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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
346 KB
346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.

The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left.
Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors.

This includes questionable content from Omegle, Chatroulette, Gifyo, etc. This rule also applies to /b/. Don't take it there, don't even recommend that people post that shit there. We don't want it anywhere on this site.

Try not to complain edition vol.2
2D/3D stuff. No irl shit
Useful things:
>source on song?
Use the Shazam mobile app to find song.
Ublock origin filter to not see my comments(i share sources when I can. just a heads up)
ublock origin filter some anon made
(works with extensions that let you add custom rules to block elements)
boards.4chan.org##.postContainer:has(div > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/[pP].*[rR]eviewer/))

Last thread: >>27419071
226 replies and 134 images omitted. Click here to view.
that the one where the fat guy has to have sex with all the girls or they die? stranded on an island or something?
i'll repeat mysel like I did here >>27469607
when he posted it 2-3 weeks ago that certain hmv was behind a paywall and only just recently was it on iwara / the hmv thread on /h/ so no i'm not daft but everyone refuses to give out the source every time it has been posted. so I posted it.
Does anyone have a clip/know the source of the ijiare fukushuu saimin hmv that usually gets posted? been looking for it but the brain fog is thick asf
Jutaijima, yes, although the girl with the silver hair is from another very similar anime, Meikoku Gakuen, by the same studio with similar looking character, especially the blonde.

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Webms (and some gifs) that make you want to choke on another man's enormous, thick, veiny, throbbing, tasty, precum-dripping, sweaty, delicious cock (NO homo/no diddy)

Post webms
Tell stories
Share fantasies
51 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Last roll
Her name is anna ralphs, the scene is from hegre.

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more grooves please and thank you
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Hope you guys are having a good day and have filtered the Jewish psyops.
Black sun on the horizon.
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Notice the difference between these two...

Western Europe:
>boring beat
>boring and uninteresting "story" with no message other than self-gratifying hedonism
>literally the only reason to watch is because the bitch is hot

Republic of Moldova:
>catchy beat
>inspiring and humorous story of rising up and defying arrogant faggots
>totally rewatchable

In conclusion: Western Europeans are worthless at everything they do and their only value is their holes.
>a shit remix of dragosta din tei and anime gore that only a literal underage would find edgy
>90s nostalga
>butt progmetal.
Shit thread.

Ms Universes skirt accidentally falling off was hot as fk

Love that ass
46 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
I've seen crackheads with more appealing asses.

The 'miss X' competitions are a farce.
OP is replying to himself so that logic falls flat, every single response praising her is him so the thread gets bumped regardless
Holy fuck, I'm not even kidding when I say that I saw this exact same thread a fucking year ago by the exact same schizo faggot. It's going the exact same way too. Samefags the entire thread, replying to himself , saying her non-existent ass is "athletic" and if you think otherwise you're into obesity.

Genuinely fucking scary that there's people as fucking handicapped as OP that they literally create the exact same thread, day in and day out for years. Just fucking buy a rope and end it all already because you're clearly so fucking mentally far gone that there's nothing left to salvage.
Disgusting flab monster. I like that miss universe ass.

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76 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
You just see them as something to do
i can hear two old men
you bastard! flip me back over and do it right this time!
shaddup you old fart
you are only 5 months younger than me
dont you ever forget about it
How do we beat the disgusting race mixing/tranny/femboy menace lads? A few filters here on /gif/ and 47 threads are hidden.
Total internet death.
these people laugh at black babies death btw

Dumping what's in my Brown Girls folder to see what I have. Feel free to contribute so long as the girl is brown you may throw down.
283 replies and 120 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fae Love

Better link (Camwhores was 403 for me)

darkskin starlight

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At request:

It's adult women, in diapers!
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nice, oh klahoma is a good song.
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i got like a 40 min ABDL compilation vid from here once, anyone still have the link to it? ik thats pretty vauge
Women like this have no shame. She will fuck other men if they make her pussy tingle.

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3.95 MB WEBM
amateur preferred
85 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
ah the classic with no full source even though both people in the video are known
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I know this actress but what movie? Sauce pwease,
shit that ping scared the crap outta me
I love watching the pink fleshy thin sort of skin part at the top of the vagina wrap and stretch around my dick when I have sex in this position. Does anybody know what that part is called?

Post proof that we women dont need
pathetic men and men hate thread general

Post strong women and female empowerment

Women are strong.
7 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
This is clearly bait lol women dont use 4trans
Translated to:

Im a pathetic insecure man who cant fathom women being independant
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Total moid death!!

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872 KB GIF
Anything you have

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itt webms of girls with animals
28 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
You talking about the fake one where she's holding it up while a guy off screen squirts water from a very obvious tube?
Thanks ESL Bot!
Indian or South American?
You need a swirly, nigger.
Amazing camouflage, shit even catches me off guard

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120 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
kill yourself
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? The full video depicts exactly what he described. Go get lynched
You're an autistic fucking retard and have no clue how real people act. Kill yourself you incredibly worthless faggot.
says the guy who watch cheating porn and wish he was the guy who got cheated on!
Cheating is not for the faint of heart... was fucking this white dudes girl couple years back and I told her to facetime him and so she did. The dude legit killed himself the day after, jumped out of the apartment balcony (10th) floor. Anyways fucked her 1 more time after that, wasn't as fun anymore since she didn't have a bf because he was a fucking pancake now!

Currently I'm meet up with a married mom of 3 she's 32, I'm not making the same mistake this time, can't have a dude off himself because that means I have to ghost the girl and look for someone new.

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Outside of specific projects.

> Bingbing Fan

> Cassidy Freeman

> Christina Chong

> Elizabeth Henstridge

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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4 MB

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203 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
>A pack of 88IQ negromutts will surely appreciate ten thousand years of wisdom
You're not very wise if you think bloodlines are pointless. In fact I'm going to go ahead and say you're mentally retarded. Probably 92IQ, incapable of achieving any real wisdom no matter your age.

Also children are born with good genetics and predetermined intelligence. You can't pass down wisdom. Best you can do is knowledge but again, you run into the genetic factor there yet again.
Sauce for this?
Great clip.
iirc Asian women and Middle Eastern women respond the highest in attraction to white men along with white women. Black women however find black men to be the most attractive and white men to be the least attractive. Of course this is generalizing from group answers, and there are of course those from their respective groups who for example would be like a black woman who finds white men to be the most attractive and vice versa.

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