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the comment that triggered this thread.
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Aus is such a strange place
such legendary shitposters
such incredibly gay homos in government and working as social engineers.
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its not just jews. the whole british empire is satanic. london is the heart of evil
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>its not just jews. the whole british empire is satanic. london is the heart of evil
All 5 eyes governments are deeply entrenched.
US empire seems like top dawg, but really it's all the same enemy. The foe with a thousand faces.
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It is now because of who is running London
the three cities you know the deal
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Most Aussies are conditioned from childhood with the mentality that all politicians are cunts, and that voting is totally irrelevant. Most Aussies are actually proud of the fact that they donkey vote. Which means that the politicians are free to do as the please without much notice from the general public, the rest is taken care of by media moguls who actively lie in order to trick people into voting AGAINST their interests.
It's rare that Aussies will actually unify when it comes to voting, like what happened recently with the Aboriginal Voice vote.
Funny how abos were here first for thousands of years but the unwashed masses (a double digit percentage being foreign born non whites or kids of foreign born non whites) get to have a say over whether 2% of the countrys poorest, most backward peasants be given a more efficient social safety net. Meanwhile, kikes and mudslimes have been here for less than 200 years but they get special envoys fast tracked to combat "antisemitism and islamophobia" without any vote coz we've imported dune coon retards that hate each other. Oh, but Australia is totally a multi cultural success story! Source: trust me bro!
Everything the abo is experiencing now, the white man will be getting within the next century. A small native minority having their fate decided by a hostile foreign majority. Enjoy gloating about defeating the voice. Meanwhile, chang and pajeet are already salivating at their kids or grand kids shooting down the voice to parliament (or caliph/upper caste)) for the white man.
yeah nah mate you're an idiot
What this guy said. There's definitely factions though. It makes no sense they were always bad from day one.
mate what the fuck does voting do? we voted kevin in and they replaced him with julia gillard without a vote
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>Most Aussies are conditioned from childhood with the mentality that all politicians are cunts,
based that's how I was raised too
a blessing
>donkey vote
I know you're forced to vote, but I dont know what donkey voting is.
>It's rare that Aussies will actually unify when it comes to voting, like what happened recently with the Aboriginal Voice vote.
yeah Aussies are incredibly based people being controlled by one of the worst, more pedophillic governments in the anglosphere.

that's word almost exclusively used by jews,

Show everyone how corrupt and pedophilic your government is. Oust them, get a new constitution, get your guns back.
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I gladly use that word as well and I hate jews just as any other good and decent person.

There is nothing as disgusting in this world than a mudslime, not even a jew. Jews might be sneaky fucks, but mudslimes are all the bad that jews are and more. And most importantly, mudslimes breed on cockroach levels.

Europe is being taken over by mudslimes, Africa is being raped by mudslimes, and Russians will be outbred and raped by mudslimes.
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it's slightly less predictive than 'shitskin'
there are non-jews that use 'mudslime' they tend to be from jew-dominated places where jews let in a bunch of muslims though.
Jews are much much worse than Muslims.
Muslims at least are upfront about who they are and straight forward with their goals.

There is nothing worse than subversion.

>Europe is being taken over by mudslimes, Africa is being raped by mudslimes, and Russians will be outbred and raped by mudslimes.
yeah I wonder who is sending them over.
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I thought that guy wasn't so bad

I guess you are right. I normally do prefer the word shitskin.
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to be honest if you're replying to this thread, the chance of you being a jewish australian glownigger are close to 100%
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