done way more good than bad and sharur has little incentives to cause malicious harm in this community, the biggest harm being the gaslighting audio foolery shilling of products that the rest of the audio space influencers occupies, the worst being the headfi and most other influencers and the mass delusion that has caused
>midwits hour
gbuds fe is the only good budget tws
Jesus fucking Christ this "hobby" is not that hard. Go to Canjam, audition shit, buy what you like and hit play and enjoy. The existence of a "community" shouldn't fucking affect (you) one bit and choosing to engage with e-celeb culture is to intentionally step in dogshit.
most of my hrtf talk is based on the association model proposed by theile which also has an explanation in the eq guide (df target section); though not thoroughly tested by any papers, it is imo sensible enough to adopt
the basic premise is that the brain continuously applies an inverse function of the hrtf, such that the spectral change caused by your ears is eliminated. this results in same perceived timbre while maintaining localization cues
this is bad for iems, and the reason is rather simple; iems bypass most of the hrtf, and not only that, the relevant sound field is diffuse field, which is essentially non-existent in real life. there are therefore 3 main factors that muddy the waters:
>iem fr will vary based on insertion depth, resulting in an ear canal resonance
>the brain will apply an inverse function of the hrtf at all times, effectively changing the perceived response
>speakers and iems cannot be directly compared due to differences in the association model and sound fields related to localization
i would recommend reading sections 2.1-2.5 of theile's paper "On the Standardization of the Frequency Response of High-Quality Studio Headphones" if you want more details, but the gist of the argument is that loudness at the eardrum (ie fr) is not ideal since there is also a spatial component to our hearing. using sine sweeps with no tone color and only using loudness as a basis introduces errors.
>I don't know how you perceive the ear canal resonance peak around 7 to 8 kHz when using iems, but for me this is VERY obvious and annoying, and there is nothing that comes close to that when I do a sweep with my speakers.
depends on the iem but yes i do often hear a canal resonance that i do remove
>qrd on pir, what do you mean?
preferred in-room response (eir is estimated in-room response). generally we want speakers to measure flat on-axis in an anechoic room, which translates into a downwards sloping response in a room.
You're talking to a midwit sperg anon
>sharur and crin gets a bit too much hate
>problems are overwhelmingly not with these two
Meh if we're being real I can agree with those statements. Still, community like ours overcompensates hate against them, Moondrop, and KZ for decent reasons. As for Shittur specifically, he knows exactly what he's doing whenever he trolls and maligns himself against other communities. He can lay in the bed he made. If he wanted to be a genuine informative content creator, he could have chose to do so. He went the edgy troll route clickbait route.
Earphones are a hobby?
Why would I go to canjam when I already have a bunch of good iems? Why do you think I engage these communities? I have pretty much never visted reddit/discord/headfi/youtube or any other audio community. I don't even have a account for any of these. I don't think watching some videos and playing with eq counts.

All of my knowledge stems from the few times I've clicked on these website and then just observe the behavior. It doesn't take that long to see what's happening: egregious mimetic desire.

I guess there is incentive for the growth oriented part of the community to grow though. Sharur and crin are doing interesting stuff. The community has definitely forced these chink companies to adapt for the good with truthear being a great example of how crin massively helped them grow and now they're one of the best companies

The community does affect me I suppose
This guy types like someone nobody likes online and IRL. Too far up his ass
>MOONDROPPED number one
no thanks, made obsolete by the truthear nova
editor here
fill this out insufferable fucks
also, responses out on christmas since i think most regular posters have answered it
I would like to think i'm not brainwashed by the amount of shit on the internet since I have most of it blocked out quite literally with some software. Maybe the internet has trained you in a way that makes you more mean and less tolerant and when someone throws you its undesirable. Hopefully I don't come across unplesant. I don't think I am since I don't train myself on that. I'll take the heterodox "weird" thinking as a compliment
>i do often hear a canal resonance that i do remove
What are your center frequency, gain, and q value for this?
I'm going to save you the trouble and let you know I'm not reading that post. Retarded faggots like you are a dime of dozen on this site and have a habit of writing novels to say jack shit. I really hope you're not the retard that types like this on /sdg/
NTA but I'm sorry your attention span has been decimated so much that four sentences is insurmountable.
You must not have encountered his type before, after reading his previous post he falls under the retard that thinks he's smart bucket and will write a novel to say fuck all. It's more common on this site than you think.
Are we done yet?
Yes? Then lets listen to some musuz!
depends on the iem, but it can be anywhere from 6.5k to 10.5k. q is between 3 and 7, and gain from -3 to -12db
don't tell anyone, but most of the time i don't really care
These are quite big ranges, for me it's usually between 7.5 and 8.5 kHz, -4 to -6 dB and Q around 4.
yeah, it changes a lot since i also have some iems that have resonances at or near my canal resonance so there's a need for smaller q's and larger gains
also the upper limit on range is for etymotics, most iems fall within your range
white peepo don't be seasonin dey music
Only real music
Is there anyone that has contact with Sharur? Would like to see the behind-the-scenes of PEQdB to see if there is some value in adding it to the EQ guide.
Please also share your opinions on this and its possible inclusions in the guide.
contaminated by fecal matter, a health and cyber hazard with jeetcode malware embedded
REAL music
pre-obsolete by music libraries with >40 tracks
>music libraries with >40 tracks
Don't be crazy nobody can afford to buy that much music.
It would be nice if we could eq based on genre
Speakers don't need per-genre EQ so why would IEMs need it. Make a better preset.
Reply to me like a man bitch nigga
You can optimize key aspects based on your preference with a tool like this
>You can optimize key aspects based on your preference with a tool like this
Whew you just gave me buzzword business speak whiplash with that one, what are you trying to sell here?
If you can't understand the above post in it's context you're too fucking retarded to be in this conversation.
Drink cum until your belly burst faggot
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Oppoty II
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
music, movies, and single player games. mainly using these on desktop with a DX3 Pro.
>Frequency response preference and music examples
I guess I prefer a bit of warmth, I listen to metal, hip hop, and 90s dnb
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Airpods Pro 2 - pretty good, I just use them on my phone for the convenience
Crinacle Zero 2 - the tips are a bit big and the sound is a bit too flat for me, but they're better then all the cheapo earbuds I've had before.
Hifiman Edition XS - the sound is fine, I liked the planar bass and but the headband sucks and treble is a bit too shrill for me. kinda done with over ears atp

right now I'm deciding between the Tea Pro or the ISN H60
any pos + eq (guide)
tea pro is the hottest fotm right now
any comfy pos + peqdb.com
Softears volume s is the hottest fotm right now
$2 blu vido
Eat cow dung.
hey frens
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What is /iemg/ buying this chismus sale?
Nothing. I've achieved endgame already.
>achieved endgame
>still here
aint even really a sale. if someone wants planar meme, shozy p20 still a good deal
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free chinkshit anon here

just got this (for free) today. It's the celest RUYI pro usb-c cable. what's the qrd on type-c cables? shit or secretly based to be dongle-less? lmk
would be based if they weren't so shit most of the time
it's HIGHLY variable depending on the specific manufacturer / model / implementation. some are noisy hissy crap, some are actually decent.
reminded me of cdsp moondropped ear fucked anon, good times
kinera typically make some pretty great products in my experience but i don't know shite about type-c cables. according to the description it has a built in dac that supports up to 32bit/384khz and also has a dsp app called Walk Play you can get some eq shit going on for globally on your phone. I think so long as it doesn't color the sound by default and isn't a hissy piece of shit as you mention, it should be pretty based.

I'll send my thots when it shows up friday.
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Only one way to find out, I guess. I'll wait for the next sale.
we'll still have driams about the proper successor
>what's the qrd on type-c cables? shit or secretly based to be dongle-less?
it takes up the USB-C port so you can't enjoy the music while charging your phone
all phones without the headphone jack are cucked and all of their buyers should be condemned and publicly shamed for voting for them with their wallets
just use the headphone jack and the renowned PEQ like JamesDSP, Wavelet or even Poweramp, use dongles only if you use power-hungry pos with low sensitivity and your phone doesn't have enough power
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Good snipe. ANC mode is trash though. I hope it doesn't do volume compensating, otherwise they're unusable with EQ
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Nevermind, they cost $90. QCY is bad, and soundpeats have too many models.
just change the eartips, you have to have good passive isolation to make the ANC do its job properly
unlike some twshit like Snoy XM, the Buds FE have short stubby nozzles and shallow tips which can make it hard but if you manage to get a good seal the ANC turns out to be actually good, cuts out the bass like a champion and reduces other frequencies well enough to let the music do its job and mask them effectively, checked on noisy metropolitan streets and it works
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I got the Aful MagicOne's, they're really nice and i'm very happy with them. They came with a nice 4.4mm cable but I don't have anything to plug it into, what are my cheapest options in terms of getting a DAC or adapter for it?
I like the nova but don't want to keep daily driving foam
Anything with more detail and imaging that doesn't require foam tips?
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>no nozzle lip
>chonkier than turdear
wow... what a pos
I'm sorry but I'm no longer buying moondrop because of it's poor QC and variance between units
Just buy Cadenza4 and all your worries will be gone.
Why do they make IEMs without nozzle lip?
I don't get it at all.
Just give it a small lip, it's annoying as fuck when the tips constantly stay stuck in your ear
I thought it was a me problem...
Tried jizzear 81t and my W1 got stuck in my canal. Shit was difficult to remove
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made for ogre ears
moondrop chu 2
The second your nozzles get even remotely oily from use it will happen constantly if you have a good seal on your tips. There's really no avoiding it.
You can gently wipe it down with isopropyl and it should be better again for a little while, but doing it weekly is a huge chore and I can't imagine it's that great for the material long term.
Haven't you seen enough of oxidized nozzle, bubbled paint and clogged filters?
Fosi DS2.

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