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That's a dying star just 50 million years left,
maybe that is why she is here to find a new homeworld.
Nothing this woman is doing is remotely strange, unnerving, unique or interesting in any conceivable way.
She's literally just looking and listening. You're autistic if this bothers you.
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The womanlet fears the high elf.

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I think it's about time... for a cleansing.
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Ok these Jews are alright
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My man, you read in my mind : WHO CAN IT BE NOW with jews

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Married women having sex with other men
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Married at 22 after at most knowing eacher for a couple of years and her admitting to an affair, either you're retarded or need to come up with better contexts for your larps
Yes. Multiple couples have been doxxed and they turned out to be real married couples with real jobs, just living the life for fun. Don't know why people constantly try to act like this isn't the case.
I think part of the reason why you're seeing less bbc stuff in the swinger scene than the hotwife scene is because there has to be considerations made for who the male partner wants to play with, as opposed to hotwifing which only concerns what the woman is into. If you're doing couple swap that is fair to the husband and wife, then I can see how that would cancel out black guys. A lot of black guys are single players, so they don't have a spouse to offer in turn for the guy. Also, if they have a black partner, either the white guy isn't going to want her so the deal is off, or the black woman is herself obstructing. From what i've heard from others, black woman aren't into the swingers scene and are extremely standoffish and shut down any play for trivial reasons.

If you're just looking for a bbc for the wife's pleasure alone though, the process is probably much simply and less obstructed by other issues.

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1.47 MB GIF
>no sissy

it's hard to find good ones that aren't sissy.
These are the ones i have.

GIFs and WEBMs are welcome
8 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.

might as well devolve into a sissy hypno one, there are some good ones that are salvagable that don't contain the word sissy and don't show a troon being fucked. those would fit the thread just fine.
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Does anyone have any of the "son finally brought a girl home" webms, where the 'girls' turn out to be trans?

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79 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
i should call her
one step at a time
When I first saw this I was amazed that a woman could create something artistic and interesting, but then I realized it wasn't so.
scariest thing ever, pissrael dominating the world
I'm pretty sure the audio in this is a heavily distorted slavified version of "My Enemy", Electro's theme from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. If you found it scary to begin with, that should help.

2D/3D stuff. No irl shit
Useful things:
>source on song?
Use the Shazam mobile app to find song.
Ublock origin filter to not see my comments(i share sources when I can. just a heads up)
ublock origin filter some anon made
(works with extensions that let you add custom rules to block elements)
boards.4chan.org##.postContainer:has(div > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/[pP].*[rR]eviewer/))
299 replies and 127 images omitted. Click here to view.
lol seethe harder just cause your shit dont work
thanks, this helped
>ctrl+v, ctrl+p exact link
>thanks, this helped!
lmao fucking retard
itt: guy too retarded to properly reply is also too retarded to understand sarcasm
>Retard is retarded
what is your major malfuntion

Anything with censorship. Pixels, blur, whatever. BNWO, femdom, feet, chastity, hypno etc.

This one is OC, original version is HQ and 3 minutes so I have no idea where to upload it yet.
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One of my favorite things is when only fans whores censor their own stuff as promotion.
It's rare it actually made me buy anything, the couple times it has it was always a disappointment anyway lol. Just something so much hotter about what I want being obscured
all these dudes are about this beta life but i think it just reminds me of being a teenager and trying to make out a pair of breasts while fapping to cinemax when you don't have the channel and it's just a swirl of colors and a scrambled image

the denial aspect i get but at the same time dudes need to realize that you can be a beta in one situation and an alpha in another. you don't have to actually castrate yourself
oh yeah, and like the girls gone wild ads back in the day. that shit was hot. then you finally pirate a girls gone wild and it turns out the ads were hot with the anticipation and once you actually see it it's not that great. and if you're sexually repressed like i was, growing up being taught don't look or you'll go blind, those are the feelings that get me with this stuff
who is that semen demon?

Fat (obese or fatter) guys fucking girls

Bonus for hot girls and amateur
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anyone have the set of a bunch of fat guys sharing a girl in a bedroom
It's being so addicted to the degradation of women that you turn gay for obese men.
God, I wish that was me.
>I came here knowing I would hate the content
Back in your closets, fags.
sauce anyone please?

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Imma dump for a bit. mostly trans and femboy shit. jerk em if you got em. straight porn welcome as long as is BWC/BBC
OP is not giving sauce, don't waste replies. lurk more
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Can this thread stay alive for 8 more hours until I get home from work
I went Straight porn > femdom > traps > shemales >gay porn >dressing up in women's clothes >dressing up in women's clothes and camming with guys >dressing up in women's clothes and sucking guys >dressing up in women's clothes and being fucked by guys
i also went from "I only like cocks, not men!" >being attracted to men's bodies >being attracted to men's faces and voices
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It'll be archived for a while.
Any idea who the girl at 0:15-0:18 is?
Carrie Emberlynn

Ewhores dancing, frolicking and playing in the nude. No fat girls, no men, no sex.
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The classic
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women are truly garbage
Send her to Ukraine

While I'm waiting for another thread...

This thread is dedicated to the art of lovemaking between women by having mutual contact of their vaginas. ITT there is an emphasis on it being rough.

Squirters are particularly welcome.

Also gives me an excuse to finally getting around to getting updated on JAV related vids
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File: Bree Boo x Abby Ellison.webm (3.51 MB, 1920x1080)
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If they get off to this easier then they get off to men.
Then they're just dykes. And no man can make a genetically fucked up lesbian woman nut from sex as hard as a woman can.
Because...she wired wrong upstairs and that makes her have a broken cunt.

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fat chick shaking her fat arse while sucking me off
there's been whole threads of discussing these QoS and how they just taking money from cucks and don't even like bbc lmao
this post made me laugh thanks anon

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Tomorrow is my 21st birthday, and I'll be quitting porn. Post good stuff, preferably big asses or tits.
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you can check out her leaks on kemono.su or coomer.su
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Lmao borat, you better go fuck her now
I'm 33, I've deleted my porn collection probably 5 times by now.

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People making big sticky messes in their car

Straight or trans, as long as there is cum being shot everywhere in a motor vehicle it's welcome
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how has no one posted dreamybull yet?

>No Whales
>No Niggers
>No dicks
>No Men
>No TS
Only Women with this god tier dumper 1/3
156 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
Her name is softandpale
What is that picture of in the background? Looks like My Neighbor Totoro but on steroids. What is this fat assed wench implying here?
for the love of god who is this??
Good for pp
lindsay capuano

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