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Kek he so desperate for clout
Biggest fag ever . Has all the Money & Power and still craves only the Attention

>you’re not sufferable enough
This has to be a simulation
dreli david is a bot.

The interceptors explode on take off to make them extra fast.
Someone with a twitter account really needs to get them thinking that 4chan is celebrating the attack with party hats.

do iranian missiles not have warhead? how is there no damage?
Yeah, that's basically how guns work, innit.
There is damage, to military bases. Israel will never admit to any damage.
damage to military bases, located entirely in your kitchen?!
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You kikes are seeeeeeething. I've never seen it like this
Friendly reminder that (((Afrikkans))) is a jewish pidgin language like yiddish
Elon Musk is a cryptojew
cant someone just reverse the webm?
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Dumbass, it is so reversed.

That is just Lebanon giving birth to millions and giving to Israel for Sneeds.
Why has nobody reversed this video yet?
lmao same narrative as the one on /pol/, totally organic goy
>Someone with a twitter account really needs to get them thinking that 4chan is celebrating the attack with party hats.
Unfortunately I have my all acounts banned already
holy fuck you are right, just made a post saying nigger 4 times and it never came up
It's not his fault. He fucked a teenager while visiting Israel's and Mossad filmed it. He went into the room. Everyone knows you never go into the room.
Look at how reversed it is.
KEK that is what the hats are for

Captcha: MRPPN
he's autistic.
>Doom 32x OST
here ya go
reversed version
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>it's why they haven't gotten orange man
LMAO that is literally the exact same cope that was posted on the first Iranian nothing burger assault
Do Jews lie?
Only commies dislike elon, leftypol wignat.
...Why don't people understand banter?
Any American who holds Israeli lives in greater importance than American lives is no American at all - a traitor who should be executed immediately.
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do you think that was minted by the government of israel?
This is just like playing Missile Command on an Atari 2600 in 1980.
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>i mean 100 percent. they can make any other politician completely flip. this guy doesnt give a fuck. he believes what he does, even if it's kinida jewy. still actually unironically wants to save western culture. this enrages them.
and he mogs the shit out of booboo every chance he gets.
I have never in my entire live seen a better example of a reverse video.
You can see that israel scattered the air defense systems all around town.
And from every system they just launch one rocket.
That is to keep it all verry stealthy, ain’t that smart of them!!??
send this to the kike that is responded to Elon.
>Any American who holds Israeli lives in greater importance than American lives is no American at all - a traitor who should be executed immediately.
100% all dual citizens of Israel should be handed deportation orders the moment Trump is sworn in with renouncing Israeli citizenship as the only remedy.
I would like evidence that Trump is not a slavish Jewish puppet in his own right.

lol...took me a second. bro, look at the actual reversed gif lmao


wow.. thanks anon, that's tremendous.
What is this weird fetish of never letting media talk negative about Jewish State in any form or shape including admitting to enemy rockets hitting their ground? There are only two patterns I see when they get hit: First when they claim holocaust and second they outright deny it. Both seems to serve their best interests. Quite cartoonist evil.
You can even see at least 3 actual interceptions.
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they shot him
and this stuff see
nevermind. That's not banter is it?
Damn they really fucked up that field.
>You can even see at least 3 actual interceptions.
are the 'actual'?
is there a larger, secondary explosion?
I haven't seen one.
Iran has clearly developed missiles that fly backwards.
>Iran has clearly developed missiles that fly backwards.
yeah and Israel's missile defense explodes at the beginning and is shot up into nothing.
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He complained to Xer devs some commie faggot got more clout and they made changes in algorithm just for Elon so his account artificially pops up more.
I think those missiles are coming from the moon. They are falling from pretty high up in the sky.
Tell me you’re 15 years old without telling me you’re 15 years old.
You can see the shrapnel cones of a few of the incoming missiles starting at around 5 seconds in the webm
That shit is in reverse. You can even see the rockets hitting some projectiles in the air and exploding, but in reverse. Goatfuckers btfo once again.
Got to love this shill threads.

Here's todays talking points so you don't waste your time.

"Its reversed footage"
"There was no damage"
"Iran doesn't even have missiles"
"Its ww3 goys o vey must defend israehell"

Unless your a shill use your brain and stop
feeding these kike spammers.
What did either of them do?

No you guys posting out of India using vpns are bigger ones. Expect to get arrested for subversion once your government learns your spreading disinformation on behalf of the IDF. That's putting your belt and road deal in jepedy but I guess we can't expect much intelligence from jeets.
Totally physically correct trajectory with correction to compensate earth's curvature radius, you would have risked to miss those Iranian missiles, without it.

Israel air defense is the best in the world.
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screenshot and circle.
you need a secondary explosion to show a hit of a warhead.
Trump saved the world from a takeover of the dark forces above Israel.
JFK was trying to denuclearize them.
At this end of this thing, you're going to think yourself incredibly foolish for not supporting him sooner.
>No you guys posting out of India using vpns are bigger ones
the entire uptick in anti-jeet posting is kikes trying to deflect ractial animosity.
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You wish. Trump is a Zionist.
Yes! I'm the goyest of goys... But why would be ww3 if it was a nothin' burger or why insist that something as ludicrous as reverse footage.
I'm not dissecting your pol meme. What specifically did trump do to achieve this? And oh no nukes. What did Kennedy do about the financial control which is more important than scary nukes
Your asshole must be sore and your foreskin dry
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>You wish. Trump is a Zionist.
Then why is Bibi trying to kill him?
Elon literally supports the idf
What kind of mental retardation compelled you to make this post?
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>I'm not dissecting your pol meme.
where do you think you are retard? hahahahha
high IQ my ass
>can't use his own words
>posts more memes I'm not gonna read
Ok thanks buddy boy. Not gonna vote trump/jfk Jr. This cycle turns out
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>Ok thanks buddy boy. Not gonna vote trump/jfk Jr. This cycle turns out
Imagine being so brain melted you can't use a single one of your own words to defend your stance. Do you bring your meme folder to parties?
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>Imagine being so brain melted you can't use a single one of your own words to defend your stance. Do you bring your meme folder to parties?
yes, I show people memes on my phone all the time. like this one.
>Trump saved the world from a takeover of the dark forces above Israel.
>JFK was trying to denuclearize them.
>At this end of this thing, you're going to think yourself incredibly foolish for not supporting him sooner.
these are all words.
Its reversed. You can tell by the sound. Forward it was explosions, but played backwards in the x video they became a voice saying "Hail Satan Israel is yours forever and ever we worship thee".
looks more like he deleted it because it is a display that he was easily tricked by something simple like this which goes against his delusion being a genius.
Kike Missiles totally slow down as they get further away from their launcher.
Acceleration is for goyim only.
Being a trump/Israel shill seems like an easy job. Probably the only work you're cut out for
Because, believe it or not, Iran doesn't want collateral damage (yet). They're striking military targets because they still believe in God's wrath and innocent civilians.
Only the kikes think killing their enemies children is just good tactics. Because if you don't, they might grow up and want to kill you.
Imagine what that means for whitey everywhere.
what the fuck did you expect from a zionist faggot that literally describes himself as a "philosemite" (aka jewlover or jew-friend) ?
>still actually unironically wants to save western culture. this enrages them.
hes either incompetent as fuck or you are retarded cattle easy to manipulate
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You can clearly see the blast cloud growing here from beginning to end. Definitely not reversed.
Daily reminder Iranians actually get us closer to TKD while judeomuttoid that come here to complain pay taxes to Israel
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>Being a trump shill
only one side shills
and it's not Trump's side
>Israel shill
you got me confused yid
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>Daily reminder Iranians actually get us closer to TKD while judeomuttoid that come here to complain pay taxes to Israel
trust the plan pole bro.
I was surprised to see Elon tweet that
it came off as celebratory, as proven by Eli's response
cheers for the end
>retards don't know how ballistic work
The boosters don't last the entire flight of the rocket. They ignite at the start to accelerate and then they CRUISE to their destination
Explain this to a man from 10,000 BC.
someone on reddit posted that watch and i asked to buy it and it turns out the guy is from tel aviv lol
he said he would send it to me and he never did
now mossad has my address and i have no swatch :(
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always bro. it's just common decency
hearts and minds after all.
Whoa. Israel is really pounding those muslim dogs!!! Our greatest ally. Say it with me. MORE MONEY FOR ISRAEL!!!
>someone on reddit posted that watch and i asked to buy it and it turns out the guy is from tel aviv lol
>he said he would send it to me and he never did
>now mossad has my address and i have no swatch :(
they're kinda rare but not that valuable, they pop up on ebay for <$100 a lot, I keep forgetting to buy one. I NEED ONE.
It goes faster with the rocket in the front
Lmao a missile materialized out of thin air at 0:08
or, the video is just a video. who would reverse a video on the internet? that's a supremely jewish thing to do, but it doesn't help israel in this case.

who in the world would try to outjew the jew?
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>who in the world would try to outjew the jew?
that's how you beat the jew.
who is trying to beat jews?
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>who is trying to beat jews?
wrong question
who ALREADY beat the jews is the correct question.
And the answer is ultimately God.
>The interceptors explode on take off
No it's fuel burning to propell the interceptor, it's like the space rockets
if you play it in reverse, at some point, a missile gets intercepted, and it spawns another missile.
It goes from 2 missiles to 3 missiles. That's not possible.
If you play it normally, it seems like a missile was intercepted at that point.
It's not in reverse
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Didn't read your meme. Is this how you defend your stance irl? Does showing pics made by incel retards convince anyone outside this hug box? Be honest (impossible)
>Doesn't like memes
I'd say go to reddit, but they tend to like memes too.
How about the Daily Mail websites comment section? You'd be more at home there, mr meme-hater-who-spends-time-on-4chan-for-some-reason-and-is-totally-not-a-kike
I want you to explain in your own words how trump is crippling Israel and why I shouldn't believe him when he shills them. Can you do it?
those jews and their satanic tech... frightening
they have to, they have the smallest penises in the world
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>Didn't read your meme.
based wont' read your comment
False. That video is in pause.
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>>Doesn't like memes
its so funny all the CTIL shills are like this too.
they hate memes because their inauthenticity ensures kek denies them dankness
imagine going into teh inforwar unarmed...
couldn't be me.
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>I want you to explain in your own words how trump is crippling Israel and why I shouldn't believe him when he shills them. Can you do it?
lol learn to read post IDs you want me to explain that.
>can't defend a stance without using the same old pol memes or tell me why I shouldn't believe trump when he shills for Israel
Pretty sad actually. Must be rough framing your entire worldview based on what trump and pol say. Both habitual liars
Nah. I dont give a shit about your gay little web culture. I'll take an explanation from any trump shill as to why I shouldn't believe him when he supports Israel or how he's hindering them in any way, but I know i won't get it
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lurk moar nufag
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>as to why I shouldn't believe him when he supports Israel
he supports Israel.
He's trying to stop Bibi from allowing it to be destroyed.
>or how he's hindering them in any way,
trust the plan anon.
>but I know i won't get it
yeah you wouldn't get it.
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so fake that children in the east can run backwards
I'm not sure what your argument is. As I said I don't care about your gay club. I want you to answer my question. How is trump hurting israel?
>you wouldn't get it
I'm not reading your meme so why don't you explain it?
He’s just another twitter nigger who wants clout to stay relevant.
Militaries have problem shooting down something slow like that?
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>I'm not sure what your argument is.
>As I said I don't care about your gay club.
>I want you to answer my question.
>How is trump hurting israel?
Bibi views Trump trying to make peace as an unreasonable constraint.
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>I'm not reading your meme so why don't you explain it?
why are you so scared of memes?
if there was just one, no.
yeah no way is that reversed. the ramp up of brightness during the flashes makes no sense. explosive flashes don't slowly get brighter then suddenly dim
>blaming Iran for assassination attempts
elon is a commie, he's pro russia
just look at >>483457656 people dont run backwards like that and people dont drive backwards like this.
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>>blaming Iran for assassination attempts
Name 1 (one) downside to society if we killed anyone who is autistic
Why are you scared of forming your own opinions? What's your favorite color. Can you tell me that without a meme?
saved. that's pretty solid proof
>Why are you scared of forming your own opinions?
you're criticizing me for not articulating my positions, despite the fact that I have multiple times in various formats. lol
>What's your favorite color.
I'm not 6 so I don't have one.
>Can you tell me that without a meme?
I literally haven't had a favorite color for decades.
This is the richest man in the world, who owns the biggest platform online and one who takes the words of Catturd SERIOUSLY in regards to policy on running the website. What did you guys really expect?
That is a video of Trump’s friend Netenyahu criticising Iran you fucking magakike shill
You're a kike aus glownigger.
say one more thing in this thread I'll start a candygirl thread.
Why the fuck would I care about what bibi says. So both you and trump just lap up every bit of feces that comes out if Israel? Poltards really are subhuman levels of gullible. Like what the fuck are you even trying to say lmao
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>That is a video of Trump’s friend Netenyahu criticising Iran you fucking magakike shill
ok what's this?
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>Why the fuck would I care about what bibi says.
lol btfo'd by digits.
I know what your position is. Your head is so far up trump and Israel's ass that I can't tell where one ends and the other begins. I'm trying to get you to explain how this makes you anything other than another Jewish shill
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JFK or something idk, what is this? 7D chess?
Didn't read your meme and I don't practice Jewish numerology. What are you trying to say?
Quit posting this, it's already been debunked. See picrel.
it's a death threat from Bibi.
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>Your head is so far up trump and Israel's ass that I can't tell where one ends and the other begins.
I wouldn't say I'm pro-semite exactly.
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lmao my bad ill remove it right now
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lmao all that shit talk and seething and this is the best they can do
Perhaps not but you're 100% pro the state of Israel
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that, rape, and killing babies
If it ends up obliterated, I'll be a little sad.
It's true.
And every jew I've ever met IRL I've liked.
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Rip lil nigga
Snuffed too soon
almost certainly a decoy.
Thank you goyim this is the real video. Antisemites lose another one.
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Fucking KEK
>missiles decelerating after the explosive launch to save fuel, and the environment

Thanks IDF, you are doing your part to save us all from climate change.
We reprogrammed Trump.
He is ours, now more than ever.
He will usher in our anticrist.
Poltards and jews have a lot more in common than not, so I suggest trying to get along and stop the antisemitism
He's not even remotely autistic.
lmao pissrael being raped tonight. x full of videos of hypersonic missiles hitting their targets. not sure if true or not, but according to x mossad headquarters also totally destroyed



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>Poltards and jews have a lot more in common than not,
lol I had to build a faraday cage around my PC when you tards turned it into a havana syndrome weapon and tried to nuke my brains.
Sorry Chaim you made an enemy for life.
But I'm not really anti-Semitic, I'm against the Satanic cabal that Bibi serves.
they aren't even the hypersonic ones.
they're the ballistic ones that change course during final stage.
Jews will kill another Jew if he get in their way.
But we did one better, we reprogrammed Trump. He is our command-triggered Golem now
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I wouldn't waste money nuking your brains. Propaganda already did that. It's why every poltard deep down supports Israel and rich jews
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>But we did one better, we reprogrammed Trump. He is our command-triggered Golem now
'trigger' being the key word.
Trump is old money, not many left like him
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>I wouldn't waste money nuking your brains.
it doesn't cost anything
that is
since you already know who I am, I'm going to sue the state of Israel after I amass enough evidence (I'm an attorney, but you know that) which will generate significant press.
>Trump is old money, not many left like him
old money is dynasty money, like European nobility, there basically is no American 'old money'
Nah I'm just some dude curious as to how trumpers can cope so hard as to believe they don't support Israel. And of course you're an attorney lmao
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I never suggested Trump is crippling Israel. Anywhere. Why the fuck are you asking me that?
meaning that hypersonic missiles are coming, kek. just saw their kike-leader running for cover
such barbarism
why don't the use forced steriliation instead
What a dumbfuck rich kid.
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here's the video in reverse. you guys decide which one is more credible.
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>meaning that hypersonic missiles are coming
probably to knock out the US warship that supplies the radar for iron dome
them hezbollah can rain down their infinite dummy missiles and totally obliterate israel
Iran could do that at any moment, but they're showing restraint
unlike Israel.
>why don't the use forced steriliation instead
they do they just use bullets
it's called, 'mowing the lawn'
Then I'm not sure why you were talking to me to begin with. My entire stance is that Trump is pro Israel and I want someone to explain how I'm wrong without using memes
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wow new ID
I don't know who is jewing who anymore
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fucking stupid scrolling screenshot programs always suck
Not the same poster mate. I just saw people saying that his vid was reversed so I reversed it with ffmpeg and posted it for /pol/ to compare
the ones coping about jews being BTFO'd are the jews.
That's a candy girl thread.
it's pretty funny I made you use a US vpn
OK, yeah, you're saying that's the video played in reverse, but I think I can see a pile of shoes there in the foreground.
So I'm gonna go with this second video being more credible than the one posted further up in the thread.
Because I'm pretty sure I saw a whole lot of shoes in the vid, in a big pile.
Why do u guys still shit on streamers when they are anti Israel?
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Are you using an addon or something? I swear my 4chinz looks different.
Obligatory Nigger Niggering Niggardly Niggers
fucking lmao
now it looks like star wars
What if this specific video was indeed in reserved? how come nobody can post it?
Doesnt matter if you have all the money. Theres another layer of energy operating everything. Money is just a metaphysical cherry on top
4chan X
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a few years
Surprised people still use it tbqhfmalam
never swapped off of it
best way to filter shitposters
>using lists at all
lmao soft faggot
it's very common lol
why would anyone stop using it?
The default settings do everything, what do you even use 4chanX for?
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advanced filtering, anonymized file names, auto refresh, etc.
I know you're a kike btw.
thats because no one cares. no one ever cares.
you will all die because of it. what a tragedy.
I'm pajeet though
and yeah "advanced filtering" and anonymized file names aren't needed. If you anonymize file names it's difficult to reverse-search on the archive.
4chan has auto refresh built in
fuck kikes, niggers, jannies, etc
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Don't they want to be bombed? That way they can have war.
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>I'm pajeet though
>Don't they want to be bombed? That way they can have war.
they want to be attacked in a way that will justify American entry into the war, and Iran is denying them that while demonstrating their ability to wipe them out.
holy shit I hope they overthrow bibi soon.
Okay don't believe me I guess
It's great to not be called a street shitter for once, makes me feel like it's 2015 again
It's jew magic, they wouldn't understand
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>They want to be attacked in a good way.
>Iran is doing that for them.
How long until "they" blow up the dome of the rock? I'd say right after Trump is "elected".
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>How long until "they" blow up the dome of the rock? I'd say right after Trump is "elected".
That'll probably be their last ditch effort, right as Trump get's elected sounds right, followed by their obliteration and second diaspora. I guess third right. First was Babylon, then egypt, then the romans, so fourth I guess.
>It's great to not be called a street shitter for once, makes me feel like it's 2015 again
blame the jews.
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HELP ME on twatter
Now I can post on Facebook pro IDF and see how many Jews and Jewish Christians like it
All the street shitter hate is totally factual though
I've seen too many people shitting than I want to remember
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>someone tells him he's wrong
>he deletes the incorrect post
Seems to me like he's fighting (((misinformation))), chud.
>the kid
mine's better watch the whole thing and don't forget to SMASH that subscribe button
>that meme
Today let Israel cope, tomorrow you can cope.
>he doesn't run backwards.
Explain how I am wrong.
It isn't reversed because the video becomes less coherent than 6 gorillon lolocaust math when you do so.
he is a figurehead for his backers. elon has never started a business, only bought them out with the shady money of his backers. i still like kind of like him though. he is a good goy.
>mine's better watch the whole thing and don't forget to SMASH that subscribe button
jews have been running and driving backwards for ages in order to pull off this incredible psyop. they really are 115 IQ.
Insane how hard kikes got cooked today

yeah pretty much, they want to retain the psyop that they cant be harmed. its self delusion
if that's true then... it's literally his fault
The jew cries out in triumph as he's bombarded with missiles.
The crapto curse is real. He is going to end like John. Ridiculed into irrelevancy with a short line mocking him when the socialist liquidate him.
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ask yourselves
which version will get more white men killed in the end?
this is how you determine the which is which when dealing with jews.

Mastering the concept of Causality is how you defeat the jew.
Did you just get b&? can't find your account bro

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