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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://anchira.to/?s=tag:%5Enetorase%24
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: commission-kun
Previous Thread: >>7993479
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This one is really good.
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You may not like it, but this is now a Hinako waiting room thread
when are we scheduled for more Hinako?
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Any news on those twine novels?
twine novels rarely get completed best to assume it's dead.
surprised karen's secret it's not in the recommended list, it's not exclusively netorase but it does have that, decent writing, a nice choice system and was actually finished even if it will probably be on the short side for most people.
It always comes out at the end of the month Japan so if not today then tomorrow
the preview image will be posted later today
Anyone have predictions for part 2 of sex edition? Part 1 allegedly did not have any outside of MC imagination and the ending doesn't set up a continuation properly except the usual "did she really or did she not" type cliffhanger so it implies part 2 will be a completely different scenario and premise.
here's one interesting theory i read from a comment in the artist's fanbox

> Hinako was teased during the day and wasn't allowed to cum
> at night, when they were about to have sex, Genki told Hinako to dump Yuichi and become his girlfriend if she wants to cum
> Hinako, being so horny, just agreed without a second thought
> they fuck
> Genki told Hinako to not bother calling Yuichi anymore to assert dominance
> in the morning, Hinako realized what she had done and regretted what happened
> she's upset and told Genki to stop doing naughty stuff with her
> Genki agreed but on the condition to let him fuck her until the weather gets better
> Hinako reluctantly agreed, not expecting the typhoon to last another 4 days
> so they kept fucking the whole time
> on the final day, Genki said he would stop bothering her as promised and told her it would probably be best to lie and not tell Yuichi what happened
> inside Genki's mind: "only i can make her cum, she'll come back to me eventually" <-- common NTR trope kek
> Hinako went home feeling guilty and confused (this is the ending we saw in the previous chapter)

> next chapter returns to school setting
> Hinako and Genki stopped seeing each other
> when Yuichi asks Genki what happened at their house, Genki lies and told Yuichi they didnt do it and would stop bothering Hinako anymore
> Yuichi feels relieved but senses something's off
> a few weeks later, Yuichi notices Hinako isn't her usual self (she seems to be longing for something)
> they're spending less time together and 60% of the chapter is just Yuichi mouthbreathing
> at the end of the chapter, Yuichi gets a notification from the message board
> when he checks it, there's a photo posted by Genki
> it shows a naked Hinako lying in bed, with cum dripping from her pussy
> Yuichi: hngh!!! urgh! spurt~ spurt~
> chapter ends in a cliffhanger... as always.
my predictions for the next few chapters:
Why is Hinako posted here when she constantly breaks consent?
Hinakofags are the laughing stock of this thread.
pls no
I love Hinako
also same anon
I feel bad because he did NETORARE of my waifu Kinako from Inazuma too
This makes sense honestly. Genki was playing the long game and only teased her saying he'd only fuck her if she'd be his girlfriend instead of as part of the play with Yuichi, then the storm happened and for a whole week she got tease tortured which is why she reeks of his scent but also remaining unsexed. All leading up to her shedding the pretense of NTS play and abandoning Yuichi OR grooming him to be a pussyfree masocuck.
I just hope it ends in hardcore NTR so the Hinakofags can permanently fuck off from here. His art is fucking dogshit.
Sorry faglord but as long as the MC never walks away and all cuck sex is reported then it's NTS and no amount of seething can change it
MC not walking away or receiving reporting are no prerequisites of it being NTS lmao, that also happens in many NTRs. The only requirement is consent which she keeps breaking meaning it's NTR trash already. Your seething wont make it any less NTR.
Fakku just sent anchira a cease and desist btw, save everything while you still can.

OP, we know you have a BBC fetish but MUST you push it, ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!
You have ruined netrorase threads with your obsession.
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I hate Hinakofags because they fill the thread up with text and barely post a single fucking image. Atleast have the courtesy to post something even unrelated to your walls of text.
>that text box
Terrible typesetting.
>previous thread had only 3 bbc nts images
>all the time
Stop being a schizo
Your defeat is accepted.
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Hinako is and will always be NTS relevant btw
Hinako preview just dropped, chapter will release tomorrow at 11PM Japanese time. She's burning some leaves or something. Also what the fuck is going on with that neck lol
>he said as he posts NTR
At least you can be sure no human was involved in that typesetting and translation.
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Lali cooking a delicious BBC NTS story
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This artist is a prime example of someone who can reliably draw only a limited amount of poses and whenever he has to go outside of his comfort zone his lack of anatomy skill gives you these weird abominations. Pic related is another example.
Okay so my main issue with Hinako is that she's kinda asexual?

Like, she enjoys tormenting MC and the fact that other dudes slobber over her lewd body, but she never seems to be horny
That's some deviant art tier stuff
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what do you mean? She says in the blowjob chapter that the continuous escalation of the sex acts she's been doing with genki basically made her unable to hold back anymore. Remember everything before the sex arc was genki requesting for the boobjob, cunnilingus, blowjob etc. but in the end it was hinako herself who decided she'll start having sex with him.
Yesh but like I dont trust that at all though
It feels like Hinako THINKS she gets off to other dudes but in reality its the idea of making Yuuichi a mouthbreathing cuck that really turns her on
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counterpoint is she met up with genki in secret during the chapter before the blowjob ch and if it weren't for the unexpected home visit it seemed like she was perfectly content with letting that hotel meetup remain secret to yuichi so it was purely to get her rocks off and not even to get the MC's reaction
Her claims don't match up with what we see, though. Can you post any image where she actually is looking and acting turned on?

I think it gives her a sadistic thrill but she never fingers herself to the cucking Yuuichi or anything. I don't see much evidence that it turns her on.

Btw if anybody can translate picrel, so we can determine if it's NTS, that would be nice
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Tsubame anon here
bad news: I still don't really know where to take the story
good news: I'm close to 1-to-1 on the art, pic related (ignore the face i have to composite it on full body generation)
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to add: she was also confirmed to fap to genki
>Can you post any image where she actually is looking and acting turned on?
Again, the claims the characters make don't match up with anything we've actually seen

Maybe drawing an aroused female face is just beyond the artist's talents
Why doesn't he just ditch Hinako and goes for the sister or even better, the mom

They both seem to like him very much
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I saw, fucking Jews. I'm backing up all the good artists I can think of because I'm too lazy to use fakku torrents.
Keep it up.
Only 60% of the chapter being Yuichi mouthbreathing? We got an optimist here!
looking really good
if only it was uncensored
Just stick to the basics of her teasing and reporting with aftercare everyone wants to be creative yet neglect the basics 9 times out of 10.
This is what the scene needs more of just the basics of tease and report with affection and aftercare. So much garbage ntr bait for 0 reason.

The imouto likes to tease the cuck as well alongside hinako and they conspire with each other
Awesome stuff. Did you commission this?
@ annon who posted about new AS cuckold report game in the works, just looked it up and one of the previews strangely familiar. Looks like かれー is tracing some of his older works for the art -.- https://www.getchu.com/brandnew/1288370/c1288370sample4.jpg and https://www.getchu.com/brandnew/1249438/c1249438sample4.jpg are almost the same
I think u fell for the author trap anon, hinakos sister is a tease 100%, nothing that comes out of her mouth is serious
Nah, this series actually doesn't need to take it seriously.
you leave t-rex Hinako alone anon she is an endangered species
Well time for another bout of otterposting.

What garbage did Hinako cook up this month?
Just saw the new Hinako chapter and all I gotta say is this series fucking sucks and I'm dropping it forever
How bad is it?
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yep, they fucked
Sex confirmed making the fakeout of chapter 1 completely pointless
Glad to see that I can safely drop this piece of shit now
How much did Hinako enjoy it?
completely leaned into sadistic turboslut and the manga is now 100% going to be masocuck NTS
Where are the leaks, I need to see for myself
Meh. So we finally entered generic cuck territory.
Dude very pointedly warned you in advance, I dunno what to tell you anon
>from here on out she will be having sex
>NOOO why did she have sex
I don't understand Hinako otters
>Told a head a month in advance that the next art will have sex
>The story is literally called the "sex arc"
who cares if they had sex the real question is it is still NTS?
hinako gets edged for a whole night until she finally agrees to be genki's sex friend on the 6th day, they continue to have sex for the next 3 months behind cuck's back (chapter starts with a timeskip)
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its over.
hinakobros we got too cocky...

but seriously what the fuck?

>yeah we agreed id go over to fuck but im going to lie that we didnt and continue to fuck 3 months after the fact because ???

does she not know the bf is a cuck? does she think guy who setup and okayed these scenarios not be happy to hear these events from herself?

just get it over with. fuck the drama. start doing single chapter scenarios different men with reporting. magic has been gone.
Besides mouthbreathing and cumming in his pants what did Yuichi do?
Can we fucking kick this trash out to the NTR general already? There is literally no world that this is still considered NTS.

Holy shit what a waste of time.
Milked the series so much and for so long it completely lost its appeal. Good riddance.
You know you fags will be posting about hinako next month same time

Hinakofags need to always put these in their posts from now on since they clearly have just as much angst as the cuck does while you keep coming back for more.
On the bright side, we don't have to read shitty time wasting badend anymore. Hopefully she will have sex with someone other than the dude next chapters
author gonna swing that shit around by saying this is still all "part of the act", hinako didnt even put up a fight in the 6 days lol, one way ticket to pound town

he's still in the middle of watching all the videos from genki
Not if we throw this out already.
She literally cheated under his nose for three months straight and even lied to him that they didn't have sex. I don't even know anymore if this dumb broad likes this dude at all if ever.

We have very much entered the NTS -> NTR threshold. Throw it in the trash.
personally dont care about it being nts or ntr, just in it for the sex
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I can't believe the author is literally going to recycle the same story with the 7-days cuckolded only on a 3-month timescale with the next chapters being Yuuichi mouthbreathing and fapping to Hinako getting fucked by Genki kun and a confrontation epilogue!
not so fast buster, if Yuichi forgives her and continues the arrangement consensually it circles back to being NTS
is it wrong that i sort of feel bad for this cuck now? ive followed this series for so long that it's beginning to trigger some bro instinct in me

i just want to get his poor fuck a drink and tell him to just forget about this deranged slut already
he's been created to be nothing but a little bitch, even Haru knew when enough was enough
Translated already?
Oh come on it's only been what, two hours, and it's already getting translated?
to be honest I didn't expect it to get so dramatic at least from the pacing and the art. Assuming translation is still in progress I haven't read it yet. But then again every time she's in a scenario she just seems to be a giga whore with no self control, and the protag seems like a doormat with the highest (lowest) power level of all doormats. A cheating time skip kind of ruins this for NTS, decent NTR. I guess the story is playing more to the theme of they aren't good for each other at all but they're both fucking delusional as seems to be consistent with all NTS/NTR plotlines. still disappointed this guy barely draws anything and still doesn't get better. his bitches only look good in clothes.
with the way he established this sort of magical act shit and how much of a generic lploser the protag is, hes probably going to do exactly that and have him forgive her or it will be a magical fakeout and she merely pretended to simulate this whole thing.

Upon reflecting it will most likely just be forgiveness, she realizes he's beyond saving so she does it in the room with him watching. based off all the short pieces and what if scenarios this dude was bound to just end up in a cage breathing heavy the entire time.
Otterbros it's up on Hitomi in moonrunes
I think im all hinako'd out

Despite being the long ass nonstop sex chapter, this barely got a rise out of me
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For me I think it's because it revealed that Hinako was not in control the whole time and she was basically as fragile and easily defeated by the cock like a typical NTR heroine. Most good NTS stories here always reveal that the girl is totally consistent with separating her emotions from the physical act of sex.
I feel it busted the nut too much already. I can't fathom what they may do to follow up the story from here on out.

Honestly I just hope the author moves on to something other than Hinako. I liked the softcore NTS teasing way more than hard sex.
yep was rock hard reading the onsen chapter. Now, I feel nothing. It's just ntr with bad art
Shit 100% agree

When hinako first started I definitely felt the same kind of heart pumping anticipation the cuck felt whenever hinako fucked around with the teasing
The onsen chapter was by far the PEAK of the exhibitionism

Now its just dime-a-dozen sex again
He already showed us hinako getting fucked in the bad ends so this is just all whatever
Yeah idk what the point of the bad ends was when we're literally just getting the same thing for the normal end lmao. watch this hack of an author decides that this sex edition was actually just a bad end all along.
>but im going to lie that we didnt and continue to fuck 3 months after the fact because
Because she has both a cheating fetish and a secrecy fetish.

Remember when she agreed to go on that playdate on the condition that Yuuichi would never get to find out what happened?

And let me guess, Yuuichi's mind was completely blown by the revelation that she's a cheating whore.

>There is literally no world that this is still considered NTS.
If Yuuichi gets off on it and consents to being cheated on and lied to, it's NTS.

>good NTS stories here always reveal that the girl is totally consistent with separating her emotions from the physical act of sex.
If there's no emotional connection then women can't enjoy the sex as much so what's even the fucking point

Anyway the real reason this series sucks is it has the worst artwork I've ever seen. What the fuck is this elbow? Worse than AI
>we're literally just getting the same thing for the normal end lmao
I think it's basically just the author picking a canon bull that she gets defeated by and everyone else in the badends was really just fictional extensions of the earlier chapters so he can draw how onsen sex would be like or how the train chikan would be like etc
He should just end hinako in like two or three chapters already
Do the creampie, kissing, and cuck chair shit
Do the chastity cage and dogshit femdom stuff
Do the pregnancy tease and done
Probably shouldn't have called them bad ends then and instead "what ifs" because all that implies is that it's bad if she has sex with other people but it's not bad that she has sex with gouda
nah they're bad ends because in those scenarios the guy she's teasing just starts fucking her while with Gouda it's not a bad end because she was the one who sought it out
why did she do it bros
>implies is that it's bad
cheating on your bf is in fact bad anon
the point of this stuff is that the couple are turned on by violating taboos and doing bad stuff
I wish yall babies would read somethign actually depraved like Julia's Descent and just cross the threshold once and for all
Already read that. It sucked.
Literally when the market demands something and you can visually see how your money can go away at the whims of the public. Not to mention the pressure of creating a product that reaches or better yet has a greater impact than the preexisting catalog.
yes it is bad, if you actually have reading comprehension you'd understand that I was making a comparison between those bad endings and the ending we're getting, pointing out the ridiculousness of what is considered a bad end and what isn't in this story. I'm saying it's dumb to call those bad ends when we're still getting a bad ending anyway.
Hinako is just Yumi but with worse art and a shittier feMC now
I could never get into Yumi, it just feels like soulless AI slop. I know it's not, but it feels like it
Hows the reception of this on fanbox?
Are the nips arguing with each other again?
Why do people keep comparing the two, they're not anything alike besides them both being NTS

I think its just because theyre the longest running series
And since Hinako has entered sex territory, its no different from the Jin arc in Yumi except its padded out to high heaven and Yumi actually shows affection
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Judging by the author's previous works, this couldn't have ended any other way than Hinako losing herself to the endless sex god gigadick.
lil bro was literally crying, how am i suppose to jerk off to this? the teasing chapters were hotter than the sex desu
also, im from the future, here is what will happen at the end of the arc.
So was anything important said in this chapter? Like when Hinako and Genki were sitting in the bed together talking. Did she confess that she's fallen for him (romantically or physically)? Did she completely submit to him? Why didn't she want Yuuichi to find out about the sex? Someone please give me a QRD
>she lost to the dick (implied to be only physically)
>says she feels guilty about falling for the dick
>mentions she can't report this to Yuuichi because she can't do it like their normal play and he'll know that something's wrong
>says she won't feel good about actually hurting Yuuichi basically acknowledging that some line was crossed and a betrayal happened
>acknowledges all that but keeps on betraying
Hinata is scum
Yep, basically she just started a new relationship as secret sex friends with Genki-kun for the entire 3 months.
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>Can we fucking kick this trash out to the NTR general already?
I fucking hate NTS purists like you...but you're 100% right with this one
It's actually more NTR than stuff like pic related

Hell I'd say stuff like Terasu's Fate series is more NTS, at least there the girl(s) actually cares about the cuck and involve him
>Yuichi is crying

I wanted to see Hinako get fucked and Yuichi cucked but now I want to see Hinako suffer
I don't think that's right, it might have turned to shit but it's still NTS.
>he agreed on the NTS
>is not NTS
It is NTS. Get cucked faggot and don't post my beloved Shinobu waifu with your shitpost.
I'll wait until the actual translation for a final verdict but cheating in secret without involving the cuck isn't exactly NTS and I'm quite lenient on that definition

She cheated behind his back for 3 months kek
You're in the wrong thread buddy
What a fucking regret of reading this shit for months, would love to see the bull dumping Hinako when she gets completely mind broken by his sex. Unfortunately she will pretty much become his sex pet and the crying cuck will applaud it.
fucking fuck Im so mad, Im not touching this crap ever again
How can you be so retarded and not have expected this? This outcome was obvious as the series began. Especially taking into account how the author's other "nts" stories all became full on NTR. You chose to be delusional and now you're paying for it.
It's very different from the Jin arc considering Yumi is still pretty explicitly doing it for Haru and has clear boundaries, unlike Hinako where she straight up just has sex with gouda behind Yuichi's back. We also know Yumi's story has a wholesome ending going off of the epilogue.
this is just sad, i hate post nut clarity,
what if its just AI and hinako is still pure?
Yuuichi basically got groomed by Hinako to become a cuck though. Hinako KNEW that he's an unassertive bitch that can't say no but she still pushed it every single time.
I think that the author has one last chance to kinda fix things up and its showing that hinako did not lose to the cock and her love for the mc is pure, sex and the nts RP makes them cum a lot but love being just for the mc kinda fix things a lil
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The storm itself isn't approaching yet, but this thread is already a mess. Just wait for this one to come out, and you will know what disaster is going to happen. Lol.
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I don't know it sounds pretty cope to say she's doing kinda of 5D chess NTS play by being genki's fuckbuddy for 3 months in secret to give him the report of a lifetime
Yeah, any attempt at a save would just be contrived at this point.
3 months? Is there a timeskip in this chapter. I can't read moonrunes
Honestly it would be if it wasn't Hinako but this is the girl that shoved fake sperm inside her. Some of her plans are kind of insane so I can see her acting that way. Actually having her fall would be kinda boring at this point.
Its basically 3 months after the storm
Hinako has been cheating behind Yuiichi's back every day ever since that time
No surprise honestly. Typical masocuck NTS/NTR.
>Actually having her fall would be kinda boring at this point.
Safe and boring is a smart decision for artists who wanna make money. Most of the fanbox comments from the last couple months before the blowjob chapter were pulling their support since they keep asking for more hardcore stuff and for Hinako to get stolen already. The artist is just following the usual story beats so he can move on to another story I guess.
The hardest I jerked off to Hinako was during the mixed bathing chapter and actually even the one earlier than this with the messageboards of all the boys ogling her.

This just didn't do it for me desu. For reasons people already explained but also I'm fucking tired of this guy being the main "bull". Sad really. Does anyone here know any other teasing/exhibitionism focused works like this one? I'm honestly fucking miffed that it devolved this much.

But eh. I guess that's why he's called NETORARE no Tami, right?
Damn Jpn cucks really want their netorare. How is the fanbox comments after this chapter
As usual, the implication is hotter than the act itself
>Jpn cucks really want their netorare
yes and no
there were generally two types of comments, one that wants her to show more of the tease instead of cutting the video call too early and going for a verbal report and the other which just wants it to go NTR already. I suspect this is a response to both those groups
Yeah, after the storm they both said that they didn't actually have sex during it, then the bull stopped interacting with them and the MC noted how Hinata's behaviour changed a bit too. After 3 months the bull revealed they actually fucked through the whole 6 days of the storm, and after that revealed that they had actually been fucking daily since then. So the story went from NTS to NTR/Cheating
>So the story went from NTS to NTR/Cheating
technically what doesn't automatically make it NTR/cheating
does this mean that Hinako otters won't post any more of that hideous art anymore?
It does make it cheating, when it's without MC's consent. NTR depends on the outcome I guess
I wish for once authors actually stuck to nts fundamentals and not just ntr slop after baiting for a while. Like it's so stupidly easy to have a good nts just sticking to fundamentals and writing the girl as actually loyal and not just a generic whore trying to pretend to be more and it falling apart as it should. Like the appeal for me is how the boyfriend can be giga beta and her actually being a real and responsible femdom who can take responsibility for what she can and can't do for him. You can still have a good nts tease without her actually fucking anyone if she doesn't want to, literally just write from a perspective that she's actually committed to her boyfriend and anything she does do with someone else it gets her off primarily knowing that anything she does is gonna lead to a juicy report with tease and how hard her boyfriend is gonna cum when she's back with him. It's so retardedly lazy how they default to ntr every time just about.
That's a very rude thing to say about the hinakosaurus rex
The biggest issue is in my opinion that NTS fans don't want NTR while NTR fans are generally fine with either, so they follow NTS works as well and think of the NTS as just the step one that in their mind "naturally" escalates to NTR eventually, which makes them pester the authors to "get to the finish (NTR) already".
Yeah, the only good NTS ending is the "don't misunderstand, I was only pretending to be into you because my BF likes it"
It's all a gigantic clusterfuck in the comments of hinako these days lmao
Nah, if anything this chapters shows that wasn't the case. She just thought she could handle it (she couldn't)
The thing is that in actuality NTR, NTS and Netori often blend into each other and often are a matter of perspective of the story.

And ultimately I believe authors should just out out whatever story or work they want to make without concerning too much about the tags and how the few hyper autistic fellows who scrutinize the minimal details of the story. If Netorare no Tami chooses to take the story in this direction that's fine.

My personal issue is that the story used to have a very unique and interesting niche. A softcore kind of ntr that never went past a certain boundary, retaining some kind of playful innocence to it.
The story that we're moving towards is the same story I've read a million times already.
>My personal issue is that the story used to have a very unique and interesting niche. A softcore kind of ntr that never went past a certain boundary, retaining some kind of playful innocence to it.
>The story that we're moving towards is the same story I've read a million times already.

there literally wasnt anything like hinako
Twintails by Terasu is literally what you're looking for and with better art and writing
Not really. It's not softcore playing around with the mystery of did-she, didn't-she where all you have is the unreliable words of a mischievous girl trying to get a reaction out of the reader.
The twin tails is just basic ass NTS. It's not something exactly unique.

The key to seduction, my friend, is giving you enough to get you exited but not giving "it" to you leaving you hanging. I thought the author Netorare no Tami had a strong grasp on this, knowing that Hibako's descriptions and situations were enough to get you exited, but never going too far into sex and always being vague about the specific details to keep you speculating. It's something small, simple, but very effective.

And yes, I get it, 600 pages of Hinako getting railed was cathartic, but at what cost?
Was it cathartic?
He already blew his load by actually drawing the bad ends and what ifs. Who cares at this point? Sure they weren't padded out horrendously but shit's still the same. We already saw her get fucked.
I'd say the sex itself isn't the catharsis, it's what it means for her and the MC's relationship
I guess it's sort of cathartic if you hate Hinako. Because this entire sequence of events is her acting like a sadistic retard and finally getting her just desserts.
just go all in at this point

go back to all the dudes she teased back then and draw an actual sex scene for every one of those
I could see it, hell make it so it wasn't just the timeskip and she had been cheating the whole time, it's just Genki blew her mind
>actually it turns out Hinako was a rampant cheating whore and the nts play was all a guise to retroactively make everything she did behind the scenes completely okay when the biggest loser heavily breathes out that he's okay with everything that happened
sasuga Nippon...
I actually hope this ends with yuuichi jumping off a rooftop or something.
The problem is that hentai authors aren't exactly the best writers
As an author you have the ability to frame a story however you want, this gives you an easy way to marry both NTR and NTS by using an unreliable narrator

The easiest way is a bait and switch but you have a ton of techniques you can use
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>it's another hinako otters spam the thread with blogposts and essays about the literary merits of a cuckolding manga episode
Those schizos just should just make their monthly blospost hinako thread. This spam is ridiculous
Why are you trying to make NTR/NTS synonymous with nig’d shit? Could it be you have a motive?
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finally, the true release...
It was indeed a very nice NTR story.
it was amazing, but now I'm sad
Damn u right about the seduction.

At what cost is the series falls off a cliff.its been pretty bad for a while now tho. Pussy authors give in to ntr fag's too much.
Yeah, it's a conclusion to the series in a way, it's not a 3 page what if scenario but an actual resolution to the plot.
You can try and pretend there's no story and discredit aren't invested in the plot itself but fact remains it's an important aspect of it.

At the end of the day without a plot NTR and its subgenres doesn't exist.
So I'm using ichigoreader(which apparently is now censoring dick and pussy?), so it's likely I'm missing some context, but it's kinda weird that she's keeping a secret affair from her literal cuck bf yeah? As far as I know she hasn't been forced to choose between love and sex, plus she's still going on dates with yuuchi so it's not like she's falling out of love. Idk man I'm just thinking it could still turn into a "I was acting to give you the ultimate cuck experience" situation.
so whats the reading order for hinako?
>hinakos face not visible once during sex
>even at the end her eyes are censored

Calling it now it's some other chick/sister which sounds retarded but also kinda expected
When is the new NT00 update? Just 1 pic for a month of waiting is not worth it, it should be a new update soon, right?
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delete this
He was busy this month due to medical stuff, so he was only able to do one drawing of each Yumi and Mina. It was a community voted scene, which is why these were just "bad ends". This month we're getting more Yura.
It doesn't have to make sense. The author wants to make it go from NTRS to HARD NTR, and he'll do that even if it goes against the characters existing personalities.
Love can't beat a good dicking, thems the ntr rules
Great one. Wish it were longer.
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The jealous and angry boyfriend was a really good touch.
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Yes really good NTS story in that she's still finding satisfaction w her partner.
Also loli
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I really like his violent outburst, makes a nice change from the usual reporting scenario, although while working on it I kept thinking about if it was really NTS. Reminds me of RJ01073139, where the GF tells you about her previous partners.
The author of Muse showed some signs of life again.
My husband is really into a cuckolding stuff , I personally would never cuck him with other guy , but the thought of seeing him squirming in pain turn me on so much .We are practicing chastity cage https://files.catbox.moe/gicw66.jpeg and I must say being the dominant one feel kind of good . Anyway , I am looking for dirty talk material, any good doujin recommendation with a bit of femdom ?
Are you sure you want your dirty talk to sound like it's coming from a virgin NEET scanlator who's proofreading Google Translate outputs
Anything from Terasu had pretty good dirty talk. There's lots of his stuff that has femdom in it whenever the heroine interacts with the cuck. I'd specifically recommend twintail or his FGO stuff as that has a fair amount of femdom in them.


Also his Love Plus doujin has great dirty talk, minding the somewhat awkward translation.


Just remember that >>8046889 is correct in the fact that you'll need to adapt it to not sound like straight up bad translation doujin writing. But those works are bound to make any masocuck putty in your hands. Hope it works out for you two.
Well they STILL didn't have raw sex so surely there's more to this
Pretty obvious that the latest video he sent Yuichi will have kissing and creampie sex
Reading comments from people saying netorare no tami is going to end this month

Did I miss something? Is the next chapter really the last one?
August so three more
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You fat?
You need to write a guide on how to find chicks like you who will cater to a man's fantasy in peace cuz there's so many whores out there it's insane.
what kind of dirty talk can you really muster if you're just doing cage play? I think even something like
>look at this pathetic little caged cock who doesn't deserve to be touched by any part of me
>must hurt being so hard inside that little cage you fucking cuck, too bad you're not getting out there any time soon
loses its value since that's not really playing into his cuck fetish but more just general M stuff, maybe try "cucking" him with a dildo so you can roleplay instead?
Nice can't wait
So what are the chances the whole Hinako losing to cock moment was just another prank?
Before this chapter she was giving instructions to all the bulls for how to act and what to say for the benefit of the MC's pleasure. This chapter she did not expect to be fucked and edged for an entire week and all instructions came from the bull, her one request of not telling the MC was also broken by the bull since he was the one who revealed that they've been fucking behind his back for the past three months.
Anon you seem to have failed to notice that the circle is called Netorare no Tami, not Netorase no Tami
Like every other Hinakofag in this thread
>implying OP is a female

this fetish is all about endless teasing, fucking with his head so he doesn't know what actually happened and what is just his fantasy. just tell him your friend has a new bf / male friend and she wants to go out drinking with him and yourself. your husband will be in heaven
wait what? is this a preview for the next chapter?
is terasu actually getting off his ass for once?
sauce me up on this edit
anon wasnt here when netoraserare was a thing
Strap-on over chastity is an underrated fetish, it's almost like the guy is cucking himself
Gay cucks? What is the world coming to that makes 0 sense
Just as much sense as any other cucking
Where are you guys getting the translation? Asking for a friend.
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>your lover's puffy pussy is about to get obliterated by a much better penis than yours and you'll be able to drink her fresh, vaginal juices as she squirts your face under
Heaven. I'm so blessed to have a cuck dick, the pleasure and possibilities are just amazing.
Evil douchr
Can anyone recommend more hentai manga like "Netoraserare" or "Fake Love"?
You mean works that have lots of cuck angst? How about this one: https://nhentai.net/g/438907/

What is the read ordder to that series ?
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New FFM story.
>Doemutan story that isn't NTS>NTR
What kinda of alternate timeline fuckery is this?
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Consider this: chastity cage throating. As an apology from the wifey because she enjoyed the consented cheating sex a little too much~
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New NTS kino
It's NTS turning NTR with all the chastity belts and whistles.
I like the idea, but throating a cage like that seems extremely uncomfortable and ruins the fantasy for me a bit. I think it would be better if it was one of those strap-ons where you insert your dick.
Shame this ends in NTR, because I like the types of teasing it touches on a lot. Her just barely being out of reach, the videos, the shadow play, they're all fun ways to tease the cuck.
It's supposed to be uncomfortable and pleasurable at the same time. Only in aftercare/reclamation sex do I like to let the cuck go full monkey mode on his whore wife.
Nah it's not the cuck I'm worried about, it's the wife/gf. Sticking a dick down your throat is already difficult, a cage sounds like it would be misery. I'd prefer if she just kissed it or stuck her tongue through the small openings.
Well okay, maybe not inside her throat but as deep as possible in her mouth.
Watch this video @10:20 for a good example of what I mean:
Is this really Nts?
I don't know anymore.
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Can someone explain the plot of Anything for You (chapter 6)? I know it has some Netorase elements, but I'm not sure what is about her relationship with her husband after this chapter, like did it turn from NTS->NTR?
iI's NTS till the conclusion where it's more ambiguous so your mileage will vary in function of what you're looking for... otherwise it's pretty decent teasing.
>its all duplicates
So tiresome
I don't know. It just feels like holy sh*t. It's kind of crazy to become a prisoner for one week in there. If the teasing is decent or horrible, I don't know. Maybe it's too hard. This is the only one that I have read from this author. The other is just meh. The set-up story is the same as twintail terasu, but finishes in one chapter. The ending is straight-forward compared to the Terasu story, with no secrecy or mistery.
The cuck got only a handjob I believe but she blueballed him. I can't enjoy the work as much when the cuck doesn't get his dick properly wet. A satisfying handjob, bj or paizuri to force him to cum on the sight of his cheating wife is necessary for me to cum. Denial is fine as long as there's also rewards.
Nah, there is no reward for the cuck. It's just a torture show. That is why they kept him prisoner in that building for one week. Just like his girlfriend said before, he was just deceived.
Yup, jail play is fun but only with rewards and if it ends well. Too bad this guy once again disappoints by making it ntr
Maybe it's what the cuck wants? Also there is a chance she might *still* be playing around but we will probably never know seen the author just decided to leave it there and probably won't be continued.
The author never makes a sequel, so it's safe to assume he lost his wife at the end. Also, I never understood why any cuck would be denied permanently. At that point just castrate yourself and become a homo for the bull.
I'm sure someone is also wondering why one would just like games of pretend or maybe why people are into "basic" NTR. There is a whole spectrum out there.
But we can all agree perma denied homosexual cucks aren't appreciated in this thread...
Hottest netorase for me
>both the boyfriend and girlfriend are masochists and also perverts (bonus points for starting off as closet perverts)
>the actual netorase sex involves participation from the boyfriend, even if it isn't penetration, at the request of the girlfriend
>it's made evident that the girlfriend has learned light femdom by poking the boyfriend to see what gets a reaction out of him
>it's made evident that the couple have figured out a regular sex life outside of netorase
>it's made evident that even if the netorase stopped they would still be totally fine
>the third party is a nice guy who roots for the relationship to succeed even without him (bonus points for being related to the boyfriend like a cousin. Even more bonus points for being younger than the boyfriend)
Even Sadao's NTS has jackass meat dildos as the third parties (which has its own positives). If anyone can find anything that ticks all of these boxes you will get a billion points and the satisfaction of knowing that you managed to please an autist.
> tldr: NTS that spices up sex life with 0 NTR-bait but only slight teasing.
Based. Though it's better if the bull isn't related to the couple.
honestly i don't really give a shit about what "the thread" thinks, A lot of time it's just a gathering of babies who cry because they don't have it exactly their way. Kinda ironic in a place where we're all supposed to be adult.
Oh and I forgot:
>the boyfriend should definitely have a small dick
>but chastity belts are never even mentioned
I think the relation to the couple just makes it easier for me to believe that the guy is actually rooting for the relationship. Like, with the boyfriend's relative fucking the girlfriend I can actually see a scenario akin to
>onii-chan get over here and tell her why you love her while I pipe her
While with an unrelated third party it'd feel kind of bizarre for him to have that kind of, well, "love" for the boyfriend.
Nah, he doesn't want to get cucked. I think the main reason he proposes this stuff is because he assumes they will get a lot of money. But in exchange, they need to live at that guy's place for one week. Even though his girlfriend warned him maybe it's a scam, he told her it wasn't because they could see that guy's profile. So she gave in and went along with his plan.

So I don't really think he is stupid or anything. He just feels confident with the information he gets, and nothing will go wrong because that guy is rich too. It's just that the bad thing is that he doesn't know that he needs to live with them imprisoned. Lol. But the rich guy is smarter than him. That's why he put him in jail so her boyfriend wouldn't disturb them for one week.

So the rich guy modus operandi is to bait a couple with a sum of money. To secure the girl, he needs to disable the boy for one week. So he can change the girl's mind and be in control of the boy too. That's why she is so considerate on the first day to let him jerk off in front of her, but the rich guy doesn't like it. And she became a rude person the next day because the rich told the girl not to let him jerk off again until the last day. So that's why, on the last day, she let him record them to give him some jerk-off material. It is also a sign of their breakup because he knows she already belongs to him.
this is pretty close
Nothing clear yet, though from what I remember of the little sense I could make from google lens translation is that. The wife is still just going along like normal, but there's two perspectives. To the wife she just sees it as play right now. The NTS guy though wants to take her away. Whether he's really serious about it or just his horny brain talking idk. I'm leaning towards just horny brain since there were leaks of the first 9 pages of the next chapter. And the leak ends with her giving him a breast feeding handjob. Which is about as soft dom a woman can get onto a man without really going down the BDSM route.

Here's the link to leaks:

Thank you anon. Hope it ends on a pure NTS route.
Ngl, this artist is like TerasuMC v2.0, stories are mostly NTR.
Thanks anon. Just one small problem: the husband looks like an absolute gremlin
in this case, the husband's ugliness drives the nts plot and the whole need of using the nephew (brother's son).
you know, it's almost logical, in terms of biology, to use the nephew as the stud. it satisfies the biological need to spread one's genetic lineage as the nephew is a blood relative of the cuck. In some part, the cuck's familial blood is still propagating.
I see your point, but that definitely conflicts with the "even if NTS stopped the couple would be totally fine" point, which is a big one for me. The more "practical" the netorase, the harder it is to believe that the couple could live happily without it. Especially so if the husband is so repulsive it's impossible to take him seriously at all kek
(Grateful for the recommendation nonetheless, thanks)
dude saw the Terasu famine and decided to capitalize upon it.
Literally describing Blurring the Walls except the bull is a mutual friend instead of a younger cousin
It's still in its teasing phase but given the quality of the writing it should be scorching hot when it gets finished (in 2031)
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does kagachi-sama include size humiliation or is it just erectile dysfunction

the cgs make it seem like the husband has a big dick too he just can't get it up
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When I saw the name I thought VJ01002165 was related to that FaNTSy web novel thing that anon who died or something was posting in these threads months ago.
It doesn't have too many ratings... Did anyone try it?
There is a demo and it's pretty meh.
Stupid face.
From what I've heard it's not that great. Plot is basically that the MC continuously sets up the FeMC to get raped until she turns into a slut and starts cheating on him willingly.
It's pretty mediocre, honestly, and doesn't go as far with the initial premise and the fantasy setting as it could have.
Name? So it can be seen elsewhere without having a sadpanda account
Play is hot but it pretty unambiguously becomes NTR
He's the "we've got Terasu at home", but at this point he might surpass him before long since he actually draws.
does someone know what I can do when sadpanda just refreshes, when I log in, although I get the "You are now logged in!" message?
i recommend this series
say what you want about muh koikatsu but this is more netorase than 99.9% of ntr garbage posted in this general
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I love cumming to this shit so much, I'm blessed to be born with a cuck dick jeez
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Reluctancy into slow corruption yummy
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technically yes but of course the reality and expectations don't make it that much of a clear cut. Also if some people would have it their way NTS would be just be reporting for all eternity..
the japanese is not correct, for starters
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I read There's Something Loose in Her Head for the first time and I feel like it rewired my brain a bit.
Are there any other good long form NTS stories like that with a female lead who's more sexually confident?
Bonus if she ends up pregnant at the end.
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oh shit where did that ら fucking go, so annoying.
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[Satsuki Imonet] Oi no ko | My Nephew’s Child
Ended up re-reading the latest Twintail chapter and honestly thank god Terasu has gone AWOL because that shit was 1000% becoming NTR with one more chapter
We should be so lucky!
Tbh twintails is hot enough that I wouldn't even mind a new chapter being NTR if it meant I could goon to her tits again
Same here if the NTS part is hot I'm ok with however it ends, i just don't like things that are straight up NTR. It's all about the teasing, the taboo and living on the edge of what may or may not happen.
Kek this generation is so cooked. Also yes.
We don't need this shitty discourse again even if the thread is dead
it's not even a discourse, terasu will do whatever he wants, people can whine or cheer as much as they want, it will have no consequences at the end of the day.
>that shit was 1000% becoming NTR with one more chapter
Nah, even if only the first chapter itself, the Twintails story is already NTR.
Does anyone happen to have the translation patch for Boku ni Dakare Aegu Tsuma? It was supposedly completed recently by Capu2 but doesn't seem to have been made public yet. Surprising considered how highly praised the game is for being peak NTS.
Twintails will remain NTS in the next chapter. If you disagree, please reply, and I'll screenshot your humiliation.
Lol, are you sure about that?
Your humiliation has been set in stone.
Add me to the image
least delusional terasu-NTS believer
Not if you have to pathetically beg and be forceful about it.
I think you should re-read again, part after part.
I don't want to say this, but see you at Christmas. Or, if we are lucky, maybe we will get a preview in August. Also, what kind of master plan will she pull this time? I just kind of hope she doesn't make bloopers like the last one.
I guess there's the Hinako She is Being Targeted series, no guarantees that you'll like it. If she ends up pregnant we probably wouldn't get that arc until next year at the author's pace and willingness to milk this series.

I can't help but be obsessed with this bitch honestly, despite the retarded MC, the abhorrent bull (still better than faggot Jin), questionable art fundamentals and roundabout storytelling
I'll take that bet.
it will stay NTS as long as terasu wants to keep milking it. Saving actual ntr for the last chapter
Nice but I bet it'll turn into NTR in the second part like all his other works
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I have no clue how he manages to do it, like pic related, notice how she sticks out her tongue IRL the moment Youta ordered it in the video
Seem you have problems figuring Japanese spacing and order to me.
I don't understand what you're getting it, they are watching a pre-recorded video and all the dialogue on the page is from that video, with the exception of the "mmm...<3"

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me like she sticks out her tongue in response to her being asked to do that in the video (recorded in the past) trying to mimic that interaction/display how obedient she is to him
>The guy in this video tell her to stick out her tongue. And in this scene she want to french kiss him.
Whether this ends as NTR or NTS, it doesn't matter. The selling point in this story is all about her.
She also could just be teasing the boyfriend.

That's kind of the point though, you don't really know. But like this thread is putting too much stock into this exclusive bonus chapter that was oh the fantia(?) release. Doesn't particularly make sense for her to go "no i love my boyfriend i won't date you" to "sir yes sir hoorah" on this bonus chapter. Just wait for terasu to make a new chapter in 10 years from now.
this bonus chapter was true NTS kino because it really makes you wonder if she's acting out for boyfriend or if it really is real (or both)
terasu is king at this, other based moment was the ending stinger of the last full chapter where after Tsubame comes home and explains she was just fucking with boyfriend-kun, she admits she let youta cum inside her
internal contacts have leaked the current draft of the story for next Tsubame chapter
>Youta is getting bored with current arrangement, he's not getting any progress in actually stealing Tsubame
>Youta decides to spice it up in an attempt to break her down a bit more, proposes a threesome this time
>Tsubame says she has to ask boyfriend first, but Youta persists and says it'll be way better if he finds out when it happens instead, she reluctantly agrees
>day of threesome arrives, Youta introduces Tsubame to the other guy, his black foreign friend from America (note, it seems undecided whether Terasu wants to make this an ambiguous reference to one of the black men from one of his other works or just a completely new one entirely)
>Tsubame nervous, never had sex with a foreigner before
>Tsubame starts video call with boyfriend, Youta cuts in and shows off his friend, mocks boyfriend-kun for thinking she was going there just to fuck Youta but now it's a threesome, later boyfriend-kun, hands up
>threesome starts, foreigner-kun is bigger than Youta, and also much rougher in bed
>threesome goes on for a bit while they record intermittently for boyfriend-kun
>Youta briefly leaves for a moment (smoke or piss break or something)
>comes back, foreigner-kun is pounding Tsubame
>foreigner-kun asks who is better, him or Youta
>Tsubame says him, then notices Youta came back
>Youta visibly annoyed, decides to make an excuse to leave himself
>sex continues for a bit, foreigner-kun asks Tsubame to ditch Youta and become his exclusive bitch
>Tsubame unsure
>final bit of recording sent to boyfriend-kun with bait and switch again
>this time Tsubame doesn't return to boyfriend until the next morning
>haha silly boyfriend Id never leave you
>cut to last night, Tsubame declining, foreigner gives her a QoS earring and tells her to wear it anyway for the meme I guess
>final panel hugging boyfriend, earring twinkles in the light
it should be noted this is the current draft, Terasu is undecided and apparently keeps redrawing and reworking things because he's nervous and unsure about how to continue
Outside looking in it seems Terasu would much rather do one-off things but occasionally gets carried away, and when some of his works become really popular he feels obligated to continue them
seems to be a horrible work ethic ngl
His initial hopes were to have this tsubame chapter ready for C104 but that's probably not going to happen
Terasu definitely has autism, man is working on like 5 different projects at once and flip flops between them
eromanga artists like him really need like an editor or manager to rein them in
IF the next chapter is close as this one, it will be crazy. Lol Youta, he got cucked.
Assuming it's real which it probably isn't, the insiders need to tell Terasu to just use Tsubame as a vessal for one shots. Have different bulls and different scenarios for Tsubame and the boyfriend to do. That way he can do his shitty one shots, keep the story going, and not worry to much about if he's going the right direction.

But he's retarded and this isn't real probably. That said, Youta getting cucked is hilarious
I think the main focus of this story is something like this: Will she leave her boyfriend and choose him? That is why we have two named characters here. The suggestion you give is suitable for the NTS genre.
Terasu wants to use other girl designs for one shots and the like though.
People close to him have kinda been telling him he needs to focus on one thing at a time rather than spread things around, which he has agreed with but he gets brainworms when he gets an idea for something
if he doesn't use this for the next chapter, he will 100% either use the same premise for a different one shot or a later chapter again because this is how he is
Like, I love terasu because he's got the kinda autism that makes him good at writing this shit but his work ethic is horrible.
ALSO, elden ring DLC is soon so don't expect him to be working on anything when that's out lmao
as someone who has spoken to terasu personally on several occasions the man goes into like manic depressive episodes when he doesn't roll a servant he wants in FGO and will not work for like 3 weeks before pumping out like 2 FGO NTR one shots in a fugue state
I love how Terasu keeps showing actual character development for Youta and he isn't entirely one-note. Like he actually falls for Tsubame and genuinely wants her himself but he can't articulate it in a proper manner.
In this way, the cucking has always been twofold
Youta is cucked by the boyfriend emotionally, while boyfriend is cucked by Youta physically.
and now we see Youta getting cucked physically, so perhaps Youta will get emotional development?
Yep, you nailed it. Both of them are jealous of each other.
If this is real this would be hilarious, and I feel like it would please both the NTS and NTR crowds
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Terrace-bros. . .
Either post source for this or I'll consider this your headcanon.
>this bonus chapter was true NTS kino because it really makes you wonder if she's acting out for boyfriend or if it really is real (or both)
>terasu is king at this, other based moment was the ending stinger of the last full chapter where after Tsubame comes home and explains she was just fucking with boyfriend-kun, she admits she let youta cum inside her

Watch her face in that chapter, she is legitimately concerned about his cuckold fetish.
She probably still legitimately loves him but she's starting to think that her boyfriend seriously needs a shrink
Ntr bait to the maximum fags are so tiresome. Just go read ntr, it's 99.9% the same anyways.
I don't think it's about his fetish. There is a truth that she doesn't want him to know. Yes, she loves her boyfriend, but she also has feelings for the other guy. That is why she rejected that guy for being his girlfriend.

Same in the last part. That's the main reason she actually needs to delete the part when that guy asks her when she leaves her boyfriend. Because she doesn't want him to know.
NTR and NTS are two sides of the same coin broseph
>consent is the same as no consent
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Seconding this. Anyone have it?
It is really good, especially the wife's pov. Here is the link https://kemono.su/patreon/user/38400093/post/99454548

Just a heads up, the translation is partial, It covers the full Dojima route, both husband and wife pov. A little bit of the other routes are translated, but trust me, just the Dojima route is worth playing the game.
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Thanks anon, but there was a patch on his buymeacoffee /caputranslation/anim-team-mm-boku-ni-dakare-aegu-tsuma-wa-hoka-otoko-ni-dakareta-hanashi-o
that says he finished the full patch. The site refuses to take my money for some reason, so I'm asking here.
Hello guys, it is I, Hentai Kishi!I already posted on the other thread but I made a new list for netorase and sharing content, which includes manga, games and books(maybe more in the future). Give it a read on my blogpost where you can also find the links to the new thread and the old thread.

> hentaiknight(dot)blogspot(dot)com
When is the next NT00 update?
If you look at where the link in kemono post takes you, it shows the the patch link was updated and the newest patch is included (May 29 2024)

Is Anchira temporarily down or out for good?
Have you been sleeping under a rock
I'm aware about the DMCA. I mostly use exhentai anyways since netorase works aren't regularly uploaded there.
You can use either that or nyaa / hentainexus. Back-up your shit if you don't wanna get cucked by jewdori
I downloaded most of the stuff I enjoyed reading. I just didn't know if it was permanently down or not.
The site owner even put a notice that he'd permanently shut it down. You had until the first June to scrape the shit you'd want.
Anyone have any recommendations for NTS content that features any Ojou type girls? Ideally kind of spoiled and Bratty. I've got a type and I can never find them in Netorase.
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I wish that for once, laliberte made something that stays nts until the end, this work would be perfect for it with the wife escalating things more and more but always being "I can stop whenever you want"
But knowing the author, we are gonna end up with "hurr durr dick too good, i lost my mind and oh i'm pregnant as well"
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Off-topic but one of the hottest things is seeing your wife making a slutty fellatio face and devouring another man's cock while jerking you off.
Seconding this. I didn't know I wanted it, but now I do.
Yeah you're barking up the wrong tree here anon. I don't think he's ever made anything that didn't veer into NTR.
>I don't think he's ever made anything that didn't veer into NTR.
True but hey - if Terasu can do it with Tsubame, his disciples can as well.
Hardcore nts with wife pushing the boundaries of the relationship while always being ready to end the things if her husband wants it has such a big potential..
>Ojou type girls
These work extremely well with the bull being a "lower class" man, like a servant or a commoner. Mame has a story like this, but it's probably more masochistic than a lot of the people here would like.
2 weeks in and still no translation of newest hinata chapter. Sure it's 600 pages, but 500 of them are just moans and other sound effects, which don't get translated anyway.
The fuck is Hinata
Hinako, I mean. Hinata is the mom from Boruto
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I love this so much. Eating her ass and pussy and drinking her cheating-induced vaginal juices while receiving a paizuri. Literally cuck heaven.
Laliberte isn't a disciple. He has been better than Terasu for over 2 years.

He should do real NTS sometime though
Bro acting like his work is already NTR. At least wait for part 2 before you cry...
Anon, please. You need to gain some pattern recognition.
I guess it is cuck behaviour to give up before even trying.
He'll change, this time for sure!
Did you not read part 1? She fucked the co worker in the infirmary without permission and that's only the second time lol. I would love to be wrong though.
>Retard cringe NTR shit
>”It’s all fake , it’s just a roleplay”
>It’s kino then
I’m autistic af because that’s literally how my brain works.No matter how masochistic the play is , as long as the girl doesn’t leave her cuck and still love him then I’m fine with it
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Flat cages are NTR without a vibrator pressed against it
You're not alone anon, my brain works the exact same way. I don't care how extreme things get as long as it's actually consensual (I.E. none of that retarded mindbroken husband shit) and for fun.
>already only 15 days left until next chapter of 2024's GOAT NTS kino Hinako
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translation is up
we can finally all stop pretending that this garbage is still nts
No you're right. Fake marriages especially are peak.
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I wonder if he's finally going to go full mask-off or if he's still trying to pull some retarded "a-actually Hinako was just pretending and doing this for Yuichi the whole time, gotcha!" -backtrack next time.
It's mask-off. In the chapter it showed she fully understands the boundaries and how far to "safely" push it for Yuichi's sake and she's always been right that it leads to him heavy breathing and cumming. She admits that she lost to the cock and this is real cucking now and it's proven because Yuichi isn't even cumming by the end of the week long videos.
I guess what I meant was whether he commits to this or tries to retcon and backtrack later.
This is all so fucking retarded because Yuuichi never actually asked her to do any of it.
He was literally groomed and whipped into eventually just giving in because Hinako is an absolute fucking retard who knew he was an unassertive cuck yet still pushed it knowing he would never actually leave or force her to stop.
retards here believe that cuckshit like netorase club with 60 pages of ntr followed by 1 page of "teehee i was kidding" is peak nts
how different is 600 pages of ntr followed by 1 page of "teehee i was kidding"
Except netorase club never showed her breaking boundaries or the bf's trust, the epilogue was just the bull getting a big head and thinking there was something to the play there never actually was.
It wasn't 'tee hee i was kidding' it's 'I'm not gonna elope with you because everything we've done is for my boyfriend's sake'.

Hinako is literally the opposite here. She says everything before the sex was the 'tee hee i was kidding' but when she got her pussy filled by the chadcock she immediately fell for it.
i just dont like a ruined character desu

i liked when hinako was smug and manipulative
her attractiveness dropped down from a 9 to a 4 when she lost to the cock and became a flustered slut
meh its shit
nts chuds lost... again...
What are you even doing here?
You're such a fucking retard. Why do you even keep posting this knowing that you're going to get BTFO every single time?
Meh, honestly this Hinako chapter is veering too much into the sadism for me to think it's true NTR. Not that people here care about NTR, but even those that like seeing the cuck cry and shit don't like stuff like this. It's too much. Hinako asking for yuichi to save her and shit, him crying, even the most far gone NTR fags wouldn't fap to this.

Part of me will think she'll evil genius it. It wouldn't be good writing or anything, but it would sure be a hell of a lot more interesting than "woman lost to cock again."
This is why the cuck always should participate. Far-away cucking is a recipe for NTR.
Isn't it pretty much rape now too?
They didn't even show Yuichi have a boner or cum lmao.
God I am going to fucking laugh so hard if Hinako actually knew Genki was recording everything and acted out that emtire week

It would be so fucking unbelievably stupid that itll circle back to be kino
you can act out an entire week but "I was merely pretending to cuck you for three months" is complete retardation
Thats why she preempted it in the recording

She explained it, as if Yuuichi was watching, that she still did those things secretly behind his back because she knew it would be used as ammo for his fetish
This is just the longest con where she eventually uses that recording to justify three months of actual cheating

Its so fucking dumb that the author might actually do it
I think that was anon's point. It would be completely fucking retarded so it would be funny seeing the author try and pull it off.
>drops the line about researching cucks and how the constant anxiety and doubt is what excites them
>uses it to orchestrate a win-win where she gets bred by a big cock while also giving Yuichi the goon sesh of a lifetime
I can already see the seething. I want to see it happen now

god please no just let this trash end already so we can kick it out
Honestly I hope this happens. The plot is already incredibly stupid and contrived, might as well go all the way and commit to the bit. It would be far, far more interesting than the author just trying to rehash NTS>NTR plotline #394.
I take it AI_Tsubame guy got to busy jacking off to his AI slop than actually finish a single page.

What a Shame.
A cautionary tale to never get high off your own supply.
this Vn seems Netorase https://vndb.org/r123004

it even had a english translation done around last month

The plot goes like this:
The protagonist is in love with Airi (the heroine) because she is beautiful,kind and refined. But one day when he goes back to the tennis club to get something he forgot finds Airi having sex with one of the members of the club.
The next day he asks both the member and Airi if they are dating both denied this so he thinks the sex he saw was his imagination,soon after the tennis club go to get drinks,and after the party Airi starts touching two club members,the protagonist sees this and follows them to the club room and finds Airi having sex with the two guys.
The protagonist then has two options...forget her or confessing.

If he forgets then he asks the guys to take him with them to have sex with Airi...and starts having group sex with him and 3 more guys...and she is insatiable...the game ends with the protagonist forming part of Airi's sex friends.

If he confesses he realizes that he can't satisfy Airi alone so he has two options again...let her have sex with all the men she wants...or trying to sastisfy her by himself.

If he chooses to let her have sex with other guys she will keep fucking the entire tennis club with her new boyfriends blessing (also the majority of the sex scenes are from this route) they do make it work and have a pretty stable relationship...knowing that Airi is screwing like 30 guys including him but she doesn't get stolen.

If he chooses to satisfy her by himself...he will have a pretty rough time keeping up with her lust...but all the tennis club members help the protagonist by giving him advice of how to satisfy her...and he WILL achieve this thanks to the advice taking Airi all to himself.
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Forgot to add herees the title or cover of the VN i typed above
I keep seeing whine he doesn't know where to go with the story...
It's most likely pretty meh this kind of scenario takes time to develop and atelier sakura isn't know to make long VNs.
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How do you make a 700 page NTR corruption chapter this unsexy
3 years of build up for 2 angles, the guy monologuing the entire time and never seeing Hinako's face
Complete waste of everyone's time, most other NTS>NTR are at least hot
It showed too much lmao
From the story aspects to the sex itself

The author was never that good of a writer or artist so that level of secrecy actually helped a ton
But now that he needed to outright commit to it thigs just sort of fell apart
You're free to jump shit at any time and it's unlikely you even paid for it.

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